royal fflot - evols at university of hawaii at manoa: home

.. ' - T Established July 1 -,;. VOL. XX I r. XO. 417.- -. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. MONDAY. DECEMBER 16, 1S95. PRICE 5 CENTS Highest of ail in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report IONOLULU IRON WORKS CO.. Steam Engines, LAHA1NA TEK fflOT MONEY FOB THE LEPERS Royal BSS33I at 7:30 p.m. The public generally are invited to attend, especially all interested in the work of the A. B. C. F. M., to meet the deputation. Miss Lyons Weds. Miss Isabel E. Lyons, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis J. Lyons, was married to Foster A. Davis by the Rev. Douglas P. Birnie at the home of the bride's parents at 8 o'clock Saturday evening. On ac- count of the ill health of the mother of the bride the wedding was strict SPECIAL BUSINESS ITEMS. Mills. Oooiara, Bi jfcaa Machinery of every description made Kerfec reticular attention paid to Mm' blackaKhrag. Job work executed m 6a ehrtrt potjee, LEWERS A COOKE, to Levers 6c UKHooo, trs arvd Dealers m Lumber Aaa All Kias of Bm Material, H. JAOUEN, r ttaa raaw" to W lira Liven on hm shms. Car. Merchant a4 Rkbarda Sta. VIVBRV AND BOARDINO STAKES Carnages, Sorrvyo aad Harks at all MERCHANTS' EXCHANCE, Cmr. Kimu saa Sbmuo Streets. Received fry the Australia a Fresb invoice or toterprise Beer ami Oysters FOB COCKTAILS. Telephone 8o. KAHULUI HOTEL, KHHUUM, MAUI. SING m m m PTOprttOT. t tas Traveitaf PaMfc. aOUtf AT AIL HOURS. HALF AND HALF" u a Great aerur. the weak ftoot aad purifies rfct DAT THE EMPIRE SALOON. IEAVER 9ALOON, Bint, ogpoate Wilder A Co.' H. J. NOLTC. Proprietor, data Laecaee Served wita Tta, Cetfce. tea Water. Gfcaer ale or MBk. ffom ? a. en. till ro p. m. ' Rsaaiertss a Icerta. GONSALVES & CO., Wholesale Grocers and Wine Merchants, to Queen Street, Honolulu, H. I. LEWIS & CO., 181 esa e and Real Grocers 111 FORT STREET. 940. p. o. ATLAS ASSURANCE COMPANY OF LONDON. ... 910,000, H. W. SCHMIDT 3c SONS, Agents for the Hawaiian UUada. H. MAY & CO.. MM SfiH Ml MR, 98 FORT STREET. P. O. Baa 4TO. S, KJMURAh DsSei is Aqss 1Mb aUlEN STREET. TELEPHONE 7P4 t W. McCEESHKY ft SONS, Wholesale Grocers And Dealers in mum mm mm Soap Works Conpany GUIDE THROUOH HAWAII EDMUND P. DOLE. Attorney at Law, WILLIAM C PARKE. Attorney at Law AMD accent to Tk iii a mm aaalgaaaaaai Office, r ICawlMMMBM St., Hoocfaxln, LY'LE A DICKEY, Attorney at Law, it KAAHUMANU STREET. Telephone 344. A. S. HUMPHREYS. Attorney at Law, In Office of J. A. Magoon, Old Capitol Building, next Postoffke, Honolulu. GILBERT F. LITTLE, Attorney at Law. KILO. HAWAII. DR. C. Clifford RYDER, FORMERLY OF THE: CALIFORNIA STATE WOMAN'S HOSPITAL Officx: No. 73 Beretania street, opposite the Hawaiian Hotel. TELEPIIOXl' I I . DR. J. K. SMITH, The Richelieu. Beretania Street. OFFICE HOURS: to l'2.a. m. DR. J. UCH1DA, Physician and Surgeon, 5 KUKU1 LAXE. Office Hours, 8 to i a. rru and 7, to 8 p. m. Mutual Tel. 532. DR. I. MORI. Office Fort street near Beretania. Hours 7 to 8:30 a. m. and 4 to 8:30 p. m. Satur- day and Sunday, 1 to 5 p. m. Telephone 530. Residence Arlington Hotel. DR. E. C SURMANN m tmmti a 6aa Una. -i- - Ttiarwoai taL -- - DR. RUSSEL, OFFICE: MASONIC BUILDING. Hours: 9 to 11 a. m.Jand 3 to 5 p. m. Telephone 484. Residence: Hawaiian Hotel. M.E. GROSSMAN, D.D.S. -:- - Dentist -:- - 98 HOTEL ST., HONOLULU. Office 9 m. to 4 a-- a. aWAUaM HARDWARE CO.. HARDWARE, Cutlery and Glassware a saodeu t co. Unusually Heavy and Prolonged Earthquake on Maui. ATHLETIC CONTESTS NEW YEAR'S. Teachers llegret the Retirement of In spector-Gener- al Atkinson Baseball and other Recreation Sports Tennis Players Entertained Socials Given. MAUI, Dec. 14. The fliat and moa important case that eDgaged the at- tention of the Circuit Court at Lahai-n- a was that of Henry Iwiena, the Wailuku policeman who shot and killed Ah Qua! at Camp 3, Bpreckels-vlll- e, between 8 and 9 o'clock during Saturday night, August 24th. The Chinaman when shot was about thirty feet distant, running and trying to escape arrest. After two days of trial (December 4th and 5th), Iwiena was acquitted. W. A. Kinney represent- ed the defendant ami A. Rosa for the prosecution. Another case of interest was that of the contested will of Mrs. Kapiki Walter, the contestanta claiming that the signature to the said document was a forgery. During the day and evening of the 6th tilts between the attorneys were quite exciting. W. A. Kinney had against him Lawyers Rosa, Chillipgworth and Richardson, these appearing for the contestanta. At 1.20 a. m.( the 7th inst., the jury brought In a verdict sustaining the authenticity of the last will and testa- ment. Judge Magoon presided during this trial, as Judge Kalua was dis- qualified, the cate having previously been brought before him. Business before the native jury was finished and the court adjourued Thursday afternoon, the 12th inst. Judge Kaleikau of Ulupalakua is acting in District Magistrate Hele-kunihi- 's position in Wailuku pending the trial of the latter, soon to take place in Honolulu. During Sunday night, the 8th inst., at 11 .08 o'clock, Maui experienced au unusually heavy and prolonged earth- quake shock. It lasted probably be- tween twenty aud thirty seconds. Bric-a-bra- c was shaken from shelves, aud a denizen of Kulu reported all his stone walls laid low. The night of the 8th was an uncanny one people slept little. About ten minutes after the first another slight shaking was felt, and then at 3:05 Monday morning a third shock made Itself evident, this one being as violent as the first, but not so prolonged, continuing for ten or twelve seconds. Some people report that the first shock lasted for a minute or more. The Makawao Road Board are busy grading aud building roads through the Kula homestead lands. The announcement of A. T. Atkin- son's resignation aa Inspector General of schools is received with universal regret by the teachers of Maui. He was not only an efficient inspector but the sincere friend of every teacher. J. W. Bergatrom, of Honolulu, baa been employed during the week In repairing the pipe organ of the Paia church. Mr. Bergatrom aet up the organ several years ago. On Sunday night, the 8tb, Deputy-SherifTKi- ng stopped a poker game at Kaluanui and arrested eeveral young Hawaiiaua well-know- n in mauka Ma- kawao. A native woman not being allowed to come into the game, got angry and informed the police. The culprits paid a light fine of seven dollars each, this being their first offense. Wednesday evening, the 11th, Miss Beckwith entertained some of Maka-wao- 's tennis players at the Sunnyside court. Miss Lydia Copp of Makawao is slowly recovering from a long and severe illness. The Kula boys are talking of having some running, jumping and other athletic contests on New Year's. During Saturday afternoon, the 7th, on the grounds near the beach at La-bai- na, a baseball game took place between Lahaina and Labainaiuna nines. The former was victorious by a fcore of 25 to 24. It is said that the Wailuku club will play the Lahalnas at Lhaina January 3d. 1896. A north wind is considered most un- fortunate by the Lahaina natives. No fish can be caught when such a wind is blowing. Recently the court and jury people took away from Lahaina about 100 bags of cocoanuts. Nearly every tree in the village has beeu stripped of its fruit. The earthquake shocks of Sunday night and Monday morning caused pictures to fall from the walls of several Lahaina dwellings. The old Baldwin homestead at La- haina is being thoroughly repaired and renovated. During Wednesday evening, the 11th instant, a pleasant dancing party took place at Lahaina. Weather Threatening a heavy storm, the wind alternating between the north and south. About $200 Realized at Saturday Evening s Entertainment. MISS FIELD LOUDLY APPLAUDED. The Building- - Filled to Overflowing. Well-Render- ed Program Encores In Order W ray Taylor's Effort a Grand Success as Usual Christmas Cheer. Mr. Wray Taylor's concert for the Lepers' Merry Christmas took place at Kaumakapili Church on Saturday night. Fortunately the weather '"held up" and the large building was filled to overflowing. Every seat was occupied and extra chairs had to be supplied. The performance commenced with an organ solo, Overture by Clark, played in a masterly manner by Mr. Wray Taylor. This gentleman took full advantage of the capa- bilities of the instrument, now thundering forth in full and rolling chords and anon giving most ex- quisite bits of melody on the flute and stop diapason. This was followed by a sextette Reverie in G, Fauconier, with B. L. Marx, first violin; J. Lightfoot, second violin; E. Kopke, flute; Wray Taylor, cello; C. Hedemann, bass, and W. L. Fletcher, piano. This called forth an encore. The instrumentalists of Honolulu are a credit to the city their playing is scholarly and artistic and does credit to their careful practice to- gether. Mis? Kulamanu Ward's sweet soprano voice was heard to advantage in Hawley's "Because I love you dear.'' In response to an encore she gave Parker's 4iI know a bank.v De Beriot's concerto for violin was artistically played by Miss Elenore Ingersoll. This young lad is a new addition to our mus- ical circles. She was loudly ap- plauded and played a short encore piece in response. Miss Kate rieia gave a dashing rendering of "The Spanish Mulateers song," adding to its effect by the merry clack of the castanets. The house was clamorous with applause on the conclusion of the song and would not take no for an answer to its unanimous demand for an encore, which Miss Field gracefully accorded. The chorus of girls from the Kawaiahao Seminary sang the Corn song in costume. The song is descriptive and afford- ed opportunity for some very pret- ty grouping. A piano solo, "Mont-guard,- " Kalkbenner, was brilliant- ly played by Miss Alice Rice. Her technique was excellent, while she showed great power of expression. Miss Rice responded to an encore with some brilliant variations on "Home Sweet Home." A selection of airs on hand bells by three pu- pils of the Kaulawela school con- cluded the program. Mr. Armstrong Smith is to be congratulated upon his success in training the boys. "Aloha Oe" and " Hawaii Ponoi," played on the organ by Mr. Wray Taylor, sent the audience home pleased with the performance and satisfied that the lepers' Merry Christmas was assured. About $200 was realized, which amount may be swelled when fur- ther returns are known from tickets. AMERICAN BOARD DELEGATES. Returning from Japan by the China Public Meeting. Information has been received that the A. B. C. F. M. deputation that went to Japan to confere with the missionaries in that country in regard to contemplated changes in the management of the missions, have finished their work, and are returning on the China. If the steamer should arrive at such hours as to make such an arrange- ment possible, a public meeting will be held in Ka-vaiah- ao Church ly private, only the members of the family being present. Going Away Today. These people are booked to leave for the Coast by the Australia to- day: Mrs. Edwin Booth, H. Ben-ne- r, W. H. Soper, Theo. F. Dredge, Dr. Brown, H. Louisson, Mrs. Hig-gin- s, M. Grossman, Mrs. E. C. Hen- - shaw. Miss Greenwald, Miss Mc-Cull- y, J. F. Cramer, Miss B. L. Ar- nold, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Grenham. BANQUET TO EMPLOYEES. Mr. Young Remember Iron Work- ers Birthday Celebration. Saturday evening, the residence of Alexander Young, at Waikiki was the scene of a very enjoyable entertainment, being a reception given by Mr. Young to the em- ployees of the Honolulu Iron Works, to mark his birthday, and recent return to Honolulu. After Mr. Young had welcomed his guests in a few well-chos- en words, he requested T. R. Walker to take the chair, and to superin- tend the carrying out of a vocal, musical and literary program, which Mr. Walker did in his usual happy manner. The program consisted of Hawai- ian songs by the Honolulu Iron Works Glee Club ; a recitation by Mrs. Black ; songs by Miss Bertha Young, Messrs. Monteagle, Brown, Crozier, Rowe and Hedemann, and a " Drummer's Story " by Mr. Dredsre: concluding with a reel by several sons and daughters of Caledonia. Refreshments of various kinds and cenerous quantitv were then served, after which dancing, to the music of the Quintette Club, was indulged in until 11 p. m. The evening was closed with toasts to Mr. Y'oung, and the sing- ing of " He's a jolly good fellow " and "Auld Lang Syne." The company separated after another of those pleasant and hearty meetings which occur from time to time in connection with the Honolulu Iron Works Co. and its employees. SCULLERS COLLIDE. Two Healani Members Thrown Into the Harbor. An event not on the regular Sun- day program of practice with the crew of the Healanis occurred in the bay yesterday afternoon. Sev- eral new members were out for a trial spin and while off Wilder's wharf two of the single sculls cap- sized. Norman Halstead and Olaf Sorenson, occupants of the boats, were thrown into the water. Captain Soule, of the bark Mar- tha Davis, which is lying alongside Wilder's dock, saw the mishap and threw several life preservers to the unlucky men. The launch of the Bennington also put out to the assistance of the rowers. Halstead succeeded in catching one of Captain Soule's life pre- servers and made the best of his way to a buoy anchored near. Sor- enson was picked up by the launch and his scull righted" so that he could get back to the boat house. Halstead in the meantime was shouting loudly for assistance from his haven on the buoy. The crew of the Martha Davis put out in a boat to his rescue. His scull was righted and the unlucky sculler sent on his way, very wet, but thankful that nothing more seri- ous had happened. The capsizing of the boat was caused by the two sculls colliding. Sorenson was badly scared, but re- ceived no damage other than a good wetting. The. Daily Advertiser 75 cents a month. Delivered by carrier. Cold Lunches served at the Richelieu to-nig- ht from 7:30 to 12 p.m. Cold Ham. Duck. Chicken, Fresh Oysters, Salad, Tea. Coffee, etc., etc. A. J. Derby. D. D. S. Dental Rooms 100 Alakea St.. between Beretania and Hotel. Treatment of dead teeth and roots a specialty. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Tel. 615. THE SINGER received 54 first awards for sewing ma- chines and embroidery work at the World's Fair, Chicago, 111., being the largest number of awards obtained by any exhibitor and more than double the num- ber gien to all other sewing ma- chines. For sale, lease and rent. Repairing done B. BERGERSEN, 113 Bethel st. Bedroom Sets, Wardrobes, Ice Boxes, Stoves, Hanging Lamps, Chiffoniers. Steamer and Veranda Chairs, Bed Lounges, Sofas, Baby Cribs, Clothes Baskets, Sewing Machines, Whatnots, Meat Safes, Trunks. Rugs, Bureaus, etc., sold at the lowest Cash Prices at the I. X. L., corner of Nuuanu and King streets. When you wish to discontinue housekeeping let Chas. Hawkins bid on your furniture in its en- tirety. It will avoid inconveni- ence of selling in pieces or sale. King and Alakea streets. Charles Hawkins makes esti- mates on all classes of painting, wall papering and upholstering. All work guaranteed. King and Alakea streets. New and Second Hand furniture and all binds of Second Hand books, jewelry and diamonds bought and sold. Contracts for painting. CHAS. HAWKINS. For bargains in New and Second hand Furniture, Lawn Mowers, Wicker Chairs, Garden Hose, etc., call at the L X. L., corner of Nuu-an- u and King streets. HAWAIIAN BOAT HOUSE. Foot of Richards street. Have fine pleasure boats of all descriptions for rent by the hour or day. Moonlight Boating Par- ties. If you want to sell out your Fur- niture in its entiretv, call at the L X. L. m City Carriage Company have re- moved to the corner of Fort and Merchant streets; Telephone No. 113. First-clas- s carriages at all hours. JOHN S. ANDRADE. G. R. Harrison, Practical Piano and Organ Maker and Tuner, can furnish best factory references. Orders left at the Hawaiian News Co. will receive prompt attention. All work guaranteed to be the same as done in factory. Beach Grove. Waikiki, near Bishop's Switch Bathing and Picnic Resort. Reserves for fam- ilies, ladies and children. Terms reasonable. CHAS. F. WARREN. Manager. DR. TUCKER Has removed his office to Corner of Beretania and Fort Streets Office hours: 9J to 11 a. m.. 4 to 5 p.m. and 7 to S p.m. aW" Te.ephc ne : Office 023. resi- dence 427. SiSi SOilO is Ml CO.. I.OTITKD, Esplanade. Cor. Allen and Fort Sts. HOLLISTER & CO., Agent. Daily Advertiser 75 cents a month. Delivered by carrier. General commission Agents: fleat aaia spaa Q 9seav fcfc Ceapttt Mil Mlftat HH SaaaV FERNANDEZ. Notary Publicum! Typewriter, II KAAHUMANU STREET. P. O. Box 336. Telephone 34o.

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Established July 1-,;.

VOL. XX I r. XO. 417.--.


Highest of ail in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't ReportIONOLULU IRON WORKS CO..


Royal BSS33I

at 7:30 p.m. The public generallyare invited to attend, especially allinterested in the work of the A. B.C. F. M., to meet the deputation.

