exclusive technology section powered by: 2013 · 2013 plant editorial calendar to provide readers...

Exclusive technology section powered by: 2013 MEDIA PLANNER

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Page 1: Exclusive technology section powered by: 2013 · 2013 PlANT Editorial Calendar To provide readers who represent all links in the manufacturing decision-making chain with information

Exclusive technology section powered by:


Page 2: Exclusive technology section powered by: 2013 · 2013 PlANT Editorial Calendar To provide readers who represent all links in the manufacturing decision-making chain with information


Publisher’s Message

Manufacturing commands 13% of Canada’s GDP making it one of the most important economic generators in the economy. This sector consists of a diverse range of readers from senior-level management to the technical professionals operating on the plant floor. Until now, no single publication has served this entire market.

PLANT, the nation’s leading magazine for manufacturers since 1941, has joined with CIEN – Canada’s leading new products technology source since 1940, to create the only publication that reaches and serves all of these decision makers across every manufacturing and processing industry.

Engaging editorial content provides industry leaders with perspectives and insights into what drives manufacturing, process improvements that increase operational efficiencies, innovations and management strategies that will build their businesses. But the addition of Canadian Industrial Equipment News in each issue provides an even more comprehensive package for end users and decision makers with its coverage of advances in technology, hundreds of new products and the most in-depth product specific application stories.

With the widest and deepest market coverage, PLANT serves the unique and specific needs of advertisers in Canada’s multi-billion dollar manufacturing sectorwith effective custom-media solutions. Target broad or specific vertical and niche markets through comprehensive print and online campaigns, custom research and market-specific, face-to-face events.

We look forward to working with you on a customized marketing campaign in 2013 that will deliver your message to PLANT’s this important and receptive audience.

Michael [email protected]

Page 3: Exclusive technology section powered by: 2013 · 2013 PlANT Editorial Calendar To provide readers who represent all links in the manufacturing decision-making chain with information

2013Effective January 2013

Readership Highlights

Plant is the only Publication in canada offering advertisers exclusive access to every level of decision maker across all sectors of the manufacturing and Processing markets!

AND, PLANT Is #1 iN AudieNce delivering more qualified readers than any other manufacturing publication in Canada!

iN FAcT... 50% MORe ReAdeRS

Based on June 2012 ABC Audit.

Comments by respondents to our 2010 reader survey.

Advertise with the MArket LeAder

# 1Plant’s long history of serving this market has captivated the attention of loyal readers from executives to operations and engineering, plus the buyers, specifiers and users of your company’s products and services.

The addition of CIEN’s hands-on readership - from the plant manager to the end users on the plant floor - ensures your advertising message is being seen by decision makers across every level.

Executive Management • Plant Managers • Production/OperationsEngineering • Maintenance • Design Engineers • Purchasing

Our readers haven’t stopped at print…

Plant now offers the most extensive manufacturing e-news subscriber base in Canada. You can feel confident knowing that your message will reach key decision makers throughout the entire buying chain and with proven results!

Plant is your single-source media supplier offering the most comprehensive market coverage linking advertisers to Canada’s vital manufacturing markets.


Media Planner

CIEN has been a trusted source for the latest product information for over 70 years!

“Plant has been an integral part of our marketing in print and on line for many years and will continue to be in the future. It provided us with unique opportunities to reach out to manufacturing companies across Canada.”— James Johnson (Trade Analyst, Industrial and Capital Goods, Machines Italia Project Manager) Italian Trade

Commission, Toronto

What our clients have to say…

our readers provide insight into plant. . .

“It provides news about Canadian manufacturing that is significant to our economy but not reported in the major newspapers. It portrays new businesses and products that could be important to solving manufacturers’ problems. The articles are not sanitized

for political purposes but describe the scene

as it exists.”“Comprehensive magazine that focuses on the topics and issues at the forefront of

Canadian manufacturing.”




Page 4: Exclusive technology section powered by: 2013 · 2013 PlANT Editorial Calendar To provide readers who represent all links in the manufacturing decision-making chain with information


2013 PlANT Editorial Calendar

To provide readers who represent all links in the manufacturing decision-making chain with information that will energize their businesses and make them more successful.

Canada’s most comprehensive editorial package for manufacturers blends insights on industry issues, trends and lucrative market opportunities; management strategies; how-to articles; and case studies that demonstrate process improvements that drive business success.

