evaluating human-centred design for public health: a case

RESEARCH ARTICLE Open Access Evaluating human-centred design for public health: a case study on developing a healthcare app with refugee communities Rebeccah Bartlett 1* , Jacqueline A. Boyle 1 , Jessica Simons Smith 2 , Nadia Khan 1 , Tracy Robinson 3 and Rohit Ramaswamy 2 Abstract Background: Australian women from migrant and refugee communities experience reduced access to sexual and reproductive healthcare. Human-centred design can be a more ethical and effective approach to developing health solutions with underserved populations that are more likely to experience significant disadvantage or social marginalisation. This study aimed to evaluate how well Shifra, a small Australian-based not-for-profit, applied human-centred design when developing a web-based application that delivers local, evidence-based and culturally relevant health information to its non-English speaking users. Methods: This study undertook a document review, survey, and semi-structured interviews to evaluate how well Shifra was able to achieve its objectives using a human-centred design approach. Results: A co-design process successfully led to the development of a web-based health app for refugee and migrant women. This evaluation also yielded several important recommendations for improving Shifras human- centred design approach moving forward. Conclusions: Improving refugeesaccess to sexual and reproductive health is complex and requires innovative and thoughtful problem solving. This evaluation of Shifras human-centred design approach provides a helpful and rigorous guide in reporting that may encourage other organisations undertaking human-centred design work to evaluate their own implementation. Keywords: Human-centred design, Design thinking, Refugee health, Evaluation © The Author(s). 2021 Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article's Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this licence, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated in a credit line to the data. * Correspondence: [email protected] 1 Monash Centre for Health Research and Implementation MCHRI, School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia Full list of author information is available at the end of the article Bartlett et al. Research Involvement and Engagement (2021) 7:32 https://doi.org/10.1186/s40900-021-00273-2

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Page 1: Evaluating human-centred design for public health: a case


Evaluating human-centred design forpublic health: a case study on developing ahealthcare app with refugee communitiesRebeccah Bartlett1* , Jacqueline A. Boyle1, Jessica Simons Smith2, Nadia Khan1, Tracy Robinson3 andRohit Ramaswamy2


Background: Australian women from migrant and refugee communities experience reduced access to sexual andreproductive healthcare. Human-centred design can be a more ethical and effective approach to developing healthsolutions with underserved populations that are more likely to experience significant disadvantage or socialmarginalisation. This study aimed to evaluate how well Shifra, a small Australian-based not-for-profit, appliedhuman-centred design when developing a web-based application that delivers local, evidence-based and culturallyrelevant health information to its non-English speaking users.

Methods: This study undertook a document review, survey, and semi-structured interviews to evaluate how wellShifra was able to achieve its objectives using a human-centred design approach.

Results: A co-design process successfully led to the development of a web-based health app for refugee andmigrant women. This evaluation also yielded several important recommendations for improving Shifra’s human-centred design approach moving forward.

Conclusions: Improving refugees’ access to sexual and reproductive health is complex and requires innovative andthoughtful problem solving. This evaluation of Shifra’s human-centred design approach provides a helpful andrigorous guide in reporting that may encourage other organisations undertaking human-centred design work toevaluate their own implementation.

Keywords: Human-centred design, Design thinking, Refugee health, Evaluation

© The Author(s). 2021 Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License,which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you giveappropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate ifchanges were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article's Creative Commonslicence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article's Creative Commonslicence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtainpermission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this licence, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to thedata made available in this article, unless otherwise stated in a credit line to the data.

* Correspondence: [email protected] Centre for Health Research and Implementation – MCHRI, School ofPublic Health and Preventive Medicine, Monash University, Melbourne,AustraliaFull list of author information is available at the end of the article

Bartlett et al. Research Involvement and Engagement (2021) 7:32 https://doi.org/10.1186/s40900-021-00273-2

Page 2: Evaluating human-centred design for public health: a case

Plain English summary

Australian women from non-English speaking migrant and refugee communities face reduced access to sexual andreproductive healthcare and many then go on to experience poor health outcomes as a result. There is an urgentneed for new approach to improve access to healthcare for underserved communities, one that centres thesewomen in the process of finding, developing and disseminating the solutions themselves. Human-centred designcan be a more ethical and effective methodology in working with communities to develop these health solutions.This study aimed to evaluate how well Shifra, a small Australian-based not-for-profit focused on improving accessto healthcare for refugees and new migrants, undertook human-centred design approach when developing aSmartphone app that delivers local, safe and culturally relevant health information to non-English speakingAustralians. The authors interviewed refugees, health and social sector experts and computer programmers involvedin creating Shifra to evaluate how well they used human-centred design to achieve its goals. This evaluation foundthat Shifra’s approach was successful whilst also highlighting several important recommendations for improvingcollaborative efforts with refugee communities. These findings could help other projects also seeking to undertakean authentic community co-design process.

