essex county republic* 11, january 30, 1914 page 14 jpn^e...

jPn^e 1 4 Essex County Republic* 11, January 30, 1914 Page 14 the property Hable therefor For ike general fund For the poor fund Total For tbe highway fund $21)471 IS lift* M ta* Sftftft lft Total $i;i47od i»;> Roepectfuliy »u omitted tbia 14th amy of November mX N l>. Barnaul. A. K. Btitby Fred I- Porter. Oa motion of Mr. Phinney. duly aect'Oded. \t»ted tu*t report of the standing committee on Ways and M^m^ a coived. adopted and placed oa file aad tbiu the awimnu th«r*- la aimed be levied aad aaar&aed upon tbe tax-ibie property of tbe County of K*aei RKSOlACTION PRINTING OF JOt-RNAI* Mr I'uinney oh* * red tbe following r*eytut»ou, ant tno%*d tt> adoption, duly erooaded by Mr. Rturtevaat Resolved. Tbat tbe Clerk of this Beard l»e and hereby te ao- thortaad aad empowered to aecure bide for printing the J •air ma! of Proceedinga of tbia Board from the publisher* of now* papers pobliebed la fcVanx County aad UP also autbortr*4 to aw ard tbe coatrart to aay paper equip!**! to <U> at) print tarn within aald County Tbe Clerk la also authorized to reject aay or all bide. Adopted ' Oa amotion of Mr Phmney. dul; aer*»naW. %ci*d taat toe Board adjourn until Moaday eveatag. December a, IPiS to at tbe Mapiewood tea oa *aid date at « 3« p. at. to board prisoner* ,xx>iaml<4ed to tbat laatitutU* Iron tale county at tbe atua of ftft Aft per weak. RHPORT HUMAN*! OFFICER Tbe Clerk. aobmJtted aad read tbe roport of William A IU uneasy lluaune Omoer Oa moiioa u Mr. Blbby. duly seconded by Mr. Bohrmaaa, voted tbat tbe report be received aad placed oa Ale . ut:r« kf UK INSPECTION t&RBX COUNTY ALMRIiOliRR 1 be Clerk ictd tbe following ctnnmuBlroJioa: State of New York. Sta|tf liornd of Charities. Ofllu/ at tbe Capitol. Albany. N. Y . Meveabhor 2# I*i3 tu»*rd of Ruper^iaoiw of Kaaea Couaty. JCltiubt fhtowat Si, V. Geiuieuiea Tbe Stale Hoard of Cbaritlea transmit* (or yo*i* %<'k*.«i«r» HUM ibe eucloiied report of thf rorwat taeprcttoc of the Ks- .*e* Couaty Almehous*, made by tsepecior Herd. Oetobor ja lue rv|«ort» ^rr iiaaeiu** a* IO pUut aid ouaagctneat aa{ follows Class I »bo«rt ptaciically no defect* Claaa II el*<>u 4*A *>r lea» iuftavrtaat detv< u. Ciaa* 111 » ** aiaay or aie^ aenooe defect*. Report* i>i>- . .a (Taae I aie eeat lot your luiorifuitioa- TbuM- i4«v«*d ta Claae II *rm eeat la tbe belief tbat tb* ia invitee of any dvfoct sbuuld couer proaipt reni«4?m! a«niea E^i^rt* plat**! ta Claae 111 tn4lrate onvey ur ffiore aerkMi^ 4**|e»i>, aad **+ iraaaaattted to Bueroe of fUiper%taor» nod Suprr«atmdfat* of tbe Poor tbat tk*y aiay eooipiy atib Ser- tioa II* uf tb# foot U w . mod tab* lamaeedtate action *' oltb 4 «>**« l«» pn*pt»r reaieUMo ia acvurtiftu* r *ttb tW a d r u r ef ;tb» sluie HtKtrd of Cbarttle* " Tbe bHate Hoard of Ca^arltiee baa cfa«id>i^d ttu§ rrport aad AUJOCKVFJ> SKttHIOK Monday. Iftrceatbrr K. 1911. Tbe Board of Huper* mora of tbe Couaty of K***& ru»t per K> ndjournaieau aad erce called to or«ier by tb«* t bnir aa. Mr Jed W MUaiL Roll called. <iaoruai pramoat Jourmnl of Nov«anber 14, IPI3. r^ad .tad appro***; I !4aced :t in Claae II aa to Plaat aad Clan* 1 ae to Adaitniatra Tbe Clerk ecaoonc^d tbat tUe cootru t for \h+ prtutiug of j ^^ imrl or pror««U:ss* for tbe year !>13 % bad be*a HoaT4- J At toot Ion ed to t£e K**+x County Republic-\n Coan^D>. at I'^' pec cook, oaatroaa aaalataat, tnoo'a ooretakor. pbyafctait aad tbe Walter Bator token tbe place of Kibert Palmer oa caretaker. otbereUe the pemooact aad tbe ratoa of pronation reaamla an at tbe ttaee of tbo laat iaapectioo ReapectfaHy nubmltted. (Rlataodi Caireiice K Ford, Inapector. Alunay. October », int. to tbo baato Hoard of Cbarttiee: Tbe prtocipal aoodo of tbe fceee* County Alaiaboona ladl fnated in tbe rore«oiag report of lanpefcUoa are at lottow§: , I. Hardwood boom ia tbe dorwltory balldlaga. 1 Kxteotloo of tbe etandplpe In the woafton* uoemttory bi*<uiiac u> tbe aetood floor, Z. ttaltaUe atalrway Rm eeeapee on eacb of tbo two dor- mitory buiUlnxs 4. Aaboetoe to protect tbe wood a orb over tbe b*at«*r» Tbo additionfc*tbe bntodry e«ia fMoeot of a ana**** aad a ateaaa dry rooav •i. IVrm^nt^at outaide Oy ecioea lor all «ladoa#. R«*pertf«lly aubamltied. tatfned' Cbvoaoe £. Ford. faepectof. Albany. October V>. i t lft 1 0 tbe titate Ikmrd of Cbarttle Oa OVJUDO of Mr Bobrmana. duly aetoaded. % r«npoit of tbe Inapoctlm of tbe £eeea C^ooaty received, adopted aad placed 1 oa file and tbat tbe detioae tboma rut«d be referr* .Mo tbe coeaauttee on Coun- ty Bona*-. Rr^OUUTION JAII. PHY^KIAS Mr Staaioa oRetod tbe foUowlajc raeobation aad ax.%^ Re adopt***. du!y aerooded by Mr tiobnoana. ; R>eolv#«d. Tbat Or. J H ICvmaa. b# aad be u b*-te>> apt««tni | <rd Jail Pbyaiciaa, for ih» rn«ula# y«or Adopt iNd. Dry meaoaaeff correct ...... Dry meaner** dootioyed . . . Uciobft moaaarea tented LiOtttd meaeuro correct Liquid moanure deotroyed .. Oil and gam pampe tented . •. Oil aad Ran pompn correct Oil aad nan pumps adjueled OR and s*a puaipn aaor Weinbte tented Kemb*r correct Nombetr Incorrect Number bay and coal aenlea Number bay and onaj Number bay aad coal Total to"! of tenting tbe above *oar 11434-17. made up an foRome l&dary Railroad fare Hoard Mvery lftl » •*• • *a «4« P* ft4 ,. Hi! fto m u idfti 1M* ftf aft *J !• twice Raring tbe ftTbft ft* 4ft #T tnu 10ft fti od tboroat to tbo eloctorn of nock town **8baR tbo Towa Bear4 of too towa of Jay. Baeex Co. N Y . bo aotborlaod to baRi m troo bddge aeroan tbo Beat braacb of 4 unable River at rorks to repmeo tbe wooden bridge known an tbe Bridge* bow eoodomned. of a coot not to exceed tbe at ami aball tbo Towa Board be authorised to aald nom npon tbe credit of tbo Town of Jay aad be a •ami aald towa aad audited and paid m otber towa Keen*—Vj Mary bl. Ani *T& Welle] aad ' ft1434 17 K«*ep»ctfuily aubmitted Lee W l Oa amotion of Mr Hobrtnnnn. duly »etoaded by Mr !