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Technical Manual

Technical Document of C.A.T 3 Ventilated Façade System

Technical Dep. Wandegar Wandegar_2001_S.L.U__-_P.I_Mabesa_Camí_Foies_Ferraes_Nave_13._

Phone_ +34 964_363_721__Fax_ +34 964_386_720__CP:_12110__L'Alcora_(Castellón)_


The façade is the outdoor and main wall of a building, isolating the

perimeter of outdoor environment. The main characteristic of ventilated

façades is the air chamber, divided by two parts, the indoor one resolved by

the insulation and sealing, and the outdoor one, which form an air chamber,

ensuring a continuous ventilation along the whole façade surface. It permits

isolate the cold in winter and warm in summer, achieving energetic saves

up to 30%. Outdoor cladding walls could be of many kind of materials such

ceramic, natural stone, composites, etc. Rediwa CAT 3 system is a visible

anchoring that supports and retains the ceramic by its corners. Furthermore,

the system is complemented by the fixing longitudinal of an elastic-

chemical adhesive of ceramic to the vertical profiles, increasing the safety

and avoiding any vibration because of wind, expansion, etc.


Rediwa CAT 3 System has been developed to be installed such ventilated

cladding wall with ceramic tiles, point-fixed with stainless steel clamps and

longitudinal beads of adhesive to the metallic structure. This system does

not contribute to building stability.

Wandegar or any other specialized company approved by us should install

the system, being possible the technical assistance of Wandegar. We

reserve the inspection right of checking any installation of the system

described in this document, whether or not executed by Wandegar.

The installer company will ensure that installation will be executed

according to conditions exposed in this document and tolerating the

observations made by the Technical Department of Wandegar.


This Technical Document has been created by the Technical Department of

Wandegar following the specifications in the actual normative. The system

metallic substructure and its anchorages on the wall (vertical profiles and

brackets) are exactly the same than the ones described in DIT 529/09 that

issue the Eduardo Torroja Sciences Construction Institute, so Wandegar

extends this structure description to this document.


The named system Rediwa CAT 3 developed to install ventilated façade in

new building or restoration, composed by ceramic tiles fixed to the

aluminium framework with chemical and mechanical anchors.

The framework is based in vertical profiles, fixations and its corresponding

anchors. They were developed to be installed on regular and vertical walls.

These walls can be done of concrete, bricks or metallic structure.

Anyway, anchors should be defined in the ventilated façade technical

project depending the support and loadings to transmit.


The Rediwa CAT 3 system is composed by:

- Vertical aluminium profiles anchored to wall support with brackets

and the necessaries anchors. These profiles will be coincident with

the vertical joints.

- Stainless steel clips AISI 304

- Single component elastic putty, based on polymer MS.

Fig. 1: Detail of Rediwa CAT 3 system


3.1 Coverings

This system has been developed to use it with ceramic coverings.

Wandegar is not a ceramic producer, so we do not guarantee its quality.

3.2 Elastic adhesive putty.

Monocomponent elastic adhesive putty, based on polymer MS of fast

drying with moisture in air.


- Single component, easy application between +5 and +50 ºC

- It adheres without primmer

- Neutral. It doesn’t corrode metals neither alkaline substrates attacks.

- It stays flexible from -40 to +90ºC

- Very high resistance to UV.

- Good adherence on wet surfaces.

Characteristics of non-dried adhesive

Aspect Homogeneous creamy paste

Take off (NF P 85501): Null

Tack free (ASTM C-679-71) 10-15 minutes

Dry speed to A23ºC and 55% air


2-3 mm/day

Volume losses (DIN 52451) Inappreciable

Skin formation (BS 5889 Ap A) 20-40 minutes

Ignition temperature (DIN 51794) 460 ºC

Application temperature +5 to +50ºC

Characteristics of dried adhesive (4 weeks to 23ºC and 55% air moisture)

Aspect Similar to rubber

Shore Hardness A (DIN 53505) 40±3

Elastic Module 100% (DIN 53504) 0.8-1.1 MPa

Traction Resistance (DIN 53504) 1.8-2.4 MPa

Breaking Elongation (DIN 53504) 350-450 %

Joint Movement 25%

Temperature Resistance -40 to +90ºC

UV Resistance Very good

3.3 Clips

The anchoring clips are made in stainless steel AISI 304. The visible clips

are lacquered to same colour than ceramic. These clamps are fixed to

vertical framework with auto drilling screws A2 4.5x19mm coincident with

vertical opened joints, so installation and replacement is very easy.