Miss Lyons Weds.Miss Isabel E. Lyons, daughter

of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis J. Lyons,was married to Foster A. Davis bythe Rev. Douglas P. Birnie at thehome of the bride's parents at 8o'clock Saturday evening. On ac-

count of the ill health of the motherof the bride the wedding was strict


Mills. Oooiara, Bi

jfcaa Machinery of every description madeKerfec reticular attention paid toMm' blackaKhrag. Job work executedm 6a ehrtrt potjee,

LEWERS A COOKE,to Levers 6c UKHooo,

trs arvd Dealers m LumberAaa All Kias of Bm Material,


r ttaa raaw" to W

lira Liven on hm shms.Car. Merchant a4 Rkbarda Sta.

VIVBRV AND BOARDINO STAKESCarnages, Sorrvyo aad Harks at all

MERCHANTS' EXCHANCE,Cmr. Kimu saa Sbmuo Streets.

Received fry the Australia a Fresbinvoice or

toterprise Beer ami OystersFOB COCKTAILS.

Telephone 8o.


SING m m m PTOprttOT.

t tas Traveitaf PaMfc.


HALF AND HALF"u a Great aerur.

the weak ftoot aad purifies rfct


IEAVER 9ALOON,Bint, ogpoate Wilder A Co.'

H. J. NOLTC. Proprietor,data Laecaee Served wita Tta, Cetfce.

tea Water. Gfcaer ale or MBk.

ffom ? a. en. till ro p. m.' Rsaaiertss a Icerta.

GONSALVES & CO.,Wholesale Grocers and Wine

Merchants,to Queen Street, Honolulu, H. I.


181esa e and Real Grocers

111 FORT STREET.940. p. o.


OF LONDON.... 910,000,H. W. SCHMIDT 3c SONS,

Agents for the Hawaiian UUada.

H. MAY & CO..


P. O. Baa 4TO.

S, KJMURAhDsSei is Aqss 1Mb



Wholesale GrocersAnd Dealers in

mum mm mmSoap Works Conpany



EDMUND P. DOLE.Attorney at Law,

WILLIAM C PARKE.Attorney at Law

AMDaccent to Tk iii a mm aaalgaaaaaai

Office, r ICawlMMMBM St., Hoocfaxln,


Attorney at Law,it KAAHUMANU STREET.

Telephone 344.

A. S. HUMPHREYS.Attorney at Law,

In Office of J. A. Magoon, Old CapitolBuilding, next Postoffke, Honolulu.


Attorney at Law.KILO. HAWAII.



Officx: No. 73 Beretania street,opposite the Hawaiian Hotel.


DR. J. K. SMITH,The Richelieu. Beretania Street.

OFFICE HOURS: to l'2.a. m.

DR. J. UCH1DA,Physician and Surgeon,


Office Hours, 8 to i a. rru and 7, to 8 p. m.Mutual Tel. 532.

DR. I. MORI.Office Fort street near Beretania. Hours

7 to 8:30 a. m. and 4 to 8:30 p. m. Satur-day and Sunday, 1 to 5 p. m. Telephone530.

Residence Arlington Hotel.


m tmmti a 6aa Una.

-i-- Ttiarwoai taL -- -DR. RUSSEL,

OFFICE: MASONIC BUILDING.Hours: 9 to 11 a. m.Jand 3 to 5 p. m.

Telephone 484.Residence: Hawaiian Hotel.


-:-- Dentist -:--


Office 9 m. to 4 a-- a.


Cutlery and Glassware

a saodeu t co.

Unusually Heavy and Prolonged

Earthquake on Maui.


Teachers llegret the Retirement of Inspector-Gener- al Atkinson Baseballand other Recreation Sports TennisPlayers Entertained Socials Given.

MAUI, Dec. 14. The fliat and moaimportant case that eDgaged the at-

tention of the Circuit Court at Lahai-n- a

was that of Henry Iwiena, theWailuku policeman who shot andkilled Ah Qua! at Camp 3, Bpreckels-vlll- e,

between 8 and 9 o'clock duringSaturday night, August 24th. TheChinaman when shot was about thirtyfeet distant, running and trying toescape arrest. After two days of trial(December 4th and 5th), Iwiena wasacquitted. W. A. Kinney represent-ed the defendant ami A. Rosa for theprosecution.

Another case of interest was that ofthe contested will of Mrs. KapikiWalter, the contestanta claiming thatthe signature to the said documentwas a forgery. During the day andevening of the 6th tilts between theattorneys were quite exciting. W. A.Kinney had against him LawyersRosa, Chillipgworth and Richardson,these appearing for the contestanta.At 1.20 a. m.( the 7th inst., the jurybrought In a verdict sustaining theauthenticity of the last will and testa-ment. Judge Magoon presided duringthis trial, as Judge Kalua was dis-

qualified, the cate having previouslybeen brought before him.

Business before the native jury wasfinished and the court adjouruedThursday afternoon, the 12th inst.

Judge Kaleikau of Ulupalakua isacting in District Magistrate Hele-kunihi- 's

position in Wailuku pendingthe trial of the latter, soon to takeplace in Honolulu.

During Sunday night, the 8th inst.,at 11 .08 o'clock, Maui experienced auunusually heavy and prolonged earth-quake shock. It lasted probably be-

tween twenty aud thirty seconds.Bric-a-bra- c was shaken from shelves,aud a denizen of Kulu reported all hisstone walls laid low. The night ofthe 8th was an uncanny one peopleslept little. About ten minutes afterthe first another slight shaking wasfelt, and then at 3:05 Monday morninga third shock made Itself evident, thisone being as violent as the first, butnot so prolonged, continuing for ten ortwelve seconds. Some people reportthat the first shock lasted for a minuteor more.

The Makawao Road Board are busygrading aud building roads throughthe Kula homestead lands.

The announcement of A. T. Atkin-son's resignation aa Inspector Generalof schools is received with universalregret by the teachers of Maui. Hewas not only an efficient inspector butthe sincere friend of every teacher.

J. W. Bergatrom, of Honolulu, baabeen employed during the week Inrepairing the pipe organ of the Paiachurch. Mr. Bergatrom aet up theorgan several years ago.

On Sunday night, the 8tb, Deputy-SherifTKi- ng

stopped a poker game atKaluanui and arrested eeveral youngHawaiiaua well-know- n in mauka Ma-

kawao. A native woman not beingallowed to come into the game, gotangry and informed the police. Theculprits paid a light fine of sevendollars each, this being their firstoffense.

Wednesday evening, the 11th, MissBeckwith entertained some of Maka-wao- 's

tennis players at the Sunnysidecourt.

Miss Lydia Copp of Makawao isslowly recovering from a long andsevere illness.

The Kula boys are talking of havingsome running, jumping and otherathletic contests on New Year's.

During Saturday afternoon, the 7th,on the grounds near the beach at La-bai- na,

a baseball game took placebetween Lahaina and Labainaiunanines. The former was victorious bya fcore of 25 to 24. It is said that theWailuku club will play the Lahalnasat Lhaina January 3d. 1896.

A north wind is considered most un-

fortunate by the Lahaina natives. Nofish can be caught when such a windis blowing.

Recently the court and jury peopletook away from Lahaina about 100bags of cocoanuts. Nearly every treein the village has beeu stripped of itsfruit.

The earthquake shocks of Sundaynight and Monday morning causedpictures to fall from the walls ofseveral Lahaina dwellings.

The old Baldwin homestead at La-haina is being thoroughly repairedand renovated.

During Wednesday evening, the11th instant, a pleasant dancing partytook place at Lahaina.

Weather Threatening a heavystorm, the wind alternating betweenthe north and south.

About $200 Realized at SaturdayEvening s Entertainment.


The Building- - Filled to Overflowing.Well-Render- ed Program Encores InOrder W ray Taylor's Effort a GrandSuccess as Usual Christmas Cheer.

Mr. Wray Taylor's concert forthe Lepers' Merry Christmas tookplace at Kaumakapili Church onSaturday night. Fortunately theweather '"held up" and the largebuilding was filled to overflowing.Every seat was occupied and extrachairs had to be supplied. Theperformance commenced with anorgan solo, Overture by Clark,played in a masterly manner byMr. Wray Taylor. This gentlemantook full advantage of the capa-

bilities of the instrument, nowthundering forth in full and rollingchords and anon giving most ex-

quisite bits of melody on the fluteand stop diapason.

This was followed by a sextetteReverie in G, Fauconier, with B. L.

Marx, first violin; J. Lightfoot,second violin; E. Kopke, flute;Wray Taylor, cello; C. Hedemann,bass, and W. L. Fletcher, piano.This called forth an encore. Theinstrumentalists of Honolulu are acredit to the city their playing is

scholarly and artistic and doescredit to their careful practice to-

gether. Mis? Kulamanu Ward'ssweet soprano voice was heard toadvantage in Hawley's "Because Ilove you dear.'' In response to anencore she gave Parker's 4iI know abank.v De Beriot's concerto forviolin was artistically played byMiss Elenore Ingersoll. This younglad is a new addition to our mus-ical circles. She was loudly ap-

plauded and played a short encorepiece in response. Miss Kate rieiagave a dashing rendering of "TheSpanish Mulateers song," addingto its effect by the merry clack ofthe castanets.

The house was clamorous withapplause on the conclusion of thesong and would not take no for ananswer to its unanimous demandfor an encore, which Miss Fieldgracefully accorded. The chorus ofgirls from the Kawaiahao Seminarysang the Corn song in costume.The song is descriptive and afford-ed opportunity for some very pret-ty grouping. A piano solo, "Mont-guard,- "

Kalkbenner, was brilliant-ly played by Miss Alice Rice. Hertechnique was excellent, while sheshowed great power of expression.Miss Rice responded to an encorewith some brilliant variations on"Home Sweet Home." A selectionof airs on hand bells by three pu-

pils of the Kaulawela school con-

cluded the program. Mr. ArmstrongSmith is to be congratulated uponhis success in training the boys."Aloha Oe" and " Hawaii Ponoi,"played on the organ by Mr. WrayTaylor, sent the audience homepleased with the performance andsatisfied that the lepers' MerryChristmas was assured.

About $200 was realized, whichamount may be swelled when fur-

ther returns are known fromtickets.


Returning from Japan by theChina Public Meeting.

Information has been receivedthat the A. B. C. F. M. deputationthat went to Japan to confere withthe missionaries in that country inregard to contemplated changes inthe management of the missions,have finished their work, and arereturning on the China. If thesteamer should arrive at suchhours as to make such an arrange-ment possible, a public meetingwill be held in Ka-vaiah- ao Church

ly private, only the members of thefamily being present.

Going Away Today.These people are booked to leave

for the Coast by the Australia to-

day: Mrs. Edwin Booth, H. Ben-ne- r,

W. H. Soper, Theo. F. Dredge,Dr. Brown, H. Louisson, Mrs. Hig-gin- s,

M. Grossman, Mrs. E. C. Hen- -

shaw. Miss Greenwald, Miss Mc-Cull- y,

J. F. Cramer, Miss B. L. Ar-nold, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Grenham.

BANQUET TO EMPLOYEES.Mr. Young Remember Iron Work-

ers Birthday Celebration.Saturday evening, the residence

of Alexander Young, at Waikikiwas the scene of a very enjoyableentertainment, being a receptiongiven by Mr. Young to the em-

ployees of the Honolulu IronWorks, to mark his birthday, andrecent return to Honolulu.

After Mr. Young had welcomedhis guests in a few well-chos- en

words, he requested T. R. Walkerto take the chair, and to superin-tend the carrying out of a vocal,musical and literary program,which Mr. Walker did in his usualhappy manner.

The program consisted of Hawai-ian songs by the Honolulu IronWorks Glee Club ; a recitation byMrs. Black ; songs by Miss BerthaYoung, Messrs. Monteagle, Brown,Crozier, Rowe and Hedemann, anda " Drummer's Story " by Mr.Dredsre: concluding with a reel byseveral sons and daughters ofCaledonia.

Refreshments of various kindsand cenerous quantitv were thenserved, after which dancing, to themusic of the Quintette Club, wasindulged in until 11 p. m.

The evening was closed withtoasts to Mr. Y'oung, and the sing-ing of " He's a jolly good fellow "and "Auld Lang Syne." Thecompany separated after another ofthose pleasant and hearty meetingswhich occur from time to time inconnection with the Honolulu IronWorks Co. and its employees.


Two Healani Members ThrownInto the Harbor.

An event not on the regular Sun-

day program of practice with thecrew of the Healanis occurred inthe bay yesterday afternoon. Sev-

eral new members were out for atrial spin and while off Wilder'swharf two of the single sculls cap-

sized. Norman Halstead and OlafSorenson, occupants of the boats,were thrown into the water.

Captain Soule, of the bark Mar-

tha Davis, which is lying alongsideWilder's dock, saw the mishap andthrew several life preservers to theunlucky men. The launch of theBennington also put out to theassistance of the rowers.

Halstead succeeded in catchingone of Captain Soule's life pre-

servers and made the best of hisway to a buoy anchored near. Sor-

enson was picked up by the launchand his scull righted" so that hecould get back to the boat house.Halstead in the meantime wasshouting loudly for assistance fromhis haven on the buoy. The crewof the Martha Davis put out in aboat to his rescue. His scull wasrighted and the unlucky scullersent on his way, very wet, butthankful that nothing more seri-

ous had happened.The capsizing of the boat was

caused by the two sculls colliding.Sorenson was badly scared, but re-

ceived no damage other than agood wetting.

The. Daily Advertiser 75 cents amonth. Delivered by carrier.

Cold Lunches served at theRichelieu to-nig- ht from 7:30 to 12p.m. Cold Ham. Duck. Chicken,Fresh Oysters, Salad, Tea. Coffee,etc., etc.

A. J. Derby. D. D. S. DentalRooms 100 Alakea St.. betweenBeretania and Hotel. Treatmentof dead teeth and roots a specialty.Office hours, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.Tel. 615.

THE SINGER received54 first awards for sewing ma-chines and embroidery work atthe World's Fair, Chicago, 111.,

being the largest number ofawards obtained by any exhibitorand more than double the num-ber gien to all other sewing ma-chines. For sale, lease and rent.Repairing doneB. BERGERSEN, 113 Bethel st.

Bedroom Sets, Wardrobes, IceBoxes, Stoves, Hanging Lamps,Chiffoniers. Steamer and VerandaChairs, Bed Lounges, Sofas, BabyCribs, Clothes Baskets, SewingMachines, Whatnots, Meat Safes,Trunks. Rugs, Bureaus, etc., soldat the lowest Cash Prices at theI. X. L., corner of Nuuanu andKing streets.

When you wish to discontinuehousekeeping let Chas. Hawkinsbid on your furniture in its en-

tirety. It will avoid inconveni-ence of selling in pieces or sale.King and Alakea streets.

Charles Hawkins makes esti-mates on all classes of painting,wall papering and upholstering.All work guaranteed. King andAlakea streets.

New and Second Hand furnitureand all binds of Second Handbooks, jewelry and diamondsbought and sold. Contracts forpainting. CHAS. HAWKINS.

For bargains in New and Secondhand Furniture, Lawn Mowers,Wicker Chairs, Garden Hose, etc.,call at the L X. L., corner of Nuu-an- u

and King streets.

HAWAIIAN BOAT HOUSE.Foot of Richards street.

Have fine pleasure boats of alldescriptions for rent by the houror day. Moonlight Boating Par-ties.

If you want to sell out your Fur-niture in its entiretv, call at theL X. L.


City Carriage Company have re-moved to the corner of Fort andMerchant streets; Telephone No.113. First-clas- s carriages at allhours. JOHN S. ANDRADE.

G. R. Harrison, Practical Pianoand Organ Maker and Tuner, canfurnish best factory references.Orders left at the Hawaiian NewsCo. will receive prompt attention.All work guaranteed to be thesame as done in factory.

Beach Grove. Waikiki, nearBishop's Switch Bathing andPicnic Resort. Reserves for fam-ilies, ladies and children. Termsreasonable.CHAS. F. WARREN. Manager.

DR. TUCKERHas removed his office to

Corner of Beretania and Fort StreetsOffice hours: 9J to 11 a. m.. 4 to 5 p.m.

and 7 to S p.m.aW" Te.ephc ne : Office 023. resi-

dence 427.

SiSi SOilO is Ml CO..


Esplanade. Cor. Allen and Fort Sts.


Daily Advertiser 75 cents amonth. Delivered by carrier.

General commission Agents:

fleat aaia spaa Q 9seavfcfc Ceapttt Mil Mlftat

HH SaaaV


Notary Publicum! Typewriter,II KAAHUMANU STREET.

P. O. Box 336. Telephone 34o.



n i eCROWDS AT THE CIRCl GEO. A. TURNER,Wirth's r.iwais by authority.Id 111


Proprie! r Harry Wirth.Manager .J. Cameron.

Fine Weather at Iant and AnotherDoable Triumph Satur

day when

GREAT AUDIENCES2 Witnessed this Undeniable Ta

lented Combination.



Last. But One of the

Presen Grand Mil e




jammoth performancesAND


SPECIAL Don t miss seeing the presentprogramme as It contains items once with- -

"SEa rWSTci-i-r. Sl-w-hle.can be reserved at the Circus, from 2 p. in.No extra charee heine made. Gallery 50cents: children half price.

Doors open at 7 :30. Commence 8 sharpCarriages mav Ie ordered for 10:30 p.m.

Wednesday afternoon doors open at 2:30,commences at 3,

N. B. All account- - present todayfor payment Tuesdav.

Tuesday, December 17,

Friday, December 2,Saturday, December 21.



from Ozaka,


These famous acrobats are the wonder ofthe 19th Century. Their feats of HeadBalancing, Juggling. Trapeze work. Ridingof Bicvcle and Chair Balancing on Slack

ire are unsurpassed.ADMISSION: ADFLT8 50c: CHILD

REN 25c; RESERVED SEATS 75c.Seats on fale at Building.