>. %ottnl tb^t tn* rt-tort if tbe County H««ler of VY M«mnurv« be rvrftt^d, adopted nod placed on ftle Oa motion of Mr fert+r. duly eecon4*4* voted v^owaty S*mk*t of Wolgbi* aad Memnurpe be autbortned aad em> i«owrred to putt-baa* aft*^gniion m^A^urw to tent gaeoRae pompa. ^ w ^ RKHORT CXIINTY HOMK * OMMITTEK j u Tkot tbore woreft*votea cant for aad aft votee agalaat earn pfORoaitiow, m l ttpoo caavano of tbe voton ao cant, tbe (oilen lag oaaoM apooaiwd aad wan doty dodarad fts voton for otiek bft vote* agalaat ft votea btealL In Wttaoee vYbomof. I anve boreuato net my baud **«; *Rj od tmt anal oi tbe *aid To* a of Jn>. at aucti Torn. %u W of November lftlt. M f ^| F. L. Bullets T o m <;i«ra An act autbort&ing tbe Toon of Jay. ta tbe County of K nod Rtate of New York, to borrow aaoory and to mane iu Loam iRerefor. for tbe porpowe of paylag for tbo coontruction af a bridge arnwe tbo Meat Hrancb of Ibe Amiable Rt**r buo»« aa tbo Jeraey RHdge* ai *^» Town of Ja* da/ of Imrember. 1912. tart. tbuc>. y Walter Otdi Aunable ^ Kli^ab Amoe K)«r Heavy Kaf- RSnbop Chi iOuUa Miii> Kefiyon l-«^ >-he>t f*utni Tbon. O'Vc- .» y—Upi N g pb:ni Wllbor flftrmj, garab Booibi Oa lftl2. twt. all of tbe a^pervlnora «-lected to tbe Hoard of Ropenri*or« af tbe Couaty of Keeei voting la favor tb^rtof Tbe Hoard of Ruporviaam of tto Couaty *if k***\ s»w York, foreoeat to tbe autborlty conferred hy Ma^tH*a *~ «f !tbe Higbwny and p*i'wuaat to 8*rt»rmc lft nad 14 of tb* Co^acy j l-a* aad of d. T,ft.». aad le of tbe Genera! M u n c i pal aa foilnwe " vtng broo duly submitted m § Rf^SOlAJ' Mr. Bailee adoption, dall Ranoived. Blbby. t o an< Rectkm 2 C mg or called to tbe Oa eaoo-ja af Mr VkaRe. duly a^cvmA.^:. %ot«*<4 Hoard adjoom uattl to-momow mcraia£ at ft o'<lmk at t tba^T t b e | of th# inatttutP^n a* a b o v e by tbe roport Tbone •bouaft bave Immodlale aut-atkm tbia Hoard be promptly laformod of tbe actioa takea tl Yowre raopertfnlly Robt. W HKBHEHT8 SKVKNTH bAY. I t ^ r m U r >. Iftlft. Board met awrauant to adjournment; roll caikti. ^ .oi prHeent. Jowraal of Moad^y i«^a<i aa 1 appiovrd RKSOIATION SIGNING OF TAX WAKR>NT^ Mr Wbrtr offered tbr following reeolution *od aiooad adoption, duly a*vood>d by Mr. Bturtovnat. ReeoHed. tbat tbr Chairmaa aad Clerk of tbta rV*rd aad bereby are autbortned to alga tbe warrant* of the a«* man roHa for tae year itlft. Adoptod Mr Blbby ta tbe Cbair. Mr Balbm ia tbo Ckair Oa aaorjoa of Mr. Porter, dul necoaded by Mr Foote. ed tbat tbe Board r.djoum nstit S p. av ite Bonrd AFTEKjtQCX^ iHUMmnt t«> adjoorawjent. roil caRrd. e or.m nf Mr Porter, duly of tbe floor be etteaded to Mr. of tbe Couaty Banting C. T. RKPORT <** INRFmCTbON OF TMK RK8ICX COCNTT AlAfRHOVRT cmwr Rft. t t l X . of tbe Poor. Horace H. Nye. beg>n aerei 'Jaawary 1. Iftlft j Capacity, for mea aft; for « tnem U Total *4 Pmat T b e bwRdtm*i> ftm lamalea of tbe ; Almabouae are of brick 5 t j lag at tbe ftwoft ban at tbe aortb end a rear wing ac copied by i women Adjaceaft to tbe jaontb*ent coraer la tbe t tbe one atory dbmlag ball and kite***. Tbe two a* tory bwmmlag for tbe men In camwected wRb tbe la • lag by a nnaan nwamy Nev^ bard wood Roara are aoo |woramttory buildiagf to ronlnre cbe praaeat floara I old s»<! are worn to plani a Tbe laundry M la tbe n e e d but taw eawRanawat mcka a mamyje aad a atoam dryer *~* * Tt»e farm cowtamo iftS acrwa. about Uft of wbicR are caRirnt "f ed. It aoema arodactivo. a»d g«od croaa. eapeciany of boy. ^^^ i bate been miawd. At preawat 4 borw*.ftOcattle mad f* ewfae en are grvtag mflk Oary a Cooatyltne nee 4 (iMMi NU ATH>V IXIt NTY JCMiK AN1> RtiRROt.ATK Tbe ( Wrk read a rumtauaicatMio nddreanad to tbe Bberil Imrember ft. iftlft Mr W A Know Hon aU^en County RaeruY. . RUtabetbtown, N Y Hear Rboraf I deeirv to call your attovtUoa io tbe fact tbat tbe room I ibe Court Honor uoad Jointly an a Rurrogat^a ORci aa Cuuaty Library ta la need of repair*. In tbe following re porta* AdditMkaal electrtc Rgate abowid be taetnlltl • l e t Work to tbo Bbrnry at done onRe neweraRy la eveatag I nmjiM tbe mntnlaHbai of aaotbe tbe nee of tiiagana mavpa aad bulaileat ebedai m Mr. Keote tb*iraaa a of tbe Couaty Home Committee, aub* otittrd aad rand tbe follow tag report Ti* tbe ilooormbl* Board of Ruperv-aora i Yciur t^fminttr Home t^nmmRtee rwepectfuliy report aa foe [lom»: On November 1Mb. %oor C*«aniunie*. nattcd tbe C<*ui»-^ jtjr Home Tbe ^uprrintf-ndent not bating been ai pr*aed off taear «ocaing We tborougbb laapwcted eutb d«-|^rtme*t. aad fo tad everytblag m earellritt aba or Tbe ue» betbroom* bod U^en inatnlled. nod aorked perfectly Tbe moat tip to | date and «aaHary ploauatag only betnr oae*1 Tbe old ua- ! *anRnry plembtar bn%icg been taken out entire!} Tbe walls itbroogbowt tbe iomete* depnrtmanta baaag all neuly mnrea- ctm4 aad tbe wwodwork aewly vnmanbod gave tbe rooana a «erv clean aad lavHIag eppiarawce. tm tier fttb a majority of tbe ayembora of toe Hoard, aee- eml of ubom bt«>ight tbeer wlvea. met at ta*- Coeaty Mftmo) '" lor a neowrwJ la«;ectftaa AR aa^med von weli pleaeei wltb tbe appanraatw <»f tbe buOdtaga. nad wttb tbe way tbtagn 1 jw«-ee mennned. Tbe tediea •peaklag very btgbly of tbe em- tbe | ce!Wot manner la wbicb tbe datiee of Matron were fcw1 |' Y<mr roammruee n rmwmindt tbe ftntlowing j Rao rode farm fence wttb n«r* unary imlvaalaed iron **• i to rwn aawng tbe aort!% line of farm aad along earn roadway aew flituree aad tbe not aey a ORre wbicb adjafaa ntyle of equipment migkt I ifueetko. ftnA Tbe book cane on i be rebnUt. en aa to tamfuim I book cwoea. Twin wtR give a cmmnltiag witb aevenal of tbe panrod am order for aditRinot to tbe Co Irt Tbe room awowid be repainted Tbe UgbHag In tbe Diatrie* Atmr watlnfartrry aad tbe ntyle io tbe repnpered ti NVa rook ntovw In inmaten kltrwem. | S>«u feet ft taeb coOoa bone lor Ore pr - One root cutter of suitable lined foot boo booee \ Xew Kettle above ta bog We recommend tbat tbe BuperfeteaeVot be autboried to pay for tbe name out wf General Fuwd rn bit banda. la advance A /anv«of aodR. t ^ mmu ^ We rortber n r lammeni tbat an ibe noma are m %er> 1 •* Pt comrRiow. aeedlag now ataa aonta and Roorn. aad aa wbirb barwe are, la tbo ewtbnmtaon of yw«r commtttoe. wmaUy ouate ftnr tbe nreaant nee da of tbe farm. erected en tbe arent aide of taw laatttutunm. and tbat all aad abode m*w irtandmg and wbicb arRl not be of one after tbe aow bam la completed aball be «otd to tbe blgbeet bidder. ftamr to be r»-mo*ed Jmmediateiy niter tbe ooctipaa^y of tbe Htte«laJ Towa Meetian. bold m aad f<ir tbe To* a of J*v t tbe County of £*«m& a a d S t a t e of New York, pro***!.