evening star (washington, d.c.).(washington, dc) 1863-05-28 [p ]. · 2017-12-13 ·...

THE EVENING STAR. ? ArrAiK* ueoHenuwit. fOorresponrfence of the Star.] «}Kr,ur.KT.»w.v, M.iy 2?th, 1 note ^he fcilovmii; arrivals:.Steamer S;y- monr« Kooin, Philadelphia. merchandise "to Hyde A !(nvid^on: schooner lJ»»Oe.ca a»ti Har¬ riet, Itianm.n, Mills ville, lumber io E. Picke¬ rel*, schr.* Mary and Adeline, Jenk-ns, Port Deposit e, Mrt., lumber to .Tas. i^jbbey; 3teamer A. Iler'.y. Houghton, Phila., com and oat* to Government: str. Star, Curtis, Aquia Creek, light: Nobr. Wm. A. »'ln»e*an, Wir.d-r, Bait., brick to J. M. Make; echr. Express, W*nt- ^orth, Ua'.ijior, Ms., huy and potatoes U> Sut¬ ler; schr. Maryland, Sterling, N. Y., cement; ecfcr. Uaxall, Boget, N. Y , hay and cement to Washington Aqueduct; nmacron* small erAft, Ircm 1-i t:Ie Falls. 4r,n»,o fls& to John A. Knight; s-rhr. lr.-.m Smith, Kerry, Alex., li*ht; also M-br. E. S. Denizing, Thorn, J. P. Wallace, In- dicott, and Franklin J telle, Robinson, light. JJej.artfd by river:.Schr. Maiie. Pickup, Baker, Nov.* York; Mary Siandish, Boston; ana E. S.' Downing, Thoru, New Bedford, Mass., <oai, from Kay's dock; schr. J. V. McSbane, Alexandria, coal, from Agnew s dock; schr. J. R \V arson, Z>ane, Di^hton, Ma«s., and J. P. Wallace, Indicott, do., do., coal, xrom Borden Mining Co. Arrived by canalBoats Boyer A Watson and .1 no Hamlin*, coal, to Wm R. Snow <L Co.; .f. Brrngle, A. K. stone, coal, to Jno. Young; M. J. Woods, coal, to A^new's dock; Thos. Sammon. coal, to Ctimb. Coal A J. Co.; Anna Rfitiliart, 110 tons coal, C- F. Newman, Jas. M. Baker, E. Stanhope, and "Unexpected, coal, to Borden Milting Co.; Magpie Miller, Jos. J. Orahan. A. Snyder, Gen. McClellan, Nimrod, "W. Garrott, H. B. Cromwell, coal, to Ray's docks: Capt. Jno. Short, to Morgan .t Rein- hart. DepartedC. E. Detmold, Anna Reinhart, 17745, Boyer A. Wat-on, R. H. Alvey, Thos. Natnmon, C. F. Newman. P. L. Detmold, J. Bnmgle, G. W. Rohback, W. I(. Chaplain, R. Stewart, Jno. Gorman, Maggie Miller, M. J. Woods. Business dull. Markets unchanged; whole¬ sale quotations as follows: Flour, super, -16.7.5: extra, S7.95: family, com¬ mon, 9r.25a*5).50: Darby's, S10; Welch's. §10.50; Ray f, fclo/'Sa* 10.30. Wheat, reel, 81.j0aSi.56; . white. Sl.t'OaSl./O. Corn, yellow, 85c.; white, ?>*c.a*t. Oats, by measure, W>a«5c., hay, S25a *30; mill stuff.middling?, S0aS5c.; brown stuff, .")0c.; shorts, 35c.; potatoes. 4(afctic.; apples, £4a *4.50; lemons, per box, So.50: cider, lba'22c.; do., clarified, -i5a3ttc.; champagne cider, *4a?55 per whisky, 44c.; salt, G. A., Sl.87aSl.90; fine, ^2.75; bulk, 75c. per bushel. Cumberland coal, 364J25a95>50; anthracite, *fv50; wood, pint), $4.50 ?V oak, S5WSS0. Lumber, pine, 825 per M. Piaster, lump, S5: ground, SO- Herring, «4.75 a«5 per M. Shad, 821 per bundled. GEORGETOWN CORPORATION LAWS. A Resolution authorising the repairing of e -tain pumps of tire town, therein ucsi^nateil. by tkt Board of Aldermen and Bo rd of Cf-'ifU.t Council "J Iht Corporalicn of Grorg iwn. Thai the Mayor be, and he is hereby, auth .riznd and instructed to contract with the lowest ' :-lrler Tor the repairing and puttiug in complete order certain pump- of the town, the location of which is herebj designated, viz: Th- pumpun Dumbarton street.between Congress mid Washington >lre«ti; The one on Duuhartoii street, between High and Omyress streets; « The «ui« on Bi-all street, between Hi."h and Con- jrress streets; Th < ne on the corner of Beall jind Montjjomerv ts; Thi' one uu the corner of Frt.dorick and tixtk t!rcet«: T^r one on Hiirh -rreet, between Third aud Korrth srrepts: The one on the C(>rner of liii:h and Fifth streets: The one on the corner of Linj-iin and Si-cond »jreet«; The <.ne on tha corner of Fourth and Slurket t>J reets; The ooe on Frederick Rtreet, hrtwecn Third and Fourth stre«tB; rnd The one on the corner of Second and Potomac »tree>s. -hut .' Sutthtr u!r?d. That it shall be the duty of the Mayor to certify to aud transmit to thi> ' Corporation all claims contracted by him for tlie n?p*irins ».nd putting in s<>od order tht- pumps I ...'-i^nxted in tlie liral resolution; the said work,or p».ir.- to b^ commenc'i and finished, under his -V f"-v '..'ion a:id control. ::.< noon as pnwtifable. And d-e it further risolrrj/, Tlmt nil resolutions. ! ordintnees,or vart< of ordii.auci s, in contliet with i tk«se resolutions, be, and the same ure hereby, ! regaled. (Approved May 23, lvX. A Rf.sou rios ac.tboriiinj: an adraace of money ti luptnnri'y lor the increase of the pay of the Mci'.opolitan Police doing duty in this town. ¦\V'l:<*rea.« e bill tiHTin^- been introduced into tlie C('»*r«'-s oi the United States at its late session, proposing an increase of the pu> of the M>-tropo)itan Poli c. w hich tiiil tailed of becoming a law owing: to rhe lat.-day at which it was introduced : There- ! 1' re, be it _ Rrsc-cut l.y the Board <il' Alderm'n and Board of Coviinon Council i./ tin Corpora'ton ;/ Utormtown, That in auticipaii*-n of an appropriation by Con- *rre«« at it.- next session for tni imrpose, that the <_'1< rk pay to the order of the Treasurer of tin- Hoard nf Mftrojioli tan Folic". District of Columbia the sum of ten <iollars for each ofthe Sletropolitan Heik-i- doiiiK duty within ihc limits of thisCurpo- ! ra!ion, upon his ccrtiticate Of the number i>! v»id i »...!'doing duty as aforesaid, and a like sum of ten fiollars for *a< b policeman a- aforesaid on tii>. iirst . i > a'-h month fiereai'rer. until the first session of i h>- next Cougress: Pro' id'it, Tl:;it the Hoard of ' Motti'pol.'tau Police shall agree to refund tin* naojiiits.. p pro printed a - aforesaid,in ca>«- Congress h:.ll h'-reaiter m.fike an apprniirifition for the in- . rea-eol p«; of sj:id policemen for the said period. I Approved May 2.1. InxS. ' 1 A nt &oM'TTo:: providing for the repair of certain i streets. hfscb'id by 'he Board oj Aldermen atv! Board of (lVnn'J " ("*>*'»'il '.> the (nrporatioH qf Georgetown, i rii.il tuiir hundred dollsrs. or so much thereof as ! uia> In- m ics-nr), he. aud the same is hereby, appropriAtee lo:- the immediate repair of lligh sUwt; kimI forthe.partialrepairoftberoad between Kndte street and the Little Falls Brhl,~e, one hun- . aii. liits dollars is hereby appropriated, the ss.'i work to be performed uudei'the supervision of . he Commissioner of Streets. further. That the Clerk pay the abi^e 1 sums to the order of the Commissioner uf Streets, he giving proper Touchers for the same. J i AY COOK* & CO . BANKERS and dealers in GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, are prepsred to furnish the UNITED STATES FIVK-TWENTY YEAR SIX .PER CENT. BONDS, (C0UP<V*g 02 ttli'jISTKRID,) t'n lerse or small tvtns. On and after Ju3> 1. the privilege of converting Legal lender Notes into the five-Twenty Year Bonds at par will cease. Parties wishing to secure United 8tates Hands at par. paying six per cent, interest in gold, should vend in their orders before that time. JAY COOKE & CO., nay 36-dtjyl 45« 15th street. HIGHLY IMPORTANT NEWS FROM IiANSBURGH & IIRO.'S BALTIMORE BARGAIN STORE, 375 SEVENTH STREET, BETWEEN* I AXD K. Jnst received a large and spendid assortment of PRY AND t ANCYUO(.>DS, all of which have Seen lx5'.igi/.t at the iate New York and Fhila<ielphia auctions, ijmch reduced prices. We mention in part^ \ Beet Calicoef 16,15 and 20 cts. Beautitul Lan-ns oaly cts. Very rich aud fine L\wus, onl» 23 eta. Press Goods of every description. v< ry cheap. A beautiful lot of small figured Challies, for chil¬ dren's wear. . Plain and figured Mozambique*, »t 2t cts., worth V ^ Plain colored Silk Tishue fer Dresses, at 25 cts per yard, worth f<U cts. v Bhepperd Plaidaand Plain Ore®" Goods, very cheap. Plain Blue and But Cbambrey*. Otir stoek of Domesties is veryl large, and weare , sellins good Hleackcd Shirticc Muslins, at 1), 14, i ami J5 cents. X Best Irish Linens at 50 cts., worsli 75 cts. Tafcle Lintns, Towels, Napkins,Vtc.. cheaper than «ver. Casimtrei, Linen and Cotton Goods, for Men and Roys' wear, in large variety. ¦White and colored Flannels of eTery description. White Goods, such as: Plain »fnd Dotted Swiss, Ja< konets, Nainsooks, Plaid Muslins, etc., from Auction, and very cheap 1.401' Silk and Scotcn Gingham. 8uu Umbrellas. fr<>m 75 cts to $2.Sp. Bltrk 8:ik Mitts, from -J6 ct«. to fl.)V>. ladies and Gents' beat quality Kid finish Silk ©loves, at 75 cts ,, . Fiench Mechanical Corsets, unusually cheap. .Embroideries, such as: Collars and Sleeves. Cam¬ bric Bands, Swiss and Cambric Edgings, at half price. * Splendid all Linen White Handkerchiefs, at 10and U*i cts. Hosiery of all kinde. French La' « Veils, at «1, worth double. fc) a*l* Mantillas or the- very latest style*, if ytrti wi-h save yonr money cMl early. A larae 1«.t of Pink, B!ue and Yjrtlow Tarletons for CC>""if00*> SKIRTS-HOOP SKIRTS, Havinjr bonj;ht the entire sto^k of a rosnufactu-er in New York, we shall sell Vhem at a great sa -ri- g ta fie Notions of every desc^ption, much chetper tlian anj other plaxK» the city. Come one and all,w convince yourself that war .ri<-«s do not exist in the / BALTIMORE BARGAIN STORM, LAK8B0RGH & BRO., . 37 5 Seventh street,between I and K. ¦yStore open every evening until 9 o'clock, my 21 Cw* SILK AND LAV^APPINGS AND SHAWLS. We bjfrt just received. Silk Mantles and Cheque* in treat variety, ft. Laee Mantle#, Shawls, .Bcraoas, Piooo>»mtni» and Pwnte, Also, an/Seuaw Spring Shawte^beajtiria designs. i my 20} M. TAYLOR A CO. *»»%?«¦?Jtoos. orricui.. Vhc.xoct Marshal ...mural's Orrics. f : WaSIUKOTOS, Mav 22. IttM Kt'TiCR..Tlt<t attention of all oSlcers who hare j bee" bcuorably discharged on account of wounds 1 or and whodesiretore-enterthp service ic the Invalid Ccrpe, ia callcd to the provi«ion!« cf General Order*. No. It*. cf 16i3. f-orn the War De- jjirtr .ent, published in the papers ta/ougbout the ....uutrjF. huh off*-*!* are requested to comply promptly with the provisions of that order, and j t<> m-o<1 their *i itten applications, an therein pro¬ vided, for positions in the Invalid Corps, .stating thp character of their disability,) with as little de- !*v R3 possible, to the Acting Assistant ?rOTO(rt Marshal fieneral of Th« 8*ate in which they may >". fcuch Acting Assistant Provo«t Marshal Gen- eral Mill fit once forward the applications, with Ms endorsement, to the Provost Marshal General at Washington. Officers f.ir the Invalid Corps will be appointed immediately upon furnishing the papers reauired by Genersl Orders No. V«,of 1SC.I,from War Depart¬ ment. 1'feeir pay and emoluments will commcncp from date of acceptance of such appointments. and rot from date of organization of the respective commands to which they may bp assigned. JAMKU B. FRY. toy 23 Pw-TMt Marshal General. Provcst MAP.?n.\L Generals Orric«, > Washington, D. C., May 22, 1363. < All men who desire to join any particular rei^» ment of Cavalry now in the field, are hereby autho¬ rized to present themselves any Time daring the next thirty days to the Hoard of enrollment in their respective Districts. The Board shall examine them and determine upon their fitness for the ser¬ vice, and if found to be fit, the Provost Marshal of the Pietrict shall rive them transportation tickets to the general rendezvous, at the headquarters of the Acting Assistant Provost Marshal General of the State. As soon as they present thenxelve sat this general rendezvous they shall be duly mus¬ tered by a mustering and disbursing officer, and paid by him the bounty allowed by law. jAmeb b. fry, my 23-lm Provost Marshal General* WAR DEPARTMENT, Adjutant Gbnbral's Office, Wa8hisgtom, April V, 1863. Grntrml OrJtrs No. 1"*..The organisation of an Invalid Oorpa is hereby authorised. This corps shall consist of companies, and if it ¦hall hereafter be thought best, or battalions. The companies shall be made up from the follow- : ing sources, vis: First. By taking those officer* and enlisted men of commands now in the fiold (whether actually j present or temporarily absent) who, from wounds j received in action or disease contracted in the line of duty, are unfit for field service, but are still i capable of effective garrison duly, or sueh other I light duty aa may be required of an Invalid Corps. Regimental Commanders shall at once make out, trom information received from their Medical and ! Company Officers, and from their own knowledge, rolls (according to the ferm furnished) of the ! names of all the officers and enlisted men under their commands who fulfill the following condi- ! tions. 