factors in setting the marketing communication mix

Factors in setting the Marketing communication mix (Group 10)

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Page 1: Factors in setting the marketing communication mix

Factors in setting the Marketing communication mix

(Group 10)

Page 2: Factors in setting the marketing communication mix

Marketing communication mix

The specific mix of advertising, personal

selling, sales promotion, events and experience public relations and direct selling is called marketing communication mix.

Page 3: Factors in setting the marketing communication mix

Characteristics of Marketingcommunication mix

• Advertising. Eg: Print, Broadcast, Outdoor

• Sales promotion. Eg: Premium, Discounts

• Public relations and publicity.

Page 4: Factors in setting the marketing communication mix

• Experiences. Eg: Nestomalt

• Personal selling. Eg: Sales presentation, Trade shows

• Direct marketing. Eg: Catalogues, telemarketing, Internet

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1. Type of product market

Communications mix allocations vary between consumer and business markets. Consumer marketers tend to spend comparatively more on sales promotion and advertising; business marketers tend to spend comparatively more on personal selling.

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2. Buyer readiness stage

Communication mix tools vary cost effectiveness at different stages of buyer’s readiness. There are 5 stages in the buyer’s readiness.

• Awareness• Comprehension• Conviction• Order• Reorder

Page 7: Factors in setting the marketing communication mix

Awareness Comprehension Conviction Order Reorder

Advertising & Pub-licity

Sales promotion

Personal selling

Stages of Buyers Readiness





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3. Product life-cycle stage Communication mix tools also vary in cost

effectiveness at different stages of the product life cycle. There are 4 stages in the product life cycle.

• Introduction stage• Growth stage• Maturity stage • Decline stage

Page 9: Factors in setting the marketing communication mix

Introduction : Heavy use of advertising, publicity for awareness, events and experience for trial

Growth : Public relations and personal selling for distribution

Maturity : Advertising decreases, events and experience and personal selling grow more important,

Decline : Advertising and public relations decrease, sales promotion continues strong

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References • Philip kotlar, Marketing management (11th edition) Pge:578• Gilbert A. Churchill. Jr, J.paul peter. Marketing (2nd edition) Pge:449• Philip kotlar, Kevin lane keller. Marketing management (12th

edition) Product life cycle. Pge:300

• http://www.davedolak.com/promix.htm• http://www.citeman.com/3093-factors-in-setting-the-marketing-co

mmunications-mix.html• http://www.pearsonhighered.com/kotler/• http://www.ehow.com/how_8457194_developing-effective-market

ing-communication-mix.html• http://www.icmrindia.org/courseware/Marketing%20Management


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