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ESIA Italy Section 0 Document Guide

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ESIA Italy Section 0 Document Guide

E.ON New Build & Technology GmbH

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Project Title: Trans Adriatic Pipeline – TAP IAL00-ERM-643-Y-TAE-1000 Rev.: 02 Document Title: ESIA Italy – Section 0 Document Guide







ESIA Italy Introduction 17 5.1 ESIA Italy Project Justification 17 5.2 ESIA Italy Legal Framework 17 5.3 ESIA Italy Project Description 19 5.4 ESIA Italy ESIA Approach and Methodology 19 5.5 ESIA Italy Environmental, Social and Cultural Baseline 20 5.6

5.6.1 Climate and ambient air quality 20 5.6.2 Acoustic Environment 20 5.6.3 Surface water and Groundwater 21 5.6.4 Geology and Geomorphology 21 5.6.5 Soil Quality 21 5.6.6 Landscape 22 5.6.7 Flora, Fauna & Ecosystem 22 5.6.8 Cultural Heritage 24 5.6.9 Social 26 5.6.10 Air Quality Offshore 27 5.6.11 Marine Offshore Baseline 28

ESIA Italy Stakeholder Engagement and Project Response 30 5.7 ESIA Italy Assessment of Impacts and Mitigation Measures 30 5.8 ESIA Italy Annex 7 Baseline Data and Maps 32 5.9


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Project Title: Trans Adriatic Pipeline – TAP IAL00-ERM-643-Y-TAE-1000 Rev.: 02 Document Title: ESIA Italy – Section 0 Document Guide

1 INTRODUCTION This Section presents the following ancillary materials to guide and assist in the reading of the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for the Italian section of the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP):

• A document map providing a visual representation of the ESIA documentation structure (including document references);

• A list of acronyms used throughout the ESIA documentation;

• A glossary of terms used throughout the ESIA documentation;

• A full list of literature, data sources and websites used as references or background information during the ESIA process; and

• An overview of the ESIA team.

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Project Title: Trans Adriatic Pipeline – TAP IAL00-ERM-643-Y-TAE-1000 Rev.: 02 Document Title: ESIA Italy – Section 0 Document Guide

2 ESIA DOCUMENT MAP TAP Italy ESIA – Document Map including Document References

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Project Title: Trans Adriatic Pipeline – TAP IAL00-ERM-643-Y-TAE-1000 Rev.: 02 Document Title: ESIA Italy – Section 0 Document Guide

3 ACRONYMS °C Degree Celsius AC Alternating current AD Anno Domini ADW Adriatic Dense Water AEEG Autorità per l’Energia Elettrica e per il Gas (Authority for Electricity and Gas) AG Aktiengesellschaft (a German term indicating a corporation owned by

shareholders) AGCOM Autorità per le Garanzie nelle Comunicazioni (Authority for the

Communications) AISCAT Associazione Italiana Società Concessionarie Autostrade e Trafori (Italian

Association of Motorways and Tunnels) ALS Airborne Laser Scanning Alt Altitude ANAS Azienda Nazionale Autonoma delle Strade

(National Roads Department) AON Active Optical Network APAT Agenzia per la protezione dell'ambiente e per i servizi tecnici (Italian

Environmental Protection Agency and Technical Services) APAT-INEMAR Agenzia per la protezione dell'ambiente - INventario EMissioni ARia (Italian

Environmental Agency Atmospheric Emission Inventory) API American Petroleum Institute APT Azienda Promozione Turistica (Local Tourism Authority) ARPA Agenzia Regionale Protezione dell’Ambiente (Regional Environmental

Protection Agency) ASL Azienda Sanitaria Locale (Local Health Enterprises) ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASTER GDEM Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer Global

Digital Elevation Model ATD Ambiti Territoriali Distinti (Distinguished Broad Areas) ATE Ambiti Territoriali Estesi (Broad Areas) ATEX Atmosphères Explosives (refers to two EU directives describing what

equipment and work is allowed in an environment with an explosive atmosphere)

