explore sharepoint 2010 enterprise & document management features


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Topic 2 : Explore SharePoint 2010 Enterprise & Document Management features This session you learn about SharePoint 2010 Enterprise Content Management offerings. Enterprise Content Management Document Management features Metadata Management Term Store, Term Sets & Terms Content Hub Content Type Syndication Document IDs Document Sets Document Centre Content organizer Sent to Location


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Page 2: Explore SharePoint 2010 Enterprise & Document Management features

Explore SharePoint 2010 Enterprise & Document Management features K. Mohamed FaizalLead Consultant NCS (P) Ltd.http://faizal-comeacross.blogspot.com/ [email protected] @kmdfaizal

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Enterprise & Document Management features Metadata Management

Term Store, Term Sets & Terms

Content Hub

Content Type Syndication

Document IDs

Document Sets

Document Center

Content organizer

Sent to Location

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Enterprise Content Management

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SharePoint 2007 vs SharePoint 2010All the previous functionality from SharePoint 2007 has been included:

Major and minor versioning

Required checkout

Content types

Information management policies

Built-in workflows

Incoming e-mail support

New features that have been added in SharePoint 2010 include the following:

Document IDs

Document sets

Metadata navigation

Relational lists

Multiple check-in

Content organizer; rule-based submission

Offline management

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Enterprise Content Management

Significant investments in both platform & features for ECM in SharePoint Server 2010

Enterprise content typesDefine once for the enterprise, use in multiple site collections in the same or different farms

Metadata everywhereManaged MetadataDocument Sets Unique document ID ServiceFeaturization of MOSS 2007 RM specific capabilities

Advanced RoutingAuditing, retention, expiration, reporting, eDiscovery, holds, recordization

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Managed Metadata Service

Managed Metadata Service ApplicationTerm StoreContent type syndicationTerm Store Management Tool

Term & keyword field support in Office 2010 clientsImport of Metadata into a term store using CSV filesNew managed metadata field type bound to a term set

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Metadata Everywhere

Huge investments in metadata across the platformMetadata based navigation

Easier for users as content is more discoverableContent stewards help in creating indices on metadata fields for enhanced nav. performance

Users can now filter search results using metadata of result setLocation based metadata

Content stewards create helpers for libraries & content types

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Term Store, Term Sets & Terms

Service Application (Term Store) » Groups » Term Sets » Terms

Locations » Cities » RedmondAdministrators & users create term stores & terms

Flat list or hierarchical listDisambiguating, reusing, merging & deprecating termsCustom properties available from OM

Term store facilitates the management & retrieval of metadata & relationshipsTerms can belong to one or more term sets

Translations & synonyms

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Term Store

One term store per shared service app

Many groups per term store. Used as security boundary

Many term sets per group (max 1000 total per term store)

30K terms per term set (max. 1m total)

SynonymsDescriptionTranslations(Custom properties)

Content Types

Metadata Service

Term Store

Term Set(s)



ContentType Hub

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Enterprise Keywords & Tags

Enterprise Keywords = TermFree text entries are converted to terms in term store – not part of any hierarchy thoughCan be promoted to term sets

TagsCan be terms or keywordsShell Tags:

Kept in sync with the item’s managed keyword fieldSaved in the item’s managed keyword field

Social Tags:Allows users to create and apply keywords to itemsStored in social store, not with the item itself

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Term Store Management Tool

Provides rich interface for full management of term sets and terms

Import of term sets and termsTranslations & synonyms

Manage term set / term languagesSubmission policy (open / closed)

Open means users can submit terms to the term store (when adding / editing items)Regardless of the policy, users can always submit keywords

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Term Store Management Tool

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Managed Metadata Service and Term Store Management

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Content Type

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Enterprise Content TypesContent types were scoped at the site-level (SPSite) in WSS 3.0Site-level content types still exist in SPF2010New MM Service Application allows syndication of “enterprise” content types across sites, site collections, Web apps & farms

Define one site collection as the content type hubEnterprise content types are read only in sitesSites can have enterprise and local content types in sitesLocal content types can inherit from enterprise content types

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Web Application 1

Content Type 1

Content Type 2

Content Type 1

Content Type 2

Web Application 2

Content Type 1

Content Type 2

Content Type 1

Content Type 2

Site Collection Site Collection Site Collection Site Collection

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Web Application 1

Content Type 1


Content Type 2

Content Type 1

Content Type 2

Web Application 2

Content Type 1

Content Type 2

Content Type 1

Content Type 2


Site Collection Site Collection Site Collection Site Collection



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Content Type Content type hub / Content Type Syndication Maximum of 1 Hub per Metadata Shared Application ServiceContent Type with all the corresponding columnsIncluding Document Set Content TypePoliciesAnd workflow associations (not the workflows)From the hub

Publish UnpublishRepublishRoll-up errors from consuming site collections

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DEMOContent Hub / Content Type


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Document ID provider

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Unique Document ID Service

Business caseUnique numbering for documents which I can format in any wayStore documents in any location and referenced by the original URL that assigned From an compliance, Records Management and Document Management perspective ensure a unique identifier that can trace the document, through the entire DM lifecycle.Documents required to keep their original ID across Sites, Site Collections and even Web Applications.