Jeweler and Watchmaker,515 FORT STREET.


Hawaiian and Gold Wire Jewelry to order.Make haadsome Presents.

Souvenir Spoons at Very Low Prices.

P. O. Box 355.

New MillineryPER M -- TitA LI A


The new sailor Lat, very hit-the- Go and seeat

MISS CAHILL,Arlliitftou nioc-k-, - - Hotel -t- n-ct.

Sans SouciSeaside Resort.

The pleasantest, quietest, shadiest andmost perfectly appointed seaside resort onthe Islands. It is only four mile- - from theheart of the c;tv ani "within easy reach ofthe tramcars. which run every twentyminutes or oftener. Elegantly 'furnisheddetached cottages or roonfl are "obtained oneasy terms 'lhe table is superior to that

any of the city bote.- - ar.-- l all the modernconveniences are provided.

Picnics and bathing parties can obtainextra accommodation by telephoning inadvance.

The bathine facilities of Sans SotKi aresuperior to these uf any place on thebeach . 4irT-t- f


Another Change of Prog;nun for W

toiIbti lllctinee ami Evenfaupi

BSSta ONI Now Im? OhtuliHil WithoutExtra Chance t-- jl hast a

Dnnvlnt: f how.

The popularity of Wirth's circuswas not dampened in the least bylast week's showers, as shown bythe large crowd in attendance atthe matinee and evening perform-ances on Saturday. At night thelent was packed, and butfew more could have lound roomunder the canvas.

The change of program is surelyone for the better, and greatlypleased the large audiences. Themidcets, Elsie St. Leon, KatieMontgomery and Muriel Wirthdid new turns, and were loudly encored for their graceful perform-ances. Little Elsie St. Leon per- -

lorn;- - on tne nicrn trapeze in amanner that would do credit to anold professional. Muriel Wirth

i i l i i 1nues a norfce uareuacn iu gramuiStyle, and, as tne r lower Uiri, sne I

. Htnply debghtftal. fche carriesa basket of roses, and whilesionilmn An fVo at.p's hrlr flic. I

., x j I

monies ner nowers arounu meatu'ienre. Lahl in?. who is aboutn .1 or, rrfnrmor oc4kO VJVT vA 4A 14 U1A A N V 11 V Arl i Vi U1V A - w

is ever seen in a rine. has severalnew features to act. On the horizontal bars, trapeze and in jugglingSing shows up just as graceful ashis darinc act on horseback. Theother members all have new acts,but the steeplechase simply bringsdown the house. The clowns andthe children grow closer attached ateach performance.

I here will be an entire newchange of program Wednesdayafternoon at 3 o'clock and at theevening performance. The tent isin better condition than ever sincethe rain. Seat3 can be reserved inthe future without extra charge.Choice localities can be obtainedevery afternoon after 2 o'clock andkeDt for those reserving them for

ithe regular price of admission.


An Interesting Tablet Discoveredat Botany Bay.

A moat Interesting tablet baa cometo light at Botany Bay. Writing tothe Sydney Morning Harald, Mr.Joseph Pyett saye: "On the southernshore of the entrance to Botany Bay,near the moonment to mark the landiDg place of Captain Cook, there stillexists a highly historical memorial,which seem to be comparatively lit- -

Wm ami . 1 T f 1 i n L' a rlAunrl ril tnnof which cannot fail to be of interest;o a large uuiuuci i yuui icucu. nis a brass tablet, blackened with age,let in the face of a rather high cliff,and now only to be read by climbingdown with a rope from above. A few-day- s

since ome friends and myself,hearing of this relic from some localfishermen, who refer to it as 'the plate,'-- ailed to this historic spot, and, withthe aid of a new rope, completed the'honorably dangerous enterprise' ofreading the now almost indecipher-able inscription thervoo."

The inscription runs ao follow?, and,as Mr. Pyett remark?, the heroic styleis delightful:

A. D. MDCCLXX.Under the auspice uf British Science,

these shores were discoveredv

Jame Cook and Joseph Banks,:he Coluinbu and Meceua

of tbeir time.This spot once saw them

ajrdefit in the pursuit of knowledge,now

to tbeir memorythis tablet is inscriierl iu the fir-- t year

ofthe Philosophical society of Aiwra-lasia- .

Sir Thorna Brisbane, K.O.B , F.R.sL. and E.,

corresponding member of the Instituteof r ranee;President.

A. D. MDCCCXXI.Mr. Pyett continues : 44 1 dou't know

whether the Philosophical Society ofAustralasia, founded, according to thisrelic, in MSI, with Sir Thomas Bris-bane as president, has still an exist-ence as such ; if to, why has this gembeen so sadJy neglected by them ?There is a tradition among the fisher-men that a man a kind of stipendiary of'Old Mortality' was employed iutimes gone by 'to clean it up;' butthe evidence of it present conditionteems to point to the fact that when itreceived its la?t cleaning must havebeen a very remote period, for the'salt sea breezes ' have wrought sadhavoc, and uow the letters are all run-ning into each other. Ii this recordis worth preserving a little timelonger, tbeu it is clear that 'somethingshould be done.' And, also, dees itnot seem a sad fact thai this spot, alsotrie nrst

.lauuiug piavoe or tne Tirei

t - a i i a - : I

i ts o e trail,TELEPHONE 139.

308 Merchant Street.

Beautiful residence and grounds onBeretania street near " Thomas 8quare."House contains 9 rooms, ail the modernimprovements.

Two houses and lot on Funchboirlstreet opposite Fortuguese Church;grounds beautifully laid out with fruitand ornamental tree. Houses large,airy and nearly new.

I have also other desirable propertiesfor sale.

Good corner Lot .Wilder Avenue, 15x240.Wilder Avenue and Piikoi, 100x150.

House and Lot on Yonng street, 60x150.House and Lot on Punchbowl street,

near Beretania street.House and Lot on Thurston Avenue;

Lot 75x2X) feet; bounded by ThurstonAvenue, Magazine and Spencer streets.

Splendid Easiness Corner on King street.In business portion of the city.

All of the above properties will be soldat a bargain. For prices, terms, etc.,apply to


Real Estate Dealer,308 MERCHANT STREET.


The odd cents is what counts. I

can save you from 25 to 35 per cent,

on vour clothes and guarantee a fit andperfect satisfaction in every respect.

I make friends of my customers,and customers of my friends. Do notbe deceived by a grand display. Fmtgoods well-mad- e is half the battle.

Once tried you will come agals.Latest designs constantly received.

I must have room for my new stock.If you are need of clothes, now is yourtime to see me.


323 Nuuanu Street.


BANKERS,Honolulu, H. I.,

km Sight and Time Bills of ExchjRga,dm Csnrmerdal and Travelers' Lettsn f

on the principal parts of ths worts.Ptschase approved Bills.


deposits on open accountluterest on term deposits.

pffMnptty to coHsctkns.


Qaeen Street Honolulu, H. I.

AGENTS FORHawaiian Agricultural Company, OnomssSugar Company, Honomu Sugar CompanyWaMuku Sugar Company, Waihee bo&sCempany, Makee Sugar Company, Hairafcala Ranch Company, Kapapala Randk

Planters' Line San Francisco PactaChas. Brewer & Co.'s Line of BoSlwiPackets.

Agents Boston Board of Underwriters.Agents Philadelphia Board' of Under


List of tWicers:P. C. Jones,prcskknt; Geo. H. Rober

, Manager; t. F. Btshop, Treasurer asretary; Col. W. F. Aden, Auditor; CC Nke, H. WfeteriMuse, A. W. Cartsr,

HflHIHHt MUMSQussn Street, 0

Between Alakea and Richards Sts.

BRONZE, BRASS-:- - AND -:- -

Iron CastingsHousework a Specialty.


said to Shins' Bladrsmithtec- -


Lynn & Patterson,Proprletor


Contains 301,865 Vocabulary Termsmore than twice the number of terms inSny other single volume Dictionary, and

&,uw more than in any other Dictionaryof the langnifge.

WATER NOTICE.In accordance with Section 1, of Chapter

XXVI o: the Laws f

All persons holding water privileges orthose paying water rates, are hereby noti-fied that the water rates for the term end-

ing June 30. will be due and payableat the office of the Honolulu Water Works,on the 1st day of January 1896.

All rates remaining unpaid for fifteen daysafter they are due will be subject to anadditional 10 per cent.

Kates are payable at the office of theWater Works ::i the Kapnaiwa Building.

ANDREW BROWN,Superintendent Honolulu Water Work?.

Honolulu. H. I.. Dec. 10.4175-1-4t

INTERIOR DEPARTMENT NOTICEAil persons having claims against this

Department or any of its Bureaus, arerequested to present the same through theproper channel prior xt IHUBSDAYJanuary 9. 19:. as the Department Accounts for the vear ending Decern oer ji,1895, will be closed on that day.

J A. KING,Minister of the Interior.

Interior Office. Dec. 12. 1895. 4173-t- f

Department of Financ e, )

Honolulu. December 9, 1895. )

Under Arf'cie 35, Section 1 of the Constitution, it is requirei that each member ofthe Cabinet shall make an annual reportof the transaction within his Department,during the year ending December 31t.

The Minister of Finance takes this occasion to request an tnoe naving claimsagainst the uovernnieni ot a monetarynature, to present them to this office,through the proper Departments, not laterthan 12 o'clock noon on TUESDAY, Janu-ary 14, 1S9G, after which date the books ofthis Department will be closed

All persons having moneys on accountof the Government are requested to maketheir returns promptly, in order that theremay b3 no deia in closing tne accountsfor the year endirg December 31, 1895.

S. M. DAMON,Minister of Finance.

1170-12t 1714-- 4t

Out of SightIs the verdict of thosewho have looked over ourChristmas stock, and quitecorrect they are, for wenever had a better displayin men's goods to offer thepublic.


Neckwear.Four-iu-band- s, Made-u- p

Scarfs.Windsors. Bows for eitherturn down or stand-u- p

collars'.Dres Bow?, Wa?h Ties ofall kinds.

SuspendersOf all grade?, including abeautiful line of .SilkCbrcchet aud Silk Em-broidered, aud quite anassortment of Silk Web,all ready to be em-broidered.

HandkerchiefsIn great variety.

SweatersIu several colors.

Umbrellaseither silk or cotton, goodserviceable articles.

Smoking Jacketsin great variety.

Bath Robesof geiiuia turkish towel-ling.

Pajamassilk or cotton.

Collars and CuffsNobby and late styles.

ShirtsNeglige, Fiue Dres, orordinary, either white,colored r silk.

Beside the above,a great variety of

U other things, aboutwhich we have no

- I ii .s; ac :o speak of.



STOLEN.FROM MY 1 liEfl AT PEARLCitv, a Black Mare, o years oid. 10 handshigh, with collar marks on: taken betweenthe hours of 12 and 2 Sunday morning. Areward of $50 will be paid for the apprehen-sion and conviction of the party or partieswho stole it; also will pay $5 for return ofmare. B. T. WHITE,

4170-- 1 w Pearl Citv.



-- and--

Lacquer Ware,

European andJapanese Jewelry

Of 1L w j Description.

Yamatoya Shirts



K. FURUYA,Robinson Block Hotel Street.



Choice ConfectionsIn 2, 3 and 5-po- und Boxes,

Suitable for Holiday Presents.Complete Line of

Christmas Toys and Novelties.4104-ln- i

II 10

AND OTHERS.The Honolulu Iron Works Company hav-

ing renewed their connection with tbeNational Tube Works Company of

New York and are constituted


Hawaiian IslandsFor all the various Iins of manufacture


t such as

Steam Pipe,Artesian Well Tube ami CaslnfC,The Converse Lock-Joi- nt Water Pipe of

all sizes,

GALVANIZED WATER PIPESteel, and Iron Boiler Tubes, Etc.,


Valves. Cocks, ani all Kinds of Steam, Wateran3 Gas Fittings.

And will henceforth carry a large stock ofsaid Goods in Honolulu, to enable them totill all ordinary orders on short notice and at

Prices Hitherto UnknownIN THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS.


ON ICEFresh Columbia Salmon

Fresh Halibut.Place your orders early.

C. L. Hopkins,4104-2- W Fish Market.


Costa's Coffee Pulpers,Simple, efficient machines for hand power

are for sale bv


Is new In this country, but iu theUnited Suites thousands are in use,and on account of their superiorstrength and easy running qualities,they have taken first rank amongwindmills.

Mills and can furnish on short noticeSTEEL GALVANIZED MILLS Of S, 10 aud12-fo- ot diameter, and wood mills of8, 10, 12, 14, 16, and 1 foot diameter.We have direct motion windmillsfor places where there are steadystrong winds, and geared mills whichwill run iu very light winds, but can-not pump so fast as the direct motionmills. Some of our mills have oiledbearings of the most approved kinds,and some the celebrated graphitebearings, which will run for yeare

without any oil, alsosteel galvanized tow-ei- s,

30 and 40 feethigh.

Send for the PER-KINS CATALOGUEand read the description of the gearedmills for farmers andstockmen. With theuse of shafting andpulleys they can bemade to grind cornor barley, cut fodder,f turn a grindstoneand saw your wood.

Wood en Tow erecan be erected if pre-ferred, and we givedirections for thetimber and erection.We have also Gould'sLifting and Force.

PUMPSfor houe or wind-mill use. We canfurnish redwoodtanks, also, of allsizes from 600 gallons

to 10,000 gallons made in the best wayami of the best clear redwood.

The perfect satisfaction that thePerkins Windmills and the Gould'sPumps have given wherever theyhave been used and properly adjustedis a guarantee of their eucceas. Trythe Perkins Mill and get somethingthat will stand the strongest wind andyet work well in the lightest Souther-ly wind.

E. 0. Hall & Son, Ltd.Agents.

S. TAKEMURA,lo." Kins sti't'et.




HOLIDAY NOVELTIESComprising all good and durable articles

Straw Hat- - Matting and General Mer- -

chandise.Japacese Art Books published monthly.

Don't Forget the Number!

s. TAKEMURA, 405 Kiiuf Street.

s. ozaki,Oil King SI rest, Corner of smith strci


We received a fine consignment of


Porcelain and Lacquer Ware,Ilk Oiocxl In endless vai-let- y,


lie rriiI Villi) IDS.

Ladles' and events' silk Shirts,Japanese Toy and Novelties,

Bed Rock Prices !

New stock of Tweede, Black FrenchCrepee and a line of new FiDe Worsteds ,

cuiLauic iui mr u uur, ixi enoie

MEDEIROS & DECKER,Merchant Tailors,

Arlington Block. Hotel street.


ONrieei, snouwi ever oecume private; i Beretania street. No. . at present

'Truly e are a nation of cupied by A. M. Sprouil. Esq.. and contninsshopkeepers.' "' ing 6 rooms, kitchen and rathhouse. besides

4121-r- f H. W. SCHMIDT A SONS


vboieale and Itetall for the Internnd Christ rna Season:

Woolen DressgoodsAXD FLANNELS

Of every description and style, also

Shawls. Silk Handkerchiefs. Fans. Albums,Japanese and Fancy Goods.


H. W. SCHMIDT & SONS.4164-lx- n

ROBT. CATTON,Qn een Street, Honoluln

Adttress: B. R. FOSS,Soliciting Agent. P. O. Box 480.157 1709-l- m




at Kamchamcha School.Founder's Day at Kamehameha

schools December 19 i.--. and justly J

go, the great day of all the year.It- - '"-so- n " etre nas oeen manv



time-tol- d. The followins is ii brief Boau u. sav that irooiN hought anvwhere but

program tor its ceieoratxon : At 10 ;

n their establishment! are only omu-o'cloc- k

j art of battalion, headed i yj mental. A five o'clock tea kettle isband, will form at Nuuanu and j as useful as a wa-h-boa- rd. it dependsKing streets and march to the entirely on who has use for the arti-- c

meterv. wh'-r- e military honors I We are free to admit that we

frill be "paid to Mrs. Bishop's graveJ8e11 articles for on. anient but the bulkAfter plaving the dirge, decoratifij of them are utul aa wel1- - We caterof srave.etc. returning, the line of ' to tho whose mean will permit of


Fort-Stre-et Store



HeadquartersFOR THE

itepfci Si.1st Grade, Price $6 00

2d Grade, Price 4 50

3d Grade, Price 3 50

This is about the time of the year when we wish to tellyou about the good things we have for the Holidays. Thereare a great many varieties of China ware displayed in thewindows for you to look at and buy, but before doing so,please step in and see our line of



E& shell China Ware.Consisting of cups and saucers. These

are very delicate in tints and the de-signs are the most original Inshape.

Japanese Lacquer Cabinets.Endless variety of sizes in plain and

fancy design.


We carry a stock ofsWVs that will give satisfaction as re-

gards wear, and pride ourselves onour selection of silk for fancy work.These goods are flawless and" the as-sortment is all that could be asked for.

Curtain Crepe. Silk Crepe Grene-dine- s.

These are fine art goods, suitable for wallor interior decorations of every des-cription, plain or fancy designs.

Figured Silk Crepe Chiffons.In three cohrs blue, pink and cream. Spe-

cially suitable for trimmings anddresses.

Gentlemen's Smoking Caps.All colors, fancy raised embroidery work,

very fine f r your gentlemen friends.

Feather Fans! Feather Fans!Extraordinary values nothing less. Verv

large assortment in styles and colors.Japanese Cloisone Ware.These articles are too well known to need

any introduction to the public. Areconsidered the most durable of any-thing of the same class, in fact is al-

most indestructable.

FOR THE CHILDREN.Toys in endless variety of European and

American make. We have such alarge lot that we cannot enumeratethem all, but we wish to call your at-tention to the CHILD'S DOUBLESEATED UPHOLSTERED CART withrubber tires, making it very applica-ble for house use. being almost noise-less. Children's picture andSTORY BOOKS is another thing thatshould have the attention of all par-ents inasmuch as they are amusingand at the s ime time instructive.

