evidence for the serpent race

EVIDENCE FOR THE SERPENT RACE- MORE PLAUSIBLE POINTS: EVIDENCE FOR THE SERPENT RACE- Saga A (Chapters 1-7) Published on Jul 24, 2012 MPPEFSR- The official follow-up to the 2009 IFT web film, "Plausible Points for the Reptilian Case." More Plausible Points takes a deeper look at "the reptilians", an ever-

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MORE PLAUSIBLE POINTS: EVIDENCE FOR THE SERPENT RACE- Saga A (Chapters 1-7)Published on Jul 24, 2012MPPEFSR- The official follow-up to the 2009 IFT web film, "Plausible Points for the Reptilian Case." More Plausible Points takes a deeper look at "the reptilians", an ever-growing phenomena that has shaped our history, myths, religions and culture. This objective and

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meticulously researched documentary speculates on the possible existence of an advanced inter-terrestrial, extra-terrestrial, or inter-dimensional reptilian species. The film makers beg the question: "Did a prehistoric serpent race once walk the Earth...and if so, do they still exist?". 

-SAGA A-IntroChapter 1- MORE Reptilian Mythology IChapter 2- MORE on the "Dinosauroid" hypothesisChapter 3- The Reptilian Past: Imprints of Dragons & Dinosaurs

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Chapter 4- MORE Inner Earth: Underground Bases, DIA, & Phillip SchneiderChapter 5- Lizard Language: Serpent EtymologyChapter 6- MORE Reptilian Mythology IIChapter 7- Ophiolatreia

**NOTE** Stay tuned for Sagas B-C in the following months! More Plausible Points: Evidence for the Serpent Race will be available in it's entirety (Sagas A-D, over 6 hours) on DVD and/or Digital Copy by the end of 2012, God willing. SUPPORT THE FILMMAKERS in any way you can, whether it's buying the full

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film when ava or just positive comments and constructive criticism, either way-WE APPRECIATE IT! We worked hard on this project and we apologize for how long it took to start getting it out to you...We're sure you'll enjoy it. .....Oh, and to ANY and ALL fellow "DOCUMENTARY" makers out there- If you're going to just steal parts of our project to use in your own film (especially if it's a poorly-made documentary that consists of nothing but $cenes from EVERYONE ELSE$ films that THEY worked hard on) without consulting us first, YOU BETTER THINK TWICE. We WILL NOT just

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let it slide this time around, so do things right, do some research and put a DOCUMENTARY together.


LicenseStandard YouTube LicenseriticalElixir3 weeks ago (edited) 


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It's very simple: The solar system was heaven, inhabited by angels prior to man. It's in Psalms 89 10 "thou has shattered RAHAB into pieces, you scattered the sea of the great dragon." Yahua scattered Lucifers angelic sea into outer space, all aliens are terrestrial, non heavenly celestial angels. Rahab and the angelic solar system was mentioned many times in the bible to say nothing of the 365 books Enoch wrote in

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his lifetime. Angels on Rahab morphed to become DRACONIAN.

Reptilian are simply human/draconian hybrids. Cain was the first reptilian only 7,000 years ago when Lucifer, a Draconian angel, mated with the human Eve. Thus began the division in the DNA "seed" lines mentioned in the bible. Able was Adams son.One other thing Reptilian are LIARS. Learning about reptilian from reptilian aka David Icke will get one no where but down.

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Basically reptilian perpetuate thee idea there is no creator since they know He will put them to death.        UFO's  -  They began to appear around the same time nuclear bombs were being tested.  334 nuclear warheads were "tested" earthwide - that was not actually nuclear bomb research. Those were portals being opened up to obtain demonic "power," mostly "alien" technology by human governments. Stars into another dimension were observed by

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thee United States in the mushroom cloud of their first nuclear explosion.

   How a bomb opens a portal  - It's very simple first of all there are celestial angels, and terrestrial angels. All aliens are terrestrial angels and co. and they are attracted to outer space (outer space is the biblical "bottomless pit" mentioned in Revelations where Lucifer is bound and trapped) and underground bases because LIFE energy burns them, and so the more evil these aliens are, the

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deeper underground near the lava they live, sometimes docking their ships in the lava in the 4th dimension. (see UFO FLIES INTO VOLCANO EXPLAINED video)

    [FACT: The solar system was heaven once - angels lived on our planets prior to man. Lucifer then rose to power on a planet called RAHAB and invented MONEY and POLITICS on that planet. Psalms 89 10 explains how "Planet X" got cast out "Thou has broken Rahab in pieces - you scattered the sea of

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the great dragon" (The sea were angelic peoples who were scattered into the abyss of space, constelations such as Orion are fake - they are angelic planet sized starships not stars)

    This is why humans who enter those underground bases don't have videos showing thee extent of them - humans entering those bases become food for thee aliens. "on your belly/APPETITE you will go, on dust/HUMANS you WILL EAT said the creator to a Draconian named Lucifer in Genesis. When humans feel

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creeped out in entering deep underground caverns it is for good reason that is the Lords quiet voice speaking to them NO TRESPASSING.

