event program: strategies for national bar association & constituency for africa meeting april 17,...

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  • 7/28/2019 Event Program: Strategies for National Bar Association & Constituency for Africa Meeting April 17, 2013



    The Constituency for Africa (CFA) was founded in 1990, whena group of concerned Africanists, interested citizens and Africa-focused organizations developed a strategy to build organizedsupport for Africa in the United States. CFA was charged witheducating the U.S. public about Africa and U.S. policy on

    Africa; mobilizing an activist constituency for Africa; and fos-

    tering cooperation among a broad-based coalition of American,African and international organizations, and individuals com-mitted to the progress and empowerment of Africa and Africanpeople. CFA is a non-partisan organization and its Board ofDirectors reflects some of the most talented and respected

    voices on African affairs. For almost two decades, CFA hasworked to educate Americans about the critical challengesaffecting Africa, and to encourage a strong public and privatepartnership to address issues of concern to the continent. CFAhas been recognized as a major contributor toward the formula-tion and execution of a United States policy towards Africa.



    The National Bar Association (NBA) oldest and largest

    association of African-American attorneys and judges in

    the United States. Its stated mission " shall be to

    advance the science of jurisprudence; improve the admini-

    stration of justice; preserve the independence of the judici-

    ary and to uphold the honor and integrity of the legal pro-

    fession; to promote professional and social intercourse

    among the members of the American and the international

    bars; to promote legislation that will improve the economic

    condition of all American citizens, regardless of race, sex

    or creed in their efforts to secure a free and untrammeled

    use of the franchise guaranteed by the Constitution of the

    United States; and to protect the civil and political rights of

    the citizens and residents of the United States."


    C o n s t i t u e n c y f o r A f r i c a &

    n a t i o n a l b a r a s s o c i a t i o n

    P R E S EN T S :

    Strategies for the National Bar Association toEngage Africa around Issues of Economic

    Development, Democracy, Governanceand the Rule of Law

    Hosted byCongressman Gregory Meeks (D-NY)

    Wednesday, April 17, 2013


  • 7/28/2019 Event Program: Strategies for National Bar Association & Constituency for Africa Meeting April 17, 2013


    P r o g r a m


    Stanley L. StraughterChairman of the Board, Constituency for Africa (CFA)

    Opening Remarks

    Patricia M. RosierPresident-Elect, National Bar Association (NBA)

    Congressional Remarks

    Congresswoman Karen Bass (D-CA)

    Congressman Gregory Meeks(D-NY)Panel Discussion

    Gregory SimpkinsSenior Professional Staff, House Sub-Committee on Africa

    Herbert Igbanugo

    President, Igbanugo Law

    Dave Peterson

    Director for Africa, National Endowment for Democracy

    Kendal H. TyrePartner, Nixon Peabody Law

    p r o g r a m


    Dr. Jean Bailey

    Graduate Professor and Chair

    Howard University Republic of South Africa Project

    Donald Temple

    President, Temple Global Strategies



    Next Steps and Closing Remarks

    Kevin JuddChair, National Bar Association

    International Partnerships Initiative

    Melvin P. Foote

    President and CEO, Constituency for Africa (CFA)