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VOX SIMONIS “The Voice of Menno Simons” Volume 56, Issue 3 FIRST MENNONITE CHURCH OF REEDLEY CHURCH NEWS JuneJuly 2012

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VOX SIMONIS “The Voice of Menno Simons”

Volume 56, Issue 3



June—July 2012

The Vox Simonis is published bi-monthly. The Vox Simonis is designed to inform the FMC Congregation and friends of the congregation of “God’s work” through the individuals, families, church groups, and the greater community.

“Hear, O Israel: the Lord our God, the Lord is one; you shall love the Lord your God with

all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your

strength. The second is this, You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other

commandment greater than these.”

Mark 12:29-31

Individual submissions are welcome. Please bring contributions to the church office. You may also email submissions to [email protected] You may now read this newsletter on our website at: www.fmcreedley.org/Worship/Newsletters


First Mennonite Church now has a website on the internet. This publication may be viewed on our website at:


You may email the church office at: [email protected]


Stephen Penner, Pastor ……………………….………E-mail: [email protected]

Juan Montes, Pastor ………………………..………….………….. E-mail: [email protected] Barbara Ewy, Director of Children’s Ministries …………………………..E-mail: [email protected] Dee Patrick, Office Coordinator ……………………………….……E-mail: [email protected] Paul Reimer, Custodian …………………………………...………...E-mail: [email protected]

Contact us... 1208 ‘L’ Street (P.O. Box 111), Reedley, California, 93654

(559) 638-2917 (559) 637-8826 Fax

Submissions are accepted and are used by discretion of the editor.


REFLECTIONS by Steve Penner 1

THOUGHTS by Barbara Ewy 2








PIM Camp Keola Fundraisers 8

Block Party 9

VBS 10





Small Yet Wise

Lately I’ve tried to read a few chapters in the book of Proverbs. In chapter 30 I found this: Four things on earth are small, yet they are exceedingly wise: the ants are a people without strength, yet they provide their food in the summer; the badgers are a people without power, yet they make their homes in the rocks; the locusts have no king, yet all of them march in rank; the lizard can be grasped in the hand, yet it is found in kings' palaces. The idea that great things can come in small packages, or that great truth can be found in modest places, these are not unusual concepts. Here the wisdom writer makes a similar point. Look at the ants, look at the badgers, look at the locusts, look at the common lizard! None of these are especially noteworthy in and of themselves but if we observe them closely, notice how they live, we suddenly find ourselves uncovering the remarkable. It’s an old lesson worth repeating over and over again. Look for wisdom, look for beauty, in the small places. Be ready to be surprised. See in these small joys, in these little explosions of wisdom, the handiwork, the touch, of the divine. A place where I learned this early and over and over again was while growing up on the farm. For many years the primary crop my dad grew was cotton. Every year in the Spring he would work the ground, then furrow the fields, readying them for planting. Once the cotton seeds were planted the wait would begin. For several days the naked rows stretched out endlessly underneath the California sun. But then, in the fullness of time, the first sprouts would break through the crusty top soil. Then a few more, some more, and soon enough a straight row of green sprouts emerged. Row after row after row of lovely green cotton sprouts. My dad always saw it as his yearly little miracle. Every year he had wondered if those dark, small cotton seeds would sprout. Each year he was rewarded with the answer, “yes.” It’s a stretch to give the quality of wisdom to the inanimate seed. It makes more sense to ap-ply wisdom, like the writer of Proverbs does, to an ant, a badger, a locust, or a lizard. If any of these critters could talk they might say to we humans admiring their wisdom that: I just do what I do and if you want to call that “wise,” well, that’s fine and good with me. Maybe the way of wisdom begins with the small things, the things we do routinely over and over again. We work together with others, we make ourselves at home in uncomfortable places, we provide as needed for others, we aren’t afraid to go to mighty places—these small things become our normal. As we do the small things over and over again, performing again and again until it’s routine, the practices of kindness and generosity, we cultivate the wisdom of which scriptures speak.


