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  • 8/14/2019 FAME V Conference Notes


    Global markets panel Global venture capital Fixed income panel Viewing stocks as bonds Alternative investments

    2013 Financial Asset Management Education


    Conference notes

    David J. Moore, Ph.D.


    November 25, 2013

  • 8/14/2019 FAME V Conference Notes


    Global markets panel Global venture capital Fixed income panel Viewing stocks as bonds Alternative investments


    1 Global markets panel


    Global venture capital

    3 Fixed income panel

    4 Viewing stocks as bonds

    5 Alternative investments

  • 8/14/2019 FAME V Conference Notes


    Global markets panel Global venture capital Fixed income panel Viewing stocks as bonds Alternative investments

    Positives and negatives 1/2

    Axel Merk (AM)

    (+)Asset prices do not reflect fundamentals due to policy makerintervention. That is okay because it makes things morepredictable.

    (+)We are lucky that policies dont work. ?

    ()Economic growth is slow because of (1) too much debt and (2)imbalances

    Stephane Prunet (SP)

    (+)More scandals -> more regulation

    (+)Government and central banks have avoided the worst(+)Re-shoring of jobs()Shadow banking: we have more hedge funds with morederivatives()Slow regulatory reforms()Income inequality

  • 8/14/2019 FAME V Conference Notes


    Global markets panel Global venture capital Fixed income panel Viewing stocks as bonds Alternative investments

    Positives and negatives 2/2

    Stephen Malinak (SM)

    (+)We have more places to invest (hedge funds invest

    everywhere)(+)More data to base investment decisions onApparently advocates the Global Market Wealth Portfolio, i.e.,asset allocation should match the allocation of global wealth.

    Tanya Beder (TB)

    (+)Companies like LinkedIn shorten the distance between buyersand sellers.

  • 8/14/2019 FAME V Conference Notes


    Global markets panel Global venture capital Fixed income panel Viewing stocks as bonds Alternative investments

    Where is your money?

    TB: 13% of assets in cash, 3D printing, liquified natural gas,crowd financing

    SP: Long Euro, Long cash, Euro value stocks, Africa

    Others: cash seemed to be common

    Gl b l k t l Gl b l t it l Fi d i l Vi i t k b d Alt ti i t t

  • 8/14/2019 FAME V Conference Notes


    Global markets panel Global venture capital Fixed income panel Viewing stocks as bonds Alternative investments

    Miscellaneous comments


    Stay away from big indexes because they concentrate risk.The Euro is like marriage: everybody in wants out and everybodyout wants in.


    Against policy that causes interest rates and risk to diverge.This increases the wealth gap when high risk low interestconsumers lose their job.The Euro is a political project not an economic project

    Investing in international equities increasesnot. Internationalcurrencies are good to have in your portfolio since they areuncorrelated. Keep in mind AM runs a currency mutual fund.Quantitative easing explains the market being at an all time high.Low volatility + rising asset prices = bubble

    Global markets panel Global venture capital Fixed income panel Viewing stocks as bonds Alternative investments

  • 8/14/2019 FAME V Conference Notes


    Global markets panel Global venture capital Fixed income panel Viewing stocks as bonds Alternative investments

    Dixon Doll on current VC environment

    Managing member of DCM, an early stage venture capital firm.

    Invests primary in Golden Triangle firms: firms that operating inthe United States, China, and Japan.

    Venture capital (VC) drives innovation and job creation

    VC is now global not just Silicon Valley

    Small funds do better than large funds

    Right time to IPO: positive flow into equity funds, S&P500 strong,and volatility is low.

    In other words, when there is a bubble according to the Axel Merkdefinition (low volatility + rising prices = bubble).

    China currently does not have an equivalent to NYSE orNASDAQ. Therefore Chinese firms IPO in the U.S.

    Global markets panel Global venture capital Fixed income panel Viewing stocks as bonds Alternative investments

  • 8/14/2019 FAME V Conference Notes


    Global markets panel Global venture capital Fixed income panel Viewing stocks as bonds Alternative investments

    Dixon Doll on current investment opportunities

    Mobile ecosystem. In-car mobile is going to be big.Smartphones are at critical mass.

    Financial services B2B, B2C. VC student loan funds on the orderof $1.2 trillion.

