
Evolution The Evidence

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Evolution. The Evidence. ‘Evolution’ stands for several theses: . Mutability of species (i.e. species change over time) (observed/confirmed) Natural selection (observed/confirmed) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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The Evidence

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‘Evolution’ stands for several theses:

• Mutability of species (i.e. species change over time)– (observed/confirmed)

• Natural selection – (observed/confirmed)• Community of descent (i.e. all life forms share a

common evolutionary history ; all forms are related by descent)

– Including humans and chimpanzees; humans and fish; humans and turnips; humans and bacteria

– (inference; but based on diverse and compelling evidence)– (indirectly observed/indirectly confirmed)

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Evidence for evolution1. Fossil Record2. Vestigial Structures3. Skeletal Homologies4. Embryological Homologies5. Cellular Homologies6. Genetic Homologies7. Imperfect Design (Dysteleology)8. Observed instances of origin of new species

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Fossil record

Archaeopteryx, dinosaur-bird transition

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Fossil record

Tiktaalik rosae, fish-land vertebrate transition found Canadian Artic 2004

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Vestigial structures

Vermiform appendix

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Vestigial structures

Hand bones

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Skeletal homologies

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Embryological homologies

Haeckel 1874

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Embryological homologies

Richardson et al 1997

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Cellular homologies

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Genetic homologies1. All living things use same genetic code: DNA,

RNA2. All living things employ same 20 amino acids to

form proteins3. All living things use only right-handed molecules4. Homologous proteins and genes found in

organisms as widely different as humans, fruitflies, tulips, brewers yeast, and bacteria

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Genetic homologies

Human-chimp 98% overlap

Same base-pair errors occur in human & chimpanzee pseudo-genes: Coincidence?

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Missing Human Chromosome Pair

If humans and other apes evolved from a common ancestor why do we have only 23 chromosome pairs to chimps’ 24?

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Dysteleology (poor design)

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Dysteleology (poor design)

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Dysteleology (poor design)

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Dysteleology (‘tinkering’)

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Dysteleology (‘tinkering’)

• Eukaryotic cells (like ours) a symbiotic merger of several previously independent prokaryote bacteria

• Mitochondria (animals)• Chloroplasts (plants)• Centrioles, nucleus too?

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Poster child of tinkering

Symbiotic merger of at least 4 separate organisms; 5 counting mitochondria

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Have we ever observed the origin of any new species?

• First, what do we mean by a species?• Morphological species concept: based on

observable body shape, size, markings etc.• Reproductive species concept: two organisms

are of the same species if they can successfully produce fertile offspring

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Origin of new species observed

Polyploidy = chromosome # increase (genome doubling etc.; common in plants; but also seen in amphibians, fish)

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Origin of new animal species observed

• Fruitflies• Mosquitoes• Cichlid fishes• Amoeba-bacteria
