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Summary .

Introduction 3

Range Resource Allocation Method 3

Program Components 4

Approach to Planning ,. 5

Assumptions and Limitations 8

Application 9

Planning for Range Resource Management 9

Formulating a Management Plan Ja

Selecting a Management Plan 10

Conclusions I I

Appendix 12

A. Activity Formulation with the State Approach 12

B. Calculation oIOutput Coefficients 14

Literature Cited 15

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HENRICUS C. JANSEN was formerly a research forester in the Station'sMultiple-Use Economics Research Unit, with headquarters in Berkeley, California.He is now an assistant professor of range management at California StateUniversity. at Chico. He earned a doctorate in wildland resource sciences at theUniversity of California, Berkeley (1974).


I am indebted to Daniel I. Navon, who recognized the need for thedevelopment of improved planning and decisionmaking techniques.Under his active support and guidance this research was developed. Thedevelopment of computer programs by Lawrence Nazareth and FrancisLeung is gratefully acknowledged as are their helpful suggestions. I amalso indebted to the U.S. Forest Service personnel of the CaliforniaRegion and especially to Donald Bolander and Chester Canon for theirassistance in data collection and review of results.

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Jansen, Henricus C.1976. Range RAM ... a long-tenn planning method for managing

grazing lands. USDA Forest Servo Res. Paper PSW-120, 15 p.,ilIus. Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Exp. Stn., Berkeley,Calif.

Oxford: 268:624-U68I.3.Retrieval Tenns: Timber RAM; range management planning; multiple­use management; linear programming; simulation; computer programs.

Range RAM (Resource Allocation Method) is acomputerized planning method that assists with thedevelopment of intermediate and long-term manage­ment plans for Federal grazing lands. It is applicableto planning problems concerned with spatial andtemporal alternatives in allocating resources at forest,district, or lower levels of decisionmaking.

Within a specified planning period, a number ofplanning intervals are set forth. At the same time anumber of management units (resource classes) isspecified. The overall condition or "state" of resourceclasses serves as the analytical focal point of RangeRAM. With a state as the starting point for planning,the management potentials and productive capabili­ties of the resource classes are dete;rmined. The rangeplanner specifies maintenance, improvement, andgrazing practices (e.g., grazing at specified intensities,spraying, plowing, seeding, water development).These practices are then linked over consecutiveintervals and arranged into "management activities"for each resource class. Resource class states may bedesignated as management targets. Range RAM willschedule practices so that target states are achievedby a date specified by the planner.

For alternative resource and production con~

straints and management objectives, Range RAMhelps the user select an optimum combination ofactivities and resource classes. Such combinations orproblem solutions can be formulated to maximizeproduction of harvestable forage, Animal Months(AM's) of grazing, gross or net revenue, or to mini-

mize the cost of land maintenance and improvement.Range RAM includes three computer programs­

RANGE/MTX (Range RAM Matrix Generator), alinear programing (lp) code, and RANGE/RPT(Range RAM Report Writer). RANGE/MTX is usedto generate management activities, calculate the costand production coefficients associated with generatedactivities, and construct a resource allocation matrix.The lp code selects an optimum combination ofmanagement activities and resource classes for eachmanagement objective and calculates the cost of smalldeviations from this optimal combination. RANGE/RPT generates reports for alternative lp or planner~

designed solutions. Reports describe solutions interms of economic and resource management criteriaand list the selected activities in terms of costs,benefits, practices, and scheduled areas within eachresource class.

The anticipated application of Range RAM is as aplanning tool for resource lands whose primary usageis grazing by either livestock or big game. Otherrangeland uses can also be considered, while environ~

mental constraints are recognized explicitly by speci·fying the type and intensity of range resource devel­opment, by reserving forage for other nongrazingpurposes, by specifying grazing intensity; and by thetemporary or permanent withdrawal of areas fromgrazing use. In planning for the multiple-use manage­ment of the range resource, Range RAM must be usedin concert with other appropriate planning tech­niques.

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The u.s. Forest Service manages nearly106,000,000 acres of rangeland, of which about

58,000,000 acres are classified as suitable for grazinguse (U.S. Forest Service 1972). These grazing landsproduce an average of 8,000,000 Animal Unit Months(AUM's) per year (U.S. Forest Service 1967­1974). Improved planning techniques to directmanagement and long-term investment for range re­habilitation could result in an increase in ADMproduction of more than 80 percent (Forest-RangeTask Force 1972, University of Idaho and PacificConsultants Inc. 1970). Rangelands are characterizedby large acreages, diversity in actual and potentialproduction, lack of unifonn response to appliedmanagement, and slow-often unspectacular­response to improvements.

The development and selection of managementplans which show the way to needed increases inAUM production as economically justified expendi­tures require the efficient allocation of productiveresources. Such an allocation process is, however,complicated by conflicting uses of rangeland, by thelimited availability of range planning methods, and bythe broad spectrum of management options available.

Range Resource Allocation Method (Range RAM)is a computerized method that can help the rangeplanner with the rational allocation of limited re­sources and with the development of range manage·ment and grazing plans. It has been developed forintermediate and long-term planning and decision·making problems typical of Federal grazing lands.

Specific Range RAM objectives are:CD To assist the range planner with the develop­

ment and evaluation of a wide spectrum of spatial,temporal, and sequential alternatives in the allocationof resources;

CD To overcome the computational burden in­herent in the fonnulation of a wide spectrum andlarge number of such alternatives;

" To assist the range planner with the formulationof "'optimum" combinations of management activi·ties;

" To provide for a method of resource allocationthat resuIts in the contro1led long-term developmentof the productive capacity of rangelands and thecontro1led flow of grazing products;

CD To assist the range planner with the formulationof alternative management plans for varying manage·ment goals, with economic, social, and environmentalconstraints.

