failure a nalysi s of engine starter valve cfm56-3 engine

1 (C es an its m fo re th m T IS Aircrathe imfailure mainte report experie SAP Sy failure during make mainte failure The W preven reliabimeans is need Keywords: En . INTROD The In CASR) 121.37 stablish and m nd surveillance s inspection p maintenance, pr or the correcti egardless of w he certificate ho Every maintenance co herefore, the BN: 978-60 F ft engine contr plementation o data from AT nance findingindicated tha enced by Boeiystem and Strip of engine sta the year 2009 up the engine nance of actio modes with th Weibull analystive maintenality of the eng that the compded. ngine starter va DUCTION ndonesian Civil 73 requires “E maintain a sys e of the perfo program and t reventive main ion of any de whether those p older or anothe aircraft engist of the overa implementatio02-97742-0-7 Failure A R 1) Mechani 2) Aeronautic ributes about 4 of effective prTA 71 to ATA s of the overaat the system ng 737-300/40 p Report from rter valve. Thi 9. Data process e starter valvons, with resp he highest freq is indicates tnce with the o gine starting sonent’s operat alve, Weibull a l Aviation Saf Each certificat stem for contin rmance and ef the program c ntenance, and a eficiency in th programs are er person”. ne contributeall aircraft main of effective 7 Analysi CFM Ricky Kurnia Cha ical Engineering Jln. G ri s and Astronauti Jln. G e 48% maintenaograms and e80, Starting S ll findings in t starting in th 00/500. After e January 2004 is component sing using Wei e. This reliab ect to cost, fo quency in the e hat diaphragm optimum interystem. While ting condition analysis, delay, ety Regulation te holder shall nuing analysis ffectiveness of covering other alterations and hose programs carried out by s up to 48% ntenance costs programs and S MIV-81 is of Eng M56-3 E andra, ST. 1) and g Department, In Ganesha 10 Band ickykc88@gmai ics Department, Ganesha 10 Band [email protected]b ABSTRAC nce cost to the fficient treatme System (ATA 8 the pilot's repo he year 2009 valuating the f until June 201 contributes up ibull analysis r bility function or the engine s engine starter m’s failure ha val, with respe for the dirty fa is not match w , preventive ma n l s f r d , y % . d effici resul Syste in th of fin in 20 Aero starti total that s minim inclu indic Seminar Nasio gine Sta Engine Dr. Ir. Edy Suw nstitute Technolo dung 40132 Institute Techno dung 40132 CT e overall aircr ent is needed 0) had the hig ort (Pireps) in had caused failure data of 10, the highest p to 10% depa results in the re is used also starter valve. valve, i.e. diap as a normal ect to the tota ailure mode h with the design aintenance ient treatment lts of analysis o em (ATA 80) e review from nding or 23% o 009. In additi oAsia indicates ing system in delay experien Starting syste serves initial r mum speed to udes: engine sta cation, pneuma onalTahunanTe Palem arter Va wondo 2) ogy of Bandung ology of Bandun raft maintenanby each airlin ghest failure fr 2009. In add 18% delay frf the engine st t failure mode arture delays o eliability funct to obtain the The evaluatio phragm fail an distribution pal cost, is neeas an exponen of the compon is needed by of the PT. GM had a failure w m ATA 71 to A of the overall f on, the reliab s that the amou the year 2009 nced by Boeing em is one of a otation on the operate indep arter turbine, en atic ducting, an eknikMesin (SN bang, 13-15Ok lve ng ce costs. Therne. In the revirequency, with ition, the relia om the total tarting system, in this system of the overall ion of the part e optimum inn results show nd diaphragm attern. It mea ded to improv ntial pattern, nent, a modific y each airline MF AeroAsia da with the highes ATA 80, with inding in the p ility report of unt of delay cahad reached g 737-300/400all systems in main engine t pendently. Start ngine starter v nd starter contro NTTM) ke-9 ktober 2010 efore, ew of 23% ability delay from is the delay ts that terval w two dirty. ans a ve the which cation . From the ata, Starting st frequency 94 numbers pilot's report f PT. GMF used by the 18% of the /500. the aircraft to achieve a ting system alve, starter ol unit.