Fig. 2 CAT 3 System Visible clip

Mechanical Properties:

Creep Resistance 310 MPa (45 KSI)

Maximum Resistance 620 MPa (90KSI)

Elongation 30% (in 50mm)

Area Reduction 40%

Modulus of Elasticity 200 Gpa (29000 KSI)

Physics Properties:

Density 7.8 g/cm3 (0.28 lb/in3)

Chemical Properties:

0.08% C min

2.00 % Mn

1.00 % Si

18.0 – 20.0 % Cr

8.0 – 10.5 % Ni

0.045 % P

0.03 % S

3.4 Substructure

3.4.1 Materials

The vertical profiles and brackets are manufactured with extruded

aluminium of magnesium-silicon alloy EN-AW 6063 with treatment T5.

Phisical and mechanical characteristics are indicated on this table:

Density (kg/dm3) 2.7

Modulus of Elasticity (MPa) 69500

Poisson Coefficient 0.33

Maximum tension admissible (MPa) (4) ≥ 175

Elastic Limit Rp 0.2 (MPa) (4) ≥ 130

Elongation 8

Thermal Expansion Coefficient (k-1) (20

to 100ºC)

23’6 . 10-6


There exist two types:

- Sustaining brackets, which support and transmit to the concrete

structure weight and wind burdens. They’re usually fixed to slabs.

- Retaining brackets, which they just transmit the horizontal wind

burdens. They’re fixed to wall support.

All these brackets are 3mm thickness.

You can check the geometric characteristics of the brackets in the

following table:

Characteristics Length sides 70x50 Length sides 90x60

Weight (kg/m) 0.8 1.15

Area (mm2) 351 441

Perimeter (mm) 240 300

Turning radius Xc (mm) 22.68 29.37

Turning radius Yc (mm) 14.99 17.86

Moment of Inertia Ixx (cm4) 18.05 38.04

Moment of Inertia Iyy (cm4) 7.88 14.07

Standard Bracket 70x50x115

Standard Corner Bracket 70x180x80

3.5.3 Vertical Profile

There exist four different standard vertical profiles. Physical and

mechanical characteristics are indicated on this table. Measurements are

indicated on fig. 3. Dimensional and shape tolerances are agree with Norm

UNE EN 755-9. To special applications, these profiles could be another

one non-standardized according to the needs.

Tube profile 40x40 Column Vertical Profile 80x40

T Vertical Profile 60 x 80 Column Vertical Profile 80x64

3.5.4 Fasteners

The fasteners to join profiles together and also to the brackets are

manufactured with stainless steel on A2 or A4 alloy with the measurements

and mechanical properties according to this table.

3.5.5 Anchorages to support

Type, position and number of anchorages of the brackets to the wall

support will depend according to the support material and the efforts

transmitted to it, being reflected on the previous ventilated façade project.

The standard anchorages to the slabs are the mechanical plugs A2 M8x75

with these main characteristics:

- Traction Resistance: 561 kg

- Shear loading: 513 kg



This structure is installed on the support with the brackets and

necessary anchorages.

The vertical profiles will be installed coincident with the vertical joints.


To install the porcelain, you have to fix to the vertical profile an initial

clamp with the auto-drilling screw 4.2x19 on the bottom side of the

porcelain. Then, you have to apply a vertical putty string on the vertical

profile, and then, when you install the porcelain, this putty will also join the

porcelain to the profile. This putty provides a higher safety and avoids

porcelain movements. Then non-leaving the porcelain, insert the standard

clamp on the top grooves and screw to the vertical profile. Then, you can

continue fixing all the horizontal line with porcelain using the initial

clamps and following the process. It’s advisable to start from the bottom to

the top.

Apply the putty string

Nails of the Visible Clamp



The action on the ventilated façade system will be calculated according to

CTE DBSE-AE related to actions on edification.

For the system calculation, it will be considered that porcelain should

support wind loadings (pressure and suction) and transmit them, with its

own weight and through the structure and anchorages to the support.

To buildings up to 30m high and to limitations according to CTE-DB-SE-

AE related to wind action, these will be determined according to

established in that Basic Document (DB), that talks about the building high,

size and position of the porcelain.

For greater heights, or special wind loading areas, it will be necessary to

make a specific study to determine the wind actions and Aeolian

pressure/suction coefficients.


