
SAP Self-Services EhP5 Dagmar Becker Product Manager February, 2011

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SAP Self-Services EhP5Dagmar Becker Product Manager February, 2011


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SAP Self-Services - History and Motivation

Employee Self-Services (EhP5)

Manager Self-Services (EhP5 - New Services on Web Dynpro ABAP)

Implementation Aspects


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SAP Employee Self-Service - History

ESS 3.1I (1997)

ESS 4.0B

ESS 4.5B (1999)

ESS 4.6B

ESS 4.6C/4.7 (2002)

ESS mySAP ERP 2004 based on WD JavaBusiness Package ESS (ERP 2004) 60.1RTC: June 2004Business Package ESS (ERP 2004) 60.2RTC: December 2004

ESS ERP 6.0 based on WD JavaBusiness Package ERP05 ESS1.0 RTC: December 2005ESS ERP 6.0 Enhancement Pack 2Business Package ERP05 ESS1.2 RTC: July 2007ESS ERP 6.0 Enhancement Pack 3Business Package ERP05 ESS1.31 RTC: May 2008ESS ERP 6.0 Enhancement Pack 4Business Package ERP05 ESS1.41 RTC: November 2008ESS ERP 6.0 Enhancement Pack 5Business Package ERP05 ESS (WDA) 1.50RTC: December 2010


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Manager Self-Service: History

1999: Manager’s Desktop As of SAP R/3 4.5B

Business Package for Manager Self-Service 60.1x (HTMLB)GA: End 2002

Manager Self-Service (mySAP ERP 2004) 60.1 Web Dynpro Java RTC: 2004

Business Package for Manager Self-Service (ERP) 1.0 Web Dynpro JavaGA: May 2006

Business Package for Manager Self-Service (ERP) 1.31New services on Web Dynpro ABAPGA : May 2008

Business Package for Manager Self-Service (ERP) 1.41New services on Web Dynpro ABAPGA : May 2009

Business Package for Manager Self-Service (ERP) 1.51New services on Web Dynpro ABAPRTC: December 2010


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Drive Efficient HR Operations

Harmonized profile user interfaces

Extended HR shared services

Integrate more users into HR shared services, e.g. candidatesExtend service delivery access channelsIC staffing support

Harmonized profiles within SAP ERP HCM, based on a common user interface technology, with pre-delivered views (general data view, talent view,…) & enabled for access in all relevant HCM roles

Areas under consideration for continuous improvement

Lower TCOHarmonized user interface technology (Web Dynpro ABAP) lower TCOConfigurable & re-usable UI based on Floor Plan Manager

Next generation self-service

Compelling user interface & interaction patternsConsider continuous change of user experience needsSupport employees and managers efficiently/increase collaboration


SAP Self-Service EhP5 for ERP 6.01. ESS Overview2. Personal Profile3. CATS and Leave Request4. ESS Service-Overview EhP5


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The new ESS Role in the SAP Portal (1): Map View


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The new ESS Role in the SAP Portal (2): Directory View


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The new ESS Role in the SAP Portal (3): Index View

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SAP Self-Service EhP5 for ERP 6.01. ESS Overview2. Personal Profile3. CATS and Leave Request4. ESS Service-Overview EhP5

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Personal Information – Profile Page

The new profile page concept outlines thesnapshot of personal information at the mainpage itself in the form of bizcards (UI BuildingBlocks).

A simple navigation pattern with a one shotsnapshot view of entire data.

Reduced menu maintenance as one singleapplication handles all localization scenariosof Personal Information applications. Thismeans simpler applicationadministration(Lower TCO)

Over 100+ menu entries now reduced to onesingle menu entry.

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New Navigation PatternReduced Number of Clicks

The in-place navigation intuitively guides the user to Save and Back or Save orCancel

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Profile Adaption by Administrators–Including a new Bizcard, Changing Layout

Customers can include a new bizcard orcustomize an existing bizcard without any realapplication modification or development.The new FPM configuration based applicationuses generic ‘feeder classes’ that renderpersonal information related UI dynamically justvia a configuration of few clicks. (Lower TCO)

Customers can include a new bizcard orcustomize an existing bizcard without any realapplication modification or development.The new FPM configuration based applicationuses generic ‘feeder classes’ that renderpersonal information related UI dynamically justvia a configuration of few clicks. (Lower TCO)

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Profile Adaption by End Users – Drag & Drop

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SAP Self-Service EhP5 for ERP 6.01. ESS Overview2. Personal Profile3. CATS and Leave Request4. ESS Service-Overview EhP5

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Leave Request 1


Elimination of roadmap

Personal calendar can be used for navigation

Personal calendar show non-working days based on employee’s work schedule

Holidays highlighted in personal calendar

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Leave Request 2Team Calendar

Quarterly and annual view provided in addition to monthly view

Employee’s own name always on top

Sorting option (names ascending/descending)

Team Calendar shows non working days and holidays are highlighted.