ATO Ambito Territoriale Ottimizzato (Optimised Territorial Areas) AVAS Audio Visual Alerting System AWTI Above Water Tie-in barg Unit of gauge pressure B&B Bed and Breakfast BAP Biodiversity Action Plan BAT Barletta-Andria-Trani Province or Best Available Technology BC Before Christ bcm billion cubic metres BEMIP Baltic Energy Market Interconnection Plan bgs below ground surface boe barrels of oil equivalent BQI Bacteriological Quality Index BS Base Saturation BSCC Backup Supervisory Control Centre BVS Block Valve Station CBD Convention on Biological Diversity CBU Consorzio Bonifica Ugento and Li Foggi (Remediation Consortium of Ugento

and Li Foggi) CCC Central Control Centre CCS Carbon Capture and Storage CD Conservation Dependant

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CEN/TS Comitato Europeo per la Standardizzazione (European Committee for Standardization)

CEOM Mediterranean Oceanologic Centre CH Cultural Heritage CH4 Methane CHMP Cultural Heritage Management Plan CHSS Community Health, Safety & Security CITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and

Flora cm centimetres CNEL Consiglio Nazionale dell'Economia e del Lavoro (National Council of Economy

and Labour) CNG Compressed Natural Gas CNR Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Italian National Research Council) CO Carbon Monoxide CO2 Carbon Dioxide COESD Controlled Emergency Operation Shut Down COLREG Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea CONCAWE Conservation for Clean Air and Water in Europe (European Oil Company

Organisation for Environment, Health and Safety) CORINE Coordination of Information on the Environment (European Programme under

the European Commission) COSMO Consortium for Small-Scale Modelling CPA Conservation Priority Area CPT Cone Penetration Test CR Critically Endangered CS Compressor Station CSC Threshold contamination concentration CSR Corporate Social Responsibility D Duration db Decibel dBA A-Weighted decibel DC Democrazia Cristiana (Christian Democracy political party) DCGV Direct Current Voltage Gradient DD Data Deficient DGR Delibera Giunta Regionale (Regional Council Decision) D.Lgs. Decreto Legislativo (Legislative Decree) DM Decreto Ministeriale (Ministry’s Decree) DN Diameter nominal DNV Det Norske Veritas DO Dissolved Oxygen DOC Denominazione di Origine Controllata (Denomination of Controlled Origin) DPCM Decreto del Presidente del Consiglio dei ministri (Decree of the President of the

Council of Ministers) DPEF Documento di Programmazione Economica e Finanziaria

(Economic and Financial Planning Document) DPP Documento Programmatico Preliminare

(Preliminary Planning Document) DPR Decreto del Presidente della Repubblica (Decree of the President of the

Republic) DRAG Documento Regionale di Assetto Generale

(Regional General Guideline Document) EBRD European Bank for Reconstruction and Development €/m3 Euro per cubic metre EA Ecosystem Approach EC European Commission EEA European Environment Agency EEC European Economic Community

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EEMUA Engineering Equipment & Materials Users' Association EEZ Exclusive Economic Zone EFSA European Food Security Authority EHEA European Higher Education Area EHS Environment, Health and Safety EIA (VIA) Environmental Impact Assessment EMS Environmental Management System EMU European Monetary Union EN European Standards OR Endangered EPA Environmental Protection Agency EPC Engineer, Procure, Construct ERM Environmental Resources Management ERP Emergency Response Procedures ESAP Environmental and Social Active Plan ESD Emergency Shutdown system ESIA Environmental and Social Impact Assessment ESMMP Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring Plan Espoo Convention UN Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary

Context EU European Union EURISPES Istituto di Studi Politici, Economici e Sociali (Institute of Political, Economic and