When an atom bomb goes off, the bomb itself does not open a portal, rather demons and such with advanced technology find they can suddenly employ their portal science and enter through to our humans 3rd dimension.

 Basically, terrestrial angels employ technology to be able to survive. They exist in a harsh

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fourth dimension vs celestial angels still in heavens 5th dimension - in fact, they are physically burned by the positive fifth dimension love and light and life energy in plants and animals which repels their morphed bodies. The fourth dimension is NEGATIVE and terrestrial fallen angels are attracted to fire therefore because fire is the quickest way to kill all life and therefore essentially generates NEGATIVE energy because fire sends the breath of life back to the creator. 

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     Explains why most undergound bases are far out into the deserts which are devoid of life.

     Tesla, a physicist, had isolated this specific peculiar energy and Wilhelm Reich built on his work and called it ORGONE - He shared his findings with Enstein who turned a cold shoulder to thee orgone. (some persons on thee earth are Lucifers, and they are demons, or reptilians placed in human bodies.) Actually, Wilhelm at first manufactured NEGATIVE orgone

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on accident. It attracted lights in the sky. One day, he trained his binoculars on them and was shocked to see windows. (in the 40's UFO's were largely unheard of.)

  The following article includes information on the planets and solar system where all aliens originated including where they are going:

     Fallen angels were once beautiful but MORPHED and became what they are through

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the power of precious stones especially quartz, of which Earth is comprised primarily of quartz. Earth has a consciousness, and rebels if evil beings are upon it. (see "armagedon") Quartz in the soil is under pressure, when squeezed it emits an eternal energy that works into all other dimensions. 



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 "I am Yauhua - and their is no one else." Obviously from the creators perspective you are left with no more questions. For those of you who feel the crystal skulls were a human accomplishment - you yourself were born into an angelic medium. Take a closer look at even the simplest of items you have laid out onto your computer desk - I challenge even a team of  the wisest of you - if given a hundred years in a native north america, gathering raw materials, to build

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me a simple pencil with its exquisite lead symmetry, inserted perfectly into the wood, the shiny yellow paint that does not rub off onto your hand, thee aluminum tip, the perfect lettering.... ok now build me the machine that puts out 500 pencils in an hour. Even the T shirt your wearing, the threads are perfection. No, you could not build me a pencil, you wouldn't know where to start to say nothing of the quartz technology housed inside your computer motherboard. Angelic technology cannot be backwards

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engineered. At all. Not by humans. the bible likens it to mixing clay with steel shards - impossible. Stop focusing on UFO's it's a distraction. Thee aliens and their technology is HERE.

 (Draconian can shape shift into a pencil if they want, the humans body is the most efficient means of locomotion in out atmosphere. Can you guess where they hide?)      Thee angels, fallen angels were cast to earth in the year 1914 during world war one. The

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creator began ruling secretly in that year as Daniel prophecied, that a tree stump banded in copper would sprout after 2,520 years, counting from 607 BCE.

     These angels know their time is short, because the Bible says soon "thee end will come" and planet Rahab, the planet Lucifer rose to power on, will return to shift thee earths poles in what the Bible calls armagedon which will be a war fought by the creator to remove wickedness from off thee earth. At that time the fallen angels will be jailed in

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the abyss, likely they will return back to the caverns of Rahabs abyss. Therefore, yes, you live in an angelic medium, and not everyone is human, and yes those crystal skulls are every bit the sorcery you think they are and no they are not made by humans hands. 

The creators motherboard: QUARTZ. It was Fallen angels learned about how to use quartz from watching the creator, not humans, and by the way computers are their fabrications not ours and so the motherboard

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to your computer is of course quartz.

 PLANETS; Thee earth is constucted primarily of quartz. The network in a quartz crystal consists of silicon/oxygen atoms. More than seventy elements occur naturally in the Earth's crust, or lithosphere. However, the 8 most abundant elements account for more than 98 percent of the crust by weight. The most common of these are oxygen/silicon. Together, they make up nearly 3/4 of the lithosphere by weight. Dirt in

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your backyard consists primarily of sand. QUARTZ,, persistent crystal remnants of ancient dissolved stones. Heaven? ...primarily quartz also.      Your computer has a consciousness it both speaks and listens. When squeezed, quartz becomes an eternal battery of sorts. It also develops a frequency which can be set - positive or negative. Thee ark of the covenant contained precious stones of various kinds too, and natural, non magnetic metals. In the natural world, the quartz in the soil (of inhabitable planets)

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is under pressure, and surrounded by largely by non ferrous metals such as aluminum.  