* j t tbe rxjo*tru«twju of a ortdnw acronn tbe J^aet Bmatb vi aa A u a u > Rhor at Auaabie Forka. Nev York, at a point aaow* ma J«*rur% Hndne. and for tbe borrow tug of tbe 1 aum of be««e Tb«»^«Muad lloiiar* nad tbe mauaece o4 l o a n Hood* tb#~*4or for (Re porpoao aforeaaid: nod Wberoaa. tbe aaid propawRkm ba%iag been duly adot-w it amd apecud town aereitttg. aad Ike Tc»an Bonrd i*f ibe Ion of Joy bavtag made ai«placatioa to tbia board for autbontt ^ borrow money ia tbe aum of Revwn Tbaamnad Oauara tftTvoo aei. upon tbe credit of tbe aaid Town, aad to maue uiwt by a atiiteanrnt ntgaod by n majority of tbe of tbo town Hoard of aabft town and cwrtwmd by tbe T » w rvrtu in tbe maaaar preacttbed by flection ft? of tbe lii*a**j U v . aad Wnmroaa. It aawoara tbat tbe «aid towa •aould be ±*tA.yr* land la borrow the aaid nam of Sere* Taouonad Uman «ft:ean.00i. unoo tke credit of aaid town, and to mane tu bnam or. aow. tborWore. be R That tbe Town of Jay. io tbe Counts of t-r^t State of New York be nad R b«r»by ia autbonre4 M& ^runown red to umuo ite to on amount not to esceed tbe iftToftOjOOI. ICnrroewr and meiil of Higbi nowovod to for aa» drafU Adopted GOOD ROi Mr RBPOLTTIO! LAw.~wa tbo naid t/*«i. mh a: ^ot aa tbe tbe credit of Setae to wet! or comae tbe aawae to •uv value, for tbe per?on* wf be Kant Rraaeti nf tbe Aunable River at a t»>te: Town of Jay: and t fwrtber T RfiPORT COCNTT BCM.IMNC; CON8TRCCTK>N »ITTHr? Mr Ueaand. Cbairmaa of tbe County Building Cow are k^pt Twelve of tbo Id Sew a« tbe miction tbe wabmttted and ren4 the follow rig Honorable Hoard of Superrmora of Ike County tv To Your County Build in* Conetructkm Commute, appoint**! In lftbft to recoaatrnct and repair tbe County RaUdtnge at Oisav hetbtown would reapectfuUy report Tbat nance tbe report of tbia committee PT:brained te your Board at tbe annual meotmg ta 1911. tbe o#T* rtire onodttaoa of tbo Roar in tbe record room of tbe c<mntv CW-k a bwidlac baa been remedied bv tbe myteg of a aew tib foot at a coat of ftftlft 00: owe naif of this noat to be bur e b> tbe contractor* Ltweaau A Bumbaa Co.. aad one bait by tbe county Oa account of defecta aopeartng in tbe conatruction work from time :r ^ i? aad tbe lnabRity of tbe committee to ba%e rhe contractors come on aad pot tbe buildine* in proper con- for approval your cocamRtoe baa never accepted or of tbe buildmr^, and the balance of AW*.** hereto- fore reported aa balaaro on bawd at01 remain* to the credR of tbe Building Fund. TNe claim of Unoban A B u r t o n Co.. for ftllt.SO being one naif of tae coat of new tile floor above mentioned bae ant been paid. Tour i wnwnlttee m a m it a aorewrRb a detailed atatement of fuada received for aale of property about tbe old huildtngK an tl Farm carpenter abop. 1 are boated by atoam a Current ta pure baaed Water ae wbicb ia Riled from a weR. a betag connected wttb tbe are ligbtod by electricity. a or a brook, all of < te Ith. Tae reaaovod to wlR noon be aemfto I would be glad tentmw of tbo week Kindly i I wm make an Tbe la tbe f owe can be found. Tale book aboleon or fllmg ad oatt tbear mattery te tbe art nwrttee of tbe Rnawrilntma net* mo what actioa M taken If aooe La taken direct ;ug yon to bave tbeoe rvpalra madn bate attention ao tbat tbe roam wRl be a prorer eonditioa wbta. tbe County <*ourt a on Jaaeary from tbo buibttnga v'owrn truly Beree A Pyrke. ku» baei conatrrtod! aw tbe etairwaye m tbe Blbbey. duly aecoaded vested tbat Ibe preaent "Tae Countv Buttdlag Committee in of Banes. Dr. To moneya received on account of neb county at tbe eime of tbo conntruction bnildlncB. an foBown: Iftlft Rent. 1? Recoivwd of Fred Hall for old barn Nov tl Received of J. Badge* f^r two Iftll NBber ft. iftlft ' wRb tbe Cowaty i of property of the of tbe ne i Tbe Clark To tbe to adjpun roR called, quorum tn« 17 Rocelvod of B. Trod nan aad othern for etovee » Received of A W. Denton. X«? oM deak 23 Received of rl W. Rietmrda. two cbaim . Rooerved of M. H Davia, nix cbalra Recefvod of M. J LaBell. for wit «hed RooHvod of M. J LaBeR for old nafe ... 23 Recoivwd of E. Uongware old otove RocelTod of R. Moore, old ntove Dec ft By check to tbe order of tbe County Treaa- arer berewttb to batamce Ia view of tbe fad tbat tKot of tbie committee are wumbern of your Board, we would reapectfuUy requ ft. Iftlft C. T. Iceland. H. N*e. H R. ducted to a c Tbe foR^wtag 1 on Arril *. Iftlft. 1 An *pen veranda for tbe oa tbe aortb aide of tbe roar wtug ft. Hand mile bave been niovblt'd on tbe etairwaye a u t ^ building for women Sbertff of Banex County ¥1r+ r*rotetti«e> Tbe bulldmga are not flreproof. T b e <K»r ; 0m -f^^ ^j aj r mttury builituc f or wanaen bar a wooden interior stairwny at Board odjowrn antil lpm. each end A are eocape U needed in rjddttioa \nd it bt nwtf geatod tbat tbat eecaee be coantructod oa tbe aoutb aide about. way botweeai tbe otalrwnya. Tbe arnne dormitory buildiat' n ntnaftn iatorior ntatrway wbicb in aovaowbnt aearer tbe tbaa tbe rrmr. At tbe roar ta n ore e**w«ae wbicb can- of a balcoay witb n Rxed aee^eadicwmr ladder y to tbe greaaA Aa U k ladder In daaurertino lor pad mem. R awowid be replaced by n writable Rwn otaftr 1 To tbe Honorable Board of ™aty way A Are eecape m aeidad alao at tbe fr«*nt of tbia awJatmg j Should tbe interior ntnirway be blacked, aa in Rbery tn cant r aa | of Rre. occunaata of roome at the front would avwbebly aot j be able to reach tbe roar eecape | Rewalwed. That tbe Cmrk tf thie Board, be nad be la bereby j A atandpipe and bone M m oark dormitory toilette* but t b e » t J - ^ T j L ^ J f*?* hi * 4r * fl °" *** <*»*** Treoonrer for nbasdalae m tbe women a bwaktiag exaeada only to tbe flrrt [nnTMeaowr^ Jrfwa*tJnT^Ctnty *" Commj B^after of Weicbta I floor, tt awowid be extended to ataOutt tbe ancawd Roar aam. incount u» tbe Clerk RetmertfuFry ^ueWMff^d. Seward H Foote. r '' StaRord R Jobaatm. On aaotKiw of Mr Wolfe duty aetonded t% Mr Porter, tbat tbe report of tbe Co* my Home Committee, be ndonted and r4nced an fUV and tbet tb< therein atated be carried out and' tbat toe Couaty mfttee art aa a tYmutructioa OnmmRtee wttb tbe dent of b bonda aball be ujgnod by tbe Ruper, *.- Clerk of tbe aald Tomn of Any. and tbat the >ac of tbe aaid Town tdmR nenotiate norb bonda a/ ra- to law nad aa above provided, ami tbat be aball apfuf x# of tbe aale tbere<€ to tbe payment of tbe eapetu*-* »e in tbe c^onotructioa of the bridge abo%e de*»kT % . and eeecribed; aad be p furtber keaolv^d. Tbat tbe aaid Supers i*or before IMMIIL.