etiology, pathogenesis, clinic, diagnostic , treatment and … · 2020. 9. 22. · candidosis...

Ukrainian Medical Dental Academy Chair of therapeutic dentistry Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic, diagnostic , treatment and prophylaxis of autoinfectional stomatitis Ph.D., Olga Bojchenko

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  • Ukrainian Medical Dental Academy

    Chair of therapeutic dentistry

    Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic, diagnostic , treatment

    and prophylaxis of autoinfectional stomatitis

    Ph.D., Olga Bojchenko

  • Lecture plan and organizational structure.

    Preparatory stage. Determining the relevance of the topic, learning objectives of the lecture and motivation

    The main stage

    Lecture teaching

    material according to the plan:

    1. The contribution of the staff of the Department of Therapeutic Dentistry in the study

    of the topic in the historical aspect.

    2. Classification, substantiation of the topic.

    3. The concept of autoinfectious stomatitis, risk factors, periods.

    4. Acute catarrhal stomatitis. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic, diagnosis, treatment.

    5. Acute aphthous stomatitis. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic, diagnosis, treatment.

    6. Acute herpetic stomatitis. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic, diagnosis, treatment. Stress


  • Lecture plan and organizational structure.

    6. Acute herpetic stomatitis. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic, diagnosis, treatment. Stress herpes.

    7. Ulcerative necrotic stomatitis. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic, diagnosis, treatment.

    8. Candidiasis SOPR. Etiology, pathogenesis, classification, clinic, diagnosis, treatment.

    9. Prevention of autoinfectious stomatitis.

    The final stage

    1. Summary of the lecture, general


    2. Answers to possible


    3. Tasks for self-preparation of students.

  • Autoinfection stomatitis: inflammatory diseases of oral mucosa, appears due to the action of

    conditionally-pathogenic microflora, presenting in oral

    cavity (streptococci, staphylococci, fuso-spirochete

    symbiosis, viruses, fungee) at decreasing of reactivity of

    oral mucosa and organism at all.

  • Classification of diseases of oral mucosa (P.T. Maksimenko, 1998)

    Primary Second (Symptomatic)

    Traumatic At hetero infections

    Physical trauma Mechanic, thermal, ray ,

    electric Bacterial

    Scarlatina, diphthery, typhoid,

    whooping-cough, gonorrhoea,

    tuberculosis, syphilis, lepra

    Autoinfection At uninfections diseases


    Acute aphtosis stomatitis,

    ulcer-necrotic stomatitis


    Digestive system

    Gastritis, colitis, ulcerous

    disease, gastroduodenalis,



    Acute herpetic stomatitis,

    cheilitis; herpetic

    stomatitis, cheilitis

    Blood and blood

    producing organs

    Anemia, leucosis,

    agranulocytosis haemorragy

    diathesis, (Verlhoff disease),

    polycetemy (Vacez disease)

  • Classification of diseases of oral mucosa (P.T. Maksimenko, 1998)

    Primary Second (Symptomatic)

    Autoinfections At uninfections diseases

    Micotic (fangess)

    Candidosis stomatitis,

    cheilitis, glossitis,

    aktinomicosis of MMOC Cardio-vascular System

    Trophic ulcer , cystic

    syndrome and others.

    Pin allergic (stomatitis, cheilitis, glossitis)

    Radiation disease

    Endocrine System

    Saccharine diabetes

    Nervous System Glossodiny, xerostomy

    Skins Pemphigus, red flat lichen,

    red волчанка

    Hypo- and avitaminosis

    Groups В, С, А, Е, РР, D

  • Primary stomatitis – its group of the diseases when the etiological

    factor operate to the oral mucosa.

    Its factors may be: traumatic (mechanic, thermal,

    ray, electric), bacterial, virus, fungees.

  • Acute Herpetic Stomatitis

    Herpetic infection — one of the most spread and

    uncontrolled viral human infection.

    This virus affects internal organs, nervous

    system, skin and mucous membranes.

    Herpetic infection of the peoples

    very height – 100%. Mostly ill women,

    in spring and autumn.

  • Acute Herpetic Stomatitis

    Herpes Simplex Virus after penetration in organism

    through the oral and nasal mucosa in childhood, stay to

    persist in organism in latent form, without clinical


    Under the inductors (decreasing of immune reactivity)

    virus can lead to the active form and provoke the injury

    of oral mucosa.

