satan's serpent

Satan’s Serpent By Leonard D. Rawlins

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Post on 06-Apr-2016




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Page 1: Satan's serpent

Satan’s Serpent


Leonard D. Rawlins

Page 2: Satan's serpent

Copyright © 2014 Leonard D. Rawlins

All Rights Reserved

No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,

graphic, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any

information storage retrieval system, without the permission, in writing, of the Author.

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A petrifying scream that chilled the blood shattered the early-morning silence that

enveloped this part of the city. The terror-stricken scream lasted but a few seconds before

becoming a soft gurgle. After a short interval all became quiet once again. A shadow moved

silently, accustomed to the darkness and quietness that surrounded it this time of the night.

The figure became visible only for a mere split-second before being pulled back by the veil of

darkness again. Except for a dim light that tried to throw its flickering beam down the street,

the silence was suddenly shattered by the sound of high heels clicking rhythmically on the

street’s tar surface.

Jessica McCloud, nicknamed Jessie by all her friends, was extremely tired after working

four hours longer than her original shift. Jessie was a qualified Trauma sister at the County

State Hospital, and her shift was supposed to have ended at ten o’ clock the previous night

already. She’d been ready to leave the Hospital, when a very serious accident had happened,

and the doctors had asked for all the help available to stay on a little while longer. Jessie

looked at her watch, squinting her eyes as she did so, for her eyes were red and hurting from

the lack of sleep. Almost 02h20 AM.

“Damn it all to hell! When I get home, I’m going to draw myself a long, hot bath, have a

Croissant or two, and get into bed. Sleep until I wake up on my own”, Jessie muttered as she

hastened her step to get into a better-lit area. Jessie was of slender build, and had well-

rounded features. She was 5 feet 7 inches tall, with beautifully shaped cheekbones, long

eyelashes and blue eyes, full lips and a straight, petite nose. Her thick, naturally-curved blond

hair fell to just below her shoulder blades. At twenty-seven she was happy with what life had

given her, except that she sometimes longed for her biological father, but that was another


Jessie lived just four blocks away from the Hospital. She usually took a lift with Fiona,

her best friend who worked the same shift, but tonight had been such a mess, and Fiona

hadn’t stayed behind to help. She was of British descent, and very funny in her ways. Jessie

had never walked this road going home, and had heard some pretty nasty stories from the

other staff members. Of lately there had been some stories about woman disappearing at

night. She involuntarily shuddered.

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“Now don’t start putting any funny ideas into your head, Jessie. They’re exactly what

they are, only stories.”

A soft, but audible noise caused Jessie to stiffen with fright, but she immediately pulled

herself together and, looking around frantically, set off hastily towards her destination, which

looked quite far now.

There it was again; the same sound she’d heard only seconds before. Only this time it was

closer. Was it her imagination, or was the sound now a little further up, in front of her?

Jessie’s first thought was that it might be an ally-cat rummaging through the left overs for

something to eat.

“What the…? Did the only light in this whole area have to blow right now, at this minute?

“Come on, you’ve gotta be kidding me!,” Jessie spoke out loudly, agitated at this turn of

events. She’d just passed the ally to her right, and was so engrossed in her thoughts, that she

was not fully aware of what was happening until she heard a shuffling noise behind her, and

became aware of a lurking figure.

Jessie’s scream was stifled before she had the slightest chance to react to her instincts.

The scream died on her lips as quickly as it had started forming. Her heart was pounding at

the rate of a race horses’, though. For an instant, Jessie’s stature was rigid and trembling with

fear. Then relief almost made her fold at the knees as she recognised the figure coming out of

the dark shadows towards her. It was Ralph, an old homeless serpent who dwelled aimlessly

through the streets of the neighbourhood at night. Everybody knew Ralph. He was harmless.

“Ralph! Why are you sneaking up on me like that? You nearly gave me a heart attack.

Look at the time, you should’ve been asleep by now.”

Ralphs’ toothless mouth gaped wide as he chuckled. “I’m sorry, miss Jessie. Didn’t mean

to scare you. Just lookin’ for scraps to eat. Haven’t had something solid to eat in three days.

I’ll walk you to the building where you stay, miss Jessie. Ain’t got nothin’ else to do, and I

could do with a bit of company. Gets pretty lonesome out here at night.”

“Thank you Ralph, I appreciate it.”

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Jessie had to slow down so Ralph could keep up with her pace. She gave a sidelong

glance at the huddled figure shuffling along beside her. Jessie was surprised to see that,

although he was old, and his frame slightly bent-over, his physique was still in good shape for

his age. Although Ralph was bent over slightly, he was still taller than Jessie on her high

heels. After a short walk of ten minutes, they reached the building where Jessie rented an

apartment on the second floor. She felt obligated to invite Ralph inside after he’d walked her

safely home.

“Ralph, come on inside, I’ll make you a nice hot cup of coffee, and something to eat. It’s

the least I could do to show my gratitude.”

There was astonishment on his face as he looked at her, and shook his head.

“Oh, Miss Jessie, I couldn’t let you do that, not at this hour. You’ve had a long shift, and

a bed’s the only place you should be now. I’ll take you up on that offer some other time.”

In a way, Jessie was relieved that Ralph had not accepted her offer, and after wishing him

a good night, she practically ran up the steps and unlocked her front door. Taking off her

uniform, she ran herself a hot bath, relaxing in the steaming hot water for about twenty

minutes. Jessie looked at the clock mounted on the wall of her bedroom. With a disgusted

grunt, she realized that she had to resume her duties again in less than twelve hours. It was

now 03h05A.M, which meant she had to get into bed and make the most of time left.

Reading a verse from her Bible, and saying a prayer before going to bed, was an integral

part of Jessie’s everyday routine, and she did so now as well. Feeling safe and reassured

again after this, she switched off the light, and within minutes her soft, rhythmic breathing

was evidence that she was sound asleep.

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Jessie awoke with a start as her bedside alarm went off, music filling the room. She

yawned, stretching herself and, sitting upright in bed, rubbed her face. She got out of bed and

strolled into the kitchen, where she switched the kettle on for her first cup of coffee of the

day. Going back to her room with her coffee in hand, she halted as she heard an urgent news-

bulletin come through on the radio.

“Good afternoon folks, it’s now exactly twelve thirty, and this is Jack Ferrer bringing you

an update on yet another attack in downtown New York in the early morning hours today. A

young girl, the sixth victim in the serial killing spree, was found strangled in an alley about

two blocks from County State Hospital at seven o’ clock this morning. The sign of an

inverted cross had also been present on the forehead of the victim. The time of death is put at

around two AM, and the Police believe that it’s the work of The Crucifix Strangler, the same

person responsible for the previous seven murders. The Police are asking that anybody who

might have seen or heard anything, contact them as soon as possible. A profile of the serial

killer is being compiled by the Police, which will be distributed at the earliest convenience.

Any leads forthcoming at this stage will be treated with the utmost confidentiality. This is

Jack Ferrer signing off. I’ll keep you posted, so don’t go too far away from your radio.”

Jessie was dumbfounded with shock. It was two blocks away from where she lived! Jessie

realized that it must’ve happened just before she had come off duty. She shuddered as the

thought that it could just as well have been her, sunk in. “Well, that was that then,” Jessie

thought. She was not going to work late again, unless she was guaranteed transport home

afterwards. Fiona had been nagging her to find another apartment in a safer area, more

uptown, but Jessie’s excuse was that she could hardly get by on her current salary, and

couldn’t afford a more expensive apartment.

Fiona had a very simple solution to this problem. “Well, then you’ll just have to get

married, won’t you Jessie? Catch yourself a rich man, so’s he’s chauffeur can drop you off at

work. Or better still, you wouldn’t have to work!”

Jessie always laughed at these wild dreams of her friend. “Fiona, you’re one to talk about

marriage. Why aren’t you married yet? And besides, I could never give up my work, you

know how much I love helping the sick and injured. It’s my calling.

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“Okay, but at least get yourself a cheap little car then, Jess. Just to take you to work and

back, a VW Beetle or a Mini. They’re cheap, and light on fuel.”

Jessie was ready and waiting when Fiona stopped by to pick her up for work at 14h30PM.

As Fiona pulled away and entered the traffic, Jessie asked her whether she had heard about

the murder on the news.

“Yes, it’s bloody awful, isn’t it? I got goose bumps all over when I heard the bulletin, and

I thought of you staying behind to help out. What if it had been you, Jess? This isn’t good.

Why would anyone in his right mind go around strangling young woman? Apparently it’s not

the first victim that’s been found in this area either. We have just not been informed about the

others. You know my cousin’s a journalist, right? He called me this morning and told me.

Warned me to keep my doors and windows locked at all times. It’s terrifying to say the


Two blocks from the hospital they were rerouted, as the police had cordoned off all

entrances leading to the murder scene. Both Jessie and Fiona looked with wide eyes at each

other, each busy with their own thoughts regarding this terrible tragedy.

They turned into the basement parking area reserved for hospital staff, and after parking

the car, went inside to sign the duty register. The latest attack was the topic of the day, but

quickly it became so busy that it died away. At seven o’ clock that evening, while on tea

break in the staff canteen, Jessie was called on the intercom to the nurses station. Arriving

there, she was informed by the Chief Resident that there was a Detective who wanted to

speak to her.

A little confused and shaken by this turn of events, Jessie agreed to speak to the

Detective. She followed the Chief Resident to his office, where he left Jessie with the

detective. Jessie took a seat as instructed.

“Miss McCloud, I presume? I’m detective first grade Cliff Durham from Homicide

division. I’ve been in charge of the murder investigations since the serial killer started

committing these acts five years ago. You must be wondering why I asked to speak to you.

It’s quite simple, really. One of the Doctors tells me that you stayed on for an extra four hours

last night to help out. That means that you would have knocked off around 02h00AM, give or

take a few minutes?”

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Jessie had looked the Detective over while he had been speaking to her. He was tall and

lanky; the hard, sinewy muscles rippling on his tanned fore arms a dead give-away that he

enjoyed outdoors activity. Detective Cliff Durham’s face was also slightly suntanned. He had

a mop of dark, curly hair with a wide forehead. A straight, pointed nose divided a pair of

steel-grey eyes widely set apart. Below that, a well-formed mouth, missing one or two teeth,

square jaw and broad face completed his profile. Jessie liked what she saw. She could see by

the way that he had observed her, that the feeling was mutual. Ah, he wasn’t wearing any

ring. That meant...

“Miss McCloud, should I repeat the question again?”

“Yes, that is correct, Detective. We’re a little short on staff at the moment, and there was

a crisis. Nightshift needed all the help they could get. I left the Hospital at approximately ten

minutes past two o’clock, and had to walk home. I live just four blocks from here.”

“Don’t you think it’s a little dangerous to walk home alone that time of night, Miss

McCloud? I mean, The Crucifix Strangler is out there killing off women, and he’s been doing

it now for the past five years. The scariest part about it is we don’t have one shred of

information on this guy. It could be your next door neighbour for all you know.”

Yes, Detective Durham, I’m well aware of what’s been happening. I didn’t plan on

working later than usual, as it never happens. It’s the first time that I had to walk home. Is

this why you asked to see me?”

“No, it isn’t. I apologise. What I’d like to know, is whether you may have seen or heard

anything out of the ordinary on your way home? A strange noise, perhaps, or something that

made you feel uneasy. You see, you might have been the only person passing the scene of the

murder just after it had happened, which puts you in the spotlight. The murderer might think

that you’ve witnessed something which could lead to his arrest and conviction.”

Jessie was taken aback by this statement of Detective Durham. Up to now, she hadn’t

thought of it like that. Looking at it from his point of view, she could see and understand why

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he had said so. Her mind raced, and her thoughts were in turmoil. She was suddenly afraid to

return to her apartment alone tonight.

“Well Detective, I haven’t thought of it like that. Do you think my life could be in

jeopardy here?”

“Miss McCloud, I don’t want to put a scare into you, but to play it safe, I want to know

every last detail since you left the Hospital early this morning. That way, we can determine

whether you should be worried or not. Does that make sense to you?”

“I suppose you’re right. Here goes.” Jessie went on to give Detective Durham a precise

account of what had happened until she had reached her apartment at approximately

02h40AM. He had made notes as they’d gone along, and now he placed his notebook in his

shirt’s top pocket. His look held Jessie’s.

“Like I said, Miss McCloud, It’s not my intention to scare you. For the moment though, I

think we can assume that you’re safe. I don’t think you should be too worried. Just be careful,

and don’t stroll around alone at night. Other than that, keep your doors locked, and the

windows shut.”

“I’ll do that, thank you Detective. Well, if that’s all...”

“That’s it for now, Miss McCloud. If there’s any more information I want, I know where

to find you. Thank you for your co-operation in this matter. Oh, just one other thing; do you

perhaps know whether Ralph makes a habit of walking the streets so late at night? It seems a

bit odd that he was in the neighbourhood at that exact time.”

Jessie shook her head. “No Detective, I have no knowledge of Ralph’s calendar at night.

I’ve seen him wander the streets around this area, but I don’t keep a time-table as to his

where a bouts. That’s something you’ll have to discuss with him yourself.”

They shook hands, and Jessie returned to the nurse’s station to resume her duties. Since

everybody was very fond of Jessie, and knew that she’d spoken to the Detective concerning

her experience earlier, she was bombarded with questions. It wasn’t long before their shift

came to an end, and hurriedly Jessie and Fiona walked to where the car had been parked in

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the basement. They looked forward to having the next three days off before their next shift

would start. At least they’d be able to rest some...

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Fiona’s VW Beetle exited the basement parking garage, with the eyes of a figure lurking

in the dark alley across the road following the car with wild anticipation. Taking a left at the

corner, she changed gears in quick succession, as there was quite a lot of traffic, and she

couldn’t drive too fast. Hoping that she’d catch the robot when it turned green, she put her

foot on the brake pedal to decrease their rapidly growing speed. It was with a terrifying

feeling that she realized the brakes weren’t responding as they should be. She tried the pedal

again, pushing it right down to the floor. Nothing!

The car was now racing down the street, speeding towards the robot. Jessie had noticed

that Fiona was battling to decrease their speed, and was on the alert as she saw the panic on

Fiona’s face.

“Fiona, pull up the emergency brake slowly, and switch off the ignition! Quickly!.”

Fiona did as Jessie instructed, but as she pulled up the emergency brake, she almost

pulled it right through the roof. They were almost on top of the robot, and going way too fast!

Fiona tried to steer her Beetle as best she could, but with the ignition switched off, there was

no power steering. The car swerved across the street, colliding with a high pedestrian curb.