A ventilated facade is defined as the exterior and the main facing of a building, so, it

insulates the perimeter from exterior environment. A ventilated façade is characterized

mainly because it is a enclosure with an air chamber, separated by two skins, the

internal one resolves the insulation and the sealing, and the external, whose main

mission is to create the air chamber, ensures a continuous ventilation all along the

surface of the façade. That permits insulation from cold in winter and warm in summer,

getting energy savings up to 30%. The external facing is open to be resolved with a lot

of materials: ceramic tiles, natural stone, phenolic panel, etc. The Rediwa CAT 7 system

has been specially designed to be used on thickness ceramic tile coating (maximum 7



The Rediwa CAT 7 System described on the present document has been designed for

coating in ventilated facades by using a ceramic material with a thickness lower than

7mm fixed to a metallic substructure by using a chemical fixation. The installation of

this System must be carried out by WANDEGAR 2001 S.L. (onwards Wandegar) or

other installators recognized by the own company, doing possible the technical

assistance by Wandegar. Wandegar reserves the right to inspect the works executed by

using the system described on this document, whether or not have been executed by the


The installation company must ensure that the system implementation work is carried

out under the conditions and fields described by the present Technical Document and

respecting the comments of the Technical Department of Wandegar.


The present technical document has been written by the Technical Department of

Wandegar and specified in accordance with the current applicable regulations. The

metallic substructure of the system and their supporting wall fixings (vertical profiles

and anchors) are exactly the same as those described in the DIT 525/09 of the Institute

of Construction Science Eduardo Torroja. Wandegar extends the description of the

substructure described in the DIT to this document. The system was tested by the

DRAFT ETAG 034 - EOTA (European Organisation for Technical Approvals) in the

laboratories of APPLUS+ to load pressure and suction obtaining highly satisfactory


L´Alcora (Castellón), 7th of July 2010


Ventilated Façade System - Technical Document

Rediwa CAT 7 System

Technical Department of Wandegar Wandegar 2001 S.L. - P.I Mabesa Camí Foies Ferraes Nave 13.

Tel 964 363 721 Fax 964 386 720 C.P: 12110 L'Alcora (Castellón) [email protected]


1. OBJECT The ceramic fixing system Rediwa C.A.T 7

developed by Wandegar for slim ceramic tiles

(below 8mm thickness) as the one manufactured

by THE SIZE consists basically in a chemical-

elastic longitudinal fixing of the ceramic over

vertical profiles besides a mechanical support

where the tile weight rests.


DESCRIPTION The REDIWA CAT 7 system of ventilated façades

is composed by:

— Vertical “T” structure anchored on the

enclosure with brackets and other

necessary anchorage elements. The

distance among the vertical profiles will

be up to 60cm and there always will be

one of these profiles on the vertical joints

between tiles.

— Aluminium supports in “L” shape

lacquered in black and directly screwed to

the vertical profiles. These supports

receive the ceramic tile weight, releasing

the adhesive of this function.

— Elastic adhesive single composed putty,

with a permanent elasticity, high

adhesiveness and mechanical resistance,

fast polymeric action because the

ambient moisture action. The adhesive

putty fulfils with DIN 4102, type B2 fire


— Double faced adhesive to initial fastening

of the ceramic tiles while adhesive putty

polymerizes (about 24 hours).

Furthermore, this 3mm thickness

adhesive allows getting the same distance

from the profile to the ceramic, so we

always get an equal plane.

Figure: Rediwa CAT 7 system


3.1 Ceramics The system has been specially designed for slim

ceramic tiles (below 8mm thickness).

3.2 Elastic adhesive MS WAN-FIX

PANELES - Elastic adhesive single composed putty,

with a permanent elasticity, high

adhesiveness and mechanical resistance,

fast polymeric action because the ambient

moisture action. The adhesive putty

fulfils with DIN 4102, type B2 fire


o Adhesive Traction Resistance: 4

N/mm² (40 km/cm²)

o Adhesive Cut Resistance: 2’5

N/mm² (40 km/cm²)

o Adhesive Tear Resistance: 9

N/mm² (40 km/cm²)

o Tixotropy: Excellent. It doesn’t

take down

o Application Temperature: +5 to

+50ºC with no raining

3.3 Primer Primary framework primed to improve the

adherence of the putty with a chemical product

made with alcohols and polyurethane resin. Color: Colorless.

Solid Contents: 5%

Inflammation point (DIN



Solvents: Acetone, toluene, xylene

Treatment of the Board: The surfaces should be dry, firm

and free of dust, mud, oil or

grease, etc. After cleaning with

ethanol is recommended.

Work Technique: Implement, preferably to brush, a

thin, continuous layer on the walls

of the Board previously treated,

leaving dry approximately an hour

before applying the sealant.