This paper describes Range RAM and outlines theprocesses of its use. It illustrates the flow of data andinformation within and between the computer pro­grams, the underlying approach to planning, modelassumptions, and the limitations affecting the applica­tion of Range RAM. It also provides an explanationof how to use Range RAM, how to formulate asolution, and how to select a management plan fromalternative solutions.

Detailed user instructions are beyond the intentand scope of this paper, but may be found in athree-part Range RAM Users' Manual which will beavailable on request from the Director, Pacific South·west Forest and Range Experiment Station, P.O. Box245, Berkeley, Calif. 94701, Attention: Publications.

Three programs are used in Range RAM:RANGE/MTX (Range RAM Matrix Generator), alinear programing code, and RANGE/RPT (RangeRAM Report Writer). To obtain a copy of RANGE/MTX, -/RPT send a 7-track, half-inch tape at least1200 feet long together with the request to thisStation (Attention: Comptlter Services Librarian).


The three computer programs that form the basiccomponents of Range RAM provide the range plannerwith assistance in:

CD The development and analysis of a wide spec­trum of management activities;

CD The formulation and analysis of alternativecombinations of management activities, meeting bothmanagerial and resource constraints; and

CD The formulation of problem solutions that areoptimum in an economic sense and operationallyfeasible in tem1S of managerial and other nonM


economic criteria (e.g. social, political, environM

mental).With Range RAM the planner can formulate solu­

tions for the allocation problem that either maximizeproduction, gross revenue, or net revenue, orminimize the cost of resource management and im­provement. Types of infonnation needed for usingRange RAM are similar to those needed for anyplanning process. These include: (a) managementobjectives and production goals; (b) management,production and budget constraints; (c) present and

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potential production capabilities of the land resource;(d) technological means (management practices) avail­able for land management and improvement; (e)anticipated effects of sequences of management andgrazing practices upon land resource productivity; (I)financial returns associated with production; and (g)costs of resources used and costs of management.

Range RAM can also be used to (a) evaluate theimpact of alternative budgets or production-levelrequirements on rangeland use, development, andexpenditures; or (b) evaluate the impact of alternativerange development and use limitations on budgetrequirements and production levels.

Program Components IThe three Range RAM computer programs are

RANGE/MTX, a linear programing (lp) code, andRANGE/RPT. RANGE/MTX and RANGE/RPT arewritten in Fortran IV language for use on the Uni­vac 1108, EXEC 8 computer. ILONA is the lp codethat is used in combination with the RANGE pro­grams; however, other lp programs can equally welIbe used if a computer programer makes the necessarychanges in the RANGE programs. ColIectively theseprograms aid the range planner with three phases ofthe planning and problem solving procedure: formula­tion, solution, and interpretation (Fig. 1).


Compu1er system command : Display of data andRANGE/MTXstatements generated management

RANGE/MTX control program activitiesstatements ,

Inpul-dala -Matrix )- 1 Repa,Idolo dolotape '-- lope

Computer system command : Display of Lp salullanstatements Lp code (aplianal)

Lp code control statements




T,Computer system command ~ Display of reports,statements solutions, and economic

RANGE/RPT canl,al RANGE/RPT evaluationstatements program ,

Figure 1-The three input decks activate the RANGE/MTX, the Ip, and theRANGE/RPT programs and thereby cause the storage of matrix data, report data,and Ip solution data on tape. In addition, these programs cause the display ofproblem data, Ip solutions, and solution reports on computer print-out. Arrowsindicate the flow of control information and data.




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RANGE/MTX assists in structuring the resourceallocation problem into a matrix fonnat that issuitable for subsequent analysis and solution with thelp code. Constituent parts of a problem matrix are:the management activities which allocate the re­sources used (land and capital) and productsobtained) one or more management objectives, andthe resource and production constraints.

Principal RANGE/MTX functions are:I. The input and storage of user-provided data,

such as range production characteristics and develop­ment potential, improvement and use alternatives,management objectives, and resource and productionconstraints.

2. The formulation of management activities forrange use and development alternatives.

3. The calculation of the cost and productioncoefficients associated with the formulated activities.

4. The structuring of the problem data into amatrix format.

RANGE/MTX has a number of user-options whichgenerally deal with the specification and manipulaM

tion of data, the specification of type and number ofalternative objectives of management, and the specifi­cation of budget and production constraints. Forexample, the planner can request for the temporaryor permanent storage of his data, control the natureand number of management activities that the pro­gram will formulate, and then direct the extent towhich computer-calculation of selected productioncoefficients occurs.

The Ip code is a general purpose linear programingoptimization routine. Its function is to analyze theresource allocation problem and to obtain possiblesolutions. Solutions are those combinations of man·agement activities and corresponding acreages whichsatisfY the constraints of the allocation problem andyield an optimum result.

The RANGE/RPT interprets the Ip problem solu­tion and prepares a report. RANGE/RPT output(report) is given in sufficient detaIl to be understand­able to the range planner who is unfamiliar withprint-out produced by lp codes.

Two types of reports can be prepared: (a) reportsfor problem solutions formulated by the Ip code, and(b) reports for solutions formulated by the planner. Areport describes each activity in the lp solution (or inthe planner's solution) in terms of the individualpractices (e.g. grazing, improvement, maintenance),the scheduled acreages, the associated costs, and thepro?uction levels. The report also gives an economicevaluation of a solution. This includes a description


of the plan's gross and net revenues, costs, productionlevels and benefit/cost ratios.

Approach to Planning

Long~term planning for range resource "use anddevelopment must be a well defined and logicalprocess if it is to lead consistently to useful results.Principal steps in long·term planning are:

1. Inventory of the land resource and evaluationof its productive potential.

2. Development of projections for range productdemand.

3. Determination of objectives, production goals,and constraining factors.

4. Formulation and evaluation of managementactivities.

5. Generation of alternative combinations ofmanagement activities and their evaluation in termsof management objectives, production goals, andconstraining factors.

6. Selection of that combination which bestmeets most resource and production constraints,which provides for the highest possible value combi­nation, and which is operationally feasible.