from Steve Penner


THOUGHTS... by Barbara Ewy

. . . Take Me to the Water As program director at Rocky Mountain Mennonite Camp some twenty-five years ago I lived for a month in a small A-frame nestled under the spruce trees near Ten Mile Creek. I woke in the morning to the sound of the creek rippling over the rocks and flowing under a nearby footbridge. At night after a busy day of hiking, recreation, worship, and hanging out with campers I went to sleep to the murmur of the creek as it made its way down the mountainside. The music of the creek was a constant that month on good days and bad. It soothed me, comforted me, refreshed me, sang me to sleep and awakened me to the beauty of a new day. I still enjoy the sound of water, whether it comes as rain dripping on the roof, streams rushing to rivers on the way to the sea, or the roar of the ocean itself. The constant cycle of waves crashing on the shore and rolling onto the beach is a joy and delight. Take Me to the Water: God’s Love Flows connects the refreshment and life that water provides to the constant presence and love of God in our lives. As the theme for this year’s Vacation Bible School it provides us with opportunity to recognize that God continues to be the source of life and sustenance—just as God provided life-giving water in the stories that we will study. We will look at five Bible texts that use water to show God’s “provision of life and blessing.” These stories include water from the rock during the Israelites’ wilderness journey; Naaman’s healing in the Jordan River, the storm at sea experienced by Jesus’ disciples, John the Baptist and baptism in the river, and Jesus conversation with the Samaritan woman at the well. We will also have opportunity to learn about water use in Bible times and water issues around the world today. Our offering project in VBS this year will focus on Colombia. One way that Mennonite churches there show Jesus’ love to their neighbors is through providing healthy food and clean water to children who also are told stories about the peace Jesus brings. We will hear about children’s Bible classes held at Esperanza Viva (Living Hope) Mennonite Church south of Barranquilla. We will learn of the church in Facatativa that serves lunch to children, teaches Bible classes and provides tutoring. We will hear about Semillas de Esperanza church in Ibague that teaches children and youth about nonviolent ways to solve conflict. Just $3.50 a month helps these churches buy what they need to provide food, drinks and supplies for the children. We will offer four classes this year: Preschool for children who have not yet entered kindergarten, Primary for children who have just completed Kindergarten through Grade 2, Middler for children who have been in Grades 3 to 5, and Junior Youth for students who have just completed grades 6 through 8. Activities each day will include games and recreation in the Active Response center on the church play-ground and a variety of arts, crafts and water related projects in the Creative Response Center. Worship each evening will include music, Bible drama, memory verses, and the offering. Vacation Bible School will meet Monday through Friday evenings, June 25 through 29, from 6:15 to 8:30 p.m. The preschool will dismiss at 8:00 p.m. To celebrate our week of VBS a day trip to the beach at Cayucas is being planned for Saturday, June 30. We welcome children and youth ages three through those who have just completed Grade 8 to be part of our VBS experience. Older youth and adults are also welcome as teachers, helpers, worship and music leaders, providers of snacks, activity leaders and prayer partners. It will be an exciting week!


