c0ub v!itt il auto tour heads cars for northern new...

}?^ •Ill \t*$t if 1] V !itt il VA *# *, .J? '15 .** : i v 4 #1 i 4 I r ;5 It # * if C0UB THE ttSSttX C0I7NTY REPUBLICAN. SEPTEMBER 11, f914. rou? •-•>••«•••••••-•-• ^rT ft 4 : I T i T T 4 4 4 4 4 T t T t • t * MILLIONS OF WOMEN NOW WEAR BECAUSE- TKey arc beautiful stylish Shoes—They are com- fortable, luxurious Shoes—They are long-lived, satis- factory Shoes-They are priced within every woman's purse—They are approved by fashion followers. Ask any woman of the millions of women who wesr them. She will tell you iust what we have toM you and more." Fall styles are ready. You are offered the latest models, direct from the world s fashion centers, at the s.une same price anywhere in the United States. Sterns & Winter Sole Ag«rt*» Keeseville, N- Y. Time */ahte Changes. TW local ue*e labia lor K. A. C L. C. K R. la effect Jut* M.'llM. Leave 7 a. m. to meet boat south; ratiiralAS 7:3$. l<ee** $. a. m. trala south; rotursv tag S:t&. 1-eate H: a. in. boat aontu train south, rottimtaa; 10:2*. Leave 1130 a. m. train south and iiortti; return in* 12:34 p, m. Leave 3.16 p. m. boat south; raturo- i&I 3.&0. t*ave 4:50 p* m. train aorta tad Loht north; return I us *.?o. Lea\* * 13 p. m trataa north sad south; returning 10 18. 8uauay Servka. J I j Leavo T 3(». 11 10. a. m. sad 5:20 r t «• J J I Arrive *:** a. m.. 12 2 1 *:•* p. at - • - • ^<*--*»»~«> "*~* <*<»*•"* <*••<» •••-*"«• •••'• * ;: I! t i! t « 4 t 4 # t i: •••••• ^jV HCESCVILLC JOTTINGS —Tow a i Wrk K. F. Stone has issued -I fcanttn* licensee iimt Jaaoary 1. —The Conisserclal House ha* a4«le4 a DvriNii^nirr automobile to their J I \utrrv. I - More thaa l£.i**o toartata hava t t j mmMie the trip thrtHiSh Aa^able Chjuou. this Mmson. \Vh*rt*vrr two or ihraa Kaca#viUe folks a*****, the Karupeaa srar is the all-ahsarbtnic took: at cvaversatioa. —The time liaitt for 1 aar cent. Ota* voaat on srhol ta&ea emotrea October t The ICeesevillc National Bank Capital S !OO f OOO, Surplus SSO t OOO K. Romtyn J. A. Bsbtr DIHrCTORS F. B. McKtmit M.J. C a 11 a n a n C. H. Prcseott F. M. HopKiits C. tf. Hopkins Safe Deposit Boxes for Rental Wc cordially invite yoti to call, ajs4 offer over SO years experience to serve your interests. . OAVIS STREET AND VICINITY. W AUSASL€ VALLEY. jir aad Mrs. Robert Si^m>r. o!| —Taa nsacadam road between Cht* Weat l"em saeat a tew days at Clover-j Hm% Ule and Keaoeville. ks aractlcaltjr saead farm last waek. While there, la) flashed except for abonnfc the roads ipaay with Mr. aa<S Mrs. P. H. Sir, on the side* Teaase are haaUoe away they *pem a day at Georer i^u the empty tar barrels after the tar lip's. South i'lattsbarc **• De * fl ^»oted. The crusher will —Miss Uaxte Mock of Sauth r ram re«ioia here for a whtie The slot*- toghaxa. Maas. is visaing her p*rem*<^ % - cr-*— r: Platuhur. oa the J. V. Mora, this wee*- flattaworf road. The men who hate worked here wUl go to Hiattsbara spent Sandar aad Mrs. F H with her parents. Sisnor. lillier, who has Mr and Mrs _Mi« 0«« Si^oor. of K~~*Uj* ( ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ I t**rs. of Hope. HamiHom cottaly. are visiUna trienda aad rolattirea la this -Joaeph lillier, who aas fee* in ^ u ^ T ^ ^ ^otorod from Hope. health lor some tune, is very m 4^^^ of *a naiea. to KeeaoriUe I and CUatoaville. John L>wyer. of East j —Herhert beUer. —Mr. and Mrs. aad the Miaaes With the adveal of cooler weather Mooday a«ht. overcoau aad lars their apaaaraajrw. AH roads lead to 1 akia Hall aeat eveaias. aa It la the opeaeias ; of the dancina class, which promise* a 1 good time to alt —Keeaevtlle reaemaled Goldsmith s Deserted Vilmpe oa l^hor Uay. Han dreda of people took adraataae of the rare weather to spead the day at rnattaaara. —A frraad sacred eoaeert far the benefit of the wear pipe or**a will he elvea Wedaeaday eveain*. Septemher 2Z. at St John the Baptist Roman rathottr chart h. —*Su*ar is sine rents a poand/ romplata Keeseville housewives who are wxmderiae; how they can pat ap ettonjea preeervee at that price to feed their families dartnt the coming win ter —The Her t>orge Stock well, of Anmsble Fork*, annoantes that FT en toe Prayer service* at S p. m.. will