^ or i f ^ttag any of «uc-b bonda aball make and eaecute t«» tbe < *i itttee ti#rk of aaid Town, on bebaif of aad for tae benefit of voted man. a aood aad auRerteat bond or obligation ta tbe ;» aed« viwt of Tea Thouaaad DoHare tft^ononei. conditioned lor * faithful porfonaaace of bin datiee in iapuinx aorb Ned* ~~. , tbe lawful application of tbe fuada wbicb may be realtaed "y • tbe aale tbore af. aad tbe fuada tbat may be ramed by tat otberwiae. for tbe payment of tbe boade loaned ta rairnuarct i of tbat act. aad tbo later out thoreoa. wbicb may c a m ntrt 4bia bannw Bocb bowda or owRgnmwn ao wafti by tbe ewat Sunerrlnor aball be approved t»y tbe Torrn Board of tbe n^4 Town of Jay aad Rled ia ibe ~ - - -- a o R: of! w^a 7ikef tbe L* 1 Wnereaf autbortned by •ieairnntimi of approaod Ry total tbeeeby t Wbere: ikmcoamty by grated Ait s.ial - 4 Reaolv< line. Of 0 ^ eyetem. 4 Reoolved. to IA of Ooufil Banomtugdale »f #.S mii*- syntem: Rtworred. T] aortb with to tae State Arc*- r< CalV I. ftft : 15 Mr. Porter m tbe Cbnw Mr. BnRen m ibe Cbalr f Town oTjar" and "flW In Tbe" onVe^of tbe Towa Clerk of »** duty wecooded. voted tbat tbe *>a moiion of Mr. Bobrmaan. duly ee^onded l»y Mr Rrcrto* • tom^n; and be tt fwrtber adopted aad placed oa ale nad ** Dl *<*+« tUAt th * Hoard adjourn until 2 p. m. Reeoired, Tbat naid bonda ahall boar date ibe nrat <t*v ttu « k M it^ ^ ... mm0 ^ m ^ aa^reiivnoN Sf^SlOV ' Marvk. Iftl4. and aball bear buereet at tbe rate of Ave ttarroia a t a M be carried oat by tbe Ar-.c.aiNOON ^ ^ ^ fcm|f ^ €mmtnm ^ mMm9m ^ pmymhlt nnnnaRy no t.R- Bnard met t r u a n t to adjourn meat; mil called: quorum ^ Mmrrh ^ ^^ % yemT ^ «iminenvc!ng Marcb let. lfti:.. . tbe paymewt of tbe wrtnciple amount* of aweb bowda re*r-^ ACT NO X TOWN OF J AT * ttvely Tnat one Tawwaand 1> lara 4ftH»0ft fttl. of tbe pnt» ; > AFTERNOON SCSReON. «• *-*«• - ^ ^ and rood an applicat W , r^oti<m ^ J ^ ^ T ^ ^ rd art antborinag tbe Town of Jay to borrx.- tbe warn nf Ijrtertfis j « „ . tm#wof ^ ^ he payable on tbe flrat day ' t upon tbe credR of aald town , Marrb of ameb and every year thereafter up in and taclud or lwlft p T - . „ , . , ^ M .^_• « . . . —. ^ *- Albert K Hoyt. Rerretary to tbe Ccmpervataoa Commio- tbe Rmt day of Mart* IMS Tbat week bonde abaR be ne»*A RKPORT CLERA. CXM NTT SKAKCB OF WRJOHTR AND ^ ^ ^^^ ^ ^ tbat at a meetimr of tbe Coeamaiaann « «—^ ^ +** •* auaaberod from owe to weewn m.-ln MKAtrmm. k ~ ~ TTZ/T.. rZ,_. ?^ZZZZ TJ7J^^T; «"**- •«• ^ •** »«*• to be of tbe denomtaatlon o? <*. thefefiw M ^^t *^ M °^ ' l ll - fW ******** »*««rat^« **• «ttly adoptod JT^P,^^ DoUara <ft10oe.#ftl: Tbat both pnnciaal aad mt*r vow lawjowu^ reaart WTawrona, a netitioa having beew preeented to tae Conner , oat upon aaid bowda wbaR be made payable nt Bank of Aaaad^e ___ vatkm coanmiaavon by tbe Town Board of the Town of Jay. j F^rka. Eaeex County, for tbe approval of n nrvpoeed aaane of bo Fur^aant to a rwaam*Rm aammed by y^ur Hoaormble Board ny 9m4 tomw m nhe nam of ftaan. for tbe pun owe nf t oa tbe 1«h day of Oecarniher Iftlft. which reads aa foRowa: -r , rtlM , m ^^^^ Ma9m ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^m Aum Noe*—None. GOOD RO Mr Baroard md RBSCH-rTiON Law on tbe lit est and IT Sui and no Sui No tbe atr.cting a Forka. $*r>ftft•« 3 aa|A Ron*! 1 *6*%t+ pnila ia on eacH Woe are kept on tbe aoooad floor of each Three dydraate are oa tbe giuijeaa. tbe the boiler* aad hot water beatem ahould be Cr. ^175 Oa km of Mr. Porter, the Cowaty mi that tbe duly taw for of Mr tbo cm- e4aw Mr lag have boon recently mataUed aad we ; dRion. Inmatee are rwuuired to bathe w the ecperriniou of the caretaker, tbe w j viaion of the matron. Fliea wen , building*, eapeciaily tn tbe anna a iacreena are peorided for moat of tbe wtndewa but three are wot entirely effoctiwe m owclmling Riea nad are rikeiy to be \ left out by the mmatM Permaaewt mrrmm* abowid be *ro rtded for all wmdewa. Care of tbe nick: Aa mArmary room for women contahma four beda. The women pniiaota are cared for by a woman at n p a r i p f nro carod ftar by a a d > i under the of tbo flnptrmnnniwi awd tbe caretaker The often at tbe front of the Rmt Is eewne thmro nwod ae a a xaflrm- hs Dr RtaRnri who Rvee H. Fvfted by Mr *>*! kftarft*!7S rttee Mr fte> ^*^rTTH t>AT. MXtRIftL v^rjernucr ALMANT FRMimsiiAjtT aw Mr. Rverat pears that the lard at a wperml towa twentieth day of May. dory rater «d into a Kip mcb bowda aball be aa folio* ftlfttft.ft* Town af Jay. oex and &ta<o l^ of the Lot boriaed try Iftlft. ***' bridge by fwnaon of which contract k *** 4 bmrmw ftTane. upwa the bowda of wo ***•' said Towa of Jay. contnlaw a partion of tbe land of the 1 Vf%mr%9 of tbo State of New York. Resolved. That tbo Cmneervatioa Convmianion do«w pur^naut to Section ft? of tbe Highway Low aaid Town of Jay borrow aura aum af ft?**e. for tbe ft* | DoTlarn (ftloftfl.Ofti. t o be paid t o tbe bin. bar ortboi of March the Towa of «r hi held aad ftrm.y • of One it w ipproved by v<al 2. iLia ity by truly lobe Tft €7 : t ftft u w »of c «i irtKting «ucb bridge and bereby that tbe i n ** < aaue of the bonds of tbe Toon <* Jay in tbe sum of ftTwhft. tor - !!ft ••jtbe purw«a*ii aforesaid. ! 144 *•! I.S Albert H Hovt. ' To the UC 2>; ft^tfti 2T Oa vo^ed sle^ertuRy of fir lebaaaw dory mt the riTwrt. he J A Oerk Superviaorn of the mring been duly aatmHied at a a the Town of Joy. on tbe 90th way at to the protwuwn of Sorthnas it. il. W i aw. and Section ft? of tbe Highway Lot River, in Aunable Forka. K. T«, at a tbia of tbaa obRgauon ia aocb that ftf tbe a> ••'' of Jay. swan wofl nad truly nay or canee t- '• fro a a m m ; h*« her or tr.* ; * curceosorn or uawi**!~. tbo sum of <>L< re nad anaaaJ mtereat upon all aumn unpaid r Rmt day nf March ia each yaar hereafter aa the rue at the rata of flwe awd owe bnlf per cea'ua en the date of the bant pnjantmt thereof t*** ia ao be void, ethwrvriee to rotnala m fnR f<^^ av All paymeom of principle nad hMwrest ha be w^> nf Aoaaafte Fnrka. ftaankst Fwrka. X T. 12 and 14 af the Coamty Law. Rertanaa C Y.ft.*• ^ 4 a. Reeotvi < -aunty line, tiince of ftftl< .*i»pro%ed coi 4 Resoh ^ the road t*e S a n u a r r - *teriy U*re» aaklin Cou» 'ht Military i ^ Macomb '•f >i» lwft ryatem. Kenolve 'cwthwith u the Staae t# r* u Jff T - pi.^^* by Mr <4 Iftll. and iwwr^j^ the by a at fto* aTTjrTal HAT. 11.1911 Tew; Jaw. rr< Tana af by Mr *r u. tm sofshe lfti! tyot AT rAT af Way fx trftft