While the Range RAM approach considers all ofthese six steps, the following discussion focuses onthe fourth and fifth steps for which the Range RAMprograms were specifically designed.

Formulation and Evaluation of Management Activities

We define a management activity as a scheduledsequence of management practices, such as mainte­nance, development, and grazing practices, extendingfrom the present to the end of the planning horizon.Formulating any number of management activitiesfor a planning unit poses a number of problems whichmust be resolved. Thus the planner must decidewhich practices are required to meet managementobjectives and production goals. He must decidewhere, when, and in what sequence and combinationto apply the selected practices, and determine theextent (area) and the intensity of practice applica­tion. Lastly, he must determine the costs, benefits,and effects on the range resource of the practices.

Numerous management activities can generally beformulated for a range resource. The range plannermight, for example, plan to graze, control noxiousvegetation, and fertilize on one portion of the rangeresource, while he plans different activities on theremainder. Determining the nature and type, costsand benefits, and intensity and sequencing of the

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planned practices in each activity depends on localcriteria, conditions, and objectives. Range RAMassists the planner with these tasks.

The range planner starts the process of formulatingmanagement activities by selecting a planning horizonfor the allocation problem. This planning horizondetermines the length of the planning period whichthe planner must divide into a number (1 to 20) ofequal-length planning intervals. An interval may befrom 1 to 20 years long.

The rangeland resource determines the dominantcharacteristics, boundaries, and size of the allocationproblem. The planner must divide this range land intoa number (1 to 200) of resource classes. Each re­source class should, as near as possible, be homo­geneous in biological, physical, economic, and man·agement characteristics, and should respond uni­formly to management practices.

Next, the planner determines a set of "resourcestates" and sets of management practices for each ofthe reSOurce classes. Resource states are descriptionsof the resource classes at discrete poin ts in time.Range RAM limits the planner to three characteristicsfor describing the states of each resource class. Withthe sets of management practices which have beenselected for the resource classes, changes in state mustbe feasible (e.g., it must be feasible to transform thestates of a resource class with the management prac·

tices). The planner should specify as many pairs ofrelated states as possible (I.e., related by a set ofpractices), including pairs of identical states.

The specific points in time at which resource statesmust be determined are the beginnings (or ends) ofthe planning intervals. Any changes in state must,therefore, be accomplished with the specified prac­tices within the length of the interval. The determina­tion of the interval length, the resource states, andthe sets of practices to be implemented during theintervals is an iterative process. First, the plannermust determine what practices are available. Second,he must determine the length of time needed tocomplete practice implementation. Third, he mustdetermine the effect of the practices on the character­istics of the range resource.

For each resource class the "initial" state (i.e.) thestate at the beginning of the planning period or firstinterval) must also be determined. Naturally, therecan be only one initial state per resource class. On theother hand, several states can be designated as thetargets for resource class development. Such "target"states can be specified for anyone of the intervals inthe planning period.

Finally, given all pairs of states and connectingpractices for a resource class, a network can beconstructed (Fig. 2). A network shows for all inter­vals in the planning period the specified states and

I st interval 2nd interval 3 rd interval 4th Interval

Figure 2-The nodes Sa, Sb, Sc,and Sd in the network represent resource states,the arrows (arcs) connecting the nodes represent sets of management practices(e.g. structural, non-structural, grazing, and maintenance practices\. Shown only,are the complete pathways, or Range RAM management activities, which leadfrom the initial state Sa at the beginning of the first interval, to the target statesSc, and Sd at the end of the third interval, to the final states Sc and Sd at the endof the fourth and last interval.



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sets of practices. Each complete pathway through thenetwork, leading from the initial state to a targetstate, to the end of the last interval is by definition aRange RAM management activity and is formulatedwith RANGE/MTX.

The use of states to monitor and describe theeffects of practices on a resource class lends itself totwo shorthand notations for describing managementactivities.

Let a sequence of practices affect a resource classin such a manner as to cause changes in its initialstate, say State Sa, leading through intermediatestates Sb, Sc, ... Sm to a final state Sn. Then theshorthand or "state" notation for any managementactivity can be given as:

The state notation is used in RANGE/MTX to iden·tify all possible management activities for each of theresource classes.

The lp code uses an alternative notation. This lpcode or "coefficient" notation characterizes themanagement activities in tenus of their costs andbenefits on a per unit area per interval basis.

Let the sequence Pa, Ph, ... Pm represent ascheduled sequence of sets of practices. Let thesequence Ca, Cb, ... Cm and the sequence Ba, Bb,. .. Bm represent the corresponding sequences ofscheduled management costs and benefits. Then incoefficient notation any management activity can begiven as:

Further detall on the formulation of managementactivities and on the calculation of benefit co­efficients is provided in the Appendix.

Solving the Allocation ProblemLinear programing as a tool for solving resource

allocation problems has been applied only to a lim­ited degree in range management. Brown (1961)reported one of the first applications and described amodel that uses linear programing as an aid in thevaluation of range improvement practices on ranchestypical of the Western Range. Nielsen (1964) workedwith Brown on the problem of estimating the eco­nomic value of the range resource as measuredthrough livestock production. Navon (1969) de·scribed a lp model for wildland planning, and Navon(1971) formulated Timber RAM, for commercialtimber lands. Kaiser and others (1972) developed the


linear decision model FREPAS (Forest Range En­vironmental Production Analytical System) whichwas used by a U.S. Forest Service Forest-Range TaskForce for a one-time analysis of selected managementalternatives on the nation's forest-range lands.FREPAS was limited to the consideration of only sixmanagement alternatives in the formulation 'of man~agement plans. D'Aquino (1974) and Bartlett andothers (1974) described linear models for short-termranch management activities (resource allocation al­ternatives). The developed models differ from oneanother in purpose and in method of formulating theactivities.