IntroductionDuring 2017, Australia became home to 16,757 refu-gees [1]. Women and children, who comprised 87%[1, 2] of these new arrivals, face significant healthchallenges, including limited access to quality sexualand reproductive health (SRH) services [3, 4]. PoorSRH care has intergenerational consequences, affect-ing health and psychosocial outcomes for bothmothers and their children [5]. Conversely, access toquality SRH services improves a number of healthoutcomes in women including prevention and man-agement of high-risk pregnancies, reduction in un-planned pregnancies and abortions, reduction inobstetric complications, decreased anaemia and im-proved nutrition for both mother and baby [6, 7].Despite these benefits, within Australia, women frommigrant and refugee communities report less SRHawareness and experience reduced access to SRH-specific care as well as culturally-relevant support thatcould assist them to make evidence-based decisionsabout their own health and service utilisation [2]. Anew approach to improve access to healthcare forunderserved communities, particularly for womenfrom refugee and migrant backgrounds, is needed,one that centres these women in the process of find-ing, developing and disseminating the solutionsthemselves.Addressing public health problems through human-

centred design (HCD) can be a more ethical and ef-fective approach to developing solutions with under-served populations that are more likely to experiencesignificant disadvantage or social marginalisation [8,9]. HCD utilises multidisciplinary teams to approachthe problem-solving process through three distinctphases: Inspiration, Ideation and Implementation [10].HCD utilises “techniques which communicate, inter-act, empathise, and stimulate the people involved,

obtaining an understanding of their needs, desires,and experiences, which often transcends that whichthe people themselves actually realised” [11]. Human-centred design, design thinking, co-design, co-production and co-creation are all terms that areoften used interchangeably despite having nuanceddifferences in application and outcome. Each of theseapproaches focus on addressing complex problemsand designing solutions with the end user communi-ties (i.e. beneficiaries) [12, 13]. Design thinking is aspecific set of stages within the HCD approach whichhelp to guide problem solving teams through thewhole experience as it diverges and converges the In-spiration, Ideation and Implementation phases in aniterative manner. Co-design, short for collaborativedesign is the process of design thinking steps that in-cludes generative research (i.e. learning from endusers) and development design (i.e. creating solutionswith end users) [14]. This second, development designstage, is often termed co-production and togetherwith co-design, these two stages form co-creation.Studies have demonstrated promise that using HCD

when developing health interventions can improvehealth outcomes for diverse populations [15–17] andthat solutions developed using this approach result inincreased uptake of services [18]; produce higherquality products and interventions; and that theseproducts and interventions increased beneficiary satis-faction [19]. Importantly, this approach allows for thedevelopment of locally-driven, contextually-appropriate information that is crucial for meetingthe health literacy needs of this population. However,a scoping review analysing 21 different studies for useof HCD in global health across various geographiesand populations was unable to draw definitive conclu-sions about the effectiveness, because of the hetero-geneity of implementation, application areas and

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contexts [20]. There remains a lack of understandingregarding how best to achieve and evaluate a success-ful HCD-driven solution [20] and how to destabilisepower structures inherent to the HCD process itself.Maya Goodwill (2020) argues five different yet inter-related forms of power exist within the designprocess. These include privilege, access power, goalpower, role power and rule power” [21]. These powerdifferentials are present no matter how well-intentioned the design process is and there is a grow-ing need to evaluate the implementation of programsthat apply HCD principles, particularly when workingwith communities affected by the legacy of colonisa-tion and systemic bias. Implementation evaluationsnot only assess a program’s deliverables againstintended goals but also identify the strengths andweaknesses of a the implementation process, inform-ing replication and efforts to scale [22]. To date, thereare limited studies or reports detailing an implemen-tation evaluation of an entire HCD project. Moststudies address only one aspect of the design processsuch as planning [18, 23], prototyping [24] or asses-sing stakeholder engagement [25] but do not evaluatethe entire approach. This study aimed to evaluate theHCD approach that Shifra, a small Melbourne-basednot-for-profit focused on improving access to health-care for refugees and new migrants, undertook in de-veloping a web-based application to deliver local,evidence-based and culturally relevant SRH informa-tion to its users. Future papers will assess the relativesuccess of the Shifra app in achieving its intendedoutcomes related to improving SRH literacy withinnon-English speaking refugee communities.

ContextThe Shifra web-app (herein simply referred to as an“app”), provides high quality, rights-based informationon family planning, pregnancy and newborn health,sexuality and sexual health, as well as mental health,family violence and adolescent health. Written andvideo resources provide information on accessinghealth services in Australia and cover topics such ashealthcare rights and responsibilities, accessing trans-lating and interpreting services, public and private in-surance, as well as clinic locations [26]. The app wasoriginally designed for English and Arabic-speakingcommunities living in Melbourne and is in theprocess of being translated into other languages. AsShifra is committed to working in partnership withrefugee and migrant communities to create productsthat are both ethical and sustainable [26], the teamchose to apply a HCD approach, using design think-ing methods to prototype and eventually develop itsdigital health intervention. Co-designers for the app

included refugee end users, subject matter experts(SMEs) from different, partner organisations thatfocus on health for multicultural communities, userexperience (UX) students, and computer program-mers. Given the sensitive nature of the content forthis app, SMEs were used to support and reinforcethe refugees’ opinions when designs may be seen bysome in the community as confronting. This hap-pened in one instance, where a refugee end usernoted that icons used to reference herpes were in-appropriate. The designers questioned this, an SMEwas independently consulted in the same session andsupported the initial opinion that the image was in-appropriate and should not be used. Following thissession, the designer’s supervisor was notified of theissue and the refugee who made the initial observa-tion was debriefed and reassured that her opinionwas valid and paramount to the development of asensitive and quality app.Local partnerships were integral to completing many