Like a giant toy, it was tossed a few meters into the air with impact, and upon hitting the

surface of the tarmac again, skidded along its rooftop for about twenty meters. Smoke was

swirling around the catapulted car, making it difficult to see anything. Then a loud

“Whoosh”, and agonizing screams followed.

“Help, help! The car’s burning! We can’t get out, help us!”

A shop owner came running out, followed by his son. Both had fire extinguishers with

them, and without hesitation, pulled the pins and directed them towards the flames licking the

car. Within a few minutes the flames had been doused, and the Emergency Medical Services

and Fire Department had also arrived on the scene.

It took the Fire Department some time to get the two women out of the wreckage. Both

were severely bruised and badly shaken, and taken to the County State Hospital’s

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Emergency-and-Trauma unit for observation and treatment. Both Jessie and Fiona were

admitted, and the police informed of the situation.


In the alley running adjacent to the hospital, the dark figure stood watching as Fiona’s

VW Beetle started picking up speed. The anticipation with which he awaited what was about

to happen, was overwhelming. He laughed mockingly in delight as he saw the brake lights go

bright once, and then nothing.

The figure waited patiently in the ally as he saw the car descend upon the robot, swerving

uncontrollably. He knew then that his plan was going to work. That nurse who had nearly

messed up his plans in the early morning hours, wouldn’t pose a threat any longer. She

almost knew too much. With her out of the way, he could continue in this neighbourhood.

With delight he saw the car strike the curb and become airborne, just to land on its

rooftop a few seconds later and skid to a halt after some twenty meters or so. Then he jumped

with joy, and could hardly keep himself in. The car had lit up, and was burning! He knew

without a doubt that he had a master plan in the making, and was brilliant beyond


As he watched with delight at the squirming of panic-stricken people, and heard the

shouting coming from the wreckage, his eyes lit up, and shone with a fire unlike any other.

Then his face contorted with rage. They weren’t supposed to be alive! He beat his head

against the wall a few times, and turning around, hurriedly ran back from where he’d come.

His insides were throbbing with disappointment. He had to calm down first, then he’d rethink

his next step. Yes, he would go over everything he knew again before deciding...


The lady stepped onto the sidewalk. She’d heard the crash earlier on, then the sirens, and

knew that whomever had been involved in the accident, had been brought to the hospital she

was now about to pass. She was a little plastered, had had a couple of drinks too much. Some

weed had also been on the menu, and she’d taken a joint from someone, couldn’t even

remember who. As she passed underneath a dim streetlight, she took the opportunity to look

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at her watch. “No wonder I feel so terrible”, she murmured half aloud. The time was


Her head was spinning like a top, and she felt a little confused and dazed. Maybe she

should have waited at her friends’ house a while longer like she’d suggested. Her friend had

wanted to call a cab for her, but she had wanted to take a walk, thinking that it would clear

her head. It was now obvious to her that she’d made the wrong decision, as she was feeling

worse than half an hour earlier.

She was twenty-eight, with Auburn hair and strikingly beautiful features. Her clothing

was a little provocative, as she’d had a blind date at her friends’ party that night, but it hadn’t

worked out quite as well as she had hoped it would. Dressed in a short mini skirt and

sleeveless blouse, she was also wearing a rather eye-catching pendant with matching ear


A car glided past her, rather silently for such a large vehicle. The brake lights went on ,

and the car stopped, its engine idling with a soft, powerful roar. She hoped that it was

someone she knew, maybe from the party at her friends’ house. As these thoughts filled her

head, she saw the reverse lights come on, and the car start backing up towards her. It pulled

up parallel to her, the window already rolled down. She didn’t have a clear image of the

inside of the car, as the street lights were very dim here, especially as huge trees were

blocking out the lights.

“Hey there sexy, looking for a ride? It’s mighty dangerous for a lady walking out here all

by herself. Looks like we’re going the same way, so why walk if you can travel in style?”

She didn’t recognise the voice, but was tired and wanted to get home. Besides, he

sounded very polite and sincere. “Thank you, that’s kind of you. My apartment’s still about

ten minutes down the road.” She walked around the car, and opened the passenger door,

sliding into the comfortable, soft leather. “Oh my gosh, this is much better than walking”, she

commented as the big car slid into motion. There was no conversation from the driver’s seat.

At the following robot, the driver made a left turn.

“This isn’t the way back to my apartment, mister.” The car’s speed increased. “Hey,

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mister, I’m talking to you! He stretched his arm and turned the radio’s volume up, then

reached out and shoved her back in the seat.

“Shut up, you talk too much! We’re just gonna have us a little fun, you and I.”

“Please, let me go! Stop the car!” The woman tried opening her door, without success.

The door-handle was jammed from the inside, and wouldn’t budge. Frantically she lashed out

with her legs, aiming a couple of kicks at his face in the hope that it would force him to pull

off the road. She’d made a fatal mistake. This behaviour of her infuriated him to such an

extent that he pulled off, and before she could do anything, punched her unconscious with a

single blow.

Slowly he resumed his journey down the single street for a few hundred yards, then

turned into a scrapyard. He pulled his car behind the office building, so it would not be

visible from the street. He switched on the interior light to have a clearer view, and to wake

up the woman. After a few light slaps in the face, she came to, and looked around her

bewilderingly. His voice was calm as he spoke.

“You’re quite the hell-cat, aren’t you? I like feisty women, it makes it so much more fun,

don’t you agree?” His face was now visible to her, and she inhaled her breath sharply. He

was well known to everybody around these parts. What the hell was going on, and what was

he doing?

“I...I know you! You’re a...

A hard slap made her eyes water and her face hurt. “Shut up! If I want to hear your voice,

I’ll tell you to speak. Until then, keep your trap shut. Got it?”

Then his demeanour changed. He became apologetic, handing her a handkerchief to wipe

her face. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you, I’m just a little upset. My plan didn’t work out

earlier on like it was supposed to, and my head hurts. I can’t stop now, and unfortunately I

can’t let you live after what just happened.”

The woman was now pleading. “Please, whatever I’ve done wrong, I apologise. I won’t

do it again, and why do you have to kill me; what have I done to you?”

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“You haven’t done anything wrong, honey. You were just at the wrong place, at the

wrong time, and now you have to pay the price. That’s how the puzzle falls into place.”

She started with a reply, but wasn’t given the opportunity to complete her sentence. The

man struck out with his right arm and closed his strong hand around her throat. In an instant

her air supply was cut off, and she felt herself slipping away into darkness. The woman

flailed wildly with her arms, and kicked out with her legs. She felt something tear under her

nails, followed by a curse. The hold around her neck lost its grip, and she sucked a huge

amount of air into her burning lungs. Her long nails had left deep scratches across his face,

blood oozing from them. She screamed as loud as she could.

Her assailant lunged forward, and this time, placed both hands around her neck. Her

plight fell on deaf ears, the scream ending in a hoarse whisper, then a soft gurgle as her

windpipe was crushed. The kicking legs and flailing arms became still, and the car became

quite as a grave. Ten minutes elapsed before there was any movement. The man got out of

the driver’s seat, pulling the lifeless corpse with him. An inverted cross had been slashed into

the skin on her forehead. He put the woman outstretched on the ground, closed her eyes and

slid back behind the wheel.

Taking out his handkerchief, he wiped most of the blood from the open gashes her

onslaught had left. He would have to come up with a believable story to explain the wounds,

but he’d think about that later. Starting his car, he cautiously rode out of the scrapyard and

carried on down the semi-dark road until it reached a busy intersection. Here he turned right

towards the more busy part of the city. After ten minutes of driving, he pulled into his

undercover parking, and looking around carefully, he quickly covered the distance to his

apartment on the ground floor. The evening had not been a complete waste of his time...

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Ralph felt like kicking himself for not accepting Jessie’s invitation for coffee and

something solid to eat. He knew however, that she was tired, and only invited him out of

obligation because he’d walked her home. There was no denying the fact that Jessie was

always friendly and treated people with respect, which was why Ralph loved her so much.

She could just never find out the truth about him. He watched Jessie reach and enter her

apartment safely, before he turned around and strolled towards his sleeping place in Central

Park not far off. It was close to the hospital, in fact.

For the past couple of years Ralph had been carrying a terrible burden around with him.

He was afraid, because his secret could come out at any time, and that was just it. Nobody

would believe him, a bum. He had no standing in the community, and besides, Ralph had

been picked up before for disturbing the peace. They’d just as soon lock him up before

believing his story. It would be like telling them he’d been abducted by Aliens.

Ralph decided that no matter what happened, he would have to make sure that nobody

found out about his secret. He would watch his step in the neighbourhood for a while, and

should anything look fishy, he’d just have to keep a low profile. That was all he could do to

keep out of harms’ way.

Reaching the place where he’d stashed his huge cardboard box and stack of newspapers,

he made his bed with practiced skill, out of sight of prying eyes. He covered himself with a

layer of newspaper, and before drifting off to sleep, his last thought was one of despair.

Despite the stormy feelings that Ralph had been hosting lately, and his concern for being

busted, he slept like a log, and awoke at around eleven ó clock the following morning, as

hungry as a lion. Stashing everything neatly again, and stroking the folds out of his clothing,

Ralph took his time walking to the homeless shelter. He had decided that he would eat there

today, although he detested hand- outs.

After having a revitalizing lunch, which filled him to the rafters, the rest of the day passed

slowly for Ralph as he sat in the park on a bench watching people come and go. It was his

favourite pass-time. People were very complex, and although everybody had their own way

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of doing things, it all boiled down to the same thing in the end. People greeted Ralph as they

passed him, for he was a familiar sight around these parts.

Ralph took his place across from the hospital in the doorway of an Arcade at

approximately 20h45PM, where he had an undisclosed view of the exit and surroundings,

where he knew Jessie would appear if she was going to walk home again. At about the same

time, Ralph became aware of someone else in the alley adjacent to him. At first he didn’t pay

much attention to the other figure hiding in the shadows, but became more alert when he saw

Fiona’s VW Beetle exit the underground parking area, with both girls inside it.

As the figure looked interested when Fiona’s car taxied out into the street, and ran over to

disappear into the alley running parallel with the hospital, Ralph decided to go to the corner

where Fiona had turned left. In his wildest dreams did Ralph not contemplate the disaster that

followed while he had to look on. The entire time this was happening, Ralph had sight of the

figure. Soon he realized that the figure was the person responsible for the pandemonium and

accident that had happened to Jessie and Fiona. He just couldn’t get a clear view of the

person’s face.

Ralph was devastated by the turn of events, and quickly hurried to the entrance of the

hospitals’ main entrance. He hung around until the Ambulance arrived, transporting both

Jessie and Fiona. Ralph rushed inside with the Paramedics, but was deterred by the Doctors

and nursing staff. They were rushed into the Trauma Unit for attendance.

“That puts the cherry on the cake!”, Ralph exclaimed. He couldn’t allow this to carry on

any longer, there was too much at stake here. There was no getting away from it, no matter


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“Miss Dobbs, can you hear me? I’m sorry to be such a nuisance so early in the morning,

but it is rather urgent.”

Jessie awoke from the insistent urgency in the voice. She and Fiona were sharing a

cubicle. Both herself and Fiona had sustained a couple of broken ribs, mild concussion and

some minor cuts and bruises. Jessie felt like she’d been hit by a train. According to one of the

Physicians who had been on duty when they’d arrived at the hospital, they could both thank

their lucky stars to be alive.

“Keep quiet, will you? She’s still asleep, if you can’t see. We’re not up to interviews now,


“Morning, Miss McCloud. I’m not a reporter. Glad to see you’re in fighting spirit. You’re

one tough cookie if I look at the condition the car’s in. The passenger side was demolished

from the impact with the tarmac. Actually, both of you are lucky to have survived.”

“Who are you? I’m calling Security to have you thrown out. How did you get past them

in the first place?”

The man held up his hand and produced a shield from the inside of his jacket pocket. “I’m

Detective second grade Curtis Brown, Homicide division. I’m standing in for Detective

Durham, who called in sick this morning. I’ll be handling the case until Detective Durham’s

fit to take charge again.”

Slowly Fiona opened her eyes. “What’s all this ruckus about? Who the hell are you? I

don’t know you from Adam.” She looked over at Jessie. “Hey Jess, how you doing? I feel

like I’ve been through a sawmill.”

“My apologies, Miss Dobbs. Detective Brown, Homicide Division. I’m now investigating

the murders of The Strangler serial killer. As I was just about to say to Miss McCloud here,

your brake line had been tampered with. Well, it was actually cut, and the cable to the rear

emergency breaks as well. That’s why your brakes didn’t work.”

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Fiona didn’t know what to say. “Well Detective, I’m flabbergasted, I tell you. Who would

do such a thing, and to me of all people! Have you apprehended the person responsible for


“That’s just it. Do you know of anybody who would want to kill you? Any ex boy friends

who wish you harm?” Fiona shook her head. “Well, then I have just one other alternative

motive for what happened last night. I suspect that the target was not you, but Miss McCloud

here. You see, whomever it was that tampered with your car’s brakes, knew all too well that

Miss McCloud was travelling with you. This person is under the impression that Miss

McCloud knows, or saw, something the other morning which could mean his downfall.

That’s my assumption, so, in tampering with your car’s brakes, what better and quicker way

to get rid of any witnesses?”

Detective Brown turned to face Jessie. “Miss McCloud... I think your life may be in

jeopardy here. Do you have a relative or friend you can stay with for a while, until this, uh...

this serial killer, is caught and brought to justice?”

“I’m afraid not. Both my biological parents died when I was very small, and my adoptive

parents live in Utah. I’ll have extra dead-bolts put on my door, if that’s any consolation.”

Fiona hadn’t said anything, and spoke up.

“Jess, you can come and live with me until this whole thing has blown over. Please, you

know I won’t sleep a wink now that I know your life‘s in danger.”

Just then Detective Brown’s cell phone started ringing. He answered it, and after listening

for a few moments, his face became pale. “I’ll be right there, Lou. See you in a couple of

minutes.” Detective Brown excused himself, saying “They’ve found another body, just about

three blocks from here, in the scrapyard. Sounds like I could get some evidence here at last.

I’ll be seeing you later, Miss McCloud.”

Detective Brown hurried to the scene of the crime. Upon his arrival there, he found that

Lieutenant Cerelli was already busy collecting evidence. Together they combed through the

crime scene inch by inch. The Strangler had this time taken a keepsake. It was the first time

that he had made it a part of his modus operandi. Skin and other DNA traces had been found

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under the fingernails of the victim, and would be sent to a private Laboratory for further tests.