take the place next SandaT. of the usaaJ BKimtna services in St. raul's I'ruieatant Episcopal church Keese- viile —lUMsntifol refresh meats were the order of the day last Saaday at the Prison Road tamp thanks to the kind aaas of Mr Johnson and family, of Wndhama, Mr Nichols aad family, of AUTO TOUR HEADS CARS FOR NORTHERN NEW YORK. ! Summer and Fall Boots The newest m ladies* boots for summer and fall are in. The new styles are unusually pleasing. A spjc^'ly attractive Boot is the patt.ni anJ gun metal cloth top button with a Leather Louis Heel Patent Button Cloth Top $4.50 Gun Metal Button Cloth Top $4.25 Two Hundred Machines Will P Thrawfh Keeeevilte Septem- ber SO; CerHele to Talk With the start of mora than 2oO cars the 1*14 official totar of the Nov York State Automobile association left lturaell at 10 o clock Monday morning! headed by the Horneil Automobile* cluh pilot car, f^iowed by the <ar' 1 ontaininf the of&ct*ra of the aaaocia/ tiua* John N. Cariiaia, State (\>mmis j siuner of highwnys. .and many other laotahlea. This tour is scheduled to U**s tbroach Keeaevilie on September to. ; The oHUrial send off was given hy the mayor of Horn ell. Frank f. Kel- son. Kverv car m line -was liecorated < miib the othiuil toar and the "See New York State First* pennants, tae othciaily adopted slogan not only of the toar bat of the New York State Automobile association. The tour was conceive*! mainly to farther the 1 Interests of good roads in f 1 New Yor* State and with this ta miad' I 1 iommisatoner Carlisle is accvMupany* ing the party m a scna oitUial tapac- I i uy. He will uptaA at each of the meetings as the tour passes through » ' 1 be iinotii c.tie* and towns of the J State A. J. l*cr. nrt.s«dent of toe asaocuition. wOJ be another of toe a »pe**ers who mill dwell uo the work of the organised motorists, and will show the good wbivh they are ocrom* | pushing both for the motorists and aeaeuotoriata. Mel 1 in liendar. generf* Smart Fall Hats • I t ' We have many popular Soft Hats for FalL They are very stylish and the shapes are different a»d attractive. The soft hat hat more friends to-day thaa ever before. A man's hat is about the most conspicuous feature of his entire make-up. 1 1 i Prices 50c to Young's $3.00 j McALOON & SMITH Ke/eseville, IS. Y. J. B. MACE Opera House Block, KeesevtUe, N Y uon. wilt talk * V legislative program sir Orange, of X. J., and Mrs are vtattiag PRfcSCOTT ROMEYN NUPTIALS * U^tan. Mas* Mrs. H. a FASHIOMASLE CMU*CH EVENT. Miss iielea Wlllard. Harry Hoaghton. Mr» W. H, Toaey. Mi*a >lary Tobe>. Twe of Keeoeviiie'O Oideat Fam<i»ea HIM Harriet Toaey. Mrs. Charlea Uee. United ia Firm aae**et Chaec^, eW. UIBS Sarah Fosa. fare artlliant Aeaamhlape j Albany 1*. and Mr». W zu M \l\j Mm M. I) Hougnton*. ) Ne^a. V\ tllmrn Ncad. Mr. and Mrs la anticipation o! a social even*, ol Pr*»tott N<ad. Mr. and annswal haman interest, the to«n i*( tT&apmaa. I^epaty 8tnte Keeaev;lle was re~T mwb aitve oa fcl \imrr\* SXM! Mrs. Harris. j 1b»* tc^ur w:!l < arry forward the slo- Wednesday. j>eptraib*T Z Hoam be^; \attabarg Mr and Mrs. George'*** * %s *^ N#kW York * 5t * 4r Fir * 1 fore the aipoioted tm*e the »tre^i# k *-rt»4i. Um M*rsar*r ( arr%>!l. Iboi:*] 11 *^ t^«»ry ^f the siocau ?s that Ntw .ending to the r\r*t iiaptmt charvh ns »i. (oiter. Mr. and Mra. Albert Mar-; York S: * l# *• M^^w^aased »o the were lined with people eager to w:t* ah^ii. the Jitesea Marahail. Mrs. Stlaat 1 " 1111 * 4 5tlil ^ for *«*»«-ry. 1rT rn *' ! * Barber. Misa Amanda iMeil. Mlasi m,>4 fMC S*^* 1 ^ eaoelleace la tount al coaaael for tae t oa the proposed j for neat year aa it eflects the motorists! land the pedestrians. A complete road guide of Sew York States routing at least 10.000 In this Suae alone, will be the great perma- nent reealt of the toar. This guide is being conatrut ted by the Srarwor- 'oughs of lndmaapolta. la conjunction with M. Rocamora. manager of the Motor Uatde department of the New I lork State Automobile asaociaticm. By the time this rutde is cotupleted the».T<mtest auixiher of miles ever routed la New York State wUl be con tamed in it. It mill be the oSlciai publication of the New York State Aa tomohtle association, and will