essential question summarize three points from the u.s. history syllabus


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Essential Question

Summarize three points from the U.S. History syllabus.

SSUSH1 The student will describe European settlement in North America during the 17th century.

 a. Explain Virginia’s development; include the Virginia Company, tobacco cultivation, relationships with Native Americans such as Powhatan, development of the House of Burgesses, Bacon’s Rebellion, and the development of slavery.

What were the original 13 colonies?

The impact of Geography in the exploration of North America

What they could produce and where because of geography


England Takes Interest in America

Protestant Reformation

Enclosure Movement

Rivalry with Spain

In 1607, Jamestown, Virginia, became the first successful English colony in the New World.

Jamestown Settlement

• In April 1607, settlers sent by the Virginia Virginia CompanyCompany in London entered Chesapeake Bay and founded Jamestown.

• They faced many hardships.

• For example, they found no gold nor did they establish the fish or fur trading expected of them by the Virginia Company investors.

• The number of colonists dwindled.

Essential Question

Explain some of the hardships that the colonists faced in the first year of settling Jamestown.

Jamestown Settlement (cont.)

• Captain John Smith arrived in 1608 to govern the colonists.

• The Virginia Company installed yet another leader to govern them after Smith.

• A harsh winter and more trouble continued to plague the colonists.

Jamestown Settlement (cont.)

• When the colonists discovered how to grow tobacco, the colony began to prosper.

• Relations with the Native Americans living nearby also improved when one of the colonists, John Rolfe, married Pocahontas, the daughter of Chief Powhatan.


Jamestown Settlement (cont.)

• The Virginia Company allowed a representative government in which ten towns in the colony each sent two representatives, or burgesses, to an assembly.

• The assembly made local laws.

• The House of Burgesses met for the first time on July 30, 1619.

Essential QuestionExplain what the House of Burgesses was.


Headright SystemHeadright System: Plantation owners were given 50 acres for every indentured servant they sponsored to come to America.

Indentured ContractIndentured Contract: Served plantation owner for 7 years as a laborer in return for passage to America.

Freedom DuesFreedom Dues: Once servant completed his contract, he/she was freed….They often did not get voting rights.

What factors led to the introduction of

African slaveryAfrican slavery replacing indentured indentured

servitudeservitude as the labor force in the

American Colonies?

What factors led to the introduction of

African slaveryAfrican slavery replacing indentured indentured

servitudeservitude as the labor force in the

American Colonies?

Indentured Servants

Indentured servants became the first means to meet the

need for labor.

In return for free passage to Virginia, a laborer worked in

the fields before being granted freedom.

The Crown rewarded planters with 50 acres of land for every inhabitant they brought to the

New World.

Naturally, the colony began to expand.

That expansion was soon challenged by the Native

American confederacy formed and named after Powhatan

Indentured Servitude

Many indentured servants died before gaining their freedom.

Of those that became free, less than half acquired their own land. They became tenant farmers, working land they rented from the planter elite.

Those that acquired land often operated through subsistence farming.

•Slavery has been practiced since the beginning of documented history.

•Slavery introduced by the Spanish into the West Indies after Columbus’s

discovery of America.•Spanish and Portuguese expanded

African slavery into Central and South American after enslaved Indians

began dying off.•In 1619, the first recorded

introduction of African slaves into what would become the United States

was in the settlement of Jamestown……Only 20 slaves were


Slaves captured in Africa

Slaves aboard ship—Middle Passage

This is called the Middle


Southern Society

Society in the South became divided by the late 1600s. Wealthy landowners (Southern gentry) were at the top of the class structure while poor backcountry farmers (yeomen), landless tenant farmers, and servants were at the bottom.

This uneven distribution of wealth led to rebellion.

Bacon’s RebellionBacon’s Rebellion((1676 - 1677)1676 - 1677)

Bacon’s RebellionBacon’s Rebellion((1676 - 1677)1676 - 1677)

Nathaniel Bacon Nathaniel Bacon represents represents

former former indentured indentured servants.servants.

Nathaniel Bacon Nathaniel Bacon represents represents

former former indentured indentured servants.servants.