The Forensic investigators had found the tyre tracks of a vehicle behind the office building of

the scrapyard, photographed it, and poured casts. All this had been bagged by the lead

Forensic Investigator. A photo had also been taken of the dead woman’s pendant and

matching ear ring, as one of them was missing. They headed back to the station to write their



Time had elapsed slowly for Jessie, as both she and Fiona had been given sick-leave to

recover from their ordeal. On Detective Browns’ insistence, Jessie had given him her address.

She had been reluctant to do so, as she didn’t want the Police knocking on her door at all

hours of the day and night. Since giving the Detective her address, he’d been along on three

separate occasions to inform her on how the investigation was coming along.

“How about the information that Detective Durham has gathered on the previous seven

cases, Detective Brown? Surely there must be something you can go on, after nearly five

years of investigation?”, Jessie enquired matter-of-factly.

“That’s the oddest thing, you know Miss McCloud, now that you mention it. Detective

Durham has made no headway with the investigation up to now. Sure, he’s solved plenty of

other murder cases, but it seems that The Strangler has found a way to stay one step ahead of

us all the time. There’s been almost no progress. He’s a clever one, that. Thank you for the

coffee, I have to be on my way, still have a few things to sort out at the office.”

On his way back to the precinct, Detective Brown was deep in thought. There was

Detective Durham, who was his senior, and whom he admired as a law enforcement officer

of great standing. Something was amiss, but he couldn’t place his finger on it. He would give

it some more thought a little later on. Reaching the precinct, he went straight to their

divisional superior’s office, and knocked.

“Come on in, the door’s open”, a deep voice answered.

“Hey, Lieutenant. I have something I’d like to run by you. Don’t know if it’s important,

that’s why I want your input. Now look, you know Durham’s been on this serial killer’s case

now for what...nearly five years? What’s the paper trail look like, and how much evidence is

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recorded to have been found on the murder scenes? Something doesn’t add up, Lieutenant,

and I’ve been thinking about it, but I can’t quite place my finger on it. Can you think of

something that I’ve missed, and would you mind if I did a little digging myself? I don’t have

a case to work right now, so I could go through all the previous reports to see if there’s

something we missed.”

“Funny you should mention it, Curtis. I’ve been waiting for progress reports on the

killings, but haven’t received any lately. They just don’t seem to get to my desk. I have to go

by Durham’s apartment tomorrow morning to check up on him, since he called in sick. The

Chief’s bitching down my neck, so we’ll have to get something to report on fast now. Did

you get that DNA down to the lab? The killer’s been hurt, and according to the Coroner, it’s

quite a lot of skin she took off of him, an indication that it’s going to leave a noticeable and

nasty scar which will take some time to heal. That’s all we have going for us at the moment,

and the fact that the sicko took a keepsake.”

“Yeah, I know. If only we had one tiny lead to follow up on, but there’s nothing except

for the missing ear ring, and the first DNA sample since The Crucifix Slayer started killing.

Hopefully there’s a trace in the National Database.”

“Don’t worry, Curtis, we’ll get it together some way or another. Carry on with whatever

you’re doing, but bring me something concrete to work with. I want proof of some kind of

paper trail, evidence found on the crime scenes, stuff like that. You’re right about something

else; there has to be somebody who’s seen or heard something suspicious. I want a name or

two, This person, or persons, might be too afraid to come forward with the information.

We’re starting to look like fools here, and I for one, don’t believe in Phantoms. Get me some



Detective Cliff Durham awoke as was his nature , at exactly 5.00AM, took a shower and

made himself a steaming hot cup of strong, black coffee, no sugar. He walked out onto the

terrace, lit a cigarette, and inhaled deeply of it. The taste of fresh coffee and a cigarette this

early in the morning really invigorated him.

He was thirty-five years old, and had never been married before, nor had he ever had a

serious relationship with the opposite sex. Both his father and grandfather had been in the

Police force, very proud, and very strict when it came to punishment.

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Cliff was a natural when it came to policing, and he was a favourite at the Academy. He

completed his training with top Honours. His IQ was found to be far above the normal,

average person’s. Because of this, he’d been offered jobs to pick and choose from, even as a

Profiler with the FBI, but this didn’t suit Cliff. He wanted a job where his time would be his

own, and he could come and go as he pleased. Time was the one thing that was important to

Cliff, so he chose the Police force and working shifts.

His doorbell rang. Throwing the cigarette butt over the terrace wall, Cliff turned around

and headed for the door. The door-bell rang again, more insistent this time. “Alright, alright,

I’m coming. Keep your pants on!” Cliff unlocked the door, and took the chain off. To his

surprise, he found his Lieutenant facing him.

“Morning Cliff, thought I’d pay you a visit on my way to work. You know the department

policy when calling in sick.”

“Yeah, I know it all too well. Would you like a cup of coffee? The kettle’s still hot, just

made myself some. Come on in, Lou.” Lieutenant Cerelli stepped inside. “Thank you, yes,

that would be nice. Haven’t had time to drink coffee yet this morning. Now’s as good a time

as any other. Nice place you have here. Spacious.”

“Thanks. Yes, I quite like it here. The rent’s not that expensive, and I have a rather nice

view from my terrace. The shops are also just around the corner, within walking distance to

get some supplies if I feel like it.”

“What’s the problem, Cliff, why’d you call in sick? Doesn’t sound like you have the flu

or anything like that. You want me to book a session with the Department Psychologist for


Cliff was taken aback by this suggestion from his superior. “Hell no, that won’t be

necessary, Lou. I’m just not feeling so good today, you know. My stomach’s a little upset,

and I feel a little nauseous, but that’s it. Must be something I ate, or I could have a bug or

something. I’ll go and see the doctor this morning and get some medication. Within a couple

of days I’ll be up and about again, don’t worry.”

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“Okay, then it’s fine, Cliff. I was just worried that you might be taking a little too much

strain from these murders. It’s difficult coping with the mental part of such cases.” Lieutenant

Cerelli seemed to be satisfied with Cliff’s answers, for he nodded his head and didn’t make

any further enquiries. Wishing Cliff well, he left for his office.

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Jessie had decided against going to stay with Fiona for a while, as Fiona’s apartment was

also only a one-bedroomed apartment, with the barest necessities. Fiona didn’t feel the same

about the situation when Jessie explained to her that it would be too cramped, but also

realized that she wouldn’t be able to convince Jessie otherwise. That being cleared out of the

way, Jessie remained at her own apartment, keeping herself busy with small tasks from day to

day, not over exerting herself. Her strength returned slowly but surely.

Two days after being discharged from hospital, she was surprised by a visit from

Detective Durham. She let him in, as he informed her that he had resumed his duties as

investigating officer on the serial killings.

“Hi Detective, we were told that you had called in sick. That was about five days ago.

Glad to see you’re better.”

“Morning, Miss McCloud. Yes, I was feeling a little under the weather, but I’m okay

now. What a terrible thing to have happened to you and your friend, Miss Dobbs, isn’t it? I

believe that her car’s brake-line was cut. Does she have any idea who has a motive to

possibly want to harm her? Please call me Cliff, all these formalities are unnecessary.”

“Good, then you may call me Jessie. No, and that’s the strangest thing, Cliff. She has no

enemies on this entire green world of ours. Fiona’s the sweetest, most gentle person you’ll

ever come across. She hasn’t been here very long, but has made an enormous amount of

friends. Everybody loves her, she has such a sparkling personality.”

Jessie offered him a fresh cup of filter coffee, and he gladly accepted. “Jessie, I should

have put you under protective custody right from the very start. I didn’t think that your life

would be in any significant danger at that point. Then again, who can foresee what goes on in

a serial killer’s head?”

After talking for about an hour, and trying to extract more information from Jessie about

the morning she had walked home, Detective Cliff Durham said that he would look in on her

again a little later.

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The room was dark and cold, the concrete flooring soiled with oil and other automobile

derivatives. It was stifling hot inside the room, and the air was extremely humid. A soft groan

became audible, breaking the quietness that hung like a cloak over the building. Then an

intense white light’s beam broke the veil of darkness. The beam sought out the huddled-up

figure that lay on the cold concrete floor, broken and battered, blood forming a thick crust

around the facial area. The ladies’ hair, which had once been brown, was now blood-soaked

and tangled, and her features unrecognizably deformed and swollen from the countless

beatings. She was hardly alive.

The woman was thirty two, and had been at her usual hangout the previous evening, just

having a good time mingling with the guys she worked with. She remembered a good

looking, athletic guy looking her over at the bar. He had greeted her with a nod of his head,

and she had replied by smiling back at him. Later on, she had gone to the ladies’ room. She

remembered coming out of the ladies’ room, and then everything had gone blank. The next

thing she recalled was waking up blindfolded and tied up. Then the beatings had started,

systematically and never-ending. Pain had caused her to lose consciousness, allowing her

some escape from the overwhelming torture. The intense light hurt her eyes. Then the same

voice spoke to her.

“Welcome back to the living. I’m glad to see that you’re a survivor, I enjoy it much more

when you ladies have a little fight in you. It makes everything more interesting and

worthwhile. Want to know why you’re here? I might as well tell you, but then again, what

I’m about to tell you, shouldn’t come as a surprise. You’re still single at your age, and “hang

out” with the men you work with every night, not minding whether they have wives or

girlfriends waiting on them at home. There are two in particular whom you’ve been flirting

with openly. I’ve seen you on numerous occasions leave the bar with these two gentleman,

and drive off with them. They’re married men.”

The woman tried talking, but her tongue was too swollen. “But I, I...”

His voice was like a whiplash. “Shut up! You’re not entitled to speak! Your life revolves

around flirting and sleeping with married men and breaking up families for your own

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pleasure. This is your punishment, and you’ll not live to tell the tale. I hope you’ve repented,

because you deserve to burn in Hell!”

She heard his footsteps come closer as he spoke these last words, and cringed away out of

fear, as she was still blindfolded and couldn’t see. Her hands came up in an effort to defend

herself against another onslaught from his vicious attacks, but it was now quiet, and no blows

followed. Then a steel grip encircled her neck, and she felt a terrible pain between her eyes,

aware that he had a knife in his hand. Blood was streaming into her eyes and down the bridge

of her nose. The scream that formed on her lips, was stopped short as the air was forced back

in her throat. His hands relaxed its grip, and as she sucked in painful lungs of air, she became

aware that something was being forced down her throat. She started choking, and his hands

were once again around her throat, squeezing. Her body became rigid, and her feet kicked out

in a last resort before becoming still. Satisfied, he looked down at her broken, beat-up body.

His eyes were riveted to the mark he’d cut in her forehead, an inverted cross the Police had

come to know as his calling card.

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Ralph went to the Police station closest to where he “lived”. After hanging around the

entrance, then sitting in the entrance hall near the enquiry desk, he’d finally scooped up

enough courage to walk to the Sergeant on duty behind the desk. The desk-Sergeant, like

everybody else, knew Ralph, and also knew about his previous little skirmishes with the law,

which weren’t important, but nonetheless...

“Ralph, what do you want? You’d better make it quick, I don’t have time to stand around

here and listen to your jabbering.”

“Cut the act, Sergeant. We both know you ain’t that busy. Besides, what I have to say, is

much more important than your pen-pushing all day.”

“Watch it Ralph! Sass me again, and I’ll throw away the key.”

“I ain’t scared o’ the likes o’ you, Sergeant. Just tell me who’s investigating these

murders of the serial killer? There’s some information I’d like to convey, very important

information, by the way.”

The desk-Sergeant looked at Ralph, and tried to determine whether he was busy pulling

his leg, but Ralph’s face was stern as he met the Sergeant’s curious gaze without blinking.

“Okay Ralph, it’s Detective Durham, but he’s out investigating the case. The only other

Detective here, is Brown, and the Lieutenant. I’ll call Brown to speak to you, alright?” Ralph

indicated that it would be alright, and waited as the Detective was called. After a few minutes

Detective Curtis Brown appeared and shook Ralph’s hand.

“Hi Ralph. We know each other, so there’s no need for introduction. What can I do for

you today?”

“Well Detective, I have some information that I think is important. It concerns this guy

you call The Strangler; you know, the one that’s killing all these pretty woman.” Ralph felt

very proud announcing this.

Detective Brown had not been attentive since Ralph had started talking, but by the

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mention of these words, his body jerked. “What did you say Ralph? You have

information about the killer? Let’s go to my office, where we can talk without being

interrupted. Can I offer you some tea or coffee, maybe a doughnut?” Ralph liked being

treated like this. Nobody had ever given him the time of day before, except Jessie, of course.

“Yes, I’d like some coffee, thank you Detective Brown, and some doughnuts as well.

That’d be swell!” Detective Curtis Brown’s heart was thumping with anticipation. Although

Cliff Durham had returned to duty, he was still investigating some hunches that he had, and

any information that he could lay his hands on, was welcome. Seeing to Ralphs order, he

invited him to have a seat.

Ralph took the coffee and doughnuts that were brought to him, and indulged himself in

one before answering. “Detective Brown, this man you’re looking for, drives a dark brown

’77 Ford Mustang. He’s very athletically built. I don’t know his name, but I’m sure you’d be

able to at least trace the car, or not? The seventh and eighth murders were witnessed by me,

but from a distance, so I couldn’t see him clearly. He became aware of my presence, but

fortunately didn’t discover my hide-out. He’s taller than six foot, and weighs around two

hundred and fifty pounds, with dark hair. He’s evil this guy, Detective, I’m telling you. I

couldn’t stomach what he was doing, I felt like fainting, but he seemed to enjoy every minute

of it.” Ralph shuddered after completing his story.

He had polished the doughnuts and coffee, and was smacking his lips. He’d thoroughly

enjoyed it. Detective Brown was very delighted with the information he’d received from

Ralph. Not only did he have a faint description of the killer, but also of the car he was using

to pick up his victims. It was more than he could’ve hoped for. To show his gratitude, he

gave Ralph four doughnuts to take with him.


The woman’s beaten and broken body had been stumbled upon by two teenagers fooling

around in the buildings outside the city limits. They had been lured to the specific building by

a bright light they’d seen shining some distance away, and had decided to investigate the

source of the light. Upon discovering the gruesome sight, they’d run faster than they could

ever remember doing, to a phone booth close by, and had called 911. Within minutes after

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calling, police and other emergency vehicles were swarming all over the place. Every

entrance and exit to the site had been cordoned off while the Forensic Investigators took over

the scene. They combed the area with extra caution, as they’d been given specific instructions

to do so. Detective Cliff Durham was not happy with the way things were being handled on

the crime scene, and said so to the Lead Forensic Investigator.

“Look Durham, I don’t care whether you like the way we do our investigation or not.