Range RAM uses linear programing to solve theresource allocation problem. The problem is to findthat combination of management activities and acre­ages that optimizes the management objective func­tion and simultaneously stays within all resource andproduction constraints. For example, what combina­tion of activities and acreages provides for a least-costmaintenance and improvement program while stayingwithin specified AM-production levels for each plan­ning interval?

The linear programing method used in Range RAMis the revised simplex method. This method has beenadequately described in several textbooks dealingwith linear programing (Dantzig 1963, Heady andCandler 1958, Spivey 1963) and wlll therefore not bediscussed here.

The resource allocation matrix (Fig. 3) thatRANGE/MTX generates for subsequent analysis andpossible solution by the lp code, contains three typesof information: (a) the management activities incoefficient notation; (b) the constraint levels forcosts, products, and land; and (c) one or morealternative management objective functions. For agiven allocation problem, as defined by the matrix,alternative management options can be analyzed.Each combination of one management objective func­tion and one set of constraints defines an option forwhich an lp solution may be found. Changes in thematrix (e.g. deletion or addition of managementactivities or resource classes) define new allocationproblems for which again alternative managementoptions may exist.

An Ip solution may be "feasible" or "infeasible."It is feasible if a combination of management activi­ties is found that meets all constraints on cost,production, and land. It is infeasible if no combina­tion satisfying all stated constraints can be found. Byadjusting one or more of the contraints (Le. intro­ducing a new management option) the planner mayresolve the infeasibility of a solution.

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~one column for each management right handactivity for each of the side(s)

row resource classes

input one row for the management input < input constraints for eachcommodity per unit of area during each or interval (minimum and

pianning intervai > maximum)

output one row for each output commodity < output production requirementscommodities generated from a unit of area during or for each commodity for each

each planning interval > interval (minimum andmaximum)

land one row for each resource class in the ,;;; total area of land available inplanning unit each resource class

objectives alternative management objective(s) = final value of objective function(s)considered for optimization

Figure 3-A resource allocation matrix and constraint column (right hand side)for a management problem.

Once a feasible Ip solution has been found, areport can be formulated with RANGE(RPT. A re­port consists of a bundle of activities and theirassigned areas (acres, hectares) for all of the resourceclasses in the allocation problem.

Assumptions and Limitations

The deterministic nature of Range RAM assumesthat all management costs, benefits, and commodityprices are fixed and known. Range resource potential,quantitative management goals, and other objectivesare assumed to be known with certainty. Also as·sumed to be known are the range resource productioncharacteristics, expected budgets, state of the art,supplies of fixed resources, and the social, political,and environmental realities.

Because of the limitations of a deterministicmodel, the planner should judge all results withreservation and update his data and managementassumptions frequently when more reliable informa­tion becomes available. The planner should regard thequality of Range RAM output as directly related to


the quality of the input provided. The reliability andadequacy of data, the degree to which forn;lUlatedactivities reflect the full spectrum of managementopportunities, and the optimality of the formulatedsolution, are of critical importance in deciding if aproposed solution merits translation into a manage·ment plan.

Another set of assumptions and limitations per­tains more specifically to the method of formulatingmanagement activities. The use of the state approachas an activity-generating method requires that threeassumptions are met:

I. The resource classes into which the rangeresource is divided have uniformity in their physical,biological, and economic characteristics, and in addi­tion each resource class responds uniformly to ap­plied management.

2. The states of all resource classes are known fordiscrete points in time. Changes in resource states canbe accomplished through the application of main­tenance, improvement, and grazing practices andOccur in a known manner.

3. Unit requirements and unit returns of all prac-

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tices or practice combinations are known and can bedescribed in terms of costs and benefits per unit areaper unit time.

The use of linear programing as the solutiontechnique requires two additional assumptions: (a)costs and benefits of management activities (as well astheir component parts-the practices) are directlyproportional to area managed; (b) when several ac­tivities are combined to form an "optimum" com­bination, output per unit of input for each activityremains unchanged, regardless of which other activi­ties are operated within the same or other resourceclasses.

In order for points (a) and (b) to hold, thestandard lp assumptions of linearity, divisibility, andindependence of management activities must bemade. Point (a) reflects the assumptions of linearityof the production function and divisibility of goodsand factors of production. Point (b) involves theassumption of independence among managementactivities.

The significance of the linearity assumption is thatthe relationship between costs, benefits, and area iscontinuous linear, for example, fertilizing 10 acresincreases cost and production tenfold as compared tofertilizing I acre. The linear relation of cost and

benefit to the area treated reflects both uniformity oftreatment and homogeneity of response of thetreated area.

The assumption of divisibility implies that allfactors used in the production process are consideredcontinuous variables. For example, the practice ofconstructing livestock watering facilities can,in realityonly be carried out at discrete unitary levels, but thedivisibility assumption includes the construction of,for example, 3.5 water-developments as a possibility.

The assumption of independence of activities maysometimes be unrealistic. Many practices interact andtheir effect on the final outcome is frequently afunction of the other practices carried out on therange resource, simultaneously or at different may, for example, be difficult to formulate anindependent management activity containing thepractice of fencing. If such an activity were selectedin an lp solution for a particular area then the areaoutside of the fence will generally be affected as well.

Through the careful selection of resource statesand practices, the limitations imposed by the assump­tions of linearity, divisibility, and independence canbe partly overcome. These limitations can be furtherameliorated by the procedures discussed below.


Planning for RangeResource Management

Range RAM serves as a planning technique forlands used mainly for grazing by either livestock orbig game. For this reason Range RAM emphasizes andassists with the calculation of the following manage­ment costs and benefits:

1. Dollar cost of range maintenance, improve-ment and utilization (discounted or undiscounted).

2. Harvested forage.3. Animal months of grazing.4. Rental fee income derived from livestock graz­

ing (discounted or undiscounted).5. Net revenue representing the difference be­

tween items 4 and I, above (discounted or undis­counted).