Sail BoatsWill always interest the --little one and

keep them out of mischief. All sizes.

Novelties! Novelties! Novelties!In endless variety and we can only call

your attention to a few.


Wholesale and Retail Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.

march will Ije by the same route.At 2 o'clock the literary exerciserwill be conducted by boys and girlsftt gymnasium of manual schools.No outside speaker has been in-Tite- d.

A sketch of Mrs. Bishop'slife will be given by one of thegirls, and an appropriate poem ofWhittier's read. A speech by one

01 the bovs. His theme. u Her aim.our obligation. " Another interest--ing feature will be the decoration I

of Mrs. Bishop's picture by a grace- -ful floral ceremony set to music. A80ng will be rendered by boysand girls, the music and wordscomposed for the occasion by MissClymer, of the girls' school. Foun-der's Day hymn, written by Mr.T. J. Pen field, of manual school,set to music by Mendelsohn,will be sung by boys. Scholarsof preparatory schools willsing two appropriate selections.The representative of the AlumniAssociation will make a brief address.At 3:30 o'clock sports will begin.Usual events. Punahou will berepresented by eight contestantsfor prizes offered.

The grounds are in very poorcondition, the recent rains havenot improved them: this added tothe lack of practice will interferewith any surprising records.

Mr. Bishop desires the day to bea very pleasurable one and providesliberally for the boys and girlsenjoyment.

The dinner to be given at 5:30is always one of the events of theyear. Jt will be served for thegirls in their school, while theboys of Preparatory and ManualSchools will dine together at theManual schools.

At tb left is a vuitfag frwti f tanwaist and skirt h.-.v- - roi Imtto In th eand ifr'-- n t f:-t- ;th t. ir ic" pnn ribbU ,.r rcvrtl.- - irn-i-- n valTvt. At tit r?v i a

One magnificent display of North-ern lights of crockery, lamps, Chinaanl things, useful f- - r the holidaysmav he found in our store. It is a

. .A A

their purchasing for their wives orhusbands, gifts which are at oce use-

ful and ornamental.The necessity for and usefulness of a

Five O'clock Tea Set is known toeveryone who has ever used one ;

those who have not have much tolearn, and they may begin with oneof ours at S 50 you never saw onelike it before for less than double .

Genuine copper are these and as right,f ,Lb"J?.i611 or flfteen

The Tortoise shell pieces in themakai wiodow are handsome as wellas useful. Every lady wants a recep-tacle for hairpins. You can get noth-ing prettier than one of these. Theprice is nominal. The same may beaid of the cigar and cigarette cases.

They are something not to be asham-ed of showiog your friends.

There's lots of things for presents,in our store, some of just a little bet-ter than most things go at this season.They were made to last quite as muchas they were to sell. That's whatsatisfaction meaus to buyer andseller.J

Wewe going to have competition,we expected it when we began busi-ness, we've got it now, but lookaround, if you will, and see whatdyspeptic looking competition it is.Then, if you have time, look aroundour store and see the robust competi-tion we are giving the other fellows.We don't mind the competition; peo-ple who buy as we buy sells as sell-ing's with us will make friends andsuccess at the same time, it hinges onthe buying. You never saw suchgoods in your life as we have at theprice we ask ; take our lamps forinstance, they're up to the center, upto date up to everything.

We will keep the store open Satur-day nights for your benefit, from nowuntil Christina-- .


siik rp Henrietta. The straps on thenter is a rc-- r ' n gomrn f raspberryn streamers .1 'hi skirt. The collarrintiag gov.n of Lrowa cheviot.

Tried It ?



Real Tortoise Shell Hair Pins, Hand-paint- ed Baskets andCologne Bottles, Crass Cloth Tidies and Doylies in drawn work,Silver Buckles, etc., etc.

For Twenty

We have been tailoring at moderateprices. Jt j

Twenty years ;of experience toprofit by.

Our KNOWLEDGE of CLOTHES forstyle, fit, and workmanship, havestood the test as the liberal patronagewe have received assures us of thatfact.

We have just received our fallstock of woolens, which we areoffering at prices that will aston-ish you.


stv V.'.




OH!-:- - This is Good

So pleased I can


as a trade mars mrou.;nuui lae nepuouu v.


75 Cents a Month.

A GREAT SUCCESSAi! Fountains in city supplied by them are filled with

water which has been

Purified tjttie Hyatt PfOCeSS.



Smoking Stands. Cheap.TO ALL WHO USE PAINT:

The undersigned, L. C. Abies and H. P.Walton, purchased from Charles J.Wagner,the inventor of Peerless Preserving Paint the exclusive right to manufacture, usand sell the PEERLESS PRESERVING PAINT in the Hawaiian Islands.

Patent for Peerless Preserving Paint.On tLe -- 'ith tiav c f B :eii.ber. 3895, the Republic or" Hawaii granted to L.C.Abies and

H P.Walton, a Patent No. IK. granting to tfceni the exclusive riebt to make, use andvend J?EtEi-E-- - PBUUTXBG PAIS! throughout the Hawaiian Islands.

Trade Mark for Peerless Preserving Paint.The Republic. of Hawaii ba; also granted to L.C.Abies

.and H.P.Walton the exclusive

mm i i 1 -- 1 r- -.--


7 1 Telephone - 7 1use o: iLewoius trEEBLESa rKE8E.viSG rAirRolled Oats H.twa.: tor the term of 20 yar.Imitations.

Have Vou




For sale by ail leading Grocers.

Certain parties :r. S?n Frii-ic- have recently been sending to Honolulu under thet ame nf Peeelep Pbebebvio Pautt a spuricus article not onlv inferior to the genuineTHE ORIGINAL BRAND.



paint, but one wl,:cL i? positively injurious to any metal to which it may be applied.Beware of Fraud.

We hereby warn all i ersons azainst being defrauded into using any but the genuinePeekle-- ? PxssXKTIKO P..:m. which can be obtained only of Abies and Walton.

Warning Against Infringement.We also hereby wrn all persons against buying, selling or usirg any arr-ci- uiide.

the name of I eefl- f- i'.E.-Bv- i. Paint, except That sold by u- - as uch ouymg. seLingor u?ing will be a die?t infringement of our Patent and Trade Mars, and a violation ofour rights, subjecting the persons buying, sel.iigor using inch paint to a claim fordamages bv us in accordance wirh the iiawaiiaa Law. L. C. AF-LE5- .

Honolulu, October 19, 1&95. H. P. WALTON".THAN ANY OTHER BRAND.

Out of Door LifeIs a Close, Stuffy Rcomed House

G. W. LINCOLNCan build you a house that will be as airy and comfortable as all oat d99T0Consult at before building.

G. W. LINCOLN,Contractor an 1 Builder of Asjtltilgt



JAPANESE TRADE. Jimely Jopie5 BRUCE CARTWRIGHT One of the AdvantagesW hich the tourist and others who are desirous of taking pictures of thescenery of the Hawaiian Islands have, is the nearness and easy access-ibility to the most romantic and picturesque points.

.Some of our local dealers are be-

ginning to feel keenly the competi-tion of the Japanese. But it is notonly Hawaiian dealers that feel thepinch. The Japanese are begin- -


BROKERAGE,i i e7.on oiien near tne remark(Commercial 3Mvcrtt$cr. INSURANCE. ANOTHER OF THEning to oust the manutacturers ol

America and (ireat Britain from ADVANTAGESmace about Silver Beauties"but we are the first to adoptthe phrase "Aluminum

EDITOR.WALLACE R. FARRINCTON.I the markets of the " Far East Especal facilities for handling Estates,

Trusts. Guardianships and Private Busi-ness. Moneys carefully invested. Loansnegotiated. Rents, Dividends and Interest

MONDAY. DECEMBER W. UM Is that we keep constantly on hand a full stock of photographic supplies.For the holidays, we are offering you a camera called theIn the matter of cotton goods the

import of raw material has in , collected, rropertv soul or leased ror alnese goods are one ol the small commission. C Q AAcreased immensely in order to sup

uenerai Manager ter tne nauaiua vp Vy WIslands for the following Insurance Cm- -ply the manufacturers. To form NO. 2 BULLET $8.00


The editor of Time had letterread up the annal- - of past Legisla-tures. If memory serves us therewas celebrated bill No. ')0 or 92 ofthe Legislature of 1S90 which cov-

ered the somewhat unsavory ground

some idea of the increase, the totalBomber of spindles doubled from1893 to 1894, advancing from one

partes:Equitable Life Assurance Society of tbt

United States, assets $185,044:310 06Commercial Union Assurance Co, , Ltd.,

of London, assets $16,517,786 OOImperial Insurance Company, Limited, of

London, assets $36-2,02- 0 00Lion Fife insurance Company , LftBfted, tt

many useful as well as orna-mental articles we otfer ourpatrons for the holidays.


These goods are somethingnew in Honolulu and should

Measures 4 3"45 3-- 4 inches; makes a picture 3 1- -2 inches, and weighsloaded for 12 pictures, only 21 ounces. One button does it. The shutter is simplicityitself. To make a snap shot, slide the button to the left as far as it will go. Thissets the shutter. Press the button down. This makes the exposure. There are noplugs or lens caps to lose, no extra levers, no complicated mechanism one buttondoes it all.

OOLondon, assets $1,125,000The BotJ of UnderwritersThe NatMaal Board of

writers of New Yofk. $5.5o ALSO

THE Pocket Kodak $5.5o

which Time is tripping over withhesitating feet. The subject was, inthat bill, treated without gloves. Itnever got outside the House, how-

ever, and died a quiet death withinit. There are, we believe, a fewcopies of the bill still in existence.

quarter of a million to half a mil-lion. Japanese cotton goods arenow sold from Corea to Singapore.A watch company has recently beenformed. The very best machineryfrom the States has been obtained,and very soon Japanese cheapwatches will be following Japanesecottons. Japanese matches have

be seen to be appreciated.The sets consist of hand

Uses roll films 12Is about as big as a well filled purse and weighs oniy 5 ounces.mirrors, comb and brush. Perfect in workmanship. Rich andor lb exposures. Both can be loaded at daylight

daintv in finish.HHt .iney are guaranteed PUREand it might be worth Time's whileFOR LEASE.

NO. 5. THAT DESIRABLE LOT ONthe West side of J odd street, on the Waiki-- ki

side of the residence of C. Bolte, Ej.This affords one of the finest building sitesin the city. A long lease on moderateterms to a desirable tenant.

aluminum and will not tarnishto look them up. pretty wen revolutionized tne unm a . i i like Sterling Silver, is not asiortunate matcn traae. L,aoor inJapan is so cheap, and its peopleIan Maclaren " as the .Scotch

clergyman who has written such " W NO. 8. THOSE VERY DESIRABLErtflS Tn m( ' offices en suite, on Kaahumanu street, un-we- ar

SpeaKing tf.e tQ reCentlv occupied bv Lorrin A. Thurs- -


Grand Bonuscharming idylls of Scottish life ton, tsq. Admirablv adapted for legal

are so excellently adapted for suc-

cess in any line that requires man-ual skill, that once a manufacturingline is taken up with adequate

offices. Rent moderate. Possession givenat anv time.

ments of the Hair Brush weare warranted in saying that

FOR SALE.ft is the most sanitary brushcapital it must undersell the proNO. 2. FOR SALE OR LEASE VAmade, the entire surface is cant lot on Young street, near Thomas

calls himself, has fallen under thedispleasure of the SouthwesternPresbyterian for introducing the"subtle poison of humanitarian-iB- m'

into his stories. He takesoffense at the character of Dr.Maclure in '"Beside the BonnieBriar Hush" because with all his

ducts of nations whose workmenmust have a good wage to even de- - Square. Desirable location near the resialuminum, and the bristles be dence of L. Dee Price $2200.centlv live. sides being surrounded by the NO. 6. LAND AT Kl'MUELI.

Molokai. Price $275. One-ha- lf expenseExactly how to meet the present ot deeds.NO. 8. 1 ACRE OF FINE TARO LAND

aluminum, are securely heldin a strong cement that is

competition here is not very clear.all in taro. located at Kamakela; waterWe cannot prohibit the import of right goes with the land. Last vear's taro


During December, every customer who spends $5 in goods at L, B. KERR'SQueen street, gets a chance to win a


crop sold for over $300. Price $1300. One- -kindness of heart and nobleness ofcharacter he was not "a professorof religion or even an attendant at

absolutely unaffected by water,whereas the wooden blocks

Japanese goods we cannot dis-

criminate against them. It musthalf expense of deeds.

NO. 9. BUILDING LOT AT A ALAt i . , , , . , ' Palama. 50x15 feet, on Aala lane. Pricechurch." But the "worst exam orainariiy USea, quiCKly snrinK j $1400. One-ha- lf expense of met, however, and our retai!

merchants need to be up and doingple" he finds in the story of Lilly frnm NO. 10. 2 LOTS, EACH WITH TWO- -irequent Wetting and ; story house, at Aala. Palama. Price to--irant whose dying hours are made From small beginnings great things r,,;nn J U i s ' frether $1650. or singly $1000 and $750. One- -ttu ucluiiic iuusc, aiJQ j half expense of deeds.happy and content by the decep- - grow, and complaints coming fromtion practiced upon her by the lov some of our traders show that there it is impossible to keep them j P?'wA1TLOT. with

belowcoitages on

Queen street, neardean. I water front, will ultimately become fine

business property. Price $3500. One-ha- lfine, tender hearted Jamie Soutar. is danger to all.

We have these sets in en- - exPen8e of deeds- -

. . NO. 13. 328 ACThe story has drawn tears fromeyes wherever the English language The Piano is of mahogany, perfectly new, and made by the celebratedRES GRAZING. COF--ihe eartnquaKe on M&m seems laods at Honokua. Southgraved back and raised sold fee aDd feed

Ik . . Kona' Hw New England Piano Company of Boston, Mas. New and faahionable goodeis read and yet this true bluepedant can see nothing in it save

to have been more severe than onthis island. Report comes that

nngree wonc ine COmDS in i NO. 14. LAND AT PU1WA, NUUANF just opened up. Strictly low pricee.V; : alley, mauka of "Hanai a Kamalama."Wnite Celluloid and tortoise Queen Emma's old residence; area 3 77-1-00it lasted a minute. This we doubt"the very doctrine taught unblusl

.V acres, named to strawberries and: Ine mirrors are of the Price $500.ingly oy Jesuit casuists tnat one Let any one take a watch and sitquietly to see how long a minutemay steal or lie for the greater best French plate and heavily

glory of God." L. B. KERR,really is and he or she will findthat a very few seconds seem a full

silvered. These goods are re-

markably cheap; you will besurprised when you hear the


The two men, Underwood andminute. The fact that stone wallswere shaken down, however, proves Queen Street.

NO. 16. HOUSE AND PREMISES ONthe west corner of Hotel and Kekaulixestrtets. Area 1425 square feet. House hasrecently been repaired and shingled. Arare business opportunity. Deed, stampsand acknowledgments at expense of pur-chaser. Price $1200.

NO. 18. DESIRABLE RESIDENCEwith grounds at Kalihi-waen- a. Houses,stables, outbuildings all complete. Waterlaid on. Fruit trees in bearing. Climateperfect. Price $3500.

NO. 19 THAT VERY DESIRABLElot of land makai of the residence of thelate Dr. Trousseau, extending throughfrom Punchbowl street to Miller street,with a large frontage on both streets. Asthis land is unimproved it can be handled

the greater severity of the shock.Sheridan, who are to be tried todaypnee. in connection withthese goods we wish to men-tion our Pocket Whiskey

As to time it was evidently almostsimultaneous with the shock here.

Flask. This article is made of

nave succeeded in earning a littlenotoriety. The evidence that theprosecution will present comesupon the testimony of, apparently,very reliable witnesses. The pros

THIS EVENING. heavy silver with neat designin silver and enamel. Espec- - with proht if cut up into lots For partic-

ulars Oonsalt the appropriate for gifts toin mm si your traveling friends.BY The Bradley and Hubbard

Besides the above I have other desirabfeproperty for safe and lease. For informa-tion cafl at the office,

Cartwright Block, Merdust St

ecution will, no doubt, try to provethat thee men made overture- - topersons here to overthrow the Gov-ernmen- t;

that there was a plan toget an armed force from Californiato assist them. Should the Gov-ernment make out its case the menwill be undoubtedly punished to

W.S.LUCE, Auctioneer. !LamPisthe standard for the


instructed by A. Barne. at my Sa:ertorus. at 7 o'clock

world. Where you see thestamp B. & H. on a lamp youcan rest assured that you aregetting the best. It gives theDecemberMondoy 16


Valuablebest light, is as easy to light as

the full extent of the law.One thing is proved, even now.

The Government of the Republic ofHawaii is quite capable of takingcare of itself. It has excellent in

assort- -ather p?-mittin-g). a very fine

xiient of

ANESE AM) :JAP Leaseholdgas and has the double centerdraught. No soiling of handsin extinguishing or lighting ofthis lamp. We carry a fine

formation as to the movements of CHINESE FANCY mm: ' B SALE BT

whilePersonally selected bv Mr. Barriesin Japan and China, viz: line of this lamp in the Piano. W C I AlirtinilPPr

(with stand) Banquet, Study,-- ' UlC,

Hanging and wrought ironhanging styles. " THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1995

- Iks. Satins, Crepe. Pongees. Mat.Rugs. etc.. etc.. too numerous to mention.special attention called to Ladies' beauti-

ful Crepe Skirt uait-- , drawn threadI re- - piece-- , drawn thread Handkerchiefs.Wood shaving Mats, (a pretty novelty) etc.

Ooods on inspection this day at nivrooms. Reserved 6eats for ladies.