1. That tkey are unfit for active field service on j account of wounds or diseaee contracted in the line of duty; this fact being certified by a Medical Officer in the service, after personal examination, 2. That they are fit for garrison duty ; this fact being likewise certified by the Medical Officer, as above, alter pereonal examination. 3. That they are, In the opinion of their Com¬ manding Officers, meritorious and deserving. These rolls shall be certified by the Examining ! Eurgt on and Regimental Commander, and trans¬ mitted, through the regular channels of military correspondence, to the Provost Marshal General of i the United States. The Regimental Commander shall enter into the column of remarks opposite each officer's name on the roll, a statement as to the general character of the officer for intelligence, industry, sobriety, and j attention to duty; and all intermediate Com- menders shall indorse thereon each facts aa they may possesk in the case, or if they have none, they shall state how far they are willing to indorse the opinion of the officer or officers making therecom- Herniation. Similar rolls shall be forwarded from time to time, wherever the number of men fulfill¬ ing the conditions enumerated or the exigencies of the service may render it expedient. Stcond. By taking those officers and enlisted men still in serviet and borne on the rolls, but who are absent from duty, in hospitals or convalescent camp or are otherwise under the control of Medical Officers. In these cases the Medical Officer in at- tendance shall prepare the rolls according to ! form entering ti»e namesof officers andmen from the same regiment on a roll by themsslves, and ! send tbem, with the certiticate of the Surgeon, duly si gned, to the proper Regimental Commander,' who will forward them, as heretofore specified, sub Ject to the same conditions and requirements. If in any case, the Regimental Commander shall think an oflieer unfit,in point of character, to continue in the fiervice of the Invalid Corps, though disabled and certified by the Surgean.he will state his oh- ! Ject'on in the column of remarks, and note the ex- j ception before signing the certificate. If any officer or enlisted man now in the service, but ] absent and beyond the reach of a Medical Officer in charge of a hospital or convalescent camp, deriresto euter this corps, he wili take the course j indicated below lor those who have been honorably discharged the service. Ihird. By accepting those officers and enlisted j men who have been honorably discharged on ac¬ count of wounds or disease contracted in the line of duty, and*wt>9 desire to re-enter the service. ln:h6caseof an 6fficer, application for appoint¬ ment must be made to the Provost Marshal General of the United States through the officer detailed as Acting Assistant Provost Marshal Gen¬ eral of the Btate. No application of this kind wiil be considered unless the following conditions are completely fulfilled: 1. That the applicant produce the certificate of the Surgeon of the Board ot Enrollment for the District in which he resides that he is unfit for active field duty on account of wounds or disease, and is not liable to draft, but is fit for garrison duly. £, That he furnish evidence of honor able dia. charge on account of wounds or disability con . tr&cted in the line of duty. 3. That he produce recommendations from the Regimental, Brigade, and Division Commanders under whom he formerly served, that he is worthy of being thus provided for and capable of returning adequate aerviee to the Government, In case it shall be impracticable to get this last evidence, he may, having establishd the first two points above, tatisiy the Board of Enrollment that he is deser ving, and present ita certificate of the fact This evidence must all be obtained by the applicant, and must be transmitted with his application for ap¬ pointment. If there be no Acting Assistant Provost Marshal General for the Btate, the application may be for- wr.rdad through the Adjutant Ceneral of the State, who is desired to enderae thereon such facts in thi> military history of the applicant as he may know, or as are afforded by his records, and forward the same to the Provost Marshal General of the United States. Enlisted men, honorably discharged on account of disability, desiring) to re-enlist in this cerps, will present themselves to the Board of En¬ rollment for the District in which they reside, for examination of the Surgeon thereof, who shall examine them and report the result to the Board of Enrollment. The Board shall then consider each case, and if the applicant is found to fulfill the conditions spe¬ cified below, the Board shall give hint a certifi¬ cate to that effect, viz : 1. That he is unfit for service in the field, 2. That he is fit for garrison duty. 3. That he is meritorious and deserving. 4. That he was honorably discharged from the Service. i The Provost Marshal for the District shall then send the application, with_ this certiticate of the Board, to the Acting Assistant Provost Marshal General of the Btate, who shall procure such evi¬ dence of service and character as the records of the company to which he belonged, on file at the headquarters of the State, may show, and if natis- fled that it is a meritorious case, and that the man is deserving, he will enlist him in accordance with *uc£ special rules as the Provost Marshal General J may establish. Medical Inspectors, Surgeons in charge of hospi-* tals. Military Commanders, and all others having authority to discharge, under existing laws and regulations, are forbidden to grant discharges to i any men under their control who may be fit for 1 j service in the Invalid Corps. The Prevost Marshal General is charged with the execution of this order, and the troops orga¬ nised under it will be nnder the control of bis Bu- I reau. By order of the Secretary of War: E. D. TOWNSEND, my 11-dlm Assistant Adjutant General. WAS BBPARTMENT, ! WasxiHOTO>, January M, 1BR3. t In MnJ»«a«ace of the pressure of business at the War Department, passes for dtiscas to visit the I Amy of the Potomac will be given-at tte ofllee of XdMt. Col. OosaiD, lli Pennsylvania avenue above Nineteenth street. 1WILL SELL AT MY PROVISION BT0RJI, 6n the corner or 10th and I streets, the best eats of Beef at 15 cents per poud, and Mttton, Lamb end Teal and Vegetables at the lowest market price, and Beef Tongue* at U eeata a pi«ee or f 5 a dose*. my »3V* WM. LINHIN8. \ ' proposals u 8. A. MiDiCAL AN I* HUBPITAl. DMVAZT- MJCNt. Mzbical PWaynTftas OWtXCM, | Wi^^ixaioji, DO . May M. ISM PBr.pnaAi.r. w> U V- received ml this office aatii 12 B .»n MOnDA V , ]»t>U« -T Jun- text. nul on t'l-s f>r t ef every month thereafter. far szpptvin* thin Depot wiita tbe tr.ltrwing article-, in «ucb t«.»oti- ties an may be required during the respective month*. Class No. 1. Cotton Bats Cotton Wade in* FUnnel. red. (all wool) Mnstin. < n!«Mh«d, unsized, 1 yard Napkins, 'or opthalmia; B-lk, (green) Tapr, cnttf.n, or twillrd rtay bind Tape, woolen or woolen binding Thread, linen, anbieacbed Towel* Towels, for roller Class Ho. 3. . Twine, eoarM Tow Oiled Mnaiin, Hi rani piece* .Oiled Bilk, 4?j yard pieces Oakum, fine pieced Class No. 3. Binders' Boards. 2,'uXlS 4x17 Knapsacks, hospital Medicine Panniers U(H Chests _ , Class No. 4, Band Litters Horse Litters Blanket eases, canvas Buckets, leather Class No. 5. Envelopes, printed Paper, wrapping, W A. B Paper, Writing, Cap, Letter Pens,i*teel J'en Holders Pencils, Lead, Faber, No. 2. Portfolios, cap size Wax, Sealing Class No. 6, Water-beds. India Bubber Rubber CushioLS, for air or water " " square small - Gotta Percha Bed Covers .' " Cloth Class No. 7. Blankets, white or gray Counterpanes Mosquito Bars llair Pillows _ Class No. 8. Bed Pans,d«lf Bowls, delf Dishes, assorted sices. Peeking Caps, delf Medicine Spoons, delf Man, delf Pitchers, half gallons, Plates, delf Be torts, delf Pots, chamber, delf Pots, Tea. delf gpit-mngs, without tops Spittoons Tumbler*, glass Urinals CI.AS3 NO. 9. Basins, tin. small Basins, wash,band Candlesiicks Cauldrons, assorted sizes Cleavers Dippers, tin, 1 pint Flesh Forks Funnels. tiB, 1 piist Graters, nutmeg, large and small Knives and Forks. Mix's U.S.A. Knives and Forks, Carviug Knives, Butchers' Knives, Bread Measures, tin. gallon to pint Bed Ticket Frames Bath Tubs Stoves. Cooking, and fixtures Bauge. Cooking Close Stools Pots, inodorous, army pattern Scales and Weights, shop Steels. . . Class No. 10. * Bedsteads, iron Chairs Refrigerators Bedside Tables Butler's Trays. Class No. 11. Brooms Brushes, scrub Buckets, wooden Clothes liues Woodsaws Tablespoons Teaspoons Hatchets Hones Lanterns, glass Coffee-mills Tin Warmer, for «tn?nach Tin Warmer, for feet Sa'tirons Salt-cellars. Ct.ass No. 12. Funnel*. gln^", half pint Fill boxen, turned wood Pill Machines Pill Tiles, 6x10 Rain Gua^e ttazors and 8trop, in rase Sheep Skins, dressed for placer Slates {Spatulas,?.to 6 inches Kpi rit Lamps Vials, Kesorttd Class No. 13. Gridirons Kettles, tea, iron Ladles Pans, frying Pans, si.uce Pans, tin Pots, mustard Pots; pepper. Samples of articles will be shew*,an>l particu¬ lars to sizes of packages, quality of articles, and probable quantity required, will ba given on appli¬ cation at this ollice. ... , . Bidders must embrace in their proposals ail the articles designated in any one c!a>«. Proposals uotin con formitj therewith will be rejected. Proposals from disloyal parlies will not he con¬ sidered, and an oath of allegiance must accompany each proposal. _ . , , , ,, , bonds, inlhesnmof five thousand dollars. for 1be faithful performance of bis contract, will be required of the successful bidder. as the articles in the above classes are only pur¬ chase.! when the wauls of the service demand Them, successful bidders from iv distance, will t>e required to establish an agency in this city. Tbe Medical Purveyor reserves the right to reject any and all bids not deemed suitable, and all contracts accepted will be subject to the approv al of the Burgeon ««^»{IENRY J0HN80N, M. S. K.. U. 8. A., and . my 20-id Acting Medical Purveyor. PROPOSALS FOR 30 000 BARRELS Of FLOUR. Scaled Proposals are invited till the 30th day of May, 18C3, at 12 o'clock m., for furnishing the Subsistence Department with 2»,000 barrels of FLOUR. Bids will be reeeived for what is known as No. 1, No. 2, aHd No. 3. and for any portion less than the 20,000 barrels. Bids for different grades should be upon separate sheets of paper. The delivery of th'e Flour to be commenced on the loth of June, or as soon thereafter as the Government may direct, at the rate of fcto barrels daily, delivered either at the Government Warehouse in Georgetown, at the Wharves, or at the Railroad Depot, Washington, D. C. Payment will be made in certificates of indebted¬ ness or such utber funds the government may have for dittrllmtion. x , The usual government inspection will be made jn»t before the Hour is received, .... An oath of allegiance must accompany each bid. No bid wiU be entertained from parties who have previously failed to comply with their bids, or from Bidders not present to respond. The barrets to bo new and head lined. , Bids to be directed to Col. A. BBCKWITH, A. D.C.