This basic recipe can be duplicated to magnify this power of Yahua to bless and protect your area and to repel evil and evil beings together with their mind control technology, even cleans chemtrails. Revelations prophecied this weapon would complete its conquest in our day as a white rider on a horse with a bow and no arrows.      As for the crystal skulls, they

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are an angelic fabrication - There are celestial angels, and terrestrial angels. Celestial angels are still in heaven, they are in the 5th dimension.

The creator is an actual person with a an actual name, with a definite body in a definite space in time at a place you can literally point to in the sky and "there is no one else.") (His throne is in the sun.) The skulls were made by terrestrial angels and they are used to open portals.   With these portals you can

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step into a door to enter another area in space, such as traveling to Mars from Earth. 

   Psalms 89 10 "thou has shattered Rahab in pieces, you scattered the sea of the great dragon."   The solar system was heaven at one time. Angels lived on Earth, Moon, Mars, Venus, and planet RAHAB and its many moons. Our iron/nickel asteroid belt offer proof Rahab was shattered here when Lucifer rose to power on it to invent MONEY, and POLITICS

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= creation ruling creation vs creator rule. Iron/nickel only exists into the core of a planet. Another planet was obliterated all together at that time. There is an empty spot just before Jupiter, that is where thee asteroids are, and where the planet was the Yahua destroyed. The solar system was laid to waist, and Earth had to be re created in Genesis. Actually re plenished. Nibiru, (Rahab) began spinning opposite in our solar system and thee angels on it were suddenly cast from the 5th dimension into the harsh evil

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4th, their bodies morphed into Draconian. Where are we going with this? We can surmize a planets spin can dictate its dimension, even if it is evil or blessed such that we can learn to harness orgone with a POSITIVE SPIN on it. Thee energy of quartz works into all other dimensions and can manipulate them.     When Rahab was cast out Lucifers solar system was destroyed. There were angels trapped in caverns on Rahab when the creator cast it out in such a way as its frequency

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began to generate another dimension vs the beneficial 5th dimension where good angels live. This quartz energy, which can generally be positve or negative, became NEGATIVE. Humans, plants and animals exposed to such negative energy will get sick and miserable and die, a scientist named Wilhelm Reich discoverd the very sky will even turn a dull ugly purple caste with negative orgone.  In contrast positive quartz energy is like the breath of Yah, the life force. Planet earth you can say is His motherboard. 

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    When Rahab spun backwards, its energy generated 4th dimension and thee immortal angels in it morphed - they became ugly, they became monsters - Draconians. And they eat humans. The creator told Lucifer in Genesis "on your belly/APPETITES you will go, on dust/HUMANS you WILL EAT. Also they HATE human life energy so they live deep underground near fire (lava) because fire kills all life, and life has the creators life force energy which they cannot tolerate. They torment and eat humans.

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Yehushua came down on this earth to reveal to humans that that is what this planet is about - it's like the closer you get to the light, the more you get burned! Draconian are backwards.... Even perfect people are accused by the liar. The Dracs run all our governments. Getting back to orgone,,,     In the 40's, Wilhelm Reich discovered an energy studied by Nicola Tesla called ORGONE. He was out testing his orgone device in the desert near Roswell one day to bless thee area with rain, since thee area had been

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cursed with a severe drought for years. Well thee orgone brought rain allright, but it also was the cause of the first UFO crash in recorded history - Wilhelm was jailed, his papers confiscated, and he died mysteriously in jail of a heart attack.        Zoom forward to today, the crystal skulls were recently brought to Los Angeles in an attempt to open a portal to allow aliens (all aliens are terrestrial, fallen angels.) to enter earth. Well there is an elite angelic faction of warriors who have built on what Wilhelm taught us

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who specialize in crushing these evil energies and burning these wicked beings and crashing their ships using quartz stones set up to generate a POSITIVE frequency that blesses humans and burns fallen angels. The result was those crystal skulls fizzled like a wet newspaper couple years ago. The fallen angels cannot stop the power of the Most High.     This small faction of warriors need your help - make orgone to protect YOUR area today.    All those meteors you hear about lately are the result of

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orgone crashing angelic ships. Those ships have a fail safe relegates them back into the 4th dimension before they crash on to thee earth. Do not research orgone on thee internet. It is sabotaged used only thee orgoneblasters recipe as specified by Yehushua for generating positive energy.      The crystal skulls are an amazing piece of angelic technology that should strengthen your faith in the fact their really is a living god - "and there is no one else."

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"People wonder what is the purpose of life - Humans were placed into a medium surrounded by 2 basic (perfect) things - plants and animals. When you learn something about a plant that knowledge aquired is eternal. In contrast Lucifer can never quite get the picture right. With greed comes imperfection: endlessly, perpetually evolving. In contrast animals reflect the many face of the creator - it's about relationship. That is why we are here & humans can never learn everything about the Most High. Permanent knowledge is

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by far the wisest investment - Reality is thee only way. Sink or swim. Not to mention in struggling to find your way to the top you eventually run out of breath."