On the technology side, the Canadian Industrial Equipment News (CIEN) section brings more comprehensive new technology and industrial products information to an expanded readership of professionals operating on the plant floor.

Print, online daily news, web-only features and weekly e-newsletters ensure this information is in decision makers’ hands when they need it. PlANT’s editorial content provides an ideal environment for vendors to deliver key messages to customers, emphasize the operational and cost benefits of products and services, present innovative new technologies and create, then heighten brand awareness.

Joe Terrett, Editor [email protected] • 416-442-5600 ext. 3219

EdiTorial Mission:

in every issue

JAnuAry/FeBruAry Special reports Tallying sustainability gainsCompany profile Success in global marketsProduction focus Automation: systems that improve productivity; plus tackling high energy costs IT for Industry: What’s new in design softwareCIEN Tech Report Instrumentation – test/measurement

MArCh Special reports Innovation: Turning ideas into realitiesCompany profile Addressing skills challengesProduction focus Maintenance: shutdowns; plus power transmission, motors, controls Materials management: What’s new in forklifts; plus materials handling products CIEN Tech Report Workplace health & safety

APriL Special reports Opportunities in the energy sector Company profile Manufacturing innovator Production focuss Automation: efficient system integration; plus cashing in on scrap CIEN Tech Report Hydraulics/pneumatics

MAy/June Special reports Plant salary survey: Benchmarking report 3 Company profile Advancing lean manufacturingProduction focus Maintenance: strategies and best practices; plus what’s new in lubricants, bearings tips Materials management: Lifting applications; wireless technologyCIEN Tech Report Compressed air products and systems

JuLy/AuGust Special reports Automotive sector update (APMA conference coverage) Company profile Successful R&D Production focus Automation: efficiency in conveying IT for industry: Leveraging business intelligence CIEN Tech Report Pumps and valves

sePteMBerSpecial reports Advancing lean: AME conference previewCompany profile Safety leaderProduction focus Maintenance: lubrication dos and don’ts; getting the most out of a CMMS; maintenance efficiency case study Materials management: Improving shop floor efficiency CIEN Tech Report Power transmission

OCtOBerSpecial reports Innovation: Making it payCompany profile Greener manufacturing processes Production focus Automation: What’s new in automation technology CIEN Tech Report Dust and fume extraction, fans, filtration

nOveMBer/deCeMBerSpecial reports Manufacturing Outlook: annual survey results and roundtable coverage Company profile Managing risk Production focus Maintenance: mining asset data, plus monitoring instruments Materials management: Improving warehouse efficiencyCIEN Tech Report Enclosures

• Industry trends • sustainable manufacturing • New technologies • Plant and product innovations • Management issues and ideas

• Production operations • Best practices • Case studies • Company profiles • Workplace safety

• lean tips • IT for industry • Business news • Economic analysis • labour relations

• Exporting strategies • New products • Career transitions • Events planner

Page 5: Exclusive technology section powered by: 2013 · 2013 PlANT Editorial Calendar To provide readers who represent all links in the manufacturing decision-making chain with information

2013Effective January 2013

2013 Rates & Dates: PrintMedia Planner

Mechanical Requirements: PrintTabloid page ad sizes Wide deep”

Tabloid (Trim) 10.75” 15.875” (Bleed) 11” 16” (live Area) 10” 15”1/5 Page Horizontal 10” 2-1/4”

Standard Page ad sizes (within tabloid)

Wide deep”

Standard Page (Bleed) 8.125” 11”(Trim) 77/7” 10.75”(live Area) 7” 10”1/2 Page island: 4.5” 7.5”1/2 Page Horizontal: 7” 4.875”1/2 Page Vertical: 3.375” 10”1/3 Page Square: 4.5” 4.875”1/3 Page Horizontal: 7” 3.25”1/3 Page Vertical: 2.125” 10”1/4 Page Vertical: 3.375” 4.875”Literature Reviews: 3.375” 3”Product cards: 3.5” 5.5”

digital Print Ad Material RequirementsThe preferred method for ad submission is PdF. Please contact our Production Manager if you intend to submit ad material in a different format.Please ensure your PDf is Greyscale or cMYK, Acrobat 5 (PdF 1.4) compatible, with images prepared at 300 dPi minimum. Please prepare your PDf with all fonts embedded, crop marks, and bleed if required.Your file should be named to allow for easy identification, i.e.: company_Name_Product_.pdfPlease contact your Production Manager to relay the method and time of transmission of your files.file submission should be via our ftp server:The Business Information Group ftp site address is ftp://bigftp.businessinformationgroup.caPLANT cieNID: pla ID: cenPassword: pla992 Password: cien303

tabloidTabloid Page Bleed11.25” x 16.25”