GovernorGovernorWilliam William

Berkeley of Berkeley of JamestownJamestown

GovernorGovernorWilliam William

Berkeley of Berkeley of JamestownJamestown

•Involved former indentured

servants•Not accepted in


and unable to receive their land

•Gov. Berkeley would not defend settlements from

Indian attacks

•Nathaniel Bacon acts as the

representative for rebels

•Gov. Berkeley refused to meet their conditions and erupts into a

civil war.•Bacon dies, Gov.

Berkeley puts down rebellion and

several rebels are hung

Consequences of Bacon’s RebellionVirginia’s government increased support for

westward expansion, regardless of the impact on Native Americans. Land = peace

African slavery increased dramatically, replacing indentured servitude.Enslaved workers did not have to be freed and

would never need their own land.Cheap land became available in other colonies,

reducing the need for settlers to become indentured servants.

The English government adopted policies that encouraged slavery.

Grew in America as slaves attempted to “make the best” of their lives while living under the worst of circumstances. Slave communities were rich with music, dance, basket-weaving, and pottery-making. Enslaved Africans brought with them the arts and crafts skills of their various tribes as well as

advanced farming techniques. Indeed, there could be a hundred slaves working on one farm and each slave might come from a different tribe and a different part of Africa.

SSUSH1 The student will describe European settlement in North America during the 17th century.

b. Describe the settlement of New England; include religious reasons, relations with Native Americans (e.g., King Phillip’s War), the establishment of town meetings and development of a legislature, religious tensions that led to the founding of Rhode Island, the half-way covenant, Salem Witch Trials, and the loss of the Massachusetts charter and the transition to a royal colony.



Catholics in England did not accept the King as the head of the Church.

Lord Baltimore founded Maryland.Catholics wanted to practice their faith without

persecution.Proprietary colony: Lord Baltimore owned

Maryland and could govern as he saw fit. Most settlers were Protestant.Official policy of religious toleration.Tensions between Catholic minority and

Protestant majority.


Separatists: Puritans who broke away from the Anglican Church to form their own congregations.

Persecuted by the English government, fled to Holland, then to the New World.

Mayflower – Landed in MassachusettsSquanto helped them survive.

•John Winthrop, founder of the Massachusetts Bay Colony

•Middle class settlers, educated and organized

•Successful as fur traders, fishermen and shipbuilders

•Ruled as “Bible Commonwealth” or theocracy

•New England Way = Puritan covenant with God

•To establish holy society----”City upon a hill”

Pilgrims merge with the Puritans to form Massachusetts Bay ColonyCommunities well organized

Established townsProtestant Work Ethic

Family values




New Hampshire

Rhode Island


New England

1. good harbors

2. small farms and towns

3. trade centered around harbors

4. hilly, forested and shallow soil

5. cities: Boston

• 15,000 – 1750

6. fishing, lumber and trapping

7. Family, religion and community


New Hampshire

Rhode Island


Building the Bay ColonyBuilding the Bay Colony Franchise (right to vote) extended to

“freemen” – adult Puritan men of Congregational church (about 40% of men in the colony ~ higher percentage than in England)

Since idea of government was to enforce God’s laws, religious leaders (e.g. John Cotton) were very influential

Building the Bay Colony Puritan ideas: “calling” to God’s work,

Protestant work ethic, limited worldly pleasures, fear of hell

Trouble in Bible Colony (Puritan Rebels)

Roger WilliamsRoger Williams: Extreme Separatist, denied

right of civil government to govern religious behavior, challenged charter for illegally taking land from Indians

Avoided exile to England by fleeing to Rhode Island (Providence) where in 1636, aided by Indians, he started a colony in the Providence area

Started the first Baptist church Allowed complete freedom of


Roger Williams

Separation of Church and State.