We’re not here to please you. I don’t work for you, neither do my men. We’ve found

evidence here which we haven’t found on any of the other sites. You know what that tells

me? This guy’s becoming sloppy, or he wants to be caught. Maybe he’s tired of running, but

whatever it is, we’ll have him soon enough.”

The Coroner had also been on the scene. He’d stated that it was the same killer, and that

the Modus Operandi was the same, the serial killer had just become more violent in his

crimes. “This is natural. The killer becomes bored with the way he kills his victims, and

decides to throw in a curve ball, just for the fun of it. He hopes it will throw the investigation

off track, which it sometimes does. In this case however, I can say with certainty that the way

the victim was killed, is exactly the same as before. This woman has also been strangled,

using the hands. There are once again, clear indentation marks on the skin, although it’s

obvious that gloves were used as before. There are no fingerprints to lift, yet once again.

Death occurred by crushing the Oesophegus, thereby asphyxiating the victim. Then of course,

there is the inverted cross on the forehead. That is my opinion, gentlemen, and you will also

find it written like that in my report.”

The Forensic team had got a portion of a tyre track on soft ground just outside the

building, as well as an imprint of a shoe sole. Casts were poured, and photos of the tyre and

shoe prints were taken for later validation and reference. All evidence that had been collected

on the crime scene, was bagged and sealed. Detective Cliff Durham was in no mood to go

back to the office, and decided instead to head home, and make it an early evening. His head

hurt, and he had to get some rest. He was tired.


Detective Curtis Brown hurried to the office of Lieutenant Lou Cerelli. He had to share

the latest news with the one person whom he trusted with his life. Entering the office, Curtis

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Brown seated himself opposite his superior. Lou Cerelli saw the excitement on his

Detective’s face, and smiled inwardly. To still be excited about something after ten years on

the force, was remarkable.

“Lieutenant, I’ve just received great news! You know that old bum, Ralph, we’ve had in

the cells once or twice before, the one who sleeps out there in the park? Well, he’s just been

here, and had some mighty interesting information to share. He says he saw The Crucifix

Slayer kill the previous two victims. Even described the car our killer drives. A ’77 Ford

Mustang, dark brown in colour.”

“Slowly Curtis, calm down. Take a deep breath. Who is this person Ralph’s talking

about? Do you know someone with a ’77 Mustang, dark brown in colour? The only person I

know who has a Mustang, is Durham, but it’s a ’79 model, and a dark rusty-red colour.

Probably just came here to get his hands on a doughnut or two. Did you give him any? Yeah,

thought so. I’d also tell you a whole bunch of crap if you gave me four doughnuts, living his

life and all.” Cerelli chuckled while shaking his head.

“Lou, you can’t deny the fact that we can’t afford to dismiss old Ralph’s information as

mindless jabbering. What if he’s telling the truth? Okay, so maybe his eyesight’s a bit shot,

and he has the colour of the car wrong, but so what? It was dark when he says he witnessed

these murders. We can get a computer print-out of everybody who has dark-coloured

Mustangs in the city. Even if it means impounding all these cars for further investigation. We

have probable cause here, and every right to search any vehicle under suspicion.”

“Alright Curtis, I’ll tell you what. Let’s hear what the Coroner says about the latest

victim. Maybe Forensics also has something for us, evidence of some kind we can use to pull

the noose a little tighter. In the meantime, see if you can get hold of Durham. Tell him I want

those reports on the last two murders on my desk not later than tomorrow morning. Did you

ask Ralph for an alibi the nights he says he witnessed the murders? He could be lying about

everything he told you. Find out what his alibi is, Curtis, for both nights. What’s he doing up

that time of the morning anyway? Find out where he was the night that woman got murdered

in the scrapyard, because she’s the one who took the skin off our killer. See if Traffic can get

any info on a dark-brown Mustang for us. Tell them we need it pronto.”

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Detective Cliff Durham was busy with the last finishing touches on the latest murder

report, when Lieutenant Lou Cerelli popped his head around the door. “Durham, my office,

ten minutes. Bring all your reports on the serial killer as well as the victims. Don’t be late!”

“Yeah, yeah, I’ll be there! Just hold your horses, can’t you see I’m busy?”

Cliff Durham put the last of his printed report in a separate folder, and, happy with his

work, started towards Lou Cerelli’s office. He found that four other men were already

awaiting his arrival. Of the four men, he only knew Curtis Brown and the Coroner, Dr.

Kramer. Cliff had no idea what the big meeting was about. Lieutenant Cerelli took the folders

containing the reports from him, opening the first one.

“Cliff, the gentleman with the spectacles, is Greg McAllister, profiler with the FBI. He

has been with the FBI for fifteen years, of which ten has been that of a profiler. One of the

best in the business, I might add. He is here to look over the cases again, and compile a

profile of The Strangler, something that should have been done after the second murder was

committed. The other gent is Special Agent James Kendrick, also from the FBI. He will be

working very closely with you on the case as from today, the reason being that you haven’t

been able to secure any leads we can use in the case. I want you to relay all the information

you have on these cases to him, so he’s updated and ready to join in the chase.”

“What’s this Lou, a conspiracy against me? You know I don’t work with partners, now

you spring this surprise on me without first discussing it with me. You have the reports you

asked for on your table, don’t you?”

“Yes, I have them, it’s just a pity they’re five months late, Cliff. Guys, give me five

minutes alone with Detective Durham.” The party of four men left Lieutenant Cerelli’s office

and closed the door. “Durham, what the hell’s the matter with you? You’re the lead

investigating officer on this Strangler case, and for five months I don’t get any reports, no

feedback from you; nothing! You’re like a ghost around here, I don’t even know whether you

exist anymore or not. For Pete’s sake, if you don’t want the case, or if it’s getting the better of

you, tell me! Don’t leave me guessing in the dark, get your ass in gear! If you don’t deliver,

I’m putting Special Agent Kendrick on the case with you. Are we clear on that? Good, now

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get going.”

Greg McAllister stood facing the attendance room, where twenty-eight Policemen had

only just started their shift. They were now being briefed by him. “Gentlemen, I have studied

the reports done by Detective Durham, and also spoken to the Coroner concerning his Post

Mortem findings. I have drawn up a profile of the serial killer, which I believe is quite an

accurate description of him as a person. He would be in the age group thirty to forty years of

age, single, with the probability of an above normal IQ, as he has succeeded in leaving us in

the dark up to now. He is in all probability a very strong individual, with a large frame,

looking at the way his victims died and the imprints left on his victims’ skin by his hands.”

“All the victims are more or less in the same age group, which means they’re not random

killings. He carefully selects his victims on the basis of appearance. In other words, women

who appear to have loose moral values. The way these killings are committed, tells me that

he hates women, most probably because he was mistreated by his mother when he was a

child, and sees women as a direct cause thereof. Gentlemen, you will also find that this man

does not socialize with women. He is Psychotic, and sees women as a threat to his very


Lieutenant Cerelli intervened at this point. “Remember guys, this man is to be considered

dangerous, and a Psychopath. He has no empathy towards his victims, that’s why his killings

have become more and more brutal, and he also doesn’t have a particular pattern. He kills

whenever he feels the urge. Keep your eyes peeled out there while you’re on patrol, and when

you do come across something or someone that acts or looks suspicious, radio for back-up.

Don’t play hero, ‘cause that’s not going to be any consolation to your wife or girlfriend if

you’re killed. Got it? Right, let’s get out there and get the ball rolling, gents!”


Detective Cliff Durham hadn’t liked the way his Lieutenant had spoken to him. Who in

hell did he think he was? Cliff felt humiliated, personally attacked by what Lou Cerelli had

said to him. He would show them all, and he’d be the last one to laugh! As he had occupied

his mind with his own thoughts, Special Agent James Kendrick had been talking to himself,

because Cliff hadn’t paid him any attention at all. He could see by the FBI agent’s attitude,

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that he thought he could just waltz in here and take over. Not on Cliff Durham’s watch, no


“Detective Durham, what do you say about that? Good idea, don’t you think?”

“What’s that? Sorry, didn’t listen to what you were saying. Just thought about something

myself that would be beneficial.”

“Well, I think Detective Brown just forgot to tell you. There is a witness who came

forward, claiming he’d witnessed the last two murders. He also knows what kind of car the

killer drives. Interesting, isn’t it? I aim to help Detective Brown on collecting proof of

identity for the DNA sample we retrieved from the corpse at the scrapyard.”

“What if you don’t find any DNA in the Databank to compare it with? It’s going to be a

tough one, if you ask me. You say there’s a witness? This is the first word I hear about it. It’s

my case, and yet I don’t get the information to work with. How am I supposed to get results

when my colleagues keep important information like that from me?”

“Like I said, he most probably forgot to tell you. As I understand it, things were a bit

hectic at the office yesterday. The witness couldn’t speak to you, so he spoke to Brown. What

were you thinking about?”

“It’s nothing to get excited about. Just something I have to do. I’m not working late

tonight, so you can drop me at my apartment, and take the car back to HQ, okay? I’m going

to take a nice hot shower, and relax in front of the television; watch a movie or something.

Who’s this witness, and where’d he pop from?”

James Kendrick had to think for a while before he spoke. “His name’s Ralph, or

something like that, if I recall correctly. Apparently he’s a well-known bum around these

parts. Hey, I believe you have a Ford Mustang, ’79 model? I’m absolutely crazy about those


“Oh, okay. Yeah, everybody knows old Ralph. He’s been around the neighbourhood for

years. I for one wouldn’t say that he’s a very trustworthy source of information. Been in our

cells a couple of times, and I don’t think he’s all there, if you catch my meaning.”

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They turned into a broad street, and Cliff Durham made a u turn. He parked the car

alongside the curb, and got out. “This is where I get off. Enjoy your evening, Kendrick. I’ll

see you tomorrow. Pick me up in the morning, will you?” With this Cliff turned his back on

James Kendrick and walked away without waiting for a reply. Cliff suddenly turned around

and retraced his steps to the car, leaning in at the driver’s window. “A Mustang’s the only car

I’ll ever drive. There’s no other car that can compare to it, it’s a chick magnet, know what I

mean? See you.” The Agent looked at Cliff as he walked away, noticing his strong athletic


It was obvious to James Kendrick as he rode back to HQ and thought about Cliff Durham,

that he was a very peculiar person. He didn’t like talking very much, seemed rather distant,

and somewhat of a loner. He stored this information in a drawer in the back of his head, not

knowing why, although he knew that he would use it later because it would be important. He

just had that feeling on the pit of his stomach. If he could only put his finger on it, but he’d

wait it out...

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Jessie had decided to go for a walk, since it was still daylight and early in the afternoon.

She put on her most comfortable sweater, and a pair of flip-flops. She walked at a leisurely

pace to the park, and went to sit on one of the park benches. Jessie could sit and watch the

birds for hours. Today there were also two squirrels running around, much to the amusement

of children playing nearby.

Something about Detective Durham was puzzling Jessie. During the last two weeks that

she’d been at home, he had made frequent visits to her apartment. None of them had actually

had any significant meaning. They had talked about this and that, making small talk, and

when she had asked about the investigation and how it was coming along, he’d shied away

from it. He’d also not even tried to make a pass at her. He was quite a handsome man, and if

he had tried to make advances towards her, she would have played along.

Her thoughts were interrupted when someone came to sit beside her on the bench. She

was about to look up, when a familiar voice greeted her. “Hello Miss Jessie, hope you’re

doing well after the other incident.”

Jessie was extremely glad to see Ralph. It had been quite some time since she had last

seen him. Impulsively she hugged him. “Oh Ralph, you have no idea how glad I am to see

you! Where have you been, and what have you been up to? The last time we spoke, you said

you’d come and visit me, and I’m still waiting.” They both laughed.

“Yes, I remember, Miss Jessie, but then that thing happened to you and your friend, and I

didn’t want to impose on you. It’s awful what happened, but I’m very glad that nothing

serious happened to any of you.” He looked very concerned.

“Yes, it very well could have turned out much worse, and I’m grateful that it didn’t.”

Ralph told Jessie about all the highlights he’d experienced since last seeing her. Jessie

was amazed, and hung on every word Ralph said. To think that she had had the idea that

homeless people had the most dreary lives! Well now, wasn’t she the one to be proven

wrong. Dusk started setting in, and caught up in the moment, Jessie asked Ralph to walk her

home, and then stay for dinner. He gladly accepted her generous offer, and they walked back

to her apartment. Jessie felt safe in the presence of Ralph.

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While preparing dinner, Ralph had asked Jessie whether she would mind if he had a

shower. Jessie could see that he found it hard to ask, and assured him that it would be alright.

“Ralph, I’m going to give you some of my father’s clothes to dress in. He always leaves some

of his clothes here when they visit me, and your sizes would be a perfect match. Then you

could get rid of those tattered pieces of clothing you’ve been wearing.” Jessie handed Ralph a

clean, dry towel and some of her father’s clothing from her built-in cupboard.

Twenty minutes later, as Jessie laid the table, Ralph appeared in the kitchen doorway. His

appearance had changed radically, and she couldn’t believe her eyes as she stared at him. He

was clean-shaven, and looked years younger. “Ralph, you look totally different, uhm... good

is the word! Are you ready to eat? Pour us each a glass of wine, if you don’t mind.”

Ralph poured two glasses of wine, and handed Jessie her glass. Looking at him, Jessie

said “Ralph, I’d like to make a suggestion, and I would appreciate it if you’d consider what

I’m about to ask you. It would mean a lot to me if you came to live here. The sofa changes

into a double bed, and besides, I’d feel much safer with a man in the house. You’d have the

use of everything in the apartment as if it were your own.”

The surprise on Ralph’s face was momentary, then he uttered a short burst of laughter.

“You’re kidding me, right? Why would you trust an old bum like me to stay here?” When

Jessie looked him squarely in the eye, he realized that she hadn’t been playing him. “You’re

serious. Well, I never expected anything like that, Miss Jessie. It’s overwhelming, to say the


“At least think about it, will you? It’ll make me very happy to know that you’re off the

street and have a safe place to sleep every night.” Ralph promised to think it over, and give

Jessie his decision after dinner. It was the best food Ralph had ever had, and he couldn’t stop

complimenting Jessie. “You can eat like this every day, Ralph.”

Ralph held up his hands in a gesture of helplessness. “Alright, I give up. You’ve

convinced me that it’ll be in my own best interest to stay here. Thank you, you’ll never know

what this means to me. I’ll just go and gather my belongings.”