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jPn^e 1 4 Essex County Republic* 11, January 30, 1 9 1 4 Page 14

t h e property Hable therefor For ike general fund For the poor fund

Total For tbe highway fund

$21)471 IS l i f t * M

t a *

Sftftft lft

Total $i;i47od i»;> Roepectfuliy »u omitted tbia 14th amy of November m X

N l>. Barnaul. A. K. Btitby Fred I- Porter.

Oa motion of Mr. Phinney. duly aect'Oded. \t»ted tu*t report of the standing committee on Ways and M^m^ a coived. adopted and placed oa file aad tbiu the a w i m n u th«r*-la a i m e d be levied aad aaar&aed upon tbe tax-ibie property of tbe County of K*aei

RKSOlACTION PRINTING OF JOt-RNAI* Mr I'uinney oh* * red tbe following r*eytut»ou, ant tno%*d tt>

adoption, duly erooaded by Mr. Rturtevaat Resolved. Tbat tbe Clerk of this Beard l»e and hereby te ao-

thortaad aad empowered to aecure bide for printing the J •air ma! of Proceedinga of tbia Board from the publisher* of now* papers pobliebed la fcVanx County aad UP also autbortr*4 to aw ard tbe coatrart to aay paper equip!**! to <U> at) print tarn within aald County Tbe Clerk la also authorized to reject aay or all bide.

Adopted ' Oa amotion of Mr Phmney. dul; aer*»naW. %ci*d taat toe

Board adjourn until Moaday eveatag. December a, IPiS to at tbe Mapiewood tea oa *aid date at « 3« p. at.

to board prisoner* ,xx>iaml<4ed to tbat laatitutU* I r o n tale county at tbe atua of ftft Aft per weak.

RHPORT HUMAN*! OFFICER Tbe Clerk. aobmJtted aad read tbe roport of William A

IU uneasy l l u a u n e Omoer Oa moiioa u Mr. Blbby. duly seconded by Mr. Bohrmaaa,

voted tbat tbe report be received aad placed oa Ale .

ut:r« k f UK INSPECTION t&RBX COUNTY ALMRIiOliRR 1 be Clerk i c t d tbe following ctnnmuBlroJioa:

State of New York. Sta|tf liornd of Charities. Ofllu/ at tbe Capitol.

Albany. N. Y . Meveabhor 2# I*i3 tu»*rd of Ruper^iaoiw of Kaaea Couaty. JCltiubt fhtowat Si, V.

Geiuieuiea Tbe Stale Hoard of Cbaritlea transmit* (or yo*i* %<'k*.«i«r»

HUM ibe eucloiied report of thf rorwat taeprcttoc of the Ks-.*e* Couaty Almehous*, made by tsepecior Herd. Oetobor ja

l u e rv|«ort» ^rr iiaaeiu** a* IO pUut a i d ouaagctneat aa{

follows Class I »bo«rt ptaciically no defect* Claaa II el*<>u 4*A *>r lea» iuftavrtaat detv< u . Ciaa* 111 » ** aiaay or a i e ^ aenooe defect*.

Report* i>i>- . .a (Taae I a i e eeat lot your luiorifuitioa-TbuM- i4«v«*d ta Claae II *rm eeat la tbe belief tbat tb* ia

i n v i t e e of any dvfoct sbuuld couer proaipt reni«4?m! a«niea E^i^rt* plat**! ta Claae 111 tn4lrate onvey ur ffiore aerkMi^

4**|e»i>, aad **+ iraaaaattted to Bueroe of fUiper%taor» nod Suprr«atmdfat* of tbe Poor tbat tk*y aiay eooipiy a t ib Ser-tioa II* uf tb# f o o t U w . mod tab* lamaeedtate action *' o l t b 4 «>**« l«» pn*pt»r reaieUMo ia acvurtiftu* r *ttb tW a d r u r ef

;tb» s l u i e HtKtrd of Cbarttle* " Tbe bHate Hoard of Ca^arltiee baa cfa«id>i^d ttu§ rrport aad


Monday. Iftrceatbrr K. 1911. Tbe Board of Huper* mora of tbe Couaty of K***& ru»t per

K> ndjournaieau aad erce called to or«ier by tb«* t bnir aa . Mr Jed W MUaiL Roll called. <iaoruai pramoat Jourmnl of Nov«anber 14, IPI3. r^ad .tad appro***; I !4aced :t in Claae II aa to Plaat aad Clan* 1 ae to Adaitniatra Tbe Clerk ecaoonc^d tbat tUe c o o t r u t for \h+ prtutiug of j ^

imrl or pror««U:ss* for tbe year !>13% bad be*a HoaT4- J At toot Ion ed to t£e K**+x County Republic-\n Coan^D>. at I ' ^ ' pec

cook, oaatroaa aaalataat, tnoo'a ooretakor. pbyafctait aad tbe Walter Bator token tbe place of Kibert Palmer oa

caretaker. o t b e r e U e the pemooact aad tbe ratoa of pronation reaamla an at tbe ttaee of tbo laat iaapectioo

ReapectfaHy nubmltted. (Rlataodi Caireiice K Ford,

Inapector. Alunay. October », int.

t o tbo baato Hoard of Cbarttiee: Tbe prtocipal aoodo of tbe fceee* County Alaiaboona ladl

fnated in tbe rore«oiag report of lanpefcUoa are at lottow§: , I. Hardwood boom ia tbe dorwltory balldlaga. 1 Kxteotloo of tbe etandplpe In the woafton* uoemttory

bi*<uiiac u> tbe aetood floor,

Z. ttaltaUe atalrway Rm eeeapee on eacb of tbo two dor­mitory buiUlnxs

4. Aaboetoe to protect tbe wood a orb over tbe b*at«*r» Tbo addition fc* tbe bntodry e«ia fMoeot of a ana**** aad

a ateaaa dry rooav •i. IVrm^nt^at outaide Oy ecioea lor all « ladoa# .

R«*pertf«lly aubamltied. tatfned' Cbvoaoe £ . Ford.

faepectof. Albany. October V>. i t lft

10 tbe titate Ikmrd of Cbar t t l e Oa OVJUDO of Mr Bobrmana. duly aetoaded. %

r«npoit of tbe Inapoctlm of tbe £eeea C^ooaty received, adopted aad placed1 oa file and tbat tbe detioae t b o m a r u t « d be referr* . M o tbe coeaauttee on Coun­ty Bona*-.

Rr^OUUTION JAII. P H Y ^ K I A S Mr Staaioa oRetod tbe foUowlajc raeobation aad ax.%^ Re

adopt***. du!y aerooded by Mr tiobnoana. ; R>eolv#«d. Tbat Or. J H ICvmaa. b# aad be u b*-te>> apt««tni |

<rd Jail Pbyaiciaa, for ih» rn«ula# y«or Adopt iNd.

Dry meaoaaeff correct . . . . . . Dry meaner** dootioyed . . . Uciobft moaaarea tented LiOtttd meaeuro correct Liquid moanure deotroyed . . Oil and gam pampe tented . •. Oil aad Ran pompn correct Oil aad nan pumps adjueled OR and s*a puaipn aaor Weinbte tented Kemb*r correct Nombetr Incorrect Number bay and coal aenlea Number bay and onaj Number bay aad coal

Total to"! of tenting tbe above *oar 11434-17. made up an foRome

l&dary Railroad fare Hoard Mvery

lftl » •*• • *a


P* ft4

, . H i ! fto

m u

idfti 1M* ftf aft *J ! •

twice Raring tbe

ftTbft ft* 4ft #T

tnu 10ft fti

od tboroat to tbo eloctorn of nock town **8baR tbo Towa Bear4 of too towa of Jay. Baeex Co. N Y . bo aotborlaod to baRi m troo b d d g e aeroan tbo Beat braacb of 4 unable River at r o r k s to repmeo tbe wooden bridge known an tbe Bridge* bow eoodomned. of a coot not t o exceed tbe at ami aball tbo Towa Board be authorised to aald nom npon tbe credit of tbo Town of Jay aad be a • a m i aald towa aad audited and paid m otber towa

Keen*—Vj Mary bl. Ani *T& Welle]


' ft1434 17 K«*ep»ctfuily aubmitted

Lee W l

Oa amotion of Mr Hobrtnnnn. duly »etoaded by Mr !>. %ottnl tb^t tn* rt-tort i f tbe County H««ler of VY M«mnurv« be rvrftt^d, adopted nod placed on ftle

Oa motion of Mr fert+r. duly eecon4*4* voted v^owaty S*mk*t of Wolgbi* aad Memnurpe be autbortned aad em> i«owrred to putt-baa* a ft*^ gniion m^A^urw to tent gaeoRae pompa. | § ^ w ^


Tkot tbore wore ft* votea cant for aad aft votee agalaat earn pfORoaitiow, m l ttpoo caavano of tbe voton ao cant, tbe (oilen lag oaaoM apooaiwd aad wan doty dodarad

fts voton for otiek bft vote* agalaat ft votea btealL

In Wttaoee vYbomof. I anve boreuato net my baud **«; *Rj od tmt anal oi tbe *aid T o * a of Jn>. at aucti Torn. %u W of November lftlt .