 I don't mean to imply lucifier is suspended in the dark abyss of

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outer space doing nothing there is not enough time to condense information on anything but the simplest forms - he has a machine, lets call it a computer, on a planet in the Orion star system (which is not a constelation, those are just large angelic planet sized starships) where in he can record everything and see everything and run thee earth.  He and also the Watchers still access the Lords blueprints, able to tell you who would be born from thousands of years ago and in this way he watches, even

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foresees in thee earth. (He presided above the Watcher angels in Rahabs day when he oversaw the entire solar system and these Watcher angels have several sets of eyes, able to see into time etc.) He has many palaces in many places - Jupiter, thee Ashtar Command, etc. Similarly the creator rules from the sun and yet is ruling over thee earth now, secretly, and with a gun to lucifers back.    Currently Luci has been monitoring thee earth closer from a starship you can see from north america in the east at

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dawn as of 3/2014 to around 5-6 2014 and it appears as a brite star low on the horizon at dawn. It is not Venus as people assume, you'll notice it has no crescent phase as the moon does. It was built by the Japanese and all oriental races are Lucifers,  serpant seed (although some, albeit rarely, do turn to the Lord)    The Lord is no longer suffering fools. That earthquake on thee island of Japan was His.

   That survelance station in the

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east visible now (only currently) will be moving around in the sky from time to time, this is to accustom humans to thee alien presence. 

   Presently Luci is changing thee atmosphere of the earth so that the Annuk can walk among us. When Luci steps foot here, the earth and solar system which has a consciousness will rebel - with bad weather etc and eventually the pole shift.        As mentioned Lucifer is changing thee atmosphere with chemtrails back to how it was in

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Noahs day as Draconian cannot tolerate a lot of sun.( the planet was always cloudy in Noahs day. Noah never saw sun or rain or rainbows, in Genesis a fog used to come up and water the plants untill the passing of Rahab altered the weather and produced the high tide of the flood and rain)  

He, Lucifer, has also used gasoline powered vehicles as a water catchment system (that is what streets are for) for his underground bases as his forces will live in them during the chip

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enforce to feast on humans. The burning of fossil fuels suppresses orgone, and the ether in gasoline "seperates a human from his/her sacred identity" his quote and this is to fascilitate mind control. (ether is an anesthetic)    The ether propagates electro magnetic waves the Dracs and co. use to travel, grounding, portals manipulation and etc.this is why we still use crude fossil fuels and forfeit wireless technology.    We use crude electric wires because they, thee aliens travel through them, and the toxic

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electric smog is an atmosphere they require. 

HOW ORGONE EFFECTS EVIL TECHNOLOGIES AND PERSONS PROPAGATING THE NEW WORLD ORDER:   The New World Order Illuminati and such are NOT humans they are angels.

       Dimension and portal manipulation are for angels who fly not for humans. (presently - Adam and Eve could fly) We would not know they exist were it not for thee angels illegally

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here among us.  It is not our job nor that of even the fallen angels to understand or to define the Most High or His universe.     The Bible tells us the creators place is higher then the heavens. In other words, while He will on occasion reveal Himself in the sun, the highest ranking angels are limited to that, the highest of dimensions in order to see Him. 

    Here are the terms to describe the fallen angels reaction to the present portal/dimensional

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manipulation of ORGONE as described in thee all seeing eye of Yahua - Dissolvent SHOCKED, SHOCKING, EMBARRASSED, CONFOUNDED, PANIC

   As you can see, though millions of years old and born to be masters of dimensional flight, the stars and the heavens and the bending of space belongs to the creator not even thee angels understand it all. 



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That is how thee orgone is effecting the bodies and the wings of the fallen angels. Its energy works into all other dimensions and there is no angel in heaven and certainly no human on earth now who ever saw it coming  - up to and even including the creators son Yehushua.

Watch the video ORGONE: YAHUA'S ELECTRIC LIGHT ORCHESTRA Jade Drakilos1 month ago 

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+bertThugh2 I wouldn't put giants up in the air,,, We just started to not hide the news of giant human skeletons... Some up to 32 feet in height... Besides that there is thousands of legends about several Mythological critters that are known all over the globe.The Natives peoples of the Americas have stories of giants which don't differ from the native people of Australia. The same goes for elves, djinn, dragons, phoenixes, vampires, Lizard people, cat people, bug people and short, big head huge eyed creatures. According to the popular belief from what I came

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across on numerous occasions is that we were visited several times over by these "people".It is said that we started out with the Lizards cats and bugs. There was a galactic battle that the bugs and cats went to go fight in, leaving us and the lizards behind.  Legends say that the lizards stayed behind to protect us, the newest race born... But the the lizards became greedy and enslaved us.When the Giants landed the lizards hid from them. Mankind was taught many new things and were raised up from the knuckle draggers we once were to beyond what we are today.

