express your personal brand through the power of podcasting

Neville Hobson, ABC November 8, 2007

Post on 19-Oct-2014




1 download


Topics discussed in 'Express Your Personal Brand Through the Power of Podcasting' teleseminar, Nov 8, 2007.


Page 1: Express Your Personal Brand Through the Power of Podcasting

Neville Hobson, ABC

November 8, 2007

Page 2: Express Your Personal Brand Through the Power of Podcasting

The elements of successful podcasting Who is podcasting How to build a community of listeners How to promote your podcast

hence, your brand How to get started with your own podcast

This teleseminar is about personal brand-building and how podcasting can help you. We’ll look at:

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Building your personal brand is something you can do whether you’re an individual in business or an employee of an organization Indeed, personal brand-building can be even

more important if you’re an employee You need to do it the right way And the right way is to provide something

of value to others where there is no apparent direct reward to you

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Digital audio file, typically MP3

“Radio show” format Time-shifted: listen

when you want Delivered via RSS

Optional: Auto-sync with

portable digital player Detach and go: listen

where you want Complemented by

show notes

(By the way, you don’t need an iPod, or any other portable player, to listen to a podcast)

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Blogs Wikis RSS Podcasts Videocasts / Vlogs Moblogs MMS Internet telephony Social networks Virtual communities

Tools that facilitate: Communication Engagement Transparency Trust

Tools that are: Complementary to

traditional communication activities

Used by people who recognize the social characteristics of effective communication

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Relevance Keep to the point Avoid fluff Info-tain Build and engage


Don’t sell Be authentic Respect listeners’

time Integrate into


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The barriers to entry are incredibly low All you need is a computer, a microphone,

some free software and imagination Your audience can number in the single

digits Unlike radio, you don’t need big numbers to

be successful Whatever you do, it’s all about content

and your passion Actually, it’s all about your listeners

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Audience can listen while they do something else

Deliver specialized content to a niche audience they can’t get anywhere else

Convey information that’s best conveyed through audio

Build a loyal community of listeners Use the podcast as a means of soliciting

feedback Use a podcast as an alternate channel to

reinforce communication via other channels

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Your message does not lend itself to audio (or video)

Your audience is not inclined to listen Your message requires focus Your boss/client says “Hey, let’s do a

podcast!” there must be a measurable (strategic)

business reason

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Anna Farmery – UK (The Engaging Brand)

Donna Papacosta – Canada (Trafcom News)

CC Chapman – US (Accident Hash)

Terry Fallis & David Jones – Canada (Inside PR)

Bryan Person – US (New Comm Road)

Heidi Miller – US (Diary of a Shameless Self Promoter)

Mitch Joel – Canada (Six Pixels of Separation)

Jonathan Hoel – Australia (PR Junction)

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1. It’s easy2. It’s inexpensive3. It’s portable4. It’s available

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Easy and complementary extension of your existing communication, PR and marketing activities

Reach niche audiences otherwise (financially) unreachable

Create buzz, build viral marketing effect Be perceived to be at the leading edge Be seen as a thought leader …

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A new product announcement that complements traditional communication Includes informal conversations between, say,

a customer and you

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A weekly review of activities and events of interest to investors and financial analysts Within the limits of regulatory requirements

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A weekly 15-minute business update for employees

Employees worldwide subscribe to the podcast via the company intranet Or from your blog

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The sales director records an occasional podcast for her geographically-dispersed sales team Tips and tricks on, say, how to close deals

with certain types of customers Podcast available from the sales intranet

as a complement to formal sales materials

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Members of a community share a common bond that increases a sense of loyalty to a show

Building community increases listener loyalty, is a catalyst for content and helps spread the word to increase your audience

Tap into the social networking potential presented by a podcast

Host your podcast on a blog

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Started January 3, 2005 First podcast in the

communication profession Co-hosts: Neville Hobson (UK)

and Shel Holtz (USA) 60 mins, twice weekly, Monday

and Thursday, recorded via Skype Average per-show downloads:

1,600 Global audience

Primary: USA, Canada, UK, continental Europe, China, Australia

Building community 3 on-the-ground correspondents

Two sponsors: Ragan Communications and CustomScoop

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The Hobson & Holtz Report twice-weekly show

Interviews with newsmakers and influencers from the online technology and organizational communication worlds

Book Reviews aligned with our theme of PR/communications and the online world

Speakers and Speeches - podcasts of speeches, keynote addresses, breakout sessions, and other recordings from meetings and conferences of interest to PR and communication professionals

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Involve listeners Encourage listeners Address their needs Engage

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#1: Get listed in iTunes Get listed in key directories

Make sure no directory manipulates your content, notably the RSS feed

Get some media coverage Network in the podcasting community Create podcast badges Record podcast promos Pimp for votes

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iTunes Store Podcast Alley Podcast Pickle… and many more

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Basic gear: USB microphone/headset Free recording/editing software

▪ Audacity for Windows/Mac/Linux

Intermediate gear: Cartioid or condenser microphone Headphones Mixer Portable audio recorder Higher-end software, eg, Adobe Audition (Windows),

GarageBand (Macintosh) High-end gear:

+ digital mixers, compressors, pre-amps…

About£30 / $60

£500 / $1,000 – £2,500 /


£3,000 / $6,000and up

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On sale now Published by McGraw-

Hill £13.49 at $16.49 at Companion website at


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Engage and Participate vs. Transmit

Advocate vs. Preach

Influence and Persuade vs. Command and Control

Informal and Conversational

vs. Formal and Instructive

Build Community vs. Tell Your Audience

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Neville Hobson, ABC [email protected] +44 7824 33 7000

For Immediate Release podcasts [email protected] Comment Lines:

Europe: +44 20 8133 9844 US: +1 206 222 2803

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