evangeline production diary

Production Diary Evangeline By Olivia Plumpton

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Post on 05-Aug-2015




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Production DiaryEvangeline

By Olivia Plumpton

Week one- 10/11/14 - 14 /11/14

• Monday 10th- We had our first group meeting (though Sam was not present) and we shared our film ideas.

• Tuesday 11th- We came up with our film idea of ‘Evangeline’ as a group

• Wednesday 12th- We pitched this film idea to the class to receive feedback

• Thursday 13th- We identified the order titles came up in an opening sequence relating to our genre of film

• Friday 14th- We researched film openings and looked at the length of time each title was held on the screen. I looked at the Craft because it has a similar narrative film

Week Two- 17/11/14- 21/11/14

• Monday 17th- Miss Brookes gave us a list of all the tasks we need to complete so set each other tasks to do in our group

• Tuesday 18th- We worked on blogging tasks and established the institutions we will use, where we will shoot the film and the music we will use.

• Wednesday 19th- Today we uploaded the photos of when we went to our location (Galleywood cemetery) and identified how well it would be to film good shots here.

• Friday 21st- We decided we needed to create the blog about witchcraft, we noted down what will needed to be included in this

Week Three- 24/11/14- 27/11/14

• Monday 24th- We created our witchcraft blog and uploaded a photo of Sophie as Evangeline which we had taken over the weekend

• Tuesday 25th- Today we individually worked on our blogs to make sure we had enough plnning before going out filming tomorrow

• Wednesday 26th- We went to Galleywood cemetery to film scene 1, 3 and the first half of 5

• Friday 29th- Today we started putting the shots we filmed yesterday of our first draft in order on Premiere

Week Four- 1/12/14-5/12/14

• Monday 1st- Today we worked on our blogs again to get ready for filming tomorrow

• Tuesday 2nd- We filmed the interior shots taken in the library

• Wednesday 3rd-We started editing our first draft. We all inputted ideas on how it would look best. For example as a group we explored the brightness and contrast controls to make our exterior shots slightly darker

• Thursday 4th- Sophie came up with different layout ideas for our poster and tried to decide which were the best ones

• Friday 5th- We finished editing our first draft (today was the deadline)

Week 5- 8/12/14- 12/12/14• Monday 8th- We watched everyone's first draft film openings

and peer marked them all

• Tuesday 9th- We received the feedback from the media classes who had watched our film

• Wednesday 10th- Decided what we needed to change in our film opening and started to work on forming new and improved ideas

• Friday 12th- We filmed the first scene of our new opening in the woods in Galleywood at 9am-10am and as soon as we got back to school we added the footage to our premiere and finished editing our film opening by the end of the day. (Today was the deadline)