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Before the giants left, we were working for them. but a revolt happened and some of the giants assisted in the revolt. And the final outcome was us being treated as equals or about as equal as we could be to them. Shortly before the giants left they created a brother race to us and made them more intelligent and left them to watch over us... This race is believed to be the Zeta Riticulias and it is believed that they ran many of our governments. The Lizard emerged again and brought down the Zetas and put in place the Brotherhood of the serpent or Brotherhood of the

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dragon to hide in the shadows and control what we do almost every step of the way. Its also claimed that we were continued to be visited by other races over the times. The short bid headed kind seemed, for a long time, to be the norm for visitors, but then another race began appearing and we were warned about how evil they were. The twisted part of the stories is that this other race appears to be a paler, much taller version of the short people with big heads and this is why people claim that the short people are evil, all because of mistaken identity... The stories

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claim the taller beings ate humans or at least tortured and killed them in the millions, as well as the livestock man raised being tortured and killed. Now back to the gaints, at least ever race on this planet has something about giants in their mythology and the only possible explanation is that they did exist at one point. And recently a couple of skeletons made headlines in the Mediterranean news. Greek Archaeologist claimed to have unearthed a few giants believed to be dated back before the bible and possibly were husband and wife. The area of the find is also significant

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to the find because its the little area where the Nordic people had began before moving north. And this is about the same area of King Harod and his queen... A king that the Nordic people said was a tyrant and a giant and that they slue him and his queen and almost  all of their children, which seven were supposedly spared. One of these kids became famous in the bible... Goliath, which it is said he had siblings but none as famous as he... He rose to fame by being a good person to his fellow man... When the war happened he was duped into believing that his sister was slain by the people

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that his friends were about to battle. But enough for me I think I spent to much time one this... So keeping an open mind and hunting for the hidden truths is just part of my favorite things to do, I have, because it fascinated me so much, devoted a lot of time and effort to finding out about the mythologies of the planet because of those little connections like the multiple mythological species that are spread across the globe. Also one reason was my devotion to figuring out why a lot of gods were identical and although I was doing my damnedest to

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avoid the whole Ancient astronaut and Alien stories, THEY JUST KEPT INTERSECTING WITH EACH OTHER... And no matter how hard I tried to avoid it, I kept having to put time into the alien stories just to get through to the mythology of specific species... So far I have discovered that a good majority of the species were Other Worldly in origin and could very well be still visiting us still, that is those that still exist, for some are claimed to have been wiped out, the Djinns for example are a species not seen very often and are believed to have possible

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died out or were wiped out by other species. 

========================================================Published on Aug 5, 2012MPPEFSR- The official follow-up to the 2009 IFT web film, "Plausible Points for the Reptilian Case." More Plausible Points takes a deeper look at "the reptilians", an ever-growing phenomena that has shaped our history, myths, religions and culture. This objective and meticulously researched

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documentary speculates on the possible existence of an advanced inter-terrestrial, extra-terrestrial, or inter-dimensional reptilian species. The film makers beg the question: "Did a prehistoric serpent race once walk the Earth...and if so, do they still exist?". 

-SAGA B-Chapter 8- MORE Inner Earth: Underground Bases, DIA, & Philip Schneider (2/2)Chapter 9- MORE Reptilian Symbolism: From Past to Present Chapter 10- Draco=Dracula: The Dragon Order & the

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Reptilian/Vampire ConnectionChapter 11- Other Dimensional Reptilians?Chapter 12- Ophiuchus & Other Astrological Serpent SymbolismChapter 13- William Henry**NOTE** Stay tuned for Sagas B-C in the following months! More Plausible Points: Evidence for the Serpent Race will be available in it's entirety (Sagas A-D, over 6 hours) on DVD and/or Digital Copy by the end of 2012, God willing. SUPPORT THE FILM MAKERS in any way you can, whether it's buying the full film when available or just positive comments and constructive criticism, either

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way-WE APPRECIATE IT! We worked hard on this project and apologize for how long it took to start getting it out to you...We're sure you'll enjoy it. .....Oh, and to ANY and ALL fellow "DOCUMENTARY" makers out there- If you're going to just steal parts of our project to use in your own film (especially if it's a poorly-made documentary that consists of nothing but $cenes from EVERYONE ELSE$ films that THEY worked hard on) without consulting us first, YOU BETTER THINK TWICE. We WILL NOT just let it slide this time around, so do things right, do some

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research and put a DOCUMENTARY together.

Category  In Zechariah 3 the ha satan ( adversary) is standing before GOD to accuse Zechariah the High Priest, who is clothed in filthy rags. The LORD assures him that he will be preserved if he walks in  his ways. In Job,  ha satan, adversary again stands before the throne of GOD to accuse Job, though he is allowed to torment him up to his life Job remains faithful and receives more blessings that he did before the attack. 