Permita a su hijo ser niño por un día Proyecto -Padres De Excelencia. ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que usted y su hijo tuvieron un día especial junto? ¿Solos los dos? No me refiero a unos cinco minutos juntos antes de dormir, sino a un día entero p por los me-nos toda la tarde o noche. Tampoco se trata de un rato dedicado a la realización de algo rutinario, sino una actividad es-pecial. Cuatro veces al año o por los menos una vez cada seis meses, haga cita con su hijo. Progra-me un día, o tarde o una noche completa para estar juntos. Puede ser un tiempo destinado a crear algo, a algún paseo o a jugar juntos. Permita que colabore en la planificación de la activi-dad. Craig lleva a Jeff a juegos de beisbol en Los Ángeles que se encuentra a unos ciento noventa kilómetros de su casa. Emplean casi toda una mañana en llegar hasta el estadio, deteniéndose por el camino para comer tostadas dulces [waffels] con crema batida y frutas, Al atardecer re-gresan en medio del tránsito de la hora pico y por el camino comen hamburguesas. Durante el viaje tienen bastante tiempo para conversar o no. Tampoco importa si los Dodgers ganan o pierden. Craig y Jeff están juntos y hacen algo que ambos disfrutan. Lynn lleva a Amy a una cafetería ubicada en un mirador, en las tardes soleadas invernales, pa-ra jugar al Monopolio [un juego de mesa]. La temporada turística ha finalizado ya, por lo tanto raramente hay algún turista por allí. Piden pizza y pasan toda la tarde jugando al monopolio en la mesa de la esquina que tiene una hermosa vista al valle. A Amy le encanta ese juego. Tam-bién le gusta mucho el helado de chocolate que toman al finalizar el juego (sin que importe quien gane). Lynn deja una generosa propina. Ella dice: “Pago mas por el alquiler que por el servicio”. Es una tarde dedicada a la conversación, las risas, la diversión y los recuerdos. Tanto Craig como Lynn, sin saberlo, sabiamente siguen las tres reglas principales de la planifi-cación de una cita con su hijo: *Escoja una actividad de la que el disfrute *Elija algo especial que no sea una actividad cotidiana *Aparte un tiempo para estar solos los dos Los tiempos especiales como estos que hemos mencionado, le dicen a un niño: “Te quiero. En verdad me gusta tanto estar contigo que estoy dispuesto a emplear un día entero solo para ti”. Durante varios años Janice tomo un día de vacaciones cada verano para poder ir con su hija al parque o museo. Janice dice: “Llegaba al punto de sentir añoranza de pasar algún tiempo con mi hija. Tenía tantos deseos de estar con Kimberley que sabía que no podría concertarme en mi trabajo. Lo denominaba nuestro ‘día de ocio’.” Cual es uno de los recuerdos más preciados de la niñez que Kim conserva? ¡Los días de ocio

con mama!

Rincón Neo-Anabaptista Por: Juan Montes






Friday, June 1, 6:30-8:30

Speaker: John Clements. School Transportation and the Electric Bus

Friday, June 8, 6:30-8:30

Speaker: Lance Zimmerman. Topic: Attitudes about conflict resolution styles and inti-

mate partner conflicts: What contributes to a just and peaceful home?

Friday, June 15, 6:30-8:30

Speaker: Lela Folkers. Topic: Cuba - Has our Embargo Worked? Impressions from a

people-to-people visit.

Rumblings Around the Campus by Paul Reimer, Custodian

Well, the month of May is over for this year. A lot has happened on the playground last

month. First, the fence that blew down was rebuilt to include part of Sebastian’s backyard.

The rest of the fence behind Sebastian’s house will soon be repaired by volunteers from PIM.

Several posts have broken off at the ground.

The big wooden structure in the playground was removed for safety reasons.

It will eventually be replaced with new playground equipment.

The summer schedule is in effect, mowing the lawn and watering each week.

We had a fairly wet spring but now summer will soon be on us.

I hope everyone had a good Memorial Day weekend. I attended a BMW motorcycle rally in

Mariposa. It rained on Friday but the rest of the weekend was beautiful.

That is all for now until next month . . . Paul Reimer


Events in our FMC Family and Beyond~~~ Caught in the act of reading: Louise Auernheimer just finished reading Pearls from Sand by

Karl Biegers.

Looking good in a baseball uniform: Josh Montaño.

Paul Reimer spent the Memorial Day weekend at a Mariposa campground with about 500 other

motorcycle enthusiasts.

Caught in the act of reading: Lance Zimmerman is reading Becoming Visible by Beth Firestein.

Caught in the act of reading: Paul Reimer is reading How to Read the Bible for all it is Worth

by Gordon D. Fee and Douglas Stuart.

