expository skills test review how does writing translate into multiple choice questions?

Expository Skills Test Review How does writing translate into multiple choice questions?

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Expository Skills Test Review

How does writing translate into multiple choice questions?

Page 2: Expository Skills Test Review How does writing translate into multiple choice questions?

StandardsELACC8RI5: Analyze in detail the structure of a

specific paragraph in a text, including the role of particular sentences in developing a key concept.

ELACC8W2: Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts, and information through the selection and organization of relevant content.

a. Introduce a topic clearly, previewing what is to follow; organize ideas, concepts, and information

c. Use appropriate and varied transitions ELACC8W5: strengthen writing by revising and

editing ELACC8L2: Demonstrate command of punctuation

and and spelling when writing.

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• Transitions are words that help us move from place to place in our papers.

• Transitions should be at the beginning of body paragraphs and conclusions.

• They should also appear within paragraphs.Common Transitions: First, next, nevertheless,

furthermore, certainly, subsequently, finally, also, additionally, in contrast, for example, (and many more)

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Using Transitions Effectively

• You can not just toss any transitions into any sentence and have it make sense.

Ex. Temperatures on Venus can reach 600 degrees. For example, Venus is not a good place for humans to live.

“For example” must be followed by an example

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Fix it: Replace the transition with one that makes sense.

Ex. Temperatures on Venus can reach 600 degrees. Therefore, Venus is not a good place for humans to live.

Ex. Temperatures on Venus can reach 600 degrees. Obviously, Venus is not a good place for humans to live.

Ex. Temperatures on Venus can reach 600 degrees. For this reason, Venus is not a good place for humans to live.

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• The conductor played a note on the keyboard. Although, all the instruments tuned to the same pitch.

“Although” means that even though one thing happened, something else was able to happen anyway.

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Attention Grabbers

• Attention grabbers are the FIRST sentences in our essays. They get the reader’s interest. They must also relate to the topic.

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Which is the best attention grabber for an essay on roses?

a. Once upon a time grew a plant called a rose. b. Roses are a type of flowering plant. c. There are many flowers that people don’;0t

know about.d. In gardens across America, gorgeous red

flowers blossom on otherwise thorny, scratchy bushes.

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• What should come next?

Sometimes, it’s easy to begin a new paragraph in our own writing. It’s hard to figure out what other people ought to say though.

Read your questions carefully.

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What would be a good start to the 2nd paragraph of this essay?

Learning to be a baker isn’t as difficult as you might imagine. There are 3 main skills to master: mixing, measuring, and using the oven.

A.The first step is learning the various methods of mixing ingredients.

B.Another important step to master is measuring correctly.

C. Baking will make your life exciting. D.Don’t burn yourself while using the oven!

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Put the sentence 2 in the correct order.

1) So far, I have attended 3 schools. 2) Then, I started to go to Rockmart Middle School. 3) I went to pre-k and kindergarten at my church. 4) All through grade school, I lived in Cedartown and went to schools in the area. 5) Hopefully, I will be at the high school soon.

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• Revising means strengthening your ideas by adding to your paper, changing your paper, or taking out parts of your paper.

• Editing means correcting errors in conventions such as capitalization, punctuation, and spelling

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Punctuation Rule 1

• Commas go between cities and states.

• Add the comma:

Ex. We are going on a trip to Savannah Georgia.Ex. Gulf Shores Alabama is a fun place to visit

during the summer.

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Punctuation Rule 2

• Use commas if a sentence has a dependent clause at the beginning.

Add the commas

Ex. Because of my hard work I passed all of my classes.

Ex. Since it is cold we all need jackets.

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Repetition and Redundancy

• Both of these words mean saying the same thing over and over again.

Ex. A good role model is always certain to help others. That’s what a good role model does!

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Which sentence should be removed to eliminate repetition?

1) For one thing, Carrie Underwood is a good role model because she takes criticism well. 2) She understands that sometimes criticism is meant to help people to be better, not just to put them down. 3) Instead of getting mad at the judges on American Idol when they criticizer her, she used their comments to become a better singer. 4) Their comments were mean, but they made her more talented.