MO who plot against it and is ableto nip in the bud any little con-spiracy that may be hatched up.Our friends abroad need not be atall alarmed about us. The Gov-

ernment is here to stay till it hasserved its end and worked out ourpolitical salvation by annexationto the United States. This willcome as surely as the earth movesround the sun. This little abortiveattempt at conspiracy can only

W. S. LL'CE, Auctioneer.417-Vl-

Another neat contrivance is I

the 5 o'clock Tea Lamp,placed on a wrought iron standwith Brass Lamp and Kettle,and is a work of art in metalgoods.

When making presents toyour friends why not givethen something useful instead

AT lO '( LCM K A. M.By order of the Trustees of the Sailors

Home Societv. I sha'.l offer tor sale on thegrounds at loam, on THURSDAY, De-cember lU:h. W.r. a 30 years' lease fromtbe 1st day of January, li?96, of a part of thepremises, viz :

110 feet along Alakea street bv 75 feetdeep alone Halefcauila street, thence alongthe lot 121 feet 5 inches to roadway, thence75 feet to Alafeea street, upon the followingconditions :

This lease is offered at an xipset price of($30) thirty dollars per month rental fromJanuary 1st, 1S90, rent to be paid quarterlvin advance.


AT TIIK K. ISOSHIMA,Kamehameha Schools. No. Ill Kins Street,

have the result of strengtheningthe Government hands. It willmake men of diverging ideas andinterests cling the more closelv to-g- et

her.These may not be the last ad-

venturers who will come to theseshores under the impression thatthe country is ripe for rebellion,

The purchaser of the lease agreeing to Next Door to Castle St Cooke's.DEALER IX .

Ol an arilCJe tliat IS all fnr prort within ninem tnnniiiN fmin Unimrv IMIMJRTZIl ANDv ... 1st. 193, a brick or stone two-stor- v butld- -SnOW. 1 Hey Will Constantly in: to cost about fifteen thousand 'dollars

si r. j ($15,CCi0). plans of which are to be subniil- -The Public Invited toI" oonl tally

attend. uac duy ur ait Ol inese articles ted to and approved by the Trustees of theI Sailors' Home Societv.

Literary Exercises conducted bythe


Silk Handkerchiefs, Neckties, Shirts and Sashes, Cotton Crepes, Cotton Shirtsof all kmds.Pajamas.Caps and Ladies' Straw Hats, Fancy Articles,etc.

vuiy to una inai mere is noa

re" i three schools at 2 p. in. iu the irvm- -

we have mentioned, and con-sequently their attention willalways be attracted to the arti-cles and the donor.

natiutn, ou the grounis of theManual.

f T mm .At S:o0 p.m., r.rre will be sports AKr--


The building and all erectionsand improvements to revert to theSociety at expiration of this lease. The leaseto contain the following conditions: "Thatno intoxicating liquors shall be sold ordrank on the premises: no woman of lewedcharacter admitted, no gaming allowed, noranv other disorder tolerated.

The land is near the new Fish Market andis well located for retail stores as it is di-rectly on the line of travel. A deposit ofthree (3) months rent to be paid on the fallof the hammer.

A i lan of the property to be orlered mavbe seen at the office of "the Hawaiian Safe

oeinous spirit here. There mustbe, always will be a party dissatis-fied with the government, but dis-

satisfaction, keen criticism andeven abuse do not constitute aspirit ready to handle guns and

at the Campus.41 75--4 t

- sMsWWsWMMsslsMMssittfM "

Woven Wire MattressesTHE and Iron Bedsthe very imminent risk of getting MANUFACTURED AND SOLD BY

BAILEY, - - Oueen Sti-t-- t Unni..i..WOVEN WIREC Itv


Baa Received by the team.b.Ipor Peking

A Fresh Shipment of

II I Deposit and investment Company. . At the following prices, carriage raid to anv ittn.h.. in these Islands, termsror particulars, apply to xrx . Jones, casn witn order. " ..iueTreasurer Sailors' Home Societv. Foldine rtrvvist wooa ."?u'c, Foldinp-- Kincrio t3III ir;M Mmr. . . , ... wovennnui 9 Foldine Fu.le r"S? Wire Mattress, complete

Into trouble. Egged on by mis-representation from people whosewish is father to the thought,there can always be found hotheaded and desperate tools enoughto make an effort at causing trou-ble, but this Government is quite

W. Beds fitted with Woven Wire Sife1?7.SS. LUCE, Kiiicie.fiu.Full Size $5.50.g WoveSSILVERWAR E. IVORYWAR t Auctioneer. 1 'uliClze- - Woven Wire MattressesOriinary:" Single $I;M.7Tiusi K4M2-t- d



OppositeZSprectcels'.Bank, Furnished Cottage to Rent.w!dth (inside) "iSv l is better give length andwire bed sits fnLSiSSelSdweSenrrSLiSf?!!? dispensed with

aSe forr?chBoW9in 1!Cord HamAmol' l Etcf BoZtolY H. I. 'rS" TUSl ; Closets;the trade any size. Springs very cheap to

strong enough to take charge of ,!. "I".,, . 6, fell and Shawls. Silk Screensguch material and no one need get Fine Matting and Rattan Chain,into hysterics over it either. Manila Cigars and Teas.


suitable for married couple or twogentlemen. Apply on premises, No. 31rferetania etreet between Nuuanu andFort. 413-t- f



the Pacific commercial advertiser: Honolulu; December ig, isoo.

CAPTAIN SOI Li; LNTHRTAIN.V.vardedHighest Honors World's Fair,

Gold Medal Midwinter Fair.Chester Doyle Given a Send 1f!Sy How Does This 'Suit' You?

wa w . ft a a iniOn Hoard Martha Davis.

Chester A. Doyle who returnedto Honolulu from Kauai yesterdaymorning was given a grand recep-tion by Captain Soule on the barkMartha Davis. The Captain in- -

vited -- everal of hi- - friendsto attend and a feast fit for a king i

was spread in the aloon of the.

Is only "case deep." It Is mucheasier to make a handsome case thacit is to put music into rt. A toierabirmechanic can do the one the otherrequires the best thought of a rnusfcalartist. The

Kroeger Pianos

BOMb Jill Chi flf


BAKING bark.The table was a mass of flowers

and good things to eat and drink.After the repast a gala time wasPOWDER had in the cabin. Captain Soule,

From TODAY to December $ist, with every $2 pur-chase you are entitled to draw one ticket, or with every $4purchase two tickets. The tickets are numbered from 1 to

00 inclusive, and entitles the holder of the lucky ticket toselect any pattern of silk in our stock and have the samemade into a suit any style desired, by our dressmaker, Mrs.Freimann. The number has already been decided upon byone of the Gazette Company people and deposited in a sealedenvelope in their safe. At 12 o'colck noon December 51st,the envelope will be opened and the person holding theticket with number to correspond with the one in the en-

velope will be entitled to the suit.This is the one chance you will have to obtain a silk

suit gratis. Our prices will remain the same as before.

Ail have handsome, tasteful, durablecases, but in their factory constant,cJfefol, atadious attention is given tothe production of a perfect and lastingtdae. The beauty and honesty at aKroeger begins with the varnish onthe case 2nd goes strafrht thiodgh tothe rron plate that holds the "trWe'd tike to show you the inside a? aKroeger.


MOST PERFECT MADE.A 7 -- re Crape Crc:r. c Tartar Powder. Free

n Ammonia, Alum or any ether adulterant.In all the great Hotels, the leading ,

- s and the homes, Dr. Prices CreamBaking Powder holds its supremacy.

y Years the Standard.


Who IB a very fine soprano singer,sang "Ben Bolt' the latest songfrom the coast. Dr. R. I. Moore,the well known dentist and ChesterA. Doyle rendered "The BandPlayed On"' in a manner thatbrought down the ship. Severalselections on the piano and stringinstruments, and numerous toaststo the welfare of the Captain andhis guests wound up a very plea-sant afternoon's enjoyment.

Music This Evening.The Hawaiian Band will give the

regular Monday evening concert atEmma Square this evening, com

OM lattraiFlonolaJn, M. I.


j. w. BEROSTBoa. B pm EHLER5 & CO.He Deems the Remarks of JudgeHart Unfair.

Mr. Editor: I am sure thatJudge Hart is too honorable a gen- -

Offlce, Thranr'?

mencing at i :dU. following is theprogram to be rendered:

PART I. Ex Warrimoo.tleman intentionally to misconstrueanother's language, although hehas placed a very wrong light onthe words used in The Friend of

1. March "King Cotton" Sousa2. Overture "Poet and Peasant"




A LARGE ASSORTMENTFebruary. 1S91, about Kalakaua 3. FantaiYa"" andand Liliuokalani. The former had ' ..rEaienberg

4. "Reminiscences of Verdi"..Godfreybeen just brought home dead ; the part rxlatter had just ascended the throne. 5. Medley "On Broadway" BeyerI deemed it wise and fitting toj6- - Waltz -"- Commence the BalP'

speak all possible good of both, and 7. Polka itindMi?'.yS.'.!.MitbOF- -

use no woras 01 criticism or cen- - --'lv-" CREPE MM Ml LINHawaii Ponoi, Isure. In the presence of death. nanimosity gave place to genuinesorrow not assumed, as your cor -:- - AND - -A Significant Departure. HOTEL STREET.

Special Sale This Month Only. ALSO. A NICE LINE OFrespondent seem to think With the departure of another vear- -... ar

Holiday Announcement Laces, Insertions and Ribbons.

PODCfLarge Assortment of Christmas Goods.

Like very many persons in public wheD a review is made of the condit-lif- e,

Mrs. Dominie has exhibited , OQ Qf affairs, it is only right thattwo sides of character, which have some thought be given to the physicalbeen quite opposite. I wrote in the body which enables everyone to bat-ho- pe

that her better side might : tie with life's problem and figure forpredominate and help to save her themselves the profit or loss on the

trial balance sheet. bankwasting people. That hope was mfty be large nd8each one'snot fulfilled. material gain be great, it would not

I should qualify Dr. McArthur's be surprising if it suddenly dawnsrOiMfpatinTi that. "T.ilinnlralftni war ! upon many that good health nas been

ML S. LEVY,Flower Materials,New Mouldings,

ai 1 1 i 1 i greatly improverisbed by the low

TO BE GIYEN AIAY.1 Piece Best Silk KIMONO.1 Piece Smoking JACKET,

(Silk Embroidered.)A ticket will be given with every

purchase to the amount of ONE DOL-LAR from December 9th. Pricesto be awarded on December 9 a.m.

FORT STREET, thisuww tuay i w., j condition of the blood. It is Pictures,Sheet--H


saying tnat, wniie even more per-verse politically, she never, likehim, surrendered herself to heathenpractices,although occasionally par-ticipating in them, both before andafter becomine nueen, of which I

state that tbe lactic acid-- in the vitalfluid attacks the fiorous tissues, par-ticularly tbe joints, making knownthe local manifestations of rheuma-tism. Thousands of people havefound in Hoods tarsaparilla thegreat blood purifier, a positive and Seasickness

POSITIVELY PREVENTED.- M. ' rheumatism.kova fko mnct nnnnvstinnnhlf pvi- - i permanent cure for BRUCE WARING & CO.

-:- - DEALERS IN -:- -obron Drug Co., -- wholesale agents.a 1 t i i l 1 t haence, as x aircauy uau ucu

wrote kindly of her. Because Ithen omitted to say so does not be-

lie my later assertion of the fact.S. E. Bishop.


Mrs. Lack's Store, Fort Street.


IU. ilQ LOIS, " ddinp 1I n mmunuonoHOUSES AND LOTS

LANDS FOR SALE.Parties wishing to dispose of their pro The


Only Known Specific that will InvariablyPrevent "Mai de Mer."

Ex S.S. Mt. Lebanon I received choiceselection of WOOD MATTINGS.

These matting are something new,being made of Wood Pulp or shavingworked iu very artistic designs andcolors. Are considered much moredurable than the common matting.

In STRAW MATTING I have some-thing extra fine, being very closeiywoven in and out iustead of pleated.Holiday Novelties in Ivory Hand Mir-rors (warranted genuine ivory Tor- -

: ju.ii r t - -.-.-,.

More Holiday Goods.The store of Wall, Nichols Com-

pany opens this morning. Thefirm has just completed openingninety-si- x cases of new goods,which will be on view today. Thecash carrier system, first ever seenin the islands, is in working order.Everv little cirl that visits the

perties are invited to call on us.


GUARANTEED PERFECTLY HARMLESS.SELLING OUT! SELLING OUT!HONOLULU.-- tore in company with reiail e j -.-- ma aanHnma W.rb- - RicL-af- a

mmr.will be given a china doll. Thefirm have but 1000 of these andthose interested should come earlyand secure one of the gifts. Theopening today will be far greaterthan before.

Cheap for Cash !

Every Day ! Why ?Because the demand is so great we can do

nothing else.


Splashers, Table Mats, etc. Solid Col-ored Crepes, one Blue Grass ClothRaby Dresrs, drawn work. ShirtWaists, 75c; P'th Helnie-- , 60c.

All mv Htook ha hd a lONAFIDE REDUCTION IN PRICESfrom 15 per cent to 25 per cent.

If you desire good value for moneyinvested you will improve this oppor-tuuit- y.


W. W. WRIGHT, Proprietor.





Alakea and Richards Streets, near Queen. HoboMd, H. L

-:- - AGENTS FOU -:- -

Popelton's Home-mad- e BreadFresh every morning. Prompt delivery.


Your StockAll orders from the other islands in the

Carriage Building, Trimming and PaintingLine will meet with prompt attention.

P. O. Box 321.

VOELLER & CO.,Waring Block, Fort and Beretania Streets.


MOULDINGS-:- - -:- -

HAY AND GRAIN M ff EtDoors. Ifi. IS. K5,

Woman's Edition of Time.The woman's paper which will

come out this week will be muchlarger than the regular issue of theTime. It will be beautifully illus-

trated and is cheap at 25 cents.But if you want to get it for 10

cents be sure you buy it the firstday it comes out. Better still, sendin your orders at once to any of thecommittee or any of the news deal-ers, where the woman's edition ofthe Time will be on sale as soon asissued.

When most needed it is not unusualfor your family physician to be awayfrom home. Such was the experienceof Mr. J. Y. Schenck, editor of theCaddo, In 1. Ter., Banner, wheu hislittle girl, two vears of age was threat-ened with a severe attack of croup.He say?: "My wife insisted that I gofor the doctor, but as our family phy-sician was out of town I pureba-e- -i abottle of Chamberlaiu's Cough Rem-edy, wbich relieved her immediately.I will not be without it in the future."5o cent bottles for sale by all dealersBenson, Smith v Co., airents for H.I


128 and 130 FORT STREET.


E. Van Doom & Co., Fort StreetNext Lucas' Planing Mill, will have

freh everv dayMACHINE-MAD- E POI


What is the matter with breakfast thismorning, the cook has overslept aain.hey ? Go down to

Brown & Kubey'sAnd buy one of those "MUST GET CP"Alarm Clocks that rincr for five minutes;while you are there look at- - the cutleryand jewelry, watches and rilverware, youcan iret me a pair of spctacles to ail ine inmv detective wo-k- .

Prompt attftfittoB to all orders.the very bast at theVERY LOWEST




Which will be sold to families in large orsmall quantities. No Contain-

ers PCBBiaHSD.Store open feed mm

W. L. WILCOX.Proprietor Kalihi Poi Factory

Nbun ail Owen Strtt. Groceries, Provisions and Feed.

HUSTACE & CO.,Dealers In


WMcb we wffl sen at the very tower! marketrates.

Tckptooae No. 414

J. ftUElection of Officers.


A'ake tret. Masonic Temple.

New and Fresh Goods received bv every packet from CaMfomta,and European Markets.

Standard Grades of Canned Vegetables, Fruits and Fish.Goods delivered to any part of the city. SatisfactionIsland trade solicited.

WATCHMAKER.Watches sold for the very lowest of cash

prices or on eay payments.


of the California Feed Company.Limited, the following officers were electedto serve for the ensuing year:

Manulhcturer of

FANCY BAMBOO FURNITURE TELEPHONE NO. 92.P. O. BOX 145.! President Cecil Browni Vice-Presid- ent .- - . KothTable-.- . Mauds, list Racks. LOST FRIDAY NOVEMBER 22d. AWatches -- : Repaired entleman's tn leather Cani Cae contain- -

ne a LETTER WRITTEN IN OCTOBER.Screens. Flower 8tands. Chairs. Sofas. Secretary C.M.V. ForsterBook Caes and Bedroom Sets. Treasurer and Manager T. J. Kiup

I Auditor Geo. J. Eos ON SHORT NOTICE.Workmanship guaranteed atd prices

verv reasonable.

150. A RECEIPT from tbe .ETNA LIFEINSURANCE COMPANY for $11 35. to-gether with ONE OTHER RECEIPT andTWO PAPERS, all of which are of no



Made to order.

Tbe above named officers also constitutethe Board of Directors.

C. M. V. FQB8TEB,Secretary California Feed Co.. Lti.

Honolulu. II. 1., December 2, 95.41T4-3- t

value to any cne except the owner.EtW For" their return to this office, theCorner Fort and above reward of $100 will be given and no

Merchant Streets. I quest ons asked 41-- tfDaily Advertiser 75c. a month.




Special irr.r .' :.tion .for the

holidays ex Australia:

Parian Marble.These two pieces of sta-

tuary which are on exhibitionin our window are thegenuine Parian Marble, andshould not be confoundedwith what is known as theParian Ware, which is madeas an imitation of the trueand genuine article.

Silk Lamp Shades.All special designs and the

newest of new colors.