Tabloid Page Trim11” x 16”

Tabloid Page live Area10 “x 15”

1/5 Page Horizontal10” x 2.25”


1/3 Page Vertical 2.125” x 10”

standard Page8.125” x 10.875”

standard Page live Area7” x 10”

1/4 Page Horizontal7” x 2.375”

1/2 Page Horizontal7” x 4.875”

1/2 Page Vertical 3.375” x 10”

1/2 Page Island 4.5” x 7.5”

1/3 Page square4.5” x 4.875” 1/3 Page Horizontal

7” x 3.25”

1/4 Page Vertical 3.375” x 4.875”

colour Advertising Rates (gross Canadian dollars)

1x 2-4x 5-8xTabloid $8,995 $8,795 $8,395 standard Page 7,295 6,995 6,6952/3 standard 6,195 5,895 5,6951/2 standard 5,095 4,895 4,6951/3 standard 4,195 4,095 3,9951/4 standard 3,495 3,395 3,295Literature Reviews 1x 2x 4x 8x $795 $775 $755 $725 Material requirements – JPG Image plus 30 words copy and website address

Black & white advertising: subtract $1,5952-colour Process: $749 (add to B&W rate)Preferred positions: Add 25 percent to space charge.

issue close creative due Mail dateJanuary/february Jan 11 Jan 18 feb 5March feb 15 feb 22 March 12April March 15 March 22 April 9May/June May 10 May 23 June 4July/August July 12 July 19 Aug 6september Aug 16 Aug 23 sept 10October sept 20 sept 27 Oct 15November/December Nov 8 Nov 15 Dec 3

Print issue deadlines

Colour Advertising Rates (gross Canadian dollars)call for a quotation on: Polybag outserts • In-bound inserts • Overcovers • Advertorials • Editorial sponsorships

PLAntDistribution: National, 30,128*Published: Eight times per year

Page 6: Exclusive technology section powered by: 2013 · 2013 PlANT Editorial Calendar To provide readers who represent all links in the manufacturing decision-making chain with information


• loaded with the latest manufacturing news from across Canada’s broad industrial sector

• The deepest story features• The hottest product announcements

PLANT.CA now offers all of PLANT magazine so you can connect with your core industrial market—online, all the time.

• large format graphical ads• specific industrial audiences• 8 special fabrication sub-channels: Home,

News, Products, Maintenance, Production, safety, sustainability and Events

• eNewsletters and eDirect mail to our exclusive lists of industrial managers, owners and decision makers.

• Over 27,000 recipients

AddiTiONAL SPeciFicATiONS• Max file size for all spots 40 kB• Ad campaigns are served via DART• 3rd party ad serving available (excluding email / newsletter)• All ad material due 5 days before posting date• file types: animated GIf, static JPG, flash sWf• flAsH sWf ads are not used in email newsletters

*Run of site includes all sections


TOP Leaderboard (728x90) $850 $1000 RiGHT Big Box (300x250) $600 $750 Half Box (300x125) $350 $400 Billboard (300x600) $750 $800

ceNTeR Bulletin Ad (600x200) $750 $800

BOTTOM Leaderboard (728x90) $200 $200

Plant.ca is the fabrication center of canada’s leading industrial news and information network: canadian manufacturing.com

MicHAeL KiNG: (416) [email protected]

Amanda Bottomely: (416) [email protected]

ilana Fawcett: (416) [email protected]

deborah St. Lawrence: (416) [email protected]

catherine Martineau: (647) [email protected]

derek Morrison: (905) [email protected]






Page 7: Exclusive technology section powered by: 2013 · 2013 PlANT Editorial Calendar To provide readers who represent all links in the manufacturing decision-making chain with information

2013Media Planner

Effective January 2013

eNewsletters and eDirect Mail

Plant eNewslettersCanada’s top industrial newsletters serve Canada’s manufacturing sector in ways no other news source can match:

• Plant.ca Weekly: The best of Plant.ca delivered directly to over 27,000 loyal subscribers

the most efficient tools available for delivering your comPany messages to the decision makers that matter. engaging canada’s manufacturing community has never been easier, faster or more Precise.