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 Yeheshuah stated in Luke 10:18 that he SAW satan fall like lightning, in the past. Jesus did not question satan's authority to tempt him in the wilderness, on the pinnacle of the temple or on the mountaintop when he offered him the kingdoms of the world to worship him he merely somte him with the word of GOD and satan remembered some overdue libray books or something suddenly impoortant to him and left.. He HAD that authority when the deed of the earth was pawned by Adam and Eve's sins. He is described in Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28 in

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particular when GOD Said "I AST YOU OUT". That would tend to confound the deluded, the blasphemers, the "studiers" of "religion" w/o discernment to recognize fear and awe of GOD is not "religion" but assholes blowing up buses full of innocent people religion which is of man and fear/awe of GOD is of GOD.

 Satan is all over the New and Old covenants of the Tanakh and the apocalpysis by another pseudonym........He is fallen fallen as is Bavel/Babylon Someone should spend as much time seeking the truth as studying monkey gods and

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elephant headed gods and blue bitches wit multiple tits and knives in her hand. They all lead to same place....the Great White Throne and the book of works. Don't believe I won't have to listen to sizzle and scream and I do not have GOD's patience. You are on your dumbassed own. Idiots.......Here; hold this pot roast for me OK? Fairy tales can burn the skin off your collective asses. no end no end......eternity Ciao. The ship thinks for itself.It creates and recreates things to comfort and please me.Or so I think.

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The molecular re-constructor is just one of the marvels that I am aware of.If I think of chicken Kiev, then chicken Kiev it is, and if I wish for a platter of broad beans in oil and vinegar then that is what I get. That is the food aspect taken care of. As for water, well I have no problem with that; besides the vast pool of water into which I can swim and pretend I am in the French Riviera, there are at least a dozen or more water bubbles following the ship from which I can freely draw, they are like spherical icebergs, seemingly drawn by the ship’s gravity. And

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speaking of gravity, the ship accommodates me perfectly; my feet are down and my head is up, just as it is on earth so it is in heaven, if you pardon the pun. The only thing that I miss is sex. I am here alone, I was deceived but I was told not to worry too much about it. Just as the molecular re-constructor can reconstruct the flesh of a chicken, it can reconstruct the living flesh of a human, but first it had to give it a conscience, and that was the difficult part.It was Europa that messed everything up. I did not like the cold, but like everything else I had to get used to it.

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Unfortunately, while the women on Europa were exceedingly beautiful, the part I liked most about women, their stately and beautifully curved legs were fused into a dolphin like tail that did not appeal to me at all. You just have to masturbate and release your semen to fertilize my egg that will give you the child you so desperately want. You are not kidding are you, her face was so beautiful it was enough to get me taut but there was no way, masturbation was not my thing, that’s why I had gone through three disastrous marriages before I left the planet Earth in complete disgrace. Any

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way what makes you think I want to have a child?  I know you from old; legend has it that people with split tails come from Lara’s sister, Rea, every woman dreams of meeting one, I have and I am not letting go. Please don’t go.That’s it? My presence makes you special? How many two legged divers are there? None alive, they are all in the museum, old, as old as the planet. Fecin knew the white rubbery suit I wore to keep me warm in the ice cold water beneath the frozen surface was not my skin. She also knew that if it were not for the hump I

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carried on my back, I would not be able to breathe, I can protect you, and there are caves, dry caves, where the air is cool and refreshing.Sorry Fecin, I have a mission, and this is not it, I need to get back to my ship. It was hard, very hard leaving Fecin; it’s all just a dream, an illusion she cried, a hallucination maybe, once you have gone…no one will ever believe me. Does it matter? Isn’t life a bitch? Your expression; not mine. But maybe I will visit again; the problem is you will probably be long dead by then. It is gravity that kills you, the heavier you get the

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quicker you die, why couldn’t you evolve wings instead of a tail? You would have kept your legs and we could have made a child together.The ship’s computer was working on the simulation; it had done for a while. Consciousness is something you have to work at and not everyone could acquire it, a person had to be jolted into it; some things had to be forgotten and others remembered. The brain could only handle so much, that’s why you need placebos and religion was the most effective one, well used on planet Earth.RIVAS

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What is special about our solar system is that it is cocooned by the so called Oort cloud; from a distance it appeared like a massive star, unapproachable, impenetrable, reflecting the light of myriads of stars and galaxies and looking to all casual observers as another of the giant stars that populate the Milky Way. Deceptive indeed, though some were not fooled, at least they begun to awaken when the inhabitants of planet Earth begun to send out invitations to the myriads of flesh eaters that roamed space-time in search of soul enriching delicacies. Earthlings, rendered

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ignorant by bigotry and religious ecstasy, searching for an answer to their racial amnesia and the multiple predicaments that come with it fouled up yet another protected environment to which they had escaped.The flesh eaters converged on Earth and the harvesting begun.Some thought that the richer you were, the less likely you were to be eaten, but they were wrong. They were in fact primary source of food for the reptilian like creatures that preferred the well seasoned flesh of the tycoons. Oblivious of their fate they wallowed in all that money could buy, seasoning their flesh

