facilitating open space in india

The art of getting out of the way Liberation in Open Space New Delhi 2014 Ceres Management partnering with GoPhilanthropic Foundation

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Post on 24-May-2015



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This presentation describes an Open Space Technology event for grassroots Leaders in Delhi, India - 2014.


Page 1: Facilitating Open Space in india

The art of getting out of the wayLiberation in Open SpaceNew Delhi 2014

Ceres Management partnering with GoPhilanthropic Foundation

Page 2: Facilitating Open Space in india

• Mostly work in isolation

• Have no development budget

• Rarely take time to reflect/rest

• Are constantly ‘fire-fighting’

• Don’t do ‘strategic planning’

Grassroots Organisations

Grassroots Leaders

Ceres Management partnering with GoPhilanthropic Foundation

Page 3: Facilitating Open Space in india

In 2013 we heard the needs of leaders across diverse grassroots organisations. The kind of opportunity they were seeking included the ability to…

How it started.

Cross-LearnShare experiences

Network with




Action-PlanShare knowledge

Solve complex problems

Ceres Management partnering with GoPhilanthropic Foundation

Page 4: Facilitating Open Space in india

So, how did we help?

1. Acknowledge that they are the experts

2. Create an environment where things are possible

3. Let go of our need to control outcomes

We needed a structure that could achieve that, so..

No lectures Topics of interest

No guest speakers

High engageme


No trainers Low control

this became the requirement…

Ceres Management partnering with GoPhilanthropic Foundation

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Open Space Technology

The answer was…

We wanted participants to show up, be present, tell the truth and let it all go!

A liberating structure

Ceres Management partnering with GoPhilanthropic Foundation

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Facilitating Open Space“Open Space honours individual freedom of choice and assumes that people are sufficiently mature to make their own decisions about how things should be”

..or, the art of getting out of the way

Ceres Management partnering with GoPhilanthropic Foundation

Page 7: Facilitating Open Space in india

But first, a little internal resistance, (i.e., will Open Space work in India?)

The perception:• Indians prefer not to share

their problems/issues

• Indians will expect to be spoken to by ‘experts’

• Social hierarchy will undermine open discussion

• We will need a ‘back-up’ plan

(guess what….)

Ceres Management partnering with GoPhilanthropic Foundation

(there was no resistance)

Page 8: Facilitating Open Space in india

• Simple, uncluttered & low cost

• A circle supportung creative interaction

• No slides/projector/media

• Hand-written agenda, posters, etc

• Lots of paper, markers, pens, cards, tape

• Groups convened in the 4 corners

The Set-Up

Ceres Management partnering with GoPhilanthropic Foundation

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A brief description of the process – with spontaneous translation!

Participants got up to write their issues – without hesitation

Within 30 mts the blank agenda was full (for both days)

Opening Open Space

Ceres Management partnering with GoPhilanthropic Foundation

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The blank agenda raised some eyebrows!

The Law of 2 feet brought some smiles Self-organization

created excitement – anything was possibleFirst

Surprises!!Ceres Management partnering with GoPhilanthropic Foundation

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Issues were written

Issues were posted Discussions were


and then it just happened!Ceres Management partnering with GoPhilanthropic Foundation

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What followed for 1.5 days…

• A willingness to work together

• People decided where they wanted to be

• It became noisy very quickly – lots of laughter

• 4 groups convened at the same time

• Some cross-pollinated different discussions

• Discussions ended when they ended (early or later)

• Reports were written up and posted on the wall

Ceres Management partnering with GoPhilanthropic Foundation

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Words used by participant to describe their experience

Ceres Management partnering with GoPhilanthropic Foundation

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Some of the issues discussed..

• ‘Working with corrupt government systems’

• ‘Dealing with children with behavioural problems’

• ‘Ensuring that women who receive microloans become independent’

• ‘Using Audio Visual Media for Social Advocacy’

• ‘Use of of Gov’t Schemes for children and women’

• ‘Increasing social acceptance of mentality disturbed adults’

• ‘How to make the best impression to donors’

• ‘How to attract more people to take up advocacy work’

Ceres Management partnering with GoPhilanthropic Foundation

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New Networks Emerged..

Ceres Management partnering with GoPhilanthropic Foundation

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When it was over, we celebrated..

Ceres Management partnering with GoPhilanthropic Foundation

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Immediate results…

• Grassroots leaders network established

• Younger leaders learn from veterans

• Critical issues discussed in depth

• Report submitted for each discussion

• Reports included recommendations for action

• Workshop proceedings compiled and shared with all participants

Ceres Management partnering with GoPhilanthropic Foundation

Reports posted on walls

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Next Steps…

• Clarify realistic expectations about workshop ‘outcomes’

• Survey participants to better understand value of workshop

• Review Open Space Tech to inform future decisions

• Encourage participants to use the network to learn/share

• Consider a follow-up workshop if appropriate

• Identify alternative (low-cost) leadership support solutions

Ceres Management partnering with GoPhilanthropic Foundation

Page 19: Facilitating Open Space in india

Open Space TechnologyA Liberating Structure*

* “The surprising power of Liberating structures” (Lipmanowicz & McCandless)

Ceres Management partnering with GoPhilanthropic Foundation

Dr. John O’Connor