Ad Size PRice

LeAdeRBOARd $1,000/Wk

BiG BOx $750/Wk

BuLLeTiN $750/Wk

TexT AdS:

HORizONTAL $750/Wk

BiG BOx $600/Wk

edirect MailSingle sponsored Direct Message emails sent on behalf of your company to one or all industry sectors:

• Custom email message including; brand, product, lead generation offers, downloads etc

• All content is sponsor created and branded

• sector combinations, segmentation by sIC, job title, geography etc.

• Restricted and limited inventory.

Ask about availability and pricing.




BUllETIN ADBulletin Ad: Text/image (2 formats)• show your product and describe it in action• link to case studies, white papers, special offers• supply image files in GIf or JPG

format (40k max file size)

• 40 words + link




Page 8: Exclusive technology section powered by: 2013 · 2013 PlANT Editorial Calendar To provide readers who represent all links in the manufacturing decision-making chain with information

2013 PLANT Product Profile

ContaCt InformatIon: 80 Valleybrook Dr., Toronto, ON M3B 2S9 • www.plant.ca

New for 2013…

PLANT Product Profile’s Designed to generate soft leads, PLant Product Profiles reach out to over 25,000 buyers each month. Highlight new Products, a Product Catalogue or your Company Services ! Simply provide a Product Image, 50 words of copy with a website link and we do the rest. Within 5 days you will receive a detailed leads report identifying all those who clicked through to your website. full contact information is included: name, title, company address, phone and fax.

Limited to 10 spots only 1x $995 3x $895 6x $795 12x $695

Michael KiNg: (416) [email protected]

amanda Bottomely: (416) [email protected]

ilana fawcett: (416) [email protected]

Deborah St. lawrence: (416) [email protected]

catherine Martineau: (647) [email protected]

Derek Morrison: (905) [email protected]

Product Profile

Page 9: Exclusive technology section powered by: 2013 · 2013 PlANT Editorial Calendar To provide readers who represent all links in the manufacturing decision-making chain with information



custom Research-based eventsPlANT’s research-based events offer a unique opportunity to demonstrate your enterprise’s thought leadership to the Canadian manufacturing community.

This dynamic marketing package includes:

Your research-based event includes custom survey research on a strategic topic of your choice, followed by roundtable discussions. The results are synthesized into a comprehensive feature editorial report that is published as the cover story in the magazine. Experience shows that a far richer, more practically useful research result can be achieved by inviting seasoned practitioners to comment on the survey findings in a roundtable conversation. Their collected wisdom, in conjunction with hard facts, produces a powerful message– true thought leadership in the field of your interest.

Contact the publisher for details about sponsorship package and to discuss your research objectives.

custom Marketing Research SurveysWhatever you need to know, we can find out for you! We offer exclusive, custom marketing research surveys conducted specifically for your company. Typical surveys include: brand preference/awareness, advertising benchmark effectiveness and general perception surveys.

Complete survey results, interpretations and conclusions are provided and your results are completely confidential.

contact us for further information on all our research opportunities.

Our competitive advantageAs part of the BIG group, we offer access to not only PlANT’s audience but also to the audience of the other business to business publications. We have access to the largest B2B audience in Canada, and they are all available for research. Our access to this database along with our experience and in house support allows us to offer a complete 0turnkey research capability.

do you need to know:• What your current brand preference and

brand equity is?• The depth of your own client base among

competitors?• The effectiveness of your overall

marketing communications program?• Your overall presence in specialized

regional markets like quebec or Alberta?

do you want:• Research that will demonstrate your

thought leadership to your market?• To bring together a high-level audience

to discuss your research in a roundtable environment?

• Research that will assist you in developing new products?

• Information that will guide you to your next course of action with confidence?

• Actionable research results that will take your brand and products to the next level?

• an integrated research project• a roundtable symposium • a published editorial report (print and/

or online)

• hosted by PlANT magazine• sponsored by your organization

ConTaCT inforMaTion:Michael King


[email protected], [email protected]

Joe Terrett

Editor 416-442-5600 Ext. 3219

[email protected]

Barb Vowles

Print Production Manager:416-510-5103

[email protected]

debbie Smith

Internet Production Manager: 416-510-3221

[email protected]

80 Valleybrook Dr., Toronto, ON M3B 2s9 • www.plant.ca

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