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Unique Document ID Service

New site collection Feature: Document ID ServiceAdds unique ID for all documents throughout the site collectionDocuments can be retrieved regardless of the current of future location based on their unique ID, which does not change after initially set for the document

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ONLY content types that are derived from the Document Content Type will have unique ID’s

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Creating custom document ID provider

Custom document provider can be implemented to replace the OOB funcitonality

Inherit your provider from the Microsoft.Office.DocumentManagement.DocumentIdProvider

Replace provider using Microsoft.Office.DocumentManagement.DocumentId.SetProvider()

Applies change in Site Collection level

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DEMODocument ID provider

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Document Sets

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Introducing Document SetsScenario Overview

New object to manage work products made up of multiple documentsThink Folder++

Key ScenariosTight collection of documents

A sales proposal that includes documents (proposal), spreadsheets (quotation), and presentationsHeterogeneous file types not usually assembled

Compound documentsA user manual that is an assembled roll-up of separate sections

How can doc sets manage the unmanaged?Automate repetitive content creationGuide users through complex processesProvide process insightsManage related work productsFoundation for document assembly

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Document SetsFeatures Deep Dive

Document Set Features• Shared metadata• Customized welcome page• Default documents added

• Version capture• Workflows• Archive to Records Center

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Example document set

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Document Sets – Templates, Versioning

Document Templates:Admins can provide users document templates for creating new items for the work product

Document Set Versioning:Set owners can capture the state of the set at different points in the lifecycleAbility to see point-in-time history of the setSet owners can restore to a previous version of the set

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Document Sets - Workflow

Special OOTB activities for working with document sets provided for SharePoint Designer authored workflows

OOTB workflow provided for working with document sets

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Can Document set contain other document sets?

Unfortunately it doesn'tCan we Download all documents of a document set compressed into a ZIP file ?

Out of the box “No”Deploy SharePoint SDK provide sample code

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DEMOCreating document sets

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Content organizer

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Content organizer

Enable Content Organizer featureDrop Off Library (DOL).Automatically routes documents that are based on the Document content type Documents can be automatically routed to different libraries, and folders within those librariesControl the number of documents in a specific folder

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Content organizer

Users typically need a good understanding of the site / library structure to know where to save documentsContent organizer - users upload to sites

Routing rules will determine where the document is savedRouting rules defined by site administrators

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Content Organizer Settings

Redirect Users to the Drop Off LibrarySending to Another SiteFolder PartitioningDuplicate SubmissionsPreserving ContextRule ManagersSubmission Points

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Supports only document content type

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Send to Location

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DEMOSend to Location

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Document Center

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SP 2007 DM Recap

Repository services (adjustable)Recycle BinCheck-in/outMajor/minor versioning (with trimming)Item-level permissionsContent TypesPolicy per Content TypeWorkflow

Document libraries offline in Outlook

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Document Center:Scenario Overview

ContentReasonably large number of documents (500-500,000)Active – still being Authored AND Consumed

Typical examplesRFP response library for a global sales forceSpec library for and engineering teamBrand image repository for a marketing teamContractsConsulting engagements

ManagementUsually has a “content steward” defining the library structure, metadata, templates, business process, etc.

Note: Nothing you can’t do in a team collab site!

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Document Center:Feature Review

Tagcross farm with shared hierarchal taxonomies and typesautomatically with location based metadata defaults

Discoverwith metadata based navigation in client and serverwith location based view definitionsthe best content with Ratingsthe latest version with Unique Document IDsrepositories with ties to Office Client New/Open/Save

Managewith Metadata based content organizerwith Multi-stage retention policieswith Location/Folder based policies

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DEMODocument Center

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Q&AQuestions & Answers

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SharePoint Developer Centre

Learn about ECM http://chrislcap.spaces.live.com/http://faizal-comeacross.blogspot.com/Custom Document ID http://www.zimmergren.net/

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