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A pair of steel-grey eyes saw Ralph leave Jessie’s apartment and come down the stairs, a

happy smile on his face. At first the man didn’t recognize Ralph, but as he passed underneath

a streetlight, he saw that it was the bum who lived in the park. He wondered what he’d been

doing at Jessie McCloud’s place.

He waited until Ralph had disappeared before getting out of his car and ascending the

stairs to Jessie’s apartment. He’d have to find out tonight, before it was too late, whether she

really knew something about the killer. If she did, well... Jessie opened the door, and was

surprised to see who her visitor was. It was quite late, and she didn’t expect to see him still

working at this hour.

“Hey Cliff, come on in. What you doing, working so late? Don’t you have a home to go

to? It’s a little past your working hours, isn’t it? Can I pour you a cup of coffee, just made a

fresh pot.”

“Yeah, some coffee would be nice. I was in the neighbourhood, so I decided to pop in and

see how you were. Haven’t seen you in a couple of days, so I wondered whether you were

still alive.” Cliff laughed at his own joke, while Jessie stared at him. She didn’t find his joke

amusing at all.

“How can you go around making jokes like that, Cliff, while you know there’s a madman

out there killing young women? You should rather concentrate on capturing him, then I’ll

laugh with you. By the way, have you found any new evidence or leads to go on?”

“I didn’t mean it like that, Jessie. You’re right of course, he should be caught, but I think

he’s too clever for that.”

Jessie shrugged her shoulders. “I’m not so sure about that. Ralph says he’s seen the killer

on more than one occasion, and he’s given that information to the Police. They were very

grateful towards Ralph for willingly sharing it with them. I think it’s just a matter of time

before he’s caught. Ralph also told me everything he knows, and something seems familiar to

me. I just need a little time to sort some things out.”

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“Oh yeah, like what? If you know something, you have to tell me, Jessie. You know that,

don’t you? If this guy finds out that you know something which could apprehend him, he’s

going to come after you, make no mistake about that.”

“Fortunately, you’re there to protect me against the big bad wolf, true?”

“True, but only to a certain extent. I can’t keep watch over you day and night.”

“This Crucifix Slayer should be caught now. He’s murdered an awful lot of women. I

think he’s sick. One has to be to kill so many people, don’t you think?” Detective Cliff

Durham didn’t answer Jessie. He stared at her for a moment, making her uncomfortable, then

turned and strode towards her front door. Jessie was there to open it for him. “I’ll see you

soon, Jessie. Have a good evening, and give Ralph my regards, won’t you?”

Jessie watched Detective Cliff Durham descend the steps, and walk to where he’d parked

his car. She couldn’t catch a proper view of it, as he’d parked it behind a low wall

surrounding the premises. As his cars’ taillights disappeared down the street, Jessie saw

Ralph come around the corner with a duffle bag. She waited for him, and stood aside so he

could enter.


This area was not known to him, but he’d decided to broaden his territory, and it was as

good a night as any other. It had been nearly three weeks since his last killing, and he could

feel the tension build up inside him. A scapegoat had to be found, quick. He’d crossed the

County State line into Albany just thirty minutes ago, and was now driving the streets in

search of a lonely female to pick up. As he rounded a bend in the road, she was caught in his

sharp headlights. “At last, a little luck!”, he thought as he drove slowly and deliberately

towards the woman, stopping alongside her. She had been so engrossed in her thoughts, that

she hadn’t heard the car pull up beside her. She caught her breath sharply when his voice

interrupted her thoughts.

“You shouldn’t be out wandering the streets alone so late at night, lady. Mind if I offered

you a lift somewhere?”

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“Gee-whizz, mister, you gave me a hell of a fright! Do you always creep up on people

like that? If you do, you should stop doing it, it’s a bad habit. What makes you think I’d get

into your car? I don’t even know you, and besides, my mama always used to warn me not to

talk to strangers, or to get into their cars. So no, I don’t want a lift, my house is just around

the corner, thank you.”

The man could see that she was going to be difficult convincing, and pulling his wallet

from his inside jacket pocket, showed it to her, saying “Hold your horses, lady. I’m not an

undertaker, I like real live bodies.” She came forward, taking a long look at the identification

card he held out. Satisfied, she nodded her head.

“Well, how was I supposed to know that? You’re driving a Mustang.”

“Yeah, but that’s because I’m on my way home, see? I’ve just come from a friends’

house, when I saw you walking, and it’s kinda late. If something were to happen to you

because I didn’t stop to offer you some help, I’d never forgive myself.”

“You sure it’s no trouble giving me a lift? My house isn’t really just around the corner, I

just said so to scare you off, but I guess it’s alright if I accept your offer for the ride.” Without

any further ado, she walked around the front of the car, and got into the passenger side. She

looked with admiration at the inside of the vehicle. It was clean and neat, and there was a

nice, fragrant smell. She had time to seat herself and take all this information in. Then she felt

a sharp pain on the side of her head, and she slumped forward, out to the world. The man laid

her seat back so she wouldn’t roll about while he drove around looking for the perfect spot.

He drove around for about ten minutes before seeing a sign which indicated where the

industrial area was situated. Smiling at himself in his rear view mirror, he took the turn-off.

Quickly he found what he had been searching for; a broken down, stand-alone building off to

one side of the other properties in the area. It was perfect, and would suit his purpose well...


It was already 02h30AM, and the man started growing impatient. She was supposed to

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have come around long ago. He hadn’t hit her that hard. Unless... Yes, he saw the

fluttering of her eyelids as he stared at her face. He could now clearly see that she’d been

faking her consciousness for a while. He slapped her hard, and it had the desired effect he had

hoped for. Crying out in pain, she opened her eyes wide and tried to touch her face, but found

that she couldn’t.

The left side of her face felt like a fire had been lit on it, and she could feel it swelling.

Her eyes were watering, and her nose had gone numb. There was a faint singing noise in her

ears she couldn’t get rid of. “Hi, sleeping beauty. I’m glad to see that you’ve decided to join

the living again. I hope you like having fun, because I have a special evening planned for us.

Now, I apologise for having to tie you up, but I really have no other choice. I can’t take the

risk of you escaping, I have an image to uphold. Ever hear of The Crucifix Slayer? You’re

looking at him, sweetie, and you should be honoured that I chose you. Do you know how far I

drove tonight to pick you up? Oh, I can see by the look in your eyes that you know whom I’m

talking about. Don’t let fear drive you crazy, I promise I won’t take too long with you.”

She had started crying, and was pulling at the ropes that she had been bound with. Seeing

that it was hopeless, she gave it up, and started pleading. He looked at her in disgust. She had

short, blond hair, cut in a bop style, with large, blue eyes. Her face was doll like, with a small

nose and full lips. She was of average height, and could be in the region of about twenty three.

“I should have listened to my mama, you pig! You’re the type she warned me against. You

hide away behind a badge; you’re a sick monster! You’ll burn in Hell for what you’re doing.

The Devil’s gonna sizzle your ass!”

He had put on leather gloves while listening to the woman ranting and raving. After she

had finished her last sentence, he let her have it. The beating seemed to last an eternity, and

when he stepped back from her suspended figure, she was a red pulp of broken bones and

lacerated skin. She had been beaten senseless. Her once beautiful face had been mutilated, and

most of her teeth had been broken by the severe beating. For the moment though, she had

been knocked out cold. The man grimaced. He took out his knife, and flicked it open. Holding

the woman’s head up straight, he made the incision on her forehead of an inverted cross.

Blood oozed out of the lacerations, flowing across her face.

Cutting the ropes with his knife, he let her fall to the floor with a thud. He looked at her, a

sardonic smile fixed on his lips. “They would never suspect the Crucifix Slayer of this killing,

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as it had happened in another County. Yes, he had definitely pulled the wool over their eyes

with this one!”, he thought. He’d give her a while to come around before finishing her off.

This would be his master piece!

Half an hour passed before there was any sign of her coming to. The woman groaned, and

tried to sit up, failing in her attempt. She slumped back on the concrete floor, curling up in a

foetal position and cradling herself. She heard his footsteps come closer, but couldn’t see him.

Her eyesight had become blurry, and her eyes were tightly shut by hard-crusted blood and

swelling. She would have to learn to rely on sound as her only ally. The pain she had been

going through was intolerable, and she couldn’t help but whimper softly. She thought about

her mother, who would be sick of worry by now. Her father would be busy calling all her

friends and everybody they knew by now, hoping to get some news as to her where a bouts.

She knew that she would never see any of them again, that her hour had come.

“You’re awake. That’s good, now we can complete the last step in your journey.” She was

violently shoved onto her back. As she opened her mouth to plead with him, she felt an all-

consuming, sharp pain in her throat, and became aware that she could not swallow or breath.

Her assailant had stuck an object down her throat, forcing it down with brutal strength. She

tried to scream, but it was futile. She could feel the blood bubble up in her throat. Then iron-

like clamps clasped around her neck. Her air supply was immediately cut off, and she started

lashing out wildly with her hands. She felt her nails enter soft tissue, followed by a scream of

pain. The hold on her throat lost its grip momentarily, then squeezed harder. She felt herself

float away, then nothingness enveloped her.

The man had used all his strength to overpower her, and panted for breath while sitting on

her spent, lifeless figure. She’d been a tough one, but no match for his evil specialty. He

cursed loudly when realizing that his clothes had been spattered with her blood. Touching his

neck gingerly with a handkerchief, he put some pressure on the open gashes caused by the

woman’s nails. Blood was oozing from the wounds, and did not stop before he had tied a

piece of cloth around his neck. He looked down at the woman’s dead body, sure that she

wouldn’t be found for at least a couple of days. The fact that there would be traces of his

blood type under her finger nails, didn’t bother him. Getting rid of evidence was easy.

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After wiping the blood from his face and hands, he turned around and walked towards his

car, which he had parked behind the building, next to the entrance. He slid behind the

steering, and starting the car, drove quickly back in the direction of the city limits without

looking back. Looking at his watch, he realised that he had only a little more than two hours

to get back over the County line and to his apartment before daylight would catch him. The

Mustang’s engine roared with power as it picked up speed along the highway.

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“Lou, you seen Cliff anywhere? He’s not in his office, and I can’t get hold of him on his

cell phone either. The FBI Agent, Kendrick, says he was supposed to pick Cliff up this

morning, but there was no answer when he arrived there. Think I should take a ride to his

apartment and see if he’s still sleeping. Maybe he had a rough night.”

Lou Cerelli looked at his watch. It was half past eight already, and Cliff should have been

at work at seven o’clock. “I wonder what the hell his story is? Every other day he’s late, and

his excuses are very feeble. His stories don’t hold up. Yeah, I think you should take a ride out

to his place, and see what’s cooking. Call me when you get there, Curtis.”

“Sure thing, boss.”

Detective Curtis Brown switched his radio on to catch some early morning news. He was

so deep in thought that he nearly heard it too late. He only caught the last piece of the

reporter’s broadcast. “That’s right folks, another young girl in her early twenties has been

murdered. This time in Albany County, but the Police there are not quite sure whether this

murder holds any similarity to any of the murders already committed by The Crucifix Slayer.”

Curtis Brown had heard enough. Pulling off to the side of the road, he called Lieutenant

Cerelli. “Lou, have you heard the latest news report on the radio? Not? Well, they’ve found

another body, in Albany County. Yeah, that’s right, but the Police aren’t pointing any fingers

yet. Okay, I’ll do that. Call you in a couple.”

Arriving at Cliff Durham’s apartment, Curtis knocked hard a couple of times, and waited.

He heard a muffled voice from inside, and was about to knock again, when the door suddenly

opened. He couldn’t believe his eyes. “Cliff, what the hell’s wrong? You look like shit! You

planning on coming in to the office today, ‘cause you sure as hell don’t look too good to me.

What happened to you? Lou said to call him when I get here.”

Before Detective Durham could say anything, Curtis had already dialled Lou Cerelli’s

number. “Lieutenant, Curtis here. I’m standing here at Cliff’s apartment. Yeah, he’s here, but

he looks like shit, like he hasn’t slept for quite some time. I think if you saw him, you’d agree

that it would be better if he stayed home today. Right now he’s a gonner, won’t be of any use

to anybody. Okay, I’ll tell him to get some sleep, and come and see you this afternoon. Bye.”

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Detective Cliff Durham looked at Curtis Brown with red-rimmed, bloodshot eyes, a

sarcastic smile touching the corners of his mouth. “So, the Lieutenant’s worried about me?

How nice of him, but tell him not to worry, I’ll be alright in a jiffy. I’ll see him around three.

That should give him enough time to shit on my head.” Without waiting for a reply from

Curtis Brown, Cliff slammed the door in his face and bolted it. Curtis’s couldn’t fathom

Cliff’s behaviour, and left. His eye caught the musky-red Mustang standing under its carport,

and walking to the car, he looked inside.

It was extremely clean and well looked after, although the outside could do with a wash

and polish. As Detective Brown was about to turn and walk away, something shiny glistened

on the carpet, almost underneath the passenger seat. Straining his eyes to have a better look,

Curtis thought that it might resemble an ear ring, but wasn’t sure. He made a mental note of

his discovery. Cliff’s unexplained accidental occurrences bothered him.

Back at the precinct, detective Curtis Brown went straight to his office. Taking a seat, he

dialled Jessie McCloud’s number. It went over to voice mail, so he left a message for her.

“Miss McCloud, this is Detective Brown speaking. I’d like you to give me a call as soon as

you receive this message. It’s vitally important that we talk.”

After making the call, he strode into the office of Lieutenant Cerelli. Sitting down,

Detective Brown explained. “Lou, you have to get a warrant to impound Cliff’s car. You

should have seen him just now. He looked like he’d been in some sort of fight or something.

His clothes were stained with blood, and he had some wound in his neck. He tried to hide his

right hand behind his back, but not before I saw that it was quite swollen. And now for the

best news. Remember the eighth victim had an ear ring that matched her pendant, but the

other ear ring had just disappeared? I think I might’ve found it, but I’m not absolutely sure

that it could be the missing ear ring.” Detective Brown went on to tell Lieutenant Cerelli

about what he’d seen on the floor of Cliff’s car.


Detective Durham awoke to the sound of his alarm going off. After five hours of sleep, he

felt alright. At least his headache had subsided a little, and his eyes didn’t feel like sandpaper

anymore. He looked at his reflection in the mirror. Unfortunately he hadn’t had time to

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undress this morning, for he had arrived home two minutes before Detective Brown had

knocked on his door. Cliff knew that Brown had looked at him curiously, and had noticed

something out of the ordinary. When asked, he would just say that he had cut himself shaving.

That was the least of his worries at the moment.