of the design steps. In 2017, Shifra collaborated with anundergraduate UX class from Monash University’sSchool of Art Design and Architecture. A semester-longprocess to design a digital health solution to bridge thegap in refugees’ access to SRH services resulted in fiveprototypes. Shifra’s founder (RB) then selected two de-signs to combine and develop further in conjunctionwith the co-designers to incorporate end users’ valuesand cultural beliefs [27]. The Shifra team used a combin-ation of design thinking approaches developed by IDEO,Stanford’s d-School and Mummah et al. (2016) [10, 24].IDEO’s Field Guide to Human Centred Design [10]

and the Stanford d-School’s Process Guide influencedthe development of the Empathise, Define, Ideate, Proto-type and Test steps [28] however the external assessorrenamed the Test step “Launch and Share”, to ensureappropriate dissemination of any product or early re-search findings as per Fig. 1 [24]. Given the importanceof evaluating public health interventions yet the lack ofrobust methodology surrounding those that are co-designed, the Shifra team planned for process evaluationto be undertaken regularly and as objectively as possible.

Shifra’s human-centred design process

Empathise & define Empathy sessions between Arabic-speaking refugees, refugee advocates and healthcareworkers took place with final year UX students fromMonash University throughout the first half of 2017. Re-searchers undertook CBPR activities and group surveysto better understand barriers and enablers to accessinghealthcare for women from these refugee backgrounds.Partner organisation, Multicultural Centre for Women’sHealth (MCWH), referred four refugee end users and

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two others were recruited using snowball-sampling tech-niques. MCWH also assisted in connecting the CBPR re-searchers to women interested in helping the Shifrateam improve their understanding of the healthcarejourney of different women from within these communi-ties in Melbourne.

Ideate & design UX students designed a solutionbased upon the insights gained during these empathysessions. These designs were ideated then iteratedwith end users and other key stakeholders over sev-eral sessions throughout Monash University’s first se-mester in 2017. After selecting the winning design,Shifra’s founder participated in a hackathon hosted byRandom Hacks of Kindness, a not-for-profit companythat connects business analysts, programmers and UXdesigners with social impact organisations for week-end long prototyping meetups. Several computer pro-grammers worked on Shifra at the event andcontinued to develop the technological component ofthe app until the next hackathon five months later.The beta version of this app was developed, testedand iterated with Arabic-speaking refugees over thenext five months.SMEs vetted health information and simplified content

into plain language for accuracy and accessibility. Afterdevelopment of the initial prototype, a more advancedversion was user tested with two different groups of co-designers. First, Arabic-speaking women tested the betaversion of the app through a partnership with a local adulteducation program and neighbourhood house, located inMelbourne’s inner-city suburbs where one in four peopleare from migrant or refugee backgrounds. Again, the app’scontent was user tested with SMEs for accuracy and ac-cessibility. Online SMEs from around the world com-pleted functionality and basic content testing via aQualtrics online survey software and a group of localSMEs then met in person to review and edit the healthcontent, ensuring it was evidence-based before simplifyingthe information further into plain English prior to Arabictranslation. The six people who attended user testing ses-sions and the all SMEs were recruited using snowball-sampling techniques.

Launch & share Shifra launched the beta version of theapp in August 2017 with an event attended by co-designers, supporters, and funders.

MethodsEvaluation questionsThe evaluation was designed and conducted by an exter-nal assessor (JSS) to reduce bias and focused on the fol-lowing three questions:

1. To what extent did Shifra complete all the steps ofthe design thinking process shown in Fig. 1?

2. To what extent did the final Shifra app incorporatethe contributions of all co-designers?

3. To what extent were the co-designers satisfied withthe process?

The first question assisted Shifra’s team to understandhow faithful to design thinking principles the initial co-design sessions were. The answer to this question, deter-mined through a scoring rubric, could help the team im-prove future co-design endeavours. Shifra could onlyscore a full 12 points if it adequately addressed the fol-lowing criteria:

� End users in co-design sessions were engaged, feltrespected, were compensated and were representa-tive of the whole target population

� Empathy exercises were undertaken to understandthe lived of experience end users

� Learnings from empathy exercises were compiled,brainstorming solutions sessions were done inteams, end user insights guided the creation of thesolution, additional information was gathered fromend users if necessary

� Group consensus was obtained on the problem tobe addressed/solved. Group consensus was obtainedregarding which solutions to prototype to solve theidentified problem

� Multiple iterations of prototypes and/or MVPs werecreated and tested with end user population

� End user feedback was incorporated into subse-quent iterations of solution

� Solution was validated with subject matter expertsand/or existing literature

� Product was launched� User testing was completed to understand users’ ex-

perience and satisfaction� User feedback was incorporated into plans for fu-

ture iterations� Process or product results were shared with

Fig. 1 Design Thinking Process Adaptation for Shifra

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program staff, co-designers, and wider community

A score of < 3 equated with poor evaluation, 4–6 withadequate, 7–9 good and > 10 was equivocal to excellentthough feedback should always include room forimprovement.The second question was intended to determine the

extent of co-designer involvement, a hallmark of theHCD approach. The third and final question would notonly assess co-designer satisfaction but also informdecision-making about how to structure future designsessions.