B. and H. LampsThe consignment of B. and Ladies- -

Embrou-H- .Lamps, all have the latest ggnfeS HanJ"

patent attachment and consist j

of hanging, bracket,study and D0yi:es.piano patterns. Were shippedto us direct from the factory, qrass Clcth you may be assured of ,ies- -

getting a new design.

b; a (Wiwk; irmngtIn m nn- - In t1.

( Sp."-la- l Corrwpumlencc. 1

- l.t Lakk City, Dec. 10. Itvu hoar before the train waa teetoday when, having r al the 1m:

I of thn I.t-j- t raagazino aij'l xtract- -

.il the news fr- - :u the morning pap r.Ihid Into the smoking car ::. - tr 1.

.ccnr.r Th- - 1 1 I found a typical-- .m-T of ih.. . ::. r !..y- - ..

'hT with a story ami 'at ! wr: 1

i: 1 the pair and 1. - L

Wuil, M I raying, ' the speaker- i tinned, "tho wu.: 1 1 lot of gains

"er kuowod WMOBl in Ear.ka, White' u county, Nt., jxue four or fiv-r- s

ago. Eureka wm a lively miningmp tii-- m day, and of course thT;

vflo o obit game running wide open intbifir. b g aloou th- - r . I had somebu.i' - it therw that year that k-p- t

'.. Ua for four r five 'lays, andi . .adn't anything else to do Ir . .itch the game. Sometimes it

nn using.lay in particular they was a

' UM on. and tall sort of felly r,.i bilad shirt and a long coat

v vepipe hat, come in. He waw soui t thin be was ju.-i- t uatchully., ; d he had a chin beard that

iiu look worse than he would oftaokid without it. He stood aroundawmle, with his hands in hia coatjaiLs,and finally the bass, who was playingin the game, sung out:

' "Say, you, dontchor wanter play alittle?

" 'Waal, prehaps I do,' says the fel-ler. What's the limit?

" 'There ain't no limit,' says thegambler.

" 'How much are your chips?' saysgawky.

" 'Twenty-fiv- e cents, ' the gambler re-plies.

" ' Waal, ' says tho stranger, 'lemmahave a hundred dollars' worth. '

"Waal, they give the feller tho chips,and be stacked 'em up in front of himvery s low and deliberatelike. Then Inqticed that hia hand was thin and hi.jflngfarn was long just right for poker.He pulled a big roll out of his pantspocket, and the fun began. Pretty soonthat roll was gone, and then he took.onefrom his hip pocket and then one frombis inside coat pocket, and every one ofthem was as big as your arm muse!.-- .

He seemed to have no end of money.Bimeby he began to win his rolls back,and then the other ? liers' rno::y bfg-v- n

to give ont, and then they all drn; pedout but one. Then the fe'.lfrs that h v!dropped out look at th ir frit :. IVhand ami n: up t ' ; r s t:II th 7all gon'. which wasn't lot:g, for tLerai.-.'- i vi.-- tim - $350 a Tlu.athe mo"- - tfruv. : tl;.- - biuli wclsoneH rmt, and tn fa:.bare ' ; died bis hin.whisker withoo hand tiki said 1 j hi:i opp;u.::t. realslow at: 5


V !.:t f. .vm y . 1 vr .. '

" Tve sot a fori bontfe.' rplierl rhegxun!.':r '7, then, iinitar;::3tbott-:?.T- tr, 8fk What have yon ftot,you r' i .i-- . rtal looking -- .:i of arr'i. . bo, may I

1 have rc;... i gawky.grinun.i.--. wbii- - Lis 1 1 ... . . reacoaf tow ix ! ; ! : r:N a 1 : Is u:ire. Mithey I goad?

"S ty, I Beret sew a fsllrr broke c;like i.:..' gambler waj its ho nredov r

the BV .. V aii lei: -- .rr; tr i::...sp- v. ': a w t I at

pmky was .".i

beat gambler stood a.v.: ,5 :m tfc

ba;u ml ti eleaped out a i.r ::: --

lafT :':.:t J..? done it Bj

wr.ys :;: the name vv sy by having rollenough .i:J big oucnh to., everybaiy ! in tiny, he was aootket, that feller. Be tohl ma ia SaltLaktj aftrrarl that be mad a good d Jmore niouey out of tho iu::iers the y.i;rhe v i:t out to Knr kj tl.aa he ov r didanywhere ltefor1 iu th -- aiaa time. Du:'ae never hit the Enreka f 11. rs -- ai;;.You can pur that in yonr pip- - ar.Ikinoku it. " CL C '.v.

Quite a little excitement prevail-ed at Fort and Hotel streets Satur-day evening. Several sailor- - fromthe Bennington had been indulg-ing a little freely and wound uptheir enjoyments in a free fight.The police interfered and locked uptwo of the sailors for .

Why Not You?Wi en thonaandM of people are tsk-iu- g

Hood' naraanarillii to overcomethe weakness ami iauguor which areso common ac thi- - oeasou. why areyou not dolns the same? When youknow thnt Hooil Sarsaparilla hasthe power to eure rheumatism, dys-pepsia and ail ilisea-- e caused by im-pure blood, why do you coutioue tosuffer Uooil's cures others, why notyou?

Hood's Pills are prompt andefficient. 2-V- . Hobron Drco Co.,wholesale agents.

Notice to Creditors.

LEK YING CHOCK HAS THIS DAYbought the teste 01 the building, shelvingand counters of the building located on Kingstreet, and formerly occupied by Lee YinKat as a grocery. All bilU due him andaccounts agam9t him ntnst he settled witbthe said Lee Via Kai. as I wi,; nut assumeanv of his liabilities.

LEE TING CHOCK.Honolulu. Iecniber 19. 195 li75-l- w


At Gazette OtBce.

9PE IAI. JffO.


HomeIf there's one way of inducing

a man 1 0 stay at home, it's to

make home comfortable for him.

Just imagine papa, hubby or

brother trying to resist the temp-

tation to lay of on one off our


He simply can't do it, and

when you own up to him thatyou only paid

$ 1 2.00for it, if it's hubby, he will pass

off into a dream of his bachelordays, only to awake and offer

thanks for the great change andcomforts of home.

Sit beside him in one of ourhandsome


Tell him you bought it for only

$5.50and you will awaken an interestin him for the comforts of life.

You will be surprised at theeffect.


HOPP & CO.,Furniture Dealers,


1Corner Hotel and Nuuanu Sts.

Holiday AnnouncementEx 8. S. Mount Lebanon, we received our

large consignment of

Holiday Goods,CONSISTING Ol--'

Japanese Toys, Novelties.Silks of all descriptions,

Ladies' Silk Scarffl and Shoulder Shawls ofthe tinest make.

Ali new fresh designs.


Manufacturers Straw Hats, Silk and CottonGoods. Japanptp Curio.




January 1, 1896.IYCLH RACE. E.O. Hall Trophy.

E ree for alL2d BICYCLE RACE. One-ha- lf mile Ju-

venile. Opea to all non-winne- rs under16 vears.

3d BICYCLE RACE. Prize not decided.Arrangements to be made later.

4th RUNNING RACE. Prize $100 Puree.One-hal- f mile and repeat. Weight forage.

5th TROTTING RACE Prize $100 Purse.3 minute class ; mile heats, best 2 in 3.For Hawaiian bred horse.

6th TROTTING RACE. Prize $100 Purse.2:40 class: one mile heats, best 2 in 3.Free for

7th ONK MILE NOVELTY RUNNINGRACE. Prize ,710o. Free for a.i.First horse reaching thequarter to receive 2o. Firsthorse reaching the half to receive $ 25.First horse reaching the three quarterto receive $25. First horse reachinghome to receive 25.

This race will be of special interest a? itwill allow admittance of both lorg amishort distance runners.

Entrance fee to trottirg and runoiagraces to be ten (10) per cent of the amountof the purges.

All trotting and running races, HawaiianJockey Ciub rules to govern.

Entries to close December 15.ror further informaiuioa . address

CHARLES DAVID,P. O. Bos 477. Manacer.

4149-- M

Daily Advertiser 75 cent3month. Delivered by carrier.





Partial list per Amy Turnerof Goods just received

from New York.

Wheel Barrows,Road Scrapers,

Ox Bows,Hoe Handles,

Barbed Wire,Asbestos Cement,

MATTOCKS,Feed Cutters,Lawn Mowers,Forges,Blacksmiths' Bellows,Machinists' Drill, Vises,

Charcoal IronsRefrigerators,






Nsr.I-i'- s Mi'.ic F td tr intanis Has. daring 2fyears gtuwu in favor with both d'jciori an.itKorh-?r- s tbronghout the wur'.d, and is now un-questionably not ou'.y the best 5 ;;)t:tin.e ftm then mnk. but t'".e food whicHi arc-i- s w nth a ,r.. percentage of infants. I: g-.- e

strength a:d s:a:n::ia to resist the weafcon:ntere is of hot we .ri-er, and h-i- s saved t;;e l:es of

ousanda of infants, lo any mother u Ldreas, and mentioning this ppr. we '

send w;.!cia:.d dcSwriptia o Nestle sTi'.os. L- - niing ft Co., Sole A?'t?. 3) Murray Sr.. B "k



Kcllister Drug Company, Limitfld,

C3 Fort Street, Honolulu, H. I




Tliat Have Ever Been Imported.

They are of Eastern make, and are builtthe I et selected ar.d seasoned

materials.Remember that what at first cost is a

CHEAP Carnage, invariab'y proves to beapoor investment. Our Carriages are not as

HEAP a ' c JSt, as a great deal of theAUCTION xCO: LING STOCK, that isbeing offered the 1 ublic nowadvs. but we

guarantee tLat in the LONG RUNwhat we E is the CHEAPEST, and the

investment for your money towardhaving a vehicle that gives satisfaction,particularly in respect to its durability. and

saving made in not having continualto pay for repairs.

fl"'.'un.e and see for yourself at theShow Room- - over our Store.

I, D.

Queen Street.

Do It


You were caught in

: : the heavy rain yesterday

I and yourJ clothes were


This is the commence-

ment of the rainy sea-

son, and you will need

protection from the ele-


SEE Tin:


Values-:- - WE II AVE IN -r- -



IN TOWN AGAIN.Mrs id;: c: Patterson

Vi;!ie- - to nforin her j.atn.ns and the iu'.)-12- c

generally tbat her

fi f ft HEI- - Now Located on

FORT STREET,A few doors above the corner o: Hotel street.


Choicest GroceriesReceived by !.at Xustralla


:i ::: stork of tn te-- tquality. llT-l-l-



Hotel Street.Saturday, December 14th.

The above establishment Laving beenrefurtished throughout is now open to thepublic. Everything neat and clean.


SIN SEE SIN(i.4174-l- w

For the HolidaysLmT TO

YOELLER -- : & -- : CO.'S

Cash Grocery,Wht-r- e you cu get all tb delicacies

of the sta?.-.- . Cru fed Turkeys.Crauberri-.- . Plum Puddiczs, BouedChicken, L'urried Fowl, Boued Tur-key, Pigs Feet, Almoree Mince Meat iujars aud tius. tine Easteru CoroedBeef. Pork ami Mackerel at retail.

Prompt delivery. Telephoue b);P. O. BoxSsl; Waring Block, comerFort and Brerania street"


Maui, will not be responsiole tor anydebts incurred in h:s name w::hout writtenorder from him.

CAPTAIN D. TAYLOR.October 12. 1895. Lahaina. Maui.

4I2J-3- m

-- pa: a:: : c: good healtii.

Full of ever-thi- n- gool.

H I RESRootfae

Every bottle ofthis great effervescenl

1 S V. a. A titaiaute Dcveraee is asparkling, bubbling fountainOf health a source of plea-sure, the means of makingyou feel better and do better.You make it yourself rightat home.Get the genuine.

f to H a. ma ml, mhdwpfcu.


DAlllPPONArllnuton Block. Hotel Street.

Ex C1TY of pekingIn white colors and

open work. Some-thing extra fine.

Hand painted oncolored and whitesilk and open work.Fancy fringe.

Raised embroider-ed. Colors: White,pink, blue, gold, yel-low and Nile green

Pure Japanese silkin plain hemstitched,

Gents' Pure Silk embroidered initialHandkerchiefs. and colored borders.

Nothing like them intown.

Pajamas. Special importationof t'me silk pajamas.

In colors with fancyTea Cosies. raised embroidery


Shawls and Chafr Extra fine crepe,Cushions, heavy raised em-broide-



snk Fans' Special line fori

holidays.Finest silk crepe

Silk Kimonos. made in new designswith sash to match.

Finest of Japanesesilk, cream, white,

Driiss Goods. blue.all new colorings j

special quality, abso-lutely flawless.

Silk jewelry boxes,Novelti--

plfl cushions, picture5. frames, porcelain and

lacquer ware.



And Investment CompanySTOCKS HAVE BEGUN TO MOVF1 ':

The favorable weather during the pastummr irivei promise of a lartre crop forl9i. and with an estimated ibortaee o: theworld's production of One Million Tons of I

Sugar, higher prices are looked' ;iiive to the situation are besin- -

ning n now. During the presentmonth we have made more sales cf First-Cla- ss

Stocks than for the past twelvemonths.

We are now buying and selling the foi-iowin- sr:

Hawaiian Supar Company Stock.Ewa Plantation Company Stock.Haiku feuar Company Stock.Honoma Sugar Company Stock,"awaiian Agricultural Company Stock.Paia Plantation Company Stock,Mutual Telephone StocK,"Hawaiian Electric Companv Stock.A:so Hawaiian Uovernment Bonds, and

Plantation first Mortgage Bondue have some verv secure boxes in the

Safe Deposit Vaults to let by the month orby the year at very reajuabie rates.

Pr sarticaiars avcry to

TBttfansiMWMTAnd Iavestment Company.

408 Fort Street, Hoool



-- a -I rains will leave on iaturaays at 9:15 1 will

...A. .W- -.. ftflil- .im; P. M..j nrnvinor in H.-in.- i-

.. . mZA -v mm S

iuiu at 3:11 r. m. ana 5:20 p. m.Train will leave on Sundays at 9:15 A.M. best

arriving in Honolulu at 5:26 P. M.

Round Trip Tickets: thebillsFIRST CLASS : S 1.75.


F. C. SMITH,General Passenger and Ticket Agent.


Pictures.A good start can be made

in home decoration by in- -vesting in a picture now andthen. The Berlin Photographic .

Company is well known forthe popular subjects that theyuse. Our stock comprisesExtra Gravures, ImperialGravures, Imperial Photo- -

.1 f 1-- ures, iio rnotogravures,

Folio Gravures, Artotypes,Life Artos, Strip Etchings,Photographs,. etc., et.0.


Our HOLIDAY STOCK i- - er..: l to nonethis year, including a beautiful

assortment o:

Celluloid GoodsGames and Xma Boolss for children.

A new consignment of beautifully BOUNDBL'OKs by the standard authors.


Toilet and Manicure Set?,Kmas Tree Decoration?.

Christinas and Now Year Cards.Collar en I Cuff Set- -

Musical InstrumentsWe are jrepare! to supply ail kinds of

-- tatronerv. etc.. a call before purchasing

elsewhere and be convinced.

THE-:- - -:- -

nil ion Planters' Mommy,

II. SC. WHITXET, Editor.

Table of Contents for Nov- -ember. 1S95.

Note- - on Current TopiRice in Texa.We ! tated.To Kill Animals With :t Snike.Rmairyling Opinia :n Dctaerara.Indigo Plant.Electricity in the Air.The Silver-swor- d.

Strength of Wood.The America- - sugar Bounty,Taxe-- ? in Fran e.

With i ;r ReadersCanaigre on Tanners,' Lo k.To Guard agamst Epidemics. IWaes in Japs'..Sugar Industry ir. Huwai..Tillage of the SoilCane Cnttinjr and Its Cost.

or a Bark Uaa.European Embargo on Food Product-- .Disease of Plant-- .Stiijar Prices for Four Ye;ir- -Meteor: Hypotne-es- .Cocoa Curing. Notea unAvo:-- i Debt."

W. C. T. U. LUNCH ROOMFor Eadie- - and Gentlemen,

At 111 Kinr street.Lunch from ll::J)to hdOn.m.

Our attractions are home-mad- e food, a-- oot neat room ano sat:Htaro-- v , irMn,Un..," .- ..t..v.4LtB-l- m




Tliina today..Senator Rice i- - in town again.Mr--. C. D. Chase is convalescent.Australia depart! at 4 p. m. to-

day.The Baltimore is expected every


Tired Out FuR

His ritualT S

fidence of sM



Prices befcw

other He.

Root hi the



Theo. HL

DaviesA Co.

Mutual Tel. 266. P. O. Hex ifi.WING WO TAI & CO..

214 Nuuanu St., Honolulu, fi. I.

COMMISSION MERCHANTS.Importers and Dealers In

General Merchandise, Fine Manila Cfgin,Chinese and Japanese CrockerywartMatting?, Vase of all kinds, CamphorWood Trunks Rattan (.hairs. A FineAssortment of Dress Silks, ChoicestBrands of Chinese and Japanese Teas oflatest importations.

loisectioo of New Goods respectfully


Wnj. G. Irwin President and ManClautf Srreckels Vice-Pr- e

W. M. Giffard - Secretary and IrtasnWeTheo. C. Porter Audita



Oceanic Steamship ComOf San franolKo, Oal.


Ftart-Ctes-s Market in Every

Beeldee cerrytac a Pull Line elwe make a specialty ef





STORE TO LET,Sing street, near Fort. Apply to


FOR SALE.Fine black horse, perfectly sound. Ap-ply to


TO LET.Fine stable accommodations, one tothree stalls. Apply to

ED. A. WILLIAMS.4141-t- f

Sanders' Express,TELEPHONE 86.

leader for a pointer on shopping.J. J. Williams is expected to re-

turn by tomorrow's Kinau. He hasbeen on the island for the benefitof h:3 health.

