evols at university of hawaii at manoa: home · p--3 fcha f 0 i l,. r jj . ., . . ,, .., , v vs....

P- - 3 fcha f 0 I L,. r jj . ., . . ,, . ., , v VS. ' I , .. - - . , . - . .. .......... j' . . . . t to ad.t.t; nnsAT r rrscnirzk. Wtaarrea.hiaeral aritationa..a potAeeaof ctawtnattittta .intend rd only t beodt an tadiTkiMU' bualneM, r01 J ctafrf isen m advert kaemenln, Advtattoecnu Jil In larftr lyp Uian uiui, r Ml Joct to hrarier fharfrM. " ' ; CT itutaariptioo to tbe CaMMlfclal Advertlacr to fsVWM C - vaaurvLT i aTanc1. ' rrNo tjaiaieat ax.terUCMU win be Inserted. Ml ru ' TUB . tTjr CtMieaiitiudeaeaiTomaa trucftha Faetflo Wffl aiwajn .0 . nw rrrr l. n nurw rr7 n p- - ba nrjr acceptabte. r. I'. ft " - t K I , - . iverhmeatst . . . . - I r it WR; ui m r i l iff in wu awL COMMEt'IAIi OFFCCX. mi, (i (f 0 vhuuoihu WMin(( 8 line) line) - per 44 annum . BOOK PLAI1T AXD AK JCD PCIKT1AO AXCY : A rayaroe linn io ilnm. Ja w. 'y vr vY'T '. V v- .f i VW'V y VVK 10 lines j, edirig first j Jti, afru space) insertion $1 00. j ivtrt UIX8 OF KXCHARQE, 1 I ""hw.imlih uuenm go Ct. CATAL0CTB8, BILLS OF LADTie, t ili jaDr- - amuB wuj ve cnvm ax toe Toilowin' I ; CONSULAR LAND, EIIX HEADS, , payable at the end of each quarter s CIRCULARS, ? BLANK t -- CIMI, . iure for twrntT anea ner ourttr Tth of a column prr quarter . . . ACCTIOS BIU-- , hand uue. -- oaa of a evtatnui per quarter ' ... ; xr vismNo, Busijcras, and apdreli caeds ' ' bote eniama uer aaarter - - fnntail m ft Yaake QarJ rVeaf," ia the hiSbait atjrto of (Aa ad7 No adrerttjeineot U be Inserted fbr leaf than art. . Cotaiiercial Advertiser. CkrUtaaaa ia Com lax. CbrtatiBaa la coming, the rlorioiu time, Seaaoa of happinesa, bupe and delight, Horning comes frelcofned with echoing chime, Pleaaant to noon and o'erjnytxu the night. Hanr op the raj BXUeto la the hall, i Tie cp the erer;reea oak by the door, Taatea the red bony branch by the wall, Let the freah bay arch the maotlepiece o'er. Toicea of childhood are borne on the air. Flatter young; heart like the lea Tea of the trees, Gladneas la (uahing through lift ererywhere. Laughter aad music are borne on the breese. Bee how the CVfetmas Tree branches are bant. Loaded with tffts fcr the jubilant Jtxsog, ' luUie baro fret toTheir couches are lent, Leviog their slocLiogs beside the rraU hone. Orer the hooaetops 8c NichoUa rides, 9ama Cfaos loaded with preeents is here, Welcome to Chris Unas the fairest of brides, Beautiful Christmas the bride of New Tear. VARIETY. Some slanderinir bachelor say" it is much few vKm ha get married, bat more ja try after a year or two. There are mny men who delight in playing the , uhi wao gvi angry me moment they are told so. It has been satisfactorily ascertained thai Aacltm enter the water for divers reasons, and come nnt fnr kfua dry tuotiTes. When a man has s headache- - and aava !t thn tiaalmon, you may safely conclude that he hajt Srinking like a fish. A down east editor adrises readers, if thev wish to et teeth iDserted gratis, to go and steal fruit where The war-ho-op is all very well ints way, but peace- - uwp VF" u uctter. i Jrar So. In one naTuw. mv V.m j. ost, Mrs. Cunningham'srZ.sCformance was not Miture. coe sex out to be eon fined- - and has anc led admirably. She is not. however. suDnoned tr ia a sinking condition- - 'as the courts refuse to I Jow her to be bailed out. l I A skunk once challenged a lion to single combat. The lion fWHnsvl fA4V0fT.it ft P if l " How ? sa'Hl the skunk, "are you afraid ?" f Tes," replied the lion, "you would only gain by having bad the honor to fight a lion, while rerr one who met me for a month to come would - ft know that I haJ been in comDanr with a Bkunk-VL- J w. tie T TOU hab your hair parted in the mid ..7m Bweu nigger?" ;uici . Ka it's ie tkshion wid all what respeks them--it '"selves, you bald-bead- ed embodiment ob blackin, pS'tjou. But wbaa is the difference between your hair r c"and mine. Pomp? I "Gibs it up." I M t.-- r- :.ut- - vnnn departed." OiB or the LTrcmojs. A Yankee has invented a suspender that contracts on your approach to water, so that the moment you come to a puddle it lifts you over, and drops yon on the other side. , A-la- ss ! a-l- ass ! as the old bachelor said when he wanted to marry, lie made the same exclamation after marriage, but spelt it differently. I a wnen you go to arown yourseir, always puu on e your clothes they may fit your wife's Be. ond hus-jItba- nd. if". No man living should say ill word against the f doctors. I'm glad that this coffee don't owe me anything," said Brown a boarder, at breakfast." " Why ?" said Smith. " Because, I don't believe it would ever set-- tie." "I win. come down and giveyoa a thrashing, if you don't stop your impudence," said a man to a political opronent from Ireland, who was railing at him from the street below the window. Come along," said Pat, " purry soon, ef ye plaze, for I'd like to be close by when ye did it !" Before marriage, the man is very much struck with . the woman, and afterwards, the woman is very much struck by the man. Pueh says it is a striking piece of business all through. DoEBTiCKS IX Bosrrox. The famous Poesticks" has furnished the New York Picayune an account of his visit to Boston, from which the following extracts are made : Kinety-nin- e extra-size- d angle-wor- ms locomoting at high-pressu- re speed about a grden-wal- k of a showery afternoon, and being perpetually turned back when they get to the frige, and compelled to crosr each Cither's trail in innumerable directions, would, if the ground were softTd their every footstep plaln risi- ble, draw on tbsfgarden-wal- k aforesaid a tolerably accurate map of the city of Boston. It is crookeder than nine acres of ram's horns, and has more corners than a cord of cross-c- ut saws. You see your friend, and you call out, "Jones, wait a minute," and you start to see Jones, thinking he is just across the street. Misguided man! Ctr-dlst- ant Jones! You climb aine hills, and turn ninety corners before you get within hitilinsr distance of Jones again. The streets look as if they had been made some- where "else, and dumped here in a huge tangle; and nobody had never taken the trouble to straighten them out again. It looks as if somebody had been building a lot of cities by contract, and the job hadn't come out even, and he had thrown down his remnants of streets and odds ends alleys, and little snipped off bits of lanes and avedb.es, and called it Bueton. If any street in the town should be cut a str"ht mile in anv direction, it would sro through a dozen private parlors and forty-fiv- e public music halls. Ia fact Boston looks as if the first-ra- te material for an excellent city had been melted and poured through a eive on a side hill and left to cool. The Hocsehold - Good Night. " Good night V A loud, clear voice from the stairs said that it was Tommy. Duod n:gbt '" murmur a little something from the trundle-b- el a little something that we call Jenny, that filled a large place in the center of one or two pretty large hearts. "Good night !" lisps a lit- - tie fellow in a plaid rifle dress, who was named Willie V)at six years ago. Now I by me down Ur sleep, I mv the Lord my soul to keep; If I should die betire I sad the small bundle In the trundle-be- d has dropped ff to sleep, but the broken prayer may go up sooner than many lung petitions that set out a great while before it. And so it was " good night" all around the home- stead; and very sweet music it made, too,' in the twilight, and very pleasant melody it makes now, as e think of it, for it was not yesterday, nor the day before, bat a long time ago eo long that Tommy is Thomas Somebody, Esq., and has forgotten that he m was a boj, and wore wht the bravest and rich-- k of ncan rwver wear but once, if we try the first pair of boots. And so it was good night all around the bouse; and the children bad gone through the ivory gate, always htft a little ajar for them through into the land of dreams. Verdict or a Negro I.vqcist. We de .nnder-crib- ed darkies, bein a Kronen Juray of disgust to sit on de body ob de niggar Sambo, now dead and gone before us, hab been satin on the said niggar &resaid, did on de fudteenth ob November, came to his deaf by tallin from the riber, wbar we find he aa afterwards washed on de riber side, whar we pose he frose to def. The Other Stdl Once in a happy home, a sweet, bright baby died, when the children gathered around their mother, all sitting very sorrowful Alice, the West, said: Mother, you took all the care of the baby while he was here, and yoa carried and held her in your rms all the while she was ill; now, mother, who took her on the other tide T" On the other side of what, Alice " 0n the other side of death; who took the baby n the other side, mother? She was so little she eoold not go alone." "Jesus met ber there," answered the mother. It is Ha who took little children in his arms to them, and said, Suffer them to come unto me, nd forbid them not, sir of such is the kingdom of MATen. He took the baby on the other aide." It is often dangax)nj to undertake to set two fellows to fighting, take couple of dcs. and thrust their d noses against each other's teeth, and it may be " wort' eat dog, bat turn on wow. PCBL1JUIED WEEKLT BF IfJaV M. W1UX.NKV. I gusiiuss Carts. . A. P. EVERETJ, COMMISSION MERCKANT. Corner of Queen and Xuuanu streeta, Honolulu, H. I. . . . REFERENCES. Messrs. Pampsok A TiPr., - ' Boston. E. 1. Bbigbam A Co . Bctlkb, KrlTM A UlLL, Honolulu, July 1, 1857. It. COADY fc CO., . Shipping and Commission Merchants, Ilonololn, 8. 1. REFERENCES. Messrs. OarsaaxL, Himu A Co- -, . Kew York. MTlL-K- T it CO., - 'VVn.LB, Fabco A Co, - San Vrancisoo. Auor A Co., .... Valparaiso. ii. F. Tbais A Co., - - Melbourne. Baaiso B s A Co., - London. Exehaasre tor sale on the United State and Europe. Hoopralu, J uly 1, 156. jyl-t- r DANIEL C. WATERMAN, COMMISSION MERCHANT, Superintends the outfitting of Teasels from this port, to the shipment of oil and bone, and negotiates whalemen's drafts, kc REFERENCES. Messrs. Moaoaz, Hatha wat, It Co., San Francisco. Macoxdkat Ax Co., - " X). R. Gkkks A Co Kew Bedford. Jam Kg B. Cosgdox, Esq., w biAX VT. O. E. Pora. Esj B. W. FIELD, Commission Merchant, Honolulu, Oahu, Sandwich Islands. By permission, be refers to-C- . W. Caktwbicbt, President of Manufacturers' Inaaraoce Comny, Boston. Messrs. II. A. Piaaca, - - Boston. Thaykk, Kick A Co- -, - u Kowaao SlOTT RxBi!(80!t, New Bedford. Johs Yi. Barrett it Soati, Nantucket. Perkiss A ewTu, - - New London. It. r. 8.10W, . . Houoluiu 33--tf THOMAS SPENCER, Ship Charaller, Dealer in tSnoi-iSTSridis-e, and Commission Merchant, Honolulu, Oahu, S. I., keeps constantly on hand an extensire awirnnent of every description of goods re- quired by whale hi pa and others. Shipping; furnished with all kinds of groceries, provisions, Ac, at the shortest notice, at the very lowest market prices, rr Money advanced for whalers bills at the lowest rates. 63-- tf I. N. FLITNER, Continues his old business at the new store in Makee's new fire proof building, at the stand recently occupied by Dr. - Hoffmann, corner of Queen and Kaahumana streets. transit instrument accurately adjusted to the meridian of Honolulu. Particular attention given to fine watch repairing. Sextant and quadrant glasses silvered and adjusted. Charts and nautical LJCnitnents constantly on hand aad for sale, C. I RICHARDS. H. W. 8KTIRA5CK. C. Li. RICHARDS Ac CO., Ship Chandlers, Importers and Commission Merchants, Oahu, Sandwich Islands. 76-t-f GODFREY RHODES, . Wholesale Dealer in Wines and Spirits, Ale and Porter, near the Post Office, Honolulu. 49-- tf RITSO.N & HART, Successors to Mr. Henry Robinson, Wholesale Wine, and Spirit Merchants, Honolulu. H. I- -, under the Auction Room of A. P. Everett, Auctioneer, nearly opposite the Custom House. 33-t- f CCST. C. MCLCHEBS. crsr asiscas. 3IEL.CIIERS fe CO., Commission Merchants and Ship Chandlers, Honolulu, Oahu, S. I. Stone store corner of Kaahumanu and Merchant sts. Money advanced on favorable terms for Whalers bills on the U. 8. and Europe. July 1, 185o-- tf THOMAS SPENCER, Ship Chandler and Commission Merchant, Honolulu, Oahu, S, I. Shis supplied with refreshments, provisions, Ac at the bortest notice, on reasonable terms. Whalers bills wanted. July 1. 18&&-- tf B. F. SNOW, Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise, Honolulu, Oahu, H.I. 38 C. A. Si. II. F. POOR, ImDorters and Commission Merchants, Honolulu, Oahu, 8. ISLAND PRODUCE of all kinds, bought, sold and taken in exchange for goods. GOtx HAWAIIAN FLOUR COMPANY, Jastes F. B. Marshall, Treasurer, in the stone buildings, oc cupied by B. M . 1 leld, up stairs. 1 J. C. SPALDING, Commission Merchant, and Importer. Honolulu. Oahu, 8. I Wanted, Bills of Exchange on the U. S. and Europe. Con- signments from abroad promptly attended to. Island pro duce of all kinds taken in exchange for goods. Jy 1--tf II. HACKFELD &. CO. General Commission Agents, and Ship Clu-ll- cr. Honolulu, Oahu, S. L. July 1, 18."o-t- f ROBERT C. JANION, Merchant and Commission Agent, Honolulu, Oahu, S. I. Jy 1 t VOX BOLT. TH. C. BBTCK Von HOLT &. HEUCK, General Commission Mercliants, Honolulu, Oahu, 8. 1. Jy 1- -t j CHARLES BREWER, rnmmlamon Merchant. Boston. U. 8. Refer to Jas. Makee and K. W. Wood Esqrs. Joly 1, 1856-t- f ALEX. J. CART WRIGHT, Commission Merchant and General Shipping Agent, Honolulu, . Oahu, U. 1. July 1, 18o6--tf ..1ST IirlL. SDCAB MOLL KRULL & MOLL, 7nrn smd Cwnmiiwion Merchants. Kaahumanu street Ma kee's block. Juiyi, isoo-- u ... L.LCUTLL AMOS. S, COOXR. CASTLE & COOKE, t mrA wiinlml- - ami Retail dealers in General Mer chandise, at the old stand, comer of the King and School nrw.i. near the laree Stone Church. Also at the Store lormertyHjccupied by C. U. NkAiolson, In King street, oppo-i- k. ikunui CharjeL AireuU for Dr. Jaynes' Medi cines. July 1, 1860--tf HO,- - W. A. ALDBICS. - ALDRICII & BISHOP, Importer and dealers in general merchandise, Honolulu, Oahu, 8.1. Island produce bought and sold. Agents for the sale of Sugar, Mulasaas Coffee, Ac-- , from the Lihue and other riantauwiia. A. P. EVERETT, 53-l-y Honolulu, Oahu, H. I. J. F. COLBURN, rr o T X O 3VT 33 UTI 63-- ly Kaahumana street, Honolulu, Oahu. GEORGE CLARK, dealer In Dry and Fancy Goods, Hotel street between Nuuanu and Maunakea streets. Honolulu, S. I. 11 tf GEORGE G. HOWE, " tnmber Merchant, yard corner of Queen and Nuuanu street on the Punchard premises. . July W. N. LADD, Importer and dealer In Hardware, Fort at. Honohila. Jy 1- -f E. O. HALL. Importer and Dealer in Hardware, Dry Goods, Patnta, Oils, and . general Merchandise, corner of Fort and King streets. SAVIDGE Sc MAY, Grocer and Provision Merchant and Coffee Roasters, King street, near the BetheL July 1, 1-- tf S. N. EMERSON, WaiaJna, Oahu, Dealer In General Merchandise, Country Pro duce such aa Corn, Beans, Bananas, Butter, Egg, Ac. 63-- tf GEORGE C. SIDERS, Manufactorer and dealer in Tin, Sheet Iron, and Copper ware, Kaahumanu street, opposite J. C. Spalding's Honolulu, H. Summer Bakers, Tin and Copper Pumps, Bathing Tub. Foot and Shower Baths, Tin and Zinc Roofing, and a gen- eral assortment of Tin ware. Ship work executed with neatness and dispatch. Jul 1 l- -t J. II. WOOD, Maniifaeturer, Importer and Dealer In Boots and Shoes of every description. Shoe Findings, Pump, Sole, Rigging, Harness, and Patent leathers. Calf, Goat, Hog, and Buck Skin Trunk, Valises, Sparring Gloves, Foils, and Masks, Black ing. Brushes, Hosiery, Ae. Ac Brick Shoe store, corner of Fort and Merchant sts., Honolulu, II. L, July 1-- tf . CHARLES W. VINCENT, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. The undersigned would in- form his friend and the public, that he ha taken the well known Carpenter premise f C. H-- Lewera, Esq., on Fort street, and would solicit th.U patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed. All erder In the various branches ef Building, ptsaa, SperincaUona and Contracts attended to with proaapt-aes- sj and dispaarh - r I'll a HI.B- - w. Tintrirr. HONOLULU, business Curbs. AGENT FOR THE New York Board ( Underwriters). The undersigned takes leave to notify Merchants, Ship Masters, Ae that be has been duly appointed as Agent for the New York Board of Underwriters. 13-l- y ALEX. J. CARTWRIGirr. AGENT FOR THE Liverpool Underwriter's Association The undersigned begs leave to notify Merchants, Ship owners. and Ship masters, that he has received the appointment ol AOKNT at these Islands for the LIVERPOOL UNDER WRITER'S ASSOCIATION July 1-- tf ROBERT C. JANION. AGENT FOR LLOYD'S The undersigned begs to notify to Merchants, Ship owners and Shipmasters, that he has received the appointment ol AUB.vr at these Islands Tor LLOYD'S LONDON. July K ROBERT C. JANION. Si TIIErett.TIIERX ASSURANCE Fur Fire and Life Assurance at borne and abroad. Cassltal 1.25B.7GO. Stcrlin. The undersigned has been appointed A rent for the Sandwich Islands. ROBERT CHESHIRE JANION f. at Honolulu. KRULL & MOLL, . Agents of the Hamburg and Lubeck Underwriters, Honolulu, Oahu. II. i. July i, ISoo-- tl FLORENS STAPENIIORST, , Agent tor the Bremen board of Underwriters. - All average claims airainst the said Underwriters, occurring in or about this Kingdom, will have to be certified before him. July 1-- tf E. IIOFFSCIILAEGER is. STAPENIIORST, Agent for the PARIS BOARD OF UNDERWRITERS. AVIS AlTpiBLIC. Lcs Soussignes, ayant ete nomniea Agents pour les Assureurs maritinies de Paris, previenent le public en general et les Canitaincs de navires , marchands Franais, qui visitent Ifes ports de ce royaume, en particulier, que clans tous les chs d 'a varies, qui auraient lieu dansces parages, ' ils devront, faire constater et verifier les faits devant eux pour legaliser leurs reclamations centre les dits assureurs. tf ED. IIOFFSCIILAEGER & STAPENIIORST. HAMBURGH-BREME- N FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. THE UNDERSIGNED, A (rents of the above are prepared to iusure risks acaiiist fire in and about Honolulu. For particulars apply at the office. MKLCHERS A CO. Hono ulu, Oct. 11, 1357. 68-- tf Fire Insurance Notice. THE NORTHERN ASSURANCE CO. THE UNDERSIGNED heps to notify to'those hare insured in this office wooden buildings or their contents within the precincts of Honolulu, that in conoe-sequen- ce of the continued erection of large and hiph a ooden buildings close together in narrow streets, no more risks on tim- ber constructions in the town will be taken, and those already taken will not be renewed on the expiration of their terms. ROBERT C. JANION, 62-t- f , Agent fbr the Northern Assurance Co. J. W. AUSTIN, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Office In Honolulu House, over the Post Office. " ' o6-6- m HONOLULU MEDICAL HALL, . lorner or Merchant and Kaahumanu streets. DOCTOR McKIBIN,Surgeon, Ac, IS regularly supplied with Medicines, Ferfumcry, ax- - a ' best quality, family Medicines and Prescriptions Use- fully prepared. Medicine Cheats examined and refitted on reasonable terms. Atteidance at the office from 8 A. M. tilt 6 P. M.. on week days, and from 8 to 11 A. M. on Sundays. At other times at his residence, Union street. 9-- tf II. L. BULLIONS, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, Fort street, two doors above Merchant, Honolulu, aieaicioe cnests caretuiiy rentted. .lrA.1 DR. FORD'S Office and Drug Store, Queen Street, at the stand formerly oc copied by Dr. Lathrop. Ship's Medicine chests refitted and prescriptions carefully prepared under the supervision of LANGIIERNE. Hot, cold, vapor, shower and medicated AtAVHS. at all hours. iy CHAS. F. GUILLOU, Late Surgeon United States Nary, Consular Physician to sick American seamen. Office next door to J. C. Spalding Kaahumanu St.; Residence at the lute French lreniis- - es, Alakea sreet. Respectfully offers his professional ser vices to resident families, to the shipping, and to strangers generally. Medical ami Surgical ad vice in English, rench Spanish, and Italian. Olfice hours from 11 A. M. to 2 P. M., and from 4 to 5 P. M. At other hours enquire at his residence. - Jy 1-- tf E. HOFFMANN, Physician and Surgeon, office in the new dntg store, adjoining the store of H. Hackteld A Co., Queen-stree- t. Jy tf GIL.MAN & CO., Ship Chandler and Dealers In Genei 1 Merchandise, LAHA1NA, M AU I, n. I. Ships supplied with recruits. Good facilities for storage. Cash furnished for bills otfxchangc. 63-l-y BOLLES sir CO., Ship Chandlers and Commission Merchants and Dealers in General Merchandise, Lahaina, Maui. Whaler furnished with recruit at the shortest notice, in exchange for goods or bills. 34--tf S. IIOFFMEYER. Commission Merchant, dealer in Ship Chandlery, and General Merchandise, Lahaina, Maui, 11. 1. Ships furnished with recruits. Whalers Bills wanted on the U. S. and Eume. Storage. July 1, lS.'M-- tf JOHN D. HAVEKOST, Auctioneer, Wafluku, East Maui. 38-l- yr JOHN THOMAS WATERIIOUSE, Importer, Wholesale aad Retail Dealer In General Merchandise, Honolulu, ana Lanaina, iuaui. t--u B. PITMAN, Ship Chandler and dealer ih General Merchandise, Waiakea Bay, HILO, HAWAII. Keeps constantly on hand an extensive asaortmenfc-o- f every description of roods required by whale ships and others. furnished with fresh beef, Vegetables, and all kinds of Shipping . . . . . .. i , . . . . . .i Urocersr. ana rro visions at tuc iuihkh nuuw, aw uic verv lowest market prices. Rest facilities for storaire of from 3 to 5000 barrels, being near the landing, and free from thatched buildings. Wanted, Whalers bills on the C. 8. or Europe, for which money will be advanced on reasonanie terms. N. B. Tliis port offer the safest and most commodious anchor age of any port in the Hawaiian group, iiere you can give seamen their liberty without danger of losing them by de sertion. No ardent spirits allowed to be sold UTAI&AHEE, Agents for the Papakoa and Pueo Sugar Plantations, at Hilo ; Importers ana r noiesaie ana netau Aciers m .u Good, have on band, and offer for sale, at their establish- ments on King street, Honolulu, and at Lahaina, JWaui, Sugar, Molasses, Syrup, Tea, Coffee, and a large and varied assortment of general merchandise. Honolulu, August 13, 1867.. - 6-- ly J. WORTH, Dealer In General Merchandise, Ililo, Hawaii. Ships supplied with recruit at the shortest notice, on reasonanie term Bills of exchange wanted. July 1, 1856-t- f THE HONOLULU IRON WORKS. UNDERSIGNED is now prepared to repair or THE all kind of machinery, mill gearing, windt lass gearing, ship forging and smith work. Cart boxes, forge back, anvus ate. on nana ana ma-i- e u order. Iron and and best quality of smith's cosj tor ssie-- Also one excellent small sued sugar mill with copper train complete, adapted to either horse or water Pwr- - 'JW A. TA v Ar A rv BOOKBINDING IN A VABIETl OFSTiiiBs DONE and substantially, and on fpur terms. Law Books, Music, Newspapers, Ac. bound to order. Portfolios, scrap Book. Herbarium. Drawing Book, and Blank Book, made to order, officers of ship can have their Savigarion and Log Hooks, and Charts, bound and repaired, at the Mission Office, Kawaiahao. Old Books rebound at short notice. . Orders may also be left at AA. JU. ? i ' tore, Honolulu. UNLtb hlmmul, July I, isoo-u- - - JAMES A. BURDICK, Cooper and Guager, beg to Inform his friends and the public ceneraiiy. tnat ne naa recomaretKm mm on hi old stand, ia the rear of Mr. EL Rhode' Spirit store I - and opposite Mr. CoibunT Aoctioa Uoma,vM respectf- ul!- solicits a share of the public patronage. All order promptly attended to. 13-- tf ; C. II. LEWEHS, :' Lumber and building mater!ais,Fort St. UoooroU. Jy 1-- tf. , II. FISCHER, Cabinet Maker and French Polisher, Bote Sweet, oppe; Government House. - mvHABs, --- "'TTV ,..fej ii i ii ii.. s HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. "imsts anil anis. . FOR SALE OR TO LET. w THAT DESIRABLE RESIDENCE. Car-- Tr, f ner of Fort and Chaplain streets. Possession, jrlren on JLXaL the 1st of January next. Inquire of J FULLER, at the Oihce of the Board of Education. . .' 7o-- tI TO LET OR FOR SALE-Posora- wio. giv en Immediately Three neat cottages, three rooms in each, with outhouses situated on Merchant street, handy to the business part of the town. Title fee simple. Apply to HENRY SMITH, 74-3- m Or C. C. HARRIS. FOR LEASE X COMMODIOUS DWELLING MTHE in Nuuanu Valley, Just above the residence of ; having been put in thorough repair and fur-nisu-ed with an ample supply of water, will be leased on rea- sonable term to a good tenant. Apply to WM. C. PARKE, 71-- tf Agent for W. T. Walker. FOR SALE.. V A COTTAGE with a large garden, situated on the west side of the lane running from King to Queen , streets, opposite the palace, at present occupied by J. Smithies, Esq. The cottage contains three rooms, and has Just been put in thorough repair. . There is a good cook house, fowl house and well of water on the premises. The above offers a good opportunity to any small family wishing a residence a short distance from town. For particulars apply to UE0. CLARK, Hotel street. Honolulu, Oct, 21, 1857. y W-- tf TO LET. THE TWO STORES NOW BEING erected In Fort street, between King and Merchant sts. Parties wishing to lease can have them fitted to suit by early application. For terms, ' please apply to 64-- tf B. F. SNOW. FOR SALE OR LEASE. THE LARGE AND COMMODIOUS Dwelling House, situated on the comer of Fort and Here-- , tania streets, at present occupied by Dr. Geo. A. Lathrop. Possession given 1st Jan., 1S58. Apply to 65-- tf CHAS. BREWER, 2d. FOR SALE OR RENT. ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY ACRES, more or less, of rich Land, well adapted for wheat growing and f r suimr cane, at Nawiliwili, Kauai, lying one mile from the beach, adjacent to the Lihue Mill and Plantation, and at a considerable elevation above the sea. Part of the tract is well watered, and the whole of It can be easily and cheaply irri (rated. TAe entire tract is en closed. The dwelling and es are all in thorough repair. For terms, Apply to 65-- tf B. W. FIELD, Honolulu. TO LET. - FOLLOWING OFFICES AND MTHE in the brick building, corner of Queen and streets, generally known as the Makee A Authon buildinpr, via. : The second floor, at present occupied by Dan. C. Waterman, Esq. The third floor over Messrs. AlJrich k Bishop, suitable for storage. The renr office oa the first floor (lately occupied by D. N. Flitner, Esq.) The ofbee on the second floor, (lately occupied by J. Makee, E?q.) The cellar of the above building, capable of storage for 1,500 barrels. Applv to 65-- tf CHAS. BREWER, 2p. VALUABLE PREMISES. FOR SALE OR LEASE for a term of years, the Store 1 "remises now occupied by the undersigned. 65-- tf B. F. SNOW. REAL ESTATE TO BE SOLD, OR TO LET. THAT LARGE AND COMMODIOUS Building situated in King street, and known as the Main Hotel, is uw offered for sale, or to lea.e, on moderate terras. There is situated on the premises splendid Bowling Alleys, and all other accommodations fittinir for a first-cla- ss Hotel, or a private residence. For other particulars enquire of . GEO..FRIEL, Nunanu street, Honolulu, or EDWARD BROWN. 62-- tf Nuuanu Valley. TO RENT. THE COTTAGE AND GROUND AD- JOINING on the Nuuanu road, at present occupied by the Rev. J. D. Strong. Io?9ession giren on the 1st of Dec. next. Apply to 6J--tf W. II. PEASE. FOR SALE. A BUILDING LOT situated in Kukui Place, ad join W. K. Seal, Esq. The above Lot is enclosed with a six feet fence, together with the privilege of the gov eminent water. Apply to TH0S. KEEGAN, 61-- tf Nuuanu street, near the Wharf. BEST CELLAR IN TOWN. TO LET BY THE MONTH Or YEAR that large, high, airy and perfectly dry, cellar under the store of the underpinned , room for all 160 tons es- - peciully fit for storing oil, provisions, Ac, Ac. Enquire Ht 69tf VON HOLT A 11EUCK. LARGE YARD FOR STORING COALS. BRICKS. IRON Inmlier, firewood, Ac, TO LET by the month or year. This yard is securely fenced in, well shaded, and ad Joining the store of 69 tf . VON HOLT A HEUCK. COTTAGE FOR SALE. THE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR snle low, the very desirable cottage built by B. F. Harder, on Kukui street, opposite the residence of A. P Everett, Esq. This cottage is nearly new, anil built of the best materials by Mr. Harder, for his own occupancy, and is sup- plied with water, bath-roo- m and other conveniences. Apply to J. F. B. .MARSHALL. Honolulu, July 14, 1S57. So-- tf FOR SALE OR TO LET. THE DWELLING PREMISES formerly belonging to Robert G. Davis, situated between Dr. Wood's ami Charles Bishop's residences. Terms easy. Apply to 67-- tf ASHER B. BATES. STORE TO LET. THE WELL KNOWN TWO STORY FIRE PROOF ULILDINU, on King street, comer of Mauna Kea street, now occupied by U. ltuhle & Co. The lower part is excellently fitted with Koa Shelve and Counters, For a Retail Store. The upper part contains Five Spacious Dwelling Roonaa And the extensive yard is provided with a good well, brick cook-hous- e, Ac. Terms low. Possession given immediately, if required. For furtl.er particulars apply on the premises, or at 4H-- tf VON HOLT A nEUCK'S. COTTAGE TO LET. TO LET The house now occupied by Thomas Brown, in Nuuanu Valley, makai of the residence of E. O. Hall. . Register Office, May 1, 1857. 47-- tf LAND FOI4 SALE OR LEASE. TUB" FOWLER FARM, situated in Pa lolo Valley, enclosed and containing forty-seve- n acres. Term low. Inquire of DR. SMITH, Dentist. Honolulu, April 28, 1857. ' 44-- tf ROOMS AND HOUSE TO LET. Apply to S. JOHNSON, Carpenter, 32-- tf Merchant street, near the Royal Hotel. TO LET. The Building lately occupied by Vincent Si Grenier, on Nuuanu Street, directly opposite Merchant Street. The lower part is fitted with counter, shelves. Ac. ; upper part fine sleeping rooms, and fine cellar under same. ALSO TO LET One-ha- lf of the Loft in large Stone Warehouse on Marine Street and one-ha- lf of the Cellar under same. Apply to C31-t- f) A. P. EVERETT. A OFFICE TO LET, fronting on Nuuanu street Apply to 2-- tf A. P. EVERETT. TO BE SOLD OR LET. A LARGE AND commodious residence in Nuuanu Valley, about a mile and a half from town. Term moderate. Apply to Honolulu. July 1. 1-- tf W. L. GREEN. DOCTOR'S SHOP. P. Jl'DD, AT THE CORNER OF FORT G.and Merchant Streets, reminds the public that he continue to devote himself to the treatment of DtsEAss of all kinds, hav- ing for sale a great variety of Drugs and Mimcists of the best quality, lie sells also ( . . Poiaona. Arsenic, strichnine, verairine, corrosive sublimate. Oxalic acid, St. Ignasiu beans, rax vomica, opium, Prussic acid, alcohol. ' Perfafaery. Mu.lt, extract musk, cologne, lavender water, , Windsor, honey and other soap. Miaellane?n. . So, peart barley, oat meal, gum shellac, , Writing and marking ink. Sands arsaparilla, Soda water, and other article too numerous to mention. XT Easily found when wanted. 6-t- f. DYERS' HEALING EMBROCATION, TjWR EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL USE. 11 it ia a oerfcet pain destroyer, and an invaluable remedy j,v Rheum aUstn, cuts, w ounus, mo m me cine, xwca ana Limbs. Lumbaeo. Sore Throat. Burns. Scalds, Swelling, Ague, Cramp, etc For rut and wounds it is superior to any other preparation i it will afford immediate relief in scald or burn ; and for pain or weakness in any part of the system, it will give certain relief in a very little time. For sale at retail by traders throuirbout the Islands. For sale wholesale at Honolulu by July 1, 1886-t- f B. W. FIELD. JUST HE(JEIYED. Codfish, mackerel, sugar-cube- d Foraaleby no-- rr SAVIDGB MAT. r S V Jl ? J 52 -- DECEMBER 24, 1857. irrip Carts. EASTRA & CO., COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, Hakodadi, Japan. ALL Kind of Fresh Provisions furnished ; also, Ship's and Ship Chandlery, at bonolckc rmcn. Whalemen's Drafts taken, Ac 71-- ly Will. XI. KEIiliY, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, TAHITI, - Will supply ships with provision, Ac, and advance money on invvnmQ iruia iur uius oa un l. nisea Dtates. 1 u-- ly W. BUTLER, CUSTOM HOUSE A COMMISSION AGENT ' MANG0NUL, NEW ZEALAND. ET Shipping supplied or. the most reasonable term. Lat. 35-- S., long. 173-38,- -- . 41-l- y C. MCRCER. . , . . C. MERRILL. McRUER & JTIERIXIlLsL. AUCTIONEERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, dorr's warrhocsk, Nos. 47 and 49 California street, SAN FRANCISCO. . BEPEB TO s . Capt. James Makee, Honolulu: Cant. D. C. Waterman, xiouoiuiu , jiessrs. uiunan s uo., Lanaina, . m S. GKirriTTS MORGAN. C. 8. HATHAWAT. S. r. 8T09B. MORGAN, nATHAWAY & CO., Commission and Forwarding Merchants, San Francisco, Cal References, T. S. Hathaway Esq. Messrs. T. A A. R. Nye, & Swift A Perry, New Bedford, Messrs. Grinnell M in turn A Co., New York, John M. Forbes Esq., Boston, Messrs. Per- kins A Smith, New London, Daniel C. Waterman Esq. Hon- olulu. , July 1, 1866-t- f. ROPE WALK AND OAK U. II FACTORY. OF EVERY SIZE CORDAGE to order constantly on hand. A lanre assort ment of Manila and Hemp Rope (all size). Bale Rope, Tow Line, and Oakum, for sale by TL'BBS A CO. 20-l-y lau. ront street. Ban irranctsco. A. 8. EDWARDS. N. C. WALTON. EDWARDS & W ALTOY, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Wines and Liquors, lOG FRONT STREET, CORNER OF frASHlNQTOX, San Francises, Cal. CYRUS AV. JONES, FORMERLY OF is entruped with the above firm, and respect fully solicits orders from old friends, and will be happy to attend to the purchase of all descriptions of merchandise, at the usual rates of commission. Co-- rf , TURNER, SELDEA & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IK WINES AND LIQUORS, No. 93 Froat street, brtwrra Clay ansl'Mer- - cbant at recta. San Fraaeiaco. . 66--1 y 9. B. MEAD. I. B. PCBDT. J. 8. DIXON. HEAD & CO., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN FASHIONABLE CLOTHING ANQ FUR NISHING GOODS, N. W. corner. Sanaome and Cosaatcv I ate., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 66-- m AMERICAN MILLS BAKER'S EXTRA San Fraaeiaco. - FLOUR,--- " EXTRA SUPERFINE AMERICAN MILLS, FLOUR, SAN FRANCISCO, E. T. PEASE & CO. E. T. PEASE Si. CO. E. T. PEASE fc CO., CORNER OF FRONT AND CLAY STREETS, San Francisco, Cal., OF THE ABOVE MANUFACTURERS their Bakers' Extra, for Bakers' use, and their Extra Scferfiss, for Family Use, equal to am' Flour manufactured in the State. N. B. We invite the Bakers," Grocers and Dealers Of the Sandwich Islands, and elsewhere, to give our American Mills "Flour a fnir trial, we guaranteeing perfect satisfaction in all cases, at the lowest manufacturing prices. - . T. PEASE & CO. TT Extra Self-risin- g, Haxall, Gallkgo, and other brand of Hour, constantly on hand and for sale by 6ft ly E. T. PEASE A CO. BARRY & PATTEN, importers, wholesale and retail dealers in WINES, LIQUORS, DEMIJOHNS, tfc, 116 Montgomery at., San Francisco. 66-- 1 y DANK EXCHANGE, COR. MONTGOMERY AND WASHINGTON STa, San Francisco, Cal. T0RRENCE PARKER, PROPRIETORS, AVE ON HAND AND FOR SALE THE H followiue. viz : Old London Dock Brandies. Port W sacs. Shrr rir. and all the choicest brands of Champagar, Awplr-Jac- k. Pisco, Arrack, Cordials, Li- - ssrsra Ac. Ac ALSO Hilliard Balls, Cloths, Cues, Cue-poin- ts, Cue-wa- x, Chalk, Pool and Rondo Balls, Cue Cutters, Pool Bottles, etc Copies of Phelan's " Game of Billiards." - 66-6- m DRADSHAW & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS. LARGEST AS WELL AS THE BEST THE stock on the Pacific Coast. Family, Ship and Cabin Stores, pub up with dispatch. Orders attended to promptly, when accompanied with cash. TT- - Corner of Sansome and California streets. San Fran cisco. California. . 66-- lj PAPER ! ECEIVED BY LATE ARRIVALS 50 reams white ruled cap paper, 60 reams blue unruled cap paper. 20 reams white and blue ruled paper, 150 reams assorted qualities blue ruled letter paper, 100 reams assorted qualities white ruled letter paper, 60 reams white, blue and plain note paper. also 125 reams various qualities this French, English and Amer ican letter and llatcap papers. tror sale cheap ny 83-- tf H. M. WniTNEY. PAPER! PAPER! sTB ILL PAPER, BROAD AND NARROW ; KA Cap do, various qualities ; Letter do, do do, ruled and unruled Note do, do do. do - do ; Music Paper ; Official Envelopes, Buff, Parchment, doth and white ; Letter do, do, do, do do; ' Note Envelopes, various patterns. For sale by 66-- tf . H. M. WHITNEY. White Lead. FfMIE SUBSCRIBER IS CONSTANTLY M. receiving, from the manufacturer direct, the best qualities of fresh Pare," " "Emlra," and "No. 1" White lead, ground in the best boiled English oil, and is an thorised to contract at lower prices than the present market rates. , J. C. SPALDING. Honolulu. June 9,1857. "J 5Q-- tf NEW GOODS X FANNY M A J O R A large assortment, of aki'Aing E hat. Ac. , such as: Blue flannel shirts, scarlet flannel birta, ' . White shirts, fancy shirts, , Gray flannel shirts, Panama hat, Jlfaracaibo hats, sattinet pants. Linen pants, Marseilles pants, Cottonade pants, handkerchiefs, Women's buskins, At wholesale by 60-t- f c. a. a h. f. poor- - SILK UMBRELLAS. RECEIVED a few superior silk umbrellas, JUST sixes. For sale by 60-t- f B. F. SNOW. SUGAR. SYRUPS AND MOLASSES. 11ROM THE NEW. CROP, from the East Maul JL J Plantation, for sale by (36-t- f) H. HACKFELD A Co. HAWAIIAN BEEF. SUBSCRIBER will have constantly on. hand THE Hawaiian Beef, packed la Turks Island salt, and war- ranted, under the supervision of James Makee, Esq., for sale by atx CHAS. BREWER to. MESS BEEF, R SALE BY 1P 47 - B. W. FIELD. BOARDS, - " WHITEWOOD For al by Slf ' CHAA. BBJrWSK, to. ." . i... '. . SIX DOLLARS PER A1TCUM. iVOU ll,Me. 6. WUOLEKs.71. San raiuisr0 gtolicrHsfmfnls. IMPORTANT ! SANDWICH AND SOCIETY ISLANDS doing business in any part of the Padflo Ocean, will always find a Large mm WcIlSeleta Stock of French, British and American FANCY DRY GOODS and SMALL WARES, at Hughes & Wallace's, JV05. 105 AND 107 SACRAMENTO STREKT, San Francisco, Cal., Consisting in part of White goods, embroideries, laces, ribbons ; Millinery goods, hosiery, gloves, pongee hdkfs ; Suspenders, cravats, shirts, collars, fancy cutlery I Scissors, combs, brushes, perfumery, toilet articles; Yankee notions, haberdashery, etc, etcj Imitation shell round-bac- k combs ; Black feathers, beads, etc, etc LC7 An inspection of our stock is solicited. ICT Our importations are direct from Brit- ain and Europe. O One of the firm always in the market. All orders executed with promptness and dispatch. l7 PRODUCTS OF THE ISLANDS RECEIVED ON CONSIGNMENT. Ilnghes & Wallace. IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 105 and 107 Sacramento ttreet, San Francisco, Cal. N. B. Sole Agents for J. & J. Clark & Co's celebrated Spool Cotton ; Marshall & Co's (Leeds) Linen Thread ; Societe" Hygineque Perfumery. HUGHES Sl WALLACE, 105 AND lOT SACRAMENTO STREET, 66-- 1 J SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. No. 107 Clay street, San Francisco, FOR SALE A FULL AND COM. O" pleta assortment of desirable - , DRUGS AND MEDICINES. R. A CO. respectfully solicit order from the country, and will guarantee satisfaction in every particular to those who favor them with their custom. 66-fl- m AERICAN EXCHANGE. (formerly wilson's exchange,) IS UP TO THE GRADE, Sansome St., opposite American Theatre, SAN FRANCISCO. MR. BAILY SARGENT, "" son's Exchange,) begs leave to inform the Travel ing community, that he has undertaken the personal charge of that house, lie has made extensive alterations and improve- ments, 'and has renovated the house throughout, making it the first Hotel on the Pacific coast. There has been added to the House a very fine SITTING ROOM AND DINING HALL, Newly furnished. In point of comfort and all the convenience which modern hotel keeping have rendered essential, the AMERICAN EXCHANGE, will compare favorably with any of the Atlantic Hotels. The best talent has been employed in the various departments, and the proprietor will set the best tabli the market affords. Pai- - CK8 TO SriT THS TIMES. - The American Exchange Coach is always in readiness to con- vey passengers to and from the House to the Landings, or to any part of the city, for SI Baggage free. Mr. P. B. Smith ha charge of the Coach. 66--ly EAGLE HAT STORE. OOXiIiIM-- S fTUKES PLEASURE IN INFORMING THE jH. Public at the Sandwich Islands, that he has associated with him as a partner, Mr. Robert J. Tirraxr, (late of New York.) Collins and Tiffany are both practical hatter, and warrant all their work, in make, finish and style. People residing at the sandwich Islands, can be supplied with any style of Hat or Cap, on return vessel. Apply to W. K. 8NODGRASS, leaving size, etc. COLLIN'S A TIFFANY, o6-3- m 11 1 n ashington street, can rrandseo. TEH ATI A HOUSE, CORNER OF CALIFORNIA AND SANSOME STS., San Francisco, Cal. WELL-KNOW- N AND POPULAR THIS ofiera superior inducements to the Traveling Public, and to those wishing a quiet home. It is situated In convenient proximity to the business center, and is conducted on the European Plan, giving its patrons the choice of obtaining their meals at the restaurant connected with the house, or else- where, as their convenience may suggest. The Proprietor, who has been eaicaged in this bouse since 1852, solicits a continuance of the pvtronage of his many friends, which, as heretofore, he will endeavor to merit by strict atten- tion to their want and comfort. G. W. FRINK, 66-6- m Proprietor. RASSETTE DOUSE, . CORNER OF BUSH AND SANSOME- - STREETS, San Francisco, Cal. M. A. FREAVH, PROPRIETOR. ABOVE HOUSE HAVING BEEN MTHE renovated, is now ready to accommodate its in aa comfortable a manner as any hotel In th State. XT No mosquitoes. ftS-3- m BLOCKS ! BLOCKS X rTUIE UNDERSIGNED HAVE Constsmtly JL on hand a large and complete assortment of Ship' Block, suitable for vessels of any class, and fbr purchases of any requi site weight. We have Patent iron strappea diocks, to jo tnctiest Common iron do do, 4 to 16 inches; Patent blocks, - - - 6 to 18 inches; . Common do, - - - 2 to 18 inches; . Patent U V. sheaves, 4 to 12 inches; - Patent iron do, - 8 to 12 Inches; Common L.Y. do, : - - 3 to 12 inches; ' Common iron do; And many other articles eomprsied in this line, aU of which are offered for sale in lots to suit, and at low raicaa. GEORGE HOWKS A CO., 153 Saksoms stbjert, Saw Framcisoo, 74-3- m Agents for the Manufacturer. ' Wanled Heaver Castors ITTvOR WHICH fair price win be paid by ML? M. ROSEN STOCK. 66 CaUfiimU street. 70-S- m Near Front at. Saa FiMwnco. Furs Wanted." - - WANTEDr-Se- a Otter, Land Otter, Bear. Dorr, Mtnlr, and aU other kind of Fun, for which shir price will be paid, by M. ROSEN STOCK, ' 70-2- m 65 California st. near Front, Son Francisco. . Fcr Csls. ' v g Afa KEYSTONE WINE AND CIDZX fjLLS, sc-M- Vr hie for manufacturing wine and cider, by T. O. SHAW. SSI Wear Davis strait. Sen Fiamf. Cs. Ssnefrmisfgtrti.05.-NE- GOODS ! NEW GOODS ! Jast Received br " SI 9 - .S3 s Za Xa DRY GOODS. Bale brown drill; ' 4-- 4 bre. cotton Brown cotton flannel' 3-- 4 do dot . Blue drills! Ticking Table covers; Llnto napklnsj Scotch diaper; Curtain muslins; - MI'd and brown damask; Morre antique paraesis; Silk eord and taasels; Picture cord; " Jet button; lUbhoiia, etc BONNETS. Col'd willow cape; Fancy cape. Blonde; Tissue; Black lace; 7 braid; Pedal; , Col'd glace; Fancy IJPy Misses' pedal, ete. BOOTS AND SHOES. Men's ealf brogans; Super calf ties; Men' Oxford ties; Metal ic overshoe; Misses' kid buskins; Misses' goat bootee; Misses' fine slipper; Boys' goat broganai Men's calf boots; Boys' ealf boot; Ladle congress gaiters; Ladies' kid supper. MISCELLANEOUS. Fancy basket; Luce mitts; Fruit do; Mohair do; Nursery do; Lisle gauntlet; Fan, various kinds, Veil barege; Gimp, furniture gimp; . Fringe trimming; Silk buttons; Lace button; Girdles; Mohair braid; Malta lace; Muslin flouncing; Muslin and lace collars; Set collar and alceraa. HARDWARE, &c. Cut and wrought nails; Sheet lead and sine; Handled axes; 8. B. lanterns; Iron squares, Halter and log chains; Dog collars', Copper and Iron tacks; Horse fleam; Plated desert knives; Pocket and table knives; Grain mills; Iron and brass screw; Coffee mills; Shoe nail; Fairbanks' scako; Hat and cloak book; Charcoal irons; , Shoe thread; Brit, teapots, Solar lamp; do coffeepots; Glass lamps; do castors; Looking Glasses; Window cornice; Hats, caps, etc,; Curtain pins and bands; Spurs, stirrups, etc Grindstone and crank. SUNDRIES Boiled linseed oil; Wood and cane rock'g chrf i Spirit turpentine; Cane-ee-st chairsj f Market basket; Rolling-pin- s, mortar; ,. Painted pail; Washboards; do tub, Hay Cutter; Hingham bucket; Saddlebags; Glased aash; Panel doors; Window blinds; Plows; - Bridle leather; Saddles, with bridles. Calfskins; Lining skins; Bole leather; Binder's skins; Tether chains; Stubb's flies; Racking cock; Letter and foolseap paper; g stopcock; Loom and Cast Joint butts; Locks, of all kind; Stewnana, enameled. - ALSO, A treat variety of Fan lly Stores, Haxall Ftawr, -- S. 2arav- - A m ats. Flonr In tin. Lard, ' " ' eW FOR SALE CHEAP. To tbe Farmer and Dealers in Agricultural IcipleraentSe READ. Having erected a good hp, with PLEASE not heretofore possessed by any in this State tor manufacturing Agricultural Implements, I beg leave to announce that I am now properly under way with that business. I a ploy none but the best and most experienced tnecoanica, and work no material but the best. In thi way I hope to prosnote the interest of the good mechanic, the Interest of the rarmer, the in- terest of our young and growing Agricultural State, and at the same time that interest which U foremost with all mankind oilf. I have had twenty years' experience in the snanufacturtosj busi- ness ; I established the first shop, and made the first steal ptow in the State of Wisconsin, In the dawn of ber day of treatagri-cuitur- al improvement. I also made the first Reaping and Mow- ing machine, and the first steel plow ever made in thi State. Therefore, with my experience and a knowledge of the want at the country, (which are different from most other,) I M mnB.-de- nt that I can andrVill do much for the Interest of bwnen. turista of thCpoantry ; and in my effort I trust I shall no, . with a good share - patronajrs from the farmer, and an Inter- ested in this matt id ia the interest and development of th agricultural impro.-e- nt of our State. I design, and bars a-d- er way, the manufacturing of 1500 CAST STEEL CALIFORNIA DEEP TILLEK OMt QUEEN OF THE WEST PLOWS. - The mould board, tbe landside aad shear are manufactured of cast steel, making the plow run much lighter than any plow used in thi country. Alto. QANQ PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, HARROWS, PAltlt MILLS', 4e., ire. In addition to what I manufacture, I shall constantly be re- ceiving implement from the beat maker of thi SmUtn and Western States, amongst which are 600 CINCINNATI EAGLE STEEL ic ROVER PLOWS, a shipment of which ha Just arrived. These plow stand, la point of true merit and worth, altogether higher than any others in the great agricultural State of Ohio. Please favor me with a can and see for yourself, aad be eoa viiiced that I am publishing no humbug, but simply fact as tbey are, and that our young State can within itself already pro ride the farmer with Implement Inferior to none now in sue. Any artiek I manufacture win have all the latest improve menu, and be finished In a workmanlike manner. An kind of agricultural Implement and machines repaired on abort notice, and in the beat manner, and on reasonable term. THOS. OGG SHAW, 83 Sacramento street, near Davis, San Francisco, CaL Shop, corner Davis and Sacramento sts. 19--Ua Dr. Ii. . Casapliay's GRAND MEDICAL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE, Sacramento at hclow Moatjonry, Opposite Pacilio Mail Steamship Company's OSot, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Kstabhshed in 1854, for the permanent cure of all private sad chronic disease, and the suppression ef quackery. Attending and Resident Physician, L. J. CiamlsT, M. D tats In the Hungarian Revolutionary War, Chief Phyaidan to tits 20th Regiment of Hon reds, Chief Burgeon to the Military Hospital of Peath, Hungary, aad late lecturer on dUwaae of women and children. Communications strictly conftAentiaL Consultations by letter or otherwise, free. Address L. J. CxAr-xa- t, M. P., Ban Francisco, California. 70--5 To toe Owners, anal Peroosm latere od Whalesnip ia the Paci- -s Cea. pITa Ornc. or ra- - -- l The Panama Rail-Roa- d Company take thi sMM of informing those intereited in the Whaling busi- ness, of the advantage offered by tbe. Bs 11 road .v- - v.M- - r for tha shimassst of - ..... . . . . a.. - ,i MA. Oil from the racinc to me usnw div, - - fiU and supplies from tbe United State to Panama. The Railroad has been in regular and fuccesful cpersro more than two years, and it capacity tor the trarapom Ot every of merchandise, including Oil, Provis .-- ., has been fuLteated. The attention of seTeral Car 5 whaleship has recently been turned to the subject ot awipptsg their oil from Panama to New Vork during the present tea Ml, , and tbe Panama Bail-Roa- d Company msta atranissents to afford every facUUy which may be required of thi important object. A Pier, 4Wfcet lor--t, as been built in the bay of Panama, to the end of whkrhlreiSht Car are run to receive cargoes from tighter or vejea tylnc JongsWe, and deliver the same along! ,T!J wall. Vess of from 200 to 800 too can lie at th safety, grounding in the mud at Vow water. : - - The vewel to and from AspinwaU are fastaOlnf brio, be longing to the Kail-Ro- ad Company, and th toW" fjj pared to receive oil at Panama aad deliver tt In NTort, under throaajli Bills m Oadlns cents per gaUon, if received at the raw, aad nine pent loo tt received In the harbor from hip' tackle, cbaxgJssjfor the capacity of the cask, without allowing for waatage. TUs charge cover every expense from Panama to New Tort, la o Oie oil is sent through tbe Superintendent or Comnercial AT of the Panama Rail-Ko-ad Company, Insurance essepted. Tho freiifhU may be made payable on the Isthmus or in Htm Tork at the option of tbe shipper The veaseU of the Company sail regularly y. and the average passage to and from AspinwaU are about twenty to twenty-fiv- e day. The tha occupied In crossing tb.Iabnm.is . v. mi A.irtn it ftranelt across the Isthmo. . U . . s IVUI UWM " , with canvas, or conveyaa u coverea cars, sua may be assured that every rill ha taken to neevertloalt. Several cargoes have already bean conveyed to New Tot W.h- - out tne iiignteM Oil or other rood consigned fcr transportaUon torsw-Intende- nt of the Panama Bail -- Road Company, or to Ty t awa Netson. Cornmeroial Agent of th Company at Fans, wid be received and forwarded with the greatest dapateh. rr Frederic L. Hanks ha been ppointed Agent at tons-lul- u, 8andwich Island, and is prepared to furoUh very reseats uiformationto.biPer. ' Becrsisry JOS. J. JOY, 'itanamalL ft. Co Honolulu f-- L DONOLULU COAP UCZ: ST '' W. J. KATTLINS 2t CO., THAwnruL roa past favor. Ark are prepared, with their present tmpraiuiiMla, to apply Baevrhants aad iaaaiUea with hard and soft soap si, neat foot nU. , tr And alway ready to buy ar trade for tallow, sR kind of hi tab grtssi. f . , -- MV SALE. TrCLLOVJr Z SATCItJd 51CTAL asrt C- - U portion Na Ana, woeVs Goat, r.Vt a. uauj.ui 1 Unda. do Morocco and . as. do&tonae SonUs,I formBC- -. a. sets' do. Counter 4 lm 8-- ts, Lota; 1- - f", my r CA- T- Tvtti r vt i ,c. l. a:c3 4 VJ.