Ethics approvalMonash University provided ethics approval priorto data collection (Project ID number 13811:Evaluating the process and product of Shifra’smHealth intervention). As the external evaluatorwas from The University of North Carolina-ChapelHill (UNC), the Institutional Review Board fromUNC also reviewed the evaluation plan and deter-mined no additional ethics approval requirementsfor this project (UNC-Chapel Hill Study #18–1449)Table 1.

Data collection approachThe primary data for the first question (completionof designing thinking steps) involved a thorough re-view of all of Shifra’s organisational documents in-cluding student design reports, community basedparticipatory research (CBPR) results, meeting notesfrom prototyping events, Qualtrics data from usertesting, emails between Shifra staff and the com-puter programmers regarding app updates and re-quests, as well as launch event information. Sincethere is a notable lack of validated tools evaluatingHCD projects, a maturity rubric was designed tosynthesize the findings from the document review.This rubric was developed through consultationwith two experts in the field of implementation sci-ence (RR, JAB), two reproductive and indigenoushealth experts (JAB, RB), one HCD expert (RR) andone participatory research expert (TR). Several iter-ations of feedback from the expert panel were usedto improve the usability, completeness, and level ofdetail of the rubric (Table 2). While the rubric and

design steps used (Fig. 1) appear linear, the designprocess is fluid and the steps listed did not neces-sarily occur in a stepwise fashion. The rubric as-sesses the level of completion of each step of thedesign thinking process on a scale from 0 (non-ex-istent) to 3 (full completion) with a maximum scorepossible of 12.A survey (Table 3 in Appendix) and a semi-

structured interview guide (Table 4 in Appendix)modelled on the IDEO Field Guide to HumanCentred Design and mHealth evaluation guidelines[10, 29, 30] were created to answer the second andthird evaluation questions as well as to obtain clarifi-cation and confirmation of the data obtained throughthe document review.These questions explored end user representation,

co-designers’ understanding of the co-design sessionsand design thinking methods used, issues aroundcommunication (i.e., language barriers, role clarifica-tion and understanding HCD goals), and co-designers’ levels of satisfaction, using a Likert scale,(Table 3 in Appendix) regarding their involvementin the process.

Survey and interview proceduresThe external evaluator (JSS) engaged three groups ofco-designers to complete surveys and semi-structuredinterviews. All co-designers were approached howevernot all responded or accepted the invitation to be in-volved in the evaluation. This included four refugeeend users (out of six originally involved in the pro-ject), three UX designers or computer programmers(UX/programmers) and six SMEs (including onefunding representative) totalling 13 respondents andrepresenting approximately 80% of those involved. AllSMEs and UX/programmers were fluent in Englisheven if it was not their native language. End usersconsidered themselves “conversational-level” Englishspeakers. Ten of the respondents identified as women.All co-designers had at least a bachelor’s-level educa-tion. Shifra compensated the refugee end users fortheir time participating in the evaluation throughstore-bought gift cards.The co-designers who participated in the evaluation

represented the larger co-design groups involved increating the Shifra app in relation to gender identity,

Table 1 Co-designer involvement

Co-designer category Process involvementn =

Evaluation involvementn =

Involvement details

Refugee 6 4 Attended 2 design and 1–2 test sessions.

UX/ Programmer 3 3 Attended all design and test sessions

SME 7 6 Attended 1 design and 1 test session

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Table 2 Shifra HCD evaluation score

Comments Points

Empathise and define

Moderately attempted: (2 points)End users were engaged, felt respected, and were compensated fortheir participation in co-design sessions. (Compensation may be fi-nancially via cash or gift cards, transportation costs to get to ses-sions, provision of childcare during sessions, or other means.)Empathy exercises were undertaken to understand lived experienceof end users.

• The organisational documents provided evidence of compensation,end user interviews and ethnographic work, CBPR and empathyexercises but there was no documentation regarding whether co-designers felt respected or recognised for their contribution. Instead,this information came from the surveys.

• All co-designers selected ‘agree’ or ‘strongly agree’ to feelingrespected and if they would encourage others to participate in a co-design session with the Shifra team.

• The representativeness of the end user co-designers was also not ap-parent in any of the organisational documents but emerged as atheme during the interviews.

• Co-designers’ views on how representative the end users were var-ied by the type of co-designer group the participant came from.

• SMEs and UX/programmers generally agreed that there was enoughend user representation at the co-design sessions. As one computerprogrammer said: “We focused bringing on more and more peoplefrom the refugee and migrant community which is really good … Idon’t think we had a shortage of that diversity … in terms of culturalbackground it was quite well represented.”

• The end users themselves felt that there were groups within theArabic-speaking population that were unrepresented. Some of thesuggested groups include individuals who did not attend university,Arabic speakers with no or low English proficiency, middle and latemiddle age individuals, people with different levels of proficiencywith mobile technology, and refugees who had just arrived toAustralia compared to refugees who have been living in Australia forsome time.

• A more representative end user population would have accrued ahigher score.


Ideate and design

Minimally attempted: (1 point)Learnings from empathy exercises were compiled.Pre-determined solution was minimally modified in response towhat was learned from end users.