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Leave Overview

Direct access to existing leaves

Time account balances as context information

Option to create a new leave request and return to leave overview

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Record Working Time 1

Improved general usability enhancing user experience

One screen application (elimination of the roadmap)

Combination of recording and releasing in a single scenario

New category in calendar ‘complete’ indicating that recorded hours are equal to target hours

Summary information in context help area

Default tab is set to ‘Daily’

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Record Working Time 2

New View Options

Vertical view

Bi-weekly view

Clock times in weekly and bi-weekly views

With or without tabs

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SAP Self-Service EhP5 for ERP 6.01. Manager Self-Service –What’s New in EhP52. MSS Leave, Time Recording Approval, Team Calendar3. Enterprise Compensation Planning & Compensation Profile4. Embedded Org Chart

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What’s New in MSS EhP5

Time Management (on Web Dynpro ABAP)Team calendar

Approve leave request

Approve time sheet data

Enterprise Compensation Management (on Web Dynpro ABAP)Compensation planning

Planning overview

Compensation information

Compensation approval

Personnel Cost Planning (New)

Organization (on Web Dynpro ABAP & Nakisa Embedded Org Chart)Maintain position details – select position via org chart

Start organizational process – select position / org unit via org chart

HCM Processes and Forms – Employees (New)Start Hiring

Start processes for employees – employee selection via org chart

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SAP Self-Service EhP5 for ERP 6.01. Manager Self-Service –What’s New in EhP52. MSS Leave, Time Recording Approval, Team Calendar3. Enterprise Compensation Planning & Compensation Profile4. Embedded Org Chart

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Leave Approval

Approval in POWL (Personal Object Worklist)

Mass approval or approval in detail view

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Approve Time Sheet Data

Approval in POWL (Personal Object Worklist)

Roadmap eliminated

Configurable approval default value

Rejection Reason only editable for rejected entries

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Team Calendar – Web Dynpro ABAP

Print team calendarPrint team calendarView month, quarter, year

Select specific month

View month, quarter, year

Select specific monthSort employeesSort employees Select Team MembersSelect Team Members

Non-Working Day

Public Holiday

Non-Working Day

Public Holiday

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SAP Self-Service EhP5 for ERP 6.01. Manager Self-Service –What’s New in EhP52. MSS Leave, Time Recording Approval, Team Calendar3. Enterprise Compensation Planning & Compensation Profile4. Embedded Org Chart

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Compensation PlanningShortened & Removable Roadmap

Roadmap…shortened to three steps: Select Employees, Plan Compensation Data, Review and Submitcan be removed by administrator for all users or by user on an individual basiscan be edited centrally (add steps / change step texts)

Right mouse click on the roadmap area allows you to hide the roadmap. However, keep in mind that even though the roadmap is hidden, the process steps still have to be followed (by using Previous and Next navigation buttons).

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Compensation PlanningEmbedded Analytics – Compensation & Development

Development of salary adjustments (data retrieved from infotype 759). Number of years to display here can be defined in Customizing (see details below in notes area).

Charts are directly updated upon changes in the planning table and vice versa!

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Planning Overview – Org Unit Based ProcessSAP Enhancement Package 5 for SAP ERP 6.0

New with Enhancement Package 5:

- Traffic Light status icons with mouse over capability

- Employee count column

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Employee Compensation ProfileEnhanced Solution: Compensation Information

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Employee Compensation ProfileOverview Tab

Short Profile along left side of Compensation Profile highlighting key compensation and additional reference data.

Overview tab highlights additional information embedded in tabs.

Clicking on ‘More’ link directs manager to relevant tab for further details.