Mf ^ | F. L. Bullets T o m <;i«ra An act autbort&ing tbe T o o n of Jay. ta tbe County of K

nod Rtate of New York, to borrow aaoory and to mane iu Loam iRerefor. for tbe porpowe of paylag for tbo coontruction af a bridge arnwe tbo Meat Hrancb of Ibe Amiable Rt**r buo»« aa tbo Jeraey RHdge* ai * ^ » Town of Ja*

d a / of Imrember. 1912. tart. tbuc>. y

Walter Otdi Aunable ^

Kli^ab Amoe K)«r Heavy Kaf-RSnbop Chi

iOuUa Miii> Kefiyon l-«^ >-he>t f*utni Tbon. O'Vc-

.» y—Upi N g pb:ni Wllbor flftrmj, garab Booibi


lftl2. twt.

all of tbe a^pervlnora «-lected to tbe Hoard of Ropenri*or« af

tbe Couaty of Keeei voting la favor tb^rtof Tbe Hoard of Ruporviaam of t t o Couaty *if k***\ s»w

York, foreoeat t o tbe autborlty conferred hy Ma tH*a *~ «f ! tbe Higbwny and p*i'wuaat to 8*rt»rmc lft nad 14 of tb* Co^acy

j l-a* aad of d. T, ft. ». aad le of tbe Genera! M unci pal aa foilnwe

" vtng broo duly submitted m §

Rf^SOlAJ' Mr. Bai lee

adoption, dall Ranoived.

Blbby. t o an< Rectkm 2 C mg or

called to tbe

Oa eaoo-ja af Mr VkaRe. duly a^cvmA.^:. %ot«*<4 Hoard adjoom uattl to-momow mcraia£ at ft o'<lmk at t

tba T tbe |

of th# inatttutP^n a* a b o v e by tbe roport Tbone •bouaft bave Immodlale aut-atkm tbia Hoard be promptly laformod of tbe actioa takea tl

Yowre raopertfnlly Robt. W HKBHEHT8

SKVKNTH bAY. I t ^ r m U r >. Iftlft.

Board met awrauant to adjournment; roll caikt i . ^ .oi prHeent.

Jowraal of Moad^y i« a<i aa 1 appiovrd RKSOIATION SIGNING OF TAX WAKR>NT^

Mr Wbrtr offered tbr following reeolution *od aiooad adoption, duly a*vood>d by Mr. Bturtovnat.

ReeoHed. tbat tbr Chairmaa aad Clerk of tbta rV*rd a a d bereby are autbortned to alga tbe warrant* of the a«* m a n roHa for tae year itlft.

Adoptod Mr Blbby ta tbe Cbair. Mr Balbm ia tbo Ckair Oa aaorjoa of Mr. Porter, dul necoaded by Mr Foote.

ed tbat tbe Board r.djoum nstit S p. av

i te


AFTEKjtQCX^ iHUMmnt t«> adjoorawjent. roil caRrd. e o r . m

nf Mr Porter, duly of tbe floor be e t t eaded to Mr. of tbe Couaty Bant ing

C. T.


cmwr Rft. ttlX. of tbe Poor. Horace H. Nye. beg>n aerei

'Jaawary 1. Iftlft

j Capacity, for mea aft; for « tnem U Total *4 Pmat Tbe bwRdtm*i> ftm lamalea of tbe

; Almabouae are of brick 5 t j lag at tbe ftwoft ban at tbe aortb end a rear wing ac copied by i women Adjaceaft to tbe jaontb*ent coraer la tbe t tbe one atory dbmlag ball and kite***. Tbe two a* tory bwmmlag for tbe men In camwected wRb tbe la

• lag by a nnaan nwamy Nev^ bard wood Roara are aoo |woramttory buildiagf to ronlnre cbe praaeat floara I old s»<! are worn to plani a Tbe laundry M la tbe

n e e d but taw eawRanawat mcka a mamyje aad a atoam dryer *~* * Tt»e farm cowtamo iftS acrwa. about Uft of wbicR are caRirnt

" f ed. It aoema arodactivo. a»d g«od croaa. eapeciany of boy. ^ ^ ^ i b a t e been miawd. At preawat 4 borw*. ftO cattle mad f* ewfae

en are grvtag mflk Oary a

C o o a t y l t n e nee

4 (iMMi NU ATH>V IXIt NTY JCMiK AN1> RtiRROt.ATK Tbe ( Wrk read a rumtauaicatMio nddreanad to tbe Bberil

Imrember ft. iftlft Mr W A Know Hon

aU^en County RaeruY. . RUtabetbtown, N Y

Hear Rboraf I deeirv to call your attovtUoa i o tbe fact tbat tbe room I

ibe Court Honor uoad Jointly an a Rurrogat^a O R c i aa Cuuaty Library ta la need of repair*. In tbe following re porta*

AdditMkaal electrtc Rgate abowid be taetnl l t l • l e t Work to tbo Bbrnry at done onRe neweraRy la eveatag I n m j i M tbe mntnlaHbai of aaotbe tbe nee of t i iagana mavpa aad bula i leat ebedai m

Mr. Keote tb*iraaaa of tbe Couaty Home Committee, aub* otittrd aad rand tbe follow tag report Ti* tbe ilooormbl* Board of Ruperv-aora

i Yciur t fminttr Home t^nmmRtee rwepectfuliy report aa foe [lom»: On November 1Mb. %oor C*«aniunie*. nattcd tbe C<*ui»- jtjr Home Tbe ^uprrintf-ndent not ba t ing been ai pr*aed off

taear «ocaing We tborougbb laapwcted eutb d«-|^rtme*t. aad fo tad everytblag m earellritt aba or Tbe ue» betbroom*

• bod U^en inatnlled. nod aorked perfectly Tbe moat tip to | date and «aaHary ploauatag only betnr oae*1 Tbe old ua-! *anRnry plembtar bn%icg been taken out entire!} Tbe walls itbroogbowt tbe iomete* depnrtmanta baaag all neuly mnrea-ctm4 aad tbe wwodwork aewly vnmanbod gave tbe rooana a «erv clean aad lavHIag eppiarawce.

t m tier fttb a majority of tbe ayembora of toe Hoard, aee-e m l of ubom bt«>ight tbeer wlvea. met at ta*- Coeaty Mftmo)

' " lor a neowrwJ la«;ectftaa AR aa^med v o n weli p leaee i wltb tbe appanraatw <»f tbe buOdtaga. nad wttb tbe way tbtagn1

jw«-ee mennned. Tbe tediea •peaklag very btgbly of tbe em-tbe | ce!Wot manner la wbicb tbe datiee of Matron were fcw1|' Y<mr roammruee n rmwmindt tbe ftntlowing

j Rao rode farm fence wttb n«r* unary imlvaalaed iron **• i to rwn aawng tbe aort!% line of farm aad along earn roadway

aew flituree aad tbe not aey a ORre wbicb adjafaa ntyle of equipment migkt I

i f u e e t k o . ftnA Tbe book cane on i

be rebnUt. en aa to tamfuim I book cwoea. Twin wtR give a cmmnltiag witb aevenal of tbe panrod am order for aditRinot t o tbe Co

Irt Tbe room awowid be repainted

Tbe UgbHag In tbe Diatrie* A t m r watlnfartrry aad tbe

ntyle i o tbe

repnpered ti

NVa rook ntovw In inmaten kltrwem. | S>«u feet ft taeb coOoa bone lor Ore pr - One root cutter of suitable

l ined foot boo booee \ Xew Kettle above ta bog

We recommend tbat tbe BuperfeteaeVot be au tbor i ed to pay for tbe name out wf General Fuwd rn bi t banda. la advance

A /anv«of aodR. t ^mmu^ We rortber n r lammeni tbat an ibe noma are m %er> 1 • * P t comrRiow. aeedlag now ataa aonta and Roorn. aad aa wbirb barwe are, la tbo ewtbnmtaon of yw«r commtttoe. wmaUy

ouate ftnr tbe nreaant nee da of tbe farm. erected en tbe arent aide of taw laatttutunm. and tbat all aad abode m*w irtandmg and wbicb arRl not be of one after tbe aow bam la completed aball be «otd to tbe blgbeet bidder. ftamr to be r»-mo*ed Jmmediateiy niter tbe ooctipaa^y of tbe

Htte«laJ Towa Meetian. bold m aad f<ir tbe T o * a of J*v t

tbe County of £*«m& aad State of New York, pro***!.* j t

tbe rxjo*tru«twju of a ortdnw acronn tbe J^aet Bmatb vi aa A u a u > R h o r at Auaabie Forka. N e v York, at a point aaow* ma J«*rur% Hndne. and for tbe borrow tug of tbe1 aum of be««e Tb«» «Muad lloiiar* nad tbe mauaece o4 l o a n Hood* tb#~*4or for (Re porpoao aforeaaid: nod