• An extensive document review verified that the Shifra team did nothave a pre-conceived idea of what the prototype would be, and thatthe app’s features and structures arose in response to insights gainedfrom the end user co-designers.

• The ideation stage took place within the design student teams andwas tested at intervals with end users.

• Surveys and interviews with the co-designers revealed that one quar-ter of all survey participants marked ‘neither agree nor disagree’ towhether Shifra confirmed group consensus for either the problemstatement or the solutions to be prototyped. The remaining threequarters indicated they ‘agree’ or ‘strongly agree’ that Shifra did infact, achieve this.

• Whilst the issue of consensus did not emerge as a theme across allinterviews, one computer programmer articulated the problem thisway: “I feel like sometimes there was a bit of disconnect between what[Shifra staff] wanted and maybe necessarily what the refugees wanted… they wanted a resource where they could find health information,locations specifically of hospitals, GPs, pharmacies … the actual healthinformation, they would rather go directly to the source, rather than …reading it online.”

• Given the conflicting information received from the surveys and theinterviews and the lack of documentation, the evaluator reportedfinding difficulty scoring Shifra in this area.

• A lower score of 1 out of 3 was given to draw attention to this issuein the future.

• More thorough record keeping during this design stage will shedlight on this process and the methods used in future HCD projects.



Satisfied: (3 points)Multiple iterations of prototypes and/or MVPs created and testedwith end user population.End user feedback incorporated into subsequent iterations ofsolution.Solution validated with subject matter experts and/or existing

• End users from different backgrounds tested and contributed toiterations of the app on multiple occasions and continue to do so tothis day.

• SME co-designers and their feedback lead to tangible changes in theapp appearance, language accessibility and functionality.

• Organisational documents alone verified these requirements


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education level, and English proficiency. Interviewswith each participating co-designer were consented toin advance and then again in person when they werecompleted at a location of the co-designer’s choosing.All Arabic-speaking end users declined the use of aninterpreter. The survey was administered before theinterview, with three exceptions: one SME declined toanswer the survey, and two phone interviewees com-pleted the surveys after the interview. The surveyswere analysed using Qualtrics online survey software.Interviews were recorded and transcribed. Transcriptswere de-identified, coded inductively with a hierarch-ical framework using NVivo 12 software by the exter-nal evaluator and a research assistant (NK), herself adaughter of immigrants, who requested to work onthis project because of its migrant women’s healthfocus.

ResultsShifra scored 9 out of 12 for fidelity to the designthinking process with a notable need for improvementaround the ideation stage (Table 2). Feedback ob-tained through both the interviews and surveys veri-fied that the Shifra team did complete all the steps ofthe design thinking approach. All survey respondentsselected ‘agree’ or ‘strongly agree’ to statements asses-sing the collaborative nature of the group work andthat they felt safe sharing their opinions (Table 3 inAppendix). Over 90% reported that they would par-ticipate in another Shifra co-design session and thatthey would recommend participation to a friend orfamily member. In the interviews, a feeling of enjoy-ment from participating in the co-design sessionsclearly emerged. All 13 evaluation participants re-ported feeling valued, appreciated, and/or respectedduring the co-design sessions.

… the students, they were very enthusiastic. Theytake our notes and they try to discuss with us …

And as users … they take our notes and they try toimprove. And we share, really. We share as a biggroup, as a teamwork. And we share our ideas to-gether (Source: refugee end user).

The surveys and interviews revealed important learn-ings for the Shifra team when using HCD.

CommunicationFirst was the issue of communication. Three of thefour end users mentioned that language was a barrier,despite assistance from other community memberswho acted as interpreters during the co-design ses-sions and their own self-assessment as being profi-cient in English. Role clarification was also a needreported by co-designers from all groups. An enduser expressed how she came to understand her rolein the co-design session:

After some time, I could realise what’s going on,and understand what I had to do. It wasn’t clear inthe beginning. Like when I went there, I didn’tknow why I’m going there. I just know that I wantto be part of this, this is what I really wanted to do,and yeah, after some time I could understand what’sgoing on, but nobody explained me how.(Source: refugee end user).

Fragmentation of involvementThere was fragmentation of co-designers’ experiencesduring the sessions. Many spoke about not under-standing the project’s entire process, wanting to bemore involved but not receiving further invitations,or the need to build on previous sessions with endusers. While end users were involved at every stepof the co-design, different individuals participated atdifferent points and in different ways. Very few enduser co-designers were a part of the process from

Table 2 Shifra HCD evaluation score (Continued)

Comments Points


Launch and share

Satisfied: (3 points)Product launched.User testing completed to understand users’ experience andsatisfaction.User feedback incorporated into plans for future iterations.Process or product results shared with program staff, co-designers,and wider community.

• Shifra held a product release in August 2017 which included co-designers, partners, and funders and presented preliminary findingsfrom the CBPR projects.


Total score (max score of 12): 9

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beginning to end. This led to feelings of disconnec-tion and confusion, as one co-designer put it:

First, I was really interested, but after some timewhen I found like nobody’s calling you back, so Isaid no I don’t want to waste my time on this. Butit’s something really helpful and I really like the ideaof helping new arrivals from refugee and migrantbackgrounds.