    Peer to peer lending

    Collaborative consumption such as kick starer and air bnb

    Wearable computing

    The ability to watch multiple channels in the same room on

    multiple devices will bring families together.Really? I dont believe this. The old model of a single televisionsupervised by the parents with the whole family together seemsmore together.

    Global markets panel Global venture capital Fixed income panel Viewing stocks as bonds Alternative investments

  • 8/14/2019 FAME V Conference Notes


    Global markets panel Global venture capital Fixed income panel Viewing stocks as bonds Alternative investments

    Bond market landscape

    Lisa OConner (LO)

    Correlation between risky and risk free assets matter.Aggregate demand is a disinflationary force. We have an agingpopulation that consumes less.

    David GermanyLong-term equity outperforms fixed income.One out of three decades fixed income has outperformed equities.Rates will rise eventually but the market has already priced that in.

    George Friedlander

    Large part of demand in the money market is housing.The slope on the muni curve is steep. Might as well go long.Detroit and Puerto Rico defaults are isolated cases.Foreign investment + current account imbalance = vulnerabilityDodd-Frank removed the role of credit ratings in establishingcapital measures. More risk.

    Global markets panel Global venture capital Fixed income panel Viewing stocks as bonds Alternative investments

  • 8/14/2019 FAME V Conference Notes


    Global markets panel Global venture capital Fixed income panel Viewing stocks as bonds Alternative investments

    Yacktman on stocks 1/3

    Yacktman Asset Management employs 9 people and manages$13.7billion of assetsfor 100+ clients.

    Focuses on left hand side of balance sheet. That is, how well

    firms translate assets into earnings for investors.Believes in concentrated positions.

    Top 10 holdings represent 80% of assets under management.Why purchase your 50th best stock pick?

    Does not believe in bonds. Just equities plus cash.

    A portfolio manager should be measured from market peak tomarket peak.

    Entry price is important. It will offset a lot of sin.

    Global markets panel Global venture capital Fixed income panel Viewing stocks as bonds Alternative investments

  • 8/14/2019 FAME V Conference Notes


    p p p g

    Yacktman 2/3

    Understand the business modelFixed assets: lower is betterMarket leader: yesSensitivity to business cycles: less is better

    Understand the manager: what do they do with retained


    Acquire companies: riskyRepurchase shares: only if done at the right pricePay dividendsRepay debt

    Sit on itViews stocks as bonds focusing on market leaders.

    Market leader has the most market share and pays dividends.With market share comes economies of scale.In this sense it is more like a high-rated bond: a stable value

    investment that distributes cash to investors.

    Global markets panel Global venture capital Fixed income panel Viewing stocks as bonds Alternative investments

  • 8/14/2019 FAME V Conference Notes


    p p p g

    Yacktman 3/3

    Low fixed assets + high market share + low cyclicality = high riskadjusted return (more bond like).

    Do not bother talking to company manager or investor relations.

    Focus on what theydid(historical financial statements) rather thanwhat theysay.

    Always votes against stock option packages.

    Stock options are heads I win, tails you lose. I (the manager) donot lose.If a manager does well, as measured by ROA, pay them cash.

    To view stocks as bonds evaluate forward looking risk-adjustedreturns.

    I have incorporated forward looking risk adjusted returns asE[R]intheMosaic of Stock Analysis Part 2 Examples.Some students have extended this to incorporate risk by computingE[R]for different growth rates.

    Global markets panel Global venture capital Fixed income panel Viewing stocks as bonds Alternative investments

  • 8/14/2019 FAME V Conference Notes


    Definition of alternative investment

    Traditional investments: Stocks or bonds, long only

    Alternative investments: behaves different than traditional

    With alternative investments all risk is manager risk as opposedto market risk since that is supposed to be hedged.

    Kelly Deponte (KD)

    Illiquidity and active management of company owned by the fund.Takes time to play out (3 to 4 years minimum)Hedge funds tend to have a lockup period.

    Global markets panel Global venture capital Fixed income panel Viewing stocks as bonds Alternative investments

  • 8/14/2019 FAME V Conference Notes


    Real estate & careers

    Eli Khouri (EK)

    Multifamily housing is a little overdone.Average age in India is 19.

    You excel in things you like to do and that fit your personality.Master what you do well enough at now.

    EK career approaches

    Soul mate approach: wait for your perfect career match. EKdoesnt believe in this.

    Good enough approach: find the career you work well with.EK approach: Find the career you work well with and bepassionate about that.