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annum. BOOK




A rayaroe linn io ilnm. Ja w. 'y vr vY'T '. Vv- .f i VW'V y VVK10 lines j,edirig first jJti, afru space) insertion $1 00. j ivtrt UIX8 OF KXCHARQE, 1

I ""hw.imlih uuenm go Ct. CATAL0CTB8, BILLS OF LADTie, t

ili jaDr- - amuB wuj ve cnvm ax toe Toilowin' I ;CONSULAR LAND,EIIX HEADS, ,payable at the end of each quarter s CIRCULARS, ? BLANK t -- CIMI, .iure for twrntT anea ner ourttrTth of a column prr quarter . . . ACCTIOS BIU-- , hand uue.

--oaa of a evtatnui per quarter '... ; xr vismNo, Busijcras, and apdreli caeds ' 'bote eniama uer aaarter - -

fnntail m ft Yaake QarJ rVeaf," ia the hiSbait atjrto of (Aaad7 No adrerttjeineot U be Inserted fbr leaf than art. .

Cotaiiercial Advertiser.CkrUtaaaa ia Com lax.

CbrtatiBaa la coming, the rlorioiu time,Seaaoa of happinesa, bupe and delight,

Horning comes frelcofned with echoing chime,Pleaaant to noon and o'erjnytxu the night.

Hanr op the raj BXUeto la the hall,i Tie cp the erer;reea oak by the door,Taatea the red bony branch by the wall,

Let the freah bay arch the maotlepiece o'er.Toicea of childhood are borne on the air.

Flatter young; heart like the lea Tea of the trees,Gladneas la (uahing through lift ererywhere.

Laughter aad music are borne on the breese.

Bee how the CVfetmas Tree branches are bant.Loaded with tffts fcr the jubilant Jtxsog, '

luUie baro fret toTheir couches are lent,Leviog their slocLiogs beside the rraU hone.

Orer the hooaetops 8c NichoUa rides,9ama Cfaos loaded with preeents is here,

Welcome to Chris Unas the fairest of brides,Beautiful Christmas the bride of New Tear.

VARIETY.Some slanderinir bachelor say" it is much few vKm

ha get married, bat more ja try after a year or two.There are mny men who delight in playing the, uhi wao gvi angry me moment they are told so.It has been satisfactorily ascertained thai Aacltm

enter the water for divers reasons, and come nnt fnrkfua dry tuotiTes.

When a man has s headache- - and aava !t thntiaalmon, you may safely conclude that he hajtSrinking like a fish.

A down east editor adrises readers, if thev wish toet teeth iDserted gratis, to go and steal fruit where

The war-ho-op is all very well ints way, but peace--uwp VF" u uctter.

i Jrar So. In one naTuw. mv V.m j.ost, Mrs. Cunningham'srZ.sCformance was notMiture. coe sex out to be eon fined- - and has anc

led admirably. She is not. however. suDnoned tria a sinking condition- - 'as the courts refuse to

I Jow her to be bailed out.l I A skunk once challenged a lion to single combat.

The lion fWHnsvl fA4V0fT.it ft P ifl " How ? sa'Hl the skunk, "are you afraid ?"f Tes," replied the lion, "you would only gain

by having bad the honor to fight a lion, whilererr one who met me for a month to come would-

ftknow that I haJ been in comDanr with a Bkunk-VL- J w.tie T TOU hab your hair parted in the mid

..7m Bweu nigger?";uici . Ka it's ie tkshion wid all what respeks them--it

'"selves, you bald-bead- ed embodiment ob blackin,pS'tjou. But wbaa is the difference between your hairr c"and mine. Pomp?

I "Gibs it up."I M t.-- r- :.ut- - vnnndeparted."

OiB or the LTrcmojs. A Yankee has inventeda suspender that contracts on your approach to water,so that the moment you come to a puddle it lifts youover, and drops yon on the other side. ,

A-la- ss ! a-l- ass ! as the old bachelor said when hewanted to marry, lie made the same exclamationafter marriage, but spelt it differently.

I a wnen you go to arown yourseir, always puu one your clothes they may fit your wife's Be. ond hus-jItba-nd.

if". No man living should say ill word against thef doctors.

I'm glad that this coffee don't owe me anything,"said Brown a boarder, at breakfast." " Why ?" saidSmith. " Because, I don't believe it would ever set--tie."

"I win. come down and giveyoa a thrashing, ifyou don't stop your impudence," said a man to apolitical opronent from Ireland, who was railing athim from the street below the window.

Come along," said Pat, " purry soon, ef ye plaze,for I'd like to be close by when ye did it !"

Before marriage, the man is very much struck with. the woman, and afterwards, the woman is very much

struck by the man. Pueh says it is a striking pieceof business all through.

DoEBTiCKS IX Bosrrox. The famous Poesticks"has furnished the New York Picayune an account ofhis visit to Boston, from which the following extractsare made :

Kinety-nin- e extra-size- d angle-wor- ms locomoting athigh-pressu- re speed about a grden-wal- k of a showeryafternoon, and being perpetually turned back whenthey get to the frige, and compelled to crosr eachCither's trail in innumerable directions, would, if theground were softTd their every footstep plaln risi-ble, draw on tbsfgarden-wal- k aforesaid a tolerablyaccurate map of the city of Boston. It is crookederthan nine acres of ram's horns, and has more cornersthan a cord of cross-c- ut saws.

You see your friend, and you call out, "Jones,wait a minute," and you start to see Jones, thinkinghe is just across the street.

Misguided man! Ctr-dlst- ant Jones! You climbaine hills, and turn ninety corners before you getwithin hitilinsr distance of Jones again.

The streets look as if they had been made some-where "else, and dumped here in a huge tangle; andnobody had never taken the trouble to straightenthem out again. It looks as if somebody had beenbuilding a lot of cities by contract, and the jobhadn't come out even, and he had thrown down hisremnants of streets and odds ends alleys, and littlesnipped off bits of lanes and avedb.es, and called itBueton. If any street in the town should be cut astr"ht mile in anv direction, it would sro through adozen private parlors and forty-fiv- e public music halls.Ia fact Boston looks as if the first-ra- te material for anexcellent city had been melted and poured through aeive on a side hill and left to cool.The Hocsehold - Good Night. " Good night V

A loud, clear voice from the stairs said that it wasTommy. Duod n:gbt '" murmur a little somethingfrom the trundle-b- el a little something that we callJenny, that filled a large place in the center of one ortwo pretty large hearts. "Good night !" lisps a lit--tie fellow in a plaid rifle dress, who was named WillieV)at six years ago.

Now I by me down Ur sleep,I mv the Lord my soul to keep;If I should die betire I

sad the small bundle In the trundle-be- d has droppedff to sleep, but the broken prayer may go up sooner

than many lung petitions that set out a great whilebefore it.

And so it was " good night" all around the home-stead; and very sweet music it made, too,' in thetwilight, and very pleasant melody it makes now, as

e think of it, for it was not yesterday, nor the daybefore, bat a long time ago eo long that Tommy isThomas Somebody, Esq., and has forgotten that hem was a boj, and wore wht the bravest and rich-- k

of ncan rwver wear but once, if we try the firstpair of boots.

And so it was good night all around the bouse; andthe children bad gone through the ivory gate, alwayshtft a little ajar for them through into the land ofdreams.

Verdict or a Negro I.vqcist. We de .nnder-crib- ed

darkies, bein a Kronen Juray of disgust tosit on de body ob de niggar Sambo, now dead andgone before us, hab been satin on the said niggar&resaid, did on de fudteenth ob November, came to

his deaf by tallin from the riber, wbar we find heaa afterwards washed on de riber side, whar we

pose he frose to def.The Other Stdl Once in a happy home, a sweet,

bright baby died, when the children gathered aroundtheir mother, all sitting very sorrowful Alice, theWest, said:

Mother, you took all the care of the baby whilehe was here, and yoa carried and held her in yourrms all the while she was ill; now, mother, who

took her on the other tide T"On the other side of what, Alice "0n the other side of death; who took the baby

n the other side, mother? She was so little sheeoold not go alone."

"Jesus met ber there," answered the mother.It is Ha who took little children in his arms to

them, and said, Suffer them to come unto me,nd forbid them not, sir of such is the kingdom of

MATen. He took the baby on the other aide."It is often dangax)nj to undertake to set two fellows

to fighting, take couple of dcs. and thrust theird noses against each other's teeth, and it may be" wort' eat dog, bat turn on wow.


gusiiuss Carts.


Corner of Queen and Xuuanu streeta, Honolulu, H. I.

. . . REFERENCES.Messrs. Pampsok A TiPr., - ' Boston.

E. 1. Bbigbam A Co .Bctlkb, KrlTM A UlLL,

Honolulu, July 1, 1857.

It. COADY fc CO., .

Shipping and Commission Merchants, Ilonololn, 8. 1.REFERENCES.

Messrs. OarsaaxL, Himu A Co- -, . Kew York.MTlL-K- T it CO., -'VVn.LB, Fabco A Co, - San Vrancisoo.Auor A Co., .... Valparaiso.ii. F. Tbais A Co., - - Melbourne.Baaiso B s A Co., - London.

Exehaasre tor sale on the United State and Europe.Hoopralu, J uly 1, 156. jyl-t- r


Superintends the outfitting of Teasels from this port, to theshipment of oil and bone, and negotiates whalemen'sdrafts, kc

REFERENCES.Messrs. Moaoaz, Hatha wat, It Co., San Francisco.

Macoxdkat Ax Co., - "X). R. Gkkks A Co Kew Bedford.Jam Kg B. Cosgdox, Esq., w

biAX VT. O. E. Pora. Esj

B. W. FIELD,Commission Merchant, Honolulu, Oahu, Sandwich Islands.

By permission, be refers to-C- .

W. Caktwbicbt, President of Manufacturers' InaaraoceComny, Boston.

Messrs. II. A. Piaaca, - - Boston.Thaykk, Kick A Co- -, - uKowaao SlOTT RxBi!(80!t, New Bedford.Johs Yi. Barrett it Soati, Nantucket.Perkiss A ewTu, - - New London.It. r. 8.10W, . . Houoluiu


THOMAS SPENCER,Ship Charaller, Dealer in tSnoi-iSTSridis-e, and Commission

Merchant, Honolulu, Oahu, S. I., keeps constantly on handan extensire awirnnent of every description of goods re-

quired by whale hi pa and others.Shipping; furnished with all kinds of groceries, provisions, Ac,

at the shortest notice, at the very lowest market prices,rr Money advanced for whalers bills at the lowest rates.63-- tf

I. N. FLITNER,Continues his old business at the new store in Makee's new fire

proof building, at the stand recently occupied by Dr.- Hoffmann, corner of Queen and Kaahumana streets.

transit instrument accurately adjusted to themeridian of Honolulu. Particular attention given to finewatch repairing. Sextant and quadrant glasses silveredand adjusted. Charts and nautical LJCnitnents constantlyon hand aad for sale,


C. Li. RICHARDS Ac CO.,Ship Chandlers, Importers and Commission Merchants, Oahu,

Sandwich Islands. 76-t-f


Wholesale Dealer in Wines and Spirits, Ale and Porter, nearthe Post Office, Honolulu. 49-- tf

RITSO.N & HART,Successors to Mr. Henry Robinson, Wholesale Wine, and Spirit

Merchants, Honolulu. H. I- -, under the Auction Room of A.P. Everett, Auctioneer, nearly opposite the Custom House.

33-t- f

CCST. C. MCLCHEBS. crsr asiscas.3IEL.CIIERS fe CO.,

Commission Merchants and Ship Chandlers, Honolulu, Oahu,S. I. Stone store corner of Kaahumanu and Merchant sts.Money advanced on favorable terms for Whalers bills on theU. 8. and Europe. July 1, 185o-- tf

THOMAS SPENCER,Ship Chandler and Commission Merchant, Honolulu, Oahu, S, I.

Shis supplied with refreshments, provisions, Ac at thebortest notice, on reasonable terms. Whalers bills wanted.July 1. 18&&-- tf

B. F. SNOW,Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise, Honolulu, Oahu,

H.I. 38

C. A. Si. II. F. POOR,ImDorters and Commission Merchants, Honolulu, Oahu, 8.

ISLAND PRODUCE of all kinds, bought, sold and takenin exchange for goods. GOtx

HAWAIIAN FLOUR COMPANY,Jastes F. B. Marshall, Treasurer, in the stone buildings, oc

cupied by B. M . 1 leld, up stairs. 1

J. C. SPALDING,Commission Merchant, and Importer. Honolulu. Oahu, 8. I

Wanted, Bills of Exchange on the U. S. and Europe. Con-

signments from abroad promptly attended to. Island produce of all kinds taken in exchange for goods. Jy 1--tf

II. HACKFELD &. CO.General Commission Agents, and Ship Clu-ll- cr. Honolulu,

Oahu, S. L. July 1, 18."o-t- f

ROBERT C. JANION,Merchant and Commission Agent, Honolulu, Oahu, S. I. Jy 1 t


Von HOLT &. HEUCK,General Commission Mercliants, Honolulu, Oahu, 8. 1. Jy 1- -t j

CHARLES BREWER,rnmmlamon Merchant. Boston. U. 8. Refer to Jas. Makee and

K. W. Wood Esqrs. Joly 1, 1856-t- f

ALEX. J. CART WRIGHT,Commission Merchant and General Shipping Agent, Honolulu,

. Oahu, U. 1. July 1, 18o6--tf


KRULL & MOLL,7nrn smd Cwnmiiwion Merchants. Kaahumanu street Makee's block. Juiyi, isoo-- u


CASTLE & COOKE,t mrA wiinlml- - ami Retail dealers in General Mer

chandise, at the old stand, comer of the King and School

nrw.i. near the laree Stone Church. Also at the StorelormertyHjccupied by C. U. NkAiolson, In King street, oppo-i- k.

ikunui CharjeL AireuU for Dr. Jaynes' Medicines. July 1, 1860--tf

HO,- -W. A. ALDBICS. -

ALDRICII & BISHOP,Importer and dealers in general merchandise, Honolulu, Oahu,

8.1. Island produce bought and sold. Agents for the saleof Sugar, Mulasaas Coffee, Ac-- , from the Lihue and otherriantauwiia.