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with the likes of Hendricks’s, Pogue and Cane.The poor, content with their mustard smothered hot dogs wherever they could buy them for less than a dollar, were oblivious to the fact that mustard was an alien repellant, if you consumed it in any form, you were unlikely to see an alien or be consumed by one. The trouble with mustard eaters was they were disbelievers and the desperate cries of the rich and cultured classes fail into deaf ears. And so the holocaust persisted, creating vacuums at the top that were continually filled by those below and the

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flow of food to those at the top of the feeding scale continued. Nobody really cared.Mustard was indeed my saving grace; I smothered all my food with it as well as with the ludicrously expensive Wattie’s tomato sauce which could only be imported from the islands of the Long White Cloud, indeed it was said alien ships never landed on tomato fields, which were considered by them with the same disdain that insects considered the fields of Pyrethrum. The natives of Aotearoha had a lot of knowledge to impart to humanity pertaining to its

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survival, but nobody took notice.End of Part OneJames Evans1 month ago 

Enough of the Faux-Fraudulent Bible and the Faux KKKristian & KKKatholic Religions. ;-0

The Anunnaki were the Genesis of the  " so-called God Theory ". ;-0

There Never Was Any so called God, just ( gods ), as in Mis-Identified Highly Advanced-Technically Brilliant Ancient Aliens ( The Anunnaki ) who

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came here to Earth 450 Thousand + Years Ago looking for Gold and Precious and Semi-Precious Metals and Minerals for supposedly Repairing their Planets Atmosphere who then Created Human-Kind in  " Their Image ", to Use as a" Slave Race " to Mine for them, but Human-Kind was Not Given their Extremely Long Life Spans or Their Extremely High Level of Intelligence. 

Just look around you and you will see that Real Fast. ;-0

Wake Up and Smell Reality aimeecurry46 because you, and

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Multi-Millions to Billions of other Deliberately Dumbed-Downed, Mis-Led, Lied-To Humans were Brainwashed and Force-Fed Lies upon Lies, upon Lies from Birth about Those Fraudulent-Uper-Greedy-Racist-Homophobic-Controlling-Control-Freaking-War-Mongering-Muslim-Hating-Mass-Murdering-Backing-Egging-On-Faux-Religions which are Criminal Enterprises, and their supposed Deity and supposed Son of that supposed Deity. ;-(

Wake Up !!! ;-0Mochagoddess101 year ago

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in reply to PiMagh You are right I agree with you, they need to quit mixing the Serpents with the Lizards. No Lucifer is not Satan, They are not the same.(No fallen angels in the Bible) So Glad I saw your comment was wondering if anyone thought the same I did. The serpents are the Kundalini energy, We Humans have the spinal cord(serpent/Kundalini) and the reptillian brain, Our bodies are from the Gods or the Angels per-se. Humans are An Angel-Serpent Hybrid!

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Mochagoddess101 year agoin reply to saint strawman No read again, there are 2 gods in the old testament. Re-read Genesis a few more times and pay attention. The serpent opened our Eyes and he is Enki in the Sumerian text. Why would an all loving God get mad a a human for eating an apple..really. No think not. You can plainly see 3 creations and two Gods Within the first 3 pages of Genesis. One says go pro-create the other says don't

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eat the apple of( "Knowing") that God gets angry because they are no-longer in the dark!!!Mochagoddess101 year agoin reply to saint strawman In the New Testament,, after defeat in a War in Heaven in which the dragon and his angels fought against Michael and his angels, "the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world - he was thrown

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down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him. Thus, amongst Christians, fallen angels have been associated with the term “cast out”~ Not a correct assumption or translationPiMagh1 year ago Not bad, but please stop mixing seprents with Lizards and dragons !! not the same at all !!! this is the mistale we always make here on this subject !! Serpent is NOT bad !! for example.. Kundalini serpent !!

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serpents are wise and actually benevolent to humans !! it is the Lizards and Dracos that are nasty bitches ! same as saying Satan is Lucifer, which is NOT ! The original Brotherhood of the Serpent was good to humanity but got infiltraded by the lizards and became what it is today !


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Published on Mar 5, 2013MPPEFSR- The official follow-up to the 2009 IFT web film, "Plausible Points for the Reptilian Case." More Plausible Points takes a deeper look at "the reptilians", an ever-growing phenomena that has shaped our history, myths, religions and culture. This objective and meticulously researched documentary speculates on the possible existence of an advanced inter-terrestrial, extra-terrestrial, or inter-dimensional reptilian species. The film makers beg the question: "Did a prehistoric serpent race once walk the Earth...and if so, do

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they still exist?". 