*C. 8. U.S A., Washington, D. 0., and en dorsed "Proposals for Flour." my 18-dtaoth H UARTRBM ASTIR GBNKBAL'S 0VVI0b7~ viL Washihoton City, March 19.1863. Owners of steam vessels are invited to send to the auart*rmaster General's Office tenders for their larter or sale. _ . Tenders should contain descriptions of the vessels, their dimensions, enrolled er registered tonnage, actual carrying capacity, material, whether coppered, whether sfde-wneel or pro¬ pellers , whetner iron or copper fastened,sue and power of engines and boilers; and should state the price at which they are offered for long or short charter, with the estimated value of the vessel in oase of toss, or in case the Government should prefer to purchase instead of chartering. Owners ef steam vessels already in the service of the Quartermaster's Department are requested to make known to the Department any reduction in their present rates which they may be willing to grant, and also the price at whioh they will be willing to sell them. All such tenders should be addressed to the Quartermaster General of the United States, at Washington, and sbonld be endorsed "Proposals for charter or sale of steamers." When received, they will be considered, and the Department will endeavor to reduce the heavy expense attending army transportation upon the ocean and tide-waters, by substituting, wherever it can do so, cheaper vessels of equal capacity for 4hose now employed. . M. C. MhLGS, raar 23 !*. Quartermaster General. pROPOSALS FOR HAT, STRAW, AND GRAIN' AS9I8TAKT QUARTEKMASySR'3 OfFI0*, J .Forage Department, Cor. G and 2*d struts, > Wabhinqtok, D. C., April 16.18®. i Written Proposals are invited for tarnishin* HAY,STRAW, OATS, and CORN, for the usee! this Depot, to be delivered at the Railroad Depot, or at any of the Government wharves in this city. The proposals to be addressed to the under¬ signed, and they should state the quantity of each article offered, also the prize and the date delivery. Proposals will be reeeived for five thousand 8,000) bushels of Corn or Oats, and fifty (50) tons of ay or 8traw, and upwards, unless it should be for the interest of the Government to contract for a less amount. All grain to be pat up in good sacks, of about two (I) bushels each, which are to be famished at the oest of the contractor. . , The Hay and Straw to be securely baled All Grain and Hay offered tp-be subject to a rigid inspection by the Goverment Inspector. Contracts will be awarded from time to time to the lowest responsible bidders, as the interests ot the service may require. Good security will be required for the faithful fulfillment of any contract made under this advertisement. Payment to be made attte eomrtrtrai «f the JT MATT.M NOT, ^ Whether the hair is red. gray or white. BOB- WILL* WARNER'SCOl6b»IOwillgraianljy and certainly change it without loss ot tine and without any wash or preparation. It never fails to color exceeding all othirs la quality, durability *^0^Wholesale and retail at BOBWILL* Milita¬ ry tnd Fancy Store, 30*2 1 street, near 14th.Sole Agent for WtutMcgton and the Dutrict. my 9-la I PROPOSALS PhOK'fALa * ilL b& HBUJMVJCll AC TUM Xrcinry Department. <#» Coantraction, Washir.MUu. D, 0 , lJo'elarV m., of MAY 9- 1K£. or tfe fnru:shiTi* aid delivery of a&.iit ONE MILLION OV BRICK, m ire or l«n, for ©i. fbe , f»'ur> ex'euniuu All br.cks matt bo of the Wat quality, svun-l, fcer«- *»>d wrll burne'.of full Rise, au-1 is ascorl- I snr.r. with ram pi. * that may ha a.an at tbia office. | H ddera "ill give price per tnruaand deiivaru J at ; the butlSiLg. at such p.>tr.ta m ipay directed. an<1 it» -neb *u«n1ities per day as the necev>it:es 0f 1 U.f «<>rh ui*y require. Tha whole to »e delivered by the first or Sap umiwr, 1*3 Ail biaa muit be accnmpanied by the written *uara»toa of two raspocsibl.. persons tt.»t th« bidder i# able to perform the contract, and will e»a<*vt* Ihe *ontrao» ahouM it be awarded to him, and that the bidder is a R>auufa?tur*r of fcriek. The Department reserves 'be ricbt to reject aty or all the bid* should it ha e.onsid«-r*d its vr.tsr-n to do and none will be considered that do not cun- ferro to tha raonirament* of thm adv*rtia«ij>ent. Bid* te He inclureti in a sealed envelop?, and in¬ dorsed " Proposal? fnrBriek " 1SAJAH EOGKUS. Enginacr in Charca. May 20. 13«3 my 81 thsttmrJ) p BOP 08ALS FOB FUIL, yuARTIBlUSTKn'^ OffICBU.S. MARINK C'HPS.J Wasfixotov, iith May, 1«03 ( Ska leu Pboposa lh triil be received at thin office until Thu-rday, the 25th day of June. 1863 at. 3 o'clock p. m for auppWing WOOD AND COAL to thaU.S Marineaat Washington 1>. C., from 1st July, 18M, to f.0th Jnne, »8t>«. Toe Wood to be good merchantable oak, and to be delivered, pi:*4 measured and inspected at sueh point* within the walla of the Marine Barrack* ma ta»y be designated by the Commanding Marine Oflicer, free of expense to th«! United State*. 't he Coal to be beat white axn anthracite agg coal, free from dust, and to weigh 2,2o» ponndato the ton, to be we:*had, impacted and delivered at auch points within tha walla of tha Marine Bar¬ racks as may be designated by the Commanding Marine 0tti*or, free of expense to the United State*; and both wood and eoaf to be famished at such times and In such quantities as the said Com* mantling MarineOfficer may require. Payments will be made upon tbaquarterly requi¬ sition of the Commanding Officer, statins the quantities required tor thenar of hia command, agreeably to regulations. 1 guarantee to be aignad by two responsible per¬ sona. whore responsibility mnn be certified to by the U. 8. District Judge, U. 8. District Attorney, or U. 8. Collector, must accompiny each proposal, otherwise it will not be consMered. To be endorsed "Proposals for Fnel." and ad¬ dressed to the undersigned. W. B SLACK, my 21-law4w Major and Quartermaster. pBOPOBALS FOR WOOD AND COAL. Opfioi House %v Bbpri*ixtativxb U. 8.,f 21st May. ldfiS. ( Skalxd Proposals will be received at thia office until 12 o'oiosk on Monday, the 29th of Jnne next, for furnishing for the us« of the House of Bep- resentatives of the United States ."»» tons(2i*«» uounds) best White aud Furnace Coal,' (steam- ©oat aiise,) one hundred cords bast dry Ilickory Wood, and one hundred cords best dry Spruce Pine Wood. Tha whole to be packed away in tbe vault* | of the Capitol, in the places which will ha sfeewn on application to tha enf ineer in the service of the House of Representatives, and to be delivered by tha HI day of August next. Bonds fer tbe iaithiul execution of the contract will be required. Bids for coal and wcod will be considered sepa¬ rately, and satisfactory arrangements must be made tor the coiiect measurement of both. | EMERSON KT1IEKIDGE, Clark of H ouse of Bepresentatiyes U. 8. mySH law4w (Chron., Int. &. Rep.] WASHINGTON BRASS AND STRING- BAND- Conductor, Michele Trojsi: Leader, J. Wagner. Headquarters, at Metropolitan Mas Hall. .540 Pannsylvania av«nue. Call on Mr. T. Wagner, .>30 Ninth street, or Mr. Trojsi, Eleventh street, corner of South Carolina ave¬ nue. Navy Yard. my 13-lirc* A~TTBNTloN,LIVJ£BV KKXPBRS AND HORSK FARRIERS. A RAtiK CHANCE! FOR SALS-A splendid LITBRY STABLE; room for to corses with offices harness room, and all necessaries useful in a first-class stable. Also, a splendid Yard of five lots of ground, which will suit a veterinary surgeon. All thisvob* soldcheAp, as the owner has to tAke possesion of another business. Ground rent cheap. Inquire at Union Hetal,corner 133a at. and Pa. av. my 18-2w* PR^Jr. ALEX. WOLOW8KI Has the honor to announce that, in compliance with the request of his friends and pupils, he will jgive one more and .ositi rely last course of instrnction in Singinvand Piano, by his new and simplified method, which baa met with unexampled success. All thwne who deaireto become in very short time fiu» singers or excellent performers can avail themselves of thia la*t opportunity by applying at his residence. No. 4!i 1 Tenth St., tetween B and F. my 15-?w SWINGLE tc HOWLETT, CARPENTERS AND BUILDEKS, No. Eleventh street, between E and F, re¬ spectfully inform their friend* and the public gen¬ erally that they have opeved a shop at the above named place, and are now ready to contract for the erection of buildings, &c., as well as to do general repairing and job work. A share of the public patronage is rolicited. my 13-Im* TJ. S. r»-~0 Hond«. RITTESHOPSE, FA BIT Sc CO., Bankers 332 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE. WK WILL FCKSilBH AT PAK UNITED STATES FIVE TWENTY YEAR SIX PFR OBNT. B0ND8 ISTBBEST PAYABI.K IS GoLU. * The privilege of subscribing for these Bonds at par will cease on 1st J cly. 1863. The money invested in them through nsgoes directly to the National Treasury. ap£7-lm AUCf STUB J0HHS0H k CO., 8S9 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, Bbtwekn <Jtb asd 10th 5T3., HAVE BOUGHT AT THE BECEIYER'S 8ALB THB WHOLE BALANCE OF STOCK of tbe late firm of LEACH £ CO., BALTIMORE, consisting of: HERMETICALLY-SEALED GOODS, OF EVJSRT DESCRIPTION: MEATS, FOULTRY, FISH, FRUITS, VEGETABLES, SOUPS, Etc., WHICH WE OFFER TO THE TRADB, DY THE PACKAGE, fAB BELOW MANUFACTURER'S PRICEB. AUGUSTUS JOHNSON fc CO., ap 8 tf 269 Pennsylvania Avenue. ^ECRET DISEASES! SECRET DISEASES It SAMARIT aI* * S GIFT! SAMARITAN'S GIFT! THE MOST CERTAIN REMEDY EVER USED. " Yes, A Positfcre Cure" for (iON-ORRHCEA. OLFET, STRICTURES, ft. Contains no Mineral, no Balsam, no Mercury. Only Ten Pills to be Taken to Effect a Cure. They are entirely vegetable, having no smell nor any unpleasant taste, und will not in any way in¬ jure the stomach or bowels of the most delicate. Cures in from two to four days, and recent c*se3 in "tweuty-four hours." Prepared by a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, one of the most eminent Doctors and Chemists ef the present day. K0 KXPOPCRE, NO TKOrBI.Ji, NO CHANOK WHATBVKR. Let those who have despaired of getting cured, or who have been gorged with Balsam Copaiva, or Mercury, try the SAMARITAN'S GIFT. Fent by mail in a plain envelope. Price.Male packages, $2. Female, $3. BLOOD! BLOODII BLOOD til 8CR0FULA, ULCERS, 80RES, SPOTS, TKTTBR8, . SCALES, BOILS. SYPHILIS OB VB- . NEREAL DISEASES *0. SAMARITAN'S HOOT AND HERB JUICES la offered the oublic aa a positive cure. SYPHILIS OR VBNEREAL DISEASES, the SA- j MARITAN'S ROOT AND HERB JUICE, is th« ! most potent, certain and effectual remedy ever pre¬ scribed; it reaches and eradicates every particle of the venereal poison, so that the cure is thorough and permanent. Take than of this purifying reme¬ dy and be healed, and do not transmit to your pos¬ terity that fer wMch^ou^ayrepent in after years. Although ron may oa pronounced lneurable, the ! SAMARITAN'S BOOT AND HERB JUICES will remove every vestige of imparities from the system, as well as all the bad effects of Mercury, j FEMALES I FEMALES!! ¦ males In many affections with which numbers of re- suffer, the BOOT AND HBBB JUIC Debilitr Sent by express. Price 91 a bottle, or 4 bottles for ''"gAMABITANf CHANCRE WASH. Prleett cents. Full direction*. , BESMOND * CO., Bos 161 Philadelphia Poet Office. Bold by 8. CALVERT POM),« rn«r of 11th and HENRY*'cOOK, Alexandria. mayd-tr JURIED APPLES AMD^PBACHES, JONM k, CO.>8, my 6 Corner Eighth and D sts, BOOKS, &c. rfcuu pakis. n r*uM paris. LfBCRBR. d*« Fr. Arm''. 9 vol*. TV forestier.IrxiieRar leeervitje de 1 Icfacter.e '"Sudfiard. Inerruction rar la Fortification <i» C,»rortif.r»ti«'i» de Gampairne. Ci-arpentier.Ktnde* sar l'Arnne Francaife A)i« Mmnrl Kr»tiu«- dee Tril»u?>au* Fccseoorabc.Resume Htatoriqne awt Progres 1 Veeew^Treite ie l'Art Militiire. DeYlmpioide i lnfanterie daas la Defeaic de* Piaees fort** * vec Plan. Chatelais.Traitedea Kcconnoiw*aneea Militalres. C«>ol.Manuel -la l'Adinl&Utralioa iw Cori^ -Ic TKe"l^n!»r^-uVS''ini?nt«d<? Fpt. Guide de* 1'Officier Particuner en Campagne; J T<iieronnd.Tactique AppToj»Ti#e an Perfeetionne- m.t da. Armts a few portative,.^ TAY^R TATT1NTI0N, EVERYBODY I HI SubnetiW h«viog Utr,y returned from the Eastern Spring Trade Sain* niters to tha pobiic toe largest, cheapest aud beat e-leeted stoekof BOOKS, STATIONERY and FANCY ARflCLKS eveJ, *>." fore presented in this market. Sutlers. pedlars, tb« trade and public in general, will «<>*.»' 