Social Studies) EUROSTAT Ufficio Statistico Unione Europea (Statistical Office of the European Union) EU-SILC European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions FAO Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations F&G Fire and Gas FDS Fire Detection System FHWG Fisheries Hydro Acoustic Working Group FOC Fibre Optic Cable FS Ferrovie dello Stato (Italian Railways) FSE Ferrovie del Sud Est (Southern East Railways) FSS Fail Safe System GDEM Global Digital Elevation Model GDP Gross Domestic Product GDS Gas Detection System GHG Green House Gas GIS Geographic Information System GLAC Guidance Leaflet on Acquisition and Compensation GLC Ground Level Concentrations g/m3 Grams per cubic metre GT Gross Tonnage (ship class) Ha Hectare HC Hydrocarbons HIPPS High Integrity Pressure Protection System HIV/AIDS Human Immunodeficiency Virus / Acquired ImmunoDeficiency Syndrome HMI Human Man Interface HP High Powered HR Human Resources H&S Health & Safety HSE Health, Safety & Environment hz Hertz I Interference Area IBA Important Bird Area ICH Intangible Cultural Heritage ICRAM Istituto Centrale per la Ricerca scientifica e tecnologica Applicata al Mare

(Central Institute for Marine Scientific and Technological Research) ICSS Integrated Control and Safety System IEA International Energy Agency

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IEC International Electro-technical Commission IFC International Finance Corporation IFTS Istruzione e Formazione Tecnica Superiore

(Higher Level Technical Education and Training System) IGMI Istituto Geografico Militare Italiano (Italian Geographic Military Institute) ILO International Labour Organization IMF International Monetary Fund IMO International Maritime Organisation INAIL Istituto Nazionale Assicurazione Infortuni sul Lavoro (National Institute for

Insurance against Occupational Injuries) INGV Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (National Institute of Geophysics

and Volcanology) Iov Ombrothermic Index IPA Important Plant Areas IPPC Integrated Pollution Prevention Control IREPA Istituto di Ricerche Economiche per la Pesca e l'Acquacoltura (Economic

Research Institute of Fisheries and Aquaculture) ISAC Istituto di Scienze dell'Atmosfera e del Clima (Institute of Atmospheric Sciences

and Climate of the Italian National Research Council) ISO International Standards Organization ISPRA Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale (Institute for

Environmental Protection and Research) ISTAT Istituto Nazionale di Statistica (Italian Institute of Statistics) IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature IUP Infrastructure and Utilities Plan K Kelvin kg kilograms kg/m3 kilograms per cubic metre km kilometres km2 square kilometres km3 cubic kilometres KP Kilometre Point KPI Key Performance Indicator kV Kilovolt kW Kilowatt L Local LAeq Equivalent noise level Lat Latitude Lp Sound pressure level Lw Source sound power level, in dB LC Least Concern LCDP Local Content Development Plan LDS Leak Detection System LEA Land Easement Acquisition LMP Landscape Management Plan LNG Liquefied Natural Gas Long. Longitude LR Legge Regionale (Regional Law) LRP Livelihoods Restoration Plan LT Long Term LU Land Use m metres m² square metres m³ cubic metres m3/day cubic metres per day m3/h cubic metres per hour m/s metres per second m³/sec cubic metres per second

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MA Major MAP Mediterranean Action Plan MATTM Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare (Ministry of

Environment) Max Maximum MBES Multi-Beam Echo Sounder mbsl metre below sea level MCH Ministry of Cultural Heritage MCM Million Cubic Metres MCS Mercalli Scale (a seismic scale used for measuring the intensity of an

earthquake) MEET Methodology for Estimate Air Pollutant Emissions from Transport METI Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry of Japan MFS Mediterranean Forecasting System mg/m3 milligrams per cubic metre mg/kg milligrams per kilograms mg/l milligrams per litre µS/cm micro-siemens per centimetre µg micrograms μm micrometre µg/m³ micrograms per cubic meter MI Minor MiBAC Mistero dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali (Ministry of Cultural Heritage) MIPAAF Ministero delle Politiche Agricole Alimentari e Forestali (Ministry of Agriculture,

Food and Forestry) MIUR Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca (Ministry of Education,