53-l-y Honolulu, Oahu, H. I.

J. F. COLBURN,rr oT X O 3VT 33 UTI

63-- ly Kaahumana street, Honolulu, Oahu.

GEORGE CLARK,dealer In Dry and Fancy Goods, Hotel street between Nuuanu

and Maunakea streets. Honolulu, S. I. 11 tf


tnmber Merchant, yard corner of Queen and Nuuanu street on

the Punchard premises. . July

W. N. LADD,Importer and dealer In Hardware, Fort at. Honohila. Jy 1- -f

E. O. HALL.Importer and Dealer in Hardware, Dry Goods, Patnta, Oils, and

. general Merchandise, corner of Fort and King streets.

SAVIDGE Sc MAY,Grocer and Provision Merchant and Coffee Roasters, King

street, near the BetheL July 1, 1-- tf

S. N. EMERSON,WaiaJna, Oahu, Dealer In General Merchandise, Country Pro

duce such aa Corn, Beans, Bananas, Butter, Egg, Ac.63-- tf

GEORGE C. SIDERS,Manufactorer and dealer in Tin, Sheet Iron, and Copper ware,

Kaahumanu street, opposite J. C. Spalding's Honolulu, H.Summer Bakers, Tin and Copper Pumps, Bathing Tub.Foot and Shower Baths, Tin and Zinc Roofing, and a gen-

eral assortment of Tin ware. Ship work executed withneatness and dispatch. Jul 1 l--t

J. II. WOOD,Maniifaeturer, Importer and Dealer In Boots and Shoes of every

description. Shoe Findings, Pump, Sole, Rigging, Harness,and Patent leathers. Calf, Goat, Hog, and Buck SkinTrunk, Valises, Sparring Gloves, Foils, and Masks, Blacking. Brushes, Hosiery, Ae. Ac Brick Shoe store, corner ofFort and Merchant sts., Honolulu, II. L, July 1-- tf .


form his friend and the public, that he ha taken the wellknown Carpenter premise f C. H-- Lewera, Esq., on Fortstreet, and would solicit th.U patronage heretofore so liberallybestowed. All erder In the various branches ef Building,ptsaa, SperincaUona and Contracts attended to with proaapt-aes- sj

and dispaarh- r I'll a HI.B- - w. Tintrirr.


business Curbs.

AGENT FOR THENew York Board ( Underwriters).

The undersigned takes leave to notify Merchants, Ship Masters,Ae that be has been duly appointed as Agent for theNew York Board of Underwriters.

13-l- y ALEX. J. CARTWRIGirr.

AGENT FOR THELiverpool Underwriter's Association

The undersigned begs leave to notify Merchants, Ship owners.and Ship masters, that he has received the appointment olAOKNT at these Islands for the LIVERPOOL UNDERWRITER'S ASSOCIATIONJuly 1--tf ROBERT C. JANION.

AGENT FOR LLOYD'SThe undersigned begs to notify to Merchants, Ship owners and

Shipmasters, that he has received the appointment olAUB.vr at these Islands Tor LLOYD'S LONDON.July K ROBERT C. JANION.


TIIErett.TIIERX ASSURANCEFur Fire and Life Assurance at

borne and abroad.Cassltal 1.25B.7GO. Stcrlin.

The undersigned has been appointed A rent for the SandwichIslands. ROBERT CHESHIRE JANION

f. at Honolulu.

KRULL & MOLL, .Agents of the Hamburg and Lubeck Underwriters, Honolulu,

Oahu. II. i. July i, ISoo-- tl

FLORENS STAPENIIORST, ,Agent tor the Bremen board of Underwriters. - All average claims

airainst the said Underwriters, occurring in or about thisKingdom, will have to be certified before him. July 1--tf



AVIS AlTpiBLIC.Lcs Soussignes, ayant ete nomniea Agents pour les

Assureurs maritinies de Paris, previenent lepublic en general et les Canitaincs de navires

, marchands Franais, qui visitent Ifes ports de ceroyaume, en particulier, que clans tous leschs d 'avaries, qui auraient lieu dansces parages,

' ils devront, faire constater et verifier les faitsdevant eux pour legaliser leurs reclamationscentre les dits assureurs.




are prepared to iusure risks acaiiist fire in andabout Honolulu.

For particulars apply at the office.MKLCHERS A CO.

Hono ulu, Oct. 11, 1357. 68-- tf


THE UNDERSIGNED heps to notify to'thosehare insured in this office wooden buildings or

their contents within the precincts of Honolulu, that in conoe-sequen- ce

of the continued erection of large and hiph a oodenbuildings close together in narrow streets, no more risks on tim-ber constructions in the town will be taken, and those alreadytaken will not be renewed on the expiration of their terms.

ROBERT C. JANION,62-t- f , Agent fbr the Northern Assurance Co.


Office In Honolulu House, over the Post Office." ' o6-6- m

HONOLULU MEDICAL HALL, .lorner or Merchant and Kaahumanu streets.

DOCTOR McKIBIN,Surgeon, Ac,IS regularly supplied with Medicines, Ferfumcry, ax-- a '

best quality, family Medicines and Prescriptions Use-fully prepared. Medicine Cheats examined and refitted onreasonable terms.

Atteidance at the office from 8 A. M. tilt 6 P. M.. on weekdays, and from 8 to 11 A. M. on Sundays. At other timesat his residence, Union street. 9--tf

II. L. BULLIONS, M. D.,Physician and Surgeon, Fort street, two doors above Merchant,

Honolulu, aieaicioe cnests caretuiiy rentted. .lrA.1

DR. FORD'SOffice and Drug Store, Queen Street, at the stand formerly oc

copied by Dr. Lathrop. Ship's Medicine chests refittedand prescriptions carefully prepared under the supervisionof LANGIIERNE. Hot, cold, vapor, shower and medicatedAtAVHS. at all hours. iy

CHAS. F. GUILLOU,Late Surgeon United States Nary, Consular Physician to sick

American seamen. Office next door to J. C. SpaldingKaahumanu St.; Residence at the lute French lreniis- -es, Alakea sreet. Respectfully offers his professional services to resident families, to the shipping, and to strangersgenerally. Medical ami Surgical ad vice in English, renchSpanish, and Italian. Olfice hours from 11 A. M. to 2 P.M., and from 4 to 5 P. M.

At other hours enquire at his residence. - Jy 1--tf

E. HOFFMANN,Physician and Surgeon, office in the new dntg store, adjoining

the store of H. Hackteld A Co., Queen-stree- t. Jy tf

GIL.MAN & CO.,Ship Chandler and Dealers In Genei 1 Merchandise,

LAHA1NA, M AU I, n. I.Ships supplied with recruits. Good facilities for storage. Cash

furnished for bills otfxchangc. 63-l-y

BOLLES sir CO.,Ship Chandlers and Commission Merchants and Dealers in

General Merchandise, Lahaina, Maui. Whaler furnishedwith recruit at the shortest notice, in exchange for goodsor bills. 34--tf

S. IIOFFMEYER.Commission Merchant, dealer in Ship Chandlery, and General

Merchandise, Lahaina, Maui, 11. 1. Ships furnished withrecruits. Whalers Bills wanted on the U. S. and Eume.Storage. July 1, lS.'M-- tf

JOHN D. HAVEKOST,Auctioneer, Wafluku, East Maui. 38-l- yr

JOHN THOMAS WATERIIOUSE,Importer, Wholesale aad Retail Dealer In General Merchandise,

Honolulu, ana Lanaina, iuaui. t--u

B. PITMAN,Ship Chandler and dealer ih General Merchandise, Waiakea Bay,

HILO, HAWAII.Keeps constantly on hand an extensive asaortmenfc-o- f everydescription of roods required by whale ships and others.

furnished with fresh beef, Vegetables, and all kinds ofShipping. . . . . . . i , . . . . . .iUrocersr. ana rro visions at tuc iuihkh nuuw, aw uic

verv lowest market prices.Rest facilities for storaire of from 3 to 5000 barrels, being near

the landing, and free from thatched buildings.Wanted, Whalers bills on the C. 8. or Europe, for which money

will be advanced on reasonanie terms.N. B. Tliis port offer the safest and most commodious anchor

age of any port in the Hawaiian group, iiere you can giveseamen their liberty without danger of losing them by desertion. No ardent spirits allowed to be sold

UTAI&AHEE,Agents for the Papakoa and Pueo Sugar Plantations, at Hilo ;

Importers ana r noiesaie ana netau Aciers m .uGood, have on band, and offer for sale, at their establish-ments on King street, Honolulu, and at Lahaina, JWaui,Sugar, Molasses, Syrup, Tea, Coffee, and a large andvaried assortment of general merchandise.

Honolulu, August 13, 1867.. - 6-- ly

J. WORTH,Dealer In General Merchandise, Ililo, Hawaii. Ships supplied

with recruit at the shortest notice, on reasonanie termBills of exchange wanted. July 1, 1856-t- f

THE HONOLULU IRON WORKS.UNDERSIGNED is now prepared to repair orTHE all kind of machinery, mill gearing, windt

lass gearing, ship forging and smith work.Cart boxes, forge back, anvus ate. on nana ana ma-i- e u

order.Iron and and best quality of smith's cosj tor ssie--Also one excellent small sued sugar mill with copper train

complete, adapted to either horse or water Pwr--

'JW A. TA v Ar A rv

BOOKBINDINGIN A VABIETl OFSTiiiBsDONE and substantially, and on fpur terms. Law Books,

Music, Newspapers, Ac. bound to order. Portfolios, scrapBook. Herbarium. Drawing Book, and Blank Book, made toorder, officers of ship can have their Savigarion and LogHooks, and Charts, bound and repaired, at the Mission Office,Kawaiahao. Old Books rebound at short notice. .

Orders may also be left at AA. JU. ? i 'tore, Honolulu. UNLtb hlmmul,

July I, isoo-u- - -

JAMES A. BURDICK,Cooper and Guager, beg to Inform his friends and the public

ceneraiiy. tnat ne naa recomaretKm mm

on hi old stand, ia the rear of Mr. EL Rhode' Spirit store I -

and opposite Mr. CoibunT Aoctioa Uoma,vM respectf-ul!- solicits a share of the public patronage. All orderpromptly attended to. 13-- tf

; C. II. LEWEHS, :'

Lumber and building mater!ais,Fort St. UoooroU. Jy 1-- tf.

, II. FISCHER,Cabinet Maker and French Polisher, Bote Sweet, oppe;

Government House. -

mvHABs,--- "'TTV ,..fej ii i ii ii.. s


"imsts anil anis.


Tr, f ner of Fort and Chaplain streets. Possession, jrlren onJLXaL the 1st of January next. Inquire of J FULLER, at theOihce of the Board of Education. . .' 7o-- tI

TO LET OR FOR SALE-Posora- wio. given Immediately Three neat cottages, three rooms ineach, with outhouses situated on Merchant street, handy

to the business part of the town. Title fee simple. Apply toHENRY SMITH,

74-3- m Or C. C. HARRIS.


COMMODIOUS DWELLINGMTHE in Nuuanu Valley, Just above the residence of; having been put in thorough repair and fur-nisu-ed

with an ample supply of water, will be leased on rea-sonable term to a good tenant. Apply to

WM. C. PARKE,71-- tf Agent for W. T. Walker.

FOR SALE.. VA COTTAGE with a large garden, situated on

the west side of the lane running from King to Queen, streets, opposite the palace, at present occupied by J.

Smithies, Esq. The cottage contains three rooms, and has Justbeen put in thorough repair. . There is a good cook house, fowlhouse and well of water on the premises. The above offers agood opportunity to any small family wishing a residence ashort distance from town. For particulars apply to

UE0. CLARK, Hotel street.Honolulu, Oct, 21, 1857. y W-- tf

TO LET.THE TWO STORES NOW BEINGerected In Fort street, between King and Merchant sts.Parties wishing to lease can have them fitted to suit by

early application. For terms,' please apply to

64-- tf B. F. SNOW.

FOR SALE OR LEASE.THE LARGE AND COMMODIOUSDwelling House, situated on the comer of Fort and Here-- ,

tania streets, at present occupied by Dr. Geo. A. Lathrop.Possession given 1st Jan., 1S58.

Apply to65-- tf CHAS. BREWER, 2d.

FOR SALE OR RENT.ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTYACRES, more or less, of rich Land, well adapted forwheat growing and f r suimr cane, at Nawiliwili, Kauai,

lying one mile from the beach, adjacent to the Lihue Mill andPlantation, and at a considerable elevation above the sea.

Part of the tract is well watered, and the whole of It canbe easily and cheaply irri (rated. TAe entire tract is enclosed. The dwelling and es are all in thoroughrepair.

For terms, Apply to65-- tf B. W. FIELD, Honolulu.


FOLLOWING OFFICES ANDMTHE in the brick building, corner of Queen and

streets, generally known as the Makee AAuthon buildinpr, via. :

The second floor, at present occupied by Dan. C. Waterman,Esq.

The third floor over Messrs. AlJrich k Bishop, suitable forstorage.

The renr office oa the first floor (lately occupied by D. N.Flitner, Esq.)

The ofbee on the second floor, (lately occupied by J. Makee,E?q.)

The cellar of the above building, capable of storage for 1,500barrels. Applv to

65-- tf CHAS. BREWER, 2p.

VALUABLE PREMISES.FOR SALE OR LEASE for a term of years,the Store 1"remises now occupied by the undersigned.

65-- tf B. F. SNOW.

REAL ESTATE TO BE SOLD, OR TO LET.THAT LARGE AND COMMODIOUSBuilding situated in King street, and known as the MainHotel, is uw offered for sale, or to lea.e, on moderate

terras. There is situated on the premises splendid BowlingAlleys, and all other accommodations fittinir for a first-cla- ss

Hotel, or a private residence. For other particulars enquire of. GEO..FRIEL,

Nunanu street, Honolulu,or EDWARD BROWN.

62-- tf Nuuanu Valley.

TO RENT.THE COTTAGE AND GROUND AD-JOINING on the Nuuanu road, at present occupied bythe Rev. J. D. Strong. Io?9ession giren on the 1st of

Dec. next. Apply to6J--tf W. II. PEASE.

FOR SALE.A BUILDING LOT situated in Kukui Place, adjoin W. K. Seal, Esq. The above Lot is enclosed witha six feet fence, together with the privilege of the gov

eminent water. Apply toTH0S. KEEGAN,

61-- tf Nuuanu street, near the Wharf.


that large, high, airy and perfectly dry, cellar underthe store of the underpinned , room for all 160 tons es--

peciully fit for storing oil, provisions, Ac, Ac. Enquire Ht69tf VON HOLT A 11EUCK.

LARGE YARDFOR STORING COALS. BRICKS. IRONInmlier, firewood, Ac, TO LET by the month or year.This yard is securely fenced in, well shaded, and ad

Joining the store of69 tf . VON HOLT A HEUCK.


snle low, the very desirable cottage built by B. F.Harder, on Kukui street, opposite the residence of A. P

Everett, Esq. This cottage is nearly new, anil built of the bestmaterials by Mr. Harder, for his own occupancy, and is sup-plied with water, bath-roo- m and other conveniences.

Apply to J. F. B. .MARSHALL.Honolulu, July 14, 1S57. So-- tf


belonging to Robert G. Davis, situated between Dr.Wood's ami Charles Bishop's residences.

Terms easy. Apply to67-- tf ASHER B. BATES.


FIRE PROOF ULILDINU, on King street, comer ofMauna Kea street, now occupied by U. ltuhle & Co.

The lower part is excellently fitted withKoa Shelve and Counters,

For a Retail Store. The upper part containsFive Spacious Dwelling Roonaa

And the extensive yard is provided with a good well, brickcook-hous- e, Ac.

Terms low. Possession given immediately, if required. Forfurtl.er particulars apply on the premises, or at


COTTAGE TO LET.TO LET The house now occupied by Thomas

Brown, in Nuuanu Valley, makai of the residence ofE. O. Hall. .

Register Office, May 1, 1857. 47-- tf


lolo Valley, enclosed and containing forty-seve- n acres.Term low. Inquire of

DR. SMITH, Dentist.Honolulu, April 28, 1857. ' 44-- tf


32-- tf Merchant street, near the Royal Hotel.

TO LET. The Building lately occupied by Vincent

SiGrenier, on Nuuanu Street, directly opposite MerchantStreet. The lower part is fitted with counter, shelves.

Ac. ; upper part fine sleeping rooms, and fine cellar under same.ALSO

TO LET One-ha- lf of the Loft in large Stone Warehouseon Marine Street and one-ha-lf of the Cellar under same.

Apply to C31-t- f) A. P. EVERETT.

A OFFICE TO LET, fronting on Nuuanu streetApply to

2--tf A. P. EVERETT.

TO BE SOLD OR LET. A LARGE ANDcommodious residence in Nuuanu Valley, about a mileand a half from town. Term moderate. Apply to

Honolulu. July 1. 1--tf W. L. GREEN.

DOCTOR'S SHOP.P. Jl'DD, AT THE CORNER OF FORTG.and Merchant Streets, reminds the public that he continue

to devote himself to the treatment of DtsEAss of all kinds, hav-ing for sale a great variety of Drugs and Mimcists of the bestquality, lie sells also ( . .

Poiaona.Arsenic, strichnine, verairine, corrosive sublimate.Oxalic acid, St. Ignasiu beans, rax vomica, opium,Prussic acid, alcohol. '

Perfafaery.Mu.lt, extract musk, cologne, lavender water, ,

Windsor, honey and other soap.Miaellane?n.. So, peart barley, oat meal, gum shellac, ,

Writing and marking ink. Sands arsaparilla,Soda water, and other article too numerous to mention.XT Easily found when wanted. 6-t-f.

DYERS' HEALING EMBROCATION,TjWR EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL USE.11 it ia a oerfcet pain destroyer, and an invaluable remedyj,v Rheum aUstn, cuts, w ounus, mo m me cine, xwca anaLimbs. Lumbaeo. Sore Throat. Burns. Scalds, Swelling, Ague,Cramp, etc For rut and wounds it is superior to any otherpreparation i it will afford immediate relief in scald or burn ;and for pain or weakness in any part of the system, it will givecertain relief in a very little time. For sale at retail by tradersthrouirbout the Islands. For sale wholesale at Honolulu by

July 1, 1886-t- f B. W. FIELD.

JUST HE(JEIYED.Codfish, mackerel, sugar-cube-d

Foraalebyno-- rr SAVIDGB MAT.

r S V

Jl ? J 52

--DECEMBER 24, 1857.

irrip Carts.


Hakodadi, Japan.ALL Kind of Fresh Provisions furnished ; also, Ship's

and Ship Chandlery, at bonolckc rmcn.Whalemen's Drafts taken, Ac 71-- ly


TAHITI, -Will supply ships with provision, Ac, and advance money on

invvnmQ iruia iur uius oa un l. nisea Dtates. 1 u-- ly


' MANG0NUL, NEW ZEALAND.ET Shipping supplied or. the most reasonable term. Lat.

35-- S., long. 173-38,- --. 41-l- y

C. MCRCER. . , . . C. MERRILL.


dorr's warrhocsk,Nos. 47 and 49 California street,


Capt. James Makee, Honolulu: Cant. D. C. Waterman,xiouoiuiu , jiessrs. uiunan s uo., Lanaina, . m

S. GKirriTTS MORGAN. C. 8. HATHAWAT. S. r. 8T09B.

MORGAN, nATHAWAY & CO.,Commission and Forwarding Merchants, San Francisco, Cal

References, T. S. Hathaway Esq. Messrs. T. A A. R. Nye,& Swift A Perry, New Bedford, Messrs. Grinnell M in turn ACo., New York, John M. Forbes Esq., Boston, Messrs. Per-kins A Smith, New London, Daniel C. Waterman Esq. Hon-olulu. , July 1, 1866-t- f.

ROPE WALK AND OAK U.IIFACTORY.OF EVERY SIZECORDAGE to order constantly on hand. A lanre assort

ment of Manila and Hemp Rope (all size). Bale Rope, Tow Line,and Oakum, for sale by TL'BBS A CO.

20-l-y lau. ront street. Ban irranctsco.





is entruped with the above firm, and respectfully solicits orders from old friends, and will be happy to attendto the purchase of all descriptions of merchandise, at the usualrates of commission. Co-- rf ,


WINES AND LIQUORS,No. 93 Froat street, brtwrra Clay ansl'Mer- -

cbant at recta. San Fraaeiaco. . 66--1 y

9. B. MEAD. I. B. PCBDT. J. 8. DIXON.



N. W. corner. Sanaome and Cosaatcv I ate.,SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 66-- m





San Francisco, Cal.,OF THE ABOVEMANUFACTURERS their Bakers' Extra, for

Bakers' use, and their Extra Scferfiss, for Family Use, equalto am' Flour manufactured in the State. N. B. We invite the

Bakers," Grocers and DealersOf the Sandwich Islands, and elsewhere, to give our AmericanMills "Flour a fnir trial, we guaranteeing perfect satisfaction inall cases, at the lowest manufacturing prices.

- . T. PEASE & CO.TT Extra Self-risin- g, Haxall, Gallkgo, and other brand

of Hour, constantly on hand and for sale by6ft ly E. T. PEASE A CO.

BARRY & PATTEN,importers, wholesale and retail dealers in

WINES, LIQUORS, DEMIJOHNS, tfc,116 Montgomery at., San Francisco. 66-- 1 y



AVE ON HAND AND FOR SALE THEH followiue. viz :

Old London Dock Brandies. Port W sacs.Shrr rir. and all the choicest brands of Champagar,Awplr-Jac- k. Pisco, Arrack, Cordials, Li--ssrsra Ac. Ac

ALSO Hilliard Balls, Cloths, Cues, Cue-poin- ts, Cue-wa- x,

Chalk, Pool and Rondo Balls, Cue Cutters, Pool Bottles, etcCopies of Phelan's " Game of Billiards." - 66-6- m


LARGEST AS WELL AS THE BESTTHE stock on the Pacific Coast. Family, Ship andCabin Stores, pub up with dispatch.

Orders attended to promptly, when accompanied with cash.TT- - Corner of Sansome and California streets. San Fran

cisco. California. .66-- lj


ECEIVED BY LATE ARRIVALS50 reams white ruled cap paper,

60 reams blue unruled cap paper.20 reams white and blue ruled paper,

150 reams assorted qualities blue ruled letter paper,100 reams assorted qualities white ruled letter paper,60 reams white, blue and plain note paper.

also125 reams various qualities this French, English and Amer

ican letter and llatcap papers.tror sale cheap ny

83-- tf H. M. WniTNEY.

PAPER! PAPER!sTB ILL PAPER, BROAD AND NARROW ;KA Cap do, various qualities ;

Letter do, do do, ruled and unruledNote do, do do. do - do ;Music Paper ;Official Envelopes, Buff, Parchment, doth and white ;Letter do, do, do, do do;

' Note Envelopes, various patterns. For sale by66-- tf . H. M. WHITNEY.


M. receiving, from the manufacturer direct, the best qualitiesof fresh

Pare," " "Emlra,"and "No. 1"

White lead, ground in the best boiled English oil, and is anthorised to contract at lower prices than the present marketrates. ,

J. C. SPALDING.Honolulu. June 9,1857. "J 5Q--tf

NEW GOODSX FANNY M AJOR A large assortment, of aki'AingE hat. Ac. , such as:

Blue flannel shirts, scarlet flannel birta, '.

White shirts, fancy shirts, ,Gray flannel shirts, Panama hat,Jlfaracaibo hats, sattinet pants.Linen pants, Marseilles pants,Cottonade pants, handkerchiefs,Women's buskins,

At wholesale by60-t-f c. a. a h. f. poor--

SILK UMBRELLAS.RECEIVED a few superior silk umbrellas,JUST sixes. For sale by

60-t- f B. F. SNOW.

SUGAR. SYRUPS AND MOLASSES.11ROM THE NEW. CROP, from the East MaulJL JPlantation, for sale by

(36-t-f) H. HACKFELD A Co.

HAWAIIAN BEEF.SUBSCRIBER will have constantly on. handTHE Hawaiian Beef, packed la Turks Island salt, and war-

ranted, under the supervision of James Makee, Esq., for sale byatx CHAS. BREWER to.



WHITEWOOD For al bySlf ' CHAA. BBJrWSK, to.

." . i... '. .


San raiuisr0 gtolicrHsfmfnls.


SANDWICH AND SOCIETY ISLANDSdoing business in any part of the Padflo

Ocean, will always find a Large mm WcIlSeletaStock of

French, British and AmericanFANCY DRY GOODS and

SMALL WARES, atHughes & Wallace's,

JV05. 105 AND 107 SACRAMENTO STREKT,San Francisco, Cal.,

Consisting in part ofWhite goods, embroideries, laces, ribbons ;Millinery goods, hosiery, gloves, pongee hdkfs ;Suspenders, cravats, shirts, collars, fancy cutlery IScissors, combs, brushes, perfumery, toilet articles;Yankee notions, haberdashery, etc, etcjImitation shell round-bac- k combs ;Black feathers, beads, etc, etc

LC7 An inspection of our stock is solicited.ICT Our importations are direct from Brit-

ain and Europe.O One of the firm always in the market.

All orders executed with promptnessand dispatch.



105 and 107 Sacramento ttreet, San Francisco, Cal.

N. B. Sole Agents forJ. & J. Clark & Co's celebrated Spool Cotton ;Marshall & Co's (Leeds) Linen Thread ;

Societe" Hygineque Perfumery.



No. 107 Clay street, San Francisco,FOR SALE A FULL AND COM.O" pleta assortment of desirable - ,

DRUGS AND MEDICINES.R. A CO. respectfully solicit order from the country, and

will guarantee satisfaction in every particular to those who favorthem with their custom. 66-fl- m

AERICAN EXCHANGE.(formerly wilson's exchange,)

IS UP TO THE GRADE,Sansome St., opposite American Theatre,


"" son's Exchange,) begs leave to inform the Traveling community, that he has undertaken the personal charge ofthat house, lie has made extensive alterations and improve-ments, 'and has renovated the house throughout, making it thefirst Hotel on the Pacific coast. There has been added to theHouse a very fine

SITTING ROOM AND DINING HALL,Newly furnished. In point of comfort and all the conveniencewhich modern hotel keeping have rendered essential, the

AMERICAN EXCHANGE,will compare favorably with any of the Atlantic Hotels. Thebest talent has been employed in the various departments, andthe proprietor will set the best tabli the market affords. Pai--CK8 TO SriT THS TIMES. -

The American Exchange Coach is always in readiness to con-vey passengers to and from the House to the Landings, or to anypart of the city, for SI Baggage free. Mr. P. B. Smith hacharge of the Coach. 66--ly



fTUKES PLEASURE IN INFORMING THEjH. Public at the Sandwich Islands, that he has associated

with him as a partner, Mr. Robert J. Tirraxr, (late of NewYork.) Collins and Tiffany are both practical hatter, andwarrant all their work, in make, finish and style.

People residing at the sandwich Islands, can be supplied withany style of Hat or Cap, on return vessel. Apply to W. K.8NODGRASS, leaving size, etc. COLLIN'S A TIFFANY,

o6-3- m 11 1 n ashington street, can rrandseo.


San Francisco, Cal.

WELL-KNOW- N AND POPULARTHIS ofiera superior inducements to the TravelingPublic, and to those wishing a quiet home. It is situated Inconvenient proximity to the business center, and is conductedon the European Plan, giving its patrons the choice of obtainingtheir meals at the restaurant connected with the house, or else-where, as their convenience may suggest.

The Proprietor, who has been eaicaged in this bouse since1852, solicits a continuance of the pvtronage of his many friends,which, as heretofore, he will endeavor to merit by strict atten-tion to their want and comfort. G. W. FRINK,

66-6- m Proprietor.


San Francisco, Cal.M. A. FREAVH, PROPRIETOR.

ABOVE HOUSE HAVING BEENMTHE renovated, is now ready to accommodate its

in aa comfortable a manner as any hotel In thState. XT No mosquitoes. ftS-3- m


rTUIE UNDERSIGNED HAVE ConstsmtlyJL on hand a large and complete assortment of Ship' Block,

suitable for vessels of any class, and fbr purchases of any requisite weight. We have

Patent iron strappea diocks, to jo tnctiestCommon iron do do, 4 to 16 inches;Patent blocks, - - - 6 to 18 inches; .

Common do, - - - 2 to 18 inches; .

Patent U V. sheaves, 4 to 12 inches; -Patent iron do, - 8 to 12 Inches;Common L.Y. do, : - - 3 to 12 inches;

' Common iron do;And many other articles eomprsied in this line, aU of which

are offered for sale in lots to suit, and at low raicaa.GEORGE HOWKS A CO.,

153 Saksoms stbjert, Saw Framcisoo,74-3- m Agents for the Manufacturer.

' Wanled Heaver CastorsITTvOR WHICH fair price win be paid byML? M. ROSENSTOCK. 66 CaUfiimU street.

70-S- m Near Front at. Saa FiMwnco.

Furs Wanted." - -WANTEDr-Se- a Otter, Land Otter, Bear. Dorr, Mtnlr,

and aU other kind of Fun, for which shirprice will be paid, by M. ROSEN STOCK, '

70-2-m 65 California st. near Front, Son Francisco. .

Fcr Csls. ' vg Afa KEYSTONE WINE AND CIDZX fjLLS, sc-M-

Vr hie for manufacturing wine and cider, byT. O. SHAW. SSI

Wear Davis strait. Sen Fiamf. Cs.



Jast Received br" SI 9 - .S3 s Za Xa

DRY GOODS.Bale brown drill; ' 4-- 4 bre. cottonBrown cotton flannel' 3-- 4 do dot .

Blue drills! TickingTable covers; Llnto napklnsjScotch diaper; Curtain muslins; -

MI'd and brown damask; Morre antique paraesis;Silk eord and taasels; Picture cord;

"Jet button; lUbhoiia, etc

BONNETS.Col'd willow cape; Fancy cape.Blonde; Tissue;Black lace; 7 braid;Pedal; , Col'd glace;Fancy IJPy Misses' pedal, ete.

BOOTS AND SHOES.Men's ealf brogans; Super calf ties;Men' Oxford ties; Metal ic overshoe;Misses' kid buskins; Misses' goat bootee;Misses' fine slipper; Boys' goat broganaiMen's calf boots; Boys' ealf boot;Ladle congress gaiters; Ladies' kid supper.

MISCELLANEOUS.Fancy basket; Luce mitts;Fruit do; Mohair do;Nursery do; Lisle gauntlet;Fan, various kinds, Veil barege;Gimp, furniture gimp; . Fringe trimming;Silk buttons; Lace button;Girdles; Mohair braid;Malta lace; Muslin flouncing;Muslin and lace collars; Set collar and alceraa.

HARDWARE, &c.Cut and wrought nails; Sheet lead and sine;Handled axes; 8. B. lanterns;Iron squares, Halter and log chains;Dog collars', Copper and Iron tacks;Horse fleam; Plated desert knives;Pocket and table knives; Grain mills;Iron and brass screw; Coffee mills;Shoe nail; Fairbanks' scako;Hat and cloak book; Charcoal irons; ,Shoe thread; Brit, teapots,Solar lamp; do coffeepots;Glass lamps; do castors;Looking Glasses; Window cornice;Hats, caps, etc,; Curtain pins and bands;Spurs, stirrups, etc Grindstone and crank.

SUNDRIESBoiled linseed oil; Wood and cane rock'g chrf iSpirit turpentine; Cane-ee-st chairsj fMarket basket; Rolling-pin- s, mortar; ,.

Painted pail; Washboards;do tub, Hay Cutter;

Hingham bucket; Saddlebags;Glased aash; Panel doors;Window blinds; Plows; -

Bridle leather; Saddles, with bridles.Calfskins; Lining skins;Bole leather; Binder's skins;Tether chains; Stubb's flies;Racking cock; Letter and foolseap paper;

g stopcock; Loom and Cast Joint butts;Locks, of all kind; Stewnana, enameled. -

ALSO,A treat variety of Fan lly Stores, Haxall Ftawr,

-- S. 2arav- - A m ats.Flonr In tin. Lard, ' " ' eWFOR SALE CHEAP.

To tbe Farmer and Dealers inAgricultural IcipleraentSe

READ. Having erected a good hp, withPLEASEnot heretofore possessed by any in this State tormanufacturing Agricultural Implements, I beg leave to announcethat I am now properly under way with that business. I aploy none but the best and most experienced tnecoanica, andwork no material but the best. In thi way I hope to prosnote theinterest of the good mechanic, the Interest of the rarmer, the in-

terest of our young and growing Agricultural State, and at thesame time that interest which U foremost with all mankind oilf.I have had twenty years' experience in the snanufacturtosj busi-

ness ; I established the first shop, and made the first steal ptowin the State of Wisconsin, In the dawn of ber day of treatagri-cuitur- al

improvement. I also made the first Reaping and Mow-

ing machine, and the first steel plow ever made in thi State.Therefore, with my experience and a knowledge of the want atthe country, (which are different from most other,) I M mnB.-de- nt

that I can andrVill do much for the Interest of bwnen.turista of thCpoantry ; and in my effort I trust I shall no, .with a good share - patronajrs from the farmer, and an Inter-ested in this matt id ia the interest and development of thagricultural impro.-e- nt of our State. I design, and bars a-d-er

way, the manufacturing of1500 CAST STEEL CALIFORNIA DEEP TILLEK OMt

QUEEN OF THE WEST PLOWS. -The mould board, tbe landside aad shear are manufactured ofcast steel, making the plow run much lighter than any plowused in thi country. Alto.QANQ PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, HARROWS, PAltlt

MILLS', 4e., ire.In addition to what I manufacture, I shall constantly be re-

ceiving implement from the beat maker of thi SmUtn andWestern States, amongst which are600 CINCINNATI EAGLE STEEL ic ROVER PLOWS,a shipment of which ha Just arrived. These plow stand, lapoint of true merit and worth, altogether higher than any othersin the great agricultural State of Ohio.

Please favor me with a can and see for yourself, aad be eoaviiiced that I am publishing no humbug, but simply fact astbey are, and that our young State can within itself already proride the farmer with Implement Inferior to none now in sue.

Any artiek I manufacture win have all the latest improvemenu, and be finished In a workmanlike manner.

An kind of agricultural Implement and machines repairedon abort notice, and in the beat manner, and on reasonableterm. THOS. OGG SHAW,

83 Sacramento street, near Davis, San Francisco, CaLShop, corner Davis and Sacramento sts. 19--Ua


INSTITUTE,Sacramento at hclow Moatjonry,

Opposite Pacilio Mail Steamship Company's OSot,SAN FRANCISCO, CAL.

Kstabhshed in 1854, for the permanent cure of all private sadchronic disease, and the suppression ef quackery.

