every step you take... we'll be watching you


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Post on 13-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Every step you take... We'll be watching you

EvEry stEp you takE… WE’ll bE Watching you.


Page 2: Every step you take... We'll be watching you


Page 3: Every step you take... We'll be watching you

Measuring Campaign Performance

s E s s i o n 1

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anna stEElEMEdia solutions & insights dirEctor

Work coMMunications

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How do publishers measure themselves?


Jobs Carried

Register users

Visitor numbers

Applications’ (“Quality


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inflatEd figurEs:

visitor figurEs but no MEntion of bouncE ratE

candidatEs alWays dirEctEd back to sitE

rEgistration rEquirEd to apply for jobs

high nuMbErs doEsn’t alWays MEan EngagEd audiEncE

applications arE rEally clicks on apply buttons

jobs carriEd boostEd by frEE trials

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How should we measure publishers?


quality applications = offErs or talEnt pooling

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Complete Campaign Performance

Much more than

applications from source

Front-end performance

Reach and frequency

Impact andengagement

Publisher Assists

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Why should we measure campaigns?

accountability and rEfinEMEnt

Resourcing Manager


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Core Metrics

Offers / HiresApplications (including specifics)

Creative rotationsClicks Reach &

FrequencyImpressions CPC / CPA / CPH

MEtrics froM viEW to hirE

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Putting ‘Big Data’ to good use

Complete Campaign

Performance Analysis & Reporting

Media Benchmarking (CPA / CPH)

Response modelling

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solution & rEsults

annual graduatE caMpaign didn’t strugglE for apps

rEduction in voluME rEquirEd Without iMpacting quality

gradual dEcrEasE in voluME of applications

prograMMEs closEd Much Early than prEvious yEars

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Putting ‘Big Data’ to good use

Contingency/top-up planning

Response modelling

Improved media


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Royal Mail Graduates


solution & rEsults

opErations prograMME shortfall EvEry yEar

coMpEtitivE tiME WindoW for rEcruiting graduatEs

focussEd on iMproving thE ratio of WoMEn

ongoing optiMisation of thE caMpaign

WEEkly rEporting on opErations applications

top up schEdulE dEsignEd basEd on livE rEsults and rEady for dEployMEnt iMMEdiatEly

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Graduate Campaign | Graduates 2012/13

Web Banners


Operations graduate

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Putting ‘Big Data’ to good use

Creative testing

Sharing inventory

(rotate by day, week, time)

Reducing future media


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Boots Annual Media Strategy


dEvolvEd MEdia budgEts oWnEd by thE linE

indEpEndEnt activity targEtEd saME audiEncEs

yEar aftEr yEar activity plannEd in a vacuuM

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solution & rEsults

3 Month trial caMpaigns Which WErE trackEd

udp EnablEd accuratE businEss rEporting

caMpaigns MappEd according to rEquirEMEnts

invEntory nEgotiatEd according to succEss and voluME

crEativE ExEcutions rotatEd bEtWEEn arEas of thE businEss

rEduction of 45% on annual MEdia spEnd

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Campaign Tracking


Careers site

Job board

Apply complete

Graduate Campaign | Graduates 2012/13

Web Banners

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Any Questions?

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Informed decisions

s E s s i o n 2

g E t t i n g to k n oW yo u r d i g i ta l a u d i E n c E W i t h W E b a na ly t i c s

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scott Mcgougandigital dirEctor

Work coMMunications

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Your talent shop window

your carEErs WEbsitE is your shop WindoW to thE World – Why Wouldn’t you Want to

Monitor What’s sElling your businEss?

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The importance of your careers section and measuring it...

you can’t iMprovE What

you don’t MEasurE

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What is Web Analytics?

in its Most basic forM it is siMply monitoring the traffic on your


who your visitors are, where they came from, which sites pointed them to you, what they did on your site, how long they stayed and where they left your site.

It can’t show WHY a user does something.

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Why use it?

Quantitatively evaluate your web

content and it’s quality

1 2 3 4 5

Comparative analysis: measure

website trends

Validate or disprove


Demonstrate how your website meets established business goals and

users’ needs

Enable stakeholders and content owners to

measure the success of their own


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Why use it?

What’s your carEErs

sitE for?

For candidates to:

Learn Self Select Apply

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Before you start – get into the right mindset

2 Ways to look at stats – top-doWn

or bottoM up. both rElEvant –

but top-down is EasiEr.

kEy stats you Might Want to look at:

Visits & Visitors Referrals & Keywords

Engagement (time on site) and Bounce


ContentGoals –

measuring specific actions

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What tools are available?

Used on around 55% of the 10,000 most popular sites


Over 10 million sites use it

googlE analytics is the world’s most widely

used tracking tool.

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Google Analytics (GA)

What’s good about ga?

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Easy to use and implementIt’s free (!) Adwords

IntegrationMultiple site

trackingIn-depth reporting

Used by around 10 Million sites

Google Analytics (GA)

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Google Analytics (GA)

What you Might Want to considEr?


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Data can be skewed

Works with ‘sampled’ data Can be blocked

Data owned by Google –

only retained for 24 months

ga has soME liMitations…

Google Analytics (GA)

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Entering Analytics…

don’t bE afraid –

you can’t brEak it!

login at http://WWW.googlE.coM/analytics/

you Will nEEd:

Your admin password for your Google account


You will need to provide a Google (gmail) address to your site manager/supplier so that they you can share the GA stats with you.

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Bounce Rate & EngagementVisits & Visitors Referrals &

Keywords Content Goals – measuring specific actions

Key stats you might want to look at:

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your first EncountEr…

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Unique visitorsVisits Page views Pages/visit Visit duration Bounce rate


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hoW Many pEoplE arE looking at your sitE?

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InterestsDemographics Geo Behavior Technology Mobile

A more detailed view of your audience

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hoW oftEn arE pEoplE coMing back your sitE?

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hoW long arE usErs staying on your sitE?

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WhErE is your audiEncE coMing froM?

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What kEyWords arE driving traffic to your sitE?

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if you usE social MEdia?

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What’s thE Most popular contEnt?

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What’s not so popular?

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Setting Goals

Goals are a way to measure how well your site fulfils your target objectives. You can set up individual Goals to track discrete actions such as clicks on a certain page from other pages – or even the amount of time spent on a particular screen.

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Goal types

Destination* A specific location loads e.g. thank you for registering!

Duration Visits that lasts a specific 10 minutes or longer amount of time or longer spent on a support site

Pages/Screens per visit A visitor views a specific 5 pages or screens number of pages or screens have been loaded

Event An action defined as an Social recommendation, Event is triggered video play, ad click

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AutomateAssign Analyse Optimise

Think strategically about your site

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Web analytics give you a picture of how users are interacting with your brand online. They can show you where you can improve engagement with your candidates.

If you haven’t already got Google Analytics installed – why not??

If you have what’s stopping you?

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Any Questions?For support with Google Analytics visit:

http://bit.ly/1l0DHUk– or just call email/call me anytime:

[email protected] 0161 927 4437