make HM sppearance al Use beginning of the FARM FOR SALE Large 12 room house, running uittr: good barns; 150 acres. Located near the Village of Keeseville. A bargain. - Inquire of M. E NICOLLS Real Estate and Insurance Keeseville, N. Y. t*****m~fr~* Mra. AroolU to€aptroJler! lalirUi * *e*»on. urxx >enr Itii* tc*nr w:!l carry ft^rward tb« Mr. mad Mra. Mra. T. tleerhead. and Mr. Cornwtght family, farnmhed Ice of Lewie, who cake ami cigara. —Acting om the prtaclple thai "Xa- hor makes a man a htmt aad cro^ Hart. ^ Hasel Samner Mr. and Giene Faiia, called Mr. ami w . Mace. reoaaUy. H. Mile*. | —Misa Paatiae Freattm and Maater Lynch was a caller at F. Gerald, who have been vtsttin* her H. Signers Semday evenims. grand pareata aad relatives m Keeae-jkim every day." the KeesertUe —Momroe Signer of Lyon Mountain. « ¥Ule - «^«ni*a ****** jtariat In large numhers spent Mondar spent mat Frtday at F. H. Sic»or a. ! —* * * M ^^^ Ma Wlllawate friemis f followirg hla aaaal oocuaauon. The ^Mia. Saaan Roberta, of Point An ^ ^ " * T «* Un W »*** Ifwraltare faetory gave its Roche, spent the week-end with her niece. Mra. Charlea Earner. —Alice and Francis Finnegan were news the ceremonies im;dent to the weddlag ef Miss Margaret Homeyn t^ Mr Rafna A. Pres- olL Hcores of aa- tomohiles were parked three deep :n rront of the charch property. A UtUe after flee o clock la the af ternoosu Invited r-*ets began to «a ter the charch antil the ediSce was sued to Ma srtmoet capaelty. rtie charch deonrationa were very beaaUfnl. the color achame betng pink. MASS Geraidtne Hood at the argaa. Promptly at ala o clock, the first strains of the wed- C\ ra J. E:i*bmr>. Mr. ann Mrs. l>eni»i? < ^taaan. Miss ikina Tmman. Mr. and Mra, William UovrelL -.tea* Falls. Mr. aad Mrs. Willard U s e r . Mr and Mra. Kdward Irian. Mr ad Mrs. Clifford Allen. Mra. Frank U>we. t Fort Kent: mma LeraSwa Aaaon. Mrs. Joha S. Brokaw. Sbenandoah Mrs. Lather Whitney ^pnngnorongh. I*a.: Orlando Bar- ber Flat bash. L. T. Mrs Gladding aad - -^ *- ^ ipfoyea oj^iag march from Uohengrta. anaonnc- daaghter. -The Mace hoy. teak a Sahins t r i p , Mi6mr , l M r^y. while the workers' lh# ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ | ^ . ^ s x Mf ^ Mfm A ^ of one day to Batternat l^ond and j at the shirt factory speat the day at L^ ^ ^ ^ TheJ m w , am ^ Timpm ^ MHm l2iEMh ^ k Timpson brought home nice pickerel and u»eir macinnes prefering to take Wed i Huf|KkVI1 over Sanday gnests of friends in Bar- liJVgton, XV —Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Si^nor. and Mr. aad Mra. P-J- Slgnor attended the rreecott-Romeya wedding at the First charch In KeeaeriUe last Tbey v perch. —<|uile a namber from here are ai-Iptettftbarg tending the fair at Plattsbnrg. Mi Anna mcihtiea Maaers BMMe House Opeaa. The Bible Hoase at Mooers is ready for students The Institution hoaaed la a foar story brteh with accooonodations for lt«i i <# # GEO. N. M. BREWER INSURANCE KEESEVILLE, N. Y. tiigh school grades ami diploma. Coarsen are ottered ia ransic. and in tximmercu > >r.«al. claaslcm! und ac*en:. needa? off to enjoy urban life POUT KENT. —School did not open the first of the month as stated mat week. School will also present at the begin September 14. with Miss Hayes ;as teacher. The school —Aa aato party consisting; of Mr. finished this week. —The Presbvtenr of Chnmplalo meets with the Preabyterian charch at Fort Henry Taeaday and Wednesday olnemt week- The Woman's Home and Fore lira Missionary society will )aleo bold its annaai meeting ia con- 'rttt aS.nection with the preabyterial conven- tiom. The Keeaevilie charch has dee- mad Mra. Patrick Bremnaa. Mary and —Misa Aneen v mited at Plsttsbarg. Mrm. George Brown, Saturday. of Daanemora. 