Other concurrent uses of the range can also beanalyzed, while constraints on grazing·use of a social,political, or environmental nature are recognized ex­plicitly through the judicious selection of inter­mediate and target states, the selection of type andintensity of maintenance, improvement and grazing


practices, the reservation of forage for other non·grazing uses, and the withdrawal of areas fromgrazing-use.

Several computer runs need generally be made toencompass the array of management options availablein most situations. For example, the analysis of twooptions, one with and one without "intensively de­veloped" resource states, must be conducted in sep­arate computer runs. Uncertainty about future levelsof product demand, budgets, and prices necessitatesthe examination of alternative solutions for the sameand for different planning problems. Even so, it isextremely unlikely that a globally "optimal" plan willbe found.

To a limited extent, Range RAM can assist theplanner in developing management plans for rangeresource uses other than grazing (e.g. timber, waterproduction, recreation). For each alternative use theplanner must redefine the resource classes and re­source states, since different classification and man­agement criteria will apply. Benefits (e.g., board-feetof timber, acre-feet of water, recreation days) mustbe calculated by the planner and be entered into the

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resource allocation matrix. This is unlike the case forgrazing products, where RANGE/MTX calculates out­put levels and enters these into the allocation matrix.

In planning for the multiple·use management ofthe range resource, Range RAM must be used inconcert with other appropriate planning techniques.Since each Range RAM management objective func­tion can only be defined in terms of a single com­modity (e.g. pounds harvested forage, AM's) theoptimization of a bundle of commodities is notpossible.

Formulating a Management Plan

The complete process of formulating a solutionwith Range RAM is a three-step procedure (Fig. 1).Each step consists of preparing problem specifica­tions, developing a Fortran card deck, and making acomputer run.

Step 1: Formulation of the management problemwith RANGE/MTX. At this initial step the plannerdefines his management problem, determines hismanagement data and planning options, and manipu·lates and stores his data with RANGE/MTX forsubsequent analysis. Specific data requirements arethe length and number of planning intervals; theresource and production constraints; alternativemanagement objective functions; resource classes; re~

source states; maintenance, improvement, grazingpractices; and cost and benefit coefficients necessaryfor the valuation of the management activities. Alldata are then processed with RANGE/MTX and amatrix is prepared. This resource allocation matrix isstored on the "Matrix Data" tape for analysis in Step2. Problem specifications and the generated manage­ment activities are stored on the "Report Data" tapefor analysis in Step 3.

Step 2: Solving the resource allocation problem.Information needed for this step comes from the"Matrix Data" tape. The lp code develops solutionsfor one or more planning options and writes these onthe "Lp Solution" tape. Solutions for all alternativeplanning options form the basis for the reports whichare generated next.

Step 3: Formulation of reports with RANGE/RPT. Reports can be prepared for lp, and for user­prodnced solutions to allocation problems. For thefirst type of solution, the "Lp Solution" tape and"Report Data" tape provide the necessary data. Forthe second type, the planner himself must submitpart of the required information on Fortran datacards. Additional information is obtained byRANGE/RPT from the "Report Data" tape directly.


The solution and the economic evaluation that areprepared as part of each report consist of a set oftables, schedules, and summaries of the costs andbenefits of the selected activities. Costs and benefitsare given on a per unit area and on a total area perinterval basis. Summaries of costs, benefits and theirratios are given over all intervals and over all activi­ties. Finally, the report gives the value of the opti­mized objective function and various indices ofmanagement performance.

With the three Range RAM programs the plannercan process and analyze alternative planning optionsfor the same problem and report on each solution.The three programs can be processed separately, andresults can be stored on tape, or the three programscan be processed in one computer job.

Selecting a Management Plan

The process of selecting a solution for implementa­tion as the management plan must be conducted withstrict regard to the local situation and competingrange resource uses. Ranking of alternative solutionsin terms of economic criteria of performance, wherepossible, is only one of several evaluation and selec·tion procedures. Before considering a solution as apotential management plan, the solution's accepta~

bility must be determined. To be acceptable, a solu­tion must be: feasible, accurate, robust, and practical.

Feasibility of the solution refers to the constraintsof the problem. If the lp problem analysis results inan infeasible solution because of limiting constraints,then no acceptable management plan can be formu~

lated from the solution. In this situation the problemmust be reformulated until a feasible solution isfound. Constraints on cost, production, and acreageneed to be reexamined even if a feasible solution isobtained. Uncertainty of budgets, product require­ments, and competing resource uses necessitate theanalysis of alternative constraint levels. A plan's feasi·bility must therefore be judged in a context that givesdue regard to the local situation and realities.

The accuracy of the solution refers to the costsand benefits of the management activities and to thedegree with which the assumptions of the activityfonnulation process and lp solution procedure aremet. The assumption was made that resource classesare homogeneous and react uniformly to manage·ment. In assigning the management activities in thesolution to the actual "on-the~ground" resourceclasses, the planner must check carefully if his as­sumptions live up to reality.

The assumptions of linearity, divisibility, and in-

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dependence of the management activities must alsobe carefully examined. For example, the per unit areacost of management might decrease when larger areasare treated. Since the planner assumed that unit costsand unit benefits are constant and that total costs andtotal benefits are linearly related to area managed, thelinearity assumption may introduce some bias. Thecosts and benefits of each management activity in asolutior. must, therefore, be examined for this biasand offending activities should either be adjusted orremoved.

«Significant" deviations from the assumptions ofdivisibility and independence also bias the accuracyof a solution. Depending on the situation, such devia­tions may increase or decrease the costs and benefitsof a plan. Significant deviations include costs orbenefits of the management activities that are eithertoo low or too high; the area assigned to certainactivities is either too small or too large for effectiveactivity implementation; and .activities in one area orresource class affect the costs and benefits of activi­ties scheduled in different areas or resource classes.When deviations from the assumptions of the modelare "significant," the planner Can take two alternativecourses of action.