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Page 1: Failure A nalysi s of Engine Starter Valve CFM56-3 Engine





Aircrafthe impfailure maintereport experieSAP Syfailure during make umaintefailure The Wprevenreliabilmeans is need

Keywords: En


CASR) 121.37stablish and mnd surveillances inspection p

maintenance, pror the correctiegardless of whe certificate ho

Every maintenance co

herefore, the i

BN: 978-60


ft engine contrplementation odata from AT

nance findingsindicated tha

enced by Boeinystem and Strip

of engine stathe year 2009

up the enginenance of actiomodes with th

Weibull analysitive maintenanlity of the engthat the compo


ngine starter va

DUCTION ndonesian Civil73 requires “Emaintain a syse of the perfoprogram and treventive mainion of any de

whether those polder or anotheaircraft engin

st of the overaimplementation


Failure A


1) Mechani


ributes about 4of effective proTA 71 to ATA s of the overalat the system ng 737-300/40p Report from rter valve. Thi

9. Data processe starter valveons, with resphe highest freqis indicates thnce with the ogine starting syonent’s operat

alve, Weibull a

l Aviation SafEach certificatstem for continrmance and efthe program cntenance, and aeficiency in thprograms are er person”. ne contributes

all aircraft mainn of effective



Ricky Kurnia Cha

ical EngineeringJln. G


s and AstronautiJln. G


48% maintenanograms and eff80, Starting Syll findings in tstarting in th

00/500. After eJanuary 2004 is component sing using Weie. This reliabect to cost, fo

quency in the ehat diaphragmoptimum intervystem. While fting condition

analysis, delay,

fety Regulationte holder shallnuing analysisffectiveness ofcovering otheralterations and

hose programscarried out by

s up to 48%ntenance costsprograms and



is of EngM56-3 E

andra, ST.1) and

g Department, InGanesha 10 Band


ics Department, Ganesha 10 Band

[email protected]


nce cost to thefficient treatme

System (ATA 8the pilot's repohe year 2009 valuating the funtil June 201contributes up

ibull analysis rbility function or the engine sengine starter m’s failure haval, with respefor the dirty fais not match w

, preventive ma

n l s f r d , y

% .


efficiresulSystein thof finin 20Aerostartitotal

that sminimincluindic

Seminar Nasio

gine StaEngine

Dr. Ir. Edy Suw

nstitute Technolodung 40132

Institute Technodung 40132


e overall aircrent is needed 0) had the higort (Pireps) inhad caused 1

failure data of10, the highestp to 10% deparesults in the re

is used also starter valve.valve, i.e. diap

as a normal dect to the tota

failure mode hwith the design


ient treatment lts of analysis oem (ATA 80) he review fromnding or 23% o009. In additi

oAsia indicatesing system in delay experienStarting syste

serves initial rmum speed to

udes: engine stacation, pneuma



arter Va


ogy of Bandung

ology of Bandun

raft maintenancby each airlin

ghest failure fr 2009. In add18% delay frof the engine stt failure mode arture delays oeliability functto obtain theThe evaluatiophragm fail andistribution pa

al cost, is needas an exponenof the compon

is needed byof the PT. GMhad a failure w

m ATA 71 to Aof the overall fon, the reliab

s that the amouthe year 2009

nced by Boeingem is one of aotation on the operate indep

arter turbine, enatic ducting, an

eknikMesin (SN

bang, 13-15Ok



ce costs. Therene. In the revierequency, with

dition, the reliaom the total tarting system, in this system of the overall ion of the parte optimum intn results show

nd diaphragm attern. It meaded to improvntial pattern, wnent, a modific

y each airlineMF AeroAsia dawith the highesATA 80, with 9finding in the pility report of

unt of delay cau had reached g 737-300/400/all systems in main engine t

pendently. Startngine starter v

nd starter contro

NTTM) ke-9

ktober 2010

efore, ew of 23%

ability delay from is the delay

ts that terval w two dirty.

ans a ve the which cation

. From the ata, Starting st frequency 94 numbers

pilot's report f PT. GMF used by the 18% of the /500. the aircraft

to achieve a ting system alve, starter ol unit.