1 —Mra. M. E. Waatherwax was ia spent Saadsy at the home of Mr. and Plattawarg cat business. Satarday. T H. ffpe^ I —Mra. Voaheokmsn and daaghter. ^Patrick Collin, aad Gttea Makmey^Iss Thelma ami Mia. ONeil were al . liarlingtoa viaitora. Satarday. | —Mra. EL J. Fickle retarned Satar- day Prom visaing friends in Barling ton ami MUton, Vt. —Miss Tharher spent Sanday ia ignated as its representatives. Hopkins, as comm Pyper. aa alternate V. M. Joha DEATH COMES SUDDENLY TO PORT KENT TRACKWALKER, WLUard Raher. l*reacott Need Xyack X. V. The ^land Arnold tliapmaa. and carton Tallmsdge. The bridesmaids followed. They Cleveland. O t*. K. l^ef.ter Ta?k>rJ xfTf Miss Barbara Kamevn, in a bite Mra. ilcr.asm Allen. frepe^le-chene. shower bouquet of I'urto Rico Mr. and Mil*. Lran Da Wbite sweet peas: Mat Katberine vts Boardman. RcMneya, in pink tail eta. shower boa- \ Moriah Mrs. James McKee. Mrs qaet of prnk sweet peas. Mtsa Sarah Henrr MclAaghltn. Miss Margaret Mr* Koss. In yellow crepe-de-chene, *bow Kee. James Harper. Mr. and Mr* Fred er booquet of white sweet peas tied Woodruff with yellow; Misa Mary Boynton. lav! miabethtown: Mr. and Mrs Wil ender taffeta, shower bonqaef of laven- !iaro Rf>berts, Mrs. James Mack, der sweet peaa. The matron jf honor, i —————— Mra. Wiliard Baher. pr^r^dni tae«KEEOFViLLC FIREMEN WIN bride, draaaed ia white satin witk arm' S1» PRIZE AT PLATTSSURO. bonqaet of Killamey roses The bride * toUowed on the arm of her father. Tabor Has* ami I adder Company tended the Coanty fair. —Miss Gertmde CBriew is visiting relatives ia Keeaevilie this week. —Mr. Mra. F. A. Patten and Piattsbnrg. recently. Miobaei McGatre, to Attack af Heart Fatftwr* ii aw Dwty. •tew. Stepping into the tool daaghter*, Mildred and Edith, of ! £, _ Mlm Uo ^ €>m > mme ^ e*wT |tto6 water tank near the Port Kent t * ,Saadar visitor with friends in Platte j action shortly before « ocloch last jhnrg I Satarday evening to enjoy a few mo- —Miller O Brlen. after spending the J —Misa Mary Rhone who anderwent ) » « , . • rest before going to work. Mich aanimer with relatrsea here, retamed an opLxatioa in a PUttsharg hospital ^^ HcGaire. €i years old. a D. A H to RL Michaels college. WtoooskL Vt. for appeavdicHss ia improving rapidly ' -Mra. Lanctoa of Greenwich, wss kA ^'oii» « • at Part KewC gowned la white satin caaght with orange besjaaet of valley iiiliee. and his heat man. Roper vesl wttk train Takes Money w#4tw flower' Record of 3S r Secoada. The groom' Kees*viiie fren>ea took a prominent B. Prescou. part in the i-abor tiny events at them at the altar, and the simple Ptattabaig. The C. F. TaWir H K*k a doable ring service was performed by Ladder Company with *fc men ;a line the Rer. R. S. O Iiell. : held a prominent position in th^ inon- The r«C€*ptioa followed immediateiy J ster parade, and tn their ^pic ax^d »pan }aad a large company were gathered at onforrr** attracted mnch at tent wn the home on Main street. The hoase* Tbe Keeaevilie Tire laddies enured was bright with beantifsl flowers and tr^ *<*" rare and woa a second prise jmgy traenwaiker. livins; with his wile J ^^^ ^ ^ ^ Tw ^^^ 4^ nf utlm joj^ sj^io u ih * for«nm S of fating of both honae and charch was the comnar.y and tbe other oncers the direction of Mrs, Aikvit F ar< Firat aaaistaTit. Fet^r ije^p*»rance; with her helpers spared seo^ad sssa^ant. Joseph 5avar neither Usne wor labor. Mr. and Mra. retary. R E. Graves: rreaaar^r. X ***** TJ^L 110 ** cii,U * l,lf , E . K . Rsanes^ and Mr. ami Mra. Cter- BaUmr< his pipe la hie lifeieos hami. The aav;,^ ^ , # m mjmA w-fc % ^ % ^^> j ^ Tmkar HoQ%: ami Ladder < paay was compelled to ran on a H ttoiiL w%icw coapOed with the directed by lar. st. J ~* on So Use en oolite gave etwi." ~—' By Your Lathe You need skill of hand, a keen eye and steady nerves, and when you get a crackerjack chew or smoke you know how it helps all three. Nothing like tucking good old LIBERTY into your pipe, or taking a man's size chew, to hold you steady and put gimp into the job- LIBERTY Long Cut Tobacco k a substantial, satisfying, heakhful tobacco—made for rod men who like die honed taste of real tobacco. Manly men cannot gdt satisfaction out of than they can make a meal off of marshmaOows. You go to LIBERTY to uttafy your tobacco hanger, just as you go to a beefsteak to satisfy etamach hunger. We make LIBERTY out of pure Kentucky leaf. We age k three to /he yean — so as to make k rich, ripe and mellow—naturally sweet, juicy and pleasing, it's got the snap and task to it. k's the big. two-feted kind of men, the the who use LffiERTY; tobacco that cluoapt them. Ymt try LIBERTY for a atee^ and you B always keep i on the job. Sold