One alternative for the planner is to redesign theentire management problem and reprocess all threeprograms. Another is to delete the unacceptable man­agement activities from the lp solution and reprocessonly the RANGE/RPT program with acceptable activ­ities. The first course of action enables the planner toalter the resource classes and their boundaries, tochange the resource states and management practices,and to recalculate costs and benefits. The secondcourse of action enables the planner to keep the ac­ceptable management activities and their assignedacres (hectares) in the solution, and to replace theunacceptable part of the solution by a set of activitiesand allotted areas formulated by the planner himself.

The lp solution for a management problem is

called robust when small changes in cost or benefitcoefficients, or small changes in the levels of the reosource and production constraints, cause only smallchanges in the solution and the final value of theobjective function. When changes of 5 to 10 percent(depending on the local situation) in cost and benefitcoefficients or constraints cause large change~, in thelp solution or final objective value, then the solutionis not sufficiently robust for translation into a man­agement plan.

The translation of a solution that lacks in robust·ness involves the risk of misallocating resources. Thispossibility of resource misallocation provides yetanother reason for considering alternative solutions.

A solution's practicality must be viewed in termsof its on-the-ground implementation. When the rangercannot implement the management activities of asolution, or when their implementation leads to un­sunnountable obstacles, the solution is not practicaland must be revised.

The examination of a solution's practicality mustinclude an examination of its component parts.Therefore, the planner must check the practicality oftiming, location, intensity, and extent of the manage·ment practices that are scheduled in the activities.The ranger must be able to cany out proposed graz·ing practices and grazing systems. Similarly, he mustbe able to carry out the maintenance and improve­ment practices for the effective management of vege­tation and structural range improvements.

When the planner has determined that a solution isfeasible, accurate, robust, and practical, its accept­ability should be co-judged by the ranger, grazer, andother range resource users. Judgment should considerand evaluate the possible impact on other resourceuses and products, environmental conditions, andother parameters of political and social concern.Much effort can be saved in the formulation andselection of a management plan if all concerned par­ties partake in the planning process from the start.


The need for improved planning procedures wasdocumented by the Forest and Rangeland RenewableResources Planning Act of 1974. By rehabilitatingdeteriorated land and by adopting improved manage­ment practices, range managers have made consider­able gains in the past. Shortages and misallocation ofcapital, time, manpower, and data continue to deteroptimum range resource use and improvement pro­grams. Therefore, careful planning procedures and ef-


fident allocation methods are necessalY to ensurewise use of these limited resources.

Range RAM serves the function of assisting theplanner with the formulation of management activi­ties and plans. Efficient use of Range RAM facilitatesthe task of deciding on: the kind of maintenance,improvement, and grazing practices required; whereto apply these practices; when best to apply suchpractices and in what sequence; what level of practice

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intensity to employ; to what extent (acres, hectares)practices should be applied; how best to combinepractices; and what the associated costs and benefitsare.

The quality of Range RAM based plans is directlyrelated to the quality of data and data estimates. Thetranslation of a Range RAM solution into a manage­ment plan, therefore, requires much caution. Whenimprecision of the solution makes its translation intoa plan poorly advised, the solution may stiJl be usefulas a guideline for choosing alternative management

options or for drawing attention to research needs.In selecting a Range RAM solution as the manage·

ment plan, the planner must take into account thefinancial, legal, social, political, and environmentalconstraints. The selected management plan is, there­fore, not necessarily the economic optimum solutionfor a resource allocation problem. Instead, it is bynecessity a compromise of combining managementactivities and areas of application so that the result isconsistent with all constraints.



A-Activity FormulationWith The State Approach

Each Range RAM management activity is a se­quence of practices extending from the present to theplanning horizon. The range resource planner selectsthe horizon and divides the planning period into in­tervals. Range RAM allows up to 20 intervals of equallength, ranging from I to 20 years.

To improve accuracy in activity development, theplanner must subdivide and classify the range re­source area into resource classes, which should beuniform in biological, physical, economic, and man­agement characteristics. Up to 200 resource classescan be specified per planning problem. Selected classi·fication characteristics may reflect various rangefeatures, for example, vegetation type, range condi­tion, productive potential for livestock grazing, orother dominant ecological-environmental features.Given a description of each resource class, the plannermust describe the initial states (i.e. the initial set ofcharacteristics) and select and describe sets of inter­mediate and target states. These states of the resourceclasses serve as the explicit linkage points in formu­lating the management activities.

The state of a resource class at the beginning ofany interval is a function of: (l) the practices whichwere implemented during the previous interval, and(2) the previous state. Furthermore, the specificnature of each state delimits the set of maintenance,structural, non-structural, and grazing practices thatcan be implemented on the resource class during asubsequent interval. Using Range RAM, the plannermay describe states with up to three "state parame~

ters." Herbage production, forage production, basalarea of merchantable timber, and soil stability aresome examples. The planner should exercise manager­ial judgment, consider concurrent resource uses, and


express planning directives in defining the stateparameters most appropriate to each managementsituation.

Up to nine levels can be specified for each stateparameter. For example, the levels for a forage pro­duction parameter could be specified as 50, 200 ... ,1250 Ibs/acre/year; for a timber basal area parameteras 500,1000, .. " 2000 cft/acre; and for a soil stabil·ity parameter as 5 (very poor), 4 (poor), ... , 1(excellent). From the set of 9 x 9 x 9 combinations ofparameter levels that is theoretically possible for eachresource class (each combination represents a re­source state), the planner may select a maximum of15 combinations per resource class. Resource statesnot included in a given problem because of the speci­fied limit on tile number of states may be includedand considered for analysis in a subsequent reformu­lation of the management problem.