Attending and Resident Physician, L. J. CiamlsT, M. D tatsIn the Hungarian Revolutionary War, Chief Phyaidan to tits20th Regiment of Hon reds, Chief Burgeon to the MilitaryHospital of Peath, Hungary, aad late lecturer on dUwaae ofwomen and children. Communications strictly conftAentiaL

Consultations by letter or otherwise, free. Address L. J. CxAr-xa- t,

M. P., Ban Francisco, California. 70--5

To toe Owners, anal Peroosm latere od

Whalesnip ia the Paci- -s Cea.pITaOrnc. or ra-- -- l

The Panama Rail-Roa- d Company take thi sMMof informing those intereited in the Whaling busi-

ness, of the advantage offered by tbe. Bs 11 road.v-- v.M- - r for tha shimassst of

- ..... . . . . a.. - ,i MA.Oil from the racinc to me usnw div, - -fiU and supplies from tbe United State to Panama.

The Railroad has been in regular and fuccesful cpersromore than two years, and it capacity tor the trarapom Ot

every of merchandise, including Oil, Provis .--.,

has been fuLteated. The attention of seTeral Car 5whaleship has recently been turned to the subject ot awipptsgtheir oil from Panama to New Vork during the present tea Ml, ,

and tbe Panama Bail-Roa- d Company msta atranissentsto afford every facUUy which may be required

of thi important object. A Pier, 4Wfcet lor--t, asbeen built in the bay of Panama, to the end of whkrhlreiShtCar are run to receive cargoes from tighter or vejea tylncJongsWe, and deliver the same along! ,T!Jwall. Vess of from 200 to 800 too can lie at th

safety, grounding in the mud at Vow water. : - -

The vewel to and from AspinwaU are fastaOlnf brio, belonging to the Kail-Ro- ad Company, and th toW" fjjpared to receive oil at Panama aad deliver tt In NTort,under throaajli Bills m Oadlnscents per gaUon, if received at the raw, aad nine pentloo tt received In the harbor from hip' tackle, cbaxgJssjforthe capacity of the cask, without allowing for waatage. TUscharge cover every expense from Panama to New Tort, la oOie oil is sent through tbe Superintendent or Comnercial ATof the Panama Rail-Ko-ad Company, Insurance essepted. ThofreiifhU may be made payable on the Isthmus or in Htm Torkat the option of tbe shipper

The veaseU of the Company sail regularly y. andthe average passage to and from AspinwaU are about twenty totwenty-fiv- e day. The tha occupied In crossing tb.Iabnm.is

. v. mi A.irtn it ftranelt across the Isthmo.. U. .


with canvas, or conveyaa u coverea cars, suamay be assured that every rill ha taken to neevertloalt.Several cargoes have already bean conveyed to New Tot W.h- -

out tne iiignteMOil or other rood consigned fcr transportaUon torsw-Intende- nt

of the Panama Bail --Road Company, or to Ty t awa

Netson. Cornmeroial Agent of th Company at Fans, widbe received and forwarded with the greatest dapateh.rr Frederic L. Hanks ha been ppointed Agent at tons-lul- u,

8andwich Island, and is prepared to furoUh very reseatsuiformationto.biPer. ' BecrsisryJOS. J. JOY,

'itanamalL ft. Co Honolulu f--L


W. J. KATTLINS 2t CO.,THAwnruL roa past favor.Ark are prepared, with their present tmpraiuiiMla, to

apply Baevrhants aad iaaaiUea with hard and soft soap si,neat foot nU. ,

tr And alway ready to buy ar trade for tallow,sR kind of hi tab grtssi. f . , --MV


U portion Na Ana, woeVs Goat, r.Vta. uauj.ui 1 Unda. do Morocco and . as.do&tonae SonUs,I formBC- -. a.sets' do. Counter 4 lm 8-- ts, Lota; 1- -

f", my r CA- T- Tvtti r vt i,c. l. a:c3 4 VJ.

Page 2: eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · P--3 fcha f 0 I L,. r jj . ., . . ,, .., , v VS. ' I , .. - - ., . - ... .......... j' . . . t to ad.t.t; nnsAT r rrscnirzk. Wtaarrea.hiaeral

oorxEzsnoxiix..iTEDXESDAT EVEfHXQ, DEC. 23,137.

have to leport the arriv.il of tbe sebonner Cmrtrfine E.rU team San Franrfeeo with Dm snail and a (mail freight,eoaetaliagr atnetly shingles and IwHaloc. Dates from SanFrancises are M the 34 inac, aa4 frm Nrw Y.irk to November

:a- - The new fr m the East ts at in mora startling, if possible.Uava thai by the last arrival the financial trouble seem to

Mwt with do relief. By a eooerrted uuwaat on tb part ofthe merchants on tha 13U of October all the banks in New-- forkwtn MCM to awspend specie payments, and the suspension ofssost of the tajiks tkroughool the United States immediately fcltowed. Failure of ImaureAs of mercantile firms, targe andsmsB, are announced is, taxiing many of the stannchest millionaire trwrsia Boston and Sew York. Many railroad compa-nies sal city corporations proved Uerelirt in the payment of cst

on their bessia? the Coited States) government alone provlcs;solvent and payiaf ait demands in specie a striates; comment-ar- y

oa the eeneflts Jt u feature of democratic policy whichkreps the coaatrv firm oa a specie receiving aud specie payingbasis. Those fires that weather this awful pinch will prove

.themselves possessed of wonderful resources and a sulid foanda-tln- n.

We haws nut space enun-- h to detail a tithe of the sad ef-

fects, present aad prosper tire of this panic ; Its ramifications ex-le- ad

ever the globe, and disastrous consequences most ensure inEngland, Trance and Germany. The end ia nut yet, and wewait with impatience farther, details.

Considerable lectins; is manifested in Ilonolala and many con.f icting oplakjas expressed as to the solvency of the large NewBedfcrd firms eiKrare.1 la the whaling business. The largestpart of the whalers hois drawn here this season will hare arrivedhome just as the crisis has reached Its culminating point. Per-haps the confidence of the com inanity would have been unim-paired hr. " not the report of the suspension of a heavy aadwealthy New. London house reached us this mail. We have littie doubt bat that most of this season's bills will be paid,though payment oa many may be ddared from bank sus-pensions ( but of coarse no one can tell what may happen la thetlx of och an ahprscelented financial storm.

TV haters' bills sent to San Francisco per the Fanny Majorwere tuand to be difficult of sale at any price some sales weremad at 7 per cent, discount, (or rat her "J percent. ijf the fact,that being the way of reckoning discounts which obtains in BanFrancisco) ; the best sale we have beard of was at 9 per cent.

We give but a Jew quotations this week as trade has been ex-

tremely dull.SCOAK We note a sale of 50 kegs Koloa, for export, ea pri-

vate terms.' The Brewer plantation commences grinding nextmontt.

PRGVISIOX3 The stock of all kinds Is very heavy and somerelief is needed by a shlpn sot to China or the coast. Pricesarenominal.

FLOUK The Mill Company con tinae to receive V reels 'waeat Boat MaoL Their stock of flour and wheat Is quite la f.there being about Me barrels ea hand and some 6,060 to S.uudbushels to grind. The demand is light. Weqoote at re-

tailing at $12.POTATOES Importations per Caroline E. root e amount to

104 sacks which come to a Lard market. Sales have been madeat 76 eta f barrel.

EXCHANGE We bear It rumored that some bills wereoffered on the street, oa Friday and Saturday, at 4 per cent,diseooot, bat cannot learn of any transactions at that figure.Ia andoabted Whalemen's Exchange public confidence contin-ues nnahated, and we know of transactions by this mall atpar, which may be quoted as the rate.

sax fraxcisco markets.The Baa Francisco Market appears, from our latest advices,

Dr. I, to have changed but little. Money was abundant, batat advanced rates about 2J to 3 per cent, a month. We noticea continued advance ia the quotatt-m-s of Floor, given below,which mast result la inducing shipments of this article fromNew York aad Boston, here the price is lower than it has beenfor some years.

FLOf-- R AND MEAL Jobbing sales of MO qr sacks domes-tic at il3Sl ; fresh rround Corn Meal at 4rc

GRAIN Sale of MO bags Wheat at 3 90', 400 do at S1300 do Barley at $1 S2tel 66; 309 do Oats at 2ci RICE 25.000 B Calrutia at 8c

Sl'GAB tiales (Nov. 28,) of 100 casks, sweated. China No. 1.a12le. Eastern Crashed, 15c. Sandwich Island Sugar is notquoted, but China No. 1 is quoted at li12cCIL9 Unseed has somewhat improved ; 10 bhls boiled soldat $1 14,30 dsys, and 24 lo do at $1 30, 60 days. A round lotof Nut would sVtca $1 l tt$l 14. The whaling brig Lerrrrtt,

his port, letmisutl a w days since, from a whaling cruise iathe Ochntsk, brineine 216 bhls crude Polar Oil, and 200 tbBone. The Oil was offered at auction to-da- and sold in twoequal lots at 6S$ritJjJc The Bone sold for Vic


OIL Owing to the general derangement In business In NewYork and New Bedford, oils are generally inactive and stagnant.Crude whale at 69c & lie per gallon ; do sperm, $1 30 do do";bleached winter whale, 83c 19 Me unbleached do sperm, $1 43.Whalebone la quoted at il 10 per lb. No movement of im-

portance occurred ia the New Bedford market during the weekending Nov. 3.

L.AT EST DATES, receives! at this Oflte.

faa Francisco - --

Panama,Dee. 1 Paris ..... Oct. 16

NO. - Nov. 14 Honrkong- - - - Sept 10New Tors . - Nov. ft Melbourne, N. 8. W Nov. 3

- OcCl Tahiti ..... Aug. XT

Ship Malls. 4For 8a FAaScisco Per Taqaero, !- -f at 2 o'clock, P. M.For Laauisa Per Kamoi. y.

Foa Kawsjaaa Saturday, per Kalama,

pout or nouoLULU, zx. z.

ARRIVALS.Far fU report of Wkaletkips, if fags.

Dec 13 Schr Excel, Antonio, from NswUiwili.19 Am wbalesbip Lydia, Leonard, from Illlo, off and on.

. 19 Schr Mot Keiki, nail, from Kahuloi.Zl Schr Kamoi, Chad wick, from lahslna.22 Sloop Laika, from Honuaola.

J Aas scar Caroline S Foote, Worth, 19 days from EaaFrancisco

Si Maria, Moltenn, fWwa Lahaina-if- tMaui Uikina, fm East Maoi.

DEPARTURES.Dec IT Bassma American Co.s ship Casarawitch, Jorgan, for

Shanghae.19 Br brigt Elizsbth Barter, Pentreath, for Valparaiso.1 ftch Maria, Moltenn, for Lahsina and porta oa Maui.19 Sch Kamoi, Chadwick, for Lahaina.W ch Excel, Aatonio, for NawUi wiii..1 Sch Alice, Spunyarn, for Koioa.21 Fortune, Anderson, to cruise.a I Am bark Bberins--, Morse, for New Bedford.23 Sch Mot Keiki, HaO, for Kahului.21 Haw brig Advance, Milne, for Fanning's Island.'it Am dipper sch Vsqaero, Newell, Cur San Francisco.


Passascans roa HoxotrLT. The following persons embarked st Boston, Oct 30, w Honolulu, per Elixm r EUm : Kev KF Bnberts and wife, missionaries of the A. B. F. M- -, to Micra-nes- ia

t Mr and Mrs D D Baldwin, Afrs W H Johnson anddaughter, Mrs Mary Hinchey, Miss Margaret Ilinehey, of NewBedford Mrs Last aad child, captain's family.

Til - Da3IU. Woob." This ship, which had hauled kit she

dock, foot of Chariton's wharf, and brought down by thela order to Use bow, was, oa Sunday last, dirovrr.-- d

to be agroand aandsbips, aad leaking badly about the rllcr-eas- e.

After a good deal of exertion, she .was got off into deepwater at an early hoar so Monday morning, without damage.


U. 8. S. St, Marys. Davis.HB. M.'S steamship Vixen, Meacham.British bark 1rrh-- "

0hip John Marshall. Pendleton.Haw trig Ant ilia, Boschmaa.Am sch Caroune K. Foote, Worth.

sutm.his BheSeV2. Oreeo Bark Italy. -- eaek

Boath Seaman, Norton IsahelLrLyoa; India, Uirtg Vernon, Bumpus

' Condor, Whiteside Faith, Wood .Satamandre, Chandieur Fanny, BoodryDaniel Wood, Morrison Brig Hawaii, Kane

ark Cynthia. Sherman ' Srhr KneL Fish.Harmony, Austin Ship Chas. Phelps, Ddridge


. roaocs.For Nsw Brnroaa --per Bbering, Dee 21 P H Tread way and

BonSfDtrpnnowiw. n wwwFor Can.s per Kuxasrra Bsstcx, Dee 19 Oeorge Wis

saouth, David Chalmers, r uuam Btrann.From Saw Fassraco per Caroline E Foot, Dee S3 Mrs

Henry, Bee B BeekwtLh, Ws U Uunck, 11 M Freeman, JIhaith, Antonio C Cark.

For aas Faa.vrwco per Taqoern. Dec 24 CaptJ Mscomber,Capt Wilcox, J K Chapman, Mr Worth.


For Lasursa per Kamoi, Dee 19 Capt Hinckley, PrOMBatea, Mrs Brown, 4 F B Marshall, 8 Hoanseyer, Mr Joardan,tk ma deck.

From sUaTXCt per llvi Keiki, Dee 19 Mr X Bailey, and 20so dec.

For Laaaiva per Matiz, Dee 19 K Clonston, S Alien, and15 oa deck.

Ver Kaactci per Xoi Keiki, Dec 23 K Bailey and son, 10ats deck.

From Labaiss per Kamoi, Dee 23 J F B Marshall, RobertCI nasi tin. Dr McKibbin, 11 M Whitney and 2 children, SamuelC AOca, W F Joardaa, Mr Clifford. 20 deck passengers, includ-ing 11 prisoncra.


At the Catholic Cboreh, on funds y last, Dee. 20, by Ber.Harmaaa Kostmaiin, Ma. Lcxs Kansas, to Miss Mabcskst

, both of Uoooiniu.


. On the ZSth of November last, at the Marin Hospital, Hilo,after a protracted iOoeaa, DaAsa Towncnts, discharged as boat,atearar from the ship Emprmte; of New Bedford, C. B. Kilmer,master, hi November, 1846. The deceased was a native of NewYork city.


For Bsw Banroaaper Bhering, Dee 21 gaOs whaleail, 1J3 do spoil, TeeM slash, by BCoady Co; 4,ralUwhoil, bK s stash, CaptMoirisooj 4 boxes clothiag, 8 P Ford

t ho-e-e- -- isa, Cawlle A Cooke S boxes 1 keg arrowroot,

. Fori asa per Adrss r--? 7J 12,63 galkms

shoots,. w. ea. 4 bags beat. --4 - er 1 assdlrine

chest, 2 i-- mt - arsssaSKon,6c' trope, do flow,7 ba?ieM,a. . bread, 100 gaary . I !ate ea ft easAAkTu assorted a.. . , 1 cask swgar.1 do asJasses, 7 houf fobaeeo. do sasp, 6 es gia.


From 8as Faascwro ner C K Foote. Dee 23 ft

t do mdse. C A II F Poor i 1 box books. H M Whitney i 1bale paper, 1 case mdse, C Brewer 2l 60 cs peaches, Savidge

May ; 10 casks liquors, Ritson at Hart 1 cask pahn oil, RCoady A Co; 1 bag treasure, F L Hanks ; 1 do do, 11 HaekleldA Co 1 roll brass wire net-wor- k, Aktrich it Bishop ; 33 M red-wood shingles, 69 sacks barley, 100 sacks potatoes, master. -


For Labaiss Per Maria, Dee 19 3000 ft lumber, 2 doors,24 pkgs mdse, 3 horses, 16 natives.

Fur Laaaixa Per Kamoi, Dee 19 000 ft lumber, lot ofdoors and windows, 6 China chairs.

From KanrLci Per Moi Keiki, Dec 19 400 bushels wheat,2 buckets eggs, 1 keg batter, Id bags oats, 16 sheep.

For KaHCLrt Per Moi Keiki, Dec 23 3400 ft lumber, 7000shingles, 2 rolls sine, 1 bbi clay. 1 bhl sand, 7 bars 13 bdls iron,3 bhls cement, 300 pickets, 6 kegs paint, 1 cultivator, 1 stove,1400 bricks, 1 pkge specie, 30 empty containers, bedstead, table,3 chairs, 1 door, 1 roll leather, 3 cs mdse, 1 keg nails.

From HostartA Per Luika, Dee 21100 bUs Irish pota--


SEAMEN'S BETHEL ReT. S. C. Damon Chaplain Kingstreet, near the Sailors' Home. Preaching on Sundays at11 A. M. and 71 P. M. Seats free. Sabbath tfchoul afterthe morning services.

FORT STREET CHURCH Comer of Fort and Beretania ats.,Pulpit temporarily occupied by Rev. Lorrin Andrews.

Preaching on Sundays at U A. M. and 7i P. M. ISabbathSchool meets at 10 A. M.

METHODIST CnCRCH Nuuanu avenue, comer of Tutulstreet Rev. Win. 8. Turner, Pastor. Preaching everySunday at 11 A. M. and 74 P. M. Seats free. SabbathSchool meet at 10 A. M.

KINO'S CHAPEL King street, above the Palace Rev. K. W.Clark Pastor. Services, in Hawaiian every Sunday at94. A. M. and 3 P. M.

CATnOUC CnrRCII Fort street, near Beretania under thecharge of Rt-- Rev. Bishop Maigret, assisted by AbbeModeste. Services every Sunday at 10 A. M. and 2 P.M.

tMITlTS CHURCH Beretania street, near Nuuanu streetRev. Lowell Smith Pastor. Services, in Hawaiian, everySunday at M A. M. and 21 P. M.


Papers ready for mailing can be procured at our counterneatly dne up In wrappers, five copies for 50 cents or twelvecepies fur a dollar.

TnSJiAv Six Dollars per annum.Single Copies VH cents each.


I.ahaitt". Maui --

Moiatrao,C. S. BARTOW, Esq.

E. Maui L. L. TORBERT, Esq.Jliln, Hawaii Capt. J. WORTH.A asrosAoe, Hawaii Capt-JA- A. LAW.tons, Hawaii THUS. II. PARIS', Esq.Koloa, Kauai Dr. J. W. SMITH.San franeiteo. Cat L. P. EITHER, Esq., Mer. Ex.Item Bedford and V. S. B. LINDSEY, Ed. Ship List.

TSS PACIFICCommercial Advertiser.

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24.Christmas is coming good old Christmas, ven-

erable from its sacred name and origin, the reviver of cheerful feeling and merry sports, whenwe should forget the illn of the past and drink ina fresh supply of the milk of human kindness.

dawn will usher ia another "merryChristmas." which universal custom unites tomake a happy day, wherever it is observed, inEurope, America, in Asia and Africa, and even inthese distant isles of the ocean ; when family reunions arc ns indeed, when gleeful little.children with merry fae crowd around theirtoys, and talk of old Santa Claus, their patronand friend. Some tell us this old Santa Claus isa wicked imposition. They say he does notclamber up the sides of the house, and into thewindows, with his coach full of toys and his eighttiny reindeer. Well, be it so; vou can't makethe youngsters believe it.

There seems to be a sort of moonlight mys-tery about the origin and identity of this Christ--mas elf, Santa Claus. Some persons are satisfiedwith tracing him back no further than the earlydays of New Amsterdam. Others tttink they findhim in the person of a worthy bishop, calledNicholas, who lived in the days of Constantine.He was noted for his deeds of charity and mercy ;and - among other things, for having, (so thelegend goes) raised to life two boys who had beenmurdered : hence, prolwbly, he camo to be regarded the particular friend of children. Somecenturies after this he was adopted as the patronsaint of the Dominicans. The Greek Church inRussia always hold him in great honor. He wasconsidered as the especial patron of scholars, virgins and seamen. Possibly it was through someconnection with this last class, that he acquiredsuch influence in the nurseries of Holland."

It is a little amusing to observe what a trans-formation this saint has undergone since his firstappearance. Once a bishop in Asia Minor, grave

- and meek, now a fat and jolly little Dutchman,capering about of a winter's night with a four-in-han- d,

over house-top-s, down chimney-flue- s, mak-

ing all sorts of surprises for all the good childrenof the land, and then whisking off out of sightbefore cock-crowi- ng ! Here is a daguerreotypeof his appearance, taken by a sEillful artist :

M His eyes, how they twinkled ! his dimples how merry;His cheeks were like roses his nose like a cherry ;His droQ little mouth was drawn np like a bow,And the beard on his chin was as white as the snow.The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth.And the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath.He had abroad face, and a titUe, round belly,That shook, when be laughed, like a bowl full of jelly ;He was chubby and plump, a right Jolly oh! elf ;A if! I laughed, when I saw him, in spite of myself."

The many pleasant associations of Christmascommend it to our favorable regard. Whetherit be the true anniversary of our Savior's birthor not, it may serve to remind us of that greatand joyful event. It assures us of God's mercyPardon is offered to the guilty. Peace onearth, good will to men Every other blessingcomes in consequence of this : every other isheightened by connection with it..

The return of this holiday carries our thoughtsaway to that green isle of the ocean, merrieEngland, where the rich in their ancestral halls, andthe poor in their cottages, have for long centu-

ries spent this day in social enjoyment. It reminds us of many happy seasons in our ownchildhood, when this festal day was the subjectof long anticipation, when, on the joyful evening,

"The stockings all bung by the chimney with careIn hope that 8u Nicholas soon would be there i"

snd the children, snugly nestled in their beds,spent hours in sage conjecture about the giftsthey might expect from their patron saint. Whatgleeful shouts' rang through the house in themorning ! No late sleeping today. Wish youa merry Christmas !" resounds in every chamberand passage. And now for the stockings andSant Claus. Candies, toys, a raw potato oronion, by way of joke, new dolls, picture-book-s

and a birchen rod ! Father and mother mustshare in their surprise, and express amazement atthe kindness and tact of Santa Claus ; and evengrandmother must relax her usual gravity, anddeclare "she never saw such wonderful fine thingsin all her born days!"

It is very desirable that children should be madehappy in every reasonable way. It serves to at-

tach them to each other, to their parents and totheir home. And to a person of mature years,the remembrance of a happy childhood is an un-

failing source of pleasure, a solace amid presentcares, a stimulus to future effort. For this rea-

son, then, if for no other, because it is a happytime for children, we rejoice in the observance ofChristmas. Nor will it harm those who are nolonger children, to be a little happy on such daysas this. We are too grave and care-wor- n. Wedo not sing and laugh enough. We become oldprematurely. We are too much engrossed inpursuit of the almighty dollar, to allow ourselves

rest or pleasure. Time is money, we Bay, andshould not be wasted in' recreations ; sleep mustbe abridged, food be eaten hastily, family endear,meats be thrust aside, and man make himself adrudge, a slave, in order to acquire a little moremoney, or a little higher station ; and then, oh !

then, ha will be wondrous happy! Alas! thphantom will flee before him forever.

But what a pity it is that everybody cannot behappy on Christmas Day ; that there are nooksand corners where wretchedness prevails, whereno ray of hope forceawts way in, where there issuffering and misery. Whilo we enjoy ourselves

a while let us think a little of the poor and needy,the sick ad the afflio ed. There are scenes ofdegradation, where squalid vice holds a pre-

eminent sway ; where crime and recklessness ruleall the actors. There are thoeupon the' deepwaters whose hearts are yearning for their homesand friends ; there are attenuated forms stretchedupon beds of sickness ; there are others boweddown in misery. For all these let us reserve onelittle sympathetic corner of our hearts ; let us,amidst our merriment, not forget that all are nothappy ; if we cannot alleviate suffering, we canat least feel for it.

We plead, then, for the observance of Christ-mas, and other holidays in our calendar. Onthis occasion, let our hearts grow warm towardsall mankind. Especially, let us bind firmer theties of kindred. And, crowning and chasteningall our joy, let our thoughts rise in gratitude toHim from whom cometh down every good andperfect gift.

Now in this season let thy spirit mildWithin our troubled spirits gleam.

As gleams the moonlight in the troubled stream,And order so our hearts that we may sing

In the full city, and the lonely glen.That Hymn of Hymns from Angels ministering

Pkacb oa ths Eabth ! Goon Will to Mits !

Thosjghta A boat AVarda.

We often hear men of good sound sense intel-

ligent men complain of the affectation of "hardwords" by journalists, and we must confess thatgood old vigorous Saxon is getting to be sadlyneglected in some quarters, though not more per-haps by newspaper writers than by others whoprovide all" for the public mind. The pres-ent is said to be a practical age, and so it wouldseem, in everything but writing and talking.Babies, we know, are nathral productions ; but itis astonishing how altogether artificial the adultsbecome, particularly in the matter of words.Quite often we hear little men laboring under aload of words bigger than themselvws strainingto up end nouns and adverbs, huge " sesquiped-alians," eighteen inches to the foot.

Now-a-da- ys nobody is " woman" that'docsn'twork for a livirig ; 6ick folks do not get well, theyonly 44 convalesce;' ladies make their toilette,though they never comb their hair; none butcommon people go to bed, or bid one good night;they invariably 44 retire," or give you 44 good eve-

ning." Whenever gentlemen cat cold beans, itis dignified into taking a 44 slight repast." Sucha thing as a naked Cupid has not lxien known fora number of years it is only 44 nude ;" what oursimple old grandmothers called gowns are now44 dresses," and posies are all "boquets." Ourgood old proper names too, handed down throughsucceeding generations from the days of Egbertand Ethel wolf, but now attacked by the ruthlesstooth of time, are fast losing their fair propor-tions. The fair-hair- ed Martha of our boyhood isnow thequite-another-sort-of-a-thi- "Mattie;"Harriett is 44 Hattie ;" Caroline is 44 Carrie ;"Matilda is 44 Tillie," and so on, ad absurdam.

Plain, simple Saxon is fig-leav- and household words rigged out in foreign aprons, as if

In Adam's fall, tliey sin-ne- d all."Let a man put on a coat price five dolla:

and no one would ever suspect him of doing sogrand a thing as making his toilette. We wereonce greatly impressed with the refinement of alady who fairly startled us with the inquiry if wewoil,JMave some "asparrowgrass ;" giving us tounc Ind that she used no such plelxuan termas 4 snarrerjirass." We shouldn't wonder if shewas the identical person who proposed building aporto-ric- o in front and a pizarro in the rear ofthe house, while the lawn was to be degraded.

It is a curious circumstance, to say the least,that when a man is really angry or thoroughly inearnest, he at once proceeds to use words withoutaprons, or as we have heard the expression,44 words with the bark off," and talks the plain-

est kind of English. The oxen and dray horseshear better Saxon though posnibly worse morality than some audiences that wait on publicspeakers, and many readers that wait on the public press ; good strong Saxon, as direct as'one ofSol's noonday beams. To rise at once from drayhorses to poets, what can bo more home-spu- n

than the following familiar lines"The curfew tolls the knell of parting day.

The lowing herd' winds slowly oVr the lea.The plowman homeward plods his weary way.

And leaves the world to darkness and to me."

When a man grows eloquent, it is the Saxonelement that lends wings to his soaring thought ;so we find whole paragraphs from Chatham andJunius, and Welister and Everett are all English,and whole columns from Sophomores and newspaper writers are full of Latin roots and Greekparticles. With Churchill, we conclude:

" Where do the words of Greece and Rome excel.That England may not please the ear as well fWhat mighty magic's In the place or air.That all perfection needs must center there V

PsiBich Prsclsmatisas.Punch presents his compliments to the Comme-

rcial, and to the public generally, and is surprised tofind them so mystified by the lata, preelamatfon.Punch would remind them that the present Ministryfeel themselves strong. Instead of five Ministers,there are now only two, which, of course, concentrates in each one the wisdom of two Ministers and ahalf for the salvation of the Islands.

Upon due reflection. Punch ia of opinion that oneof the Ministers, being out of health, proposes a dayoffatting, the other, ftnl of good living, proposes a

"day of feasting, and there lxing no one to give acasting vote, they have compromised the matter so asto allow each one to have his own way. ' On that dayof fisting and feasting it is expected that every oneof His Majesty's loyal subjects will fatt in the morn-ing until breakfast is ready. After breakfast theoperation is "to be resumed and kept up wijh spirituntil 3 o'clock, P. M., when all are to sit down to asplendid family feast, thankful to Almighty God forall his mercies. In the evening there is to be a ballat the Palace, which will close the exercises on thisgreat day of humiliation and feasting.

To prove the correctness of his opinion. Punch hasreferred to the Hoe Hawaii, another 44 Governmentorgan," where the case is beautifully illustrated in apictorial manner by a large ram on the left of theProclamation with the words male theep above andoldftiger below, showing how intimately things themost diverse are united in these Islands.

Punch thinks the 81st will be a great day in Hono-

lulu and intends keeping it both ways. ; .

Christmas Eve. How many pleasant memoriescling about the genial Christmas time, when lifewas young, and hope's light wing soar'd ever in anupper clime ! when o'er the homely festive board,the cheerful wood-fi-re ruddy shone, and red-cheek- ed

apples, autumn-store- d, sat toasting on the brownhearth-ston- e ! King of the feast, oh, pumpkin pie !

thou acme of the house-wife-'s art ! thou dids't notlong neglected lie conquerer of common pie or tart !

Flank'd by ths mince, the goose appeared, and tur-key, stuffed for such occasions; while in the middle,high uprear'd the pudding, stufTd with plums andraisins. With hunt-the-slipp- er blind-man's-bu- ff,

the youngsters romp'd the hours away; the joyousshout, the merry laugh, rung out above the boister-ous play. Grandfather sits and smokes and sighs,all in the chimney corner snug; mem'ries of old be-

dew his eyes his lips bedew the cider jug. Suchwere the merry Christmas eves that we rememberlong ago; green spots they are alas, the leaves lieburied deep In Northern snw !

Cacght. Oa Saturday, the last of the runawaycoolies' was caught. at. Waianae. The Marshal hashad a prawe in pursuit. of him ever since his escape.

NOTES OF TUE WEEK.Whalers in Port. The principal portion of the

fleet having departed for the between-seaso- ns cruise,one may to-d-ay stand on a look-o-ut in town andcount the ships in port. The following are all theforeign whalers now in our harbor : Condtr, repair-ing damage done to her bows in the ice. --in OchotakSea; Isabella, has stepped a new foremast and is re-

pairing bow ; Salawiandre, recaulked and newsheathed bow; Sheffield, ready for sea; DanielWood, putting lead on the stem and recopperingbow; South Seaman, ready for sea; Charles Phelps,refitting; India, awaiting arrival of the Merrtmae,when she will exchange captains and sail for home ;

the Merrimac taking her place in this ocean;Fanny, sails to-da-y. In three or four weeks allof thesa.vessels will have taken their departure, andthe harbor and town will, if possible, be duller thanat present for a month or two, or until the springseason opens.

Kanaka Divers. The natives of these blands aregood divers, though perhaps they cannot 44 dive asdeep and come up as dry" as the celebrated pearldivers of the Caroline and Chain Island groups. Thestone retaining wall of the new Esplanade is all Lidby native divers, who are hired at the rate of &0

per diem. They work very steadily, each man takinghis turn of about two hours, and averaging a trip tothe bottom once in ten minutes. The water is aboutfifteen feet deep, and they manage to lay about tenfeet of wall per diem. But for the Hawaiians onboard the Italy, last season, the greater portion of thebone of the wrecked ship J"atchez would not havebeen recovered, as it could only be got at by diving.

Absconded. Some ten days ago, Capt. Andersonof the whaling bark Fortune, shipped a man namedClifford as first mate for the season, giving him alarge bonus, amounting we understand to $500. OnMonday, the 14th instant, the ship being ready forsea, Mr. Clifford, without communicating his inten-tion to any one, went on board of the Kamoi boundfor Lahaina. At the latter place it was said hewent on board a schooner bound for Hawaii, wherehe has a piece of land. Meantime CapL Andersonshipped another officer in his place, and havingreported Clifford as a deserter and defrauder, "policeofficer Jorudan started on Saturday evening per JUmoiin his pursuit, and on Tuesday morning returnedwith his prisoner. It is hard to imagine what couldinduce a young man with first rate prospects ofadvancement in bis profession to act thus foolishlyand culpably, knowing, as he must have done, thathe could not so seclude himself anywhere upon theislands but that he would be brought to account, andpunishment. On examination before Judge Gris-wol- d,

Mr. Clifford was committed for trial at theSupreme Court, and has since been liberated on baiL

Tub Methodist Pabsoxage. This building, (forthe erection of which our readers will remember, theladies held a fair last month,) will be ready for occu-

pancy on the first of the new year. It is a pattern ofneatness and convenience, and reflects credit uponthe architect and builder, Mr. C W. Vincent, thougha lady, we hear, has been the ruling spirit through-out. The house is 31x42 feet on the ground, con-

tains five rooms and a verandah in front and rear.It is situated upon the same lot and within a few feetof the Methodist Chapel. While viewing this beauti-ful cottnge, with all its' appliances for comfort, sosuddenly created as it were, one is forcibly remindedof the fact that, in nu enterprise of this kind theladies, after all, are the best business men. We learnthat one of our capitalists is so well pleased with thenew structure that he intends erecting two cottageson the same plan, on the lot opposite the Chapel.

Telegraph Signal Cards. We notice a beautifulspecimen of the Telegmph Signals for the port ofHonolulu, printed in gold and blue on a card 12 by18 inches, with colored signals. Aside from its utilityas a ready reference, enclosed in a gilt frame it makesa handsome ornament for a counting room. Mr. T.McGeorge, of the Commercial printing office has theLjsff06

piece ofj Jgcredit of eettinjr up this really handsomework. -

A New Firm. By reference to our advertisingcolumns, it will be seen that Messrs. JL Coady, P. S.

Wilcox and Fred. L. Hanks, have entered into acopartnership for the transaction of a general com-

mission and ship agency business, under the styleof R. Coady & Co. To those who know these gentle-

men it will be unnecessary to say that their experi-

ence and thorough business qualifications are good

guarantees of their success, and of the entire satisfac-

tion of those who have business dealings with them.

Retton op President Beckwith. Thisentlemenreturned from his visit to the United States on Tues-

day last in the Caroline E. Foote. We learn thatin consequence of the financial pressure in the East,the project of an endowment for Oahu College hasbeen postponed. In the meantime the AmericanBoard will sustain the institution. We understandthat the institution will be re-ope- immediately.Dr. Armstrong was to leave New York in the steamerof Nov. 20, and will probably arrive here in theFanny Major, which vessel will be due about the30th inst.

For San Francisco. The favorite packet Vaque-r- o,

Capt. Newell, sails this afternoon, at 8 P. M. Themail closes at 2 P. M. precisely, at the post-offic- e. Inaddition to a large list of passengers en route from

Sydney, she takes several from this port. The Va-qu- ero

will return to Sydney, leaving San Francisooabout Feb. 10, touching at Honolulu.