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Fiona dropped Jessie off, and waved as she pulled away. Both had started working that

morning, and Fiona had bought herself a brand new Mini with the money her insurance had

paid out. She was like a kid with a new toy, and was driving down to Long Island to visit a


A glorious smell engulfed her as she opened the front door to her apartment. Surprised,

she followed the smell into the kitchen, where she found Ralph in an apron. Pots and pans

were dancing on the stove top, and the smell that emitted from them was very fragrant. Ralph

looked at Jessie with a wide smile. “Hello Jess. You hungry? I thought I’d surprise you with

dinner. How was your day? Don’t look so surprised, I can cook up a storm, and I know my

way around a kitchen.”

“Hi! By the looks and smell of it, I’d say you’re a professional.”

“I wish.” They both laughed.

“My day was very busy, and yours? Please make this your home.. I want you to feel

comfortable, and to do as you please. I understand that it’s going to take some time getting

used to, but we’ll take it one day at a time, okay?”

Ralph was just about to reply, when Jessie’s doorbell rang. Both she and Ralph looked

questioningly at each other, for none of them were expecting any visitors. “I’ll get it, Ralph.

In the meantime, would you mind pouring us each a glass of juice, please?” Jessie opened the

door, and found Detective Cliff Durham standing in the doorway. He opened his mouth to say

something, and then shut it again, like the words couldn’t come out. “Come on in, Detective,

we’re just about to have some juice. Can I pour you some, it’s Orange juice, fresh and ice


Detective Durham nodded his head in affirmation. “Yes, please. It’s quite hot today, isn’t

it? Your food smells delicious. Who’s the lucky person dining with you?” He had followed

Jessie into the dining room, and she invited him to have a seat, saying “I’ll just be a minute.

Let me get you that glass of juice quickly.” She returned with Ralph on her heels, handing

Cliff Durham his juice. “You know Ralph, don’t you Detective? He’s my guest.”

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Ralph was looking at Detective Durham with a puzzled expression on his face, a frown

creasing his forehead. Detective Durham extended his arm in greeting, and Ralph shook hands

with him. There was a little awkward silence for a couple of seconds that hung in the air, and

it was obvious that Ralph was feeling a bit uncomfortable, although Jessie couldn’t figure out


Jessie broke the silence by enquiring about the serial killer case. Cliff Durham didn’t have

much to say on the subject, and after twenty minutes, pulled himself to his feet. He muttered

some excuse about going to bed early. Without greeting Ralph, he hurried out the front door,

leaving both Jessie and Ralph in astonishment.


It was 5.50PM. The man had been sitting in his Mustang now for the last thirty minutes,

waiting for some movement from Jessie’s apartment. He was waiting for that old bum to

leave, before he could make his move. He would have to get rid of the bum first, and then

concentrate on getting rid of the lady. The bum knew way too much, and that woman had said

that she only needed a little time before she would sort it all out.

Time had come to let the chips fall. He was not prepared to get caught now, or anytime

soon for that matter. Fifteen minutes later his patience was rewarded. Ralph came down the

steps from Jessie’s apartment, looking quite happy with the world in general. The Mustang

had been parked behind the apartment block wall, where it could not be seen from inside the

premises. The man waited for Ralph to pass him, waiting for exactly the right moment to

strike. Ralph never knew what hit him.

The man had been waiting inside a cubby just outside of the entrance. As Ralph passed

him, the man swung with a sand-filled leather pouch. It struck Ralph behind his left ear with a

dull thump, felling him like a tree. The man quickly dragged Ralph’s body inside and laid him

down underneath some shrubs. He made for the stairs, ascending them two at a time. The

knock on Jessie’s door came as a surprise to her, for Ralph could not be back that quickly; he

had just left. Unsuspecting, she opened the door. The next moment she was overpowered, a

ski mask pulled over her head wrong way around, and she received a hard knock on the head,

leaving her unconscious to her surroundings.

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Quickly Jessie was laid on the backseat, and her hands and feet tied together. The assailant

slid behind the steering wheel of his car, and pulled away as silently as he could. Once gone

from the apartment complex, he put his foot down on the gas pedal, making the powerful

engine lurch forward. It picked up speed without any effort as he steered it towards the high


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Lieutenant Lou Cerelli had spoken to the Chief of Police in Albany County concerning the

murder that had been committed there during the early morning hours of the day. They had

exchanged information, and upon hearing the circumstances of the woman’s death, Lieutenant

Cerelli had asked the Chief to send him a report concerning the outcome of the DNA tests.

Skin pigments had also been found under the woman’s finger nails, which could be a match to

the first DNA traces found on the eighth murder victim.

“Lieutenant, why don’t you take a drive out here? Then you’ll be able to see whether the

murders have the same Modus Operandi. If this is your guy, I’m sure you’ll see it straight

away. Our victim also managed to take something from her killer. It’ll be in your best interest

to take a drive out here.”

“Okay, yeah, I see what you mean. Sounds good. Gimme two hours, and I’ll be there. See

you in a while.”

Lou Cerelli was on his way out, when Detective Brown stopped him in the hallway. “Lou,

good news, and bad news. Ralph just called. He got socked in the head, and when he came to,

Jessie McCloud was gone. Ralph says he thinks she might have been abducted, and I agree.

The circumstances around her disappearance look dodgy, so I’m going to issue a missing

persons report, which I want to get televised and circulated as soon as possible. We might still

be lucky if we’re quick. Where you off to?”

“Good idea, Brown. Durham’s late again, he should’ve been here an hour ago. When he

does get here, tell him to call me before he comes to work tomorrow. Get out that missing

persons report, and haul ass. I’m off to Albany County. The Chief of Police there said I was

welcome to take a ride down there to have a look at some of the evidence they collected on

the murder scene. I’ll be back later tonight. Call me if there’s any news on Miss McCloud.”


The Mustang was speeding ahead on the outside lane of the Highway once he took the

exit out of the city to the Interstate Highway. He’d decided against taking the backstreets, as

his car would be more noticeable if a patrol car was in that area. On the Highway he was safer

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amongst thousands of other cars. He was planning on crossing a few State lines. This time he

wasn’t returning.

He became aware that Jessie had started regaining consciousness. Although not fully alert

or awake yet, she tried to sit up on the rear seat, where he had lain her before taking off with

his car. He had blindfolded her, and tied her hands and feet together. Her movements were

limited, which suited him. The man turned on the radio, and what he heard, caught him by

surprise. “We’re interrupting the music channel to bring you an up-to-the-minute broadcast on

the latest murder by The Crucifix Slayer. A young woman’s mutilated body was found in the

early hours today in an abandoned building in Albany County. Although committed out of

State, the Police have gathered enough evidence on the crime scene to establish that it is

indeed the work of The Crucifix Slayer, who has committed nine other murders in New York

and surrounding areas. The Chief of Police and Attorney General have both stated that, if

caught, The Crucifix Slayer would be persecuted to the fullest extent of the law. An arrest is

expected to be made soon. Stay tuned, we’ll keep you posted.”

Jessie had also heard the broadcast, and was shocked. “I don’t know who you are, or what

you want from me, but you’ll never get away with this! You’re no man, you monster! Why

did you blindfold me? All those innocent women were killed in cold blood. Do you think that

monster gets off on it? I bet he does, and you’re just as sick! No wonder the police can’t make

any headway with this serial killer case; there are too many of you sicko’s. Fortunately there’s

always someone more clever, and thugs always make a mistake one time or another. I hope

you rot in Hell!”

This agitated the man, and made him edgy. “Shut the hell up! I’m gonna pull the car off

the road and...”

“And what? If you stop now, you’re beat. I bet they have a description of you and your

car. I’ll be reported missing, and they’ll start looking for me. They’ll be out looking for you!”

Jessie was trying to get her abductor even more agitated than he already was. Knowing that he

was on edge, she knew it wouldn’t take much.


It took Lieutenant Cerelli less than two hours to get to Albany County’s Police HQ. He

was taken directly to the Chief’s office on his arrival. “Come on in. Lieutenant Cerelli, isn’t

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it? I’m Douglas Pritchard, Chief of Police. Please have a seat, Lieutenant.” The two men

shook hands before Lou Cerelli took a seat as indicated to him. “You must be quite anxious to

hear what I have for you, Lieutenant.”

“You can bet your tail I’m excited, Chief. We’ve been on this killers trail now for almost

five years. He’s already murdered nine women, and abducted another this afternoon.”

“Do you have any idea on who it could be, if you don’t mind my asking?”

“Well, at the moment all I have are suspicions, and one incident which points to him being

the suspect. I still need to get hold of a specimen of his DNA to prove his participation.”

“I told you the woman who was found, had something clasped in her right hand. We

suspect that it might be from her killer, as we still haven’t managed to identify the woman.

Maybe you could assist me by identifying the item, a bracelet. It has a name inscribed on it,

although not very clearly visible.”

“Well, let’s go and have a look-see at this bracelet. Maybe it’ll tell us a story or two.”

Lieutenant Cerelli followed the Chief of Police down a long corridor and down a flight of

steps to the evidence room. He signed in the evidence log book, and took the item from the

envelope that it had been submitted in. Lou Cerelli took the silver bracelet from the Chief, and

looked at the inscription, hardly visible on the inside. He shook his head, not able to positively

identify it. “Can’t make out the inscription, it’s not clear enough. Someone I know wears

exactly the same bracelet as this. Maybe we can get some DNA off of it. I’ll see it gets to the

Lab first thing in the morning.”

The bracelet was signed over to Lieutenant Cerelli, along with copies of the report of

evidence found at the crime scene. Reports from the Coroner as well as Forensics was also

handed over to use as evidence. Lieutenant Cerelli thanked the Chief of Police, promising to

keep him updated with the progress on the case.

Before starting his car, Lieutenant Cerelli called Detective Brown on his cell phone. He

was hoping for some good news. “Curtis, Lou here. What do you have for me? No news yet

from Durham? Damn! What about Miss McCloud, any word on her? Get a patrol car to go to

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Durham’s apartment and check if he’s there. Call me and tell me when they’ve been there. I’ll

notify State Patrol and find out when the Television networks are going to put out a

nationwide bulletin. I’m going back to the office.”

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Luck seemed to smile down on the man as he sped onwards. After four hours on the run,

he hadn’t encountered even the slightest possibility of running into trouble. He had passed

several State Patrol cars, but had slacked down his speed, so as not to attract any unnecessary

suspicion. Jessie had fallen asleep on the back seat after insulting him quite a bit. It had

become dark in the meantime, and he knew that they had to stop over somewhere for the

night. They would have to eat, and he could do with a couple more hours of sleep.

There was an exit off the highway ahead of him, and he took it. It led into a small town,

fifty miles from the Pennsylvania State line, and stopping the car alongside the road, he got

out. Opening the boot, he pulled out an old, soiled blanket, and reaching into the car, he

covered Jessie with it. He couldn’t take the chance to let someone see her tied up on the back

seat, and alert the authorities. That would just cause problems he didn’t need at this time of

the game.

Satisfied that he hadn’t woken her, he pulled into the first drive-through which he came

across. Here he ordered two burgers with french fries, and two half litre coca cola’s. Jessie

slept through the order, not aware that they had stopped. A mile down the road, there was a

sign which read “Fiesta Motel. Vacant rooms, $20 per evening.” Cliff pulled into the parking

lot, which was empty, locked his car, and walked over to the office. The clerk behind the desk

seemed very bored and tired, and hardly looked up from his book when Cliff entered.

“Sign your name in the book. How many nights you plan on staying?”

“Only one night. Are you always this polite?”

The man looked up from the book he had been reading, a frown creasing his forehead.

“That’ll be twenty dollars. Look mister, I aint working this joint to be polite to visitors. If you

don’t like the way I do things here, go someplace else for twenty dollars. There’s a Hotel

three blocks up.”

Cliff signed his name, and put twenty dollars on the desk. “I’ll take the room. You don’t

seem very busy tonight. Business a bit tight?”

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“Not really. I have a female tenant in room 104, and another in 107. Then there’s a couple

in room 110, and now you. I’m making my share.”

“That’s good to hear. I’ll be turning in now, so don’t bother me before tomorrow morning.

Give me a wake-up call at five o’clock. Thanks.”

Cliff started his car again and parked it right in front of the room he’d rented, number 105.

He saw that the light was still on in room 104, and he could see the outline of a figure walking

around the room. With brute strength he pulled Jessie from the car and put her over his

shoulder, walking briskly to his room and unlocking it.

Jessie had been awake for quite some time when they pulled into the drive-through, but

she had been covered, and wasn’t in the mood for bantering. She despised him, and had let

him understand that very clearly. She knew that if they hadn’t been travelling, he surely

would have assaulted her. After being laid on the bed in the Motel room, he saw that Jessie

was awake, and handed her food to her after removing the ski mask. He had put on a ski mask

for himself to cover his identity before giving Jessie her food.

“Here, I bought you a burger and fries. We’re sleeping here tonight; you can have the bed,

I’ll take the chair by the window. Don’t try anything, I’m a very light sleeper, and my trigger

finger’s itchy.” Jessie didn’t answer him, just gave him an unsmiling stare. After finishing

their dinner, Jessie was allowed five minutes to have a shower. At ten o’clock, Cliff tied

Jessie’s hands and feet together again, and tied the rope to the bed-frame. He gagged her, and

switched the light off before closing the door behind him, locking it from the outside.

The light in room 104 was still burning. Cliff saw that the woman had switched on the

television set, but there was no movement inside. Lighting a cigarette and leaning against the

hood of his car, he waited in anticipation for her return. He had already finished his second

cigarette, when a car’s lights lit up the parking area. Cliff turned his head away to avoid the

lights shining in his eyes. The car pulled up in front of room 104, and the passenger door

opened. The woman stepped out of the car, and it sped off, back the way it had come. The

woman gave one last longing look in the direction the car had disappeared, turned around and

walked towards her Motel room. She fumbled with the keys and dropped them.

Bending down, the woman searched for her keys, muttering under her breath. “Damn it,

where the hell are the keys now? It was obvious that she couldn’t see in the dark, for she still

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hadn’t noticed that a figure was standing not far from her, watching her every move. He

moved forward.

“Can I help you, miss, you looking for something?”

The woman jumped up, nearly losing her balance. “Damn, you nearly gave me a heart

attack! Why the hell’d you sneak up on me like that anyway?”

“My apologies, I didn’t mean to scare you, but I didn’t sneak up on you. I’ve been taking

a smoke-break, and saw you get out of the car, then fumble around with something. You let

your keys drop?” The woman nodded her head. “Don’t worry, I’ll get them for you quickly.”

He flicked his lighter, and the flame spread out to make a bright circle of light around them.