  • Transmission path

    Herpes Simplex Virus

    Air-tiny (through mouth, nose)

    Vertical or


    Sexual Parenteral

    (surgical manipulation, injections)

    Contact-home (through infected


  • General factors, that induce the

    autoinfection stomatitis



  • General factors, that induce the

    autoinfection stomatitis


    operative interventions

    bad feeding

  • General factors, that induce the

    autoinfection stomatitis



    abuse of alcohol


  • Local factors, that induce the

    autoinfection stomatitis

    bad hygiene of oral cavity

    injury of oral mucosa

  • Local factors, that induce the autoinfection

    stomatitis presence of inflammatory process in periodontal


    sharp edges of destroyed


  • Local factors, that induce the autoinfection


    deeply fixed artificial


    complicated eruption of

    wisdom tooth, especially

    at the lower jaw

  • Clinical current


    general fatigue,

    pain of head,

    increasing of body temperature until 37-40°C .

    also in a 24-48 hours appears pain in oral

    cavity, increased while speaking and feeding.

  • Primary morphological element - vesicle.

    Vesicles placed in groups, filled with

    transparent liquid, becoming turbid soon.

  • Secondary morphological element - erosion.

    After 2-3 days they burst, with appearing of big erosions of deep red color, with a non-straight borders, covered with

    plaque. Salivation increases, it become viscous.

  • Clinical current

    Local status

    Location of lesions - lips, tongue of oral


  • After primary herpetic

    infection virus stays in human

    organism for all life, and

    disease transfers into latent

    phase of long virus-holding,

    that usually lead to recidives.

    In case of recidives

    rush located at: border oral

    mucosa-skin (red lip border,

    near skin, nasal skin, naso-

    labial fold, eyes, sexual organs,

    hand skin).

    Chronic recurrent herpes.

    Groups of vesicles at the

    hyperemic red lip border

  • General treatment

    Anti-viral therapy at severe cases (acyclovir, bonaphton, etc.);

    Desensibilizing therapy (tavegil, phenkarol, calcium gluconate, etc.);

    Anti-inflammatory (aspirin, diclofenak, amizon, etc.);

    Strengthening therapy (ascorbic acid, polyvitamins, high-calorie diet, non-irritant diet with big amount of liquid);

    Immune-modulating therapy (cycloferon, decaris, imunal, interferon, etc.).

  • Prophylaxis

    Isolate the patient;

    Using of anti-viral medicines;

    Sanation of oral cavity, liquidation of

    chronic hearth of infection.

  • Acute aphtous stomatitis

    Auto-infection diseases, that appears under the action of strepto-staphylococci microflora in oral cavity.

    In the development of the disease sensibilization to the strepto-stafilococci microflora plays a big role (by prof. Maksimenko P.T.) and trauma of oral mucosa (by ac. Anischenko R.I.), as a result – develops immune response of prolonged type (Artus phenomena) with the appearance of aphtas.

  • Clinical current

    Disease starts from general fatigue, increasing of body temperature until 39-40С, headache, pain in the throat.

    In period of disease development at the base of acute hyperemia appear multiple elements of lesion – aphtas, that have oval shape, covered with fibrin plaque and surrounded with hyperemia and located at the mucosal membrane of lips, frontal third of the back and sides of tongue, buccal mucosa, hard and soft palate. In the case of confluence of aphtas appear big erosions. Aphtas are very painful.

    In some cases (14-25%) appear pustule (micro abscess) rush at the skin.

  • Pathological morphological element - aphta.

    Defect of round or oval form, by a diameter

    0,3-0,5 mm, located on the inflamed oral mucosa.

  • Laboratory diagnostics

    In cytogram:

    - strepto-staphylococci,

    - fibrin fibers, destructed epithelium and leucocytes.

    In blood test:

    - leucocytosis,

    - increased Sedimentation Rate.

    In immunogram:

    - increasing level of anti-streptococci anti-bodies,

    appearing of plasma cells.

  • Treatment

    Treatment of acute aphtous stomatitis

    performed under the same scheme, as for

    the therapy of acute herpetic stomatitis

    with the using more anti-bacterial

    medicines (antibiotics, sulfanilamides).