Horse Stealing. The boldest kind of horsestealing is becoming quite common in Honolulu. We

hear of two cases during the past week, in whichhorse, saddle and bridle, hitched for a few momentswhile the owner made a call, have been spiritedaway, and no trace as yet discovered of their where-

abouts. The object no doubt is to secure the saddleand bridle, and then turn the horse adrift, and thetrappings, taken to another island, stand very littlechance of ever being identified by their owner.

Fell prom Aloft. A young man named Ben-

jamin, an officer on board the bark Isabella, lying in

the harbor refitting, fell from the roizen topgallantyard last Friday and struck on the deck, breakinghis left leg in two places, and otherwise severelybruising him. He was immediately removed to theAmerican Hospital, where, under the care of Dr.Guillou, we learn that he is in a fair way to recover,though of course, with a permanent lameness.

Potatoes. Irish potatoes of good quality are veryabundant in market, at 81 per barrel. Large quan-

tities will rot on the hands of the planters at EastMaui, there being no sale for them. The consequencewill probably be, that many of the native farmerswill become discouraged, and desist from planting fornext season. The present price realized at Honolulu,deducting the cost of transportation, leaves thefarmer just 25 cents per barrel for his potatoes on theground.

Still Another Hawaiian Whaler. We learnthat our fellow-townsm- an, Capt B. F. Snow, has de-

cided to fit the bark Gambia for the whaling business.The Gambia is a good staunch vessel, of the burthenof 249 tons, or a capacity of about 2200 barrels. Shewill probably be ready for sea about March 1st Welearn that she is to be commanded by Capt JamesMerritt, (recently first officer of the Parachute)whose reputation as a whaleman stands high amongthe fleet

Return op ths Royal Fa milt. On Saturdaylast, their Majesties and suite, and the party of ladiesand gentlemen who accompanied them, returned froma trip to Kahuku via Pearl River, in the Pelesteamer. We learn that the excursion proved apleasant one in all respects.

Sale op Oil. Ten casks of oil will be sold to-d-ay

at auction, on the Esplanade wharf at 12, M. It willbe sold by the single cask.

Waautms' Daarrsv It Is very UkHy that some of thedrafts sent In the last few mails will be protesaed, owins; to the sas-pensioa of the New Bedford and New London banks, which hastaken place. It has beea suggested that parties who bare re-

mitted these bills should write to their agents not to return thehills here, as nothinjr eaa bo gained la so doins; ; but to holdthem there till the resumptf-- a of specie payiaenta ia the Eases'antes, wnen, ir payment Is still refused, action against the a, Lremains as a last resort. But In most cases wbalesbip salotswill be slow to allow legal action sraintt their wsarls.

Supreme Court. The Supreme Court yesterdaydecided ia the motion made by the salvors of theJVatchez cargo for an appeal from the judgment ofthe court of Admiralty, granting an appeal, which weunderstand will be heard on Saturday next beforethe full court. 1; .,., - The Chief Justice also gave judgment in the libelfiled by the chief mate and crew of the JVatchez,praying fora settlement of their lays or payment ofwages in lieu thereof at ths port, and dismissed thelibel with costs; thereby deciding that ths settlementof the voyage must take place at New Bedford, except


P in the case of Lockman, the 4th' mate, who havingshipped in the Ochotsk Sea, was decreed to have hissettlement here, .

Pore Merino Sheep. The Vaquero, Capt Newell,has brought from Australia per order of Messrs.Louzada & Spencer, a fine lot of pure blood merinos,which can be seen at F. Spencer's store in Hotel street,previous to their being shipped to Hawaii. Theyconsist of ten rams and three ewes, selected from theflocks of Jas. Aitkins, Esq., Victoria, and are descend-e- d

from the celebrated breeds of Prince Lyibrutitska.introduced into that colony by Mr.' Aitkins. One ofthe rams and the three ewes, yearlings have beenshorn of their fleeces; that of the ram weighed thirteenpouuds, and those of the ewes nine pounds each, andthe quality of the wool is fully equal if not betterthan the finest samples of American grown merinowool. We cannot but coneratulate the country unonsr A

this accession of cure stock, and we hone the time U' 17 I

not far distant when a first rate article of Hawaiianwool will find a 44 name and place" in foreign imarkets. All praise to those whose enterprise is


active in bringing about so desirable a result

For Japan. Dr. George M. Bates, recently ofLahaina, intends fixing his future residence at Hako-da- di,

Japan, for which place we learn he takes pas-

sage in the whale ship Daniel Wood, Cart. Morrison,soon to sail. Dr. Bates is the eldest rT Asher B.Bates, Esq., the well known government attorney ofthis place. To the masters of whale ships in thisocean, whose eruisings often bring them within a fewweeks sail of Hakodadi, the fact of a regularly bredPhysician and Surgeon having established himself atthat placer will be a matter of no little interest Welearn tha the Doctor is well recommended, havingstudied under some of the best medical instructors inthe United States, and graduated at that well knowninstitution, 44 the College of Physicians and Surgeonsof the New York State University." Dr. Bates' greatgrandmother, was the first white woman who settledin the western part of New York State, while thatnow flourishing section was a 44 howling wilderness:"his father has 44 driven his stakes' in these isles ofthe mid ocean, and now this younger scion of a NewEngland stock pushes still farther west and 44 settlesdown" in yet unproved Japan. Where is a Yankee's

'Ultima ThuleiChristmas Day. Divine service will be performed

at the Bethel, Christmas Day, at 1 1

o'clock, A. M. A sermon suited to the occasion willbe preached by Rev. Mr. Damon. The public are in-

vited to attend. This is a new feature in the celebra-tion of Christmas at these islands, and a very praise-worthy imitation of the custom in other countries.Many of our readers will no doubt remember thechurches of Old and New England on a 44 merrieChristmas" morning, decorated with evergreens.

A Guano Expedition. We learn that the schoonerCaroline E. Foote will be dispatched hence for aguano island off the coast of Mexico, the preciselocation of which we have not ascertained. She willendeavor to procure here from forty to sixty Hawai-ian? to act as laborers in shipping the guano. Weunderstand that a company has been formed in SanFrancisco for the prosecution of this business, underthe Presidency of Capt Isham, formerly a commanderin one of the Panama steamers.

J3r" We are gratified to learn that Mr. Oaks, firstofficer of ship John Marshal, who was severely injuredby the accidental discbarge of a gun a few weeks

is rapidly recovering.

:hool Committee. We would remind our readerson Monday next, 28th inst, the election of the

School Committee of Honolulu, takes place at theCourt nouse. Polls open from 10 A. M. till 2 P. M.

- .

Our acknowledgements are due to Capt Worthof the Caroline E. Foote, for his attention in furnish-

ing us with papers, etc Also to J. W. Sullivan forlate American and English papers.

, I2r" Correspondents for the Commercial will pleaseto remember --that, in accordance with newspaperrules everywhere, their real names are required toaccompany their favors, in order to insure an inser-

tion in the paper. .

Correct iemMr. Editor : In your issue of December 3, you

make me give directions to bring to a blood heat bypouring boiling water on the seeds of the peach. Ihave heard of 44 hot blood," but this goes a little beyond anything I ever conceived of in that line.

The proper course is to pour boiling water over theseeds and immediately pour on cold water sufficientto bring it to a blood heat, &c

. The reason of the process is to be found in the factthat most, if not all, seeds of stone fruits require thestimulus of frost, or its equivalent, to bring them intoa condition to germinate. The scalding process whichis described above, is the most available equivalentwe in warm climates possess. Yours,

Dec. 15, 1857. Wailtjkp,

Cruise of t " panting gtzx" to tbt gbr-rpifsa-s.

Hor. --L

The Miasi Prcnsiara st Oswem Bay.

The Hawaiian Missionary JKaiwi, (alittleman)gave a heart-fe-lt welcome to his friends, then rap-

idly led the way over the rounded stones of thebeach to the enclosure of the mission premises.We were hardly on land before we were in thehouse, yet still had time to Bee an elevation ofstones well laid about the trunk of a tree on ourleft, on which a number of Omoan men and boys(the place was tabu to the w.omen) were Bittingwith no other apparent employment than watch-ing the new comers, fanning themselves and spite-

fully slapping at the flies which incommodedtheir sun-tann- ed skins. The wife of Kaiwi mether friend at the bed-roo- m door, greeted him ir.

the manner of her native land, and then all weresilent. To a stranger, the expression of silentsuffering: which characterised her countenancewas deeply touching, especially when we knewthat.the missionaries had been in absolute want,had themselves been forced to go to sea in the halfof a canoe to fish, and on their return had eatentheir poor catchings with no other sauce than aswallow of salt water.

" While Kekela is telling the news, distributinghome letters, answering questions and praisingthe Morning Star, sit down in this fatherly rock-

ing chair, which Kauwealoha made. Rock, itdoes not move smoothly, and for the first time wenotice that there are pebbles under the mat ; un-

der the table directly behind our chair we see thebare floor composed of naked pebbles, and now weare astonished at the cluttered look this smallapartment presentx There is a homely lounge,two or three tables, a cupboard, a book case, pots,poi dishes, one or two half barrels, chairs andboxes piled ona ca another. This is the jointproperty of H:!ila, Kauwealoha and Kaiwi,stored here t jrevent its being .stolen by theOmoans wLi LLlx! and Kauwealoha were takenwith their fr:.I3 to immediately answer thepressing IIxrcJlonLui cry which came from, theglens of II'. tzt Cixty or seventy miles in an openboat, a ci3 iitir-icla-nd channel, with a currentee'' ' 1 rzrJ at a mile an hour, the boatf li ni, wonenaad children, will satis-- L

j ex; Lua the reason why the delegation to... txY cly those few articles absolutely in--llZi, and left the rest behind. And yet,

j lj, ire em stoct ot tr,e whole raurn,

VThere was ,csTcup and irthere was not a knik.

broken pitcher, a few J desirable ar--haps a spoon or two., i jvery

msjajcerThotide had been exchange iod.whaling cap--indin which they mentioned,

all tehad the.aStain who had given themsalt from the brine of hie i and j:ark barreU

made the big swallow but 1 Up I" -

the thought of their suffer. daring their long,

patient waiting for supplkit..! Their"NT iur ffut "Mitrninn ' SZfn come.

troubles were ended. TbV Vera ready to forget

the pastr-ind- eed, it was fol s.tten. They would

not willingly consent that 1 Ven this should be

made public, but how else uld the stockholders

in the Morning Star imagirU the deep, deliciouspleasure, or partake of the rich delight that theband of Hawaiian missionaries felt as they wel-

comed our vessel to their humes. '., Ka Hokuao,da no ia moht o kakou. The past was gone for-

ever. They would never see another T"1"'.-- -44 Here is our vessel, the Mornina Sut She belongs to us. She will never let us want. .

The mouth of the Omoan Valley, not muchmore than a quarter of a mile wide, is net hid bytrees to theaCry water's edge, but there ui a few

rods of stony ground, then a few houses, andthere is also quite a little pond wherehips pro--cure water" 1 n mission premises, wnsmuug. a 1 4 1 ?13f A.L.

i1"6 veiling nouses ana an open uuuumg, u.. "IS" A?" t 1 A. 1 4.1

86 S nouse oi tne siacion looaung towaru wmj

onHinir nin ta nirnnrvl a. abort ran shot fromthe breakers and only a stone's throw from thesteep hill side which forms the southern slope ofthe vallev. They are sheltered only by a lew tallcocoanut trees, but directly behind, the thicketof luxuriant Vegetation beeins. while on the- unorthern side there is a sacred (tabu) enclosure,(perhaps I should say elevation, as it is a platform of stones some four feet high,) denselyshaded ; the trunk ofone of the trees standing onthe dividing line is so large that three men touching the tips of the fingers of their out stretchedarms could not encompass the half of it. Thehouses are all small, with the exception of that ofMr. Bicknell, (his before he took a new ntationat Hivaoa,) and built with bamboo lathing andis plastered with mortar. They are built of na-

tive material after the pattern of the grass houses

in Hawaii, only, if anything, more simple; twotall bread-fru- it posts at either end of the housesustain the ridge pole, then four corner posts re-

ceive into deep grooves the eave poles, two othersupporters are placed midway of the length of thebuildinff : - to these posts are tied the rafters. Thethatch has been previously prepared by stringingbread fruit leaves on bamboo sticks or by splittingcocoanut leavertS!?t5raioring the two halves together. These are tied on, and the house is comploted. Id the house of Kaiwi there was a parti-tion made of braided cocoanut leaves, closed by adoor. It was entirely unsealed and could easilybe entered by any active person ; it containedmuch of the unused remaining property of themission a cobweb treasury. The plastered house, la xngianu mc usuia raehad once been broken irSvfhile Mr Bit""" per cent, in Paris 71, and in Hamburg 7itho Mission resided here, and while on tbe new ot tne cri8i from America

general meeting it was again entered, and theonly artjsioin the hory a cloth partition and abed ticking, were stolen." And now having lookedat the stone walls of the enclosure, having seen

the church lot, its rank growing weeds, its youngorange trees, its red and yellow pepper, and hav-

ing looked at the mound which marks the restingplace of the Hawaiian wife who chose to die andbe buried on heathen soil rather than return toher kindred and friends, we have seen all thatis particularly interesting about the mission prem-

ises of Futuhiva. .

Twesify eight Days -

Later from IVew York.Arrival f the "Cstrolisie E. Feete."

On Tuesday last at 12 M. the schooner CarbineE. Foote, Capt. Worth, arrived from San Franciscoafter a passage of 19 days, bringing the U. S. mailsof October 20, and November 5. Tbe news is inter-

esting but not particularlyThe Fanny Major arrived over on the 27th ulL,

18 days from Honolulu. She would probably waitfor the mail of Nov. 20th, which will delay her dayof sailing until the 14th or 15th.

William Patrice Dillon, formerly French Consul atthese Islands, subsequently Consul at San Francisco,and more recently Charge d'Afiaires to, Hayti,died at Paris, Oct. 14, after a lingering illness, froma cancerous affection, contracted, it is said, in SanFrancisco.

Accounts from the East continue quite gloomy anda hard winter was anticipated. .

We notice the death, at New Bedford, Oct 26, ofMr. Joseph Congdon, aged 58, who was, says theMercury, an esteemed citiien, and had held the office of Cashier of the Mechanics Bank for a period oftwenty-si-x years. Also, Oct. 30, of Deacon BenjaminDurfee, a benevolent citizen of New Bedford, who diedvery suddenly, from the rupture of a blood vessel.

The New Bedford Mercury says that out of twenty-eig- ht

whale ships in port at that place eighteen ofthem will be hauled up in dock during the winterand their refitting delayed until spring. This coursehas been reluctantly adopted by their owners in con-sequence of tbe financial pressure, and the presenthigh rates of obtaining nearly every article of outfits.

A great fire had occurred at Chicago, involving theloss of twenty lives and over $600,000 of property.

A tremendous rain storm was experienced in theState of New York on the 2d and 3d of November,destroying a great amount of property. AfMbany,the business part of the city was several feetaHerwater. . .

Since the commencement of the panic in the UnitedStates, an immense quantity of gold over sevenmillions of dollars had been received from Europeand California and a great change was anticipatedfor the better. The effects of the revulsion had beeaseverely felt in Europe, while the working classes inthe United States Buffer the most from the suspensionof employment. .

From New Orleans we learn that Walker, with anew filibuster expedition was soon to sail for CentrapAmerica; he was however, closely watched by theU. S. steamer Fulton, anchored below the city. '

- In Kansas, Parrott, Free Stile, has4,000 majorityover Ransom, Democrat.

Gov. R. J. Walker. had obtained leave to visitWashington, in order to answer charges which it saidwill be preferred against him by both Free-Stat- e andPro-Slave- ry parties.

In New York city the democrats have a plurality onthe State ticket often to fifteen thousand over the re-publicans. The Americans are nowhere. Tbe Tri-bune says the State has gone for the democrats byabout 20,000 majority.

In Massachusetts, Banks, republican candidate forGovernor, has a plurality of 2S.000 'over Gardner,American. Both branches of the Legislature are re-publican j Urge majorities.

In Maryland the candidates of the American partyhave been successful. ,

- In Ohio, a Republican Governor was elected, whilethe Legislature was Democratic "

Iowa and Minnesota had both gene republican.The Cabinet had decided to order the construction

of four war steamers and five screw sloops.Intelligence of the attitude of the Salt Lake people

had been received id tbe East Capt Van Yliet, ofwen. narney s siaa--

, naa reacnea Washington withimportant information for the Department lie wasdispatched by Gen. Harney in August last to SaltLake, and leaving his escort at Ham's Fork, proceed-ed alone to the city. He was allowed, to pass, andshown every kindness oa his' road; he reached hisdestination on the 8th of September. -

He reports tbe Mormons everywhere preparing forwar. Jheir plan was to resist the passage of thetroops into the Valley, and when overborne by num-bers, this year or the next, to fall back, burning everyshock of grain and blade of grass, and destroyingevery pound of stores in the Valley. This was an-nounced to Cart Van Vliet in person by Young andhis Council. He ecJ-x- tes tie fighting force of theMormons to five or tlx tuowand men.,Jf,rij .toW; 7 was to gain time toenable the IatKOAl Cjvemment to retrace its steps,and they inter 1 to rrr-- nt their ease to Con-ra- ft

through tLcirp.: - i, Er. Eernhclscl, who accoaUpauBw wtfx, tu :;r-- a uac-psrture- .;

a eorrer-onXt- iJt

n . Jt tJVi rw Yr - TVdume wt5"trcoat iort AJarrjitvr '?CK " I eanact and..! not t..v Jaiaaau0 ka

t5LUjtltt"Tt-'l- t


I IT- - -

yofafc-- .

niaed L&uU DV V

I a. w

if "i justify his f- lrvc w ... V. 'a-- , '": '; t - t ; the lsraemes v. ,

r w; - t self bv butting Jr,.t i!3 Oat B 'lv hs mirrht hai i. ,t o

--ttteJ." - -- rTv-- Anrresnondent- --.

" . AStsl . .I Tk "

I -- im flMWOO sj a bo-w- v-- -

The Government does not partake c J

to tne nomoio ,vr-rfCh- e

Mormons. It is eft .

.rifion of the Saints will be eoc- - ,

.sr .a :a awiii vtstr m-- v v a

at all events inat --

Boyances. such as refusal U . J Vto sell surpU. EK. 1 l Z S

ie wi. has we ias a mere ' " 9

icism to ir" tN-

-.-says tilt i tie iTheir: --

York- vrsorsrawtl- -"J

employmentaad. v

Is. 'cftleU'JV, KGeorge Wastii aikeCistis,CtJ

.- a a a -.rn Waanin2toa uiwi ar. 7-- w 15. aired 77. He was aCecil Calvert, Ani naiusK

American Missionaries, and theirFournow Mcened,perished at the massaereof Cawnporc

two children were ak.JTMullen. Mr. Campbell'smurdered. ''' ' .

A Steam Whalx Boat. The ship American, Ce'takes out new whale beBryant, that sails to-d-ay

to drive a pad.with a steam apparatus in the sternwheel, fitted with two oscillating engines. This bo

can be driven at the rate of twelve miles an hoybeing two miles more than the usual "P" Vwhale. The steam generating cylinders, whicS ijof Lyman's make, can resist a pressure of WW i

.v-T- ...r inh. This boat is about two feet Ker, and one foot wider than ordinary whale boat.A. B. Mercury UcU I. ' '(

The slave trade at Havana, continues to i jperous as of old. On the night of Sept. 17t,

wsn nut aabora in the harbor of Havana!marched into the interior, directly past Gen. Conc I

mnnrrv smL , . M

Nicaragua has declared war against Costa Bthi transit line T!

San Juan del Norte, to San Juan del Sur, as weirthe district Guanacaete. r

Mexico was in a state of anarchy; one-ha-lf

country suffering from predatory, wars. Comon.

bad a weak army and no treasury and the Congiwas opposed to him. . f

Tha confederation of the Biver Platte was nnMJy prosperous condition. Immigration "was C

ooerrd and railroads were being built.toUvi rod Peru were as usual, in U i

'readia aad prcscnciamentos.. In Chile everything was quiet and prospt

In Great Britain-- , the potato disease haa violence equal to that of 1846.

The papers continue to pubSsa lsa5yr;prominent men on the affairs of In&a.others, the Duke of Cambridge addressed theof Sheffield, on the occasion of laying the fou.. . ...... .i : M.n l L. i imStone ior tun iinuraus uiuimiwi, e-- ". -. ... .. i a. .justice to Hiw nmuiT, smiu ai a. mm w.was in nrrrn-iinr,3-

- Trfrrt'T iivjrfrfibl Manner.Mr. Gladstone made a speech at Liverpool upon'

the educational question. He looked upon patronageas the curse and plague of th country, and hopedfor the day when nearly every office will be held upin the face of the country for the best candidate.

Au examination in the Bankruptcy Court of Loo--don has brought to light extraordinary exposures, inregard to the manufacture of accommodation bills bycommercial men. ' --


T Ik. h.nlr rmt rf jttsnnnnt Tina rcsclml

UV. rw W maw srrnMtr. ta hear or a worsethings when the subsequent suspension of"tlbecome known in Europe. . 5

Active nranarations are beinz made in fwith the view of laying the Atlantic submarL )

next summer, the month of June having beenas most favorable for the work. Four hundra.tional miles of cable have been ordered, and ttis entertained that the three hundred and forty.now submerged will be recovered.

Cotton was a shade lower, and breadstufquiet

In France, the silk trade was very much depisome few suspensions are reported.

Failures were expected in Paris.The Bank of Belgium has advanced its rates of fcount to 6j per cent iThe Bank of Denmark has increased its nl;

discount from 5 to Oper centThe London papers announce the death of Mr.

Thomas Crawford, the distinguished American sculp-tor. He died in that city on the 10th of October.

At the Newmarket Races in England, the Ces are-wit-ch

stakes ($10,000). were won in gallant style bythe American mare Prioress, over thirty competitors.Very heavy bets had been made against her the day

' 'previous.On the 18th. Mr. Ten Broeck won the Bedford

stakes with a filly named Belle. - .- Mr. Ten Broeck's American horse Lecompte is dead.

From India the news is more cheering, althoughDelhi still held out Sucknow has not been taken bythe insurgents. It is confidently predicted that Delhiwould be taken during the ensuing fortnight

The English Aims ih China. The Hong Kongcorrespondent of the New York Times, has the fo-llowing : The terms the English intend to dictate tothe Chinese are, that England is to have nine ports,instead of five, as now; that they are to have a Co-nsulate and guard of soldiers at five of the ports, andat the others a Consulate, and that the Chinese areto give them grounds, to build toibrt upon, at eachof these four. These forts, I impose, will be wplanted as to command the whole city, and thus theywill have the whole at their mercy. It is tbe sameplan, to a letter, that they pursued in India, andthis is the entering wedge to divide China. Perhapsthe French will take another slice, while Russia, atthe north, has some of the Territory now in herpossession. The English once held the large islandof Chusan, which they very foolishly gave up forHong Kong, Since that time they have always beenlooking with longing eyes at that island, and at thebeginning of the present trouble said they would take

. it, but it is now said that the Chinese, seeing whatwas about to take place, have for a consideration,ceded the said .island of Chusan to the RussianGovernment for a naval depot If so, we will eee ifEngland will attempt to wrest it from Russia.

' India. THiflTRocrriES at Delhi. The crueltiescommitted by the wretches exceed all belief. Theytook 43 females, most of them girls of from 10 to 14- many delicately nurtured ladies violated them,and kept them for the. base purposes of the heads ofthe insurrection for the week. At tbe end of thattime they made them strip themselves, and gave themup to the lowest of the people to abuse in broad day-

light in the streets of Delhi. They then commencedthe work of torturing them to death, cutting off thairbreasts, fingers, and noses, and leaving them to die.

One lady was three days dying. They flayed the face

of another lady, and made her walk naked throughthe street. Poor Mrs. , the wife of an officer ofthe Regiment, at Meerut, was soon expecting herconfinement. They violated her, then ripped Iter up,and, taking from her the unborn child, cast it andher into the flames. No European man, woman orchild has bad the slightest mercy shown them. I do

not believe the world ever witnessed more hellish tor

ments than have been inflicted on our poor fellutr-count-ry

women.At Allahabad they have rivalled the atrocities of

Delhi. I cannot tell you the cruelties these demonshave been guilty of cutting off the fingers and toftof little children, joint by joint, hi sight of theirparents,. who were reserved for similar treatmentafterwards. I told you how gallantly our MadrasFusileers, poor J ' regiment, has behaved; one

hundred of them under CoL Neill, killed ajx huiiiredand fifty mutineers. I saw a letter from one of tbeofficers yesterday. He says that no imaginationdepict the scenes he witnessed when he arrived atBenares. AU the troops' were in a. state of revoltThey saved Benares. The whole of the Bengal officerswere paralyzed with terror and astonishment; so Cm.

Neill. assumed the command and proceeded to the

most summary measures, cutting off whole regimentaAll the ladies were crowded into one room, wit

wounded and dying men, and from the window thesight that greeted his eye was a row of gallows,which the energetic Colonel was hanging mutineerafter mutineer as they were brotr-- t in.

After restoring some litCe ivo at Benares, on

went the gallant Fusileers towards Allahabad; ther- -. i snno. .i. i mileluwaocr auura iw , iiuriv suu vran wj .

marches; no supplies to be had; living on flour and fwatcn. . On raaehin AllaSahaul the whole canton--

meat was in a blase. The regiments bad already

mutinied, and killed their officers with unheard ot

cruelty. Tire Sikhs had not actually mutinied, oat

they assisted the rebel regiments in pillaging the

houses of Earopeaaa. This Sikh resiment P""1."!0fatigued Fualeera with liquor, and the scene of dirt,drunkenness and wretchedness baCed all description.The oScers of the Fusileers went to the Sikh hoes-an-

bought up all the liquor they could, to rreTe:tbe men from getting it; and they bought cheettchamperne, beer, Ac, at four and eight annas oo-an- d

la) a bottle. Now I;hear the indefaUgabteCoU

KiUl Is banning to bring about some de "trt T aad Is han-je- S scores and scores of F"0"6I i w r vcy LiUe tidings yet I amI rr ..-.-

ff ldono Dentate to affir f "Ta,day of d'uj all our Kres in some jeoptwy- -

Page 3: eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · P--3 fcha f 0 I L,. r jj . ., . . ,, .., , v VS. ' I , .. - - ., . - ... .......... j' . . . t to ad.t.t; nnsAT r rrscnirzk. Wtaarrea.hiaeral































V; ,-


1058.158J 8 MIT W T F.'a

2 a4 ft 6 T"- - no1.. 4 A - , . . .

Vw "0 21 22 23 I" 1

18 1 2D 21 22 23 X

imaj 1, 2 3 4', 61 ft! 76 10 11 12131411 2 IS 1410 1718 19 20 212 222324 24 2827.28llard r 293031, j

1 i aI e ft 6 7 8. 91011r 10 111113 12131414 181718niiv-- .19 20 2122 23 24 24il :M 2S 28 27 28 27 28 29 301 I

JO 31: t Oct.:i f I 1 3 4 4V r 7 in 1011 1213 14141813 li 14 1117 '17 18 1 20 21 82 23I 20 il Zl 1 124 24 28 27 28,29 30

i ! i--w1 2 3' 4' 4 8( 4 4 ft 7 8 t! 91811 12 13

,tVIJ11 12131414 14141817 1819 20f ilvUiioiiri 212223 24 24 28 27v334ii2r27ii29 2S2U3ft I i

13031 I I t Dee. t 1' S! 4112 3 4 S j 8 8 7 8! 91011

ft 7 S 1011 1 I121314141A 171413 14 14 16 17 M 19 19 20 2122 23 24 24JO O. 22 XI 24 25 28 !28 27 28 23.20 31,272S29 3 I I I t i I

EcllpM slariaa; 1838.t will be four eclipses this year, u follows :partial eclipse of the moon, February 27, in the evening,is tbe Eastern part of tbe Cnited States, but Dot visttrieicean.i annular eclipse of the son, March 14, In Um morningt at tbe Sandwich Inland, bat risible from the Missis-rc- r,

in the United states, to Constantinople, in Turkey,noghont the North Atlantic Ocean. The eclipae will beand total in England.

Vartial eclipse of the moon, August 34, inrialble at theIslands At the southward and eastward of these

Le moon will be a Ettle leas than one-ha-lf obscured.An sdipse of the aon, September ft7, invisible at the

1 Islands. Begins at sunset, at the Southern extrem- -friea, and end at sunrise, In the southern States of thetatea. It will be central and total near the middle of

3fT Prospect. The New York Tribune pfe-- At

by the first or middle of December, at leastindred thousand persons in the city of New--

nil be oat of employment and nearly out ofl he ehipyanis m Aew York are nearly idle,

f ndaries bat half working, and the great cloth--r8 aoing Tery little, it is stated that women

tly come to rvew York from places 800in quest of work from the clothine stores.

Xobe turned off with none, and compelled to beghome agaiBK. The Tribune adds, that

fi har e looked fur servant girls tor some timeservant jrirls will look earnestly for places.

very glad to find them. It is predicted thatoases fur hungry laborers who can find no labor

wanted before January ! The Journal ofre is of the opinion that hardly, since 1837(foomy a prospect for winter lowered upon theclasses of New York.

pey," said a good-natar- ed gentleman to hisman, " I did not know ti,--da- y that yoan whipped last week. f!

a dn't you. massa?" replied Pom pey, "I know'dme unie."


ltto Sibcrtistnuiils.ns TRIUMPHANT SUCCESSa. t

.tiTri-Colore- d Pavilion!VARIETIES.

uld E UORLD-- R BXO WXEDt wt w,:, i . r .

Ckfie taimital? l.JDU-KVBBE- R MAX,A J Jloasienr UKVANI II ". combinatina of renatilities and incredible aerial andoeVJ pefTormaneea have astonished and delighted orer three

lQks of the world, will perform erery ereoinf till farther


a nutiwnliiD Lh imii tttmr tit earrvin nn . mm fnan.y ui akvup m r iinuii, i ' C

d win carry on the business of the late ftrsa of B. Coadr

ji t P. S. WILCOX.

I.nlahi, Dec. 23, 1847. m

IVEW BOOKS !FOLLOWING BOOKS bare hoen reeeiTcdTJEthe scbooner CAROUSE . FOOTE from San

Vrancisro.Alice Gordon, Lawyer's Panghter,Klisabeth Benton, Jorenile Companion,Clubi's friend, Kirht Kames,Swlgrt Opened, Bodset

Out, No Fiction,Martha, Diary of a Physician,hlkrki' Antiquities, Cicero,Mrs. Sberw wd's Works, IS rois,Aaraiotal Olin, Demosthenes, 2 niU,forecastle Tqm, Young Sailor,Tear Franklin, mind Girl, ,IwbH, Twin Brothers,Kerpiug IIus, ft volumes Harper's Story Books,Kobrrtsoo's Charles 4th, S rois,('onOdential Correspondenre. Napoleon and Josephine,Humorous Poetry, Preacntt's Philip iiL. i Tola,Rural Petry, vote. Little Sosy's Little Library, S rob),

' Life of Sidney Smith, 3 Tois, Baker's Church M uaic,Baker's Sekwl Music Book, 8. & Concert Ilymns,May Flower, li roinmea Arthur's Ptnries,Caamber's Knmian War, fecothern Matron,Litre's Progress,

For sale by .

lt-7-a H. M. WHITNEY.

.. STRAYEI) OR STOI.EIC.A BIT iHJRSE On the night of Sunday

, last, from thtncljsiire of the Bethel premises, withfT7 a white spot on the face, and branded BP on the hip.

M boerer will return the same to the " commerdal"tnatiuf OOce or the undersigned, will be handsomely rewarded.

ABRAHAM BOLSTER.tf Corner of Richard and Merchant streets.

(a 4 fa ft) ft: TO BE LENT on mortgage of reaOT J J estate, at moderate interest, in sums toui snrrowers. Apply to

JNO. JI0XTG0MERY.Haouhila, Dec 23, 1847. 7S-- tf


m THE SUBSCRIBER is expecting an assortmentof fresh Garten Seeds by the Fanny Major, lo arriveabout the 3Uth Dec Among the seeds are :

Beans, Celery,Bets, Cabbage,Carruta. Onion,fcweet Corsa, Pea.C'acumher, Parley,- -

Eics; Plant, Kadwh,Mdoas, Tomato,CIotct and Grass 9ed, Osage Orange lor hedges.

Flower Sees! $td fee.XT Orders ftr-- the other islands should be sent in early.

77-- tf II. M. WHITNEY.

ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE.TAKE NOTICE, that by virtue of a certain deed of

AaUd the 12th December, 1847, made betweenjirre Williams and F. L Jones" Williams A Jones" of the

part tb andei si itned of the second part, and the severaleHOurjof the saU Williams it Jones, who snail execute such

auinment within fnorteen days from the date thereufthe third part : The said Williams A-- Jones did assign

the eulmicned all UrHr estate and effects, upon trust lor"nflt of ajj creditors.

and farther lake notice, that such deed of assignment will lieMayfBce for the perusal and siicnatnre of such of the credit.

"ay desire to become parties thereto until the 24th insCPA CI. C. DCCORRON, Assignee.

olutu, Dec 15th, li7.NOTICE.

4LL persons mbted lo the firm of "Williams A Jones,Hnanhuo, Clothing and Dry Goods Merchants, are bere-fxifi- eil

t make payment 1st the undersigned, and all per--hare claims on the said firm are rvquested to present

BtceMuu lothe undersigned on or before the 24th Inst.P. C DCCORRON. Assignee.

Jjylu,Ix.l4,1847. "' "

TO LET.f A DESIRABLE COTTAGE On BeretanUP'l tnet, fiili in the enctucure of the residence of Henry

acfarlanc famished or nnfurnished.PT the premises or at the Commercial HoteL 77-- tf

ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.A l PERSONS who may have any claim on the

kstate of the late Ahio, Chinaman, late resident of Hilo,rJ Ilawaii, Hawauan Itlandu, deceased, intestate, are7" antiOed to present their claim to the undersigned, for12""""' n or before the ih of June, 184. or be barred for-IZ.- 04

J1 penons who are Indebted to the said T&state areTrwHurw? y, k.. the sum on er before the above- -

LOCT3 J. PA TIE,r . - ..l. Vt. JUL.

Hawaii. Dec , IBAJ. 77-O- m

'pHC UNDERSIGNED, being about to leave thistmvium fur a Srw snnnik. k.a .nnnJnlMl Thomas W.

4U"?r, as his. Agent, by special Power of Attorney and- w ueievv Barmaaen an rrnti utr oaner ue m air1"KW or child.

P. IL TREAD WA Y.Jfa, Dec 8, T7-l- y


lu . j .... . . . .a, rt,. . n"ierstgnea requests an utose who are injentoaarm of McColm a-- runbi t ti. k. wmni.

STL.. m ry.tnerr they wiU be piacedan aonraey fur coueeuoo.

JOHN McCOLGAN.nln,Decia,lsS7. 77d.

FIRE WOOD.S8 A CORD fcr good Fire Wood, on the landing,

near the Custom House Apply toC. A. A H. F. POOR.