10 examine car stock and prices before purchasing. Contesting, in part of:. A wall selected stock of Miscellaneous Books, at low ratas. ., . The largest stock of paper-covered Novels in the * $ha cheapest and most handsome asscrtsieat of Photograah Albums, ranging in price from 40 centsfe SSi. holding from K to sno eard picturaa. The largest Assortment of Oard Photographs of Prominent Men and Women, Americans and For¬ eigners. Copies of Statuary, Engraving*, Paint- icrs. Ac., over fi,fmo varieties. As well as a sple»- dia assortment of Foreign and American ntatian- ery and Fancy Articles, such as Chess, Obe^ners, Bn'iiMmmcn ami Cribbage Boards, Portfolios, Dominoes, Combs, Brushes, Scrap Books, Pocket Baoks, Writing Desks, Work Bcxes, Ac., Ac., Ac. The subscriber is also agent for tho«e celebrated Ambrotype Copies of Paintings and Engravings, ot. which a large aaaortment always on hand. Give us a witillxm f. riohSTEIN, National Book store, 378 Ph. avanae, my II-Sw bat. 11th and 12th sts.. Washingtan. DRY GOODS, &c. G r. KA T VICTORY OF THK DRY GOODS TRADE. We have conquerea the prices of Cotton Goods and brought Bleached Muslin down to 123~c., some l.S, and 4 4 wide to 2SC. Calicoes 16.18 and &c. ^ Fine Shirting Linen, Pillow Case and Linen Sheet¬ ing, Damask Table Cloth at old pneea, A lsrge stock ol'Embroideries, White G< s Ladies' Undergarments, Clocks. Shawls. Ac., vervxheap. g. A W. MEYENBEMr. 4 4 Market Space, my 26 between 7th and [ th streets. N*w1>R*PS GOODS. OLORED ALPACAS, PLAIN and FIGURED MOUSLIN8, MOZAMBIQUES, P0PMN8, VA- LENT J AS, POIL DE OftlVl'RS, GINGHAMS, LAWNS. JACONETS, ORGANDltf8. BAREGES, CKAkE MaRTZ, SPRING BALMOHAL8. Alsa, M0UEN1NG GOODS in *ie*t variety and of th« IDftkOS, -\ru /\n . f-% r\ gp 21 M, TA yi<OR 4 00. gILKWBAPPINGS iHD ,?AWL8 We have just received a beautiful assortment of the latest styles of heavy Silk Wrappings and Long and Square Spring Shawls. Also. 10 pieces Slack "m'tKtlSb I 00. IV]SW GOODS t NEW GOODS! ]\ NEW GOODS! rnoT.^ Will open this day a magnificent stock of POINT THREAD and ME&ALLION COLLARS,SETSland HANDKERCHIEFS, IN KANT ROBI8 AND WAIST8 OAMimiC BANDS,THREAD, PUSHER and GRENADINE V EI PLAIN and SM- BROIDFRED HANDKRRCHIJSFB. HEAPDKE8SES and NETS, latest stvle. Also, "r® ?rfce8B,'atC" WJL WEINBERG'S! aplH 1? Market 8pace. N Iff PRINTING OFFICE. GIBSON BROTHERS, No. 271 Pkkn. AvascK,si:\t 11th Strrbt Having modern Presses, siodern Types and all the modern requisites for a first c1as» Printing Office, are prepared to execute JOB PRINTING of everr description in a i-tyle of perfection seldom equaled, at a very small advance on aew York prices, ray 31 1w* M NOTICE OF TRANSFER. R. GEO D. C. HIBB8 Having eacoeeded me in the coal trade business. I respectfully reiurn thanks for the liberal patronage with whuh my friends and customers have been pleased to favor me. and request the same may be continued to him, knowing they will be dealt with honorably, my 18-tf WM. M. GALT. Railroad iron for sale. U. 8 Military Railroad Officii, ) 350 G- St., Washington. May 12. 1867.\ The undersigned will receive sealed bids for tha pus-'-bate of 93s 92»-234" tons of new RAILROAD IKON, 60 pounds te the yard. 266 724-2240 tons of the above ia at the Cambria Mills, J'ohnptown, PeLnsylvnnia,and the balance, 072 206-8240 is at Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. In ca*e a bid is accepted, the party making the same will be notified as soon as practicable. If within ten days afier sueh notice the parly ahall fail to make payment in Government funds to the ucderaigLed, tbe Iron for which said bid was made shall be subject to gale to any other person. All bids must be sealed and directed to the un¬ dersigned. Washington, D. C.,and indorsed''Bids for Railroad Iron " The riu'nt to reject any and all bids is expressly reserved. I5:ds will br- received as above invited until Juno 5. ai which time a decision will be given mylfi-td H.L. ROBINSON,Capt. aad A. Q M. 8SISTANT QV ARTERM AST PR'S OFFICE,) Curntr It cndtld Strtets, > Washington, D. C., May 13,1863.S Notice iR hereby given to all persons having charge of horses belonging to th* United States, that the Quartermaster's Department will not be responsible for the removal oi dead animals unless immediate notice of the death is civen Joen H. Germah, Superintendent Nineteenth Street Sta- bles. ,. . When netice is so gwen. dead Government ani¬ mals will be promptly removd and receive in duplicate be given by the teamsters. my 13-2w H. B. LACEY. Capt. A.Q. M. ^TIAM8 HIP W GREAT EASTERN, WALTER PATON, Commander,^ will Jbe dispatched FROM LIVERPOOL. | FROM SEW YOKK. Pa*iii<:«y -^lay li"> Saturday .. June 6 Tuesday...June 3" I Tuesday July 21 And at the same regular intervals thereafter. First Cabin, from $95 to $1$5 Becond Cabin .. ..?70 .icursion Tickets out and back, in the 1st and 2d Cabin only, a fare and a half. Servants accompanying passepgers.and Children under twelve years of age, half fare. Infants free. Third Cabin..- ..?&) Steerage, with superior accommodations..^$30 All fares payable in Gold, or its equivalent in U. B.currency. Back passenger allowed twenty cubic feet of lug- An experienced Surgeon on board. For passage apply to CHARLBB A. WHITNEY, at the Office, «G BROADWAY, New York. For freight apply to H0WLAND A A8PIN- WAJiL, Agents, 64 8outh street, New York. my 13 tje9 gUTLER'S AND GROCER'S WAGONS. Largest sice 2 and 4-Horse Butler's Wagons, without Springs. Groeer's and other Wagons, with Springs. Also on hand several SECOND BAND WAGOH8. TOOXe, inaFifltm No. 409 Pennsylvania Avenue ip*ARRIAGS8 ! CARRIAGES ! I C/ CARRIAGES !! I I have now on hand and daily receiv¬ ing a fine assortment of FIRST CLA&8 OARRIAGEB, made by the beat build- era in the country: consisting of one splendid fall Caleche.oneCaleche Coach, Brett's:four and six .eat Rock away a and Germantowns. Boat Wagons fortwoorfonr persons, Doctora'Phaetons, Plain and shifting-Top Buggies,' ogether with a number of BECOND HAND CARRIAGES bat liUle used; also, several splendid Sleighs, all purchased for eaah, and can be sold to suit the times to those who allaoon at No. 409 Pennsylvania avenue. mar 18-2m THOMAS YOUNG. W BOYS CLOTHING. E are now in receipt of a large assortment of BOY'S and CHILDREN'S CLOTHING of the newest styles, suitable for the present season for dress and school wear, to which we invite the attention of STEPHENS A CO., 32a Pennsylaria Avenne, between a* U tfif Ninth and Tenth streets. clarified cider of Pure Massachusetts CLARIFIED 6IDER,whicl I offer for sale at the lowest market prioe, ia toaa ^Hotd keeaeSMwtlers and sli others is want of i ¦rime article of Older are invited to call and ex Union Bottling Depot, 07 Green at., isE-M Georgetown, D. 0. |NTERNAL ^of EVERY DENOMINATION, bAT^H^ COLLECTOR'S OFFICE, * No. 476 Sbvmhth Stxibt, Opvositt Post Qfia Collector of Internal Revenue fer tie fa Rtf ^ District of Columbia. F. JL JXmr MMM CHANT TAILOMB. MiitB0>0U7Ai» Morn.^ 44-tf sea n. it«u. !wS3uKtou,», o. CLOTHING, 4c. i *1^0 1 bK CIOTHIKBB 09 TBS DISTRICT f The undersigned wcuidmos: respectfully iafons hi* friends, and The Tr*dege»«raUy,thath» Iim« i prepared Uj offer '»ne i f the finest Spring Stock* . READY-MADE CLOTHING { ever otereo In this eity. HdiiuiMthoMinvMt : cf » stock that they will do well to give Vm a mU. R«»peetf*lly. a. mERZBBRG, No. 3 Market frtf*, mt to eoraeref Baltimore street. Feitircoie. MarcL. }*».«. mar tt-tm~ ! jj URKAH FOB 8MI I H 11 4t»0 SEVENTH STREET. He is selling Immense Bargains la CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS, HATS. CA1*St *e., Ac. for a few days more we will ofer oar immense stock at great bargain* to make room for oar SPRING STOCK. To tkose in want we say, bow ia tke time to buy. : Remember that SMITH 8 is Headquarters for j Clotfcin,.400 Seventh street, two doors above t Bruce & Co.*b. J. H. SMITH, Clothier, No. 4(tO Seventh street, mar 17 and corner yth st. and Pa. av. QRBAT DECLINE IN GOLD I In order to reduce our present stock we hats REDUCED THIS PRICE Of OUR CLOTHING and ate now selling off at rapid rates. The people find that M. BBUOB A CO.'S is the place to buy GOOD CLOTHING at LOW RATES! Call and secure some of the Great Bar rains bow ofiered at No. 464 BB VBNTH STRBET, two doorw below Smith's. J. BRUCB A CO., mar 17 Clothiers, 464 Seventh St., pear F. iVSOHABGBD B0LDISP.S iJ are all invited to call at SMITH'S, Ho. 460 Binni Brain, ' Oppcsiit City Post Ojfia, and set their CLOTHING AT LB8S THAN NBW YORK PRICBS. . goidiers can rely on Fair Sealing at SMITH'S, No. 460 8BVENTH STRBBT, and CORN BR 30TH BTRBBT AND PA. AT. nar 17 NO COMPROMISE WITH TREASON OB TRAITORS. NOTICE. ' I am authorised by the Secretary of War to raise a BATTALION OF CAVALRY fer special ser¬ vice. Bach company will be organized as prescribed ia General Orders No. 136, series of 1S62. All officers will be selected and appointed by the Colonel Commanding, subject to the approval of the Secretary of War. From the peeuliar nature of the service required of this Battallion.noue but sober, honest and in¬ telligent men will be enlisted. The best, fleetest and most serviceable Horses only will be used. This Battallion will be armed with the new cel¬ ebrated Repeating Bile, discharging fifteen shots per minu-te. For further particulars apply at No. 21? Penn. avenue. L. C. BAKBR, my 11 1m Colonel Commanding Battalion. T air-tight COFFINS. 0 FRIENDS AKU RELATIVES OF THE DEAD. P*recta and friends living at a distance can have the bodies of their killed in battle, who may die at the hospitals, forwarled to them in IMPROVED AIR-TIGHT COFFINS, at moderate charge.Embalming, Coffin and Box from to $3S, »tid no extra charge. All orders promptly attend* t to. M. M. WHITE, Undertaker and Embalmer, myg-Jw* 397 B st.. corner 2d. Washington. building" materials"! H. W. HAmTlTON, Agent, - iVo. 560 SEVENTH ST.. EAS ON *ANbTHE J.AKGK8T STOCK OP BASH, DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS. DOOR AND WINDOW FRAMB8. GLAZED BASH, BLIND A SASH DOORS, Ac., in this part of the country, which he is able to sell at as low rates as they can possibly be furnish*! in this market. Builders would find it to their interest to call and examine his stock and priees.&nd see whata saving can be made by purchasing such work ready-made. All work well seasoned, and prices according to quality Every description ef work in this line made to order at short notice. , BUILDING SAND of all kinds and of the best aualities furniched in any quantity, in anv part of ae city. No. 663 SEVENTH? STREKT, sp 16-1 m^ near Cana' Bri'.ge. RATIONAL I.OAD. THJ NBW BIX FER CENT. BONDS of the GIGTRD STATES, PAYABLE TWENTY YEARS FROM DATB, Cr after Five Years, at Option of the Gover: THE COUPON BONDS, In Sums of. FIFTY DOLLARS, CNB HUNDRED DOLLARS. FIVB HUNDRED D0LLAB8, and ONE THO1 J8AND DOLLARS. THE REt * iTEREB BONDS) . Bums of FIr :Y DOLLARS, ONE H >NDRED DOLLARS, FIVB HUNDRED DOLLARS, ONB THOUSAND DOLLARS, FIVB THOUSAND DOLLARS, . and TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS, IKTBBBBT COMMENCING AT DATB OF FUB- CHASE, ABD riTABLIC BSKI-AHKOALLT IN &OLD. These Bones are the CHEAPEST GOVERNMENT SECURITY bow ia the market, FBe Interest, at present prioe of ooin, being eq*f? .lent to g Pax Cbvt. in currency, FOB 8ALB BY JAY COOKE Sfr CO., BANKERS, 4*3 FIFTEENTH BTRBBT, Dkalxis n GOVERNMENT BONDS, TREASURY NOTES, CERTlflOA TEE, AM.er AND NAVT VOUCHERS, OOIN, CURRENCY AND EXCHANGE dee >-tf jyjILITARY GOODS. WALL, STEPHENS A CO., 333 Pennsylvania Atknuk, Offer the largest assortment in this city, embrac¬ ing all qualities used by officers in the Army and Navy such as SWORDS. BASHES, BELTS, SHOULDER STRAPS. HATS, CAPS, PISTOLS. Ac., Ac,, with a fine assortment of UNIFORM CLOTHING, with which we a&n furnish officers complete outfits in a few moments. WALL, STBPHKNS A CO., ap 11-tfif 333 Pennsylvania Avenue. FRANKLIN A CO., OPTICIANS, ^ , 344 PmSILUIIi ATBITOB. (north side,) between 12th and isttt its. aad .89 Pa. avtnut, und$r tkt National Haul. ROOK CRYST AL (Brazilian Pebble) and *M- PROVBD PER1BC0PIC SPECTACLES, scientifi¬ cally asd correety suited to the proper condition of tneeyesight. OPERA and FIBLD GLASSE8, AOHROMATIO MICROSCOPES, BAROMETER^. THERMOME¬ TERS, ELECTRICAL BATTERIES, MATHE¬ MATICAL AND SURVEYORS' INSTRUMENTS COMPASSES, CARTES DE VISITS of contemno raneensCivil.end MiliUry Celebrities. PHOTO, an i on a i.nrua..... n««*^95tSy" my 13-tf COK REWARD.Will be given to aay person if .20 Drs. Brothers A Gray, fail \i de£ri hi tteir disease and symptoms, without seeingtha patient, by a chemical analysis of the URINE? tt.2 Est in the morning is required. Drs BA ft' sstt&ssarS n WashingU ¦mitbsonian ap a eolm'