“Ah, here it is! Keys always seem to fall where you’d least expect them to, don’t they? Well,

let’s get the door open. There you go, everything’s sorted out.” The woman was very


“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for it to sound like an accusation. I just got a fright. Thank you

for helping me find my keys. I’m as blind as a bat at night. Could I offer you a cup of coffee?”

“Yes, that would be nice.” She stepped inside and gestured for him to do the same. He

closed the door behind him as he entered the room. “Excuse me just for a second, okay? I just

wanna take a pee quick, been holding it since forever. Help yourself to a cookie so long.”

Before he had time to take a proper look around the room, the woman had returned from

the toilet. She started a conversation. “So, where you from, and where are you going? Only

reason I’m asking, is to find out if you could possibly give me a lift. Maybe we’re going in the

same direction. I’d be willing to share the gas money with you.”

“I’m just passing through, and decided to spend the night at this Motel. Need some rest,

I’ve been driving for four hours straight. Do you come here often?” She handed him his

coffee. “Yeah, I come here once a month to see my boyfriend. That guy who dropped me here

a little while ago when you were outside? Well, he’s my boyfriend, married of course, and

refuses to divorce his wife, because of the children. He lets me come here once a month, pays

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for my Motel room and gives me a good time. I still live with my mother, and also have one

child, but didn’t marry the babies’ father. He’s useless.”

The woman lit a cigarette, but didn’t have any time to take a drag. The man hit her from

behind, striking her just below the right ear. She fell to the ground like a sack of potatoes,

sprawling on her stomach. The man took a panty and a pair of pantyhose from the closet,

stuck the panty in her mouth to serve as a gag, and used the pantyhose to tie it with. He

hogtied the woman, then he waited...

Ten minutes after he had gagged the woman, she came to, confused and still dazed. She

became aware that she had been tied up and gagged, and terror sprang into her eyes. Her

attacker looked at her, a sardonic smile dancing on his lips. “Lady, you’re about to meet your

maker. Ever hear of The Crucifix Slayer? Well, here I am, in the flesh. Did you ever think

you’d die this young, and that your kid would grow up without his mama? You’re going to

burn in hell anyway, because you’ve been fooling around with married men. It’s a sin, did you

know that? She heard a soft click, and a long blade opened in his hand.

He placed the knife on the bedside table, and bent over her motionless body as she lay

staring up at him. A couple of fist-blows hit her in and around the face in quick succession,

leaving her bleeding profusely. Leaning over, he retrieved his knife from the bedside table.

Strutting her head on both sides with his knees, he carved an upside-down cross on her

forehead. Blood flowed from the deep cuts, and mingled with her tears.

She was trying to scream, but only incoherent sounds were coming from her gagged

mouth. The man’s hands closed around her throat and squeezed. The last breath that she had

taken, was forced out when her air supply was suddenly cut off. Her eyes grew wide as she

started suffering from asphyxiation, and her body jerked from the lack thereof. He squeezed

down with more force, making her mouth gape wider. Grabbing a spoon, he forced it down

her throat until it stuck. Blood oozed out as her Oesophogus was crushed, and her eyes died.

The night clerk in the front office of the Fiesta Motel yawned, put his book down, and

decided to take a leak while stretching his legs. He was tired, and reading the book hadn’t

done him any good. He looked out the window, from where he had a view of all the rooms

that had been rented out for the evening. Leaving the office door open for some fresh air, the

clerk slowly walked towards the Mustang that he had noticed earlier. It had to be that last

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guy’s car who signed the register. The clerk saw that the television in room 104 was still on,

but it was not his business if the tenant decided to leave it on during the night.

The clerk admired the Mustang for a while, then returned to the office, where he switched

on his television. He went to the bathroom to relieve his bladder, and when he returned, a

special news bulletin was being televised. Wanting to hear what the reporter was saying, he

turned up the volume a little.

“This news bulletin is brought to you as a matter of urgency. A nationwide search has

been launched for Miss Jessica McCloud, also known to her friends and family as Jessie. The

Police have reason to believe that foul play is involved, and that she has been abducted from

her apartment in New York city. A serial killer, named The Crucifix Slayer, is believed to

have kidnapped Miss McCloud, and has taken her out of State. There is no description of the

serial killer as yet. The identity of the serial killer is not yet known to authorities, but we are

placing a photo of Miss McCloud onscreen as I speak.” A photo of a beautiful young woman

appeared on the television screen. The nightshift clerk took a good look at the photograph,

memorising her features.

“Police have asked that if anyone should come across Miss McCloud, and a man is

present, to not approach them. Call the following number, and ask to speak to either

Lieutenant Cerelli, or Detective Brown. They will take down any information regarding the

matter, and handle it from there. The kidnapper is a Psychopathic killer, and dangerous to

confront.” The clerk took down the telephone number which had been supplied by the

reporter. The rest of the night passed very slow, but at last the clock read 05:00AM. As

requested, the clerk called room 105 for the man’s wake-up call.

Twenty minutes later, as the clerk looked up from his desk, he saw that the man in room

105 had something quite large over his shoulder. The clerk could see that whatever it was,

was moving. Then he recognized it as a figure, with hands and feet hogtied, and immediately

remembered the televised bulletin he’d seen earlier on. Quickly he took down the Mustang’s

registration number, and picked up the phone, his fingers already dialling the number. He

looked up after dialling the last digit, and saw the man staring at him. The clerk immediately

realized that the man knew he’d been seen loading the figure into the Mustang.

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“Hell, too late to stop now”, the clerk thought out loud. “Hello, is this the Homicide

division in New York? I have to speak to Lieutenant Cerelli. It’s regarding the kidnapping of

that lady that was televised earlier on, Miss McCloud? He was put through to Lieutenant

Cerelli, and within minutes had told him the whole story, also giving him the registration

number, make and model of the car, as well as the colour.


The time was already 8:35PM when Lieutenant Cerelli arrived back at his office. Passing

the Sergeant on duty at the front desk, Cerelli asked him whether he had seen Detective

Brown come in. The Sergeant shook his head. “No sir, Detective Brown hasn’t been in since

this afternoon. Want me to see if I can get hold of him for you?”

“No, that’s okay, I’ll call him myself from the office.” Seating himself behind his desk,

Lou Cerelli took off his shoes and laid back in his chair, putting his feet up on the desk. He

picked up the telephone and dialled Detective Brown’s number. “Brown? Lou here, where the

hell are you? Yeah, I just got back from Albany right this minute. I’m pissed off about this

whole story. This guy seems to know our every move, and he’s playing cat and mouse games

with us. Did you find Durham? The shit-faced, skunk-breath piss licking son of a bitch!”

“What time are the TV-stations going to broadcast that bulletin we put out, Curtis? I hope

they do it tonight still. I’ll order Pizza, come and have some, and let your wife know where

you are. You have already? I still have to call mine and tell her that I won’t be home for

dinner. We can wait at the office for some information to come in after the bulletin’s been

broadcast. Something’s bound to happen, I can feel it in my gut. Okay, see you in a while.”

Both Lieutenant Cerelli and Detective Brown took a nap around one o’clock in the

morning. They’d both watched the televised bulletin when it was broadcast, and Lieutenant

Cerelli had been satisfied with it. He was confident that it would bring in some sort of

information they could work with. He tried for the hundredth time to call Detective Durham

on his cell phone, without any success. All he got was voicemail. It was as if he’d vanished

into thin air.

The telephone rang insistently, waking both men from their short sleep. Lou Cerelli

answered, wiping the sleep out of his eyes while doing so. “Lieutenant Cerelli speaking. From

where? Hell, that’s terrific news! You say he’s just left there, with the woman tied up? Did

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you see... In the direction of the highway. Good! Thank you. No, you did good, sir. We’ll be

in contact.”

Lou Cerelli was smiling from ear to ear as he replaced the telephone’s hand piece. “We

have him, Curtis! That phone call was from a nightshift clerk who runs a Motel fifty

kilometres from Pennsylvania State line four hour’s drive from here. He was clever enough to

get the car’s registration number. See if you can get a trace on it, then get Air Traffic Control

to put a chopper up there. Tell them to move their asses! I’ll let State Patrol know. They’ll

know what to do from their side.”

Detective Curtis Brown looked at the piece of paper with the registration number written

on it. “Lieutenant, this is Durham’s registration! That’s why he never pitched up!


It was 7:30AM, and the clerk at the Fiesta Motel had been knocking on the door of room

104 now for the past ten minutes. No sound came from within. He turned the door handle,

finding the door locked. Quickly he walked back to the office, taking a bunch of keys from

the desk drawer, and went back to room 104. He put the key in the lock, and unlocked the

door, swinging it inwards to open. There was a funny smell coming from the inside of the

room, pungent. Then the clerk saw the woman’s body on the bed, her face looking towards

the wall, arms outstretched sideways from her. He walked briskly towards the bed, shaking

the woman to wake her.

The sight he found when he stood over her body looking down at her, was too much for

him to handle. Overcome with nausea and dizziness, he turned around and stumbled out of the

Motel room, bending over and vomiting in the parking area. The manager came rushing out of

his office, enquiring what the fuss was about. Barely able to speak, the clerk pointed towards

the open door of room 104, and in a high-pitched , trembling voice told the manager of his

gruesome discovery.

The manager immediately called the Police, who appeared on the crime scene within

minutes, cordoning off the entire area in front of room 104. A medical examiner was also on

the scene, to establish the cause and approximate time of death. A news channel had received

news about the murder, and now several journalists were swarming around the premises, of

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which one was doing a live broadcast. On their way to the Fiesta Motel, Lieutenant cerelli and

Detective Brown heard the broadcast on the radio.

“The son of a bitch claimed another life, can you believe his audacity? Now that we’ve

put out an APB on him, and also given the State Patrol his car’s registration number, I know

he’ll be apprehended within a couple of hours. We should have become aware of the signs

earlier, Curtis, and maybe we could’ve spared a couple of women their lives.”

“Well Lou, this is the way the chips fell, and it’s no use blaming ourselves for what

happened. Durham’s clever, and cunning. He had all of us fooled. If we hadn’t received this

information this morning, would you have suspected him of being such an evil person? I don’t

think so, neither would I have. We have to concentrate on getting Miss McCloud back safely,

before he goes off his rocker, and decides to take her out as well.”

“You’re right Brown, let’s concentrate on that. Ah, there’s the exit. Let’s go and see if we

can speak to the clerk who was on duty, maybe he’s still awake, or to the Police.” While

approaching the Fiesta Motel, they could see police cars and news vans standing around.

Lieutenant Cerelli parked his vehicle in front of the administration office and went inside.

Both identified themselves by showing their badges, and asked whether the nightshift clerk

was still available. He was not, and the manager took them outside to the investigating officer

in charge of the crime scene. Lieutenant Cerelli saw that everything was well organized. The

manager escorted both of them to room 104, and pointed to the officer in charge.

“There he is, gentleman. Detective Silverman, these are two Detectives from New York.”

They shook hands. “Hi, I’m Detective Ron Silverman.” “I’m Lieutenant Lou Cerelli, and this

here’s Detective Curtis Brown. We’ve been chasing this killer now for five years, and only

just found out this morning that one of our own Detectives is the serial killer we’ve been after.

He’s called the Crucifix Slayer. I’ve already put out an APB on him, called State Patrol, and

have a chopper up there looking for his ass.”

“Come inside, and just confirm that this was him, if you don’t mind, Lieutenant.” They

followed Detective Silverman inside. He led them to the bed where the woman’s body was

lying. Lieutenant Cerelli went down on his haunches and looked at the figure lying in front of

him. It was a gruesome sight as he turned her head to face him. His first observation was the

Crucifix that had been cut on her forehead between her eyes. His eyes dwindled down to her

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neck. The indents on the skin in her neck were a purplish-blue colour, a typical sign of

strangulation. Lou Cerelli saw the spoon which was extending from her throat, and shuddered.

Turning around, he looked at Detective Silverman, and positively nodded his head.

“Yeah, it’s him. This is his modus operandi. The idiot’s going to be sorry he was born

when I catch up with him. Could I ask you for a copy of the Crime Scene Investigation report

as well as anything else you can give me, including photo’s? It’ll be used against him in court

when he stands trial. I’ll pick it up on my way back. First, I have a killer to catch.”

“No problem, Lieutenant. The reports and all the other proof you need, will be ready when

you return.” They were about to walk to their car, when Lieutenant Cerelli’s cell phone rang.

“Cerelli speaking. Hang on, slow down. I can’t make out a word you’re saying. Okay, I’m

with you. Are you sure? You caught him where? Keep him cornered, I’ll be as fast as I can.

He’s asking to speak to me? Tell him I’m on my way!” Lieutenant Cerelli kicked the car’s

tyre. “Shit! Why the hell’s he want to speak to me? I’m not a Catholic Priest! Come on, let’s

go, Curtis. We have a lot of miles to caver. Hang on Curtis, I’m calling the chopper to pick us

up, it’s a couple hours’ drive there.” The helicopter was there to pick them up twenty minutes

after he’d called, and they climbed aboard. Whirring away, it sped off with great haste to

where the serial killer was waiting.

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The sign read “Welcome to the great State of Pennsylvania!” The man smiled as he

realized that he had just crossed over the State line. It would be one of plenty to come, as he

was planning to head to Indiana. Once there, he could change his name, and start all over.

He’d have to think what he was going to do with his prisoner. She was becoming a pain in the

backside. He realized that he shouldn’t have taken her to begin with. Things would have been

much more uncomplicated without her. She was going at it again.

“Shut the hell up! You’re really testing my patience, woman. If you know what’s good for

you, you’ll stop that jabbering of yours right this minute. I’m of a mind to feed you to the

vultures, so keep quiet, and watch your step!” He switched on the radio, hoping for some

good music. What he heard on the radio, nearly made him capsize the car. “This news bulletin

is brought to you live from the scene of the crime, fifty miles from the Pennsylvania State

line, at the Fiesta Motel. A young woman was viciously attacked and murdered at the Motel

in the early hours of the morning. The time of death is believed to be around 01:30AM this

morning. The killer’s name has been released by authorities after a long and fruitless search

for his identity. He is known as the Crucifix Slayer, but his real name is Cliff Durham, a

Detective from New York. He is also the one believed to have abducted Miss Jessica

McCloud earlier yesterday.”

“Anybody who comes across a rusty-red ’79 Mustang, with the following registration

number, is cautioned not to approach him. Durham is a Psychopathic killer, and dangerous. If

spotted, please contact your nearest law enforcement office.” The reporter supplied the

Mustang’s registration number.