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Page 1: C0UB V!itt il AUTO TOUR HEADS CARS FOR NORTHERN NEW …nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031741/1914-09-11/ed-1/seq-3.pdf• • I - More thaa l£.i**o toartata hava t t j mmMie the

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C0UB THE ttSSttX C0I7NTY REPUBLICAN. SEPTEMBER 11, f914. rou? • - • > • • « • • • • • • • - • - • ^ rT

• f t

4 • • • • •

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BECAUSE-TKey arc beautiful stylish Shoes—They are com­fortable, luxurious Shoes—They are long-lived, satis­factory Shoes-They are priced within every woman's purse—They are approved by fashion followers.

Ask any woman of the millions of women who wesr them. She will tell you iust what we have toM you and more." Fall styles are ready. You are offered the latest models, direct from the world s fashion centers, at the s.une same price anywhere in the United States.

Sterns & Winter Sole Ag«rt*» Keeseville, N- Y.

Time */ahte Changes. TW local ue*e labia lor K. A. C

L. C. K R. la effect Jut* M.'l lM. Leave 7 a. m. to meet boat south;

ratiiralAS 7:3$. l<ee** $. a. m. trala south; rotursv

tag S:t&. 1-eate H: a. in. boat aontu train

south, rottimtaa; 10:2*. Leave 1130 a. m. train south and

iiortti; return in* 12:34 p, m. Leave 3.16 p. m. boat south; raturo-

i&I 3.&0. t*ave 4:50 p* m. train aorta tad

Loht north; return I us *.?o. Lea\* * 13 p. m trataa north sad

south; returning 10 18. 8uauay Servka.

J I j Leavo T 3(». 11 • 10. a. m. sad 5:20 r

• t • «• J J I Arrive *:** a. m.. 12 21 *:•* p. at

- • - • ^<*--*»»~«> • "*~* • <*<»*•"* < * • • < » • • • - * " « • • • • ' •

* •

; :

I! t


t • « • 4 t 4 •

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t •

i: • • • • • • jV

HCESCVILLC JOTTINGS —Tow a i Wrk K. F. Stone has issued

-I fcanttn* licensee i i m t Jaaoary 1. —The Conisserclal House ha* a4«le4

a DvriNii^nirr automobile to their J I \utrrv. • • I - More thaa l£.i**o toartata hava t t j mmMie the trip thrtHiSh Aa^able Chjuou.

this Mmson. — \Vh*rt*vrr two or ihraa Kaca#viUe

folks a*****, the Karupeaa srar is the all-ahsarbtnic took: at cvaversatioa.

—The time liaitt for 1 aar cent. Ota* voaat on srhol ta&ea emotrea October

t •

T h e ICeesevillc National Bank C a p i t a l S!OO fOOO, S u r p l u s SSOtOOO

K. R o m t y n J . A . B s b t r

D I H r C T O R S F . B. M c K t m i t M . J . C a 11 a n a n

C. H . P r c s e o t t F . M. H o p K i i t s C. tf. H o p k i n s

Safe Deposit Boxes for Rental W c c o r d i a l l y i n v i t e yo t i t o c a l l , ajs4 o f f e r o v e r SO y e a r s

e x p e r i e n c e to serve y o u r in terests .

. OAVIS STREET AND VICINITY. W AUSASL€ VALLEY. jir aad Mrs. Robert Si^m>r. o!| —Taa nsacadam road between Cht*

Weat l"em saeat a tew days at Clover-j Hm% Ule and Keaoeville. ks aractlcaltjr saead farm last waek. While there, la) flashed except for abonnfc the roads

ipaay with Mr. aa<S Mrs. P. H. S i r , on the side* Teaase are haaUoe away they *pem a day at Georer i^u the empty tar barrels after the tar

lip's. South i'lattsbarc **• De* f l ^ » o t e d . The crusher will —Miss Uaxte Mock of Sauth r ram re«ioia here for a whtie The slot*-

toghaxa. Maas. is visaing her p * r e m * < ^ %- c r - * — r: Platuhur. oa the J. V. Mora, this wee*- flattaworf road. The men who hate

worked here wUl go to Hiattsbara

spent Sandar aad Mrs. F H

with her parents. Sisnor.

l i l l ier, who has

Mr and Mrs _ M i « 0 « « Si^oor. of K ~ ~ * U j * ( ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

I t**rs. of Hope. HamiHom cottaly. are visiUna trienda aad rolattirea la this

-Joaeph lil l ier, who aas fee* in u ^ T ^ ^ ^otorod from Hope. health lor some tune, is very m 4 ^ ^ ^ of * a naiea. to KeeaoriUe

I and CUatoaville. John L>wyer. of East j —Herhert


—Mr. and Mrs. aad the Miaaes

— With the adveal of cooler weather Mooday a«ht . overcoau aad lars

their apaaaraajrw. AH roads lead to 1 akia Hall aeat

eveaias. aa It la the opeaeias ; of the dancina class, which promise* a 1 good time to alt

—Keeaevtlle reaemaled Goldsmith s Deserted Vilmpe oa l^hor Uay. Han dreda of people took adraataae of the rare weather to spead the day at rnattaaara.

—A frraad sacred eoaeert far the benefit of the wear pipe or**a will he elvea Wedaeaday eveain*. Septemher 2Z. at St John the Baptist Roman rathottr chart h.