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SAP Self-Service EhP5 for ERP 6.01. Manager Self-Service –What’s New in EhP52. MSS Leave, Time Recording Approval, Team Calendar3. Enterprise Compensation Planning & Compensation Profile4. Embedded Org Chart

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Embedded Org Chart in MSS

Managers can now select staff or organizational entities in applications such as HCM Processes and Forms via a embedded org chart view. The organizational chart control visualizes organizational hierarchies within the managers' span of control. Users can drill-down and navigate easily through their teams, finding a more human face of their organization when they start a change request for a person, position or organizational unit.

Embedded Org Chart view available in the following MSS applications:HCM Processes & Forms:

Start Process for EmployeeStart Process for Multiple Employees

Start Organizational ProcessCompetency Management:Maintain Position Details

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The embedded Org Chart views are an alternative, optional frontend to the existing „Object and Data Provider“ (OADP)-based frontends in the applications mentioned.

In case the user logs-on in the Accessibility mode, the classical OADP Web Dynpro screens will automatically show up and be used by the screenreadersoftware.

Note:The embedded Org Chart view has been developed in cooperation with Nakisa. The usage of this component (technical name EMBEDDED_ORGCHART 605) is free of charge for MSS Customers.In contrast to Nakisa‘s solution extension „SAP Talent Visualization by Nakisa“ (STVN), the Embedded OrgChart for MSS is not tied to an additional license fee - it is not sold as part of STVN, but is integral part of SAP ERP EhP5).

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Styles (2): Condensed and Vertical Condensed

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SAP Self-Service EhP5 for ERP 6.0Implementation Aspects – Employee Self-Service

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SAP Self-Services with Enhancement Package 5 for SAP ERP 6.0

Employee Self-Service Portal NWBC

Role Business Package for Employee Self-Service (WDA) 1.51


Used technology Web Dynpro ABAP Web Dynpro ABAP

With EhP5 SAP delivers a pure Web Dynpro ABAP Business Package for ESS

BP ESS (WDA) 1.50 contains not all services which are available with the WD Java Business Package ESS 1.41

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ESS Role Assembly – Multiple Options & Low TCONew Role Architecture

Deployment Options (SAP portal and NetWeaver Business Client)

ESS-UserESS-User ESS-UserESS-User

Enterprise Portal

Enterprise Portal

PCD(and Home and

Area Page Framework)

PCD(and Home and

Area Page Framework)

Enterprise Portal

Enterprise Portal










Old Old New New




A portal free Role offering containing applications only on one stack (ABAP) helps reduce TCO. The new Role assembly concept both PFCG and Launchpad provide a single point of entry for Role maintenance. SAP Portal Role maintenance is reduced by the reduced portal Role.

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The ESS Role from EHP5 on

ESS in NWBC ESS in SAP-Portal

From EHP5 on ESS offers two options, based on which client the ESS-Role is being used:

Netweaver Business Client

SAP Enterprise Portal

Similar look and feel in both deployment options with added features in SAP Portal.

Both Roles (NWBC and Portal) contain exactly the same content (only the client the content is running in is different)

All Role content is based on WD-ABAP

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Netweaver Business Client

What is the SAP NetWeaver Business Client?SAP’s next generation desktop client using the latest smart client technologyConsumes services and directly connects to the backend systemInfrastructure for role based access to SAP systems and consistent navigation capabilitiesCan host existing SAP UIs in the “canvas” area (including SAP GUI and WebDynpro) as well as any other web based content

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The new ESS Role in the NWBC (1): Starting Page

Single Overview Page with all applications listed in a hierarchical fashion. Zero footprint application launch with simpler in place navigation. One single point of entry for Role and authorization maintenance in ABAP stack reducing TCO.

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Required Business Functions

Business function HCM, ESS on Web Dynpro ABAP (HCM_ESS_WDA_1)

For services from HR Administrative Services(PA-AS):HCM, Administrative Services 03 (HCM_ASR_CI_3)

For services from Performance Management (PA-PD-PM):CA, Appraisals, Evaluations, and Surveys 01 (CA_HAP_CI_1)HCM, Performance Management 02 (HCM_OSA_CI_2)HCM, Performance Management 01 (HCM_OSA_CI_1)

For services from Talent Management (PA-TM):HCM, Core Processes in Talent Management (HCM_TMC_CI_1)

For Services from SAP E-Recruting (PA-ER):HCM, SAP E-Recruiting 4 (HCM_ERC_CI_4)

