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EUMIND – Europe Meets India Educational collaboration in project-based eLearning by means of eJournal projects, 2006 - © COMP@CT/Euneos Corp. 2011

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Activities network Eumind (Europe meets India ) Schools secondary education run eJournal projects and organise exchange programs students www.eumind.netPPT_full version_march 2011


  • 1. EUMIND Europe Meets IndiaEducational collaborationin project-based eLearning by means ofeJournal projects, 2006 - COMP@CT/Euneos Corp. 2011

2. Motivation 3. Content EUMIND. History / network / activities eJournal projects General Projectscenarios and research Showcase Values, Go Green Video conferencing Management Quality insurance Objectives reached? Ongoing feed back - evaluation Certificates 4. I. Context EUMIND1 Project-based eLearning (PBeL) > eJournal projects based on virtual and geographicmobility of students and teachers 2 Internationalization of schools> from European (eTwinning) to transcontinental projects 3 Intercultural communicative competence> CEFcult tool for online assessment 4 Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)> global projects as an integral part of curriculum and CLIschool syllabuses 5 English as the 2nd language (non-native)> WebCEF tool for online assessment of speech 5. Why India? CLIL. Bilingual education Motivation students. Education is a priviige Quality Values education (no religious education) Environmental education Interest exchanges Dutch Ministry : funds visits teachers 6. School system Private schools. Fees vary Dedicated teachers Middle class Big schools 3 - 15 years for eJournal projects 16-17. Junior Colleges State exams High competition to enter best schools Salaries teachers vary (300 750 euro) 7. About history of collaborationTeacher Helena Law visits Panchgani India October11-23, 2006Asia workshop of COMP@CT in Jms FinlandNovember 6, 2006Pilot projects of Finn-India schools autumn 2006Visit of Finnish teachers (7 sisters) in India 2007eJournal projects started in the school-year 2007-08 8. ActivitieseJournal projects 2007-11(13-16 years)Visits teachers 06-11Exchanges 09 -11Youth Summit 08-10Community service slum schools 09-10VideoconferencingsPart of eJournal projectsTeacher room (11-12)India Day Porvoo 9. Starting Finn-India 2006 10. Visits 2007 11. Networking + community building 12. Visits 13. Visits 14. Visits to Europe 15. India day May 2010. Belgium 16. Exchanges. Ca. 40st. May 2010 17. Panchgani Youth Summit / 18. Slum schools. Visit/communityservice 19. REAP (slum schools) 20. EUMIND founded in 2008 European schools of COMP@CT network join the projects COMP@CT/Euneos initiates Europe Meets India(EUMIND) EUMIND India network established in Mumbai February2008 EUMIND India : chair + board + membership fee EUMIND Europa: EUNEOS company is legal body 21. Key figures of EUMIND 22. EUMIND Schools in IndiaMumbaiCampion school St. Gregorios High SchoolCathedral and John Connon School St. Xaviers Junior CollegeChrist Church School St. Xaviers Institute of EducationD.G.Khetan International SchoolSmt. Lilavatibai Podar Senior Secondary High SchoolD.Y. Patil International SchoolSpringfield High SchoolGreen Lawns School Panchgani:Hasanat High SchoolSt. Peters SchoolJamnabai Narsee School St. Gregorios High School, PanchganiJasudben M.L. School Pune: 23. The Netherlands Scholengemeenschap St. UrsulaAnna Van RijncollegeStedelijk College EindhovenBeatrix College Vechtdal CollegeCambreur CollegeVisser t Hooft LyceumCollege Vos Willem van Oranje CollegeHet Rijnlands LyceumWalburg CollegeHofstad LyceumWolfert van Borselen scholenJan van Brabant College BelgiumLyceum OudehovenVrije Sint-LambertusscholenMaasland CollegeFinlandMontessoricollege Paaskytien koulu PorvooOostvaarders CollegeLinnankosken lukio PorvooPiusX-College BladelPohjankartano Secondary School Oulu 24. II. Ejournal projectThemes Common aims Topics : interesting, relevant , subject-oriented or cross-curricular Linked to the curriculum, also in India Contains research : main question and subquestions: WHY0 Not only description or comparisonW From research to action (Go Green Indian schools) NOrganisationE Management : group work - teachers as coaches R Clear structure : division in stages and deadlinesS Monitoring: progress reportsH Final product : research articles I EvaluationP 25. Specific characteristics virtual projectOwnership students Visualisation: attractive lay-out Creativity: video Communication: video-conferencingMITeacher structures and monitorsX Content - researchThe more virtual, the more structured.... 26. Students present on frontpage27 27. Web tools 1/2: Why eJournal? a systematic approach of collaboration, not a single project long-term, not short-term one common tool easy to train and easy to use videoconferencing has to work perfectly teachers need to administer the tool by themselves higher requirements of safety and teacher control (