Page 2: Failure A nalysi s of Engine Starter Valve CFM56-3 Engine







Control Valve alve manufact37-300/400/50

Engineystem with 3 iore of the comolenoid valve wigh pressure atarter Valve isf the valve cngine Starter V


The enhree Inches Diwo main comp

Body Assemblyalve. At norssembly is loalways closed. Tneumatic actussembly, exterosition switchonnected with nkage to rotate


BN: 978-60

E STARTERInches Diamor Engine St

tured by Hone00 engine [4]. e Starter Valvinches diametemponent. Engiwhich opens aair flows throus also equippedlosing mechan

Valve is shown

1 Engine Starte

ngine starter viameter Starter

ponents, i.e. Vay. Figure 2 shrmal operatinaded with a toThis assembly ator with solernal position h operation. the end of a g

e the butterfly

gure 2 Engine S


R VALVE meter Starter E

tarter Valve iseywell and us

e works usinger of Butterflyine Starter is and closes the ugh the compd by a torsion nism. The po

n in Figure 1.

er Valve Positi

valve, which r Control Valvalve Actuator Ahows the main

ng condition, orsional springconsists of du

enoid assemblyindicator andThe two d

uide which coshaft in the va

Starter Valve [4


Engine Starters a pneumaticsed on Boeing

g a pneumaticy Valve as theactuated by aorifice so that

ponent. Enginespring, as partsition of the

ion [4]

is also calledve, consists ofAssembly andn parts of the

the actuatorg so that it isual diaphragmsy, relief valve

d an electricaldiaphragms isnnected with a

alve assembly.




r c g

c e a t e t e

d f d e r s s e l s a

3. F

with failur(PIRshowcloseand t



colleinforComtime the dDiaphighefocus

Seminar Nasio

FAILURE DFailure mo

FMEA analysre modes of thEPS), as indic

wn as well. The to each otherthe engine start

Table 1 FaFailure M

Starter Valve BStarter Motor B

Analysis o

r to assess thene Starting Syre the contribuys, in the year

wn in Table 1 her the failure c

Table 2 ComFailure

Start ValveStarter motoOther

Tot Further d

ected from thermation system

mponent Shop ofrom January

data obtained fophragm fails anest frequencysed in these tw

Table 3 Failu


Diaphragm FailDirty other Packing Fail Solenoid Fail Overtime Opera




DATA ANAodes in startin

sis. The analysihe Starting Syscated in Table he frequency fr where the stater motor has 1

ailure Mode ofode P

Broken Broken

of failure conse importance oystem Valve ution of each 2009, is showand Table 2

characteristics o

mponent Cause e Mode



detailed data e System Apm and the of PT. GMF A

y 2006 until Juor the failure mnd dirty are twy. The next wo failure mode

ure Mode of En

e Mode


ation otal

eknikMesin (SN

bang, 13-15Ok

ALYSIS g system can bis results in twstem, based Pi1, where the frfor both failurarter valve has

13 events.

f Starting SystePIREPS Frequ


sequences is nof failure. Thehad led to flcomponent to

wn in Table 2.motivates to

of the starter v

of Delay (ATAFrequency

of the starteplication ProdStrip Report

AeroAsia, withune 2010. Tabmode of the Stawo failure mod

further inveses.

ngine Starter VStrip Repo




NTTM) ke-9

ktober 2010

be obtained wo dominant ilot Reports frequency is re modes is s 16 events

em uency 6 3

necessary in e failure of ight delays o the flight The results investigate


A80) y

13 7 2


er valve is duct (SAP)

from the h a range of ble 3 shows arter Valve.

des with the stigation is

Valve ort &

Page 3: Failure A nalysi s of Engine Starter Valve CFM56-3 Engine



WhasmdiinstKsha raea


Table 4he Diaphragm ach Serial Numailure, in Fligh

Dirty failure mohis paper. Furthhe failure distri

Weibull Analys

Table 4 Tim

The nuailure mode is f statistical anahe selected failuut for verificatable 5 shows arameters of

Diaphragm Fail As sho

Weibull distribuas the shape pmall. It indicaistribution witncreasing failutandard deviat

Kolmogorov tehape parameter

hyper-exponeate. Figures 3 ach of the failu

No. S1 72 63 24 25 26 17 38 29 2

10 211 212 313 114 515 216 2

BN: 978-60

4 indicates theFail failure mo

mber (SN) the Tt Hours (FH), ode is collecteher analysis isibution for eacis.

me To Failure

umber of datonly 16, there

alysis is carriedure distributiontion a Kolmogthe calculationthe Weibull failure mode a

own in Tableution for the faparameter (β) gates that this th a large staure rate. It is tion shown inst. While for rs (β) is less thential distributand 4 show th

ure modes.