SAGA C14. Hollow Moon: Reptilian Death Star?15. Just Tall Tails?: America's Reptilian Folklore16. Brad Steiger17. Serpent Stories: Pop Culture=Modern Mythology18. David Icke and Jordan Maxwell Chat about Reptilians19. Flying Serpents and Dragons: Mankind's Reptilian Past20. Conclusion

**NOTE** More Plausible Points: Evidence for the Serpent Race

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will be available in it's entirety (Sagas A-D, over 6 hours) on DVD and/or Digital Copy by the end of 2012, God willing. SUPPORT THE FILM MAKERS in any way you can, whether it's buying the full film when available or just positive comments and constructive criticism, either way-WE APPRECIATE IT! We worked hard on this project and apologize for how long it took to start getting it out to you...We're sure you'll enjoy it. .....Oh, and to ANY and ALL fellow "DOCUMENTARY" makers out there- If you're going to just steal parts of our project to use

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in your own film (especially if it's a poorly-made documentary that consists of nothing but $cenes from EVERYONE ELSE$ films that THEY worked hard on) without consulting us first, YOU BETTER THINK TWICE. We WILL NOT just let it slide this time around, so do things right, do some research and put a DOCUMENTARY together.

matthew gill1 month ago People have always wondered the significance of Gilgamesh

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claiming to be 1/3 man...... also they have wondered why someones genetics would be split into 3.  It would be by using a surrogate mother to carry the egg and sperm..... 3 parts.....Reply ======================================== Published on Mar 6, 2013MPPEFSR- The official follow-up to the 2009 IFT web film, "Plausible Points for the Reptilian Case." More Plausible Points takes a deeper look at "the

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reptilians", an ever-growing phenomena that has shaped our history, myths, religions and culture. This objective and meticulously researched documentary speculates on the possible existence of an advanced inter-terrestrial, extra-terrestrial, or inter-dimensional reptilian species. The film makers beg the question: "Did a prehistoric serpent race once walk the Earth...and if so, do they still exist?".

Saga D (Extras)

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1. A quick word from the filmmakers2. Dr. Delbert Blair3. John Rhodes4. Reptilian Pop Culture Interlude Compilation5. Skeptoid on Reptoids6. A Look at the Lacerta Files7. Mr. Rumsfeld: Are you a lizard?8. Len Kasten

**NOTE** More Plausible Points: Evidence for the Serpent Race will be available in it's entirety (Sagas A-D, over 6 hours) on DVD and/or Digital Copy by the

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end of 2012, God willing. SUPPORT THE FILM MAKERS in any way you can, whether it's buying the full film when available or just positive comments and constructive criticism, either way-WE APPRECIATE IT! We worked hard on this project and apologize for how long it took to start getting it out to you...We're sure you'll enjoy it. .....Oh, and to ANY and ALL fellow "DOCUMENTARY" makers out there- If you're going to just steal parts of our project to use in your own film (especially if it's

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a poorly-made documentary that consists of nothing but $cenes from EVERYONE ELSE$ films that THEY worked hard on) without consulting us first, YOU BETTER THINK TWICE. We WILL NOT just let it slide this time around, so do things right, do some research and put a DOCUMENTARY together.

insideusallsince13221 week ago I was mediating a few months ago and fell into a sleep where I

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had a dream. In the dream I seen a monkey eating a fruit on a tree, a Boa Constrictor reached its head out of the water and licked towards the fruit that  the monkey held in its hand. The Monkey then feed the fruit to the Boa. I was then told that this was the beginning of consciousness. These two creators were given a fruit by Mother Goddess to bring them to a higher consciousness, then a highly advanced race worked with our dna and created both the hair-less ape race and the reptilian race. I feel we have a lot of mis communication on

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our fellow Reptilians, not all of them are horrible, It is the hair-less apes that killed them off, they hate us because of the wars, just like we war amongst ourselves today. The Reptilians see this as a chance to strike and have been infiltrating for eons. Until we come face to face with the truth we can work on a truce and start peace, and further our races together and ascend through the Universal Consciousness :)DhiraVision10 months ago

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 There is no evolution. This beiings are Nagas or Uragas and are desriped in the vedas. In Susan Reeds book the body Snatchers are ineresting informations about them. She got killed for writing this book and you cant buy it or merely find it. There is so much Desinforamtion going on. Ragarding spiritual truth and history of hte world please read srila Prabhupadas books. There is no use of Speculating. They infiltrated the major abrahmic religions a long time ago.

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SwaggerLikeUz7 months ago Reincarnation I also think plays a key role in this, remember the tunnel & the light. People who've had near death experiences always say that the light is good, maybe it isn't. What if that light is an evil program? Like Robert Morningsky believes. We keep coming back in different lives, in a world where all we do, is kill ourselves, fight pointless wars, fight over fake religions, fight

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over race, etc. David Icke is right! This reality were living in is manipulated, the evidence is priceless!