As in the selection of the state parameters, theplanner should exercise managerial judgment, and ex~

press management directives and multiple use criteriain the selection of the parameter levels and reSourcestates. Only those states should be considered whichcan be achieved with available technology and areacceptable from social, political, and ecological deci·sian criteria. When alternative sets of resource statesare analyzed in successive problems, the planner gainsthe opportunity to determine the relative costs ofbenefits associated with restrictions on the reSourcestates. For example, the analysis of two alternativemanagement problems-one with and one without"intensively managed" resource states-can be con~

ducted in two different computer runs.A "state transformation" is the change from one

state into another. State transformations may resultfrom natural or man-caused actions. While specifyingthe resource states, the planner must specify how (I.e.with what grazing, maintenance, structural, and non-

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structural improvement practices) the states can betransformed. Furthermore, the planner must deter­mine the costs and benefits of these practices, andmust express these on the basis of a unit area andinterval.

The range resource manager can use grazing, struc­tural, and non-structural improvement practices fortwo purposes: first, to increase the production of cer­tain desired benefits; and second, to transform (ormaintain, as the case may be) resource states. In situa­tions where dissimilar practices (or combinations ofpractices) exist which cause identical state transfor­mations, the planner must apply managerial judgmentin the selection of one set of practices over the other.For example, under one set of management criteriathe use of herbicides might be an acceptable means oftransfonning a state whereas under another set of cri­teria these practices must be rejected in favor of pre­scribed burning.

Control over rate, type and direction of resourceclass development is generally of .great interest to theplanner. With the state approach the planner canexercise such control. For each resource class, theplanner may specify one or more target states as wellas the last planning interval in which these states mustbe achieved. When no development is planned for agiven resource class, the target state should be similarto the initial state. When range resource utilizationhas a regressive impact, the planner can specify atarget state which is less "developed" than the initialstate. Rate, type and direction of range resource de­velopment can be specified separately for each re­source class.

A management activity which has been describedin terms of states and practices is best illustrated witha range management example.! The general notationis shown here.

i = 1,2, ,9j = 1,2, ,9k=I,2, ,9

identify the set of resource states for a resource class,where i, j, and k identify the state parameters, eachhaving nine levels.

I See Range RAM Users' Manual Part II: Using Range RAM.


identify the set of maintenance, structural, non­structural, and grazing practices applicable to that re­source class. Then in general there exist sub-sets ofpractices

which when applied to the resource class during aninterval transform the states of the set [Sijkl intoother states of that set, for example:

Sijk ): Sjjk'

(Pn"Pn" ....)

For a sequence of consecutive intervals leading fromthe present to the planning horizon, a managementactivity can then be written as follows:

Pnj Pnj

1st interval I 2nd interval I nth interval

To use RANGE/MTX for activity formulation, theplanner must specify the planning horizon, the num­ber of planning intervals within the planning period,one or more resource classes and the area of each. Foreach resource class he must specify:

1. The resource states (up to fifteen per resourceclass);

2. The initial state;3. One or more target states;4. The state transformations;5. The sets of management practices with which

state transfonnations are accomplished;6. The interval in which target states must be

achieved; and7. The inputs required and benefits produced

during the state transformations.Following their fonnulation, all management acti­

vities are entered into the resource allocation matrix.The planner provides the cost and production con­straint levels, the discount rates, and objective func­tions which complete the matrix for subsequent lpanalysis and solution.

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B-Calculation of

Output CoefficientsThe required inputs and generated outputs corres­

ponding to the per unit area per interval costs andbenefits of the state transformations are known as theinput and output coefficients. These coefficientsmust be defined and detemlined by the Range RAMtlser. However, in order to improve the precision andspeed with which the calculations of output coeffi­cients can be performed, the RANGE/MTX programcontains certain options which free the user fromthese tasks. The coefficients for three types of outputcan be calculated with the computer: harvested for­age~ animal months of grazing, and rental fee income.

The precise definition of these outputs must beleft to the planner, but their general interpretationshould be as follows: harvested forage-the actualamount of vegetable matter harvested (or planned tobe harvested) by grazing animals; animal months(AM's) of grazing-the number of animal months ofgrazing provided by the amount of harvested forage;rental fee income-the revenue derived from leasingout range land for grazing use.

For each resource class for which the planner de~

cides to rely on computer calculations of the har~

vested forage coefficients, he must specify levels forthree characteristics: (a) forage production' (in Ibs or1000's Ibs) per unit area, (b) allowable use (in per­cent) per unit area, and (c) grazing intensity (in per­cent) per unit area. The levels for all three characteris­tics must represent the average per unit area values ofthe reso.urce class as a whole. Instead of specifyingthe levels of forage production, the planner may sub·stitute the levels of herbage production and herbageavailability-palatability. Whereas the level of grazingintensity is a decision of range use,levels of the othercharacteristics are functions of the variable state ofthe resource class. They can, therefore, be used asstate parameters and their specific levels can thusserve to describe the states of a resource class.

When RANGE/MTX is used to calculate the coeffi­cients of harvested forage, then forage production/unit area, or herbage production/unit area and her~

bage availability-palatability must be specified as stateparameters. Allowable use can also be specified as astate parameter, but may, like grazing intensity, bespecified separately on the prescribed RANGE/MTXdata input forms. The third state parameter may

2 Forage production as used here must represent the produc­tion of palatable and available herbage. It is similar to thedefinition given in the Forest Service Manual 2212.71a,Amendment No.4, July 1968.


never be used for the calculation of output coeffi­cients, and is reserved for qualitative range reSourcecharacteristics. For example, degree of soil surfaceerosion might be used as a qualitative indicator of the"health" of a resource class.

Equation 1 describes the relationship between for­age production, herbage production, and herbageavailability-palatability. Equation 2 describes the rela­tionship between harvested forage, forage production,aHowable use, and grazing intensity.

(J) FP ~ (HP) (HAP)(2) HF ~ (FP) (AU) (GI)

in which FP is the forage production per unit area (inpounds or JODD's pounds); HI' is the herbage produc­tion per unit area (in pounds or 1000's pounds); HAPis the herbage availability-palatability (in percent);HF is the amount of harvested forage per unit area (inpounds or 1000's pounds); AU is the allowable usefactor of the herbage or forage; and GI is the grazingintensity.