SMEs who facilitated meetings between Shifra staffand end users also felt the desire to be more involvedthroughout the entire HCD project. One SMEcommented:

I think it would be good to have a follow upconsultation on working on actual usage … be-cause we haven’t sort of touched base againwith those women to say, have you used it? …it was almost still in the design stage, andthings hadn’t quite been finished. So, I thinkwe could have a follow up that says, this isthe latest version of the product, let’s have aplay around with it, what do you think now? Ithink that would be really timely (Source:SME).

A third area for consideration in future co-designsession is the importance of diversity and represen-tation within end-user groups. The SMEs and UX/programmer generally agreed that there was suffi-cient end user representation at the co-designsessions:

We focused bringing on more and more peoplefrom the refugee and migrant community which isreally good … I don’t think we had a shortage ofthat diversity … in terms of cultural background itwas quite well represented (Source: UX/programmer).

The end users themselves, however, felt that therewere groups within the Arabic-speaking population thatwere unrepresented. Some of the suggested groups in-clude individuals who did not attend university, Arabicspeakers with no or low English proficiency, middle andlate middle age individuals, people with different levelsof proficiency with mobile technology, and refugees whohad just arrived to Australia compared to refugees whohave been living in Australia for some time. The risks ofonly collaborating with end users who are university-educated, recently resettled and English-proficient weresummarised by one end user:

Maybe we will use this program Shifra andmaybe never we will use this program becausewe can search … what we need by Google …but that program Shifra, it’s good for differentlevel of the people (refugee end user).

Increased representation from within the end-usergroup should be considered for future HCDendeavours.Finally, a survey question assessed whether co-

designers felt that there was enough time for relation-ship building during the co-design sessions. End usersresponded most negatively to the statement, with halfstating that they ‘strongly disagree’ or ‘disagree’ thatthere was enough time for this.

DiscussionThis evaluation found that a co-design process wassuccessfully applied to the development of a web-based app for refugee and migrant women in repro-ductive health. This evaluation also yielded severalimportant recommendations for improving Shifra’sHCD approach moving forward, findings that can beapplied to other projects seeking to undertake an au-thentic community co-design process. First, with somany people of diverse backgrounds contributing tothe project, clear communication about roles and ex-pectations is critical. More attention to facilitatortraining, identification of session goals, following upwith consistent communication, and seeking end userand SME feedback would help to reduce future con-fusion [10]. Second, it is important to set realistic ex-pectations and role clarifications with co-designers.Design is a non-linear and creative process, whichcan inadvertently contribute to confusion about theco-designer’s purpose and the project’s goals [31].Care should be taken in advance to explain this andanswer questions from participants not familiar withthe concept.Third, it is important not to view all end users as

interchangeable [10]. UX/programmers and someSMEs saw refugees at all the meetings and viewedthat as enough end user participation. End users how-ever, felt there were other voices from their commu-nity that needed engagement. For example, the factthat all the end users spoke some English meant thatco-design sessions could proceed without certified in-terpreters, but it also meant that the voices and expe-riences of refugees with low English proficiency weremissing. There is also the issue of inherent bias. Asmentioned, one refugee end user’s opinion was dis-missed by a designer until it was supported by anSME. This was not tolerated by the Shifra team and

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the designer’s supervisor was notified to mentor thedesigner in question. Ultimately though, this showshow HCD in and of itself can be flawed and activesteps need to be taken to reduce, and where possibleremove, power structures that pervade everyday life.Sasha Costanza-Chock’s (2020) notes that “Designjustice asks whether the affordances of a designed ob-ject or system disproportionally reduce opportunitiesfor already oppressed groups of people while enhan-cing the life opportunities of dominant groups, inde-pendently of whether designers intend this outcome.”[32] Increasing the influence of end users needs apurposeful and planned approach, one that most pro-jects, including Shifra’s, needs to improve upon in thefuture.There will naturally be trade-offs in any public

health project since limited resources are an unchan-ging reality, but several process adjustments couldaddress this issue. This evaluation demonstrates thatthe practice of engaging end users across all em-pathy, design, and prototyping stages and into prod-uct development is possible [31]. Collaborating withmultiple migrant and refugee advocate organisationsto use diverse sampling techniques will help to en-gage a more representative sample in the future co-design sessions.Finally, by setting aside adequate time to develop

collaborative relationships amongst all co-designgroups the HCD process is an opportunity to givepower and control back to the end user populationfor whom one is designing the health intervention[33]. Placing greater effort into building relationshipsas a part of the co-design session is especially import-ant with Shifra’s partner refugee communities [26].When properly implemented, the intent of HCD is toprovide public health organisations a pathway to shar-ing (and where applicable, handing over) power inorder to achieve true citizen participation and control[25]. Failure to apply HCD principles in an authenticor purposeful way usually results in tokenism, and de-velopment of solutions that are unsustainable [33]. Itcan also “exacerbate social exclusion and destroy trustsystems” when done poorly [34]. A project cannotutilise HCD without a power dynamic shift that en-sures the end user, not the UX designer, computerprogrammer or community organisation, is in the pri-mary decision-making role [11].

