facebook marketing slideshare

©2010 Aisle7 Engage Shoppers with Facebook Marketing Bill Schneider, Sr. Product Director, Aisle7 Ricardo Rabago, Social Media Specialist, PCC

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Best practices in how health and wellness can engage shoppers on Facebook


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©2010 Aisle7

Engage Shoppers with Facebook MarketingBill Schneider, Sr. Product Director, Aisle7

Ricardo Rabago, Social Media Specialist, PCC

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©2010 Aisle7

About Us

Bill Schneider Sr. Product Director, Aisle7

Health and Wellness Marketing Company


Ricardo Rabago PCC Social Media Specialist Google Profile: http://www.google.com/profiles/rrabago

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©2010 Aisle7

Topics Today

1. How Facebook is changing how we market

2. Best practices to engage consumers

3. Simple tips to grow a loyal following and influence purchase decisions

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©2010 Aisle7

Why Facebook Marketing

It’s where shoppers are: • 1/3rd of US Population on


• 64% of all consumers online

• 50% log in on any given day

• Average user has 130 friends

• And contributes over 90 pieces of content a monthFacebook is the

“default” social community

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©2010 Aisle7

Social Media on the Rise with Mom’s

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©2010 Aisle7

Reasons Consumers Use Facebook

Source: Exact Target

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©2010 Aisle7

Leverage the Facebook Social Graph

Facebook breeds discovery Intention is to be entertained and

connect, not search Through discovery, consumers

find brands they like 90% of people trust

recommendations from Facebook Friends (source: Nielsen)

• Endless connections = Viral Opportunities

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©2010 Aisle7

Viral Metrics: Facebook and Twitter

Facebook is dominant for social sharing

78% share to Facebook Traffic from 1 million users

Twitter leads as traffic driver 19.08 clicks for every link FB 2.97 clicks

Source: Social Twist “Tell a Friend” Analytics

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©2010 Aisle7

Reasons Why Consumers “Like” a Brand 40% to receive discounts and promotions 39% to show my support for the company to others 36% to get a “freebie” 34% to stay informed about the activities of the company 33% to get updates on future products 30% to get updates on upcoming sales 29% for fun or entertainment 25% to get access to exclusive content 22% someone recommended it to me 21% to learn more about the company 13% for education about company topics

Source: ExactTarget “Facebook X-Factors” 2010

70% of Consumers don’t believe a “Like” gives Brands license to market promotions to them…

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Being “UnFanned” is only a Click Away

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©2010 Aisle7

Creating a Sphere of Influence




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©2010 Aisle7

Consumers Looking for Answers

What are the “good” carbs?

What are probiotics?

Can I get all my vitamins through food?

What should I makeFor dinner tonight?

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©2010 Aisle7

Health and Wellness Great Opportunity for Conversations

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©2010 Aisle7

How Consumers Become Brand “Fans”

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©2010 Aisle7

Create an Engagement Chain

Follow Your Brand

Participate in Conversations

Become a Fan

Recommend to a Friend

Increasing engagement

• Make it Easy for Customers to Take a First Step

• Break the Relationship Down into Micro-Actions

• Create the Funnel to Harness Consumer Energy

• Positive Actions Build on One Another

• Build Towards the Goal

• Become a Fan

• Share stories

• Download a Coupon

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©2010 Aisle7

Establishing Point of View:Leverage Your Marketing Calendar



Diabetes Prevention


Winter Wellness


New Year, New You

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©2010 Aisle7

Provide Daily Inspiration:What’s for Dinner?

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©2010 Aisle7

Engage Your Audience:Ask Questions that Support Your Marketing

Generate consumer advocacy

Drive traffic to the website

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©2010 Aisle7

PCC Social Media Content Strategy? We Listen

Facebook Search Yahoo Pipes Twitter Local Search BackType Google Alerts Bit.ly Pro

Tools to Gather the Conversation

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©2010 Aisle7

Engaging in Conversation

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©2010 Aisle7


If you’re not on Facebook, start experimenting

Use Health and Wellness to establish a point of view

Focus on conversations and providing ideas, not just offers

Practice active listening

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©2010 Aisle7


Contact us: [email protected]