There was a sharp inhale of breath from the back seat. “Detective Durham! I can’t believe

it. You seemed to be such a good Detective, and good in your work, liked by your fellow

employees...” Jessie’s muffled voice came clearly to him from the back seat of the car. Pulling

off and turning towards her, he pulled the ski-mask off her head. She blinked once or twice, as

the sunlight was very bright, and had shone directly in her eyes. Then her eyes focused, and

she saw Detective Durham’s face in front of her. Jessie spat in his face.

“That’s what I think of you and your kind! You’re a useless human being, who thrives on

the pain and mutilation of others! You should never have been born, you monster. Your days

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are numbered now that they know who you are, Mr. serial killer! They have a description of

you and your car, and it won’t be long before they drive you into a corner. You’re the Devil’s


Cliff Durham was as mad as a bat out of hell. He’d given them fifteen of his best years,

worked like a slave to put away the bad guys, and this is how they repay him, by launching a

massive man-hunt for him? His mind raced, trying to find a way out of this predicament.

Involuntarily his thoughts took him back to his childhood years, when he was five years old.

His father had had an anger management problem, he remembered his mother once

calling it. He had seen his father destroy almost everything they had at one time, just to have

to buy new ones again. He’d blamed it on Cliff’s mother, saying she’d infuriated him to the

point of no return. After that incident his mother had become a punching bag for his father.

She’d succumbed to alcohol, seeking refuge in drunkenness against the abuse, leaving Cliff

to fend for himself. This in turn, had infuriated his father beyond reproach, and he’d often

beaten the hell out of Cliff. His mother had never tried to protect him. A year later, Cliff’s

mother died of liver cancer.

Cliff’s father had brought home many women after his mothers’ death, and had had

intercourse with them in his presence. If Cliff complained that he was hungry, he would

receive a couple of kicks and a beating to shut him up. The women would laugh at him,

calling him names and saying that he was a pathetic little boy, belittling him, breaking his

pride. He hated them; it was their fault that his father always beat him and never had time for


This carried on for the next eleven years, until Cliff turned seventeen. He’d received

countless beatings from his father, and sometimes also from the unknown women his father

would bring home. The women would lock him in his room without food or something to

drink for days on end, burning him with cigarette butts on his back and stomach. Three

months after Cliff turned seventeen, his father died of a massive stroke, which he welcomed,

as it was his ticket to freedom and meant no more beatings. Cliff received a large sum of

money from his father’s Pension. This carried him through school for the following year,

after which he still had enough money to purchase his first second-hand car before joining the

Police Academy...

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Jessie’s voice rang through to him. “Cliff, I have to use the restroom, my bladder’s about

to burst. Please pull into the next garage. You’ll have to untie me before anybody sees me like


“What do you take me for, you think I’m stupid or something? I don’t trust you , so I’ll go

with you to keep an eye on you.” Just ahead was a garage, so Cliff Durham pulled in on the

side, close to the bathroom. Quickly he bent over and cut Jessie’s ties before someone could

see it. “Okay, go in and do your thing, but be quick about it. I’m giving you five minutes, then

I’m coming in to get you. You’ll be sorry if you try and cross me, so whatever you want to

try, don’t even think about it!” The threat was very clear.

Jessie had no misgivings about the fact that Cliff would carry out his threat. She went in-

side and relieved her bladder, rubbing her wrists to get the circulation in her hands flowing

again. She had been tied up for so long, that her hands had gone numb. Cliff had filled the gas

tank and bought them each a cold drink with a sandwich, as he had become hungry. Jessie

was ordered to sit in front with Cliff. “Behave yourself, and don’t try anything funny. If

you’re good, I might let you live. Try and cross me, and you’ll be sorry. It doesn’t matter to

me whether I know you or not, I’ll take you out! Do we understand each other? Good.

As Cliff put his foot to the floorboard of the Mustang, speeding out of the garage premises

at breakneck speed, the clerk inside the convenient store picked up his telephone. He had

recognized Cliff the moment he had walked into the store, but stayed as calm as he could not

to give away his secret. The clerk had almost finished dialling, when a State Patrol Officer

sauntered in. “Officer, the man they’re looking for, that serial killer, just left in his car as you

were coming in. I couldn’t see very clearly, but it looks like he has the lady with him that he

kidnapped! Didn’t you see him? He was driving a ’79 Mustang.”

The officer immediately responded. Running back to his patrol car, he started the engine,

and took off after the Mustang. Once on the highway, he radioed ahead to other patrol cars to

be on the look-out, giving them a description of the intended vehicle in pursuit.

Jessie was afraid. Never before had she seen someone in a Psychological state such as

this. Cliff was not himself any longer. Jessie had seen him undergo a metamorphosis within

the last thirty minutes or so since leaving the garage. He was sweating, and his hands had

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gripped the steering wheel so tight, that his knuckles had become white. He was also

breathing shallow, which meant he would become dizzy sooner or later if his breathing didn’t

improve. They were travelling at a dangerously high speed, swerving in and out of lanes.

Cliff was looking in his rear-view mirror, and scowled. His face contorted with anger, and

his eyes spat rage. “Damn them! They won’t catch me, I’ll make sure of that.” He was talking

to himself consistently. Jessie looked through the back window, and saw the State Patrol

vehicle gain ground on the Mustang. As they flew past another exit joining the highway, a

second and third patrol car joined in the chase, following close behind them. Then Jessie

became aware of another sound.

At first she couldn’t determine the direction of the sound, but looking out of the passenger

window, she saw that it was a helicopter flying alongside them. There were two plainclothes

policemen inside, and a pilot. Cliff also saw the helicopter, and cursed out loud, showing

vulgar signs to them. He was laughing hysterically at the same time, and increased his speed.

Jessie closed her eyes, praying for some relieve from this nightmare she’d been drawn into.

Suddenly, without any warning, Cliff swerved violently left, leaving the highway, to enter a


He stopped the car with screeching tyres. Ordering Jessie out of the car, he grabbed her by

the arm, and ran into the convenient store. There were a number of people inside. Cliff drew

his service pistol, and people scattered to get out of the shop. Everybody had been lucky in

getting out, except the clerk behind the counter. He was ordered by Cliff to come out and lie

face down on the floor with his hands behind his head. The same order was given to Jessie,

and she obeyed quickly. Outside, five patrol cars had stopped in a semi-circle in front of the

store, their fire-arms out and ready.

“Detective Durham, we know it’s you in there! We also know that you have Miss

McCloud in there with you. You’ll save us all a lot of unnecessary drama if you just give

up. People could get hurt!”

“To hell with you”, Cliff shouted back. Take one step towards the store, and I’ll blow both

the clerk and Miss McCloud’s heads away! Got me?! I’ll speak to Lieutenant Lou Cerelli, and

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nobody else, so see that you get him over here if you want this resolved! Be quick about it,

my patience is wearing thin, and I got nothing to lose!”

Two hours went by at a snail’s pace. It became hot and stuffy in the store. Reporters had

started gathering outside an hour ago, and already there was one news-team broadcasting a

live transmission. The air was charged with electricity, as onlookers also started gathering to

catch some of the excitement going on. Suddenly there was movement outside. Cliff heard a

helicopter land just outside the circle of onlookers. He stepped closer to the window to be

sure, taking Jessie with as a hostage to shield him against possible shooters. He saw

Lieutenant Cerelli and Detective Brown step from the helicopter, and walk towards the store.

“I said Cerelli, not Cerelli and Brown! Are you deaf, or trying to be smart? You must

think I’m stupid. Pull a stunt like that again, and someone in here dies! Lou, come on in, but

first I wanna see you throw your weapon aside. That’s it, good! Now walk with your hands on

top of your head, and don’t make any sudden moves. My trigger finger’s itching!” Lou Cerelli

looked around as he entered the store. He didn’t see anyone else except for Cliff, Jessie and

the clerk. Cliff had his fire-arm trained on Jessie. “Come closer Lou, so we don’t have to yell

at one another. Okay, that’s close enough for now.”

“Cliff, what the hell are you doing, what were you thinking? You were my number one

Detective on the Force, and you go and stuff it all up by turning into a serial killer? I never

would’ve guessed that it could be you. Your future was secured, and believe it or not, you

were Captain material, Cliff. You could’ve retired a rich man with your pension. Now all

that’s gone. Tell me why you committed these ghastly murders., make me understand.”

Cliff Durham laughed sarcastically. “You couldn’t understand, even if you wanted to,

Lou. The question was never why, but rather who? Now that’s a brainteaser, if ever I heard

one.” Cliff had, unknowingly, moved away from Jessie when speaking to Lou Cerelli, and

had his back towards her. She slowly crept up on Cliff, taking a glass bottle from the counter.

Lunging herself forward, she swung the bottle with all the strength she could muster. The

bottle connected with a sickening thud, exploding on impact. Cliff Durham went sown like a

tree hit by lightning, never knowing the reason for the sudden darkness that enveloped him.

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Lieutenant Cerelli disarmed him, and called Detective Brown to cuff him. He was loaded

into the helicopter and taken to the nearest hospital to be observed and treated. Jessie was

treated for shock, and given a mild sedative. She was flown back to New York.

It was two weeks later. Lieutenant Cerelli was sitting behind his desk, facing Detective

Brown and Jessie. Jessie had come to see Lieutenant Cerelli to find out how Cliff was doing.

“How is Cliff doing, Lieutenant Cerelli, and how is he responding to the treatment? He’s in

excellent hands, so there should be some positive points, although I think it’s still a bit early

to voice an opinion. Am I right?”

“Yes, you’re right Miss McCloud, it’s still a little early. I spoke to his Psychiatrist

yesterday. According to him it’s going to take Cliff a couple of years to come to terms with

what happened to him as a child. It’s going to take at least four years before any change in his

personality can be positively turned around. The good thing is, there’s hope for him to

recover. He’ll never be admitted into the Force again, but he’ll be receiving a life-long

pension from the pension fund, so he’s taken care of.”

“That’s good. I’m glad he’s going to be okay, even if it does take a long time. Thank you

once again for everything both of you have done for me. I’ll be getting home now.”

After Jessie had left, Lieutenant Cerelli looked at Detective Brown across his desk. “Well

Curtis, we’ve had a hell of a time the past couple of months, wouldn’t you say? I have a

present for you. The Chief has asked me to inform you that as from today, you’ve been

promoted to Detective first grade. Congratulations Brown! A couple of years more, and you’ll

be sitting in my chair. Keep up the good work.


Jessie arrived home just in time to meet Ralph coming down the stairs from her apartment.

“Ah, Ralph! What a pleasant surprise, and it looks like I’m just in time to catch you. Come

and have some tea, I have a lot to tell you.” Ralph smiled his toothless smile, and nodded his

head. Together they walked to Jessie’s apartment, and she unlocked the door. With Ralph on

her heels, she entered the kitchen, and switched on the kettle. “Tea or coffee, Ralph?”

“Anything’s good, Miss Jessie. I’m so glad nothing serious happened to you when you

were kidnapped. You have no idea how much I worried, until I saw your face again, and saw

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that you were alright.” Ralph bent forward to tie his shoelace, when something fell from his

pocket onto the floor. Before Ralph had a chance to pick it up, Jessie saw it.

A photo, which had seen much better days, had fallen from Ralph’s shirt pocket, landed

on the floor at Jessie’s feet. She bent to pick it up, and heard the gasp that escaped Ralph.

Jessie looked at the photo, bringing it closer to distinguish the faces more clearly. The woman

in the photo looked like, like... her mother! It couldn’t be! Where would Ralph have gotten

hold of this photo? The astonishment on her face, mixed with tears welling up in her eyes,

made Ralph look away.

“Ralph?” It was a whisper. “Ralph, where does this photo come from? The woman on this

photograph is my biological mother, and the man my biological father. I’ve seen some

photo’s before similar to these, but in an album.” The urgency in Jessie’s voice ended in

despair as she tried to hold Ralph with her stare, but he cast his eyes down, unable to look at

her. What was he going to say? He didn’t know where to start. Jessie made it easier for him.

“Ralph, my adoptive parents told me that my mother had died in an accident just before

my third birthday, and that my father had been admitted to an Institution for the insane. I was

told this when I became thirteen. Since then, I’d hoped and longed that one day, my real

father would be able to come and see me, even if it’s just to say hello, you know? Is there

something I need to know about this photo, Ralph?”

Looking at Ralph, Jessie saw his demeanour change. He looked back at her with sadness

oozing from his whole being. Then he hung his head, holding it in both hands as he spoke.

“Jessie, I don’t know where to start, except at the beginning. My surname is Peters, as is

your maiden name. That photo you’re holding, is of me, your mother, and you as a baby. I’m

your biological father, Jessie, still have your birth certificate to prove it. I know you find this

hard to believe, but it’s true. After your mother died in that accident, I couldn’t cope with

what had happened. I became very, very ill, and couldn’t look after you. Social services took

you away, and placed you in a foster home for the time being, but I never recovered. It took

me twenty long years to recover and become a living, breathing human being again. After my

release I started looking for you, without much success. The social worker who’d taken you

from my care, had long since passed away, and nobody could help me. For two years I did

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odd jobs here and there, scraped enough money together, and hired a Private Investigator to

track you down.”

“After finding you, I came here, living in the park as a bum. It was the best way to see

you every day and keep an eye on you. Too much time had elapsed for me to just walk up to

you and say “Hi, I’m your father.” “You have no idea how much I’ve longed to just hug you

in these past two years. It was almost unbearable for me at times to hold my pose. And with

this serial killer on the loose, I almost went nuts. I wasn’t prepared to lose you again, Jessie.

I’m so sorry that I didn’t come clean sooner, but I did what I thought was best for all of us. I

hope you can forgive me.”

Jessie was crying, loud sobs escaping her petite body. She had sunk down on her knees in

front of Ralph, and clasped her arms around his legs. “There’s nothing to forgive. Oh daddy,

if only you knew how I longed to say those words all my life! I would never have thought in

a million years that you were my father, and right under my nose for the past two years!”

Ralph helped Jessie to her feet, and dried her tears with a napkin. Both were smiling at each

other. The initial shock had worn off.

“Daddy, this definitely calls for celebration, don’t you agree? I’m also calling my parents

who raised me, to tell them the wonderful news! I know they’ll be just as happy for me as I

am. Let’s eat, and have a glass of wine. Oh, and there’s one other thing. You’re coming to

live with me from now on. Don’t even try and convince me otherwise. The sofa changes into

a double bed, so there’s no excuse.”

Jessie’s gayness had the same effect on Ralph. He was just as happy that he had at last

gotten rid of the burden that had kept him from living. “Alright, my baby, it’s fine.”

The End