SN 7798 832 244GA 483 329 261 931 244GA 248 323 402 903 849 314 442 845GA


e detailed dataode of the StarTime Since Insis shown. The

ed as well, buts then on the dch failure mod

data for Diaph

ta for the Diefore the paramd out. It requirn. A Mann testgorov test is an results of the

distribution and Dirty failue 5, the para

ailure mode of greater than 1,failure mode

andard deviativerified with

n Table 5 andthe dirty failu

han 1, which mtion or a decrhe plot of the f

TSI (FH) 2384 4513 5717 6525 6623 7829 8064 9218

15492 16875 18190 20855 22870 24210 29510 47188


a collected forrter Valve. Forstall (TSI) untilfailure data of

t not shown indevelopment ofde by using the

hragm Fail

iaphragm Failmetric method

res a fit test fort is carried out

also conductede tests and theboth for the

ure mode. ameter of thediaphragm fail, but relativelyhas a normal

ion or a slowh the value ofd the result ofure mode, theeans that it hasreasing failurefailure rate for



r r l f n f e

l d r , . e e

e l y l

w f f e s e r


MTTin Tdeviafailurthan that t


occurage. Arisk o

Seminar Nasio

Table 5


Mann M value F Critical Kolmogorov Value of |Ft-FsKolmogorov v% KolmogorovBheta (β) Eta (η, in FH)R SD (FH) MTTF (FH) Estimated Tim

By having

TF can be deterTable 5. As cation of the dire modes. The the MTTF for

the distribution

Fig. 3 Failure r

Fig. 4 Fail For the sh

rrence of the fApplication ofof failure of th



Statistical calc

ter DiapFail

s| value v

me (FH)

g the value ormined for eac

compared to tstribution is vvalue of the stthe Dirty failu

n is far from a n

ate for Diaphra

lure rate for Di

hape parameterfailure mode hf preventive mahese componen

eknikMesin (SN

bang, 13-15Ok

culation resultsFailure Mod

phragm Dir

Yes 0,84 2,33 Yes 0,20 0,33

60,70 1,31

17285 0,96

11746 15926


of eta (η), thch failure modethe MTTF, th

very large, for tandard deviatiure mode, whicnormal distribu

agm Fail failur

irty failure mo

r (β) > 1, it mehas a relationshaintenance willnts. However,

NTTM) ke-9

ktober 2010

s de


Yes 1,33 2,05

No 0,31 0,28

- 0,71

10809 0,92

13955 13461


he value of e, as shown he standard both of the ion is larger ch indicates ution type.

re mode


ans that the hip with the l reduce the comparison

Page 4: Failure A nalysi s of Engine Starter Valve CFM56-3 Engine











f the percentagritical value isailure of the dandom pattern.

For thealue (β) = 0.71s applicable. Aomparison witoncludes that anters to the co

mode occurs preyond the initia


Table 6alve. The annormulated as fo

where: PM = Prt = maT = anCC = CMH =MTable 6

No Param1 Diaphr2 Cleani3 Man H4 Delay 5 Total D

he annual corrs follow.

where: CM =CoCDF = cDL = DeDP = De The De

omparing the night delay to onsidered (yeahe year 2009, unction t, wheailure data of e

An optinterval of prevnd corrective

BN: 978-60

ge of |FT-FS| tos higher than 5diaphragm ha e dirty failure 1 and therefore

A redesign is reth other compoan addition of omponent mayrobably becausal estimate of t

CIAL ANAL6 lists the elemnual preventivollow.

.reventive Mainaintenance internnual flight houCost Code Man Hour Cost6 Maintenance

meter ragm set price ing Tools

Hour Cost

Delay Cost

rective mainten

orrective maintcumulative proelay cost (USDelay probability

elay Probabilinumber of fail

the total faiar 2009). From13 failures leaere the functiach failure moimization is caentive for the maintenance c


o the value tha50%. This inds a tendency

mode, the she no preventivequired to prevonent for the a filter before y be necessaryse the operatinthe manufactur

LYSIS ments of main

ve maintenance

ntenance Cost rval (FH) urs (3000 FH)

t cost elements

Code PriDA 55CT 10MH 30DC 20DL 12

nance cost can

.tenance cost (Uobability of failD) y/year

ity (DP) is lures of valve ilures for the

m 18 failures oad to flight delion is determide. arried to deterleast total cost

cost (PM+CM


at Kolmogorovdicates that the

to enter to a

hape parameterve maintenancevent failure. Asame functioncontrolling air

y. This failureng condition isrer.

ntenance of thee cost can be

ice (USD) 0/service 0/service 0/service

0/Minute 000/delay

be formulated

USD) lure

calculated bywhich lead toperiod being

of the valve inlays. CDF is ained from the

rmine the bestt of preventive

M). PM will be



v e a

r e

A n r e s

e e


y o g n a e

t e e

decrewill b5 depprevefailuranalymain


finandividmainminimvalveintervMTTsafe. repairepla



5. C

abova. F


b. Fwst

c. Bti

Seminar Nasio

easing when tbe decreasing picts the changentive maintenre mode. For ysis is not ntenance is app

igure 5 Prevent

Table 7

ncial analysis fded into twntenance cost amum maintene for the failuval 2500 Fligh

TF, namely 41Because the

irable, then thacement.


ure ode


Hourhragm ail 2500

CONCLUSThe concl

ve are followingor fleet beingtarter valve warequency of derom failure da

were the most tarter valve.