—*Su*ar is sine rents a poand/ romplata Keeseville housewives who are wxmderiae; how they can pat ap ettonjea preeervee at that price to feed their families dartnt the coming win ter

—The Her t>orge Stock well, of Anmsble Fork*, annoantes that FT en toe Prayer service* at S p. m.. will take the place next SandaT. of the usaaJ BKimtna services in St. raul's I'ruieatant Episcopal church Keese-viile

—lUMsntifol refresh meats were the order of the day last Saaday at the Prison Road tamp thanks to the kind aaas of Mr Johnson and family, of Wndhama, Mr Nichols aad family, of



Summer and Fall Boots

The newest m ladies* boots for summer and fall are in. The new styles are unusually pleasing. A spjc^'ly attractive Boot is the patt.ni anJ gun metal cloth top button with a

Leather Louis Heel

Patent Button

Cloth Top $4.50

Gun Metal Button

Cloth Top $4.25

Two Hundred Machines Will P Thrawfh Keeeevilte Septem­

ber SO; CerHele to Talk With the start of mora than 2oO cars

the 1*14 official totar of the Nov York State Automobile association left lturaell at 10 o clock Monday morning! headed by the Horneil Automobile* cluh pilot car, f^iowed by the <ar' 1 ontaininf the of&ct*ra of the aaaocia/ tiua* John N. Cariiaia, State (\>mmis j siuner of highwnys. .and many other laotahlea. This tour is scheduled to U**s tbroach Keeaevilie on September to. ;

The oHUrial send off was given hy the mayor of Horn ell. Frank f. Kel­son. Kverv car m line -was liecorated < miib the othiuil toar and the "See New York State First* pennants, tae othciaily adopted slogan not only of the toar bat of the New York State Automobile association.

The tour was conceive*! mainly to farther the1 Interests of good roads in

f 1 New Yor* State and with this ta miad' I 1 iommisatoner Carlisle is accvMupany* • ing the party m a scna oitUial tapac-I i uy. He will uptaA at each of the • meetings as the tour passes through » ' 1 be i inot i i c.tie* and towns of the J State A. J. l*cr. nrt.s«dent of toe

asaocuition. wOJ be another of toe a

»pe**ers who mill dwell uo the work of the organised motorists, and will show the good wbivh they are ocrom*

| pushing both for the motorists and aeaeuotoriata. Mel 1 in liendar. gener f*

Smart Fall Hats

• I t '

We have many popular Soft Hats for FalL They are very stylish and the shapes are different a»d attractive. The soft hat hat more friends to-day thaa ever before. A man's hat is about the most conspicuous feature of his entire make-up.

1 1 i

Prices 50c to Young's $3.00 j

McALOON & SMITH Ke/esevi l le , IS. Y.

J. B. M A C E Opera House Block, KeesevtUe, N Y

uon. wilt talk * V legislative program sir

Orange, of

X. J., and Mrs are vtattiag

PRfcSCOTT ROMEYN NUPTIALS * U^tan. Mas* Mrs. H. a FASHIOMASLE CMU*CH EVENT. Miss iielea Wlllard. Harry Hoaghton.

Mr» W. H, Toaey. Mi*a >lary Tobe>. Twe of Keeoeviiie'O Oideat Fam<i»ea H I M Harriet Toaey. Mrs. Charlea Uee.

United ia Firm aae**et Chaec^, eW. UIBS Sarah Fosa. fare artlliant Aeaamhlape j Albany 1*. and Mr». W zu M

\l\j Mm M. I) Hougnton*. ) Ne^a. V\ tllmrn Ncad. Mr. and Mrs la anticipation o! a social even*, ol Pr*»tott N<ad. Mr. and

annswal haman interest, the to«n i*( tT&apmaa. I^epaty 8tnte Keeaev;lle was re~T mwb aitve oa fcl \imrr\* SXM! Mrs. Harris. j 1b»* tc ur w:!l < arry forward the slo-Wednesday. j>eptraib*T Z Hoam be^; \attabarg Mr and Mrs. George'*** *%s*^ N#kW Y o r k *5t*4r F i r*1

fore the aipoioted tm*e the »tre^i# k *-rt»4i. U m M*rsar*r ( arr%>!l. Iboi:*]11*^ t^«»ry ^f the siocau ?s that Ntw .ending to the r\r*t iiaptmt charvh ns »i. (oiter. Mr. and Mra. Albert Mar-;Y o r k S : * l # *• M^^w^aased »o the were lined with people eager to w:t* ah^ii. the Jitesea Marahail. Mrs. Stlaat1"1111*4 5 t l i l ^ f o r *«*»«-ry. 1rT rn*' !*

Barber. Misa Amanda iMeil. Mlasim,>4 fMC S*^*1^ eaoelleace la tount

al coaaael for tae toa the proposed j for neat year aa it eflects the motorists! land the pedestrians.