Wberoaa. tbe aaid propawRkm ba%iag been duly a d o t - w it amd apecud town aereitttg. aad Ike Tc»an Bonrd i*f ibe I o n of Joy bavtag made ai«placatioa to tbia board for autbontt ^ borrow money ia tbe aum of Revwn Tbaamnad Oauara tftTvoo a e i . upon tbe credit of tbe aaid Town, aad to maue uiwt

by a atiiteanrnt ntgaod by n majority of tbe of tbo town Hoard of aabft town and cwrtwmd by tbe T » w r v r t u in tbe maaaar preacttbed by flection ft? of tbe l i i*a**j U v . aad

Wnmroaa. It aawoara tbat tbe «aid towa •aould be ±*tA.yr* land la borrow the aaid nam of S e r e * Taouonad U m a n «ft:ean.00i. unoo tke credit of aaid town, and t o mane t u bnam

or. aow. tborWore. be R That tbe Town of Jay. io tbe Counts of t-r^t

State of New York be nad R b«r»by ia autbonre4 M& ^runown red t o umuo ite to on amount not to e s c e e d tbe

iftToftOjOOI. •

ICnrroewr and meiil of Higbi

nowovod t o for aa» drafU

Adopted GOOD ROi



LAw.~wa tbo

naid t/*«i. mh

a: ^ot

aa tbe

tbe credit of S e t a e

t o wet! or comae tbe aawae to •uv value, for tbe per?on* wf

be Kant Rraaeti nf tbe Aunable River at a t»>te: Town of Jay: and t




Mr Ueaand. Cbairmaa of tbe County Building Cow

are k^pt Twelve of tbo Id Sew a« tbe



wabmttted and ren4 the fol low rig Honorable Hoard of Superrmora of Ike County

t v To

Your County Build in* Conetructkm C o m m u t e , appoint**! In lftbft to recoaatrnct and repair tbe County RaUdtnge at Oisav hetbtown would reapectfuUy report

Tbat nance tbe report of tbia committee PT:brained te your Board at tbe annual meotmg ta 1911. tbe o#T* rtire onodttaoa of tbo Roar in tbe record room of tbe c<mntv CW-k a bwidlac baa been remedied bv tbe myteg of a aew t ib f o o t at a coat of ftftlft 00: owe naif of this noat to be bur e b> tbe contractor* Ltweaau A Bumbaa Co.. aad one bait by tbe county

Oa account of defecta aopeartng in tbe conatruction work from t ime :r ^ i ? aad tbe lnabRity of tbe committee to ba%e rhe contractors come on aad pot tbe buildine* in proper con-

for approval your cocamRtoe baa never accepted or of tbe buildmr^, and the balance of AW*.** hereto-

fore reported aa balaaro on bawd at01 remain* to the credR of tbe Building Fund. TNe claim of Unoban A B u r t o n Co.. for ftllt.SO being one naif of tae coat of new tile floor above mentioned bae ant been paid.

Tour i wnwnlttee m a m it a aorewrRb a detailed atatement of fuada received for aale of property about tbe old huildtngK an

tl Farm carpenter abop. 1

are boated by atoam a Current ta pure baaed Water ae wbicb ia Riled from a weR. a betag connected wttb tbe

are ligbtod by electricity. a

or a brook, all of < te

Ith. Tae reaaovod to wlR noon be aemfto

I would be glad tentmw of tbo week Kindly i I w m make an Tbe

la tbe f owe can be found. Tale

book aboleon or fllmg ad oatt tbear mattery t e tbe art nwrttee of tbe Rnawrilntma net*

mo what actioa M taken If a o o e La taken direct ;ug yon to bave tbeoe rvpalra madn b a t e attention ao tbat tbe roam wRl be

a prorer eonditioa wbta. tbe County <*ourt a on Jaaeary

from tbo buibttnga v'owrn truly Beree A Pyrke.

ku» baei conatrr tod!

aw tbe etairwaye m tbe

Blbbey. duly aecoaded vested tbat Ibe preaent

"Tae Countv Buttdlag Committee in of Banes. Dr.

T o moneya received on account of neb county at tbe e ime of tbo conntruction bnildlncB. an foBown: Iftlft Rent. 1? Recoivwd of Fred Hall for old barn Nov t l Received of J. Badge* f^r two


NBber ft. iftlft ' wRb tbe Cowaty

i of property of the of tbe ne

i Tbe Clark To tbe

to adjpun roR called, quorum


17 Rocelvod of B. Trod nan aad othern for etovee » Received of A W. Denton. X«? oM deak 23 Received of r l W. Rietmrda. two cbaim .

Rooerved of M. H Davia, nix cbalra Recefvod of M. J LaBell. for wit «hed RooHvod of M. J LaBeR for old nafe . . .

23 Recoivwd of E. Uongware old otove RocelTod of R. Moore, old ntove

D e c ft By check to tbe order of tbe County Treaa-arer berewttb to batamce

Ia view of tbe f a d tbat t K o t of tbie committee are wumbern of your Board, we would reapectfuUy requ

ft. Iftlft C. T. Iceland.

H. N*e. H


ducted to a c Tbe foR^wtag 1

on Arril *. Iftlft. 1 An *pen veranda for tbe

oa tbe aortb aide of tbe roar wtug ft. Hand mile bave been niovblt'd on tbe etairwaye a u t ^ building for women Sbertff of Banex County

¥1r+ r*rotetti«e> Tbe bulldmga are not flreproof. Tbe <K»r ; 0m -f^^ ^j a j r

mttury buil i tuc for wanaen bar a wooden interior stairwny at Board odjowrn antil l p m . each end A are eocape U needed in rjddttioa \nd it bt nwtf geatod tbat tbat eecaee be coantructod oa tbe aoutb aide about.

way botweeai tbe otalrwnya. Tbe arnne dormitory bui ldiat ' n ntnaftn iatorior ntatrway wbicb in aovaowbnt aearer tbe

tbaa tbe rrmr. At tbe roar ta n ore e**w«ae wbicb can-of a balcoay witb n Rxed aee^eadicwmr ladder y to tbe greaaA Aa U k ladder In daaurertino lor pad mem. R awowid be replaced by n writable Rwn otaftr 1 To tbe Honorable Board of

™ a t y way A Are eecape m ae idad alao at tbe fr«*nt of tbia awJatmg j Should tbe interior ntnirway be blacked, aa in Rbery tn cant

r aa | of Rre. occunaata of roome at the front would avwbebly aot j be able to reach tbe roar eecape | Rewalwed. That tbe Cmrk tf thie Board, be nad be la bereby j A atandpipe and bone M m oark dormitory toilette* but t b e » t J - ^ T j L ^ J f*?* hi* 4 r * f l ° " *** <*»*** Treoonrer for nbasdalae m tbe women a bwaktiag exaeada only to tbe flrrt [ n n T M e a o w r ^ Jrfwa*tJnT^Ctnty *" Commj B^after of Weicbta

I floor, tt awowid be extended t o ataOutt tbe ancawd Roar aam. incount u» tbe Clerk

RetmertfuFry ^ueWMff^d. Seward H Foote. r ' ' StaRord t» R Jobaatm.

On aaotKiw of Mr Wolfe duty aetonded t% Mr Porter, tbat tbe report of tbe Co* my Home Committee, be ndonted and r4nced an fUV and tbet tb< therein atated be carried o u t and' tbat t o e Couaty mfttee art aa a tYmutructioa OnmmRtee wttb tbe dent of

b bonda aball be ujgnod by tbe Ruper, *.-Clerk of tbe aald Tomn of Any. and tbat the >ac of tbe aaid Town tdmR nenotiate norb bonda a/ ra-

to law nad aa above provided, ami tbat be aball apfuf x# of tbe aale tbere<€ to tbe payment of tbe eapetu*-* »e in tbe c^onotructioa of the bridge abo%e de*»kT % .

and eeecribed; aad be p furtber keaolv^d. Tbat tbe aaid Supers i*or before IMMIIL.^ or

i f ttag any of «uc-b bonda aball make and eaecute t«» tbe < * i itttee t i # r k of aaid Town, on bebaif of aad for t a e benefit of voted m a n . a aood aad auRerteat bond or obligation ta tbe ;»

aed« viwt of Tea Thouaaad DoHare t f t ^ o n o n e i . conditioned lor * faithful porfonaaace of bin datiee in iapuinx aorb N e d * ~~. , tbe lawful application of tbe fuada wbicb may be realtaed "y • tbe aale tbore af. aad tbe fuada tbat may be ramed by ta t ?» otberwiae. for tbe payment of tbe boade loaned ta rairnuarct

i of tbat act. aad tbo later out thoreoa. wbicb may c a m ntrt 4bia bannw Bocb bowda or owRgnmwn ao wafti by tbe ewat

Sunerrlnor aball be approved t»y tbe Torrn Board of t b e n^4 Town of Jay aad Rled ia ibe ~ - - --

a o R: of!

w^a 7 i k e f t b e L *

1 Wnereaf autbortned by •ieairnntimi of approaod Ry total tbeeeby

t Wbere: ikmcoamty by grated

Ait s.ial

- 4

Reaolv< line.