Future considerationsThere are several important considerations whenplanning for evaluation of any HCD-driven projects.First, while this version of the rubric was helpful ingaining a deeper understanding of Shifra’s HCD ap-proach, several iterations will increase the tool’s

usefulness moving forward. Including operational defi-nitions of each of the three stages would clarify theexpectations, especially for anyone who is trying touse the rubric to guide future HCD-driven projects.Additionally, some of the requirements were impos-sible to assess using existing documentation alone.For example, the evaluator was unable to ascertainwhether end users felt respected from organisationaldocuments alone and all three data sources were re-quired to complete the rubric. As mentioned, futurepapers will assess the influence or impact of the appon user SRH literacy and determine the relative suc-cess of the health intervention. Questions specific tothe user’s experience of the app may demonstrateareas where refugee voices came through strongestand others where their perspectives needed to be ele-vated more. Likewise, co-designers’ perceptions ofwhether they felt respected and valued during co-design sessions should be included all future feedbackforms, surveys and interview guides. This is especiallyimportant in helping reduce implicit bias within thedesign process that may be overlooked or go un-acknowledged due to inherent power structures rein-forced by unchecked privilege, however unintentionalthey may be.Using multiple data sources (document review, sur-

veys, and interviews) should have helped to verify an-swers. Instead, each data source provided unique andisolated findings and there proved inconsistency be-tween interviews and the survey responses concerningcommunication. For example, while the majority(75%) of co-designers responded ‘agree’ or ‘stronglyagree’ to the survey statement about whether rolesand responsibilities had been clearly explained, manyanecdotes arose during the interviews around the factthat co-designers did not actually understand theirrole in the overall project or at specific co-design ses-sions. Similarly, one of the main themes of the semi-structured interviews was how fragmented the co-designers felt their involvement was though there wasno way to verify this finding in the document reviewor with the surveys. One way to address this problemis by considering evaluation methods alongside HCDplanning meetings. Collecting co-designer surveysthroughout the project can help staff understand theirexperiences ‘in the moment’ and offers an opportunityfor a more agile response if needed, whilst also offer-ing an opportunity to compare experiences and feed-back later following end of project co-designerevaluations. Shifra did not have any documentationregarding training materials on design thinking facili-tation or how facilitators had introduced the co-designers to various methodologies at different pointsin the app’s development, making it difficult to verify

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these findings. Future documentation on roles, designthinking goals and checking in with co-designers fre-quently would benefit all involved.

Strengths and limitationsThis paper adds to the existing literature regardingthe rigorous use of HCD in public health. This imple-mentation evaluation provides an important guide topurposefully working with end user communities todesign better health interventions. Engaging in evalu-ation work increases the transparency of organisationsand helps them demonstrate their commitment to theHCD ethos. This paper and the rubric are helpfultools for organisations attempting to evaluate theiruse of design thinking methods, and can assist themto plan, prepare for, and execute successful co-designsessions. Additionally, the evaluation included mul-tiple sources of data including surveys, interviews,and records. While Shifra’s data collection methodswill be improved as a result of this evaluation, mul-tiple sources of data give a more full, rich, and accur-ate picture of co-designers’ experiences and themethods themselves [35]. The richness of the dataobtained is especially important since HCD is nebu-lous by nature and there is a lack of demonstrated,rigorous evaluation [20, 36]. Finally, the utilisation ofan external assessment increased the objectivity ofthis evaluation [37].There were several limitations to this evaluation study.

First, the small sample size and convenience sampling ofco-designers introduced selection bias into the results. Itis possible that the co-designers who did not respond toa request to participate in the evaluation would haveprovided different answers and perspectives. There wereonly four end users involved in this evaluation, limitingthe feedback and perspectives of those most importantto both the mission and process being undertaken in de-veloping the Shifra app. Second, the evaluation tookplace 9–16months after most of the co-design sessions,making results vulnerable to recall bias. Several inter-viewees mentioned at different points that the sessionshad happened so long ago it took effort to rememberand answer the questions. Third, a yet to be validatedrubric guided part of the evaluation. Despite expert feed-back and iteration on this rubric before its application,there needs to be more use of the checklist to ensurethat it is both reliable and generalisable. Fourth, withinthe research team, only the research assistant (NK) hadany personal connection to the migrant or refugee ex-perience. Future research on migrant or refugee commu-nities must include funding to support people frommigrant and refugee backgrounds to play an active, andideally lead, role in designing, conducting, analysing andreporting on said research. Finally, evaluating HCD,

design thinking and co-design efforts in public health ischallenging due to its abstract, creative, and iterative na-ture and because results are specific to the local context.There are no definitive guidelines providing specific pa-rameters for assessing a HCD-driven project and theseterminologies are frequently interchanged despite theirdifferences in application and outcome. The methodsidentified in this paper are a first attempt to benchmarkthis innovative approach and will need to be refined inthe future.