Who said this: “I can’t move!” Submit your guess to the church office.

Caught in the act of reading: Jim Compton-Schmidt is reading What God Wants by Neale Don-

ald Walsch.

Stella and Chuck Bohn enjoy taking walks around the farm.

Josh Montaño celebrated his birthday in grand style.

Caught in the act of reading: Don Friesen just finished reading Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy by Eric Metaxas.

David Aguilar writes his own lyrics for his rap songs.

Unfortunately, Laura Neufeld was recently bitten by a recluse spider.

Peter Boldt will be on the Reedley Opera House stage performing in “Fiddler on the Roof.”

Lots of work got done at Camp Keola over Memorial Day weekend.

Comfortable on a bike: MaryBeth Janzen rides her bike through the fields near the Kings


Caught in the act of reading: Jerry Linscheid is reading The Kneeling Christian by an unknown


Araceli Moreno’s caseload of foster children includes children ranging in age from three

months to 17 years old.

Caught in the act of reading: Steve Penner is reading Jude the Obscure by Thomas Hardy.

Sara Blake is equally comfortable with big cats, both those that roar and those that purr.

Laura Penner is excited about her trip to India coming up this summer.

Some heavy-duty work was done at Camp Keola over Memorial Day weekend. Felled trees even-

tually found their way to the wood splitter. Rusty Moyer, Lance Zimmerman, Morgan Unruh,

Roger Zimmerman, and Larry Harder all earned lots of points for their ceaseless labor.

Caught in the act of reading: Fran Loewen is reading Juliet by Anne Fortier.

Both Mike Linscheid and Keila Quenzer return from their MCC SALT assignments in Honduras

in late July.

Ethan Milton did a lot of pitching for his Little League baseball team this past season.

Who said this: “Take me home to mama!” Submit your guess to the church office.

Denny Mason and Don Friesen have both been active as VORP mediators.

Comfortable on a bike: Ed Boldt is known to have taken long, mountainous rides on his bike.

Caught in the act of reading: Dave Hasegawa is reading Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson.

Donald Ewy’s apricots are incredibly delicious.

Juan Gomez and Sebastian Andrade are playing close attention to the June 3rd soccer match between

Mexico and Brazil. (continued on next page)

Comfortable in the backyard: Karen and Dick Peterson know all about the art and manage-

ment of raising chicks.

Caught in the act of reading: Melinda Hasegawa is reading Japanese Women Don’t Get Old or Fat by Naomi Moriyama and William Doyle.

The FMC church staff enjoyed their annual staff lunch on Tuesday, May 29.

Noticed on Facebook: Margie Mireles is happy about her new job.

Lance and Christy Zimmerman are delighted that in Lance’s pursuit of a doctorate he has

reached the end of his course requirements.

Congratulations to David Krehbiel on receiving an honorary doctorate.

Dick Peterson and Paul Reimer tore down the old wooden play structure in our children’s

playground. We hope the day will come soon when it can be replaced with new, safer, equip-


Caught in the act of reading: Aleta Rempel just finished reading Cereal for Dinner--Cake for Dessert by Laura Wells McKnight.

History buff Andy Ewy has participated in several Civil War re-enactments.

Rusty Moyer is known for the furious tempo he can maintain on his bicycle.

Ethel Harder, Doris Reimer, Cathy Ratmeyer, Mary Hiebert, Paul Reimer, Sharon Reimer,

and Steve Penner all helped Katherine Neufeld celebrate her 97th birthday.

Ligia Duran’s family recently threw a big surprise party to honor her on her 50th birthday.

Congratulations to Peter Boldt who won the prestigious Arian Award at the Reedley High

School Spring band concert.

Who said this: “I know what I’m gonna do!” Submit your guess to the church office.

Yessica Ambriz works in the bakery at the R-N Market in Parlier.