BONNETS! BONNETS ! ! BONNETS!!!A ARGE assortaaentat reduced prices a

GEO. CLARK'S, HoUlrStreet.

40 BLS .LT CIDER VIITKGArt For salef p-t- f CO.

c. l,. nici: LBS &, CO.OFFER FOR SAL

. J COMPLETE ASShip Chaasll-ry- ,

'ra 8lere.Gretcerieal

Prsv iletsia.arawarr.

Creckerv, fce.Kegs maekereL Iwir. ish, boxes tobacco,Boxes raisins, boxes soap rmxes caudles.Boxes Bristol brick, rem Hi, macarroni.Bbls rid cider rinevar, cu s assorted syrups.ases grven corn, oemt, mince pie meat.Lobster, rasnhe-r- r rat, quinces.

Cases strawberry Jam. er iberry Jam,Caaes apple marmalade, currant Jelly,

ases strained boney, ap;lS sauce, French capers,Csses cheese, tomatoes, t fnato ketchup.Cases pepper sauce, as ffed sauces.Kegs split peas, white bq ns.Kegs eastern butter, cranberries.Bags buckwheat, Geneasce flour,Tins Ilazall floor, 'Boxes smoked salmon, herring, table salt.Boxes saleratus, soda, cream tartar.Boxes ground pepprr, auspice, clores.Boxes cassia, ginger, mustard,IUtfbbls dRl apples, crushed sugar, brown sugar,

drums figs, aroiina rice.Cases wa'foda, butter and sugar crackers.Cases ginger snaps, Jenny Lind cakes,Cases brandy peaches, brandy cherries.Cases assorted pie fruits, assorted meats,Cases oysters, pickles, sardines, prunes,Chests tea. ken pickles.Cases yeast powders, pineapple, whortleberries.

Cans boiled linseed oil. Kegs English wlftlead,Spirits turpentine, American white lead,French yellow, Red lead.Prussian blue. Boxes litharge.Chrome green, Beeswax,"Varnish, Bbls bright varnish.

Bbls Bbls coal tar,Uosin, Bales oakum.Tar, Casks rut nails.

Casks composition nails. Wrought nails.Coils Manila rope, ass'd sizes, Coils marline,

Tarred rope, seizing stuff.Spunyam, Hand lines,WhaleUbe, Log lines,

Hemp twine. Deep sea lines.Signal halyards, Cotton canvas.Cotton twine, Oars, AcHawaiian beef. Prime pork,Pilot bread, Bbls navy bread.

Octaves fine brandy. In bond;Kegs old Sazerac brandy, in bond;Kegs Otard, Dupuy st Co. brandy, la bood;Bbia old Monongahela whisky, in bondBbls old Magnolia whisky, in bond ;Kegs old Magnolia whisky, in bood;Kegs old Bourbon whisky, in bond;Cases Genera gin, in bond)Cases Schnapps,

Fine Port wine, expressly for family use;Fine Sherry, Fine Sauterne,

Fine Claret, Fine liock;Cases ale and porter. Bitters,

Baskets champ ene, Demijohns, Ac, tc AcHonolulu, Oct. 15, 1847. (t8-- tf



of the undersigned, among which will befound the following assortment of FANCY GOODS, chosen expressly for Foreign Ladies. As regards prices, please call andsec

Embroidered cambric collars.Embroidery for sleeres and pantalets,French flowers, a very superiir article.Sky-blu- e, white, plum and black real French merjao,Infants' worked muslin robes and bodies,

Do cashmere braid hoods and cloaks,Linen and cotton tapes and braids,Children's hose and half-hos- e. aTjgatJnriety,

' Ladies' super worked and plaulDo pearl white and black silk hose,

aSky-blu- e satin ribbon,- Ulack watered belt ribbon,

White satin and fancy bonnet ribbon.Silk rel ret trimmings,Fancy worsted braids.Black Chautilly veils, large and richly worked.Real Glasgow ginghams, very fine,Victoria tartan plaid, do do,6--4 Jaconet mualin, finest quality,6-- 4 hair cord do, excels any in the market,Mourning muslins and prints,

Dunstable and Tuk bonnets.'ret " ,,, pea, net French do.--a - iifcr straw hats.

Mixed Manila do.Crinoline, Eugenie, and brown Milan hats,lieuioru, Tuscan and narbrunmed do.in.ys- - Tuscan, LeglMirn, Ac, fInUnts' white and colored workedI boots,Laities tortoise shell braid combs.

Do super wrought steel scissors, custom made.Cashmere plaids, very fine,Fine plain and dotted swiss muslins.Embroidered handkerchiefs and skirts,Long black silk mitts,Uorrock's celebrated fine white shirtings,

And a quantity of articles too nnmemus to particularise."4-l- m FRANCIS SPENCER, Hotel street.


signed baring takenstand lately occupied by

bRobt . Wakkmax, on--

Kin g street, will carry on the

WHEELWRIGHT BUSINESS,in all its branches. All orders executed promptly and with care.


UNDERSIGNED II EREil by returns thanks to the citixens of Honolulu, for theliberally bestowed on him, and would recommend

them tolls successor, Mr. THOMAS LYNCH.R. E. WAEEMAN.


Fort street, opposite the store of Samsmg ft Co.

ALL WORK in his line done with dispatch and at thepossible rates.

Jobbing done at short notice.XT Call and see. - 77-l-y

RUBBER FINE TOOTH COMBSINDIA Fountain's Perfumery,Sandalwood Extract,

Cardamom Seeds,For sale by


NOTICE.rmiiE UNDERSIGNED, baring disposed of theirJL business, and intending to leare these Islands shortly.

would take this method of tendering tnetr thanks to all theirfriends and customers for past favors, and hope they may con-

tinue the same to their soccessor.All to whom we are indebted, will please present their bills

for payment on or before the 24th day of this month ; and allwho are indented to us will please call and settle on or before thesaid date, without fail, as their bills will be placed in the handsof our attorney for collection.

XT Balance of stuck selling off cheap for rasn.J. FOX.

Honolulu, Dee. 7, 1857. 7S4t II. BEKKENBCSCH,

UNDERSIGNED HAVING PaircbaaeslTHEpremises of Mr. J. FOX, begs leare to gire notice thathe will enter therein on January 1st, 1863, and continue thebusiness as heretofore, and respectfully solicits a continuance tfthe patronage so liberally bestowed upon his predecessors.

N. B. The balance of Dry Goods at his old stand in HotelStreet, selling off cheap. 70

OLD MAGNOLIA "WHISKYF1 Old Bourbon whisky ;Okl rye whisky, of the choicest quality ;

In store, and in bond for export. 10 and packages ofthe above hr sale by 7Mf 1 C. L. RICHARDS CO.

C5sswER AC BRANDT 1805 tMartell brandy s

Otard. Duduv A Co. brandy tAnd a choice variety of fine Liquors for ships and families, guar

anteed pure and genuine. For sale by76Hf C. L. RICHARDS A CO.

AK BOATS, IO, 11, 12, 13 At 14 ft.,o For sale byci-- tr CHAS. BREWER, ZO.


tgt ROLLS ROOM PAPER, PER Latearrivals, for sale cheap, by

;o-- 4t n. DIM0SD.

Spill AS IIEIDSIECK CHAMPAGNE. ThisL celebrated wine for sale by

7-- tf C. L. RICHARDS A CO.

BBLS. TAR f100 20 bMs pitch10 bbls rosin. For sale by

79-- tf C. L. RICHARDS A CO.



Old copper and composition, andWool.

Wanted by the subscriber, for which the highest cash pricewill be allowed by

11 AO. janan,2D.COALS Z o

sTN Rfl A RT THE JOHN MARSHALL. 100tons of the very best Scranton hunp coals, any quantity of

which I will sell at $20 per ton of 2000 fi weighuu. r. uv.

6o--tf Agent.

TCIX FLYING DART,"California Cneese,

Smoked Sal on, In excellent order.For sale by

fti-t- f SAVIDGEJt MAT.

DAMMA HATS Of medium and fine qualities.Also, black casimere bats. Just receired and tor sale

y tf C. A. A H. F. POOR.


65--tI It. M. xin.s.1.NE SUPER LARGE FORCE PUMP, witho Hose and Couplings, complete. -

tar saie oy61-- tf CHAS. BREWER, 2d.


WAV V B RE A D Ex Frances Palmer.JfUNE Fur sale by34tr A-- J. CARTWBIGHT.

AND SPIKE RODSNAIL For sale by03 ; W. It. LAW



h 7--r

. MEW GOODS!f ECEIVED PER ANT ILL A, FROMa.a liremen, and for sale by the undersigned :

fancy prints Bales emb. cambric aandkls.do mourning do do table linendo of Madapotams do linen tape, do thread -

do of superior shirfjng . do Water's best qua),do printed Jaconets spool cottondo Victoria lawn do sup. white flanneldo Jacoueta A mull muslin do tliibetdo Swiss muslin and robes' do ptd. woolen table-cove-rs

do book muslin do taivtos, oiled silkdo bishop's lawn do wh. silk cam. hdkfs withdo linen, moleskin fancy bordersdp hnen drill do ladies' veils, asatd qua!.do do handkerchiefs do black qui usdo cambric do do scarlet and blue blanketsdo lawn do do sofa carpets

White and black silk gloves, for ladies and gentlemenSilk and mohair mits, embroidered sleeves and collars,Bracelets, coifures, kid gloves, cs assorted silkCases asstd trimming cords and buttowWoolen and cotton fringes, black mantillasCases assorted stockings, do socksChildren's socks and stockings, silk and wool under-shir- ts

Ladies riding hats (great variety), Amaxonia hatsChildren's woolen cord and tasselsArtificial flowers, great varietyEnglish silk umbrellas, fur ladies and gentlemenVery superior portmonnaies and ladies' necessariesLadies' fancy note paper and envelopesLadies' hnmitation Combs, do asstd naoonsBlack cloth pants, do buckskin pants, fancy do doLarge assortment of different qualities cotton pantsLarge assortment of half woolen pantsAssorted cravats, black satin vests, while pique do

.Black Alpacca coats, pilot cloth, monkey jackets and pantsScarlet and blue serge shirts, white cotton doLambs-wo- ol under shirts and drawersBleached and unbleached cotton under-shir- ts and drawersLinen bosom shirts, fancy cotton do. of different qualitiesHickory shirts, common felt hats, superior felt doPalm leaf nuts, Leghorn do, silk suspendersSilk garters, cotton suspenders, children's toys and dollsEnglish saddles, hog-ski- n do, saddle girths, saddle clothsBUrer'd bits, stirrups and spars, riding whipslisting gaiters, patent leather shoes, French calf bootsWrapping paper, letter paper, foolscap do, bill doPaint brushes, shoe brashes, scrubbing do, tooth do

. Shaving brushes, hair do, lamp do, pocket booksWater bottles (stone), room paper and bonierPainted boxes, glass beads, koa-haml- le butcher kniresTable knires and forks, pen and pocket knivesScissors aud Jack knives, small chains, hooks and eyesRasps and files, assorted, bung screwsIron and brass screws, locks, spunges, ivory combsPlated candle-stick- s, with tulip shades, battle comlisPearl butvonscast-ste-el hand saws, best English raisorsLadies' pen knives, asstd ; pencil cases ,Match boxesf unAtands, plated baskets, Ac.Wax tapers, Britannia metal, tea and coffee potsCasks boUow ware

Forsnle by63--if : H. HACK FELT A CO.

CARGO PER KAHKimiEHA IV,FROTH XiZVZjRPOOIs.UNDERSIGNED invites the attentions of dealTHE retail and country traders, to the large and

valuable assortment of merchandise just received 'by the abovenamed vesseL Among the more important articles will befound

Dry Gevsxtit.Brown cottons, brown drills, white madapolums,White shirtings, various qualities, blue shirting.Blue drill, fancy drills and trowseruig in great variety, .

White and drab cord, bedticks,White muslin goods of various descriptions.Printed muslins, figured do, tine cloth, doeskin, a, Gsmbrooms, plain alaca8, figured alpaca.White, red and blue blankets, nss'd qualities and sixes,Figured lustre, mosquito curtains, Brussels carpeting,Velvet carpeting, clothing in great variety,Hosiery and undershirts all qalities,Shirts of various descriptions, blue woolen shirts,Fncy prints, true blue prints, mourning prints,White ground prints, Turkey red and yclluw do,Silk coralis, English silks, lawns, hats, Ac, Aj Ac. -

Asssrled English Groceries) and LiverpoolSwap. ,

English white lead, paints and boiled oil,Rope anj canvas, bagging aud wool packs,Saddlery, bridles and bits, new styes.

Ustralwatre.Sheet lead, hollow-war- e, sledge hammers.Anvils (large), crowbars, garden chairs, hat stands,Wheel-barro- (iron), tool chests,Cutlery, chest Kirks, tin plate.Two screws for pressing wool or pulu, ass'd Iron.

Liquor a.Brandy, port, sherry, claret, gin and whisky,Allsnp's draught ale in hogsheads,Youngers draught ale in hogsheads.Salt's draught ale in hogsheads,Byas' ale in quarts and pints,Allsop's ale, PLn's ale, Meakim's ale.

S at mdries.Anchors and chains, fire bricks, blue bricks,Slates, small money safes, gutes, garden rollers,Assorted earthenware, nappies, pies, Liverpool salt.Patent woven hose for fire engines, Ac, Ac, Ac

62-t- f. . KUIIKKT C. JAN ION".

Valuable Real Estate in Lahaina

WILL BE SOLD ON FRIDAY, JiX. 1st.o'clock, hi-- , on the Premises, without kkskkvh, to

the highest bidder, theValuable Estate aitaated on Main Street, 1st'

the Tawst f Lahaina, now sorwpied byDr. G. M. Bale as a Drug Mare aud Office.There are on the premises a store, 30 by 20 feet ; a twotory

bouse, 20 by 15 feet, with double verandah ; a large store house,cook bouse, Ac

Tbe Lot contains about 4000 feet, and is enclosed by a sub-stantial stone wall and fence. The title Is fee simple and un-doubted. The premises will be sold free of all Incumbrance.

For further particulars apply to JAM KS W. AUSTIN, Hoxo-ixu- r,

or EDWARD P. BOND, Lahia, or to76-3- t C. S. BAUTOW, Auctioneer


UNDERSIGNED HAVINGTHE services of an experienced Upholsterer, is now pre-pared to make to order Spring Beds, Hair, Pulu and Hay Hat-tresse- s,

Spring Lounges, Ac Old Sofas, Lounges, Ottomans andChairs repaired and on reasonable terms. Furnitureof all kinds made to order.

Koa, black walnut, pine and lead Coffins constantly on handand made to order. CHAS. W. FOX, Cabinet-make- r,

76-- 1 Stewart's Old Stand, Hotel sU, near corner of Fort.

ER YANKEESardines, in half boxes ;Candy, in 25tb boxes ;Strawberries, in 21b tins ;Natural preserres, in glass ;Mince meat, in 2tb tins.

74-- tf For sale by C. A. A II. F. POOR.

NOTICE.PERSONSIIAVING CLAIMS ON THEALL will please send in their accounts for settle-

ment ; and all persons indebted to me, are requested to settletheir account on or before the 1st of January, or jhey will beput in tbe hands of my attorney for collection.

75-- 1 m JAMES DAVIS, Union Hotel


STIRRUPS ; also. Plated l'ELIIAM BITS,never want cleaning, a Very splendid article. Also, gent'sWatch Guard Ribbons. F. SPENCER.

75-l-m Hotel street.-T

NOTICE.Persons indebted to the Estate of the late Wm- - HenryALL cabinet-make- r, of Honolulu, are hereby requested

to settle their accounts before the 1st day of November next, andall persons having claims against said Estate are notified topresent them immediately to C. 11. LEWERS,

69-3- tn Administrator.


Dr. Bullion's drug store,) begs leare to call the attention of thepublic to the fine assortment of Clwthiaa; selected by himwith great care in Ban Francisco, expressly for this market,and would call particular attention to the lot of Summer Cloth-ing. Thankful for past favors, be requests a continuance of tbesame. 1 7 tf JIE.MWl uwsuulb..

For Sale toy B, W, Field,FOLLOWING NAMED MERCHAN-dis-e.Just received per American bark " Messenger Bird " i

Bbls Haxall flour, half bMs ex. flour, bxs ex. flour,Bbls cement, half bbls sugar, boxes glass,

Split peas, castile soap, Carolina rice,71-- tf Rifle powder, cases refined lard, Japan rice, etc.


?oleg brown cotton, do denims, do g,

Bales Mae drill andjbhie cotton, cs linen-boso- m shirts.White and brae cotton thread, kip brogans, goat do.Calf brogans, women's shoes, asstd blank books, Ac,Patent charcoal irons, palm leaf hats, out nails, white lead,ifoiled linseed oil, spirits of turpentine, celestial blue,Chrome green and chrome yellow, Prussian blue.Shoe blacking, dried apples, cheese, bams, water crackers,Loaf and crushed sugar, soda and butter crackers,foxes raisins, do tobacco, etc- -, etc, etc

62 tf For sale by H. HACKFELD.

NOTICE. ALL PERSONS INDEBTED TOiyi HENRY MACFARLANE. of the Commercial Hotsl atHonolulu, and the CoMMBaciab Billiard Saloos and Ras- -TACtACT at Lahaina, are hereby notified to make payment tothe undersigned ; and all persons who have claims on the abovenamed HENRY BfACFARLANE, are requested to presentaccounts to tbe undersigned duly appointed agents for thesettlement of his affairs. A. P. EVERETT,

uovrKBi M1UVU


CASES CANDIES,GROCERIES, Table salt in ft--ib bags,Pride of California" tobacco.

Pepper sauce, and sundry other articles,Fur sale by

M4f C. A. A II. F. POOR.

BARLEY. California barleyCALIFORNIA and for sale by7V4f v A. B ii jt. jrvruxv.

LIFE-BOA- T FOR SALE.NE new cop ed Life-bo-at for sale byo 72-- tf Mt, w. o.iun

TO LET. Tbe rear Office over theOFFICEEnquire of (3-4f- ) H. M. WHITNEY.

IQU0RS, English Groceries, EngHsh Soap, for sale byA Julyl, 1--tf ROBERT C.J AN IPS.


ALIFORNIA BEANS;c Hawaiian oeans i .V . s b r. U, hmR h

78--tf C. L RICHARDS A CO.


AjrYE CURRANTS-F- or sale byzESII BOX RAISINS For sale by .





3TJ" 3fxr --tlx 3 Fall Seaon,rflHE SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO INFORMJL Retailers and Dealers generally, that be expects the follow

ing assortment af Goods from England, In October, by a clippervessel, vis j

WOOLENS.. Heavy white Blankets, assorted sixes, Raises of ass't colors,

Cloth Caps and Cassimere, Mack Broadcloth, ass'd qualities,Black Orleans Cloth, Guernsey Frocks, Pea Jackets,Superior blue twilled Flannel; Fearnought Jackets,Black Lastihgs, Mack Princettas, Barege Scarfs,Assorted Silk Scarfs, Satin Scarfs,Lamb's-wo- ol Scarfs and Merino Undershirts,Flannel and Serge Drawers.Superior blue and scarlet flannel shirts, pilot cloth trow sera,Black chantilly falls, black alpaca cloth.

MUSLINS. Axe.Cambrics, criaollne, cambric handkerchiefs, lawns.Plain lawns, .mourning muslin, book muslin, Jaconet, bobinet,Musllu dresses, fancy muslins, ete etc.

COTTONS.Denims, white and drab corduroy, white shirting, ass'd quaL,Brown cotton, blue prints, pink prints, mourning prints,Lilac prints, knitting cotton, printed shirting cotton,White cotton drills, cotton handkerchiefs, huckabuck.Men's and ladies' stockings (assorted), fine blue prints,Aladdapolama regatta shirts assorted qualities,Long cloth shirts (assorted qualities), cotton umbrellas,Carlisle's white real thread, Pittman's colored thread,Black, white and col'd thread, towels, boys' cotton socks, ass'd.

SILKS, Ate.Italian silk binding, cords and tassels, silk cravats,Black silk handkerchiefs. Mack sarsnet handkerchiefs,Ribbons, silk scarfs, sewing silk, superior black silk,Silk umbrellas, silk barege, etc etc

An Assortment of Crockeryand Cut Glass.

SUNDRIES.Buttons clothes brushes, playing cards, currycombs.Mackintosh coats, riding gloves, French kid gloves, gold lace.Needles, buckskin gloves, shoes, perfumery, hair brushes,Round iron (assorted), files (assorted), composition nails.Composition spikes, tinman's wire, tin, IX, IC and SDXW.

NAVAL STORES.Best boiled oil, patent anchors, chains, whitelead.Assorted paints, canvass, sheathing copper, cordage,Tar, pitch and turpentine.

GROCERIES.' Allsop's, Byers', Bass'. Abbott's and UaraetU't ale and por-

ter, in quarts and pints,MarteU's best dark brandy, in hb.s. and quarter casks,United Vineyard Co.'s braudy, in hhtls. and quarter casks,Claret, of superior quality, port and sherry, Jamaica rum,Sardines, salad oil, jams and Jellies, white wine vinegar,Italian maccaroni, vermicelli, almonds, pearl sago, oatmeal,Le Mann's biscuits, Wiltshire, Cheshire and Stilton blieese,York and Westphalia hams, capers, tins peas, parsnips,Tongue, lobsters, etc, petit pois, in 1 and 21b tins,Orange and citron peel, curry powder mulligatawny, pepper,Cloves, bacon, split peas, barley and groats, tapioca, saleratus.Picnic baskets, Abernethy's biscuit, Harvey's sauce, .Worcestershire sauce, chutney, sperm cancles, stearine candles.Composite candles.

An Assortment ofSaddlery,And a variety of other articles. Samples of the above have notyet arrived, but are expected by next mail

Honolulu, August 24, 1857. 61-- tf R. C. CL0UST0N.


JOHN DAVIS, 'Proprietor.raill IS WELL KNOWN AND POPULARJL establishment offers superior inducements to those wishing

a quiet home. It is situated in convenient proximity to thebusiness center, and is conducted on the Eurojiean plan. Theproprietor, who has been engaged in this business for a longperiod, solicits a continuauce of tbe patronage of his manyfriends, which, as heretofore, he will endeavor to merit by strictattention to their wants and comfort. Families will find everycomfort here of a gooil home. Meals at all hours.

ipr Board, from $& to f7. Lodging, for single rooms, $2 50 ;double rooms. $2 74-3- m


WOULD RETURN HIS THANKS FORpatronage received while at his old shop, oppo-

site the Custom House, and at the same time notify Shipmastersaud the public geuerally. that he has taken the stand adjoiningMessrs. Bt'RSg A Emm us, shipwrights, formerly occupied byCaptain Brown, where he is prepared to execute all kinds ofwork in his line ou the most reasonable terms, in a workman-like manner, and with dispatch. 76-- tf


FflO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION, onJL the New Esplanade, on the 13th of May, 1858, the leases

of ground lots for One Hundred Years, (tbe rate to be adjustedequitably by appraisers mutually chosen at the end of everytwenty-fiv- e years.) of six lots, to be built upon of incombustiblematerials, according to a plan to be seen at the office of Mr. R.A. S. Wood, Superintendent of Public Works.

The six lots extend in line from the premises of .Messrs. JamesRobinson ii Co., with an esplanade in front of 143 feet wide,along the margin of which goods can be landed or embarked.

Purchasers of the ground lots will have to pay only the rentof each lot, quarterly, semi-annual- ly or annually, as may be ar-ranged on the day of sale ; and in the material and style of theirbuildings to conform to the general plan laid down by the gov-ernment, which has for its object uniformity in appearance, theconvenience of the public, and safety from fire.

The six lots are of the following dimensions, viz : 4 lots, each60 feet frontage by 145 feet deep ; 2 lots, each 5S feet frontageby 145 feet deep.

TO BE SOLD ALSO, on the same day, the leases of ninerrpund lots for the same period, in rear of the marine lots, and

ing between the premises of James Robinson A Co. and Fortstreet, the plans and drawings of which can be seen at the officeof the Superintendent of Public Works, and at the offices ofMessrs. A. P. Everett and J. F. Colburn, Auctioneers.

h. KAMEUAMEUA.6'Mt Minister of the Interior.


THE MEMBERS of the corps re hereby noti-

fied to meet at the Armory on WEDNESDAY EVENINGof each week, at half past 7 o'clock, for company drill.

The members of Squad No. 1 are also notified to appearat tbe Armory of the corps on TUESDAY EVENING ofeach week, at half past 7 o'clock.

N. B. The members hereafter will receive no writtennotices. IVr order,

R. C0ADY, Captain.L. JONES, Orderly Sergeant. 68-- tf

1UST RECEIVED EX ANTIL.IA, Trass.J BREMEN :Westphalia hams. 'Bologna sausages,Swiss cheese,French plums,French green peas,French fruits in syrup.Loaf ugar in cases.Crushed loaf sugar in half barrel?.Black pepper in bags,White pepper in bags,And a varietr of European Produce.

73-- tf For sale by SAVIDGE k MAY.


Blocks, fitted with patent hearrs.froin 4 to 12 inches;Heavy canvass duck;Spunyarn and twine;Sewed brogans, calf gaiters and pumps;White beans, yellow peas, split peas, pearl barley;Red hock, Assmann'shauscr, of well known quality;Belgian window glass, of superior quality, assorted sizes.


BOUGHT AND OFFERED for sale atGOODS prices : 'Tumblers, assorted Lamps, China Boxes,Brooms, Rocking Chairs,Curled Maple Chairs, Bedsteads,Linen Carpeting, China Matting,Soap, white and brown.Damask, Doors and Windows,Market Baskets. Table Salt, Tea,Furniture Varnish, Saddles,Platform and Counter Scales,Charcoal Irons, Ac.

For sale by73-- tf H. DIM0SD.

HOT ALU TUBULAR RANGESHESE RANGES are excellent bakers, and will do aT great amount of cooking with a little fuel.

For sale by73f H. DIM0ND.

5 CAPTAINSOFFICERS of Whaleshlps can procure at theAND (Post Office building.) fives of American and

English papers, from January last, giving a full summary oftbe late news. 72-- tT U. M. WHITNEY.


BEERS, WINES AND SPIRITS Consistingthe following articles, will be found at the store

of G. RHODES, near the Post Office iChampagne, of different brands;Hocks, of superior quality;

'Sauternes, of superior quality tFineSberries; fine Port; .Bitters, various brands;Cherry Cordials;Clarets, of various brands an 1 qualities;All the favorite brands of Ale, in pints and quarts;

Brandy, Gin and Monongahela Whisky, in large or smallpackages;

Absynthe; N E Rum, Ac, Ac 73-- tf



rioxEAST MAUI,For sale by CHAS. BREWER 2d.

18-- tf Agent.

coffee! coffee:: coffee:::T

FIELD, Agent for the sale of Coffee from TrrBW. Plantation would inform the traders that be isconstantly receiving Coffee of. the very best quality, fromTitcomb'a Plantation at Hanalei, which he offers for Sale. 21t

ANILA CORDAGE, small sizes.M Oakum,Spunyarn,Martin and Ratlin,

For sale by61-- tf CHA8. BREWER, 2d.

XGLISH, Frnch, German, and Chinese silks. The mostE complete assortment ever oDered. For sale by .Julyl, tf ROBERT C. JANI0N.

CORN AND OATS, on. hand, andror sale by

sa-t- f a. p. Everett., JUST RECEIVED,

CALIFORNIA CHEESEJujube Paste. or sale by

60-- tf . T. MOBSMAN k SON.


lar collection of Psalms and Hymns, for sale by66-tr H. M. WHITNEY.'


Faber's pencils, black aud red crayons, steel pens.India rubber, French tissue paper, etc etc.

' For sale by ; , U. St. nhTTMIi.

CASKS I6OO BBLS. OIL CASKS ONhand and far sale by (13-t- O J. A. BTRDICK.



f50 bMs prime pork,- "440 bMs mess beef, . '

100 bMs Haxall flour. .75,000 lbs navy, medium and pilot bread, In casks, bbls and bsat

Water Crackers and Jenny Lind cakes; butter, In casks;Preserved meats, Boston cotton duck, Nos 2, S, 4, 6,6;

Smootb-boOo- m whale boats, oars, boat anchors;Slop clothing, patent blankets,

100 cons assorted Manila cordage. Excelsior patent;250eoUs do do cordage, New Bedford manutacV: --

150 eoilsKew Bedford towlineT tWhite oak plank and boards from 1 to 6 Inch ;Yellow pine heading, Cumberland coal in casks ;

China matting white, 6--4 wide ;Tobacco Oronoko leaf, 201b boxes, lib plug. Buf-

falo chips and Turkish smoking tobacco, Man-ila cheroots. No. ; Manila cigars, No. 2.

Family cooking stores, California and Island oats ;Jeffries' strong ale, in Jugs; octaves Dennis Maw xe cognac

brandy ; sauterne wine, in casks;brandy, in cases ; Hollands gin. Port and Madeira

wines, cherry cordials and liquors, in cases.Sperm Oil and Whale Oil. 66--tf

NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS!JUST RECEIVED And for sale by the under

Oyster crackers, soda crackers, butter crackers.Wine crackers, water crackers, ginger snaps,Jenny Lind cakes, smoked herrings, refined hud,Crushed sugar, dried apples, split peas, earn meal,'English dairy cheese, sugar cured hams,Codfish, Carolina rice, white beans, California onions,Cranberrsss, maccaroni, vermicelli,Zante currants, citron peel, soft shell almonds.Nutmegs, super Oolong tea. super green tea,Indian corn, new hops, English walnuts.Half bbls Haxall flour, b tins oysters,1-- lb tins oysters, 1 and b tins lobsters,'

, 2-- tb tins clams, 1-- lb tins assorted meats,1--tb tins sausage, 1--lb tins game,Half and qr boxes sardines, 1 and 2--tb tins green peas,2--lb tins turnips, 1-- tb tins green corn,2-- fb tins peaches, 2-- lb tins quinces,3- - tb tins p.-ar- 2-- tb tins damsons,2-- lb tins green gage, 2 ib tins prunes,2-- tb tins apricots, 2-- lb tins cranberry Jam,2-- tb tins cranberry sauce, 2--rb tins currant Jelly,'1-- tb tins raspberry Jam, lb tins strawberry Jam,Assorted English jams, bloater paste,American pickles, English pickles,English mustard, cassia and allspice.Cloves, ginger, cream tartar and soda, .Saleratus and black pepper, tomato ketchup,Olive oil and lemon syrup, raspberry vinegar,English pie fruits, caper and pepper sauce; -- ,

Cbutnee and assorted sauces, India curry powder.Assorted herbs, Cayerne pepper, caraway seed.Yeast powder, French mustard, bottles candies,Pembroke salt, Spanish olives, stearine cantllea,Cider vinegar, corn starch, super chewing tobacco.Anchovies and salt, pearl sago, tapioca.JVesa pork, Masons backing, pain-kill-er,

Dupont powder, Castile soap, fine cut tobacco.Bags California flour, corn brooms, brown soap.

Constantly on hand,Freeh Grassad CafftTee.

69-- tf T. MOBSMAN A SON.

AMBROT7FE G A T.T.IUNDERSIGNED would respectfully announceTHE inhabitants of Honolulu and the public generally,

that he has taken the rooms formerly occupied by Mr. Benson,over the Printing Office of the Commercial Advertiser, where heis now prepared to take "

PICTURES ON GLASS AND PAPER,Known as the Patent Ambrotypes and Photograplis.Having recently arrived from the United States, with good

Instruments and a new and extensive assortment of stock, hefeels confident that be can give entire satisfaction to those whofavor him with their patronage.

N. B. Pictures put up in a VARIETY OF. STYLES, to suitcustomers.

XT ROOMS OPEN from 9, A. M. to 12, M., and from 1tot, P.M.

4S-- tf - W. F. H0WLAND.

MELAINOTYPES,Or Pictures ou Enameled Iron Plates,

a New and Beautiful Improvement inPHOTOGRAPHY. :

UNDERSIGNED would respectfully call theTHE of the public to the above named style of pictures, a recent and invaluable improvement in the art of sundrawing. In richness of tone and warmth of expression, thesepictures are not surpassed by any other kind, while, In regardto durability, there is no question as to their superiority ; forthey will receive a fall without fracture or Injury, and may bewashed when soiled. Hence, (sey may he tent by letter,without giant or ease, to absent friends, at a very triflingexpense for pottage.

All the latest styles of photographic pictures have been intro-duced and may be obtained at this gallery, finishad In a supe-rior manner, insuring likeness and durability ; and arrange--menu have been completed with EM1HENT ARTISTS InCalifornia and the east, to introduce af once any late improve-ments or new features of practical importance in the art.

Phelegraphs an Paper taken by the dozen andhalf dozen, and pictures and paintings copied, either by theimproved Ambrotype or Daguerreotype process. Also, like-nesses Inserted into lockets, pins, bracelets, Ac. Photographicviews of parts of the city, public buildings, Ac, for sale.

Complete Daguerreotype Apparatus, fixtures and stock, forsale, and instruction given to persons desirous of visiting otherparts.

6-- tf H. 8TANQENWALD.

mHE BALANCE OF CARGO, JUST LAND--1 ed from the American ship "FortHna," from Boston, V. S.

A., is offered for sale at the Store of B. W. Flelal, at thelowest market rates, consisting of

Cases adamantine candles. Grindstones,Boxes adamantine candles, Ounny bags,'Boxes - Archer" tobacco. Bales brown drills.Baskets Irroy champagne, Bales brown sheetings.Bbls navy bread, Wrapping paper, assorted.Bxs salt water soap, Bales oakum,

London Porter.Wheelbarrows, Cane seat rocking chairs,Oars, assorted sizes. Cane back rocking chairs,Cane seat oak chairs. Wood seat settees,Cane seat walnut chairs.

Wood seat office chairs, with cushions.And a large assortment of '

Crockery and Earthenware.Cases Yellow, Metal, assorted sizes;Kegs Composition Nails, assorted sizes ;71-- tf Ship Chandlery, Naval Stores, fcc.

D. N. FLITNERJust received a new and splendid assortment of JewelryHAS other things in his line, suitable for Christmas and

New Year's holiday presents, consisting in part ofDiamond rings, pins and studs.Sets of cameos, Florentine pins, bracelets, charms,Lockets, locket rings, seal rings, seals.Gold pens and pencils, silver pencils, gold thimbles.Silver thimbles, sleeve buttons, patent sleeve fasteners.Studs, vest buttons, gold watch chains, fob chains.Guard ribbon, cigar holders, silver cups, fans,Porte-monnai- es, watch stands, card receivers.Smelling bottles, shell combs, pocket knives, Ac, Ac

Also Nautical instruments, -

Chronometers on hand and for sale.XT In Mskre's brick building, corner of Queen and

Kaahuinanu streets. '71--tf

H. HACKFELD & CO.,FOR SALE Ex "Jenny Ford" and others,OFFER scanUing, 3x4, 10,000 scantling, 3x6,

30,000 scantling, 3x3, 7,000 scantling, 4x4, ,

4,000 scantling, 4x6, w 7,000 scantling, 6x6,1,000 scantling, 6x6, 14,000 scanUing, 2x3,

28,000 scantling, 2x4, 12,000 scantling, 2x6,1,000 plank, 3x8 2,000 plank, 3x9,

20,000 plank, 3x10,Pickets, Shingles,

Qindows, 7x8, Windows, 8x10.ALSO

71-- tf Maslstad Saavra, all sizes.