University and Research) mm millimetres MCM/yr Million Cubic Metres per year MO Moderate MoE Ministry of Environment MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet MTOE Million Tonnes of Oil Equivalent MW Municipal Waste OR Mega Watt N2 Nitrogen n/a not available NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization Natura 2000 Network of Protected Areas under the European Commission NDT Non-destructive testing NE Not Evaluated NGO Non-Governmental Organization NIVA Norwegian Environmental Research Institute NMFS US National Marine Fisheries Service NMR Rete Mareografica Nazionale (National Mareographic Network) NO2 Nitrogen Dioxide NOx Nitrogen Oxides NS Not Significant NT Near Threatened NTA Norme Tecniche di Attuazione (Technical Rules for Implementation) NTS Non Technical Summary O2 Oxygen O3 Ozone OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OSCP Oil Spill Contingency Plan P Permanent PA Protected Area PABX Public Automatic Branch Exchange

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PAH Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons PAI Piano di Assetto Idrogeologico (Hydrogeologic Planning) PBL Planetary Boundary Layer PCB Polychlorinated Biphenyl PCI Partito Comunista Italiano (Italian Communist Party) PdF Programmi di Fabbricazione (Municipality Urban Plan) PDO Protected Designation of Origin PGA Peak Ground Acceleration PGI Protected Geographical Indication PHL Permanent Hearing Loss PIG Pipe Inspection Gauge PIMS Pipeline Integrity Management System PM Particulate Matter PON Passive Optical Network POT Port Operative Plans Ppv Sum of the monthly average rainfall during June, July and August PPTR Piano Paesaggistico Territoriale Regionale (Regional Landscape and Territorial

Plan) PR Performance Requirements PRC Piano Regionale Costiero (Apulia Regional Coastal Plan) PRG Piano Regolatore Generale (Municipality Urban Plan) PRP Port Regulatory Plan PRQA Piano Regionale di Qualità dell'Aria (Air Quality Regional Plan) PRT Pipeline Receiving Terminal PS Performance Standards PTA Piano Tutela delle Acque (Apulia Region Water Protection Plan) PTCP Piano Territoriale di Coordinamento Provinciale (Provincial Territorial

Coordination Plan) PUG Piano Urbanistico Generale (Municipality Urban Plan) PUE Piano Urbanistico Esecutivo (Municipality Urban Plan) PUTT/p Piano Urbanistico Territoriale Tematico del Paesaggio (Thematic Territorial

Urban Planning QC Quality Control) R Regional r Distance in metres between source and reception point RD Regio Decreto (Royal Decree) REN Rete Ecologica Nazionale (National Ecological Network) RFI Rete Ferroviaria Italiana (National Railways Network) RON Rete Ondametrica Nazionale (National Ondametric Network) ROV Remotely Operated Vehicle ROW Right of Way RSA Rapporto sullo Stato dell’Ambiente (Regional State of the Environment Report) S Significance SA Study Area SAC (ZSC) Special Areas of Conservation SBES Single Beam Echo Sounder SBP Sub Bottom Profiler SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Systems SCI Site of Community Importance SCS Station Control System SEIP Social and Environmental Investment Plan SEP Stakeholder Engagement Plan SESA Sistema Ecomuseale del Salento (Ecomuseum System of Salento) SIN Sito di Interesse Nazionale (Contaminated Site of National Strategic

Importance) SLD Stato Limite di Danno (Damage Limit State) SLV Stato Limite di Vita (Life Safety Limit State) SMP Soil Management Plan