The Japanese bamboo store inthe Masonic Temple conducted byTanaka manufactures all kind offancy bamboo furniture.

A large and varied assortment ofsilverware, ivory ware, crockery-ware- ,

silk goods, cigars, tea, cameto Wing Wo Tai & Co. by the Cityof Peking.

Holders of water privileges arenotified that rates for the term end-ing June 30, 1S06. will be due andpayable at the office of the waterworks on January 1st.

A verv fine assortment of Jap- -

anese and Chinese fancy goodspersonally selected by Mr. Barnes i

while in Orient, will be sold at i

Luce's auction room this eveningat 7 o'clock. Reserved seats forladies.

sWeji Bulletin.

Diamond Hiap, I

December 15. 195. f

WMthtt hazy ; wind fresb northeast.

Holiday Goods,Holiday Goods,

An immense assortment toselect from.

Icoful onH nrnimantil nr-- '

tides of every description.White metal novelties,

Suitable for Christmas gifts.Silver toilet sets, consist-

ing of hand mirror, comb andbrush.

Silver back mustachecombs. Ladies' hand bags,fine leather purses and cardcases, fancy hair ornamentsand combs. Battenburg lacesquares, drawn work tablesquares, silk drapes, scarfsand table runners.

Special assortment of children's trimmed hats for theholidays.

Have you seen the ladiesnew sailor hats.

N. S. Sachs,20 Fort street, Honolulu.

Pocilic lodge NO. m. I. F. X 1 M.


at their Hall. Slavonic Temple. THIS(Monday) EVENING. December 1;. 1895,at 7:30 o'clock.

Installation of Offic ers.Members of Hawaiian Lodge, LoJge le

Frogre and all sojourning brethren arefratemaliv invited to be present.

Bv order of the B.. VV. M.-- .

H. H. WILLIAMS,4175-l- t Secretar




Of your choice from 40 to 50 pieces ancLaamany different attern? : CiOtn suitiTu--mad- e

to ordt-- r bv Mi's. Freiiannn fdr'$;r,$16 .md $W c.'inpfrte.

aits will le rinished rt;i iy for delivery 0bours after the order i? given.

These are a:l.nrst-clas- a oods and latestand freshest pattern-- .

Linen Duck Suits to order LuicaSiirt- - t order. .

i'otton Pnck 6kirr- - to order ".Cotton luck Suits to order $10.Bemember this i- - a special holiday' Fei

and is good for two pats more.If you wish to take advantage of thi op-

portunity to obtain 8 suit of cloth, liner, orcotton duck cheap, good workman-hip- . fitand faultless style imaranteed. placevour orders eariy as this offer will positively not be exten led beyond the specmed



DOLLS" RAitrsai

To everv little eirl. accornranied bvbtr father, mothf-r- . aunt, or cousin voting

Santa Claus' EmporiumThis week. w.I! be t resented with a I'MLL'i1


.Itist Opened :

96 CASES NEW GOODSA liner line than or opening day.

Come and examine the working ofour "Cai-- Carrier system, tne nxst mHonolulu.

fCome early and avoid the rush.


V Republic r.ulldinc. Klnpr Street.

norm omm.RentingI can find you a tenant or net yon

wfeat yon waot.

Buying and Selling

ACREAGE PROPERTY.U you want to boy caH an am. If pwant to soil Ust yow property with ei,Notary Public,

ITroin Wpi GeneralAccMeot Tasoruoa,

C. D. CHASE,446 Fort Street. Tel. 184.

ISYOURSILVERWARESterling Silver or only marked so. Everyhousewife has heard of the Goraamt,SHI vers truths. When they stamp amyafticle sterling silver you can rest assuretbit it Is cteritqg silver.

We Invite the pubjU (tourists especially)to make a thorough examinattm ef eatstock and prices in Sterling SUeamtmSouvenir Spoons, Plftted Ware, Waft hisaod Diamonds. Native Jewelry-

factured in unique designs and to order.

Jacobson & Pfeiffer,FORT STREET.

Wenner A Oo.' Old Stawl.

F IIs no Robbery,

In exchange for your dollarswe will' give! you strictly


Telephone 1 4 9 2. 51 Fort Street.

CRITERION SALOONFort, Near Hotel Street,

Have just received a consignment ofthe famous


Halting Company's Beer in BalkTRY IT.

Popular Brands of Straight Goods always on hand.

c. j. McCarthy,Manager.


THts for Floors and for Dec-orating Purposes.




13 ACRES ORANGE GBOVE; ALL INgood bearing; one mile from centre of townand situated at corner of Main street andOntario avenue. The above is in a highstate of cultivation, well watered and inone of the most beautiful localities in Cali-fornia. The party owning the same is nowresiding in these islands, and needingready money, is willing to dispose of at abargain for "cash, or in exchange for cityproperty. Parties wishing to purchase willbe furnished with good references at River-side. Full particulars will be cheerfullygiven bv calling or addressing

GEO. A. TURNER,Real Estate and General Business Agent,

30 Merchant srrPt. 4H;9-t- f


Valuable Piece

of Propertysituated on the corner of Hookii andPunchbowl -- treet. directly opposite th- - 8.W. corner of the Queen's Hospital 'rem-ises. A portion of the same is underleae and the balance occupied by tenantsat will. The title to the same f; perfect,and Deed at expense of purchaser.

For terms and price, apply toJOHN P. COLBUEN.


Typewriter for Sale.

SMITH - PREMIER TYPEWRITER INfirst-clas- s order is offered for sale ar a bar-gain. Apply at this office. 41 7 J -- tf

WANTED.BRIGHT. HONEST BOY WITH HORSE,to carrv papers. Appiv at this office to W.W. Chamberlain. 4I71-t- f

Cottage to Rent.

A WELL FURNISHED COTTaGE OFsix rooms for rent on Emma street. Fur-niture for sale on easy terms. Applv :othis office. 4171-I- w

E. O. Teoney is ill with malarialfew.

The tug has gone on anothercrue.

iiand concert at Emma Squarethis evening.

Have you shot the ? 91

Its delightful.Julien L. Hayne is dangerously

ill with peritonitis.Chester Anthony Doyle has re-

turned from Kauai.The conspiracy cases are to be

heard this morning.Pacific lodge will inetall officers

this evening at 7:o0.Sheriff Andrews of Maui came

down by the Claudine.Lee Woy, for playing che fa, was

fined foO Saturday morning.The electric light plant is ready

to commence the manufacture ofice.

There will be plenty of turkeysfor Christmas when the Kinau getsin tomorrow.

lnere was no baseball gameSaturday afternoon, the ground being too wet.

Program for Founder's Day atKamehameha Thursday is printedthis morning.

Mis3 Green wald leaves for herhome in Cleveland, Ohio, by to-

day's Australia.Lieutenant Holi and posse ar-

rested seven Chinese yesterday forsmoking opium.

J. Hill, a deserter from the barkMohican, was taken in charge bythe police yesterday.

Only two days more in which topurchase cloth suits at Ehlers' atgreatly reduced rates.

Circus again this evening. Achange of programe Wednesdaymatinee and evening.

Tet Young, a Chinese, will beordained a deacon at St. Andrew'snext Sunday morning.

Ruby Dexter has returned froma vacation trip to Kauai. He ismuch improved in health.

Egan's bicycle offer has proved adrawing card. His clerks are keptbusy waiting on customers.

The steamer J. A. Cumminsleaves promptly at 10 o'clock thismorning, resuming her old route.

George Sea, clerk at the police-- ration, with his family, wereamong the passengers by the Clau-dine.

You will miss it if one of the5 o'clock tea lamps, seen only atDimond's, is not withoutdelay.

The fair which was to have beenheld at St. Andrew's .Saturday after-noon has been indefinitely post-poned.

Mrs. T. J. Higgins will chaperonea party of young ladies who are tovisit the Bennington Wednesdayafternoon.

St. Andrew's fair will be held inthe school room Tuesday afternoona&d evening. This was decided onlast night.

Rev. Horsfall came down fr mLahaina by the Claudine. He took

jpart in the services of St. Andrew sSunday morning.

The German dinner at the Riche-lieu was an enjoyable occasion. Alarge number of guests partook ofan excellent meal.

The Takizawa family of acrobatswill show on Tuesday and Fridayevenings and Saturday afternoonand evening from now on.

A bill of sale of the ArlingtonHotel and effects to C. BrewerCo. from T. E. Krouse has beenrecorded. Consideration $2000.

Several paintings ;oi HowardHitchcock's were sold to local peo-ple during lat Saturday, the rir-- tday of view at Pacific HardwareCompany.

Supreme Court opens at 10 o'clockthis morning. A committee of the I

Liar Association will present reso-- !

lutions of condolence over the deathof Justice Bickerton.

Mrs. Freiman will be 40 yearsold tomorrow. She will celebratethat event b' giving a French din-ner at the Richelieu in the evening,to which her friends will be invited.

The B. and H. lamps shown bythe Pacific Hardware Company arelater styles than the latest, havingbeen completed at the factorv barely in time to reach Honolulu bythe Australia. The prices arelower than the lowest.

from shopping? It'snard work Peekingpresents for those-- youare goiDg to remember.Don't know whatthey want sometimes.Faccy articles appealstrongly. They areexpensive usnafiy.butthat depends on whereyou buy them.

We have a new lineof exquisite and usefulcelluloid sets. A use-ful article is morehighly prized than onesimply ornamental.

But come and seeour sets you'll cer-tainly find somethingyou want. We havenecktie cases, fan box-es, glove and handker-chief cases and scoresof others.

11 16 i1. 1 L Comer ji ft

245 Is Our Telephone.


We move Furniture by the job or $2 tof 5 by the load, according to .quality or dis-tance, and we guarantee all work done byus.

Intending passengers on island or foeign steamers will find us prompt and npto all details in handling, marking andchecking baggage.

All work superintended by! competeatmen.

WILLIAM LARSEN,Proprietor Larsen's Express.

E. VANDOORN & CO.,lrs in

torn MONO Oil!! MM CfffiWe carry a full line of Tobaccos,

Pipes, etc.

Ice Cold Drinks a Specialty.Step in en your way to the city front

jet a coed drink and a good cigar.



91 Nuuanu Street,5000-me- n daily to drink the-SO- OO

FAMOUS SEATTLE BEER,Ice Cold on Draught.

EDWARD HARRY,Postoffke Box 475, Honolulu.


A. HARRISON,Castle & Cooke's Ne-- Warehouse. Bethel

Street. 4141-t- f

MISS D. LAMB,Lawyers' Clerk


Notary Public,OtEcp: With J. A. Magoon.

J T. LUND,128 anil 1GO Fort t., opj. ClTib Stable- -,


NICKEL PLATING A SPECIALTYB'Cy4eS rejireil. rnreI nr for salp.

GOO Kin,111 Nnnann Street, - - Honolulu.


I have just received from America andEurope, a fres-- conignment of

Goods Suitable k;V,:k HolidaysChoice selection of Christmas Novelties.Don't fail to examine my stock before



location, one mile fromthe rostoffice. containing H rooms,bath room,ate., partlyfurnished. Outbuild- -

in. consisting of serva : boose, stable,carnaee house. etc.. etc. The irrounds cora- -t.ris. 1 !r Tn 1Hn-- -; an.I airHn rnn.taming fruit trees and choice plants.Applv to D. LA Mb.At office ot J.Alfred Ma coon. Honolulu.

New Process Gasoline Stoves.

Castle & Cooke, Ltd.,Ie ti nt, - - Hawaiian


Rambler,Colu m hia,


or a Pierce.

will give away at his


BER 31st, at 8 p. m., any one of the abovewheels.

How it Will be Done.

With every purchase to the amount ofONE DOLLAR, a coupon will be given,and this coupon entitles you to a chancethe wheel.

What You Will Get for Your

$1 Beside a Bicycle.

This is not a bait. We simply wish tobe up to date and we'll give you the wheel,and beside the wheel you will get the fullvalue of your dollar in merchandise.

The coupons are now ready and will begiven out with each dollar's worth of goodssold.

We Might Suggest to You

LADIES 1 Hi.Silk Waist Patterns.Silk Dres Patterns,Purses, Umbrella . Shopping Pac:.Manicure Sets, Photograph Frames,(ient Smoking Jackets,Dressing Gowns, Gents' and Boys' Fnr--

nishing Goods of all Descriptions,Tea Cloths. Table ( overs,Doylies, Napkins,

All in drawn work and a thousand otherthincs suitable for Christmas.

Now is the chance for you to get awheel.




mmFoA the f



FORT AND I'.ERETAXIAGrai!uarel from Dr. . K.-.- . Iters'

Perfect Emoalruing School in t?inFrancisco. California, in 1890. Ha-h- al

twenty-riv- e years' experience inHonolulu, in "the Undertakinglasine--- .

Hearses and Carriages for funerals.

Headstones 1 Monuments

dence and n'ght call 0


Choice Maui PotatoesAT

VERY LOW PRICE,And They are Superior

To Anything3Imported.


TO MUSICIANS.TH.k vitF P1PF of viv 1- vrA1 i

rtie, UHVe iiicaveu street Wai- -rifci of J. B. Atherton. and w:J- take pnpilfl

t aition in t ianoforte and Mnging. Tele-- ;tione tt. 4W9

Pianos and Furniture moved by men of10 to 15 years' experience. 'Baggagemarked in our care delivered at Once.

Rubbish carted for 50c. and upward permonth by the only private concern in town.

Office No. 87 King street, near Fort.

F. H, FOSTERManager.




2.r5" 3


iooir.. . Igi :Xfl IjB 6 :'City Mi 3 - Ml

w ai 111 - i.iO 1001 a nlt:e "j 54 fc2l 6:44

O .s Z

5s --- I ?a - a a &i- -i 3r - . t

i--S asi..A.M. A.M. P.M. F--

0:44 jfjnil... 7:19 H. 2:07 4.Z2

Ity.. 7 0 ' - 2 4:52St If,., sB 10:30 3:11 5 M

- - H .ndays train will leave Waianae atp. i instead of 1:32 p.m. arriving in

i Hf at 5:26 p.xu.--u Trains will carry ?M-angerac-- lui

o ona.'juiaoM, p. C. Smith,ay Undent. Gen. Pass. fc Tut. A (ft.


ftt Ginerd. MirawI HUVI

laauad Svery Momlrg. Exceptw , SurvOy. toy thm

EUwjttan Gazette Company

at m MUftUHAorr street.Bat;

Tbs DaBly Padic Commercial Advertiser,Eight Pates.

tru ith f 7$i months rf paid in s od

E yew in advance - 8 ooyear, iHUliend to United States

of America. Canada or Mexico II oo9 I year, postpaid other foreign 14 OQ

Gaexfte, Semi-Weekl- y, EightTuesdays and Fridays:

rQ4 $5 oc5S year, u 6 ooPayaMe IsvarUWy fa Advance.

s unaccompanied by specificMRructrort Inserted till ordered 'itit.

AdyeftRe ts dis ominoed feelore ex- -

awxtion arxdrMd period will be chargedor fulHerm.

TJbsral allowance on yearly and halfcontracts.

AN persons desinn their advertisementsBcontrnued raerat send a written order to

Hast effect.inserted they must

METAL, not mounted on wo.xJ,assume no nsk of their

ration. GEO. H. PARIS.Business Manager.

Tlden, Son mn.1 Sfoou.

Day. ! .! 4 12


.m u.m v m. u . I

jL Ik ft L1 inne!

Esr:eci ally

InskJi ork on

racto ies and Pub!;c


It is a wry powder which can be pre-

pared for u by simply stirring in COLDWATER, and can be applied by any one2nd will always produce gxJ work.

It is VERY WHITE, extremely rerlec-tiv- e

and hardens on a wall like stone andwill take any tint.

It will last for years and is unaffectedby gases.

One coat covers better than two coats ofoil paint or whitewash.

It can be used on any surface and forall classes of work, even for the finestdecorating.


This Is for Outside Work.

Such as Fences, Outbuilding? and Laborers' Quarters. It is a thick paste to bediluted with cold water; stands rain andexposure, as well as oil paint, and coststut a fraction as much.

111 11Adapted for Dwellings, O fixes and PublkDwellings, or any other place whereJCALSOMINE is used. It will not rubfdiscolor or scale off.

LUCOL.A new Paint Oil. It comes raw and

boiled; is superior to linseed, and coverswith one-thi- rd less lead and pigment to thegallon.

P. and B. Compounds and Papers


1. G. mm. liw.Agents tor the Mswetjaa ljaj.



Housekeeping Goods,Atto


Uate Wire, fetterPUMPS, ETC


ii, torn. iM 11 ftftDIFIOND BLOCK

Life and Fire

Insurance Ag ts.AC B NTS FOR

Hew England Mutual


i Fie Mm txmWAITED.

onjs second-ha- n i deliveryWagon to carry abou: 20.0 pounds. AddressP. 0. BOX 84. 4143-tf- B

j:...t llun . Over Full- - Tiu Fw tHiuh In the North we-- t.

The development of the great North-west is sometimes attemied with peril-ous iucidents. The Rainy Lake goldMelds in Northern Minnesota lie somedistance from railways, and cau bereached only via a chain of lakes andrivers, to navigate which little steam-boats are used. In ruuuing a steam-boat from Rainy Lake river to RaiDyLake, recently, a steamboat was com-pelled to plunge over falls ten feethigh.

At the last moment the engineerdeemed prudence the better part ofvalor and decided not to make theperilous trip. .So the captain tixed awire running from the pilot bouse tothe engine room and attached it to the !

steam throttle so he could snut onsteam when he desired. Then castingoffliEes and pulling the throttle wideopen, with a full head of steam on, hesteered into the current leading to therapids above the falls, which is con-fiu- ed

in a narrow gorge, and wherethe water runs with a fearful current.