Gail Harder and Sharon Reimer have been trained to be LOVE INC volunteers. LOVE INC is

reopening this month.

Like mother like daughter: Sandra Islas is interested in the social work field.

Marvin Ambriz is a real Bruin. Peter Boldt is going to be a Bruin too.

Karen Peterson reports that her "diva" chicken is turning into a fine mom for her five little

chicks. It's nice to know that all is well at the Peterson farm.

Events in our FMC Family and Beyond~~~ (cont.)



Happy Anniversary


June Birthdays

1—Ruth Rogalsky

3—Ted Harder

5—Terry Novack

8—Maxi Ambriz

10—Margarita Serrano

13—Lillian Dueck

14—Betsy Funk

16—Thomas Unruh

17—Yesemia Lozano

17—Freda Prjnak

18—MaryBeth Janzen

20—Kate Milton

20—James Salyers

20—Alex Vasilenko

22—Oscar Ambriz

22—Melva Ewy

22—Balke Linscheid

22—Ricardo Trejo

23—David Kope

24—Kyle Bohn

28—Graciela Sandoval

July Birthdays

1—Karen Peterson

2—Jemima Andrade

4—Jerry Janzen

5—Tracy Gonzalez

7—Doug Page

7—Corinna Ruth

8—Bernice Isaak

13—Angelica Valdovinos

14—Nayeli Becerra

19—Aneesa Gomez

20—Allen Linscheid

20—Christabal Vasquez

21—Lexamarie Sandoval

22—Leonard Mireles

22—Caleb Montaño

23—Marianna Habegger

24—Amos Mireles

24—Uriah Mireles

27—Irene Healy

27—Laurelin Zimmerman

28—Frank Rogalsky

28—Christy Zimmerman

29—Mary Hiebert

June Anniversaries 4—Jerry & Ro Linscheid (29 years) 7—Rusty & Christine Moyer (37 years) 10—Tom & Sheena Caron (6 years) 15—Alan & Barbara Ewy (21 years) 15—Robert & Carolyn Ewy (16 years) 18— Jim & Annie Compton-Schmidt (29 years)

July Anniversaries 2—Chuck & Stella Bohn (36 years) 6—Ed & Barbara Boldt (323years) 8—Wayne & Marty Zimmerman (57 years) 18— James & Dana Salyers (25 years)



If there is something you would like to post on “The Bulletin Board,” please call Dee in the church office, 638-2917, or send her an e-mail at [email protected].


Elijah Rios

Ricardo Trejo

HIGH SCHOOL Yessica Ambriz—Reedley High School

Peter Boldt—Reedley High School

Andy Ewy—Reedley High School COLLEGE Sara Blake—Fresno State University

Alex Boldt—Bethel College

Nohelly Hernandez—Reedley College

Here are some Pim fundraisers for

PIM’s family camp At Camp keola *************************


Wednesday—June 13

Wednesday—July 11

Wednesday—August 1

At 6:00 PM

TAMALES Orders will be taken on

Sundays, July 8 & 15 and will be delivered on

Sunday, July 22

YARD SALE Saturday, June 9

7AM-Noon in the church parking lot

Bring your “quality treasures” to the church

by Friday, June 8 to donate to PIM to sell.

Come out to buy other “treasures” on Saturday.







Bounce houses

There will be a short program

with skits about VBS



Monday, June 25th—Friday, June 29th

6:15—8:30 PM



Shaping Families is a program aired

on KRDU (1130AM) that our church helps

sponsor. It is on every Sunday at 12:15PM

and 7:45PM.

June 3, 2012 – Donating a Kidney Laurie Miller, director of student programs and recreational

sports at Eastern Mennonite University in Harrisonburg, Va., tells what it was like to donate a kidney

to someone he didn’t even know, and why he did it.

June 10, 2012 – Lasting Marriage Harvey Yoder, author of Lasting Marriage: The Owner’s Manual (Herald Press) has been a marriage counselor for many years, and offers personal and professional

insights on Shaping Families this week.