  • Assistant Anischenko R.I. elaborated new

    treatment method of acute aphtous stomatitis of

    medium and hard level of severity with using of

    anti-bacterial medicine “Chlorophillipt” with

    enzymes (trypsin, chemotrypsin, chemopsin),

    that allow to increase effectiveness of local


  • Ulcerative-Necrotic Stomatitis

    Ulcerative-Necrotic Stomatitis of Vensan

    (synonym: fuso-spirochete stomatitis, stomatitis of

    Vensan) — alterative-inflammative disease of oral

    mucosa, that appears at the ground of decreased

    organism activity at presence of unpleasant

    conditions in oral cavity, develop as a hyperergic

    reaction as a response on sensibilization of oral

    tissues to fusobacterias and spirochetes,

    characterized by necrosis and ulceration.

  • Disease appears under the action of fuso-

    spirochete infection — symbiosis of spirochetes of

    Vensan and fusobacterias.

    In normal conditions fuso-spirochete symbiosis is

    the saprophyte of oral cavity and located:

    In interdental spaces;

    In periodontal pockets;

    In carious cavities;

    In the root canals;

    In the tonsils.

  • Clinical current

    Disease characterized by the signs of general intoxication. Face skin covers are pale,

    covered with dew. Red lip border is dry, sometimes with the rests of clotting blood.

    Patients scared about touching with the injured tongue to the teeth or injured gums. Rotten smell feels from oral cavity at the

    distance. Hypersalivation signed. Regionary lymphatic nodes are swelled, painful,


  • At oral mucosa appear

    ulcers, covered by necrotic

    masses, that can be removed

    easily. After that you can find

    bleeding bottom.

    Ulcer borders are non-

    straight, not so dense. Ulcer

    can reach 2-4 cm in diameter.

    Near the main ulcer, little

    ulcers can appear.

    Surrounding tissues are

    swelled and hyperemic.

    Acute ulcerative-

    necrotic stomatitis

  • Treatment (hydratation phase)

    Anesthesia (anesthesine, lidocaine – applications, mouth washes, aerosols).

    Antiseptic medicines (hydrogenium peroxide, potassium permanganate, chlorhexidine).

    Proteolysic (chemotrypsine, trypsine, terylitine).

    Mechanical removing of necrotic tissues

    (by excavator).

    Anti-bacterial medicines, that fights anaerobic bacteria: metronidazole, meratin, penicillin-gramicidine mix (by prof. Maximenko P.T.).

  • Treatment (dehydratation phase)

    Reparative processes stimulators and keratoplastic medicines (solcoseryl, levomikol, methyluracyl, olasole, panthenol, sea-buckthorn oil, wild-rose oil, aecol).

    Oral cavity sanation.

    Physiotherapeutic treatment (SUVI (short ultra-violet irradiation), laser-therapy).

  • General treatment

    Anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory,

    hyposensibilizing, vitamin medicines and

    detoxication therapy.

  • Prognosis of Vensan stomatitis is favourable,

    however in some cases, without rational

    therapy disease can prolong and continue for a

    few months.


    Oral hygiene,

    Regular sanation of oral cavity,

    Full and in-time treatment of infections and

    another diseases, that lead to the immune


  • Candidiasis of oral mucosa

    Problem of fungee diseases still actual.

    Each 4 human suffers from mycotic lesions.

    All types of candidiasis in 44% have manifestation in oral

    cavity. In normal conditions in oral cavity

    can be found fungee.

  • Dysbiosis (disbacteriosis):

    pathological status the organism which is

    characterized by change of quantity and

    quality composition of normal micriflora,

    such as: increase quantity conditionally-

    pathogenic micriflora and reduce probiotic


  • Adhesion with the subsequent colonization, occurs due to the fibrous-grainy layer of the wall of fungee.

    Invasion of fungee Candida in epithelium due to the large amount of proteolysis enzymes, especially phospholipase, which damages the cell membrane.

    Reproduction of fungee Candida, with increased proliferation of cells basal layer and the parakeratosis.

