exhibition methods


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Post on 13-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Exhibition methods



Page 2: Exhibition methods

What is exhibition?

Exhibition is how the film is actually viewed by consumers and how they may chose to access the film through different platforms as well as involving the retail branch of the film industry. It involves selling the experience of a film.

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Pro’s Con’s

People are more likely to purchase merchandise when at the cinema due to synogy, this means that companies will link with the film to create merchandise to sell at the cinema e.g. Fanta ice blast and frozen cups to go with it .

Cinema’s are usually the most popular place for people to look for new releases of films meaning they will invest.

Many enjoy cinema experiences and use them as a family trip out etc

many find cinema tickets to be expensive so are less likely to invest.

Some many find it inconvenient and rather watch them in the comfort of their own home

Cinema Cinema is where audiences can purchase tickets to a view a film once

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Pro’s Con’s

It’s easily for audiences to view the film due to technological convergence (can be accessed on one device)

Many people are now subscribed to Netflix and online streaming platforms meaning if your film is on there you will reach a larger audience.

Its cheaper than options such as cinema and DVD meaning people may be more likely to invest

Not everyone has these online streaming platforms so they may not see your media production on there

Some find subscribing to an online streaming site more trouble than it’s actually worth

Some may enjoy a more classical approach of going to the cinema

Online streaming Examples of online streaming include Netflix/amazon prime. These are

platforms where people can watch films in the comfort of their own home.

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Pro’s Con’s

Allows smaller companies to get a chance of people viewing their productions without having to pay big money into the cinema or online streaming platforms

Reaches a specific audience that are more into independent film companies

Many come to watch films so could perhaps create a wide audience

There’s no guarantee people will watch your film

Audiences are harder to target so some many not enjoy your content and not want to see

some may not find the time or have the effort to attend the event, they could be more likely to just attend cinema’s

Film Festivals A film festival is an event that takes place which allows smaller institutions to

get their films recognised

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Pro’s Con’s

Easy for the audience to access

Can watch the film multiple times without paying over and over

Can be cheap in comparison to other platforms eg netflix is £6.99 a month a film is only roughly £15

Many people now buy into platforms such as Netflix or Nowtv Meaning DVD’s are not as popular.

DVD’s can break or be damaged if not looked after carefully

When watching a DVD you have to have a device that you insert the DVD into eg Playstation, DVD player.

DVD A DVD is a copy of the production that can be sold on shelves in pretty

much any store

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Pro’s Con’s

Are able to access the movie from your own home

Cheaper than going to the cinema or buying a DVD so will appeal to more people

A reasonable amount of time to watch the film so can watch many times for a few days

Some profit will have to go to the TV company for having your film promoted

Not everyone will have the broadband network that your film is promoted on

Some may not want to rent and buy the DVD instead as they have it for longer.

Renting. Renting a movie involves purchasing it from a TV company such as sky, BT or virgin media. You purchase the film

and are then given a certain amount of time to watch it. E.g. 4 days

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What method I think will be suitable for my production

Overall all the methods are fairly suitable for my production however I feel that Cinema and online streaming will be most suitable.

This is because cinema will gain the most profit and many people look to the cinema when a new film is released meaning that is where my audience will go to watch my film.

Similarly, I will use online streaming as technological convergence is extremely popular within society in this time period. It is easy for users to access accounts such as Netflix and amazon prime via tablets, phones etc. they can stay in the comfort of their own home and can watch movies as many times as desired at a cheaper price.