A complete road guide of Sew York States routing at least 10.000 In this Suae alone, will be the great perma­nent reealt of the toar. This guide is being conatrut ted by the Srarwor-

'oughs of lndmaapolta. la conjunction with M. Rocamora. manager of the Motor Uatde department of the New

I lork State Automobile asaociaticm. By the time this rutde is cotupleted the».T<mtest auixiher of miles ever routed la New York State wUl be con tamed in it. It mill be the oSlciai publication of the New York State Aa tomohtle association, and will make HM sppearance al Use beginning of the

FARM FOR SALE Large 12 room house, running uittr: good barns; 150 acres. Located near the Village of Keeseville. A bargain. - Inquire of

M. E NICOLLS Real Estate and Insurance Keeseville, N. Y.

t * * * * * m ~ f r ~ *

Mra. AroolU to€aptroJler! la l i rUi* *e*»on. urxx >enr

Itii* tc*nr w:!l carry ft rward tb«

Mr. mad Mra.

Mra. T.

tleerhead. and Mr. Cornwtght family, farnmhed Ice of Lewie, who

cake ami cigara. —Acting om the prtaclple thai "Xa-

hor makes a man a htmt aad cro^

Hart. ^ Hasel Samner Mr. and Giene Faiia, called Mr. ami w . Mace. reoaaUy.

H. Mile*. | —Misa Paatiae Freattm and Maater Lynch was a caller at F. Gerald, who have been vtsttin* her

H. Signers Semday evenims. grand pareata aad relatives m Keeae-jkim every day." the KeesertUe —Momroe Signer of Lyon Mountain. «¥Ule- «^«ni*a ****** jtariat In large numhers spent Mondar

spent mat Frtday at F. H. Sic»or a. ! — * * * M ^ ^ ^ M a Wlllawate friemis f followirg hla aaaal oocuaauon. The ^ M i a . Saaan Roberta, of Point An ^ " *T « * Un W »*** Ifwraltare faetory gave its

Roche, spent the week-end with her niece. Mra. Charlea Earner.

—Alice and Francis Finnegan were

news the ceremonies im;dent to the weddlag ef Miss Margaret Homeyn t^ Mr Rafna A. Pres- olL Hcores of aa-tomohiles were parked three deep :n rront of the charch property.

A UtUe after flee o clock la the af ternoosu Invited r-*ets began to «a ter the charch antil the ediSce was sued to Ma srtmoet capaelty.

rtie charch deonrationa were very beaaUfnl. the color achame betng

pink. MASS Geraidtne Hood at the argaa. Promptly at

ala o clock, the first strains of the wed-

C\ ra J. E:i*bmr>. Mr. ann Mrs. l>eni»i? < ^taaan. Miss ikina Tmman. Mr. and Mra, William UovrelL

-.tea* Falls. Mr. aad Mrs. Willard U s e r . Mr and Mra. Kdward Irian. Mr a d Mrs. Clifford Allen. Mra. Frank U>we.

t Fort Kent: mma LeraSwa Aaaon. Mrs. Joha S. Brokaw.

Sbenandoah Mrs. Lather Whitney ^pnngnorongh. I*a.: Orlando Bar­

ber Flat bash. L. T. Mrs Gladding aad

- -^ *- ^ ipfoyea oj^iag march from Uohengrta. anaonnc- daaghter. - T h e Mace hoy. teak a Sahins t r i p , M i 6 m r , l M r^y. while the workers' l h # ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ | ^ . ^ s x M f ^ M f m A ^

of one day to Batternat l ond and j at the shirt factory speat the day at L ^ ^ ^ ^ TheJ m w , a m ^ Timpm^ MHm l2iEMh^k Timpson brought home nice pickerel and u»eir macinnes prefering to take Wed iHuf|KkVI1

over Sanday gnests of friends in Bar-liJVgton, XV

—Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Si^nor. and Mr. aad Mra. P-J- Slgnor attended the rreecott-Romeya wedding at the First

charch In KeeaeriUe last Tbey v

perch. —<|uile a namber from here are ai-Iptettftbarg

tending the fair at Plattsbnrg.

Mi Anna


Maaers BMMe House Opeaa. The Bible Hoase at Mooers is

ready for students The Institution hoaaed la a foar story brteh with accooonodations for lt«i

i <#




tiigh school grades ami diploma. Coarsen are ottered ia ransic. and in tximmercu > >r.«al. claaslcm! und ac*en:.

needa? off to enjoy urban life

POUT KENT. —School did not open the first of the

month as stated mat week. School will also present at the begin September 14. with Miss Hayes

;as teacher. The school —Aa aato party consisting; of Mr. finished this week.

—The Presbvtenr of Chnmplalo meets with the Preabyterian charch at Fort Henry Taeaday and Wednesday olnemt week- The Woman's Home and Fore lira Missionary society will

)aleo bold its annaai meeting ia con-'rttt aS.nection with the preabyterial conven-

tiom. The Keeaevilie charch has dee-mad Mra. Patrick Bremnaa. Mary and —Misa Aneen v mi ted at Plsttsbarg.

Mrm. George Brown, Saturday. of Daanemora.1 —Mra. M. E. Waatherwax was ia

spent Saadsy at the home of Mr. and Plattawarg cat business. Satarday. T H. ffpe^ I —Mra. Voaheokmsn and daaghter.

^Patrick Collin, aad Gttea Makmey^Iss Thelma ami Mia. ONeil were a l . liarlingtoa viaitora. Satarday.

| —Mra. EL J. Fickle retarned Satar­day Prom visaing friends in Barling ton ami MUton, Vt.