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Page 1: Evening star (Washington, D.C.).(Washington, DC) 1863-05-28 [p ]. · 2017-12-13 · proposinganincreaseofthepu> oftheM>-tropo)itan Poli c.which tiiil tailed ofbecominga law


ArrAiK* ueoHenuwit.fOorresponrfence of the Star.]

«}Kr,ur.KT.»w.v, M.iy 2?th,1 note ^he fcilovmii; arrivals:.Steamer S;y-monr« Kooin, Philadelphia. merchandise "toHyde A !(nvid^on: schooner lJ»»Oe.ca a»ti Har¬riet, Itianm.n, Mills ville, lumber io E. Picke¬rel*, schr.* Mary and Adeline, Jenk-ns, PortDeposit e, Mrt., lumber to .Tas. i^jbbey; 3teamerA. Iler'.y. Houghton, Phila., com and oat* toGovernment: str. Star, Curtis, Aquia Creek,light: Nobr. Wm. A. »'ln»e*an, Wir.d-r, Bait.,brick to J. M. Make; echr. Express, W*nt-^orth, Ua'.ijior, Ms., huy and potatoes U> Sut¬ler; schr. Maryland, Sterling, N. Y., cement;ecfcr. Uaxall, Boget, N. Y , hay and cement toWashington Aqueduct; nmacron* small erAft,Ircm 1-i t:Ie Falls. 4r,n»,o fls& to John A. Knight;s-rhr. lr.-.m Smith, Kerry, Alex., li*ht; alsoM-br. E. S. Denizing, Thorn, J. P. Wallace, In-dicott, and Franklin J telle, Robinson, light.

JJej.artfd by river:.Schr. Maiie. Pickup,Baker, Nov.* York; Mary Siandish, Boston;ana E. S.' Downing, Thoru, New Bedford,Mass., <oai, from Kay's dock; schr. J. V.McSbane, Alexandria, coal, from Agnew s

dock; schr. J. R \Varson, Z>ane, Di^hton, Ma«s.,and J. P. Wallace, Indicott, do., do., coal, xromBorden Mining Co.Arrived by canalBoats Boyer A Watson

and .1 no Hamlin*, coal, toWm R. Snow <L Co.;.f. Brrngle, A. K. stone, coal, to Jno. Young;M. J. Woods, coal, to A^new's dock; Thos.Sammon. coal, to Ctimb. Coal A J. Co.; AnnaRfitiliart, 110 tons coal, C- F. Newman, Jas. M.Baker, E. Stanhope, and "Unexpected, coal, toBorden Milting Co.; Magpie Miller, Jos. J.Orahan. A. Snyder, Gen. McClellan, Nimrod,"W. Garrott, H. B. Cromwell, coal, to Ray'sdocks: Capt. Jno. Short, to Morgan .t Rein-hart.DepartedC. E. Detmold, Anna Reinhart,

17745, Boyer A. Wat-on, R. H. Alvey, Thos.Natnmon, C. F. Newman. P. L. Detmold, J.Bnmgle, G. W. Rohback, W. I(. Chaplain, R.Stewart, Jno. Gorman, Maggie Miller, M. J.Woods.Business dull. Markets unchanged; whole¬

sale quotations as follows:Flour, super, -16.7.5: extra, S7.95: family, com¬

mon, 9r.25a*5).50: Darby's, S10; Welch's. §10.50;Ray f, fclo/'Sa* 10.30. Wheat, reel, 81.j0aSi.56;

. white. Sl.t'OaSl./O. Corn, yellow, 85c.; white,?>*c.a*t. Oats, by measure, W>a«5c., hay, S25a*30; mill stuff.middling?, S0aS5c.; brown stuff,.")0c.; shorts, 35c.; potatoes. 4(afctic.; apples, £4a*4.50; lemons, per box, So.50: cider, lba'22c.; do.,clarified, -i5a3ttc.; champagne cider, *4a?55 per

whisky, 44c.; salt, G. A., Sl.87aSl.90; fine,^2.75; bulk, 75c. per bushel. Cumberland coal,364J25a95>50; anthracite, *fv50; wood, pint), $4.50?V oak, S5WSS0. Lumber, pine, 825 per M.Piaster, lump, S5: ground, SO- Herring, «4.75a«5 per M. Shad, 821 per bundled.

GEORGETOWN CORPORATION LAWS.A Resolution authorising the repairing of e -tain

pumps of tire town, therein ucsi^nateil.by tkt Board of Aldermen and Bo rd of

Cf-'ifU.t Council "J Iht Corporalicn of Grorg iwn.Thai the Mayor be, and he is hereby, auth .rizndand instructed to contract with the lowest ' :-lrlerTor the repairing and puttiug in complete ordercertain pump- of the town, the location of which isherebj designated, viz:Th- pumpun Dumbarton street.between Congressmid Washington >lre«ti;The one on Duuhartoii street, between High and

Omyress streets; «

The «ui« on Bi-all street, between Hi."h and Con-jrress streets;Th < ne on the corner of Beall jind Montjjomerv

ts;Thi' one uu the corner of Frt.dorick and tixtk

t!rcet«:T^r one on Hiirh -rreet, between Third aud

Korrth srrepts:The one on the C(>rner of liii:h and Fifth streets:The one on the corner of Linj-iin and Si-cond

»jreet«;The <.ne on tha corner of Fourth and Slurket

t>J reets;The ooe on Frederick Rtreet, hrtwecn Third and

Fourth stre«tB; rndThe one on the corner of Second and Potomac

»tree>s.-hut .' Sutthtr u!r?d. That it shall be the

duty of the Mayor to certify to aud transmit to thi> '

Corporation all claims contracted by him for tlien?p*irins ».nd putting in s<>od order tht- pumps I...'-i^nxted in tlie liral resolution; the said work,ort« p».ir.- to b^ commenc'i and finished, under his-V f"-v '..'ion a:id control. ::.< noon as pnwtifable.And d-e it further risolrrj/, Tlmt nil resolutions. !

ordintnees,or vart< of ordii.auci s, in contliet with itk«se resolutions, be, and the same ure hereby, !regaled. (Approved May 23, lvX.A Rf.sou rios ac.tboriiinj: an adraace of money

ti luptnnri'y lor the increase of the pay of theMci'.opolitan Police doing duty in this town.¦\V'l:<*rea.« e bill tiHTin^- been introduced into tlie

C('»*r«'-s oi the United States at its late session,proposing an increase of the pu> of the M>-tropo)itanPoli c. w hich tiiil tailed of becoming a law owing:to rhe lat.-day at which it was introduced : There- !1' re, be it_Rrsc-cut l.y the Board <il' Alderm'n and Board of

Coviinon Council i./ tin Corpora'ton ;/ Utormtown,That in auticipaii*-n of an appropriation by Con-*rre«« at it.- next session for tni imrpose, that the<_'1< rk pay to the order of the Treasurer of tin-Hoard nf Mftrojioli tan Folic". District of Columbiathe sum of ten <iollars for each ofthe SletropolitanHeik-i- doiiiK duty within ihc limits of thisCurpo- !ra!ion, upon his ccrtiticate Of the number i>! v»id i»...!'doing duty as aforesaid, and a like sum of tenfiollars for *a< b policeman a- aforesaid on tii>. iirst. i > a'-h month fiereai'rer. until the first session of ih>- next Cougress: Pro' id'it, Tl:;it the Hoard of '

Motti'pol.'tau Police shall agree to refund tin*naojiiits.. p pro printed a - aforesaid,in ca>«- Congressh:.ll h'-reaiter m.fike an apprniirifition for the in-. rea-eol p«; of sj:id policemen for the said period. IApproved May 2.1. InxS. ' 1

A nt &oM'TTo:: providing for the repair of certain istreets.

hfscb'id by 'he Board oj Aldermen atv! Board of(lVnn'J " ("*>*'»'il '.> the (nrporatioH qf Georgetown, irii.il tuiir hundred dollsrs. or so much thereof as !uia> In- m ics-nr), he. aud the same is hereby,appropriAtee lo:- the immediate repair of llighsUwt; kimI forthe.partialrepairoftberoad betweenKndte street and the Little Falls Brhl,~e, one hun-. aii. liits dollars is hereby appropriated, thess.'i work to be performed uudei'the supervision of. he Commissioner of Streets.

further. That the Clerk pay the abi^e 1sums to the order of the Commissioner uf Streets,he giving proper Touchers for the same.






(C0UP<V*g 02 ttli'jISTKRID,)t'n lerse or small tvtns.

On and after Ju3> 1. the privilege of convertingLegal lender Notes into the five-Twenty YearBonds at par will cease.Parties wishing to secure United 8tates Hands

at par. paying six per cent, interest in gold, shouldvend in their orders before that time.

JAY COOKE & CO.,nay 36-dtjyl 45« 15th street.HIGHLY IMPORTANT NEWS



BETWEEN* I AXD K.Jnst received a large and spendid assortment of

PRY AND tANCYUO(.>DS, all of which have Seenlx5'.igi/.t at the iate New York and Fhila<ielphiaauctions, ijmch reduced prices. We mention in

part^\Beet Calicoef 16,15 and 20 cts.Beautitul Lan-ns oaly cts.Very rich aud fine L\wus, onl» 23 eta.Press Goods of every description. v< ry cheap.A beautiful lot of small figured Challies, for chil¬dren's wear. .

Plain and figured Mozambique*, »t 2t cts., worthV ^Plain colored Silk Tishue fer Dresses, at 25 cts peryard, worth f<U cts. v

Bhepperd Plaidaand Plain Ore®" Goods, very cheap.Plain Blue and But Cbambrey*.Otir stoek of Domesties is veryl large, and weare ,

sellins good Hleackcd Shirticc Muslins, at 1), 14, ia» ami J5 cents. X

Best Irish Linens at 50 cts., worsli 75 cts.Tafcle Lintns, Towels, Napkins,Vtc.. cheaper than«ver.

Casimtrei, Linen and Cotton Goods, for Men andRoys' wear, in large variety.

¦White and colored Flannels of eTery description.White Goods, such as: Plain »fnd Dotted Swiss,Ja< konets, Nainsooks, Plaid Muslins, etc., fromAuction, and very cheap

1.401' Silk and Scotcn Gingham.8uu Umbrellas. fr<>m 75 cts to $2.Sp.Bltrk 8:ik Mitts, from -J6 ct«. to fl.)V>.ladies and Gents' beat quality Kid finish Silk©loves, at 75 cts

,, .

Fiench Mechanical Corsets, unusually cheap..Embroideries, such as: Collars and Sleeves. Cam¬bric Bands, Swiss and Cambric Edgings, at halfprice. *

Splendid all Linen White Handkerchiefs, at 10andU*i cts.

Hosiery of all kinde.French La' « Veils, at «1, worth double.fc) a*l* Mantillas or the- very latest style*, if

ytrti wi-h X« save yonr money cMl early.A larae 1«.t of Pink, B!ue and Yjrtlow Tarletons for

CC>""if00*> SKIRTS-HOOP SKIRTS,Havinjr bonj;ht the entire sto^k of a rosnufactu-erin New York, we shall sell Vhem at a great sa -ri-

g ta fie Notions of every desc^ption, much chetpertlian anj other plaxK» the city.Come one and all,w convince yourself that war

.ri<-«s do not exist in the /


37 5 Seventh street,between I and K.¦yStore open every evening until 9 o'clock,my 21 Cw*

SILK AND LAV^APPINGS AND SHAWLS.We bjfrt just received.