For services from Self-Service Procurement(SRM-EBP-SHP):SRM, Self-Service Procurement (SRM_SELF_SERVICE_1)

For services from Payroll India (PY-IN):HCM, Localization Topics for India (HCM_LOC_CI_21)

For services from Travel Management (FI-TV):Travel Management 3 (FIN_TRAVEL_3)Travel Management, Third-Party Travel Planning 2 (FIN_TRAVEL_PLANNING_EXTERNAL_2)Travel Management, Enablement for Shared Services (FIN_SSC_TIC_1)

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ESS Role Assembly – Lower TCONew Role Architecture

ESS-UserESS-User ESS-UserESS-User

Enterprise Portal

Enterprise Portal

PCD(and Home and

Area Page Framework)

PCD(and Home and

Area Page Framework)

Enterprise Portal

Enterprise Portal

(PCD) & Launchpad

Customizing “LPD_CUST”

(PCD) & Launchpad

Customizing “LPD_CUST”

Old New (from EHP5 on)




New offering contains applications only on one stack (ABAP) helps reduce TCO. The new Role assembly concept of Launchpad provides a single point of entry for Role maintenance. SAP Portal Role maintenance is reduced by the ‘Lightweight’ Role.

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SAP Self-Service EhP5 for ERP 6.0Implementation Aspects – Manager Self-Service

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SAP Self-Services with Enhancement Package 5 for SAP ERP 6.0

Employee Self-Service Portal NWBC

Role Business Package for Employee Self-Service (WDA) 1.51


Used technology Web Dynpro ABAP Web Dynpro ABAP

Manager Self-Service Portal NWBC

Role Business Package for Manager Self-Service 1.51


Used technology Web Dynpro ABAP, Java, GUI for HTML

Web Dynpro ABAP – subset of services

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The MSS Role from EHP5 on

MSS in NWBC MSS in SAP-Portal

From EHP5 on MSS offers two options, based on which client the ESS-Role is being used:

Netweaver Business Client

SAP Enterprise Portal

Similar look and feel in both deployment options with added features in SAP Portal.

The portal role contains Web Dynpro ABAP/JAVA applications

MSS NWBC role contains no Web Dynpro JAVA applications, and thus a reduced number of services

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Business Functions - MSS

To run MSS im NWBC the Business Function HCM, Rollen for SAP NetWeaver Business Client(HCM_NWBC_ROLES) must be activated

Services aus HR Administrative Services (PA-AS):HCM, Administrative Services 03 (HCM_ASR_CI_3)

Services aus Performance Management (PA-PD-PM):CA, Appraisals, Evaluations, and Surveys 01 (CA_HAP_CI_1)

HCM, Performance Management 02 (HCM_OSA_CI_2)

HCM, Performance Management 01 (HCM_OSA_CI_1)

Services aus Talent Management (PA-TM):HCM, Core Processes in Talent Management (HCM_TMC_CI_2)

Integriertes OrganisationsdiagrammHCM, PD-UI-Visualisierung 01 (HCM_PD_UI_1)

Services aus SAP E-Recruting (PA-ER):HCM, SAP E-Recruiting 4 (HCM_ERC_CI_4)


Services aus Learning Solution (PE-LSO)HCM Learning Solution 03 (HCM_LSO_CI_3)

Services aus Self-Service Procurement (SRM-EBP-SHP):SRM, Self-Service Procurement (SRM_SELF_SERVICE_1)

Services für Payroll India (PY-IN):HCM, Localization Topics for India (HCM_LOC_CI_21)

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NetWeaver Business Client Roles

With Enhancement Package 5 (EhP5) new roles are delivered which run in the NetWeaver Business Client (NWBC). To run the delivered content of theses roles the SAP Enterprise Portal infrastructure is not mandatory anymore.

The following NWBC-Roles are available with EhP5:Manager Self-Service (MSS)Employee Self-Service (ESS)RecruiterRecruiting AdministratorHR AdminTalent Management SpecialistTraining AdministratorInstructor and Tutor

Note: The new NWBC-Roles for HCM does not include applications which are based on Web Dympro Java.

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Further Information

Business Function Documentation:

Employee Self-Service EhP5 Web Dynpro ABAP documenation:

Manager Self-Service documentation of portal-role:

Manager Self-Service documentation of NWBC-role:

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Thank You!

Contact information:

Dagmar BeckerHCM Product ManagerSAP AGD-69190 Walldorf

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