With the force of the current andthe full bead of steam the steamboatshot ahead with the speed of an ar-row, and as the brow of the falls wasreached the captain pulled the wire toshut ofT steam, the steamboat shot outof the water full length, exposing thewhole bottom, keel, wheel and rud-der, and then dropped into the boiling,swirling water below the falls. Thencame work for the captain. The mad,tumultuous waters were, of course,unknown to him. Hidden rocks wereready to deal destruction to the boat.The current was swift, strong and tortuous, but luckily he guided her safe-ly into quiet water, when steam wasapplied and she was soon to the land-ing, below the falls. Exchange.

French Battle ship Charlemagne.The Freoch rlr9t-cla- ss battle ship

Cbarlemague, which was launched atBreet on the 12th October, is worthysays the Pall Mall Gazette) of at

least passing notice. The eister shipto the St. Louis will be formidableboth from her armament and herspeed, as, with a displacement of11,232 tons, she will carry four 11.81inch guns, mounted, after the EogliBhmodel, in pairs, in two closed turrets,and ten 5.5-inc- h quick flrers, of whicheight will be carried in tbe batteryand two on the upper deck. Her guusare so arranged that she can fire rightahead or right astern two heavy gunsand six of her 5.5-inc- h quick-tirin- g

truDs besides her 3.9dnch quick --firer9,of which she carries eight mounted invarious positions. The PCenown, ourfirst-clas- s battle ship, of slightlylareer dimensions, can only tire two10.29-inc- h guns and two h quicktirers ahead or astern, a comparisonthat can hardly give us any pleasure.As regards her (the Charlemagne's)engine power and speed, it is worthyof note that her engines will be de-signed to develop 14,000 horse power,or 2000 horse power more than theengines of our Magnificent, and thatshe is expected to make eighteenknots with forced and seventeen withnatural draught.

FSTS 0From U. S. Journal 0 Medicine.)

Prof.W.n.Peeke.whomAkesa specialty of Epi!cpy,baa w ithout doubt treated and cured more cases thaaany living Physician; his success astonishing. Wehave heard of casesof 20yoars'tandingcurtd by him.He publishesavaluabieworli on thL disease which hesends with a larcre bottle of his absolute cure, free toai: v sufferer who may send their P.O. and Expres- - ad-,;r,"- .a.

We advise anyone wishing acure to address,-- ro:. W. U. PEEKS, F. D., 4 Cedar St, New York.

Telephone 917. P. O. Box 116.

YANASE & CO.,Chilian Building Nnnann St root


COMMISSION -- :- MERCHANTS..Japanese CJootl? ami Provisions for the

Holidays.We have a sppojal line of Japanese Porce-lain Ware. This ware is something new,never having been sent to Honolulubefore

GkW Don't fail to see this ware whenbuvinjr presents for vonr friends.

Telephone UO'i. 1. O. Box

C. R. COLLINS.Manufacturer and Importer of

SADDLERY AND HARNESS,Both single nml Doable.

Haa the largest assortment in his line intown and sell them at lowest prices.Everything in the line of Stable Outfittingin stock.Carriage Tops and Trimmings a

Specialty.Once you call and buy. you will be satisfied.

337 King Street, Near Nuuanu.

NOTrCBIS HEREBY GIVEN THAT MISSDorothea Lamb is authorized to transact allmatters of business for me and to sign myname. J. ALFRED MAGOON.Office: Old Caoitol Building, next Post-offic- e.

Honolulu. 4141-t- f

NOTICE.ALL BILLS STANDING OVER THREEmonths and due Medeiros A Co. will haveto be settled bv Deceniler 15, 1895, or samebe placed in the hand of a collector.

MEDEIROS St CO..Tailors.

Arlington P.'ok. Hotel St. 31T0-l- w


BOSTON Iff PHIS.The Bark "lolani"

Will go on the berth in New York onor abont January 1st. and sail for

this port on or about

FEBRUARY 1st, 1895.If sufficient inducement offers.

For particulars, call or addressCHAS. BREWER & CO.,

27 Kilbv street, Boston, orC. Brewer & (Jo., Ld..

Agents, Honolulu.


8 Hfuniueton. Pigman, Hi!o.u M b Wild swan. Napier, txjuima.t.

KtaCHAKTMtS.- .' .S'Ha aa delude eSBSaa)eJ

Bark Don AdolfO. N:9ea. Newcastle,fit-bari- c H Hackfeld. Barber. New York.Sebr Korert Lewers. Goodman, Hilo.Brig W G irwin, Wiliiaxui. fc'an Francisco.A:., bark Mohican. Johnson. Callao.Bcfar Aloha. I'abel. San Francisco.i;jr Martha Davis, SooJe, 8aa Prai.'-isco- .

OSS Australia. Houdlette, San Francisco.Am h Tarn-o'-Shante- r. Seabody, Newc'tle.Am bktne Willie R Hume. Brigman. Newc.Br t?k Aideru'rove, Robertson, Liverpool.

VII8XLI IXPICTID.wtere from. Dae.

Gr hk J C Pfluger .. Bremen DueBk Kdward May Boston DueSchr King Cyras.. Newcastle DueRk Seringa Newcastle DueBt Poxgiove Port Stanley Duepit Bern Port Stanlev. DueB M S S Mono wai... S F ...Dec 19C A S S Warrimoo.. Vancouver . . Dec 24O t O S S City of Peking S P . ..Dec 28Bk Paul lsenberK... Liverpool . ..Dec 30

ARRIVAL.Satttbday. Dec. 14.

Stmr Lehua. McGregor, from Molokaiand Lanai.

Tug Eleu, Hilbus, from a cruise.Stmr Ke Au Hou. Thompson, from

Punaluu.Brit bk Aldergrovu. Robertson, from

Liverpool.Stmr Waialeale. Gregory, from Hanama- -

ulu.So'dat. Dec. 15.

Stmr Claudine. Cameron, from Maui andHawaii.

Stmr Iwalani. Smythe. from Hawaii.Stmr Kauai, Brown, from Kauai.Stmr Mikahala. Haglund. from Kauai.

VRMKLS LB4VIMO TODAY.OSS Australia, Houdlette. for San

PVancico at 4 p m.Stmr Lehua, McGregor, for Molokai and

Lanai.Stmr Kaala. Brown, for circuit of Oahu.

IMPDKT8.Per Mikahaia 47'i4 bags sugar, 150 sheep.

2 homes, 2 cows, 11 tdls bides. 40 pkgs sun-dries.

Per ( lauline 14r0 bags uear, t. pesE pe. 11 bags potatoes, 231 bags corn, 37

ogs. 1. pkgs sundries.Per Kauai 401 bags sugar.Par Iwalani 423 bags sngar. 10 pkgs

sundries.Per Waimanalo 1213 bag sugar, 328

bags paddy.


From Kauai, per stmr Kauai, Dec loC H Ensign, C A Uoyie. ll S Olsen and 16on deck.

P'rora Knuai. per stmr Iwalani, Dec 15Mr- - Y M Jaonen and IB on deck.

P'rom Kauai, per stmr Waialeale, Dec 15J E Mills and 5 on deck.From Kauai, per stmr Mikahala. Dec 15W H Rice. H Beriowitz. C Von Hamm.

B Lindsay, J Leoyd, R Dexter, H Williamsand 52 on deck.

From Maui and Hawaii, per stmr Clan-i- ii tie. Dec 15 Mrs F W Carter, infant and

nurse. Mrs S M Carter, Mary Joseph,Father Leonora and boy. F Mit-triw- k

Rev W HoriaM. J W Bergstrom,He.':ry Harrison, J H Taylor. C R Lind-sn- y.

L A Andrews, H Anderson. A Sin-clair. Awana, Tung Sung. P Helekunihi,(fii Sea, wife and child, Mrs Chung Chungand : ch !dren. Ah Ten Hamatani. Shinm-ni-h- i.

M Kea'.o1 a. Geo H Horner, W YHorner and on deck.

Punahou Wkathkh Rkport.Dec. 13, V P.M. Temperature, i olew point, 66 ; barometer, 30.07.

Diamond Head, Dec. 15, 10 p.m.Weather, hazy ; wind, fresh X.K.

r 1 ......;i vn vi n fr in large- - "o quan- -

titvThe Mikahala brought loO sheep

on her deck.The tug is off for another mys- -

terious cruise.The cruiser Baltimore is due to

reach Honolulu today.The Australia will leave for San

Francisco at 4 p. m. today.All the berth room at the Inter-Islan- d

dook is occupied, four steam-ers having arrived yesterday.

The American ship Roanoke isexpected here shortly. She is ca-pable of carrying 5000 tons ofsugar.

The schooners Ka Moi and Kani-keaou- li

had to beat their way outof port Saturday on their trips tothe other islands.

Strange schooners and mysteri-ous vessels of every description are'being seen'' by the crews of theisland steamers every trip.

The tug hleu left for Lanai lateSaturday afternoon. The customofficials are confident that she willbring back either the mysteriousschooner or her cargo.

The liner China is due to arrivein Honolulu tonight. She is saidto have over 700 contract Japanesefor the sugar plantations. She willfollow the Australia to 'Frisco.

The bark Aldergrove, Robertsonmaster, arrived in port Saturdayafternoon. She consumed 173 dayson her voyage from Liverpool. Shebrought a general cargo of mer-chandise consigned to T. H. DaviesA Co.. Ltd. The bark will dis-charge as quickly as possible, as alot of Christmas goods for localtradesmen is among her cargo. Sheis lying at Brewer s wharf.

The merchants of the city ofBoston will ask Congress for anappropriation of $6,000,000 to deep-en the channel for steamships inBoston harbor from 22 feet to 30feet. Heavily laden vessels oflarge tonnage are now delayed inleaving or approaching theirwharves, having to await themovement of the tides.

Steamship Line.

Steamers of the above I me, running incomweoon with ths CANADIAN PACIFICRAILWAY COMPANY between Vancouver.B. C, and Sydney, N. S. W. and callingat Victoria. B. C. Honokiki and Suva(Fiji),

Are Due at HonoluluOb or about the dates beiow stated, via:

fm sinner m shi M mm.

b. lS. S. "MIOWERA". December 2S. 8. "WARRIMOO . .January 1, '96S. 8. ' MIOWERA '. P'ebruarv 1

8. S. " WARRIMOO' March 3

Im Morn Mi Mceuwr. B. G..


Sair$fef:8. 8. 'MIOWERA".. ... . .. .December 248. 8. WARRIMOO" January 24, 908. S. MIOWERA February L'4

8. S. WARRIMOO" March 24

Tkraaca ticketsUrnSed

For Freight and Passage and aH

rnformatroa apptr to

Tbeo. H. Davits ft Co., Ltd,,GKXKKAJ. AviKm



ill Moil we.For San Francisco:The New and Fine A Steet Steamship

"MARIPOSA"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company arttbe due at Honofata from Sydney and Auck-

land on or about

JANUARY 9th,And will leave for the above port withMails and Passenger on or about that date.

For Sydney and Auckland:a

The New and Pine Ai Sted Steamship

"MONOWAI"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company willbe due at Honolulu from San Francisco onor about

DECEMBER 19th,And will have prompt dispatch with Mailsand Passengers for the above ports.

The Unoeraif aed Are Now Prepared1

Through Tickets to All PointsIN THE UNITED STATES.

Far further paftkulan regarding Freightto

mm 1 si., a- ajav.




S.S. AUSTRALIAArrive Hoooraiu Leave Honolulu

from S.F, for S. F.Dec. 9 Dec.16Jan. 3, '96 Jan. 6, '96Jan. 27, '96 Feb. 1, '96Feb. 21, ?96 Feb. 26, '96

THROUGH LINEFrom S. F. for From Sydney far

Sydney. S. F.Amve HoeofufcL Leave

Mariposa... Nov. 21 Monowai...Xov. 14Mono wai.... Dec. 19 Alameda. ...Dec. 12Alameda Jan 16, '96 Mariposa Jan 9, '96Mariposa Feb 13 '96 Mono wai Feb 6. '96

Assignee's Notice.THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEENduly appointed assignee in bankruptucy ofthe'estate of S. Kasamatsu, notice is here-by given to all persons o present im-mediat- ly

their claims against the PacificTrading Company of Honolulu and SunriseStore of Honoean. duly authentiated, tothe undersigned at the office of Messrs. H.Hackfeld. And all persons indebted tosaid estate are hereby requested to makeimmediate payment to the undersidned.

C. BOSSE.Assignee, Bstats of S. Kasamatdu.

4157 1909-t-f


A Model Phut la not contpkte withoutElectric Po cfspenstiigsraafl engines.

Why not federate your poi reamUfcN I RAL Station ? One generator canfurnish power to voor Pumps, Centri-fugals, Elevators, Plows, Railways andHbrsts; aso ramrsh ttght and power fma radius of fxoea it to z rnrffes.

Electric Poem bemg used saves thelabor of handing coal in your radd. aleswater, and does away with rMgh-prvcs- e"

engineers, ana only have one engine tslook after in yvar mdi.

Where water power e available it costsnoinanc to renerare Electric Power.

TrfirTtAwAttAff ELECTRIC COMPANYis now ready to furnish Electric Plantsand Generators of all descriptions at shortnotice, and also has on hand a largestock of Wrre, ChancWiers and all Elec-trical Goods.

All orders will be given prompt atten-tion, and estimates furnished for Lightingind Power Plants; atso attention is givento House and Marine Wiring,


Sugar! Sugar! Sugar!If Sugar Is what you want use

FERTI LIZER.The Hawaiian Fertilizing Company Bat,

just received per 41 Helen Brewer

SO Tons Soft Pfaospbate FtorttaISO Tons Double Seperftostfiatc300 Tons Natural Plant Fool2S Tons Common Superpbosfeate

Also per M Martha Davis andvessels,

Nitrate of Soda,Sulphate of Ammonia,

Sulpbate of Potasb,Muriate of Potash A Katttf

Higrh-Gra- de Man ureaTo any analysis always ea hand er

made to order.

A. F. COOKE, Agent.G. WEST,

sin uiImporter sad Dealer la

Carriage MaterialsOf Every Bescrtttton. Inchidiaf


Spokes, all sizes; Savem Wheels,Wood Hub Wheels, Sawed Felloes,

Bent Rims from 1 to 2 inches.Dump-Ca- rt Shafts, Wagon Point,

DouWe Trees, Single Trees,Wagon and Cart Hubs, all staM

Aai a Psa Assortswst of

Trimmers' Materials,Cnniago Hardwire, Honrs Iffta.

steelHaving a long experience In tMrtib

rlage business I am pfdsred to suhVcarriage bu riders, plantations, etc.,- - wftafirst-clas- s materials, personally sefectttt, aiins very lowest cash pneee.

All island orders willattention.


8-40- -4

THIS IS THE TELEPHONE NUMBERto ring up if you want any Plumbirjg orTin work done pin mptly and properly.

I am prepared to do all kinds of work inmy line at the Lowest Possible Bates.

Jobbing a Speciality.Estimates furnished and a!I work and

material Guarantt-ed- .

Give me a call on 44 and convince your-self.

JAS. NOTT, JR.,Tinsmith and Pluxuber.

Work speQksiPiainer Tbon Talk


This is to certify that C. Akima hasmade several suits of clothes for me and theworkmanship haslbeen of the best. I takepleasure in rcemmending him and hiswork to any and all.

Respectfully Yours,James b. Oberteuffer,

Seattle, Wash., U. S. A.

Hod II a.M. 3 34 S.5) 11 it S.SI 5 21 6 0p.m.

tan . n 4.37 4 21 9 3) II M e.n 6 22 fi 57Wed is; 5.12 S.1S 10. 1. 4 3: 7 5Thnr .lSj S.4S fi r: is. 4r i . --i S 23 8 yFrld . . M S 20 1.51 U 'M h.:?l 5 9 42Bat.... .il li S.:n 2 2S a.tu S.24 10 -

San . 1--2 7.2S 9.5 I 5S 0.31 .3 5.4 U.31I '

New moon cu the lth at 7b. 59iu. p. a.Time whmtle liow at 12 br. 0 tiiio. 0 ane.

(midnight) tirfnwicb a ean tlae. wLtcb Is 1 Lr.'28 mln. 34 sec. n. m. of Honolulu mean time.



9 'iff z a-

Sun ' vi 't:'.u aw 7s o--i 2- -0

Mon SO.tnj'2-- i 4i es, o i 7:. 3 nt 1Tne.;hJ so oi 2 vti 8 TV. .0) 73 .it ear i 1Wed.U 30 U2-2- i M er. Si' oi! - 4 w 1ThU 12 SO 0.M.97i si fliijaj si lO'sw-- i 1- -0

rrt. iiaj.u;so ivi a 7v 15 101 NH l- -li ai H5 29 en 6TI 77: 71 9 1


Barometer corrected for tempercture and ele-vation, but not lor laUtude.

For PortlandThe O. R. A S. N. Co. s 8. 8.

t RHOSINAWill be due at Honolulu from Yokohamaon or about


and w.ll have immediate dispatch forabove port direct.

P'or Freight or Paaaage apply to

THEO. H. DAYIES & CO., LTD.,4MMd General Agents

For Yokohama and Hongkong.


Mount Lebanon,"3000 t.)n?.

II F.N DRY Master.Will be due at Honolu'n from Portiand.Or.

on or about

DECEMBER 21st,And will have immediate dispatch forabove ports. .....

ror hreight and pa ssag . applyTHE I. DAVIES vt CO.. LTD.,

4l2-t- d tienera' --A. irnta.

WAITED.ONE SECOND-HAN- D FIRE PROOFSafe : medium size. Address P. O. Box g4.


NOTICE.ALL PERSON --IKWEBTED TO THEfirm of tke rate J . T. Waterhonse. i. e. allaccounts, owing previous to March 1st19G6, are notified to settle same beforeJanuary "at, 1896. at the office of J. T.Waterhouse. 4ueen street. 4165-D- n