Silk Mantles and Cheque* in treat variety,ft. Laee Mantle#, Shawls,

.Bcraoas, Piooo>»mtni» and Pwnte,Also, an/Seuaw Spring Shawte^beajtiriadesigns. i my 20} M. TAYLOR A CO.



Vhc.xoct Marshal ...mural's Orrics. f: WaSIUKOTOS, Mav 22. IttM

Kt'TiCR..Tlt<t attention of all oSlcers who harej bee" bcuorably discharged on account of wounds1 or and whodesiretore-enterthp serviceic the Invalid Ccrpe, ia callcd to the provi«ion!« cfGeneral Order*. No. It*. cf 16i3. f-orn the War De-jjirtr .ent, published in the papers ta/ougbout the....uutrjF. huh off*-*!* are requested to complypromptly with the provisions of that order, and

j t<> m-o<1 their *i itten applications, an therein pro¬vided, for positions in the Invalid Corps, .statingthp characteroftheir disability,) with as little de-!*v R3 possible, to the Acting Assistant ?rOTO(rtMarshal fieneral of Th« 8*ate in which they may>". fcuch Acting Assistant Provo«t Marshal Gen-eral Mill fit once forward the applications, with Msendorsement, to the Provost Marshal General atWashington.Officers f.ir the Invalid Corps will be appointed

immediately upon furnishing the papers reauiredby Genersl Orders No. V«,of 1SC.I,from War Depart¬ment. 1'feeir pay and emoluments will commcncpfrom date of acceptance of such appointments. androt from date of organization of the respectivecommands to which they may bp assigned.

JAMKU B. FRY.toy23 Pw-TMt Marshal General.

Provcst MAP.?n.\L Generals Orric«, >Washington, D. C., May 22, 1363. <

All men who desire to join any particular rei^»ment of Cavalry now in the field, are hereby autho¬rized to present themselves any Time daring thenext thirty days to the Hoard ofenrollment in theirrespective Districts. The Board shall examinethem and determine upon their fitness for the ser¬vice, and if found to be fit, the Provost Marshal ofthe Pietrict shall rive them transportation ticketsto the general rendezvous, at the headquarters ofthe Acting Assistant Provost Marshal General ofthe State. As soon as they present thenxelvesatthis general rendezvous they shall be duly mus¬tered by a mustering and disbursing officer, andpaid by him the bounty allowed by law.

jAmeb b. fry,my 23-lm Provost Marshal General*

WAR DEPARTMENT,Adjutant Gbnbral's Office,

Wa8hisgtom, April V, 1863.Grntrml OrJtrs No. 1"*..The organisation of an

Invalid Oorpa is hereby authorised.This corps shall consist of companies, and if it

¦hall hereafter be thought best, or battalions.The companies shall be made up from the follow- :

ing sources, vis:First. By taking those officer* and enlisted men

of commands now in the fiold (whether actually jpresent or temporarily absent) who, from wounds jreceived in action or disease contracted in theline of duty, are unfit for field service, but are still icapable of effective garrison duly, or sueh other Ilight duty aa may be required of an Invalid Corps.Regimental Commanders shall at once make out,trom information received from their Medical and !Company Officers, and from their own knowledge,rolls (according to the ferm furnished) of the !names of all the officers and enlisted men undertheir commands who fulfill the following condi- !tions.

1. That tkey are unfit for active field service on jaccount of wounds or diseaee contracted in theline of duty; this fact being certified by a MedicalOfficer in the service, after personal examination,

2. That they are fit for garrison duty ; this factbeing likewise certified by the Medical Officer, asabove, alter pereonal examination.

3. That they are, In the opinion of their Com¬manding Officers, meritorious and deserving.These rolls shall be certified by the Examining !

Eurgt on and Regimental Commander, and trans¬mitted, through the regular channels of militarycorrespondence, to the Provost Marshal General of ithe United States.The Regimental Commander shall enter into the

column of remarks opposite each officer's name onthe roll, a statement as to the general character ofthe officer for intelligence, industry, sobriety, and jattention to duty; and all intermediate Com-menders shall indorse thereon each facts aa theymay possesk in the case, or if they have none, theyshall state how far they are willing to indorse theopinion of the officer or officers making therecom-Herniation. Similar rolls shall be forwarded fromtime to time, wherever the number of men fulfill¬ing the conditions enumerated or the exigencies ofthe service may render it expedient.Stcond. By taking those officers and enlisted men

still in serviet and borne on the rolls, but who areabsent from duty, in hospitals or convalescentcamp or are otherwise under the control of MedicalOfficers. In these cases the Medical Officer in at-tendance shall prepare the rolls according to !form entering ti»e namesof officers andmen fromthe same regiment on a roll by themsslves, and !send tbem, with the certiticate of the Surgeon,duly si gned, to the proper Regimental Commander,'who will forward them, as heretofore specified, subJect to the same conditions and requirements. Ifin any case, the Regimental Commander shall thinkan oflieer unfit,in point of character, to continue inthe fiervice of the Invalid Corps, though disabledand certified by the Surgean.he will state his oh- !Ject'on in the column of remarks, and note the ex- jception before signing the certificate. If anyofficer or enlisted man now in the service, but ]absent and beyond the reach of a Medical Officerin charge of a hospital or convalescent camp,deriresto euter this corps, he wili take the course jindicated below lor those who have been honorablydischarged the service.

Ihird. By accepting those officers and enlisted jmen who have been honorably discharged on ac¬count of wounds or disease contracted in the lineof duty, and*wt>9 desire to re-enter the service.ln:h6caseof an 6fficer, application for appoint¬ment must be made to the Provost MarshalGeneral of the United States through the officerdetailed as Acting Assistant Provost Marshal Gen¬eral of the Btate. No application of this kind wiilbe considered unless the following conditions arecompletely fulfilled:

1. That the applicant produce the certificate ofthe Surgeon of the Board ot Enrollment for theDistrict in which he resides that he is unfit foractive field duty on account of wounds or disease,and is not liable to draft, but is fit for garrisonduly.£, That he furnish evidence of honor able dia.

charge on account of wounds or disability con .

tr&cted in the line of duty.3. That he produce recommendations from the

Regimental, Brigade, and Division Commandersunder whom he formerly served, that he is worthyof being thus provided for and capable of returningadequate aerviee to the Government, In case itshall be impracticable to get this last evidence, hemay, having establishd the first two points above,tatisiy the Board of Enrollment that he is deserving, and present ita certificate of the fact Thisevidence must all be obtained by the applicant, andmust be transmitted with his application for ap¬pointment.If there be no Acting Assistant Provost Marshal

General for the Btate, the application may be for-wr.rdad through the Adjutant Ceneral of the State,who is desired to enderae thereon such facts in thi>military history of the applicant as he may know,or as are afforded by his records, and forward thesame to the Provost Marshal General of the UnitedStates. Enlisted men, honorably discharged onaccount of disability, desiring) to re-enlist in thiscerps, will present themselves to the Board of En¬rollment for the District in which they reside, forexamination of the Surgeon thereof, who shallexamine them and report the result to the Boardof Enrollment.The Board shall then consider each case, and if

the applicant is found to fulfill the conditions spe¬cified below, the Board shall give hint a certifi¬cate to that effect, viz :

1. That he is unfit for service in the field,2. That he is fit for garrison duty.3. That he is meritorious and deserving.4. That he was honorably discharged from the

Service. iThe Provost Marshal for the District shall then

send the application, with_ this certiticate of theBoard, to the Acting Assistant Provost MarshalGeneral of the Btate, who shall procure such evi¬dence of service and character as the records ofthe company to which he belonged, on file at theheadquarters of the State, may show, and if natis-fled that it is a meritorious case, and that the manis deserving, he will enlist him in accordance with*uc£ special rules as the Provost Marshal General Jmay establish.Medical Inspectors, Surgeons in charge of hospi-*

tals. Military Commanders, and all others havingauthority to discharge, under existing laws andregulations, are forbidden to grant discharges to iany men under their control who may be fit for 1

j service in the Invalid Corps.The Prevost Marshal General is charged with

the execution of this order, and the troops orga¬nised under it will be nnder the control of bis Bu- Ireau.By order of the Secretary of War:

E. D. TOWNSEND,my 11-dlm Assistant Adjutant General.

WAS BBPARTMENT, !WasxiHOTO>, January M, 1BR3. t

In MnJ»«a«ace of the pressure of business at theWar Department, passes for dtiscas to visit the IAmy ofthe Potomac will be given-at tte ofllee ofXdMt. Col. OosaiD, lli Pennsylvania avenueabove Nineteenth street.

1WILL SELL AT MY PROVISION BT0RJI, 6nthe corner or 10th and I streets, the best eats of

Beefat 15 cents per poud, and Mttton, Lamb endTeal and Vegetables at the lowest market price,and Beef Tongue* atU eeata a pi«ee or f5 a dose*.my »3V* WM. LINHIN8.

\ '

proposalsu 8. A. MiDiCAL AN I* HUBPITAl. DMVAZT-

MJCNt.Mzbical PWaynTftas OWtXCM, |Wi^^ixaioji, D O . May M. ISMPBr.pnaAi.r. w> U V- received ml this office aatii 12

B .»n MOnDA V , ]»t>U« -T Jun- text. nul on t'l-sf>r t ef every month thereafter. far szpptvin* thinDepot wiita tbe tr.ltrwing article-, in «ucb t«.»oti-ties an may be required during the respectivemonth*.Class No. 1.Cotton Bats

Cotton Wade in*FUnnel. red. (all wool)Mnstin. < n!«Mh«d, unsized, 1 yardNapkins, 'or opthalmia;B-lk, (green)Tapr, cnttf.n, or twillrd rtay bindTape, woolen or woolen bindingThread, linen, anbieacbedTowel*Towels, for roller

Class Ho. 3.. Twine, eoarMTowOiled Mnaiin, Hi rani piece*

.Oiled Bilk, 4?j yard piecesOakum, fine pieced

Class No. 3.Binders' Boards. 2,'uXlS

4x17Knapsacks, hospitalMedicine PanniersU(H Chests

_,Class No. 4,

Band LittersHorse LittersBlanket eases, canvasBuckets, leather

Class No. 5.Envelopes, printedPaper, wrapping, W A. BPaper, Writing, Cap, LetterPens,i*teelJ'en HoldersPencils, Lead, Faber, No. 2.Portfolios, cap sizeWax, Sealing Class No. 6,Water-beds. India BubberRubber CushioLS, for air or water

"" square small -

Gotta Percha Bed Covers.' " Cloth

Class No. 7.Blankets, white or grayCounterpanesMosquito Barsllair Pillows _Class No. 8.Bed Pans,d«lfBowls, delfDishes, assorted sices.Peeking Caps, delfMedicine Spoons, delfMan, delfPitchers, half gallons,Plates, delfBetorts, delfPots, chamber, delfPots, Tea. delfgpit-mngs, without topsSpittoonsTumbler*, glassUrinals

CI.AS3 NO. 9.Basins, tin. smallBasins, wash,bandCandlesiicksCauldrons, assorted sizesCleaversDippers, tin, 1 pintFlesh ForksFunnels. tiB, 1 piistGraters, nutmeg, large and smallKnives and Forks. Mix's U.S.A.Knives and Forks, CarviugKnives, Butchers'Knives, BreadMeasures, tin. gallon to pintBed Ticket FramesBath TubsStoves. Cooking, and fixturesBauge. CookingClose StoolsPots, inodorous, army patternScales and Weights, shopSteels. ..Class No. 10. *Bedsteads, ironChairsRefrigeratorsBedside TablesButler's Trays.

Class No. 11.BroomsBrushes, scrubBuckets, woodenClothes liuesWoodsawsTablespoonsTeaspoonsHatchetsHonesLanterns, glassCoffee-millsTin Warmer, for «tn?nachTin Warmer, for feetSa'tironsSalt-cellars.

Ct.ass No. 12.Funnel*. gln^", half pintFill boxen, turned woodPill MachinesPill Tiles, 6x10Rain Gua^ettazors and 8trop, in raseSheep Skins, dressed for placerSlates{Spatulas,?.to 6 inchesKpi rit LampsVials, Kesorttd

Class No. 13.GridironsKettles, tea, ironLadlesPans, fryingPans, si.ucePans, tinPots, mustardPots; pepper.

Samples of articles will be shew*,an>l particu¬lars a» to sizes of packages, quality of articles, andprobable quantity required, will ba given on appli¬cation at this ollice.

..., .Bidders must embrace in their proposals ail thearticles designated in any one c!a>«. Proposalsuotin con formitj therewith will be rejected.Proposals from disloyal parlies will not he con¬

sidered, and an oath of allegiance must accompanyeach proposal. _ . , , , ,, ,bonds, inlhesnmof five thousand dollars. for1be faithful performance of bis contract, will berequired of the successful bidder.as the articles in the above classes are only pur¬

chase.! when the wauls of the service demandThem, successful bidders from iv distance, will t>erequired to establish an agency in this city.Tbe Medical Purveyor reserves the right to

reject any and all bids not deemed suitable, andall contracts accepted will be subject to the approval of the Burgeon ««^»{IENRY J0HN80N,M. S. K.. U. 8. A., and. my 20-id Acting Medical Purveyor.


