faculty of arts & sport year 9 independent learning challenge ‘bronze arts award (1)’

Faculty of Arts & Sport Year 9 Independent Learning Challenge ‘Bronze Arts Award (1)’

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What is the Bronze Arts Award?

The Arts Award is a qualification which is available in three levels, they are:

- Bronze

- Silver

- Gold

In year 9 you will be working towards gaining your Bronze Arts Award Qualification.

The video on the left will introduce the Arts Award to you

Please allow a minute for the video to download – this is a large file!

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What is the Bronze Arts Award?

You can find more information about the arts Award from their website by clicking on the link below:


You will each be given a unique user name and password which will allow you to log in and access more areas of this web site.

The trained Arts Award Advisers in School are Mr Moore, Mr Verrey and Mrs Teasdale.

Log in


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What is the Bronze Arts Award?The Bronze Art Award is divided up into 4 sections, these are:

PART A: Arts Participation.

You will need to spend 40 hours taking part in any art activities of your choice. Your Art, Music, Drama & Dance lessons can count towards this along side with any lunchtime / after school clubs which you may attend.

PART B: Be the Audience.

You will need to view a live arts event and review it. This could be a musical, play, live band, concert or exhibition at an art gallery.

PART C: Arts Heroes and Heroines.

You will need to research your favourite actor, director , producer or playwright.

PART D: Arts Apprenticeship.

You will need to pass on some of your arts skills to another student so that they can learn another skill.

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‘My Bronze Arts Award’

This ILC will concentrate on Part C:

Drama Heroes and Heroines.

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‘My Bronze Arts Award’

TasksThere are 3 parts to this ILC, this work will count towards your Bronze Arts


Part 1 is about exploring the Arts Award, Part 2 requires you to research your favourite drama hero or heroine and part 3 will require you to make a presentation folder to hold

the work from this project.

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‘My Bronze Arts Award’

1.Part 1: Arts Award Mind Map

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‘My Bronze Arts Award’

Task 1: Complete an A4 size neat version of the mind map which you started in lesson with your teacher. Present this in a creative way!

There are some examples below of how you could present this.

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‘My Bronze Arts Award’

ARTS AWARD PART B: Be the Audience.

PART A: Arts Participation.

PART C: Drama Heroes and Heroines.

PART D: Arts Apprenticeship.

.Teach an Arts skill to a


Take part in Arts Clubs in or outside of school

Take part in your Art / Drama/ Music lesson in

school each week

Take part in your Dance (through PE) lesson in

school each week

Learn about your favourite actor, director, producer or playwright.

Go and watch a show, live performance, band, concert, musical or visit a gallery!

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‘My Bronze Arts Award’

2.Part 2: My Drama Hero or Heroine

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Part 2: My Drama Hero or Heroine


Choose your Drama Hero or Heroine, this person could be an actor; a film producer or director; a theatre director or producer; or a playwright. There are some examples below…

- This person needs to be an individual, you can not choose a TV program or a film! -

Tim Burton

-Film Maker-

Alan Bennett


Keira Knightley


Johnny Depp


Phyllida Lloyd

-Theatre Director-

Steven Spielberg

-Film director-

Carol Churchill-Playwright-

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Part 2: My Drama Hero or HeroineYou now need to research your chosen Drama Hero or Heroine. You can use all sorts of ways to find out information about them. You could use the Internet, go to the library, go to an arts event etc. Produce and decorate a page of research for each of the following headings: SLIDES 14 & 15 SHOW A FINISHED EXAMPLE OF THIS.

1. Front Cover Design a front cover which is full of pictures / images which relate to your chosen drama hero or heroine. Add the titles ‘ Arts Award Bronze Level,’ ‘Part C: Heroes and Heroines,’ and your name.

2. Contents Page Leave this page until the end, then list all of the different sections in your project with their page numbers.

3. Fact sheet Make a fact sheet including a picture and the name of your chosen Hero or Heroine.

4. School Life Research and present information about what subjects they studied at School. What ‘Arts’ did they like to study at School?

5. After school Life Research and present information about what training they did after leaving School. Did they go onto College or do something else?

6. Their ‘Big Break’ When do you think they became famous or ‘made it’ in the ‘Arts’? How old were they? How did they feel about it?

Tasks continue on next slide…

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Part 2: My Drama Hero or HeroineYou now need to research your chosen Drama Hero or Heroine. You can use all sorts of ways to find out information about them. You could use the Internet, go to the library, go to an arts event etc. Produce and decorate a page of research for each of the following headings:

7. What do they do? Write about what type of drama work your Hero or Heroine makes. How do they produce this?

8. Why is their Art work special?

Explain what makes their type of drama work special to you. How do you connect with this form of drama?

9. Change and development

Write about how you think their work has changed over time.

10.What I like about my Hero / Heroine

Give your opinion, what is it that you like about them and their work?

11. Bibliography Write a list of the books, magazines and websites you have used to research your Hero or Heroine.

12. Self Evaluation Print of the next slide and fill in each section evaluating what you have learnt from your research.

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‘My Bronze Arts Award’

My Drama Hero Presentation Example

– Artist ‘Andy Goldsworthy’

The following slides show an example of how the 12 tasks relating to your chosen Drama Hero or Heroine can be presented.

Remember that you have to work onto A4 sized sheets and present your tasks in a creative way!

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‘My Bronze Arts Award’

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‘My Bronze Arts Award’

3.Part 3: My Presentation Folder

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Part 3: Presentation folder

Task 3:

For your third and final task, you need to decorate the front and back covers of a ring binder folder.

Include your name and the title ‘ BRONZE ARTS AWARD’ somewhere on the front cover.

There are examples of decorated folders on this and the next slide.

Place tasks 1 and 2 inside your folder.

This folder will also be used to hold class work and your music ILC which will be set in the Spring term.


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Part 3: Presentation folder examples

Examples of decorated Front and Back covers of a ring binder folder.






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Part 3: Presentation folder examples

Examples of decorated Front and Back covers of a ring binder folder.







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Task 1: - Created a well presented Mind Map about the Arts Award.

Task 2: - Chosen your Drama Hero or Heroine and completed all 12 tasks including printing out and filling in the self evaluation page. (Slide 13)

Task 3: - Decorated a ring binder folder and placed your work from tasks 1 and 2 into it.

CHECK LIST….Before handing in your project, please check that you have completed the following:

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Once finished, you will need to hand in your project folder to your

Drama teacher at break time on Friday 28th February 2014

Congratulations on completing your Drama ILC!

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Write the following into your planner:

To access the PowerPoint, follow these steps: - Google Waseley Hills and click onto link to school

website.- Log in using E-portal user name and password

(top left hand corner of the web site)- Click on Department Resources - Click on ‘Art’ logo- Click on ‘Year 9’- Click on ‘Year 9 Autumn ILC’ link Spring term.

Hand your completed ring binder folder into to your drama teacher during break time on Friday 28th February 2014