June 17, 2012 – A Family Business Doug and Polly White, authors of a book on business, Let Go to Grow, talk about how to run a family business, and also the challenges of raising a family.

June 24, 2012 – Mennonite Girls Can Cook Charlotte Penner, one of the authors of the popular

Herald Press book, Mennonite Girls Can Cook is the guest on Shaping Families this week. Hear about

the book and the blog that inspired it.

July 1, 2012 – Michael Card: Family Stories Michael Card— singer, composer and prolific author, is

the guest on Shaping Families this week sharing how he met his wife, how they raised their children,

and why he devotes a lot of time to sharing his love of the Bible on college campuses.

July 8 – Re-entry After Prison Do you know anyone personally who is struggling to make it on the

outside after serving a prison sentence? On Shaping Families, you’ll hear one woman’s experience.

July 15 – Habitat Helps Families Jonathan Reckford, CEO of Habitat for Humanity, and Erin Rank,

who runs the Habitat program for the Greater Los Angeles area, talk about the huge difference

decent housing makes in the lives of families.

July 22 – Family Stories and Memories Ervin Stutzman, executive director of Mennonite Church

USA and the author of two Herald Press books about his parents, Tobias and Emma, was just three

years old when his father was killed.

July 30 – PAX Service Changes Lives Ron Goertzen of Henderson, Nebraska, recalls his time in the

PAX service program in the 60s and how it changed his life—and that of his family.


Shaping Families

P.O. Box 22

Harrisonburg, VA 22802



Shaping Families is a radio program produced by Third Way Media for MennoMedia for Mennonite Church USA and Mennonite Church Canada



8:45 a.m. Prayer Time in Room B4 9:30 a.m. Needles & Notions

9:30 a.m. Worship Services in English 6:00 p.m. Los Amigos / AA Meeting in Spanish

11:00 a.m. Christian Education 7:00 p.m. Kids Club & MYF

12:00 p.m. Spanish Worship Services 7:00 p.m. Alabanza y Oración

7:00 p.m. Red de Apoyo/Network of Support


12 noon AA Meeting in the Library 6:30 p.m. Peace Center


6:15 a.m. Anabaptist Prayer Gathering in Room B4 5:00 a.m. Prayer Time in the Fireside Room

6:00 p.m. Prayer Meeting in the Basement

June 2012

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2



3 4 5

7PM Deacons


6 7 8 9

7AM PIM Yard



5PM Mid-Year



11 12

7PM Visioning

Task Force Mtg


6PM Dine Out

PIM Fundraiser

6:30 Trustees

14 15

PSMC Summer


Assembly in SF

17 18

7PM M & S

Committee Mtg


7PM Council


20 21 22 23


5:30PM Block



6:15-8:30 PM


26 27 28 29 30

Cayucas Beach

Trip for VBS




8:45 a.m. Prayer Time in Room B4 9:30 a.m. Needles & Notions

9:30 a.m. Worship Services in English 6:00 p.m. Los Amigos / AA Meeting in Spanish

11:00 a.m. Christian Education 7:00 p.m. Kids Club & MYF

12:00 p.m. Spanish Worship Services 7:00 p.m. Alabanza y Oración

7:00 p.m. Red de Apoyo/Network of Support


12 noon AA Meeting in the Library 6:30 p.m. Peace Center


6:15 a.m. Anabaptist Prayer Gathering in Room B4 5:00 a.m. Prayer Time in the Fireside Room

6:00 p.m. Prayer Meeting in the Basement

July 2012 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


United Service

Baptism and


2 3

7PM Deacons

4 5 6 7




In Hollywood

10 11

6PM Dine Out

PIM Fundraiser

6:30 Trustees

12 13 14


Jr/Jr Hi Camp

16 17

7PM Council

18 19 20 21


High School


23 24 25 26 27 28

29 30 31