Scaled Proposals are invited till the 30th dayof May, 18C3, at 12 o'clock m., for furnishingthe Subsistence Department with 2»,000 barrels ofFLOUR.Bids will be reeeived for what is known as No. 1,No. 2, aHd No. 3. and for any portion less than the

20,000 barrels. Bids for different grades should beupon separate sheets of paper.The delivery of th'e Flour to be commencedon the loth of June, or as soon thereafter asthe Government may direct, at the rate of fctobarrels daily, delivered either at the GovernmentWarehouse in Georgetown, at the Wharves, or atthe Railroad Depot, Washington, D. C.Payment will be made in certificates of indebted¬

ness or such utber funds the government may havefor dittrllmtion.x ,The usual government inspection will be made

jn»t before the Hour is received,....An oath of allegiance must accompany each bid.

No bid wiU be entertained from parties who havepreviously failed to comply with their bids, or fromBidders not present to respond.The barrets to bo new and head lined.

,Bids to be directed to Col. A. BBCKWITH, A.D.C.*C. 8. U.S A., Washington, D. 0., and endorsed "Proposals for Flour." my 18-dtaothH UARTRBMASTIR GBNKBAL'S 0VVI0b7~viL Washihoton City, March 19.1863.Owners of steam vessels are invited to send to theauart*rmaster General's Office tenders for theirlarter or sale.

_ .Tenders should contain descriptions of thevessels, their dimensions, enrolled er registeredtonnage, actual carrying capacity, material,whether coppered, whether sfde-wneel or pro¬pellers , whetner iron or copper fastened,sue andpower of engines and boilers; and should state theprice at which they are offered for long or shortcharter, with the estimated value of the vessel inoase of toss, or in case the Government shouldprefer to purchase instead of chartering.Owners ef steam vessels already in the service ofthe Quartermaster's Department are requested tomake known to the Department any reduction intheir present rates which they may be willing togrant, and also the price at whioh they will bewilling to sell them.All such tenders should be addressed to the

Quartermaster General of the United States, atWashington, and sbonld be endorsed "Proposalsfor charter or sale of steamers."When received, they will be considered, and the

Department will endeavor to reduce the heavyexpense attending army transportation upon theocean and tide-waters, by substituting, wherever itcan do so, cheaper vessels of equal capacity for4hose now employed. .

M. C. MhLGS,raar 23 !*. Quartermaster General.


.Forage Department, Cor. G and 2*d struts, >Wabhinqtok, D. C., April 16.18®. iWritten Proposals are invited for tarnishin*HAY,STRAW, OATS, and CORN, for the usee!this Depot, to be delivered at the Railroad Depot,or at any of the Government wharves in this city.The proposals to be addressed to the under¬signed, and they should state the quantity ofeach article offered, also the prize and the datedelivery.

Proposals will be reeeived for five thousand8,000) bushels of Corn or Oats, and fifty (50) tons ofay or 8traw, and upwards, unless it should be forthe interest of the Government to contract for aless amount.All grain tobe pat up in good sacks, ofabout two(I) bushels each, which are to be famished at the

oest of the contractor.. ,The Hay and Straw to be securely baled

All Grain and Hay offered tp-be subject toa rigidinspection by the Goverment Inspector.Contracts will be awarded from time to time to

the lowest responsible bidders, as the interests otthe service may require. Good security will berequired for the faithful fulfillment ofany contractmade under this advertisement.Payment to be made attte eomrtrtrai «f the


Whether the hair is red. gray or white. BOB-WILL* WARNER'SCOl6b»IOwillgraianljyand certainly change it without loss ot tine andwithout any wash or preparation. It never failsto color exceeding all othirs la quality, durability*^0^Wholesale and retail at BOBWILL* Milita¬ry tnd Fancy Store, 30*2 1 street, near 14th.SoleAgent for WtutMcgton and the Dutrict. my 9-la


Xrcinry Department. <#» Coantraction,Washir.MUu. D, 0 , lJo'elarV m., of MAY9- 1K£. or tfe fnru:shiTi* aid delivery of a&.iitONE MILLION OV BRICK, m ire or l«n, for©i. fbe , f»'ur> ex'euniuuAll br.cks matt bo of the Wat quality, svun-l,fcer«- *»>d wrll burne'.of full Rise, au-1 is ascorl-

I snr.r. with ram pi. * that may ha a.an at tbia office.| H ddera "ill give price per tnruaand deiivaru J at; the butlSiLg. at such p.>tr.ta m ipay b« directed.

an<1 it» -neb *u«n1ities per day as the necev>it:es 0f1 U.f «<>rh ui*y require. Tha whole to »e deliveredby the first or Sap umiwr, 1*3Ail biaa muit be accnmpanied by the written

*uara»toa of two raspocsibl.. persons tt.»t th«bidder i# able to perform the contract, and wille»a<*vt* Ihe *ontrao» ahouM it be awarded to him,and that the bidder is a R>auufa?tur*r of fcriek.The Department reserves 'be ricbt to reject aty

or all the bid* should it ha e.onsid«-r*d its vr.tsr-n todo a© and none will be considered that do not cun-ferro to tha raonirament* of thm adv*rtia«ij>ent.Bid* te He inclureti in a sealed envelop?, and in¬dorsed " Proposal? fnrBriek "

1SAJAH EOGKUS. Enginacr in Charca.May 20. 13«3 my 81 thsttmrJ)

p BOP 08ALS FOB FUIL,yuARTIBlUSTKn'^ OffICBU.S. MARINK C'HPS.JWasfixotov, iith May, 1«03 (Ska leu Pboposa lh triil be received at thin office

until Thu-rday, the 25th day of June. 1863 at. 3o'clock p. m for auppWing WOOD AND COAL tothaU.S Marineaat Washington 1>. C., from 1stJuly, 18M, to f.0th Jnne, »8t>«.Toe Wood to be good merchantable oak, and to

be delivered, pi:*4 measured and inspected at suehpoint* within the walla of the Marine Barrack* mata»y be designated by the Commanding MarineOflicer, free of expense to th«! United State*.

't he Coal to be beat white axn anthracite aggcoal, free from dust, and to weigh 2,2o» ponndatothe ton, to be we:*had, impacted and delivered atauch points within tha walla of tha Marine Bar¬racks as may be designated by the CommandingMarine 0tti*or, free ofexpense to the United State*;and both wood and eoafto be famished at suchtimes and In such quantities as the said Com*mantling MarineOfficer may require.Payments will be made upon tbaquarterly requi¬sition of the Commanding Officer, statins the

quantities required tor thenar of hia command,agreeably to regulations.1 guarantee to be aignad by two responsible per¬sona. whore responsibility mnn be certified to bythe U. 8. District Judge, U. 8. District Attorney,or U. 8. Collector, must accompiny each proposal,otherwise it will not be consMered.To be endorsed "Proposals for Fnel." and ad¬

dressed to the undersigned. W. B SLACK,my 21-law4w Major and Quartermaster.

pBOPOBALS FOR WOOD AND COAL.Opfioi House %v Bbpri*ixtativxb U. 8.,f

21st May. ldfiS. (Skalxd Proposals will be received at thia officeuntil 12 o'oiosk on Monday, the 29th of Jnne next,for furnishing for the us« of the House of Bep-resentatives of the United States ."»» tons(2i*«»uounds) best White aud Furnace Coal,' (steam-©oat aiise,) one hundred cords bast dry IlickoryWood, and one hundred cords best dry Spruce PineWood. Tha whole to be packed away in tbe vault*

| of the Capitol, in the places which will ha sfeewnon application to tha enfineer in the service of theHouse of Representatives, and to be delivered bytha HI day of August next.Bonds fer tbe iaithiul execution of the contractwill be required.Bids for coal and wcod will be considered sepa¬rately, and satisfactory arrangements must be

made tor the coiiect measurement of both.| EMERSON KT1IEKIDGE,Clark ofH ouse of Bepresentatiyes U. 8.

mySH law4w (Chron., Int. &. Rep.]

WASHINGTON BRASS AND STRING- BAND-Conductor, Michele Trojsi: Leader,

J. Wagner. Headquarters, at Metropolitan MasHall. .540 Pannsylvania av«nue. Call onMr. T. Wagner, .>30 Ninth street, or Mr. Trojsi,Eleventh street, corner of South Carolina ave¬nue. Navy Yard. my 13-lirc*


A RAtiK CHANCE!FOR SALS-A splendid LITBRY STABLE; roomfor to corses with offices harness room, and all

necessaries useful in a first-class stable. Also, asplendid Yard of five lots of ground, which willsuit a veterinary surgeon. All thisvob* soldcheAp,as the owner has to tAke possesion of anotherbusiness. Ground rent cheap. Inquire at UnionHetal,corner 133a at. and Pa. av. my 18-2w*

PR^Jr. ALEX. WOLOW8KI Has the honor toannounce that, in compliance with the request

of his friends and pupils, he will jgive one more and.ositi rely last course of instrnction in SinginvandPiano, by his new and simplified method, whichbaa met with unexampled success. All thwne whodeaireto become in very short time fiu» singers orexcellent performers can avail themselves of thiala*t opportunity by applying at his residence. No.4!i 1 Tenth St., tetween B and F. my 15-?wSWINGLE tc HOWLETT,

CARPENTERS AND BUILDEKS,No. Eleventh street, between E and F, re¬spectfully inform their friend* and the public gen¬erally that they have opeved a shop at the abovenamed place, and are now ready to contract for theerection of buildings, &c., as well as to do generalrepairing and job work. A share of the publicpatronage is rolicited. my 13-Im*

TJ. S. r»-~0 Hond«.RITTESHOPSE, FABIT Sc CO., Bankers





The privilege of subscribing for these Bonds atpar will cease on 1st J cly. 1863.The money invested in them through nsgoes

directly to the National Treasury. ap£7-lm


Bbtwekn <Jtb asd 10th 5T3.,



of tbe late firm of


consisting of:






SOUPS, Etc.,



AUGUSTUS JOHNSON fc CO.,ap 8 tf 269 Pennsylvania Avenue.



" Yes, A Positfcre Cure" for(iON-ORRHCEA. OLFET, STRICTURES, ft.Contains no Mineral, no Balsam, no Mercury.

Only Ten Pills to be Taken to Effect a Cure.They are entirely vegetable, having no smell nor

any unpleasant taste, und will not in any way in¬jure the stomach or bowels of the most delicate.Cures in from two to four days, and recent c*se3

in "tweuty-four hours." Prepared by a graduateof the University of Pennsylvania, one of the mosteminent Doctors and Chemists ef the present day.K0 KXPOPCRE, NO TKOrBI.Ji, NO CHANOK WHATBVKR.Let those who have despaired of getting cured,

or who have been gorged with Balsam Copaiva, orMercury, try the

SAMARITAN'S GIFT.Fent by mail in a plain envelope.Price.Male packages, $2. Female, $3.BLOOD! BLOODII BLOOD til


la offered the oublic aa a positive cure.SYPHILIS OR VBNEREAL DISEASES, the SA- jMARITAN'S ROOT AND HERB JUICE, is th« !

most potent, certain and effectual remedy ever pre¬scribed; it reaches and eradicates every particle ofthe venereal poison, so that the cure is thoroughand permanent. Take than of this purifying reme¬dy and be healed, and do not transmit to your pos¬terity that fer wMch^ou^ayrepent in after years.Although ronmay oa pronounced lneurable, the !SAMARITAN'S BOOT AND HERB JUICES

will remove every vestige of imparities from thesystem, as well as all the bad effects ofMercury, j


malesIn many affections with which numbers of re-

suffer, the BOOT AND HBBB JUIC

DebilitrSent by express. Price 91 a bottle, or 4 bottles

for ''"gAMABITANf CHANCRE WASH.Prleett cents. Full direction*. ,

BESMOND * CO., Bos 161 Philadelphia PoetOffice.Bold by 8. CALVERT POM),« rn«r of 11th and

HENRY*'cOOK, Alexandria. mayd-tr

JURIED APPLES AMD^PBACHES,JONM k, CO.>8,my 6 Corner Eighth and D sts,

BOOKS, &c.rfcuu pakis.n r*uM paris.LfBCRBR. d*« Fr. i« Arm''. 9 vol*.