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SNIT Integrated National Transport System SO2 Sulphur dioxide SOx Sulphur oxides SP Strada Provinciale (Provincial Road) SPA Special Protection Area SPEC Species of European Conservation Concern (Birds) SRG Snam Rete Gas SS Strada Statale (National Road) SSC Species Survival Commission SSN Servizio Sanitario Nazionale (National Health System) ST Short Terms STD Sexually Transmitted Disease T Tonnes TAP Trans Adriatic Pipeline TAP AG Trans Adriatic Pipeline joint venture company TBM Tunnel Boring Machine TCS Telecommunication System TD Tissue Damage TDS Total Dissolved Solids TEN-E Trans European Energy Networks TEN-T Trans European Transport Network ToC Table of Contents toe tonne of oil equivalent THL Temporary Hearing Loss TMP Traffic Management Plan TNO Netherlands Transport Organisation TPES Total Primary Energy Supply TPH Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons TRANSPORT RTD Transport Research and Technological Development TRIX Trophic Index TSP Total Suspended Particles TSPs Technical Service Providers Tv Sum of monthly average temperatures TWh Terawatt hour UN United Nations UN Comtrade United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics Database UN data United Nations data UNECE United Nations Economic Commission for Europe UNEP United Nations Environment Program UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNDP United Nations Development Program UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change UNI Ente Nazionale Italiano Unificazione (Italian Organization for Standardization) UPA Ufficio Provinciale Agricoltura (Provincial Agriculture Office) US EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency UTC Tempo Coordinato Universale (Coordinated Universal Time) UXO Unexploded Ordnance VOC Volatile Organic Compound V Volt VU Vulnerable WB World Bank WFD Water Framework Directive WHO World Health Organisation WMO World Meteorological Organization WaMP Water Management Plan WMP Waste Management Plan WP Waypoint WRD Water-Related Disease

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WS Working Strip WWF World Wide Fund For Nature ZPS Zona di Protezione Speciale (Special Protection Zone) ZTV Zone of Theoretical Visibility

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Project Title: Trans Adriatic Pipeline – TAP IAL00-ERM-643-Y-TAE-1000 Rev.: 02 Document Title: ESIA Italy – Section 0 Document Guide

4 GLOSSARY Base case: The preferred route / project selected by undertaking an assessment of all

route / project alternatives.

Commissioning Phase:

The process of assuring that all systems and components of a building or industrial plant are designed, installed, tested, operated, and maintained according to the operational requirements of the owner or final client

De-commissioning Phase:

The process of removing above-ground project structures and buildings, and the reinstatement of the area affected by the project.

Espoo Convention:

As a cross-border project, the TAP is subject to international conventions and national legislation in each of the countries through which it passes. Before construction starts, Environmental Impact and Social Impact Assessments will be completed for each country. At the international level, the Espoo Convention stipulates the obligations of parties to assess the environmental impact of certain activities at an early stage of planning. It also outlines the general obligation of states to notify and consult each other on all major projects under consideration that are likely to have a significant trans-national environmental impact.

Gauge plate: A special tool made of carbon steel, manufactured to exact dimensions, installed in the PIGs for cleaning and monitoring the internal pipeline.

Hydro-testing: Hydrotesting (or hydrostatic testing) is the most common method for testing the integrity of the pipeline and checking for any potential leaks (e.g. from faulty welds or cracked pipe work) prior to commissioning. The test involves placing water inside the pipeline at a certain pressure to check that the pipeline is not damaged and will not leak during operation.

J-lay installation ‘J-lay’ offshore pipeline installation was developed for laying pipe in deep waters as it puts less stress on the pipeline by installing the pipeline in an almost vertical position. The pipe joints are on J-lay vessels/barges welded to the pipeline almost vertically via a tall tower on the boat, and then lowered into the sea under tension. The J-lay method becomes impractical for shallower waters where depth of less than 150 m limit the shape of the pipe angle and impose sever bending stresses on the pipe.


Microtunnelling is a digging technique used to construct narrow diameter tunnels by means of a remotely operated Microtunnel Boring Machine (TBM). In most microtunnelling operations, the concrete pipe is inserted from the entry, and pushed behind the machine. This is a process often called ‘pipe jacking’. As the machine advances, more tunnel liner is pushed from the entrance.

Mop absorber: A special type of rope that dipped into the contaminated liquid, remove both the liquid and the oil.