ConclusionImproving refugees’ access to sexual and reproductivehealth is complex and multidimensional and requiresinnovative and thoughtful problem solving. HCD isone way to address complex problems in, ideally, amore ethical and effective way and it is how Shifrachose to approach the development of its solution tothis problem among Arabic-speaking refugees in Mel-bourne, Australia. The surveys and interviews revealedthat end user, SME, and UX/programmer co-designers enjoyed participating in the co-design ses-sions, felt respected and welcomed, and saw theircontributions reflected in the final product. Oppor-tunities for growth include engaging a more diverseend user population and communicating expectationsand results more clearly during and after the co-design sessions. A comprehensive process evaluationbenefits the field by providing an example of how toassess an organisation’s ability to follow all the HCDsteps based on individualised contexts and will ad-vance knowledge on the effectiveness of HCD in de-veloping solutions that are aligned with the needs ofthe target audience. It also provides an opportunity toexplore implicit bias and inherent power structurespresent in HCD methodologies that may be uninten-tional and may, therefore, go unchecked. This evalu-ation of Shifra’s HCD approach provides a helpfuland rigorous guide in reporting that may encourageother organisations undertaking HCD work to evalu-ate their own implementation. Such organisationsshould explore in advance, how they plan to evaluatenot only the design steps but also co-designers’ per-ceptions around their role and the contributions theymade to the end product. Determining how to assesssatisfaction with both process and product needsthoughtful consideration to ensure co-designers andevaluators are reflecting and measuring the same out-come respectively. Finally, utilising mixed methodolo-gies has the potential to reveal inconsistent answersacross the different sources of data being examinedso care needs to be taken to ensure evaluative andprobing questions in the semi-structured interviewprocess, add clarity and reduce confusion.

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Table 3 Participant Survey Feedback Form

At the co-design session … Stronglydisagree

Disagree Neitherdisagree noragree

Agree Stronglyagree


1 The group work felt collaborative

2 My contribution was valued

3 People attended who do not usually have representation (i.e. people withrefugee and migrant backgrounds, people with diverse sexual orientation, peopleexperiencing health accessibility issues)

4 The voices of refugee and/or migrant end users were heard

5 The roles and responsibilities of my participation were clearly defined

6 I understood both the processes and the language used

7 My time participating was compensated appropriately

8 There was a commitment by Shifra staff to develop consensus on what the endproduct should include

9 All co-designers were kept informed of any changes

10 I felt respected by Shifra staff

11 I felt respected by all co-design partners

12 Shifra staff offered me an opportunity for skill development and capabilitybuilding

13 Shifra staff offered me co-design training and resources

14 There were strategies to involve people with different communication needs

15 There was enough time to allow relationship building

16 Shifra staff made attempts to reduce any power imbalance (e.g. between healthprofessionals and refugees)

17 I felt safe sharing my opinions

18 Refugee and/or migrant end users helped shape the common agenda

19 I would participate in another co-design session with Shifra staff

20 I would encourage others to participate in a co-design session with Shifra staff

21 I see my ideas and contributions reflected in the final Shifra website/app


Table 4 Semi-structured interview guide

1 Could you elaborate on how you felt your contribution to the co-design sessions was (or was not) recognised and valued?

2 Were there stakeholders who were not represented at the co-design sessions? If so, who else should have been invited?

3 Was there any confusion regarding your role, the processes or any language barriers at the co-design sessions that could have been made sim-pler/easier to understand? If so, what were these?

4 Were there ways that the Shifra team or other participants made you feel respected or disrespected/unwelcome during this co-designexperience?

5 Do you feel that any power imbalances between co-design participants were addressed e.g. do you feel that your opinion mattered and that itwas safe for you to communicate your thoughts and experiences if you wanted to?

6 How could this co-design experience be improved in the future?

7 Do you have any other feedback you wish to share?

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AbbreviationsCBPR: Community based participatory research; HCD: Human centred design;MCWH: Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health; SRH: Sexual andreproductive health; SME: Subject matter experts; UNC: University of NorthCarolina; UX: User experience

AcknowledgementsThe authors recognise and thank all co-designers involved in this project andits evaluation. We are especially grateful to those who have refugee experi-ences for taking the time to be involved and all attempts will be made todisseminate these findings to them.The authors also recognise Douglas Holmes, Hannah Korsmeyer and Sara LaLone for their contribution to the evaluation plan and rubric design of thispaper.

Authors’ contributionsJSS undertook the initial research. NK assisted with data analysis. RB draftedthis paper based on the research and managed all edits and version control.JAB and TR reviewed the paper and offered feedback. RR providedsupervisory guidance and offered feedback. All authors read and approvedthe final manuscript.

Authors’ informationNot Applicable.

FundingNot applicable.

Availability of data and materialsThe data that support the findings of this study are available from author,JSS, but restrictions apply to the availability of these data, which were usedunder license for the current study, and so are not publicly available. Dataare however available from the authors upon reasonable request and withpermission of author, JSS.


Ethics approval and consent to participateMonash Health Project ID number 13811: Evaluating the process andproduct of Shifra’s mHealth intervention.The University of North Carolina, the Institutional Review Board from UNC-Chapel Hill also reviewed the evaluation plan and determined no additionalethics approval requirements for this project (UNC Study #18–1449).

Consent for publicationAll authors consent to publication.

Competing interestsConflict of Interest: First author (RB) founded the Shifra app, however anexternal evaluator (JSS) was used to limit bias in evaluating Shifra’s HCDprocess otherwise no authors report competing interests.

Author details1Monash Centre for Health Research and Implementation – MCHRI, School ofPublic Health and Preventive Medicine, Monash University, Melbourne,Australia. 2Public Health Leadership Program, Gillings School of Global PublicHealth, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, USA. 3Schoolof Nursing, Midwifery & Indigenous Health, Faculty of Science, Charles SturtUniversity, Bathurst, Australia.

Received: 16 February 2021 Accepted: 15 April 2021

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