  • А. Probiotic microorganisms (98-99%)

    1. Lactobacterias

    2. Bifidobacterias

    3. Neiserii

    Б. Conditionally-measured microorganisms (1-2%)

    1. Staphylococci

    2. Streptococci

    3. Fusobacterias

    4. Fungee Candida

  • Classification of mycotic disease of oral mucosa (Marchenko О.I., Rudenko М.М., 1978).

    By current:



    By clinical-morphological characteristics:







    By localization:





  • Complains: burning in the mouth (especially during the

    eating hard, spicy and salty food, dry in the mouth.


    Hyperemia, swelling of oral

    mucosa tongue, cheeks, palate and


    Soft plaque white or yellow in

    color at the back of the tongue.

    Plaque remind of “milk” and very

    difficult removed of spatula.

    Acute pseudomembranous candidiasis

    Meets in children (especially newborns) with system diseases.

    Adult people with heavy pathology, such as: diabetes militants,

    diseases of blood, cancer, AIDS, irrational antibiotictherapy.

  • Complains: pain, burning in the mouth (especially during

    the eating hard, spicy and salty food, very dry in the mouth.


    Oral mucosa of the tongue,

    cheeks, palate and lips deep red

    color - “fair”, dry.

    Plaque is absent.

    If the process localization on the

    tongue, doctor see little plague in

    the furrows and atrophy of filiform


    Acute atrophic candidiasis

    Meets in people with hypersensitivity of oral mucosa

    to fungee of sort of Candida.

  • Complains: dry in the mouth, pain, burning in the mouth

    (especially during the eating hard, spicy and salty food, very.

    Chronic hyperplastic candidiasis Meets in adult people with heavy pathology, such as:

    diseases of blood, AIDS, tuberculosis, after antibiotictherapy,



    Regional lymphatic knots are

    painful, dense, mobile.

    Oral mucosa of the tongue, soft

    palate and angle of mouth have


    Presence plaque white, grey,

    yellow and even brown color. It’s

    very difficult exfoliate of spatula.

    After exfoliate plaque, oral mucosa

    have red color and bleeding.

  • Complains: pain, burning in the mouth (especially during

    the eating hard, spicy and salty food), dry in the mouth.


    Oral mucosa of the tongue, palate

    and angle of mouth have red

    colour, dry.

    Plaque at the back tongue is absent

    or very little quantity in the


    Tongue have color of

    “strawberry”, dry.

    Atrophy of filiform papillas.

    Chronic atrophic candidiasis

    Meets in old people with removable plate prosthesis.

  • The principles of the choice

    of anti-fungees treatment

    Sort of the fungee Candida and present other


    Sensitivity to the anti-fungee drugs

    Clinical status of the patient

    The duration of diseases




    Professional hygiene of oral cavity.

    Oral cavity sanation.

    Antiseptics (etonium solution, chlorhexidine solution,

    “Givaleks” (geksedin, salicylate choline, hlobutanol),

    “Stomatidin” (geksedin).

    Anti-fungees: apply ointments (miramistin,

    miconazole and other).

    Boost protective properties of oral mucosa (baths

    with artificial lyzocime, tablets imudon

    and lysobact.

  • Diet (protein-vegetable, fermented milk, decrease


    General anti-fungees: “Fluconazole ”(“Diflucan”), “Orungal”

    (“Intrakonazol”), “Mikomaks”, “Fucys”, “Funit”, “Pimafucin”.

    It must be remembered to doctor that high effective drugs cannot

    be by the monotherapy. Anti-fungees drugs change every 2-3




  • Desensibibization therapy: tavegil, phenkarol,

    diazolin, claritin.

    Vitamin therapy: duovit, alfavit.

    Treatment digestive diseases, diabetes militants,

    hormonal diseases, correction of immunity.

    Medication bacterial drugs (biotherapy) for the

    correction dysbiosis of the oral cavity and gastro-

    intestinal tract.



  • Інулін

    Sinbiotics (“Bifìform”,




  • Training

    hygiene of

    oral cavity

    Tooth paste

    with soda –




    Care for the




  • Waiver of the irrational antibiotictherapy;

    Preventative appointment eubiotics in parallel or after

    antibiotictherapy during one month;

    Compliance of the sanitary and hygienic events in the maternity

    homes. Training of young mothers of hygiene;

    The patients with chronic somatic diseases,

    must pass courses of the bacterial medicines.