Trouble in Bible Colony(Puritan Rebels)

Social harmony when only Puritans, but that didn’t last

Quakers: fines, floggings, banishments, executions

Anne Hutchinson: truly saved don’t need to obey (“antinomianismantinomianism” the theological doctrine that by faith and God's grace a Christian is freed from all laws (including the moral standards of the culture) Banished as a heretic.Travels to Rhode Island with

her children and helps organize this settlement

New England Spreads OutNew England Spreads Out

1635: Hartford (Conn.) founded by Dutch/English settlers. Some Puritans moved westward to Connecticut with Rev. Thomas Hooker

1639: Fundamental Orders – first written Constitution of the American colonies

Half-Way Covenant1st generation’s Puritan zeal diluted over

timeProblem of declining church membership1662: Half-Way Covenant – partial

membership to those not yet converted (usually children/ grandchildren of members)

Eventually all welcomed to church, erased distinction of “elect”

King Philip’s War• Colonial governments demanded that Native

Americans follow English laws.

• Plymouth colony executed three Wampanoag warriors for a murder.

• Wampanoag warriors resp0nded by attacking the town of Swansea.

• Wampanoag leader, Metacomet, was called King Philip by settlers.

Metacomet was killed.

•Settlers won the war.

•Few Native Americans remained in New England after the war.

Essential Question

Who was Roger Williams and why is he important?

How it started . . .•Betty Parris became strangely ill. •She dashed about, dove under furniture, contorted in pain, and complained of fever. •The cause of her symptoms may have been some combination of stress, asthma, guilt, boredom, child abuse, epilepsy, and delusional psychosis.•Talk of witchcraft increased when other playmates of Betty, including eleven-year-old Ann Putnam, seventeen-year-old Mercy Lewis, and Mary Walcott, began to exhibit similar unusual behavior.•A doctor called to examine the girls, suggested that the girls' problems might have a supernatural origin. •The widespread belief that witches targeted children made the doctor's diagnosis seem increasingly likely. -Douglas Linder

Causes of Witchcraft Hysteria in Salem 1.  Strong belief that Satan is acting in the world.

---------"The invisible world": disease, natural catastrophes, and bad fortune 2.  A belief that Satan actively recruits witches and wizards

---------Prior witchcraft cases

3.  A belief that a person afflicted by witchcraft exhibits certain symptoms.

4.  A time  of troubles, making it seem likely that Satan was active. ---------Congregational strife in Salem Village ---------Frontier wars with Indians

5.  Stimulation of imaginations by Tituba (slave).

6. Teenage boredom.

7. Confessing "witches" adding credibility to earlier charges.

8.  Old feuds (disputes within congregation, property disputes) between the accusers and the accused spurring charges of witchcraft.

Witch CakeTituba, a slave from Barbados, makes a

witch cake, drawing suspicion on herself.A witch cake is composed of rye meal

mixed with urine from the afflicted children. It is then fed to a dog.

The person is considered bewitched if the dog displays similar symptoms as the afflicted.

Spectral Evidence

““The girls contorted into grotesque poses, fell down into frozen postures, and complained of biting and pinching sensations. In a village where everyone believed that the devil was real, close at hand, and acted in the real world, the suspected affliction of the girls became an obsession.” - Douglas Linder

The TrialsBy the end of 1692, over 200 people were jailed and standing accused of witchcraft.

Hysteria Strikes Nineteen men and women were hanged,

all having been convicted of witchcraftAnother man of over eighty years was

pressed to death under heavy stones for refusing to submit to a trial on witchcraft charges

Many languished in jail for months without trials

At least four died in prison

Why the Hysteria Ended 1.  Doubts grow when respected citizens are convicted and

executed. -------Rebecca Nurse (jury first acquits, then told to reconsider) -------George Burroughs (recites Lord's Prayer perfectly at hanging)

2.  Accusations of witchcraft include the powerful and well-connected. -------Wife of Governor Phips (and others)

3.  The educated elite of Boston pressure Gov. Phips to exclude spectral evidence. -------Increase Mather points out the Devil could take the shape of an innocent person: "It were better that 10 suspected witches should escape than one innocent person should be condemned."

4.  Gov. Phips bars spectral evidence and disbands the Court

SSUSH1 The student will describe European settlement in North America during the 17th century.

 c. Explain the development of the mid-

Atlantic colonies; include the Dutch settlement of New Amsterdam and subsequent English takeover, and the settlement of Pennsylvania.