A NEW ARRIVAL.WATTERS HAVING JUST ARRIVEDA . from San Fnojcisco, takes this method of informing the

citizens and public in general of these Islands, that he hasbrought with him a vplendid bod most extensive assortment of

Jewelry consisting ofFINtf GOLD WATCHES,



CLOCKS, or all kinds ; also,TELESCOPES, NAUTICAL

INSTRUMENTS, &c &cAll of which he will open in a few days, at the New Store ofMessrs. ORINBAUM, comer of Fort and Merchant streets, Ho-

nolulu, and herewith invites the public to give him a call andexamine the above articles.

Honolulu, September 23, 1867. tf--63

IVEW GOODS!PANTA LOONING, ENGLISHASSORTED Covers, white flannel Bonnets, mohair Mitts,

For sale by63--tf H. DIMOND.

RICE! RICE! RICE!QUALITIES of Manila and JapanSUPERIOR in large 01 small quantities, by

71-- tf B. W. FIELD.


71-- tf B. W. FIELD.

EATT AND LIGHT RAVEN DUCK,Cotton Canvas, assorted Nos.

For sale by16--tf




66-- tf

DE COLOGNE. In cham. bottles, doEAU bottles. Labia's extract, Florida Water, LavenderWater, Pomatum, etc, etc

For sale byII. HACKFELD. .

ER RABUGA GLASS GLOBES, for fish, goingfast;

BED PANS, a new article, and great Improvement.For aleby

38-- tf ' : . fl. P. JTJDD.


Mf ' GEORGE CLARK'S. Hotel Street. '

AVY BILLS Sc WHALER'S BILLS taken --atthe lowest rates by

July 1, 1-- tf ROBERT C. JAWIOS.



70-- tf - . - Corner ofFwrkaod Hotel

CONFECTIONETIT For sale bySPLENDID J. M. SMITH A CO., v70-t-4 Corner of Fort and note! streets.

. . js--- . Ii. KlthABW

7 3 i.



One hundred and fifty tons reeister, ,

A. G. TUCRSTON, Master,. Will hereafter run regularly to HILO, touching atLAHAINA, KAWA1UAB

KOHALA auasl" LAUPAHOEHOE,When In Honolulu, wiU be found regularly at J. Robinson

A Co.'s Wharf.For freight or passage inquire on board. ' . 38


from the United States are respectfully Informed that aFIRST CLASS SHIP

Will leave Boston. REGULARLY, for this place, in the monthof September or early In October, and la April or early in May.

ret rreignt or passage, which will be taken on the lowestterms, please apply to

CUAS. BKCWEK or JAMES HUNNEWELL,Boston, Mass., U. 8. A--,

Or CHAS. BREWER it,Honolulu, 8, I.


BOSTON, MASS. U. 8. A. ,

Orders sent to htm from the Sandwich Islands will be ponetually attended to, and merchandise forwarded in A 1 mat '

sailing ships. 49 --tf '



Will be despatched Quarterly from Commercial Wharf.Boston, In the months of March, May ar JJaae,Seateaaaer aaal Deeeaaber.

For further particulars see special advertisements In dailypapers of the above months.

For freight or passage to, or drafts on Honolulu, apply toUENRT A. PIERCE,

Sandwich Island Packet Office,67 Commercial Wharf, Boston.

or to o. IV. FIELD,Honolulu, S. I.

AGENTS.B. W. Field, - Honolulu.Sutton A Co. New York.Cook A Snow, New Bedford.

84-- tf

Freeman fc Co'sTREASURE, FREIGHT, PACKAGE & LETTERj33cxn.x:ss;

. On the 5th and 20th of each Month,TO ALL PARTS OF THE

Uaitea States, Saath Aaaeriea.Caaaaas ssmsI Earase.

COMSKCTISa IH SW YORK WITH THB AMKRlCAX-KUB- EAI X- -raws costraar to kcbope.

GOLD DUST, COIN AND BULLION FOR.and insured on Open Policies, held from the beat

Insurance Companies in New York and London.Packages, Parcels and Letters forwarded 8eml-monthl-y, via

Panama and N icaragua, in charge of Special Messengers.A Special Express is made up by us for Panama, CeJlao, Lima,

Valparaiso, and all the principal ports of tlie west coast of SocthAmerica, which is promptly forwarded by the English Steamersleaving Panama on the 14th and 29th of each mouth.

XT Collections made, and all orders pertaining to a legitimateForwarding and Express business, attended to with dispatch.

- Principal OMcee.124 Moktcomxbt 8Tirr, - - - - Sir FaaxctacoA. P. Everett, - - - - - HonoluluNew York, - - - - - 69 BroadwayPhiladelphia, ..... 116 Chestnut streetBoston, --- 84 Washington streetBaltimore, - - - 164 Baltimore streetNew Orleans, - - - 72 Camp streetLondon, - - - 17 CornhiB, (Am. Europ. Exp. Co.)Liverpool, - - 7 Rumford St., " ..- -

Paris, - 8 Place de la Bourse. " uValparaiso, ...... Cochrane streetCaldera, ...... Wheelwright A CoGuayaquil, . - Cox, Gutierres A Col, AgentsCallao and Lima, .... H. Higginson, AgentPayta, (Peru,) .... A. Kudeu A Co., AgentsPanama, ...... Cova A Co., Agents

75-- tf



AND SAN FRANCISCO,For the speedy and safe conveyance of Merchandise, Coin, Let-

ters and valuable parcels, to all parts of the

UNITED STATES, CANADA AND EUROPE.The Agents at Honolulu sell Bills of Exchange in sums to suit

on Wells, Fargo A Co., San Francisco or New York. AlsoWells, Fargo A Co.'s franked U. S. Government envelopes,which pass free over the California and coast routes, and overthe Atlantic route from San Francisco to New York.

Commissions and collections promptly attended to.Oct. 1. 1856-t- f. R-- COADY A CO- - Agents.



WIU bold the Regular Meetings on the third Thursday of- erery month, at the Hall of the Lodge,

"Le Proares de rOccanie."Per order,

Honolulu, Sept. 8. (63-t- O G. H. P.

- A. F. & A. 9f.ft -- LE PROGRES DE L'OCEAKIE

LODGE, No. 124, under the jurisdiction of the 80-7C-Jjr

preme Council of the Grand Central Lodge of France,r working in the ancient Scotch Rite,- - holds its regularmeetings on the Wednesday nearest the full moon of eachmonth, at the old Lodge Room ,ln King street.

XT Visiting brethren respectfully invited to attend.. August 18. 60f H. SEA, Secretary.


At Kawaihae or Honolulu.

GW. MACT, of Kawaihae, Hawaii, Is preparedfurnish at his new wharves, the celebrated

Kawaibae Potatoes, at the lowest rates, er at Honolulu, throughMr. J. II. Cole, Capt. Berrill, of schooner Mary, or Mr. G. C.McLean.

XT Private families will do well to leare "their orders witheither of the above parties. 73-- tf


THE OVERSIGNED having recently purchased theformerly occupied by C. H. Butler, corner of

Queen and Fort streets, is now prepared to execute with dispatchall orders that he may be favored with at the above named placeor at his Old Stand, opposite the u Royal Hotel. "

Ship Agents and Masters are respectfully invited to call andexamine his large and desirable assortment of Casks. Barrels,Tubs, Ac

N. B. 4000 barrels casks on band and for sale on the most,reasonable terms. 60--tf

RAGS ! !UNDERSIGNED IS PREPARED TOTHE Rags, in any quantity, in trade or for cat.

For clean and picked white cotton or linen rags, S cents perpound will be paid. For colored cotton or linen rags, S centsper pound. No rags will be purchased unless well cleaned andmerchantable. Woolen rags not wanted. Persons residing enthe other Islands, can send rag bales to Honolulu by schoon-er, consigned to the subscriber, and care will be taken of theirpackages.. 65-- 78 H. M. WHITNEY.

NOTICE.UNDERSIGNED having taken the well-kno-

THE formerly occupied by the late W. H. Stuart, willcarry on the business of


and would resectfully solicit a share or the public patronage.He hopes, by a strict attention to business, to give perfect satis-faction to all who may favor him with (heir custom.

CHAS. W. FOX.N. B. Wanted a good WOOD-TURNE-

Honolulu, Oct. 22, 1857. .

CHOICE RAMS tM'R. EDW. 8PARKE would Inform bis friends and

tbe public, that be has now for sale a few prime PlaeVVeeird Kaaas, of huge carcass, which will be necessaryto establish, In order to combine a carcass with a good yield oftallow, in conjunction with a heavy fleece of good wool.

Waimea, HawaiiOct. li. -- 6041


PER JOHN GILPIN, direct from BostonNew raisins in half boxes, new currants,Codfish and mackerel, crust ted and loaf sugar,Sugar cured hams, corn starch,Assorted essences, lemon syrup, tomato catsup,

And other desirable articles, for sale by68-- tf SAVIDGE A HAY.



Merchants xebange, M erchant street.Wond's Black Horse Hotet. Fort street.Rear of Dimond's store, King street. 68-t-f

"T "EST ISLAND COFFEE, from C. ritooubB plantation, Hanalei, for sale by

71 tf B. W. FIELD.

HOME SHIPPING OFFICE OnSAILORSthe press of business at the Home, the under-signed has engaged Mr. G. W. Willfong to act for htm in theshipping of seamen, the undersigned being still responsible, asheretofore.


Manager Sailors' Home.Honolulu, Nor. 4, 1857.

The undersigned tVgs leave toJnform the Bhlpmaswrs andMerchants of Honolulu that he is now acting as agent fcr theShipping Office at the Sailors' Home, under tbe usuaagesnent ofMr. Thrum, and requests of his Mends and the shipping In-

terests generally a portion of their patronage, promising to asehis most faithful endeavors to gire satisfaction. Offiee at the

Refers to A. J. Cartwrlgbt Esq. and Capt. The Bpeneer.71-3- m . O. W. WlUNKfl.


m Yankae." such aaFine Panama hats, Jfedlum Panama Bats,

' White Cassimere hats, Brown and Pearl bat)Forssdeby

it--tf C. A. ft f. Tt rTJflfc


'Tnia day! - -

THURSDAY, DEC S, AT 1-- 9 O'CLOCK,At Sales Boom, wiU be sold a Urge aaaortsaeot of aaerrhaa

dise, consisting in part of .

Water aod butler crackers, California cheese, , ,

- Sugar cured haari, waxes ginger snape,Tius oysters, saruiues, uernuKS anchovies.Tins assorted sseats, greea pesst, beana,Pickles, prunes, olive oil. tobacco, sn powOrr,Crockery ware, dry goods, clothing,Furnitare, iron bedsteads, Ac.

SUM ''..I. York and Westphalia hams,

Bbls Haxall Boar, - ' "

8alt from Puuloa Salt Works, In lota to sn.t purAtiers.

THIS DA35T !THURSDAY, DEC. 94. AT 19 O'CLOCK.On the new Esplanade, will be sold, ZxtefU

tbe United eutea, lor um beuent of the heirs imwce,671 callous sperm oil.7A21 gallons whale oil,S16) lbs whalebone,

'-- SUM

By order of R. O. Davis, E., lor account of 8. Lockmaa,

671 gallons perm oil,- 762 gallons whale oil,

316 lbe whalebone.

Gestral Sale.

ON WEDNESDAY. DEC 0, AT IO A. M.,At Bales Reopwtcma'

Rare C-a- mee for a Pentaaaeat Iare.t-ma-at t


Valuable Heal Estate !

ON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8. 18S8,the Heir, of thelata JOHNforHr order of the Attorney

ROBSON, wttl be told all the valuable properv -a- -e -said Estate, consisting of .

The Stoae Dweiiwsa Wu aww tVa sjWfraar Of IIBH 1

Now occupied by 1 tt. aa naia and Garden. Onfthi CatboHeon the ntherly:i"L Sfn-J-

JT ulion the premtees tsaMnoo.noVeontal-- u

.. l March. ISO. I wv. WWnecessary ouwhwc -- .Trmrnr.quenUy, water laid 00 pipes.

ITeornerKeSpTucTCu SSTnttbom. 2 fcet, more or leat. upon

which la a large n..u '

cost in apru, xo, ei . f .

hot made.

That property UJJwS'Opposite UrO UOTtTiaCIll. VTAAAVe am. ar

Han JTaViyt apOU WniBU am aa

Oae-sto- rr Woodea Hoaae,rv..ininVeieht rooms and the necessary outhooses eost laDecemberT 1853, 40O. Subsequently, auppuea wua warfrom the government pipes.

property situated on the Nuoanu Rod.PPSTresS. ofHaU.Ejo.and eonUlntog

and now ooenplea Dy 4oaeu --,., ---Ugbtfal location in the valley, with a convenient ,

Oae-tto- ry JioaHi. . , -- 11 ., .i.u. Mithniidinaa. The

six rooms wan muContainingbaildings are all nearly new aod in good order, and cost tn tea.$7sli roamv, and wOl commence with tl,. property w ed

by Mr. Docorron, at IO a'elaek, A. M. T"unincumbered. .mple,and LmiM. at his office.

For runner parucuwn kvj - - -

and for inspection, to the P ESer.Honolulu, November S3, 1867. v


Closicg.ont Sale.


On tbe premises occupied by Mr. F. J. Steel, on MaunaKeastreet, will be sold, to close tbe concern,

Bedsteads, bedding, lamps. -Chairs, pictures, settees,Cooking stoves aod sundries generally.


General Sale,

ON TUESDAY, DEC. SO, AT IO O'CLOCK sAt Bales Room, an assortment of general merchandise. -


Crushed sugar, English pie fruita.Granulated sugar, Jama,Loaf sugar, M Jellies,Westphalia hams, mustard,Pagnr-cure- d hams, pickles,Codfish, Worcestershire aanee. , '

Mackerel, No. 1, French fruits in syrup, '

Smoked salmon, " apricoU tn syrup.Kegs anchovies. In salt, peaches In syrup.Anchovies In oil, " cherries in syrap,California cheese, pruaes in tyrup,English dairy cheese, " pears in syrup,Oregon lard, prunes lo glass Jars,Preserved meaU, olives, .Fresh salmon, green peas,

lobsters, " caper,w Baltimore eysters, Sardines, quarter and haVfttna,u clams, Termlcelu,to chicken, Maccaroni.

assorted soups, Italian paste," green corn, Jordan almonds,

assorted herbs, Zante currants. In caneground pepper, 14 and 90 lbs ase 'ground ginger, Citron peel,

Cinaamon, Nutmegs,Cloves, Mace,Caraway seeds Boston crackers. ,Extract lemon. Jumbles,Curry powder. Milk bisemta.Cornstarch. Ginger nape,Tapioca, Water cracker.Pearl sago, Soda crackers,Corn meal. Butter crackers,Frah corn, Scotch bieenita,Split peas. Picnic biscuits.Island beans, Fancy machine btscnJSs.Cider vinegar, Abemethy NsculU.Pepper sauce. Wine haeiilll, . ITomato catsup, Tea biseuita,Carb. soda Cabin biscuka,Cream tartar, ' Pogar biscuits,Saleratus, Mixed Maeatta,Spanish olives, Carolina rice, Pataa Has.OUveoil, Scotch Oatmeal, to 14 Ib. an.

Oolong Tea, in SO lb bores a very superior article )m iob urecu sea, laiw cwmst.Fresh roasted Coffee. i


THE undersigned beg leave to taJbrm hi frleada and thegenerally that on Monday Nor. td, be will be pea-par- ed

to supply all who may favor him with tbetr patimagwwith the best bread. Slxteea Laawea far aese Dallssr I

XT Nuuanu cUreet, opposite Fox's Bakery. XI70-3- m ROBERT LOTX.


ENGLISH RENDERED INTO HAWAIiinto English, by tbe undersigned.

Offlce, J. F. B. Marshall' over B. W. Field' store. Comfrom 8 A. M. to 1 P. M aod from 2 to 4 P. M.

Also, copying, either in the HawaUaa or BngHah rj flrdone with neatness and dispatch. '70--tf A. L C1VAEX.


70-t-f. A. K. CXARK. .


74-- tf C. A. A H. F. POOR.

U. 8. Smr Sr. Maby's,HoaoLctx, Oca. U, 117.

I HEREBY ClVc NOTICE that I shaA sat bMmyself responsible lor the payment af Beats tooarrad by aba

crew of this ship without aathority.CM LP! MXaSY DATES,


City of Henoiate, July 30, 1SA7. )THIS IS TO GIVE PUCLIC NOT ICS --Vat

my absence from these Isis ad., my paiiasr, Mr.Tbeod. C. Hence, is duly nthnrlsed to act in my bebatf mm

Consul for the Kingdom of Hanover.HERU. vol HOLT.

7f - Royal lUnovwraa


and MASONIC KAQAUA, eonstanUy 00 aand,oa aRoyal Arch; M. M.a, P. .,

MiHtary goods of all kinds can be furnished to enW.63--tf Apply to a A. A H. V. POOS.


PER FANNY AJCO-a-M toaeAo Mdwp, .Case cream tartar, oases aaleranaa,Case ginger, caast ooiaees In Una, Ae Ae.

60--tf T. . C. A. A H. . tOOR.

NE nORXS CART,For sale by

CH4S.ERTWX3, 2p.

TT ITHOCRAPniC FTI, eomptete.a--M

-. 4 jt taw w

A. P. kt:

nrrrca au, i r" -- ,"Jsdyl,! --tf XIZTZ

T "TATTXLA XTTO IZZZV CC . " rrAICtba : : r . ....

i Ujr rr

J 1 seal . ,C 1 .a, an4 . , aiTwt m

Jary 1, - XuA BOLT A KtXK.










-- i






Page 4: eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · P--3 fcha f 0 I L,. r jj . ., . . ,, .., , v VS. ' I , .. - - ., . - ... .......... j' . . . t to ad.t.t; nnsAT r rrscnirzk. Wtaarrea.hiaeral

?ns PACIFICCommercial Advertiser.

A Thbimisq Incident. Returning from SPijait toNew Orleans, we were fortunate to secure passage ona line steamer with but few passengers. Among theladies one especially interested us. She was the

. widow of a wealthy planter, and was returning withonly one child to her father's house. Her devotionto the child was raj touching, and the eyes of herold black nurse would fill with tears as she besoughther mistress "not to Iotc that boy too much, or theLord would take him away from ber." We paseexl

- through tbe canal at Louisville and stopped fur a fewminutes at the wharf, when the nurse wishing to seethe city walked out on the guard at tbe back of theboot, where by a sadden etfort the child sprang fromher arms into the terrible current that swept towardsthe tills, and disappeared immediately. The confu- -:

sion which ensued attracted the attention of a gentle. :

man who was sitting in the front part f the boat, j

quietly reading. Rising hastily, he asked for some J

'-- article tue child had worn. The nurse handed him

tiny spron she had torn off in her effort to retainthe babe in her arms. Turninz to a spleudid Xew--a,andl.Asd dog, he pointed first to the apron . and then j

ij tne spot where ue child had gone under, i i uutbe noble dog leaped into the rushing vuter,

aid he also soon disappeared. By this titLe tbeexcitemect was intense, and some persons on shore,supposing that the dog was lost as well as the child,procured a boat and started off in search of the body.Just at thii moment the dog was seen far away withsomething in his mouth. Bravely he struggled withthe wares bat it was evident that his strength wasfast failing and more than one breust gave a sigh ofreiiei as the beat reached nim, and it was announcedthat he had the child, ai.d it was still alive. Theywere brought on shore tlie dog and the child. Oit-ing- 'a

single glance to satisfy herself that the child wasreally living, tbe young mother rushed forward andsinking beside the deg, threw her arms around hisneck and burst into tears. Not many could view tbesight unmoved, and as she caressed and kissed hiskgT head, she looked up to bis owner and said :Oh, sir, I must have this dog I am rich take all

I have everything but give me my child's pre-server. The gentleman smiled and patting his dog'shead, said : I am very glad, madam, if he hasbeen of service to you, but nothing in the world couldinduce me to part with him.' The dog looked asthough he perfectly understood what they were talk-ing about, and giving his sides a shake laid himselfdown at hie master's feet with an expression in hislarge eyes that said plainer than words- -' No, nothingshall part us.'

EiOQCErr Passage. The following beautiful pas-sage is from a lecture on The Philosophy of Life,"delivered by Mr. Winter, at Cambridge, Mass.:

For the greater human intellects there is no ex-emption from the common doom. I have sometimesthought how sad, yet how sublime, must have beenthe emotions of that man, whose privilege it was tostand by the of Shakspeare, and gaze on thatsweet and noble face, when death had called out alltbe strange beauty which never lives till then. Itwas a lire to there i ness excelled.

to hare Iai4 yoar hand on that broad brow, andstarted at the cold chill: and, so paasine, to havecalled up in memory all the magnificent creations of!

anu woremppetf silence that tns buughtand the cloom : them pleat amongst

But he Is and gone ;At hi head a

At bis a stone.So they all go. Man dies, nature is eternal.

Tbe seasons keep their appointed time; day returnswith its golden splendor, and night with its eloquentmystery. The same stars which lit tbe ghastly battle--

field of Troy, wrought with the dead bodies of an-cient heroes, which shone on the streets ofthe imperial Rome, and on the aid eyes of Virgil,sleepless in the glow of inspiration; the watchfires of the angels, which through --enturies of derasta-tio- a

and change have still burned on unceasinglyspeak to us as they did to Dante, and Shakspeare, I

Jiiiton, atine glory, tne omnipotence, tnererlasting beauty and love of Cod !

A Got raox Johsox. The following passagefrom Johnson's Journey to the Hebrides," is abeautiful rendering of a truth which cannot be toooften rehearsed in tbe public ear :

Life consists not of a series of illustrations, actions,or elegant enjoyments; the greater part of our timepasses in compliance with necessities, in tbe perform-ance of daily duties, in tbe removal of small inconve-niences, in the procurement of etty pleasures; andwe are well or ill at n.4, as main stream of life

on smoothly, or is ruffled by small obstaclesfrequent SPKNCKR,

tne people are not to be found tne schoolsJroraing, or the palaces greatness, where tbenational character is obscure or obliterated bytravel or instruction, by philosophy or vanity; nor ispublic happiness to be estimated, by assemblies

the or the banquets of the rich. The greatmass nations is neither rich nor gay j they whoseaggregate constitutes the people are found in tbestreets and in tbe Tillages, in the shops and thefenns; and from collectively considered, mustthe measure of general prosperity be taken. An theyapproach to delicacy, a nation is ; as theirconveniences are multiplied, a nation, at let acommercial nation, be denominated wealth t.




n.FFERS FOR SALE, in lots to suit purchasers, a I

tbe prkaa, ttae fnllowusg merchandise

Chmanc orange prist, 'green "

Dimuk tableBrasaeMuo drawer?.

- Whit -Bed flannel -

swift drill.Women's bnse.Men' striped hose, '

Guayaquil hata.HickoryBilk velvet.Savy caps, with oil ajlk covers.

Boy ' calf boots.Heavy

LeavMi syrup.Tomato catsup,Fresh peaches.

cut in tin

Chain cablea,Arary duck,Couoo dock,'theathing paper,

VoBer Iron,Ban Bat Iron,


Assorted pickle,Oerkins,


Xaral Stare.

bedsteads.Mar aide - .

Leataer tranka,

Crowbars.Pocket knives,


grass-gree- n :urf;








Crahand grey shirts.

Check" shirts.CalicoW hite L BBlue flannel shirt.Brown eotton.White btanketa.Black and brown felt btta.Colored Coburgs,Coinred India satin,India coats.Silk umbrella.

Whit linen . -

Sbses.Calf Congress boots,F.n'md leather boot.Kid

Ladies' bootees. .

Grocer jew.half gala,

half gab and qta.Tierce hams,

So, 1 scap, blacking. Fins fca.


Waiee pice

eordage, assorted sixes,Manila eoTdage, aasorted iseaCut nails, lanterns.


Curry combaTable spoons, .1 Trench bedstead.Office dock.Wool carpeting, '

Cherry boards.mats, '

Wrapping paper,lamp chimneys.

bocaa,e.laslia ut lack lack,

Braaa Uaaw Lni ripe,lie ' kc, ej-- tf

BilkCoOonad pants, shirts,

- - Faary shirts. Bios flaaaet shirts,-- Jewett denisas.Chiklren's shoes, a, A- -, c ,

For sale by fstf-- C. A. A II. P. POOH t


TAMkJTT retly Issaed ji Sew ork, ha been reivPrice $1 pr eopy. -

r.4-- , .

. a mi jvi.


WW PER LATEARE a targe i

ShipNaval Stare,

Which offer for sate at lowest price. ,

w Pilot Bread, New Nary Bread,Castern flow, . California Flour.Cora Meal, American MtM Beef,nice, American Mess Pork,Hawaiian Beef.

Of different brand, warranted.No. 1 brown

No. 2 sujrar,No. 1 molasses.

Mack tea,tea.

Kma coffee.Hilo coffee.

Case cracker.Assorted meats.

Oysters,Preserved peaches.

Preserved quinces. Lobsters,pie fruits, Corn,

American butter, Peas, ic, tcB?aa! Rra!

Preoh lland-grow- n bean, tanre flat "Uml," beans,Small white home" beans, long speckled California" do

Bls Ai Shoes.Heavy leather boots, do fine boots, fined brogans,Half boots, fine brogans, buckskins, slippers, ac

Palat, Oil, AicPure white lead. No. 1 do, black paint, green do.Prussian blue, chrome yellow, verdigris, linseed oil.Bright varnish, black do, copal do, spiritCoal tar, lamp black, paint brushes, sash tool brushes,Stockholm tar.

DAssorted numbers cotton duck, heary Raven'sLight Raven's duck.

An assortment of fine pants, shirts, socks, eraruts,under shirts, arc

Craft.Trances, harponoa, tig irons, one-flu- ed irons.Bomb lances, whaling Ac.

ALSOA constant supply of new Irish potatoes, new sweet potatoes,

onions, pumpkins, always on hand in shipping season, and supplied at short notice.

tt Toeether with general and full assortment of merchantdise usually in Ship Chandlery establishment.

Lahaina Sept. 24. en--tt


JT. J. ISLAND Of MAII,.fully prepared to furnish, at shortest notice, superior

New Irish Potatoes, at the rates at Lahaina, through.Venn. OILMAN A CO., or at Honolulu, iMhu, per schoonerMARIA, Captain Moltroo and has male such arrangements

be expects will enable him to rurnisn an ampte supply ateither place during the Spring season.

Kalepolepo, Maui, September 30. 1S57. 6C-3- m









upiii whales, on the whaling gruunu, wiuihi apparatus, combined with the ad vantaires oi being a practicalwhak-uiau-. the Patentee lias been enabled to obtain an instrument in 6 win of a Bomb Lancet which for utility and effective- -

worth time have stool one minute beThe attvntiuo of ArenU and OScera of wliale-shi- ps is called

to the (blkwing testinxMiial.

St raasnsco, January 10,f.w R. Rimw-- Sir . 1 fake this m.tmrrunitr to inform

ais genius, nun tneie in tue you we usej Bomb lances we or you, andto bo of tr.:efit in caiMuriug whale


ana oi tne


in of









Mock of


the ice.








Tbe first what - I'jt we n rl the Bomb Lance on was killedin the following roancer Hie boat went alongside of the whaleand the bmt-steer- er fired a Bomb into him aid then fastened tohim with a gi? iron : the Bomb was heard to explode, and tbewhale did not blow after the Bomb exploded. The above-mention-

whale was in the ice, and it is our opinion that wenot hare got that whale and many other that we did if ith ul not been for your Bomb Lances, and we fully recommendthent to the attention of those fitting out whale ships.

Keiectnilly yours,Thomas Wall, Master bark George.

IIoxnixLr, March 17, 1856.Carr. Robest Bbowx ily dear Sir i I used your Bomb

Lances in taking a whale, north, the rast season, which made250 bhU. of oil. We never could h'.ve taken him without saidIstnres, as our boats could no get jear enough to use the commoo hand lance. '

TonrsO. L. Cox. Master whale-shi- p Magnolia.

Hosoi.rLr, 15, 1856.Capt. Robert Bkowx Drar Sir i I take this opportunity

to inform yoa that I used your Bomb on the voyage in the shipHerald, and found them effective tn taking whales, and wouldrecommend them to all whalemen, and especially around the ice.I also used the harpoon and got most of the whales by yourGun and apparatus.

YoursLaaC Allex, Master ship Herald.

Other testimonials can be seen by calling on theAgeuta, who have the Guns, Bomb Lances and Harpoons for

14-- tf R. COADT k CO., Honolulu..

OP CDISSOLUTION Kawaihae, Hawaii, isand interruption. The true state of every tt of

nation is the state of common life. The manners of I rk,i on at the old htami of Macy Law,






















husinew will car-b- y

U. W. Macy, allclaims to be sent in to either of the undertiened.

a. W. MACV,Honolulu, Nor 11. Ia57. 72-l- m FRANCIS SPENCER.

To !


V. MACY. Successor to Macy Ac Spencer, wouldrespectfully solicit the same patronage, enjoyed by

the old firm at the established Depot fr Whalemen's Supplies,at Kawaihae, Hawaii, where will be found at all times a goodsuddIt of H rrf. Mwltwn. Pork. Poaltrr, and alsotbe celebrated Kawaihae Potalaea.

Tbe above articles can be furnished at tbe lowest rates, and inquicker time than at any port at the islands. All beefuid br me will be warranted to keep in any cliioate.

r No charge on inter-i-s land exchange.-J-

-cf O. W. MACT.



of a large Assortment of








KabroideTed aader-seTC- ft,








of Fine







Rafcaew assFiaea,

GOODS.TAXKKE, handkerchicft.,

City OaUeraboes,


aalanor-fcrsa- a.



Pravl2a. Cfsavdlcry.Grwearlea,






Halste.nl,OF KAL.EPOL.EFO,






















T THE OLD WIXE STORE, under Aa, Jivcreu s Auction Booms, oner Tor sale:

Brandy in kers and barrelsBramlr, MarteU's;Brandy, L'niied Vineyard Proprietors:Brandy, hazrrac;Bum inJamaica Bum in cases;Genuine oW tcntch whisky, in 1 do cases;Mowmahela whisky, io barrel and keg,Fine old Jlonongahela whisky, ia one do case,Hollands gin in cases;6cbeidam gin in cases;Wolfe's Scheidam a:bnapp;Ilostetter's bitters;Coker bitters;Stoughton's bitters;Claret of different brand;llockbeimer;Sauterne;Champagne, pirts and quarts, different brands;Cherries, pale and brown; . .

Fine old port;Byaas' and other brands of ale;Porter;Liqueurs.

Ship Starea, slaty free. 87



Louzada and Spencer' brand, will be packedin rock-sal- t, for the fall season. Guarantee given as No. 1 bythe sole agent, A. P. EVEKKTT.- -

OOr Also, on hand, small package fnr family use. 58tf .

TO SIIIP.nASTERS.OP SHIPS VISITING THEPort of Honolulu in want of seamen, will find it to their

advantage to call at the Shipping Office of Graham a Markham,where can be found whole crew at short notice. Approvedsecurity sivea for the amount advanced until outside the reef.

O. h H. hopes, from past experience and strict attention tothe delivery of men on board, to receive a share of patronage.

63-o- m '

CST RECEIVED EX HARRIET Ac JESSIEfrom Boston an assotment of fancy glassware, Ac, eooaUt

tog in part of . ,

Solar lamp shades and chimney, lamp wicks.Wine bottles, punch bowls, wedgewood pitchers,

,Park pitchers, spoon holders, vases,Terracotta tete a lets sets, dacanters, silvered salts,Rose curtain pins, castors, boquet stands.Plated cake baskets and castors, -

Sets embossed plated teaware, etivrjofe cases, Ac, Ac, Ac.For sale by


tiif A. P. EVERETT.

DOORS. 4 FEET Br 8 FEET, 8 INCHES:j tset by 7 feet, 1 inches thick; .a feet S inches

by fcrt 8 Ukcs, U inebe thick. For sale by-- tf. A. P. XVERETT.

( :


, - E. P. ADAMS,1t , Corner of Queen and Kaabumana street.

ANCHORS At.CHAIS, for sale t the lowest mar-jr-m.

ajkrt rates, br Jyl,l-t- f ROBERT C. JAWIOX.- -r


(C7" Whaleships cruising in the North or South Pacific, not in ibis list, by sending in their reports will ba cli;i to, it Reports from vesselsacceptable. Merchant or whaleships arriving off Sand widi Isktidi Ports are irequested to display the

0 E Whole Aasn't on Season'sDate --nd Port f Catch

TmscU K(,me. Captain. ?JJS J. Bp iWh Sp Wh Bp Wb,Bone.

Honolulu, Oct 14,

llorvulo, Popt29Honolulu, Nov 4,

Hilo, Nor 13Lahaina, Oct 23,

nilo, Oct 23,Honolulu, Oct 18,

Lahaina, Not 6,

Honolulu. Not 2,Honolulu, Nor A,

Honolulu, Oct 23,Honolulu, Oct 22,Lahaina, Not 2,Kealake., Oct 23,Honolulu, Not 6,

Honolulu, Not 6,Lahaina, Oct 24,Kealake., Oct 24,Honolulu, Oct 24.

Hilo, Oct 4,

Tlonolulu, Not 17Honolulu, Not. 4,Honolulu, Nov. 3,Honolulu, Not 16

Lahaina, Oct 10.Honolulu, Oct 22,Honolulu, Not 12Lahaina, Not 4,Honolulu, Not. 3.Honolulu, Nor. 4,

Lahaina, Oct 23,

Lahaina. Oct 7,

THilo, Kot 24,lahaina. Not 4,Honolulu, Oct 24,Honolulu, Not 10Honolulu, Not 3,

Lahaina, Not 5.Honolulu, Not 14Lahaina, Nov 14,

Lahaina, Oct 23,Honolulu, Oct 23,

nonolulu. Not 22

Lahaina, Oct. o:

Lahaina, Oct 22,Honolulu, Nov 22

nilo, TtoT--

Honolulu, Oct 19.Lahaina. Oct 9,Lahaina, Spt 14,Kealake., Not 1,

Lahaina, Nov 27Honolulu, Oct 16,Honolulu, Nor 3,Honolulu, Not 15Honolulu, Not 1,

Lahaina. Oct 23,Honolulu, Oct 27,

Lahaina, Oct-6- ,

Kealake., Aug 23Lahaina, Nov S,Lahaina. Oct 16,Honolulu, Oct 6,Lahaina, Oct 16,

Lahaina, Not S,

nonolulu, Oct 4,Iihaiiia, Nov 5,Honolulu, Nov 2,

Honolulu, Oct 22,Honolulu, Nov 3,Honolulu, Nov 6,

Lahaina, Oct 23,

Hilo, Nov 3,II.Hiolulu, Oct 8,Lahaina, Nov 3,

Honolulu Nov 13

Lahaina, Oct 7,Honolulu, Nov. S,

Honolulu, Oct 21,Honolulu, Nov 1,Honolulu, Oct 22,Lahaina, Oct 3,Lahaina, Oct 23,

Lahaina, Oct 23,Hilo, Sept 12,Honolulu, Oct 16,Lahaina, Oct 24,Honolulu, Oct 23,

J by

. I

' I .


j I

': .