Of 0 ^ eyetem.

4 Reoolved. to IA of Ooufil Banomtugdale »f #.S mii*-

syntem: Rtworred. T]

aortb with to tae State

A r c * - r< CalV

I . ftft

: 15

Mr. Porter m tbe Cbnw Mr. BnRen m ibe Cbalr f Town oTjar" and "flW In Tbe" onVe^of tbe Towa Clerk of »**

duty wecooded. voted tbat tbe *>a moiion of Mr. Bobrmaan. duly ee^onded l»y Mr Rrcrto* • tom^n; and be tt fwrtber adopted aad placed oa ale nad ** D l *<*+« t U A t th* Hoard adjourn until 2 p. m. Reeoired, Tbat naid bonda ahall boar date ibe nrat <t*v

ttu « k M i t ^ ^ . . . mm0 ^ m^ a a ^ r e i i v n o N S f ^ S l O V ' Marvk. Iftl4. and aball bear buereet at tbe rate of Ave ttarroia a t a M be carried oat by tbe Ar-.c.aiNOON ^ ^ ^ fcm|f ^ €mmtnm ^ mMm9m^ pmymhlt nnnnaRy no t.R-

Bnard met t r u a n t to adjourn meat; mil called: quorum ^ Mmrrh ^ ^^% yemT^ «iminenvc!ng Marcb let . lfti:.. . tbe paymewt of tbe wrtnciple amount* of aweb bowda re*r-^

ACT NO X TOWN OF J AT * ttvely Tnat one Tawwaand 1> lara 4ftH»0ft fttl. of tbe pnt» ; > AFTERNOON SCSReON. « • * - * « • - ^ ^ and rood an a p p l i c a t W , r ^ o t i < m ^ J ^ ^ T ^ ^

r d art antborinag tbe Town of Jay to borrx.- tbe warn nf I j r t e r t f i s j « „ . t m # w o f ^ ^ he payable on tbe flrat day ' t upon tbe credR of aald town , Marrb of ameb and every year thereafter up in and taclud or

l w l f t p T - . „ , . , ^ M . ^ _ • « . . . — . ^ « ^ *- Albert K Hoyt. Rerretary to tbe Ccmpervataoa Commio- tbe Rmt day of Mart* IMS Tbat week bonde abaR be ne»*A RKPORT CLERA. CXM NTT SKAKCB OF WRJOHTR AND ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ tbat at a meetimr of tbe Coeamaiaann « « — ^ ^ +** • * auaaberod from owe to weewn m.-ln

MKAtrmm. k ~ ~ T T Z / T . . rZ,_. ?^ZZZZ TJ7J^^T; «"**- •«• ^ • * * »«*• to be of tbe denomtaatlon o? <*. the fefiw M ^ ^ t * ^ M °^ ' l ll- f W ******** »*««rat^« * * • «ttly adoptod J T ^ P , ^ ^ DoUara <ft10oe.#ftl: Tbat both pnnciaal aad mt*r vow lawjowu^ reaart WTawrona, a netitioa having beew preeented to tae Conner , oat upon aaid bowda wbaR be made payable nt Bank of Aaaad^e

_ _ _ vatkm coanmiaavon by tbe Town Board of the Town of Jay. j F^rka. Eaeex County, for tbe approval of n nrvpoeed aaane of bo

Fur^aant to a rwaam*Rm aammed by y^ur Hoaormble Board ny 9m4 tomw m nhe nam of ftaan. for tbe pun owe nf t oa tbe 1 « h day of Oecarniher Iftlft. which reads aa foRowa: - r , rtlM, m ^ ^ ^ ^ Ma9m ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^m Aum


GOOD RO Mr Baroard



Law on tbe l i t est and IT Sui and no Sui

N o tbe

atr .ct ing a Forka.

$*r> ftft • « 3 a a | A Ron*! 1 *6*%t+ pnila

ia on eacH Woe are kept on tbe aoooad floor of each Three dydraate are oa tbe giuijeaa. tbe

the boiler* aad hot water beatem ahould be


^ 1 7 5

O a km of Mr. Porter, the Cowaty mi that tbe


taw for

of Mr tbo cm-

e 4 a w


lag have boon recently mataUed aad we ; dRion. Inmatee are rwuuired to bathe w the ecperriniou of the caretaker, tbe w

j viaion of the matron. Fliea wen , building*, eapeciaily tn tbe anna a iacreena are peorided for moat of tbe wtndewa but three are wot entirely effoctiwe m owclmling Riea nad are rikeiy to be

\ left out by the mmatM Permaaewt mrrmm* abowid be *ro rtded for all wmdewa.

Care of tbe nick: Aa mArmary room for women contahma four beda. The women pniiaota are cared for by a woman at

n p a r i p f nro carod ftar by a a d > i under the of tbo flnptrmnnniwi awd tbe caretaker The

often at tbe front of the Rmt Is eewne thmro nwod ae aa xaflrm-

hs Dr RtaRnri who Rvee H.


by Mr * > * ! k ftar ft*! 7S


Mr fte>

* rTTH t>AT. MXtRIftL

v^rjernucr ALMANT FRMimsiiAjtT aw Mr.

R v e r a t pears that the lard at a wperml towa twentieth day of May. dory rater «d into a

K i p

mcb bowda aball be aa folio* ftlfttft.ft*

Town af Jay. oex and &ta<o

l^ of the Lot

boriaed try


***' bridge by fwnaon of which contract k ***4bmrmw ftTane. upwa the bowda of wo ***•' said Towa of Jay. contnlaw a partion of tbe land of the

1 Vf%mr%9 of tbo State of New York. Resolved. That tbo Cmneervatioa Convmianion do«w

pur^naut to Section ft? of tbe Highway Low aaid Town of Jay borrow aura aum af ft?**e. for tbe

ft* | DoTlarn (ftloftfl.Ofti. t o be paid t o tbe bin. bar o r t b o i

of March

the Towa of «r hi held aad ftrm.y • of One

it w

ipproved by v<al

2. iLia ity by

truly l o b e

Tft €7

: t ftft

u w »of c «i irtKting «ucb bridge and bereby


tbe i n ** < aaue of the bonds of tbe T o o n <* Jay in tbe sum of ftTwhft. tor -!!ft • • j t b e purw«a*ii aforesaid. ! 1 4 4 * • ! I . S Albert H Hovt. '

To the

UC 2>;

ft^tfti 2T

O a vo^ed

s le^ertuRy

of f i r lebaaaw dory mt the riTwrt. he

J A Oerk

Superviaorn of the

mring been duly aatmHied at a a the Town of Joy. on tbe 90th way at to the protwuwn of Sorthnas i t . i l . W i aw. and Section ft? of tbe Highway Lot

River, in Aunable Forka. K. T«, at a


of tbaa obRgauon ia aocb that ftf tbe a> ••'' of Jay. swan wofl nad truly nay or canee t- ' • fro a a m m ; h*« her or tr.*;*

curceosorn or uawi**!~. tbo sum of <>L< re nad anaaaJ mtereat upon all aumn unpaid r Rmt day nf March ia each yaar hereafter aa the rue at the rata of flwe awd owe bnlf per cea'ua en the date of the bant pnjantmt thereof t*** ia ao be void, ethwrvriee t o rotnala m fnR f<^^

av All paymeom of principle nad hMwrest ha be w ^ > nf Aoaaafte Fnrka. ftaankst Fwrka. X T .

12 and 14 af the Coamty Law. Rertanaa C Y. ft. *• 4

a. Reeotvi < -aunty line, tiince of ftftl< .*i»pro%ed coi

4 Resoh ^ the road t*e Sanuarr - *teriy U*re»

aaklin Cou» 'ht Military

i ^ Macomb '•f >i» lwft ryatem.

Kenolve 'cwthwith u the Staae

t # r* u Jff T - pi.^^*

by Mr <4 Iftll .

and i w w r ^ j ^ the

by a

at fto* aTTjrTal HAT.


Tew; Jaw.


T a n a af by Mr


u. tm sofshe

l f t i ! tyot


af Way fx