Drying time: Approximately 30 minutes at 23


PRIMER C-29 It is flammable. Do not smoke or use unprotected

flame during its implementation. The work area must be well


PRIMER C-29 It is dangerous by inhalation. Avoid contact with

skin or eyes. Wear gloves, and before eating or smoking, wash

your hands with an industrial detergent..

3.4 Double faced adhesive Double faced adhesive to initial fastening of the

ceramic piece while the adhesive putty

polymerizes (about 24 hours). Furthermore, this

3mm thickness adhesive allows getting the same

distance from the profile to the ceramic, so we

always get an equal plane.

3.5 Structure

3.5.1 Materials All the aluminium profiles (vertical, “L” and “U”)

and the brackets are extruded in EN AW 6063


Physical and mechanical characteristics are listed

in the table: Density (kg/dm3) 2,70

Elastic Module (MPa) 69 500

Poisson Coefficient 0,33

Maximum allowed stress (MPa)


≥ 175

Elastic Limit Rp 0,2 (MPa) (4) ≥ 130

Elongation (% (4) 8

Expansion Thermal Coefficient

( K-1)

(20 a 100 ºC)

23,6 .10-6

3.5.2 Brackets Special aluminium pieces with “L” shape and

3mm thickness fixed to the walls of the building to

connect the ventilated façade substructure with the

building’s framework. There are two kinds:

• Load, which are the responsible of supporting

and transmitting to the wall support the whole

weight and wind. These brackets are placed in the

building structural elements.

• Retention, its function is to support and pass the

wall support horizontal loads generated by the

wind; they are placed on the wall support.

All the Brackets have a thickness of 3mm.

The geometric characteristics of most frequent use

brackets are listed in following table: Characteristics Wing length


Wing length


Weight (kg / m) 0,80 1,15

Area (mm2) 351 441

Perimeter (mm) 240 300

Turning Radius Xc (mm) 22,68 29,37

Turning Radius Yc (mm) 14,99 17,86

Inertial Moment IXX(cm4) 18,05 38,04

Inertial Moment Iyy (cm4) 7,88 14,07

Standard Bracket

(Front elevation, side and section)

Corner Bracket

(Front elevation, side and section) Designation Detalle

Load Bracket 90 x

60 x 175

Retention Bracket

90 x 60 x 110

Standard Bracket 80

x 40 x 140

Standard Bracket 80

x 40 x 100

Load Bracket 70 x

50 x 150

Retention Bracket

50 x 50 x 120

Standard Bracket

100 x 85 x 200

3.5.3 Vertical profiles Vertical structure anchored to the enclosure with the

brackets. The distance among the vertical profiles

will be up to 60cm and there always will be one of

these profiles on the vertical joints between tiles.

For special applications there are other vertical

profiles not standardized. Characteristics Profile �


Profile T

60 x 80


45x 43



Weight (kg/m) 0,85 0,90 1,09 1,52

Area (mm2) 304 333,53 406,84 563,37


thickness (mm)

1,5 2,5 3 3

Perimeter (mm) 160 320 469 571

Turning Radius

Xc (mm)

15,73 19,36 18,12 26,91

Turning Radius

Yc (mm)

15,73 17,13 20,91 20,63

Inertial Moment

IXX (cm4)

5,71 11,50 13,37 23,97

Inertial Moment

Iyy (cm4)

5,71 10,67 17,80 40,80

Profile �


Profile T

60 x 80

Profile 45x 43

Profile 64x45

3.5.4 Anchors Anchorages used will be always in A2 or A4

steel alloy:

3.5.5 Load Anchors The type, position and number of anchorages for

attaching the brackets to the wall support will be

calculated depending on the material of the wall

and the loads calculation. This will be reflected in

the technical project of the ventilated facade.

Standard anchor


4.1 Primary framework installation

Vertical “T” structure anchored on the enclosure

with brackets and other necessary anchorage

elements. The distance among the vertical

profiles will be up to 60cm and there always will

be one of these profiles on the vertical joints.

4.2 “L” Profile installation “L” profile installation that serves as a support to

the initial tiles on the bottom of the façade. This

horizontal profile also will serve to get the façade

perfect levelled.

4.3 Vertical profiles cleaning and

primering The vertical profile cleaning is achieved using a

cloth to eliminate dust and aluminium chips. Later,

we primer these profiles to improve the adherence

of the putty.

4.4 Double faced adhesive and elastic-

adhesive putty application


Central vertical profile

Lateral vertical profile


Double Shield Adhesive

4.5 Ceramic tile installation

L´Alcora (Castellón), 7th of July 2010,