—Miss Tharher spent Sanday ia

ignated as its representatives. Hopkins, as comm Pyper. aa alternate

V. M. Joha


WLUard Raher. l*reacott Need Xyack X. V. The ^ l a n d Arnold tliapmaa. and carton Tallmsdge.

The bridesmaids followed. They Cleveland. O t*. K. l^ef.ter Ta?k>rJ xfTf Miss Barbara Kamevn, in a bite Mra. i lcr .asm Allen. frepe^le-chene. shower bouquet of I'urto Rico Mr. and Mil*. Lran Da Wbite sweet peas: Mat Katberine vts Boardman. RcMneya, in pink tail eta. shower boa- \ Moriah Mrs. James McKee. Mrs qaet of prnk sweet peas. Mtsa Sarah Henrr MclAaghltn. Miss Margaret Mr* Koss. In yellow crepe-de-chene, *bow Kee. James Harper. Mr. and Mr* Fred er booquet of white sweet peas tied Woodruff with yellow; Misa Mary Boynton. l a v ! miabethtown: Mr. and Mrs Wil ender taffeta, shower bonqaef of laven- !iaro Rf>berts, Mrs. James Mack, der sweet peaa. The matron jf honor, i —————— Mra. Wiliard Baher. pr^r^dni tae«KEEOFViLLC FIREMEN WIN bride, draaaed ia white satin witk a r m ' S 1 » PRIZE AT PLATTSSURO. bonqaet of Killamey roses The bride * — toUowed on the arm of her father. Tabor Has* ami I adder Company

tended the Coanty fair. —Miss Gertmde CBriew is visiting

relatives ia Keeaevilie this week.

—Mr. Mra. F. A. Patten and Piattsbnrg. recently.

Miobaei McGatre, to Attack af Heart Fatftwr* i i

aw Dwty.


Stepping into the tool daaghter*, Mildred and Edith, of ! £ , _Mlm Uo^ €>m>mme ^ „ e*wT | tto6 water tank near the Port Kent

t * € ,Saadar visitor with friends in Platte j action shortly before « ocloch last jhnrg I Satarday evening to enjoy a few mo-

—Miller O Brlen. after spending the J —Misa Mary Rhone who anderwent ) » « , . • rest before going to work. Mich aanimer with relatrsea here, retamed an opLxatioa in a PUttsharg hospital ^^ HcGaire. € i years old. a D. A H to RL Michaels college. WtoooskL Vt. for appeavdicHss ia improving rapidly '

-Mra. Lanctoa of Greenwich, w s s k A ^ ' o i i » « • at Part KewC

gowned la white satin caaght with orange besjaaet of valley iiiliee. and his heat man. Roper

vesl wttk train Takes Money w#4tw f lower ' Record of 3S r Secoada.

The groom' Kees*viiie fren>ea took a prominent B. Prescou. part in the i-abor tiny events at

them at the altar, and the simple Ptattabaig. The C. F. TaWir H K*k a doable ring service was performed by Ladder Company with *fc men ;a line the Rer. R. S. O Iiell. :held a prominent position in th^ inon-

The r«C€*ptioa followed immediateiy J ster parade, and tn their ^pic ax d »pan }aad a large company were gathered at onforrr** attracted mnch at tent wn the home on Main street. The hoase* Tbe Keeaevilie Tire laddies enured was bright with beantifsl flowers and tr^ *<*" rare and woa a second prise

j m g y traenwaiker. livins; with his wile J ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ T w ^ ^ ^ 4 ^ n f utlm j o j ^ sj^io u ih* for«nmS of fating of both honae and charch was the comnar.y and tbe other oncers

the direction of Mrs, Aikvit F ar< Firat aaaistaTit. Fet^r ije^p*»rance; with her helpers spared seo^ad sssa^ant. Joseph 5avar

neither Usne wor labor. Mr. and Mra. retary. R E. Graves: rreaaar^r. X ***** T J ^ L 1 1 0 * * c i i , U * l , l f , E . K . Rsanes^ and Mr. ami Mra. Cter- BaUmr<

his pipe la hie lifeieos hami. The aav; ,^ ^ ,# m mjmA w - f c %^% ^^> j ^ T m k a r HoQ%: ami Ladder < paay was compelled to ran on a H ttoiiL w%icw coapOed with the

directed by lar. st. J

~* on So Use en oolite gave e t w i . " ~—'

By Your Lathe You need skill of hand,

a keen eye and steady nerves, and when you get a crackerjack chew or smoke you know how it helps all three. Nothing like tucking good old LIBERTY into your pipe, or taking a man's size chew, to hold you steady and put gimp into the job-

LIBERTY Long Cut Tobacco

k a substantial, satisfying, heakhful tobacco—made for rod men who like die honed taste of real tobacco.

Manly men cannot gdt satisfaction out of than they can make a meal off of marshmaOows. You go to LIBERTY to uttafy your tobacco hanger, just as you go to a beefsteak to satisfy etamach hunger.

We make LIBERTY out of pure Kentucky leaf. We age k three to /he yean — so as to make k rich, ripe and mellow—naturally sweet, juicy and pleasing, it's got the snap and task to it.

k's the big. two-feted kind of men, the

the who use LffiERTY;

tobacco that cluoapt them.

Ymt try LIBERTY for a atee^ and you B always keep i on the job.