To obtain the per interval values ofHF (i.e. HFI orthe HF coefficient), time related functions must beknown for Fp (or HI' and HAP), AU, and Gl. Anestimate of the true value of HFJ is obtained withRANGE/MTX by using equation 3 or 4.

{(Hp), (HAP),} (AU), (G!),

{(FP), (AU),}J (GI),

in which (~)I is the estimated value of~-!F)I; I is thenumber of years in the planning interval; and (Hp)i,(HApk (Fp)i, and (AU)i, are the average annualvalues for herbage production, herbage availability­palatability, forage production, and allowable use.(AU)! and (GI)! represent 'the average allowable useand grazing intensity over interval I.

When HI' and HAP, or Fp and AU are used as thestate parameters, their respective annual values forthe first and last year in the planning interval mustalways be specified by the planner. Furthermore, theplanner must specify a "parameter pattern" or "prac_tice implementation pattern,,3 for both the structuraland non-structural management practices. [n all, theplanner has a choice from sixteen alternative patternsfrom which he can make his selection. The RANGE/

J See Range RAM Users' Manual Part I: Users' Guide andInstructions.

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MTX program then determines the annual-within theinterval-values of the state parameters on the basis ofthese specified patterns and the first and last yearvalues of the state parameters.

Once the coefficients of harvested forage havebeen determined, the coefficients for other relatedoutput commodities can be derived. For this reason,output conversion factors are used. An output con~

version factor constitutes a ratio (expressed as a deciwmal fraction) that relates the harvested forage coeffi·cients (HF)! to other output commodities. Equation5 describes this relationship formally.

in which Cj 5.:presents the output coefficient of com·modity j; (HF)I represents the estimate of the har­vested forage coefficient; (cOj represents the outputconversion factor for commodity j; and j = 1, 2, '"11, where n = 9. The conversion factor (cf)j for a givencommodity j may vary for different resource classes.Variability in (cOj allows, for example, for the con·

sideration of differences in forage quality, harvestedin different resource classes.

Some examples may help explain the use of theconversion factor. Consider a resource class which isgrazed by livestock only. Harvested forage ismeasured in thousands of pounds, and 0.8 thousandpounds of harvested forage supports one animalmonth (AM) of grazing. Then a value of 1.25 for theconversion factor translates harvested forage intoAM's, i.e. IfFI x 1.25 = AM of livestock grazing. Ifone AM of livestock grazing has a rental fee value of$1.50, then a value of 1.875 for a second conversionfactor translates harvested forage into dollar revenue,i.e. IfFI x 1.875 = dollar reVenue. If the resource classwere grazed by both livestock and game, and only 75percent of the harvested forage goes towards livestockconsumption, then conversion factors of .75 and .25will give the forage harvested by livestock and gamerespectively. If the livestock again requires 0.8 thou~

sand pounds of forage for each animal month ofgrazing, then the conversion factor Cj which trans·lates HFI into AM's of livestock grazing must beequal to .9375 (i.e., 75 x 1.25).


Bartlett, E. T., G. R. Evans, and R. E. Bement.1974. A serial optimization model for range manage·

ment. J. Range Manage. 27(3):233·239.Brown, W. G.

1961. Estimation of rates of return from investment inrange improvement practices by linear programing.Oreg. Agric. Exp. Stn. Tech. Paper 1383, 13p.

D'Aquino, Sandy A.1974. A case study for optimal allocation of range reo

sources. J. Range Manage. 27(3):228~232.Dantzig, G. B.

1963. Linear programing and extensions. 625 p. Prince~

ton Univ. Press, Princeton, N.J.rorest~Range Task Force.

1972. The nation's range resources-a forest~range en·vironmental study. Forest Resour. Rep. 19, 147 p.USDA Forest Scrv., Washington, D.C.

Heady, E. 0., and W. Candler.1958. Linear programing methods. 597 p. Iowa State

Univ. Press, Ames.Kaiser, H. r., K. DcBower, Ronald Lockard, and J. W.Putman.

1972. Forest·range environmental production analyticalsystem (FREPAS). USDA Agric. Handb. 430, 211 p.USDA Forest Serv., Washington, D.C.

Navon, Daniel I.1969. Activity analysis in wildland management. The

annals of Regional Sci. 3(2):75~84.


Navon, Daniel I.1971. Timber RAM ... a long~range planning method for

commercial timber lands under multiple use manage­ment. USDA Forest Servo Res. Pap. PSW·70, 22 p.Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Exp. Stn., Berke­ley, Calif.

Nielsen, D. B.1964. Estimating the economic value of the range reo

source from livestock production. p. 83~111. In:Measuring the Economic Value of Products from theRange Resource. Committee on Economics of RangeUse and Development of the Western Agric. Econ.Counc. Rep. 6. 145 p.

Spivey, W. A.1963. Linear programing; an introduction. 181 p. ~Iac·

Millan Co. New York.U.S. Forest Service.

1972. Annual grazing statistical report 1971. 117 p.Washington, D.C.

U.S. Forest Service.1967~1974. Annual grazing statistical report 1966

through 1973. Washington, D.C. (pagination varies).University of Idaho and Pacific Consultants Inc.

1970. Public land study-the forage resource. A study forPublic Land Law Review Commission. Vol. I, Sum·mary. 73 p. U.S. Dep. Comm. and Nat. Bur. Stan~

dards, Washington, D.C.

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The Forest Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture· .. Conducts forest and range research at more than 75 locations from Puerto Rico to

Alaska and Hawaii.· .. Participates with all State forestry agencies in cooperative programs to protect and im­

prove the Nation's 395 million acres of State, local. and private forest lands.· .. Manages and protects the I87-million-acre National Forest System for sustained yield

of its many products and services.

The Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Stationrepresents the research branch of the Forest Service in California and Hawaii.


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