ethnic component in the content of education at the art dpt. of gymnasia of arts

Ethnic component in the content of education at the Art dpt. of Gymnasia of Arts Illastration to the Komi legend “The Bear and the woman” Gorinova Maria, 12 y.o. Teacher Ezovskih V. N.

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Post on 19-Feb-2016




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Ethnic component in the content of education at the Art dpt. of Gymnasia of Arts. Illastration to the Komi legend “The Bear and the woman” Gorinova Maria , 12 y.o . Teacher Ezovskih V. N. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Ethnic component in the content of education at the Art dpt. of Gymnasia of Arts

Ethnic component in the content of education at the Art dpt. of Gymnasia of Arts

Illastration to the Komi legend “The Bear and the woman” Gorinova Maria, 12 y.o. Teacher Ezovskih V. N.