By using Weibme for diaphra



the interval t iwhen the interges of the totalnance interval

the dirty faiconducted b


tive and Correccurve

shows the cafor the diaphragwo categoriesand the correctiance cost will

ure mode withht Hours. This180 FH, and t

diaphragm cahe preventive m

7 Optimum Coum Cost Pre


1744 1020

IONS lusions can be g. g analyzed, inas the componelay for starting

ata of the fleet,dominant fail

bull analysis, agm fail is 418

eknikMesin (SN

bang, 13-15Ok

is increasing. rval t is increasl cost as a funct for the diap

ilure mode thbecause no

ctive Maintena

alculation resugm fail failures, i.e. the ive maintenancl be USD.174

h preventive ms interval is fartherefore it is an be considermaintenance ta

ost Summary eventive Co


0 58.5 724

drawn from t

n the year 20ent that caused g system. , diaphragm falure mode in

the approxim0 FH.

NTTM) ke-9

ktober 2010

While CM sing. Figure ction of the phragm fail he financial


ance cost

ults of the mode. It is preventive

ce cost. The 44 for each maintenance r below the considered

red as non-ask will be


D % 4 41.5

the analysis

009, engine the highest

ail and dirty the engine

mate failure

Page 5: Failure A nalysi s of Engine Starter Valve CFM56-3 Engine




foinA 7
















. From cost antime for thdiaphragm fa

. For dirty faprevent failu

. ACKNOWThe author

or the suppornformation in



1. Advisory CAirworthin

2. Advisory CControlled

3. Aircraft M4. Componen

Asia 5. Edy Suwon

Controlled6. Failure Mo


7. http://en.w(accessed 7

8. http://wwwhtm (acces

9. http://www_of_the_w2010)

10. http://wwwKolmogoro

11. http://en.w(accessed 7

12. http://hom.html (acce

13. Lewis, E.EJohn Wiley

14. NorontokoJ85-GE-21

15. Weibull AGMF Aero

BN: 978-60

nalysis, the prehe minimum ail failure mod

ailure mode, iture.

WLAGEMEs would like trts during ththe research a


Circular (AC) ness MaintenanCircular (AC) d By Reliability

Maintenance Mant Maintenance

ndo, Lecture Nd by Reliabilityode and Effect tation for Engin2004. August 7 August

weibull_distribu (7 August 16 AuguE, Introductiony & sons, New

o, AnalisisKean1 Pesawat F-5Enalysis Implem

o Asia, 2004.


eventive maintecost is at 2

de. t requires a m

ENT to thank PT. Ghe research. are collected fr

120-16 Continunce Program, 1120-17 Maintey Methods, 197anual PT.GMFe Manual PT. G

Notes: Mainteny Methods, ITB

Analysis, Hanneer, Handboo

wiki/File:Weibu0) /hotwire/issue12010) /LifeDataWeb/ution.htm (acce

doc/25182242/M7 August 2010)wiki/Weibull_d0) ~sharov/PopEcst 2010) to Reliability E

w York, 1996. ndalan AfterbuE/F TNI AU, ITmentation for E


enance interval2500 FH, for

modification to

GMF AeroAsiaAll data and

from PT. GMF

uous 1976 enance 78

F Aero Asia GMF Aero

ance B, 2009. ndbook ok PT. GMF



/characteristicsessed 7 August

Metode-Uji-) distribution



urner Engine TB, 2008. Engineer PT.



l r


a d F



Seminar Nasio



eknikMesin (SN

bang, 13-15Ok

NTTM) ke-9

ktober 2010

Page 6: Failure A nalysi s of Engine Starter Valve CFM56-3 Engine


BN: 978-6002-97742-0-77



Seminar NasioonalTahunanTe


eknikMesin (SN

bang, 13-15Ok

NTTM) ke-9

ktober 2010