Middle Colonies

New YorkPennsylvaniaNew JerseyDelaware

Middle Colonies 1. River systems

2. Valleys – fertile soil

3. ."bread basket" large farms - surplus food

4. diverse population

5. manufacturing

6. iron mines, glass, shipyards, and paper

7. Cities: New York and Philadelphia

America, a

“melting pot”

New Netherland (New York)

1609: Henry Hudson sailing for Dutch East India Company sails into Hudson river looking for passage through continent ~ claims area for Dutch

1623-24: Dutch East India Company establishes New Netherland

Goal: quick-profit fur trade “Bought” Manhattan from Indians Company town: no religious tolerance or

free speech, harsh governors

New NetherlandNew Netherland

Colony had aristocratic influence (a member of a ruling class or of a member of a ruling class or of the nobilitythe nobility) with large feudal estates (“patroonships” – one larger than Rhode Island)

Very diverse population: in 1640s missionary observed 18 languages

New YorkNew York

Manors &Manors &

Land Land GrantsGrants


similar to similar to the feudal the feudal


New York Harbor, New York Harbor, 16391639

New York Harbor, New York Harbor, 16391639

New AmsterdamNew AmsterdamNew AmsterdamNew Amsterdam

Dutch Conflicts

Dutch cruelties to Indians brought retaliatory massacres – Dutch built wall (Wall Street)

Connecticut rejected Dutch settlers

Dutch in New York

English immigration to New Netherland resulted in 1/2 total population - English regarded Dutch as intruders

Charles II brazenly granted area to his brother (Duke of York)

English squadron comes, New Netherland leader, Peter Stuyvesant, governor of New York had no defense; he he surrenderedsurrendered, it was renamed New it was renamed New YorkYork

An Angry Peter Stuyvesant

Duke of York

Mid-1600s: religious dissenters named QuakersQuakers arose in England

Hated by authorities because they refused to pay taxes to Church of England, refused to take oaths, refused military service

Penn governs the colony, unusual for a proprietorAdvertised in Europe, promising land & freedoms

Frame of Government (guaranteed elected assembly), Charter of Liberties (freedom of

worship, open immigration), fair treatment of Native Americans

Penn’s family owed a large debt

from the British

Crown. Given a land grant

in 1681. Pennsylvania

Royal Land Royal Land Grant to PennGrant to Penn

Royal Land Royal Land Grant to PennGrant to Penn

Penn’s Treaty with Penn’s Treaty with the Native Americansthe Native Americans

Penn’s Treaty with Penn’s Treaty with the Native Americansthe Native Americans

That an example may be set up to the nations as ... a holy


  William Penn

All men have a natural and infeasible right to worship Almighty God according to the dictates of their own consciences; no man can of right be compelled to attend, erect, or support any place of worship, or to maintain any ministry against

his consent; no human authority can, in any case whatever, control or interfere with the rights of

conscience, and no preference shall ever be given by law to any religious establishment or

modes of worship. 

- William Penn, Declaration of Rights

Pennsylvania & Neighbors

Penn bought land from Indians ~ treatment of them so fair that Quakers went to them unarmed and even employed Indians as babysitters

However, as non-Quaker immigrants came, they were less tolerant of Indians (Scots-Irish)

Liberal features: elected assembly, no tax-supported church, freedom of worship


Penn granted the lower 3 counties of Pennsylvania their own assembly

Governor was the same as Pennsylvania’s until the American Revolution

William PennWilliam Penn

New Southern Colonies

North CarolinaNorth Carolina

South CarolinaSouth Carolina


North Carolina

Founded by allies of King Charles IILand grant to friends and political allies of

King Charles IISmall population, mostly farmers, came from

VirginiaDid not have a good harbor and the coastline

was hard to reach, so the colony grew slowlyGrew tobacco, exported tar, pitch, and

turpentine (naval supplies)

South Carolina

Founded by allies of King Charles IILand grant to friends and allies of King

Charles II as a financial venture – primarily sugar plantations

Sugar cane did not grow well.Exported deerskin (leather)The colony captured Native Americans and

shipped them to the Caribbean (slaves)

GeorgiaFounded by James Oglethorpe.Land granted to enable imprisoned debtors to

begin a new life.Also served as a buffer from Spanish FloridaSlavery, rum, and brandy was originally

banned.Diverse population (Scots, Welsh, Germans,

Swiss, Italians, a few Portuguese Jews)