TV forestier.IrxiieRar leeervitje de 1 Icfacter.e

'"Sudfiard. Inerruction rar la Fortification <i»

C,»rortif.r»ti«'i» de Gampairne.Ci-arpentier.Ktnde* sar l'Arnne FrancaifeA)i« Mmnrl Kr»tiu«- dee Tril»u?>au*Fccseoorabc.Resume Htatoriqne awt Progres a®

1 Veeew^Treite ie l'Art Militiire.DeYlmpioide i lnfanterie daas la Defeaic de*

Piaees fort** * vec Plan.Chatelais.Traitedea Kcconnoiw*aneea Militalres.C«>ol.Manuel -la l'Adinl&Utralioa iw Cori^ -Ic

TKe"l^n!»r^-uVS''ini?nt«d<? Fpt.Guide de* 1'Officier Particuner en Campagne; J

T<iieronnd.Tactique AppToj»Ti#e an Perfeetionne-m.t da. Armts a few portative,.^ TAY^RTATT1NTI0N, EVERYBODY I

HI SubnetiW h«viog Utr,y returned from theEastern Spring Trade Sain* niters to tha pobiic toelargest, cheapest aud beat e-leeted stoekof BOOKS,STATIONERY and FANCY ARflCLKS eveJ, *>."fore presented in this market. Sutlers. pedlars,tb« trade and public in general, will «<>*.»' 10examine car stock and prices before purchasing.Contesting, in part of:.A wall selected stock of Miscellaneous Books, at

low ratas.. , .The largest stock of paper-covered Novels in the

* $ha cheapest and most handsome asscrtsieat ofPhotograah Albums, ranging in price from 40centsfe SSi. holding from K to sno eard picturaa.The largest Assortment of Oard Photographs of

Prominent Men and Women, Americans and For¬eigners. Copies of Statuary, Engraving*, Paint-icrs. Ac., over fi,fmo varieties. As well as a sple»-dia assortment of Foreign and American ntatian-ery and Fancy Articles, such as Chess, Obe^ners,Bn'iiMmmcn ami Cribbage Boards, Portfolios,Dominoes, Combs, Brushes, Scrap Books, PocketBaoks, Writing Desks, Work Bcxes, Ac., Ac., Ac.The subscriber is also agent for tho«e celebrated

Ambrotype Copies of Paintings and Engravings,ot. which a large aaaortment always on hand.Give us a

witillxm f. riohSTEIN,National Book store, 378 Ph. avanae,my II-Sw bat. 11th and 12th sts.. Washingtan.



We have conquerea the prices of Cotton Goodsand brought Bleached Muslin down to 123~c., somel.S, and 4 4 wide to 2SC.Calicoes 16.18 and &c.

^Fine Shirting Linen, Pillow Case and Linen Sheet¬ing,

Damask Table Cloth at old pneea,A lsrge stock ol'Embroideries,White G< o» s Ladies' Undergarments,Clocks. Shawls. Ac., vervxheap.

g. A W. MEYENBEMr. 44 Market Space,my 26 between 7th and [ th streets.



IDftkOS,-\ru /\n . f-% r\gp 21 M, TA yi<OR 4 00.

gILKWBAPPINGS iHD ,?AWL8We have just received a beautiful assortment ofthe latest styles of heavy Silk Wrappings and Longand Square Spring Shawls. Also. 10 pieces Slack



"r® ?rfce8B,'atC" WJL WEINBERG'S!aplH 1? Market 8pace.


No. 271 Pkkn. AvascK,si:\t 11th StrrbtHaving modern Presses, siodern Types and all themodern requisites for a first c1as» Printing Office,are prepared to execute JOB PRINTING of everrdescription in a i-tyle of perfection seldom equaled,at a very small advance on aew York prices,ray 31 1w*

M NOTICE OF TRANSFER.R. GEO D. C. HIBB8 Having eacoeeded me

in the coal trade business. I respectfully reiurnthanks for the liberal patronage with whuh myfriends and customers have been pleased to favorme. and request the same may be continued tohim, knowing they will be dealt with honorably,my 18-tf WM. M. GALT.

Railroad iron for sale.U. 8 Military Railroad Officii, )

350 G- St., Washington. May 12. 1867.\The undersigned will receive sealed bids for thapus-'-bate of 93s 92»-234" tons of new RAILROADIKON, 60 pounds te the yard.266 724-2240 tons of the above ia at the Cambria

Mills, J'ohnptown, PeLnsylvnnia,and the balance,072 206-8240 is at Pittsburg, Pennsylvania.In ca*e a bid is accepted, the party making the

same will be notified as soon as practicable. Ifwithin ten days afier sueh notice the parly ahallfail to make payment in Government funds to theucderaigLed, tbe Iron for which said bid was madeshall be subject to gale to any other person.All bids must be sealed and directed to the un¬

dersigned. Washington, D. C.,and indorsed''Bidsfor Railroad Iron "

The riu'nt to reject any and all bids is expresslyreserved.

I5:ds will br- received as above invited until Juno5. ai which time a decision will be givenmylfi-td H.L. ROBINSON,Capt. aad A. Q M.8SISTANT QVARTERMAST PR'S OFFICE,)

Curntr It cndtld Strtets, >Washington, D. C., May 13,1863.S

Notice iR hereby given to all persons havingcharge of horses belonging to th* United States,that the Quartermaster's Department will not beresponsible for the removal oi dead animals unlessimmediate notice of the death is civen Joen H.Germah, Superintendent Nineteenth Street Sta-bles.

, . .When netice is so gwen. dead Government ani¬mals will be promptly removd and receive induplicate be given by the teamsters.my 13-2w H. B. LACEY. Capt. A.Q. M.



will Jbe dispatchedFROM LIVERPOOL. | FROM SEW YOKK.

Pa*iii<:«y -^lay li"> Saturday .. June 6Tuesday...June 3" I Tuesday July 21And at the same regular intervals thereafter.First Cabin, from $95 to $1$5Becond Cabin .. ..?70

.icursion Tickets out and back, in the 1st and 2dCabin only, a fare and a half.

Servants accompanying passepgers.and Childrenunder twelve years of age, half fare. Infants free.Third Cabin..- ..?&)Steerage, with superior accommodations..^$30All fares payable in Gold, or its equivalent in U.

B.currency.Back passenger allowed twenty cubic feet of lug-

An experienced Surgeon on board.For passage apply to CHARLBB A. WHITNEY,

at the Office, «G BROADWAY, New York.For freight apply to H0WLAND A A8PIN-

WAJiL, Agents, 64 8outh street, New York.my 13 tje9

gUTLER'S AND GROCER'S WAGONS.Largest sice 2 and 4-Horse Butler's Wagons,

without Springs. Groeer's and other Wagons,with Springs. Also on hand several SECONDBAND WAGOH8. TOOXe,inaFifltm No. 409 Pennsylvania Avenue

ip*ARRIAGS8 ! CARRIAGES ! IC/ CARRIAGES !! II have now on hand and daily receiv¬

ing a fine assortment of FIRST CLA&8OARRIAGEB, made by the beat build-era in the country: consisting of one splendid fallCaleche.oneCaleche Coach, Brett's:four and six.eat Rockawaya and Germantowns. Boat Wagonsfortwoorfonr persons, Doctora'Phaetons, Plainand shifting-Top Buggies,' ogether with a numberofBECOND HAND CARRIAGES bat liUle used;also, several splendid Sleighs, all purchased foreaah, and can be sold to suit the times to those whoallaoon at No. 409 Pennsylvania avenue.mar 18-2m THOMAS YOUNG.

W BOYS CLOTHING.E are now in receipt of a large assortment of

BOY'S and CHILDREN'S CLOTHING of thenewest styles, suitable for the present season fordress and school wear, to which we invite theattention of

STEPHENS A CO.,32a Pennsylaria Avenne, between

a* U tfif Ninth and Tenth streets.clarified cider

ofPure Massachusetts CLARIFIED 6IDER,whiclI offer for sale at the lowest market prioe, ia toaa

^Hotd keeaeSMwtlers and sli others is want of i¦rime article of Older are invited to call and ex

Union Bottling Depot, 07 Green at.,isE-M Georgetown, D. 0.


No. 476 Sbvmhth Stxibt,Opvositt Post QfiaCollector of Internal Revenue fer tiefa Rtf^ District ofColumbia.


JXmrMMM CHANT TAILOMB.MiitB0>0U7Ai»Morn.^44-tf sea n. it«u.!wS3uKtou,», o.


The undersigned wcuidmos: respectfully iafonshi* friends, and The Tr*dege»«raUy,thath» Iim«

i prepared Uj offer '»ne i f the finest Spring Stock* .READY-MADE CLOTHING

{ ever otereo In this eity. HdiiuiMthoMinvMt: cf » stock that they will do well to give Vm a mU.

R«»peetf*lly. a. mERZBBRG,No. 3 Market frtf*,mt to eoraeref

Baltimore street.Feitircoie. MarcL. }*».«. mar tt-tm~


He is selling Immense Bargains laCLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS,

HATS. CA1*St *e., Ac.for a few days more we will ofer oar immense

stock at great bargain* to make room for oarSPRING STOCK.

To tkose in want we say, bow ia tke time to buy.: Remember that SMITH 8 is Headquarters forj Clotfcin,.400 Seventh street, two doors above tBruce & Co.*b. J. H. SMITH, Clothier,

No. 4(tO Seventh street,mar 17 and corner yth st. and Pa. av.

QRBAT DECLINE IN GOLD IIn order to reduce our present stock we hats

REDUCED THIS PRICE Of OUR CLOTHINGand ate now selling off at rapid rates.The people find that

M. BBUOB A CO.'Sis the place to buy


LOW RATES!Call and secure some of the Great Barrains bow

ofiered at No. 464 BBVBNTH STRBET, two doorwbelow Smith's. J. BRUCB A CO.,mar 17 Clothiers, 464 Seventh St., pear F.

iVSOHABGBD B0LDISP.SiJ are all invited to call at

SMITH'S,Ho. 460 Binni Brain,

' Oppcsiit City Post Ojfia,and set their


. goidiers can rely on Fair Sealing atSMITH'S,

No. 460 8BVENTH STRBBT,and



' I am authorised by the Secretary of War to raisea BATTALION OF CAVALRY fer special ser¬

vice.Bach company will be organized as prescribed ia

General Orders No. 136, series of 1S62.All officers will be selected and appointed by the

Colonel Commanding, subject to the approval ofthe Secretary of War.From the peeuliar nature of the service required

of this Battallion.noue but sober, honest and in¬telligent men will be enlisted.The best, fleetest and most serviceable Horses

only will be used.This Battallion will be armed with the new cel¬

ebrated Repeating Bile, discharging fifteen shotsper minu-te.For further particulars apply at No. 21? Penn.

avenue. L. C. BAKBR,my 11 1m Colonel Commanding Battalion.


DEAD.P*recta and friends living at a distance can have

the bodies of their killed in battle,who may die at the hospitals, forwarledto them in IMPROVED AIR-TIGHT COFFINS,at moderate charge.Embalming, Coffin and Boxfrom to $3S, »tid no extra charge.All orders promptly attend* t to.

M. M. WHITE,Undertaker and Embalmer,

myg-Jw* 397 B st.. corner 2d. Washington.building" materials"!

H. W. HAmTlTON, Agent,-




GLAZED BASH, BLIND A SASH DOORS, Ac.,in this part of the country, which he is able to sellat as low rates as they can possibly be furnish*! inthis market.Builders would find it to their interest to call and

examine his stock and priees.&nd see whata savingcan be made by purchasing such work ready-made.All work well seasoned, and prices according to

qualityEvery description ef work in this line made to

order at short notice. ,BUILDING SAND of all kinds and of the best

aualities furniched in any quantity, in anv part ofae city. No. 663 SEVENTH? STREKT,sp 16-1m^ near Cana' Bri'.ge.





Cr after Five Years, at Option of the Gover:THE COUPON BONDS,




THE REt * iTEREB BONDS). Bums of






bow ia the market,FBe Interest, at present prioe of ooin, being eq*f?

.lent to g Pax Cbvt. in currency,FOB 8ALB BY






jyjILITARY GOODS.WALL, STEPHENS A CO.,333 Pennsylvania Atknuk,Offer the largest assortment in this city, embrac¬

ing all qualities used by officers in the Army andNavy such as SWORDS. BASHES, BELTS,SHOULDER STRAPS. HATS, CAPS, PISTOLS.Ac., Ac,, with a fine assortment of UNIFORMCLOTHING, with which we a&n furnish officerscomplete outfits in a few moments.WALL, STBPHKNS A CO.,ap 11-tfif 333 Pennsylvania Avenue.

FRANKLIN A CO.,OPTICIANS, ^ ,344 PmSILUIIi ATBITOB.(north side,) between 12th and isttt its.

aad.89 Pa. avtnut, und$r tkt National Haul.

ROOK CRYSTAL (Brazilian Pebble) and *M-PROVBD PER1BC0PIC SPECTACLES, scientifi¬cally asd correety suited to the proper conditionof tneeyesight.OPERA and FIBLD GLASSE8, AOHROMATIOMICROSCOPES, BAROMETER^. THERMOME¬TERS, ELECTRICAL BATTERIES, MATHE¬MATICAL AND SURVEYORS' INSTRUMENTSCOMPASSES, CARTES DE VISITS of contemnoraneensCivil.end MiliUry Celebrities. PHOTO,an i on a i.nrua..... n««*^95tSy"

my 13-tfCOK REWARD.Will be given to aay person if.20 Drs. Brothers A Gray, fail \i de£rihitteir disease and symptoms, without seeingthapatient, by a chemical analysis of the URINE? tt.2Est in the morning is required. Drs BA ft' k«sstt&ssarSn WashingU¦mitbsonianap a eolm'