AbigailActiveAddisonAdelineAgate, brigAlice, bk.AlabamaA. Frailer, bk.AntelopeAnsel GibbsArnoldsArctic,AtlanticAwashonkaAppbia Maria

BarnstableBart UosnoldBaleanaBaltic, bk,BenJ TuckerBenjamin RushBenJ. M organBlack EairlchkBlack WarriorBowdltchBrutusBrooklynBragansa

CarolineCaravanCondorCambriaCaliforniaCallaoCarolinaCaulalncourt FCharles CarrolCha. PhelpsChampionChampionChinaChris. MitchellCincinnatiClseroCitisenClifford WayneCleoneContestCovingtonCowperC. W. MorganCongress, 2d.CorinthianCoreaCoralCorn. HowlandCom. MorrisColumbusColumbia,CynthiaCourierChili

DartmouthDaniel WoodbesdemonaDoverDraper

EagleElizabeth (Tr)R. L. FrostElizaEmpirejnerald

Emily MorganEnterpriseEspailon, (Fr.)

FalconFanny, bk.KlnriiU

FortuneF. Henrietta bkFrances PalmerFl renceFaith, bark

Gay noadGen. PikeGen. ScottGen. TesteGen. WilliamOn. D'HautnoolGen. LeopoldGov. TroupOolconiiaGood IieturnGratitudeaustav (Fr.)

HarvestHsmnonyHawaii, brigHenryHenry Tabcrlisten Mar, bk.IlolxnnokIluntsvilleHuilson

IndiaIndian ChiefIsabella, bki:ji:y, bk.Islander

JanetJaiiusJas. MauryJapanJeannetteJireh PerryJ no. CoggeshallJ. D.TIiomiisonJohn HowlandJos. MftggsJosephine

(.oat Skins,

9& tOnala a4a.n.'t1. t m

SmithWoodLawrenceTaber"ComstockPenny .





i PeaseI IancbesterI HnwUnd; HardingLabaste,ParsonsEldridseCoffinGrayThompsonManchesterWilliamCourtneyCashSwainSimmonLudlowNewmanDeanFisherStrauburgRussell .


HeathMorrisonSmithJcffivySand ford



shWilliams '


LowenKussellCloughLe jVercierMillerDarmandrit.


WInslowAustinRhaeHunkerEwerWorthMarchantGrjuitMars ton
















1854! BOch





FIKLD,which highest given.

Wool, Goat Skins, . Hides,Tallow, Composition,





subscrilierMARKET PRICE

SALTED LLOCK HIDES,delivered premise Fort-stre-









above articles, deliverable Honolulu. ports Islands.


ADVANCES,fithout interest, made those desire,

made lengthADAMS.

Office comer Queen Kaahumann stairs.


Case Chemical,condition.

above bargain. particulars,

Sailors' nome.snbsniber would hare objections

person wishing unacquaintedprocess.


Champagne, pints quarts,Sparkling Catawba,



AXD BOTTLES.Stearine Candles, Salad demijohn Vinegar,Assorted Pickles, Mustard, Fruit,Caper, Peppermint Losenges, Rocks Drops,Picnic Biscuits, aocaroni, Singapore black Pepper,Sao, bottle. Swiss Cheese, ,

. Westphalia Hams, Sausages.


USSIA CORDAGE. SPCNTARN.Mariin, Sewing Stuff, Flag Hookssingle Mocks, White Lead, Chrome Green,

Chrome Yellow, Prussian Bine,English boiled Linseed Leaf.


XCHORS, CHAINS, CORDAGE,a, aa viauui f v liikii.

tarred Rope, 70 Anchors, weighing from 1700 2000S Chain Cables, 1 inch, 70 fathom each.















N Bj

N Bj




pattern 8hips' Cabooses,Stoves,




Cfee gUttl



n b och

N B Kod

N L OchS 11 OchHonWar


It B OchF MlN B


BlHav RodN L KodN L OchEdg OchN B OchN B Och

u I



War1N BOch

j vrv, uN LOchN B)"

FalN BXan JapHon KodN B- -N Bj


N B!

Hav Rodlion Cal.N B."

S H Kod 190N B Jap

200Hav Och

N BFN B KodK II OchX B" Och

N LWar j

X B'

Kod.F II OchHav KodXHav


" OchHav Och

X BX LH'n OchXanX B

F H OchS Km.i 50


Hon Och

1855 Wnt Och




IS. W.And for the very will lie 60-t-f

J. C.

F 11

N L -'

.X B





willby the for clean

HIat hi in

45-- tf . - 2u.


45 &


The oners the cashat

any of the of tbe

be to who and conact be for any of time.- E. P.

of and ts., up

'and all in first

tateThe will sold at a For apply

MR.at the

N- - B. The no toto any to if

ith the 67-- tf

iSM. and


For sale by7 B. W.

1in and


and "


' For sale byH. A CO.

Lines, andDouble and

Oil, GoldFor sale by

62--t IL & CO

1 A 1 l..k fcevuia A

'60 RuMia 2i to do.,to Pjs



& of patent of 1855,15 Cabin for or

For sale low by (14-t- f) . J. C.

for byC. L. k

.A4 9 'or by

1.rr . ' CHAH. 2r.















sale66-- tf CO.






80-- )




















100 1600.

276 1925'

























:,L120- -








Och 2lt0iloo0








110,13102500- -1800




300 1000



110070. 50



110 900j 250

350, 300

180029002800t 66


20 i3so

AOWi825 80

lOOlsool830 190, 8301 190


260ft 140 2000



















115 17006001



60. 145

I 300



SO1 850

600.120- -


900- -



40 1200- -

700; j

1050- -


750- -

700- -2500- -

450- -

1700- -

10 j 10 800I Mia mm

GOO 100 360 1600 360100 700 100

1225 25









300- -



1751300 175

80 2S0040 1100

180' !

1150- -

16- -






500700- -

190 1550

I I i

, 2700- -- i. -700 200 700- -

1600- -

200400- -

113040 525

-- 1900136 1800

t780 70 780- -

100 24001800 V00.1250 1250

1856 'N BOch. 2000



























18 lb J lb


do2 ttsdo


oil,do do




6O0, 6000



600800300 2500700 7000400



18001160 1400010O0





1100: 9000

300 8500600

12001100750650 0000700 9000




300 30001200

600, 2000200

i50100- - 7000



700 9000




700 6000


909' 9OO0250!


S, to1. 00 sp, 3 to

lb 14 forto ' '



toto j

on of

for of

to a3, for

ofTfurfor coastfrom to

to7. to

1, 1 in27, sailed to


for Newof SO ana

1, for2, for

for tooff

8, forfor

for3, tor3, to




toto on


6, toto '

6, for

sp,to on the .

5, bbl

on of-

In ,on


6, to28, for

In21. to28, for of



off7, at oil


21, toto

2, 4 -- jto on the

C. A. A for a

from for800 8, for900 to on the Linetoo 6, sailed tor

3, for8, from for













GROCERIES.Kitts mackerelBoxesKitts andCases fine

tobacco,boxs tobaccco, lump

Boxes raisins, cases prunes,Bbls vinegar

asstd essences

sausHge meatCases

damsCase boiled mutton

asstd preservedquinces

Cases honeyKegs split peasKegs white beansCasesCases Vermont

tomato ketchupsoap

salt sospBoxes


bbls saltpetre

Caoes boiledBarrels

Cases spiritsCases chrome




cut sizes,irons.







held cans










1400 10843



















70001250 36000









Wood chair





pork, 275 mess beef,

Cruiiing New ZealandSperm whalingNovember sailed cruiseOctober and right whales, bound Hakodadi

20,000 imry, sailed Oct California CoastNovember 30, sailed cruise

whaling.December 19, sailed cruiseNovember 11, sailed cruise South

November 23, sailed cruise 40November 11, sailed cruise

whaling; coast Chile

November 28, sailed coast Peru

November 28, sailed cruiseDecember sailed New BedfordSperm whaling PeruNovember 12, sailed New ZealandNovember 14, Bailed CaliforniaXovembrr 17, sailed Honolulu cruiseNovember 16, sailed from Honolulu cruiseDecember sailed cruiseJuly whale cruising Margarita BayNovember cruiseNovember 30, sailed cruise SouthNovember 19, sailed cruiseDecember 10, sailed Margarita Bay

October 23, sailed from Lahaina ZealandLast heard 10, topmast waging

December sailed homeDecember sailed

19, sailed repairCruising New Zealand

sailed TahitiNovember 28, sailed home

November 13, sailed Margarita BayDecember sailedDecember sailed

whalingJune whale

Sperm whaling PentSuerm whaling PeruOctober 24, sailed from Lahaina and home

California, reported lioo narrelNovember 29, sailed cruiseNovember 23, sailed from Honolulu cruise the Line.

vember 28, sailed cruiseNovember 16, siiled cruisNovember 30, sailed cruiseDecember sailed cruiseDecember 16, sailed cruise and homeDecember sailed BedfordSperm whaling SouthAugust 27, 400 100 Indian OceaiTNovember 12, sailed cruise

October 800 wh, sperm whalingSperm whaling

September 500 barrels, coast California

South PacificCruising New Zealand groundOctober 29, sailed California coast

November sailed cruiseNovember sailed Margarita Bay

South PacificNovember sailed cruiseNovember sailed coast Californiaictobcr 28, sailed cruise

25, sailed New Zealand and homeNovember la, cruise

Last reported ChileDecember Honolulu

26, sailed New Zealand10000 November 28, sailed cruise and home

450 6000 December sailwl cruia18000 Decemler 16, sailed cruise




Spoken August months ont, bbls spermNovember sailid cruise LinePurchased by Williams Co., and fitting whaler

800 26, sailed Honolulu New Zealandsailed Honolulu New Zealand

14000 November 19, sailed cruiseNovember rrom Honolulu New zeaiana

600 6000: November sailed home1225 1200o! November sailed Honolulu







August 18,December 5, sailed to cruiseSperm whaling off

21, failed to cruise ami homeNovember 19, sailed for TalcahuanoNovember 19, sailed to on the coast of Chile

November 9, sailed to cntise

Off PeruNovember 5, sailud to on the LineSouth PacificNovember sailed to cruiseNovember 23, sail.-- to cruise and homeNovember 28 sailrd from Honolulu to cruise

Sails for home on arrival of bark MerrimacLost in Arctic 2a, with 600 barrels

4000; Nov 10, arrived at Honolulu to reair damage2O0O0 Took 1200 from wreck of the Natchea

Sept. 17, clean, bound to Coast of California

November 12, for ZealandNovember 20, aaibd for New BedfordNovember 7. to cruiseNovember 16, suili d from Honolulu toXovemlier 16, suibxl to cruise600 barrels, gone to New ZealandNov. 4, sailed to cruiseSeptember sail?d to traise off New Zealand homeNov 10, saiUil for NewNovemlier 18, sailrd for New BedfordNovember 6, sailed to cruise on the Line -

FOR SALEcargo of the American ship JOtjy GILPiy. from

Boston, now landing.

Bales Pearl River Denims, 28 inch.Bales ticking,

Cases cottons, .

Bales gunny bags.Cases drills,

Bales brown cottons.Trusses (2 and 1J bushel.

HalesCases spool cotton,

Cases blue cottonBOOTS AND SHOES.

Case native women'a shoes," men's kip brogans," 14goat" calf . . '" enamelled "u pat. strap pumps," boy's French tie,

v youth's " ." men's opera slij," u sewed French ties," Congress gaiters,a lasting 44

" " thick: welted boots.Aif.

codfishtongues sounds '


Cases"Cases greenCases 1


Cases meatspreservedstrained


pine-app- le cheese

Cases Goshen

Boxes brownwater

matchesCases Townsend'

Bristol brick

Cases nain-kill- er ALSO.






Wood 'Nest '



















Bbls best Carolina rice, -

Cases water crackers,Cases soda doCases butter doCases wine doCases peachesCases doCases pepper sauceCases pepperCases astd pi: fruitsCases 2 lbs roastCase do mince meatCases asstd preservesCases 2 lbs soupCases do oystersCases 1 th turtle soupHaU-bb- ls dried applesCases asstd confections rieCases table saltBoxes brown pepperBoxes do pimentoBaskets superior olive oil

do ' do dochemical soap

Cases mustardBoxesHalf-bb- ls rape seedHalf-bb- ls seedCasks Goshen butter

10 KEGS 10 gallons each.kc




Boxes asstd sizes,Ualfbbls beeswax.

Kegs MysticKegs prem. tine paint.

Casks do do do.putty,Casks nail, asstd

chafe oalCasks wire,

sheet iron.











Bbls pitch,Bbls rosin,Bbls tar, .

Hoop iron,Assortment of round, square and flat iron.

ALSOCase yellow metal, kegs nails, coils bolt rope, asstd

sixes, coils whale line, bales oakum, coils spunyarn, coilsmariin, cotton canvas, aasorted Nos., cotton

and hemp sail twine, rolls felt forhipst bottoms, assortment oar,

Arc c, ae.




Nelt nutated coveredBarrel bungs


Shaker palls.


anfit SalliaUnun's JlbisBj -- S Site



December Tahiti


Indian Ocean



















Nests trunksAssortment saddlerySides harness leather 'Planters' hoeGarden enginesCorn planterOx bow, do yoke .

Grass hooksGarden rollersCanal barrowsKeg stave, 14 gallons .

Pkgsbbl snooksCask riviuCases paper hangingPlatform scates, weighing from

t ox to 2ao lbs.ALSO,

oOO bbls prime do .







28, andBedford

i& half-bb-ls mesa and clear pork, 20 kegs clear do,26 tierces ham, 250 bbl Haxall floor.

lOOhatf-b- U do do,00,000 th pilot bread in whalemen's casks,

100 whisky barrels containing navy and pilot bread.0 M brick, ft M feet cedar boat boards..

200 iron hoop bbl containing Turks' Iabind salt,0 Kinooth bottom whale-boat- s,

ft M oak plank, 50 bbl kaolin. ,- -: 1

An assortment of lumber, conaiiting of '

Dimension staff, .

Pine boards,.'" --Beat cedar shingle.

r! '. .ae, cev, mv-- 1 .


f . .















Toctb-brusbe- a,

Date and Port ofArrival.

Honolulu, Nora,Honolulu, Oct Z4.

Honolulu, Nor 14Honolulu. Oct 20,Honolulu, Oct 22,

Honolulu 2,Lahaiua, Not 6,

Lahaina, Oct ft.Laliaina, Nor 14,Hilo, NotO,

Honolulu, Oct 31,

Lahaina, Nor 23Honolulu 3,

Lahaina, 23,T I 1 aumiii 1 m, hut o.

jionniuiu, ua i.Lahaina, Not 3,

Lahaina, Not 4.Honolulu, Not 1,

Lahaina, Oct 19,Lahaina, Oct 3,

Lahaina, Nor 6,

nonolulu, Oct 22,ruio, uct 7,

Lat!TaPct24,Lahaina, Oct 7,Hilo, Oct 24.

Honolulu, Oct 23,Lahaina, Uct 19,

Lahaina, Oct 21,Lahaina, Oct 7,Lahaina, Oct 22,Lahaina, Nov 6,

Lahaina, Oct 22,Honolulu, Nov 15

Honolulu, Not 15

Honolulu, Sep 28,Lthaina, Nov 6,

nonolulu, Oct 15,ililo, Oct 6,Hilo, Oct 23,Honolulu, Nov 13

Honolulu, Not 4,

Honolulu, Not 26Honolulu, Nov 5,Honolulu, Oct 18,Honolulu, Oct 7,

Lahaina, Oct 19,Honolulu, Not 1,

nonolulu. Not 1,Honolulu, Oct 21,Honolulu, Not. 4,Honolulu, Nov 17Honolulu, Oct 6,Honolulu, Not. 3,

Honolulu, Nor 3,

Lahaina, Sept 14,Lahaina, Oct 2,Lahaina, Nov 2,

Lahaina, Oct 24,Lahaina, 6,

nilo, Oct 7,Lahaina, Oct 22,Lahaina, Not 14,

Honolulu, Oct 4,

Honolulu, Not 22Honolulu, Not 12lahaina, Oct 21,Honolulu, Oct 31,HtooIuIu, Oct 22,Honolulu, Sep 20,

Hilo, Oct 7,Lahaina, Not 2,Honolulu, Nov 17Honolulu. Not 1,Lahaina, Sept 14,Honolulu, Sep 12,Lahaina, Oct 2d,

Lahaina, Sept 14,




Jno ElisabethJulian

ol, (Bre)KingfisherKutnsoff


MagnoliaMarr AnnMathew LuceMargaret 8cott

FrarierMarengoMarrMassachusettsMassachusettsMenkarMercury,MinervaMiloMiltonMontaukMorning LightMorea


NassauNantucketNapoleonNapoleon DXNavigatorNautilusNavyNarragansettNeptuneNewburyportNewtonNewarkVU (FrNormanNorthern Light

OahaOcean WareOhio. bk.Oliver CrockerOlympiaOnwardOntarioOcean Rover

PrudentParachutePhoenixP. la NoyePhillip 1stPolar StarPflei

Rapid,RainbowRamblerReindeerRepublicRoscoe, 2d. bk.Roscoe, bk.RomanRosciu


Sheaf,SeconetSea BreezeSheffieldShepherdessSharonSilver Cloud

SeamanSouth BostonSouth AmericaSplendidSpartanSiren Queen


Three BrothersThos. DickasonTriton, 2d.TridentTwo BrotherTybee (bk)TimorXenedo

C. States, bk.

Venice, bk.Vernon, bk.


Ville de Rennea

WaveletWalter ScottWaverlyWarren, bk.Win. HenryWm. WirtWolga, bk

Young Hero


THE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FORlow, the following goods now in store, being balance

of cargo ex Raduga ;DRY GOODS, Ite.

Bales denims, cases assorted fancy 'prints, do do do muslins, dcbleached cotton Jeans, white cottons, bales brown do,

cases blue drills, do spool thread, do Ripka cassimeres,do seersucker coats, dosilk umbrellas, do cotton do, .

do suspenders, do woolen stockings, do pahnleaf bats, do native women's shoes, sailor'

pumps, cases lasting gaiters, black Iovaii tines, nests paper boxes, asstd

stationery, Irish linen, cotton 'parasols, women's stock-

ings, heavy .boots,Choctaw stripe,

white andbrown

oap, ...

oil, asstd.preserves,

her '

ring,hop, carbonate

soda, salmon, horse' radish, vinegar, extractlemon, axes helves, chovies,

crates nappies, black varnish,rose water, cherry brandy, barrel .

whole pepper, table salt, beans and peas,green peas, mustard, cranberries, kegs picklea,

Preserved potatoes, coffee cups, crates ewer and basins, lamb' black, cask lan t herns, Boker's bitters.

Blackberry brandy, chemical olive soaji, olive oil,Pepper sauce, brooms, cream tartar, chocolate,French capers, bbls chalk, do tumblers, do lamps.Coffee mills, hand saws, blacking jsheatfis and belts,Iron pots, hone cart, boxes glass, office chair,liar room chairs, wood seat du, cane sevt do,Sofas, maUraasea, ward robes, eultivaturs, grain millsWillow carriages, double and single writing desks,Ualf-b- bl staves and heads, 14 galls. ;

Do keg staves and heads, 8 galls.,Do do do do ft do,

Japan, spoons, cork, hand cart, '

Assortment ash oars, wrapping paper, fancy glass ware,Dinner sets, sino nails, reels lead pipe, tin ppttes.Sheet iron, doer mats, hemp sail twine.Nests settees, 6 to 7 J ft long black paint, rigger's screws,Barrel covers, store trucks, cooper's rivets,Long handled shovels, wheel-barrow- s,


' Small axes, entry lampes, Ac--, ACHaS. BREWER, 2d.

TOBACCO! CIGARS! AND SxWFS!J STEWARD respectfully Inform hi friends, and the

a public generally, that be now on hand an extensiveassortment of the above articles, all of the choicest brands.He will always have on sale as enmplete a stock a is procurr blein the market. Ue offers the following articles, all of the first

on reasonable term:Asdbbsos's -

Burr alo Cairs,Crraoa, . .

' -

MoBwnra Globt,i. Pataick A Col Diaiiosn P.,

. Hover Daw,Golosx Lsur,

, Icciocs Lcxrar, jjvNatts-a-l Leat,

Kicuaoxo S'a,Varisa's CaBJTm,

SrAHiM Mrxn,Abomatic, : ,

Lrr Ham Xrp,JUaxila CtGABa, No. twbt isds,

44 CaaaooTS,Havama ra act box

Fasct Sstrra,Fasict Pirns, fcc, ko.


A fxeaeral a rtaaeag mf Graccriea.B7 Hotel Street, near the French Hotel. 65--tf

rBHE UND: riGNED HAS JUST RE--M.CKIVKD per I e arrivmis, invoice of drags, medicines,

perfumes and other a. - cVs. A these good are importedfrom the beat and most celebrated manufacturers of tbe

Unite I State art Evope, be to enabled to aril superior articleat price eof ' lower than sold in Honolulu.

MKDICi: v 3 constantly on hand, and fitted np iniha tiiat aswl a. . n ian ail ati at wfaat 1 a.t. IH. tB vtM vuasfcvw aaaa.t aw wwwv wmvc rnjWMcrimna pmcriptwXi pot op in ibe note it mtmaer avod with cbotrial iittrt f a swa

Bay . : Oxalic add. Court plaster,nerry - t, 1 oogrt-- s sup. anive losenges.

HussiaThorir- -



lit "j Jodeiibie, 1 isenttal ous,

t,. jtrouM Cosatss,

.'roty vtega,






61-- tf


n, . I ispena. bandages,' urant' aperient,

a 1 i hair dye.wine,.

V I joHaas.'. I ay's Hnanent, .








Victoria, brig






Hyperion fluid,Flesh-powd-

Jujube paste,Flavoring extracts,Holloway'A ointmentlooth-k- a,

Rataiv. aut-poia-

Luhin' extract.Saltpetre,

nun.Beet Gerasan ootnroeLee's, Brandreth'

vnctfspnia,wr. mm Mxwrwum, vauvruea.















a- i . t t .













0. L.

L. B.



ChildFreemanWhiteKiug .


GardnerBum pas'M 'CleaveCaswellFishGutdoit










in a' ! Ft of the P',

f ' 1 . I Km I M n I aaea i aT" w I' 0 I rr I


w ri M 6601

Nan'OchN B OchFUlOch


N Bj

s nN Bj



N Bu



JP- - 40ft


N L KodSton KodN BS

N BHaviKodNanlJapW H Och


KodN B Kod" tHh

Nan Jap

N BF IIO PN BH'n BheNan, Och

H BN B Kod


HavOchMat OchN B Kod


N B JanC S iOchMysiN B Och

FUiN BlArcC S OchN

N B KodF H Kod

in IOch












N Hi KodF II

107 i100!

























50) 20012ft 400






18541 LOch

300- W-




zioeo1200j 80015011250!








SSl60! 676



80 40l SO










W 730)1600

20 700.1


300- -









1400220 1155

80 600- -

600: 801400!

i I

60 200,











700:- -

800: 30035' 420!

150' COO!

20 ; 600












86, SOftlOOOO




1100I 7000








1601 7000

9001 90003000






1300 20000








OlOO 2800










Och 3000 Fair










60 60j 800, Sold to broken

70 70

1400 2200013000

1200 1900027000


600 700011000 800 December-1- 5, for New

80170ft December!,30C

30, so



IVKW GOODS ! IVEW GOODS !RECEIVED PER ANDJUST for by the undersigned : .

Zante currants, Carolina rice, English dairy cheese.Loaf and crushed sugar, . .Water, butter and soda crackers.Ginger snaps, tnaocaroni vermicelli,Summer savory, sage, sweet marjoram, '

' Cayenne pepper, sardines in t boxes.White beaas. oysters, clams, lobsters.Curry powder, yeast powder, tomato ketchup.Half gallon pickles,Soft shell'd almonds, mackerel, ,

'. fish, mustard, "Vinegar, capers, pepper sauce, raspberry Jam,Strawbery jam, cassia, cloves, pimento,Black pepper, tapioca, sago.Pearl barley, nutmegs, citron peel,Pembroke fine-c- ut tobacco.Mason's blacking, sateratua.Cream of tartar, castile soap, white saltwater . sp,Hops, caraway seed, corn starch, .,

French n)!es, dried apples, superior hams,Sandriea. .

Dupont powder, buckets, three-lio- op pain,Baltimore cane-so- at ciiairs, wood chairs.Willow market baskets, Afanila

nails, buskins,Children's shoes, hickory shirts, denim,Ticking, cotton umbrellas.

60--tf : - . T. M0SSMAN k BOX.


ELS. Wood of superior quality can bewNt Kolou at$5 per cord; fresh beef at 4 cents per th ; sheep, atV" ;and goat at $1 60 head. Also at the port of Ilanalei, wood andbeef can be at the rate. Harbor of Ilanalei is onthe North West of the island, has goodchomge in from 6 to 10 fathns of water. Wood beef may

be had at Nawiliwili at the same rate as above. Also fruijvegetable of various kinds can be procured at all the abovenamed ports.

Wood always on hand at the beach in quantities suitpurchaser. (64-t- f) GEORGE CUAB.MAN.


JUST RECEIVED, per GAMBIA, from Take,A Co., London, an Invoice of London bottled genuine

"Via Seca Xeres ae la FraateaWALSO, on hand, a small quantity of the well-know- n genuine

frcwfport,from the London House, lor sale hv







Jewett City stripes.Bale Jewel city denims. ' "

Case clothing, such aSatinett pants, flannel shirts, ae., ke.


fid 9000










270 100019,

aud sale






had same Tbeside and safe and





For sale. U. A. II. W. POOR. J


EX JOHN GILPIN AND FORTUNA-A- ndsale cheap,yoxe loaf (agar, half bbl crushed sugar,

--ialf boxes best raisins, citron, tins oysters, '

:, Sardines, smoked herring and erackera, - -t ine tobacoo and cigars, Ac Ac, Ac

J. FOX- -

FAIRBANKS SCALES.NO. 2 PLATFORM. WEIGHING 3000No. 7 Platform, weighing 2000 lbs,

. No. 10 Platform, 1200 lbs-N- o.

10 Platform, weighing 900 lbs,No. 11 Platform, weighing 600 lb,No. lia Platform, weighing 400 lbs, .

No. 12 Platform, 240 lbs,Graeera Scale, Caanier Sealea,


For sale by47 B. W. FIELD.

TJ?Rsk" COVE OYSTERS, OLIVE OIL, .hams, Oosben batter, saleratus,Corned beef ia keg for family use, cheese, sack flour.

On hand and for sale by- A. RVERCTT.

. "STonao4 '

tontpt! reasonable rates in good, dry

H4t- C. A k H. O FOOR,


Voembet bjf




.yV P"k-- uch " are in Australia, anapacaunj ponyjr any article that require

- AatO- -1--

., 1..

'V FENCING.Fprparttciiararr-yMOo- f r:rr c. Jarrts.

""1 - I ' w-- rzf m iatia j mrrs sws - I - yi -'- -..1Am CHA8. BwLi.v wtf . ... U l.ia3raT..- - 1 L 7" T i LIT- -


"i"J 9 S,


MObB 12, aauea ro.















split peas,






November 37. faCfii

n- - -- h-r. kvKX

VKorember 17, aUed to c x

Sperm wbali&g ;October 19, sailed far New CNovember 24. sailed for Tak-s-a tilt

rAjoerjber 23, ailed for hoM

December 3, sailed for New BedfordCruising is the of CaliforniaSperm whalingIndian Ooeau

it- -'


Nevember 26, sailed ft California coat i f I

September 4, 1 whale gooe to New Zealand JNovember 26, ssiled for Chile ilNovember 24, sailed from Hoooiaia nr xaicainianw 1

July M, 1 whale gone 10 wew aeanunOctober 2ft. sailed for Bougainville IstaadDecember IX aailed IloooJuta. to oruleCraising on Zealand ground


December 10, aailed for Margarita BayAt Tahiti August 26Cmfaindr An Nr TMland groundPurchased by R. Coady A Co., and fitting tor wtiSpoken In Arctic, 800 barrels Cruising on eoas CCoast PeruIn 800th PacifloNovember 6, sailed for New ZealandOctober 21, sailed New Zealand. .


Sperm whaling . 'December 1, sailed for TahitiJapan, Oct 1, 300 sp, bound to New Zealand ' ICoodemned 4

October 25, Bailed from Honolulu to crule 1

in the SeaIo South PaciOcNovember 4, sailed New Zealand 1October 30, sailed to cruise


1060 10000 December 16, aailed from Honolulu for Aaoeneioa.









December 16, aailed to cruiseNovember 1, sailed to cruise -

Sperm whalingIndian OceanNovember 6, sailed from Honolulu Maoganol, WOct 29, sailed to cruise and home - -

NovemDer saiieu lor new nearoruNovember 27, sailed "or New Zealand

November 6, sailed from Hooojlu for BaulkDecember 12, sailed to cruiseSperm whaling sSperm whaling -

. . - - ,December 10, uued for nome ?

In Indian OceanIn port 1

December 11, sailed to cruise J .

October 1, 2 whales, and bound to HaV JaxNoremner a. saiiea io cruise -October 22. sailed-fro- HonoluluNovember 20, at Honolulu shipping


Last reported off Chile, 1100 sperm

December 7, sailed for Japan Sea '

Movemoer I. sailed so cruiseNot to Gulf CalifbmlaBooth PacificNovember 1, from HonoluluDecember to cruise

t Indian OceanNovember sailed for New ZealandNovember 12, to cruise

" vthome

V aM

1 :


2, sailed cruise in of

sailed to3, sailed


December 1. sailed for Fair HavenNorembri fl, called for California CoastDecember . sailed to cruisePini 111 arhAi.ua'

1 1000. 14000 November aailed tor



September 29, sailed from Honolulu for Newuctooer zo. aauea ror cnue rlXtont for 4th seasonSpoken Oct 4, 800 bbls Margarita BayNovember 7, sailed from Honolulu to and fewNovember 21, sailed cruiseOff ZealandOctober 25, sailed for of CaliforniaOctober 30, sailed from Honolulu cruiseDecember 4, sailed for coast of California

8000 be up



December It, sailed for New Bedford

November 13, sailed of CaliforniaNovember 28, sailed cruiseNovember 30, sad for coast of California ,

November 2, sailed cruise

1250' 1600060 600,- - November sailed cruise70 10000 sailed Bedford

80,1100 14000 sailed to cruise











240 1000 October 10, sailed cruise800, 5000 September 22, sailed for New Zealand150, sooo November 11. sailed cruise Eeoth

October 17, sailed for New Zealand

j Tahiti, July IS













tFiuinv ' Jbound &art

















Mere kaal . wlal10,12,13, 16,17,18, 21, 22, 23, 24 feet 0AK8 ;Boxes champagne ciderBoxes preserTed meats, assnrted, In 2!h tins ,Boxes preserved clams, in lib tin 1

Boxes preserved oysters, in lfh tins ;Boxes preserved mince meat, in 21b tins ,Bbls. Carolina riceBbl. Vinegar ; ,

Tierce Hams : f.Bbls. ok! Bourbon whiWCases spirit of turpentineCases alcohol, in tins 5

Kegs pure ground leadCases blue sheetings ;Case paints, vis : Prussian blue, chrome yette,Chrome green, Vermillion red, French blus,Bxrfh pnmp and rigging leather.

Honolulu, Aug. 2d. 1857.

YELLOW METAL!13. XV. FIFI.llMAKE KNOWN to ibe traders,

w w auip uawers ana snip carpenter 01 iiopomthat he ba been appointed sole agent for tbe sale at lloWiflf lh,l W.KIu. .....ltt . . , . I M.(kiiui iiMui. w yenow meiai manmaciur --i' rociter, urotnera Jk Co., of Taaitoi,

ana u ne is in we receipt or the first invoices from tbefactory by tff arrival of the ship 44 Fortuna," which he Hfor sale at very tow figure in large or small lots.

IT OW copper, composition and yellow metal, purchthe very highest rate.





ITa "W-- FIKf.n mnM n.tl tt.. .M.ntiiM ft n PTATLs$JL9 and DKALKK8 generally to the large assortmentsiercnanaise wwch be has on hand, having bet n lately recper American ship "Harriet A Jerie,n and other Uaaiw v a us irom tne I cited States, consisting of

Dry Goods. Clothina-- . Carretinr!Boots and Shoes, Furniture. Oroeeiies. lluirV,

Earthenware, Glassware, Woodcnware,.Ship Chandlery, Naval Stores, Cordage, Oakum, D

Anchors and Chains,Pain4. rtn. vMntlne.

Haxall Flour, 8 M Flour in boxes, American Mea B

- MessPork, Prirafi Pork, Ham, Tonguf,8agar, Cooking Stoves, Carriage, Ox Carts, llandCiA

Cement, Tellow Metal, Composition Nails,Solar Lamps, Side Lamps. Revolvers. head Pr

Hydrant Hose, . China Matting, Iron Sale,Fairhanka' PlatSirtn fink..

Phials, assorted sizes, A Bourbon Whiky In lS-g- Wt, Dest Monongahela whisky, in IVgal kegs,

Sicily Madeira Wine, 8partllng Catawba W

duu atawna Wine, . Best London Porter, cc71 --tf





NDNNS Ac CLARK.The undersigned can fumisb superior toned Instrnavett

tue anove makers, through Mewara. liaager tt L- -"berger, Solb Aokbt for the Pacific coast-- .,' Plana and atvle can be seen at nor office. ' Orders snlio"

--tf C. A. k h. r.


Cases fresh oysters, tb can.Fresh codfish, 2-- lb cans,Fresh lobsters, 2--lb cacs.Half-g- al gherkin,

. Champagne cider, VBoker's bitters, .

Worsswood bUMra, '

Baskets champagne, kxtm quality,


Honolulu. August 12, 1847.

IIOTrsR PAPERtf mTkfXfk ROLLS HOUSE PAPER,M. UUU pattern and style,

Koua borderinr. oord and laaseta,,WiDdow shades and bracket, picture cords,


Feather dusters, curtain pin, cc, ac.For

DISSOLITTION OF- arnurrpuiE copa RTNEaisniP jrsfjxojr,

andes- - the Mvas of UOYI L

Butchers, is this day dissolved by aaatual consent --

doe by the arm will be settled by B. H. Boy- -"

aoooaBta due to tbe firm must be paid to him. v .

norjoloMSepllXlKT. ;