Non-Destructive Testing (NDT):

Non-destructive testing (NDT) is a wide group of analysis techniques used in science and industry to evaluate the properties of a material, component or system without causing damage to it. NDT does not permanently alter the article being inspected. Common NDT methods include ultrasonic, magnetic particle, liquid penetrant, radiographic, and eddy-current testing. Each pipeline weld will be checked using a NDT system.

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Project Title: Trans Adriatic Pipeline – TAP IAL00-ERM-643-Y-TAE-1000 Rev.: 02 Document Title: ESIA Italy – Section 0 Document Guide

Pipeline Inspection Gauge (pig):

Inspection gauges used to perform various maintenance operations on a pipeline such as remove dust or fluids and drying. This can be done without stopping the gas flow in the pipeline. The pig is inserted into a 'pig launcher' (or 'launching station') - a funnel shaped Y section in the pipeline. The launcher / launching station is then closed and the gas pressure driven flow in the pipeline is used to push it along down the pipe until it reaches the receiving trap - the 'pig catcher' (or receiving station). There are several types depending on the device built-in to perform the cleaning tasks: foam or brush pigs. The pipe cleaning process by means of pigs is usually known as pigging or swabbing.

Pre-Commissioning Phase

The project phase that consists of preparation activities necessary for the commissioning of a facility (e.g. pipeline system testing / hydrotesting).

Primary Contractors:

An individual or entity that has a direct contractual relationship with the client or owner of the project. The primary contractor is responsible for providing either, by itself, or through subcontract arrangements with other individuals or entities, all of the design of services and activities required for the project.

Pipeline Receiving Terminal (PRT):

The terminal point of the TAP system constituting the connection with the Italian national grid of Snam Rete Gas. The main functions of the PRT will be to control the gas pressure and temperature to meet the grid requirements and measure the gas flow for fiscal requirements.

Safety Zone (Inner): The construction of new third party structures will be restricted within an ‘inner’ safety zone of 40 m (i.e. 20 m from each side of the centreline) along the pipeline route. Inside this safety zone, no new buildings will be permitted, and only agricultural activities will be allowed.

Safety Zone (Enlarged):

The ‘enlarged’ safety zone will be a corridor of 400 m (i.e. 200 m to both sides of the centreline). Inside this zone no facilities able to accommodate >100 people or dwelling clusters > 300 people will be allowed.

S-lay installation ‘S-lay‘ offshore pipeline installation was originally developed for shallow waters but now has also evolved for operation in deep waters. The pipeline is assembled on a horizontal working plane. As welding progresses, the pipeline is gradually lowered to the seabed behind the pipelaying vessel, supported by a ‘stinger’ (a steel structure protruding from the end of the firing line supporting the pipeline on rollers, to avoid pipe buckling). The name S-lay refers to the pipeline shape on its way to the seabed.

Southern Gas Corridor:

A European Commission initiative to supply natural gas to Europe from the Caspian and Middle Eastern regions.

Study Area: The study area is defined as a 2 km corridor along the proposed pipeline centre line (1 km wide either side) and 1 km from the Pipeline Receiving Terminal. The width of this area has been identified to evaluate the potential impacts of the TAP Project.

Supporting Facilities: Additional infrastructure required to operate the pipeline, including: Compressor Stations to maintain pressure in the pipeline and help the transportation of gas from one location to another (not present in the italian section); Block Valve Stations to enable the interruption of gas flow and isolate specific segments of the line if maintenance is required or in case of an emergency; Pipeline Receiving Terminal to control and measure the gas flow at the delivery point in the SRG network.

TAP AG: A joint venture company to develop and operate the Trans Adriatic Pipeline. The shareholder structure of TAP AG comprises BP (20%), SOCAR (20%), Statoil (20%), Fluxys (16%), Total (10%), E.ON (9%) and Axpo (5%).

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The Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP):

A natural gas pipeline system that will start in Greece, at the Turkish border, cross Albania and the Adriatic Sea and come ashore in southern Italy, allowing gas to flow directly from the Caspian region to European markets.

The Project The Italian section of the Trans Adriatic Pipeline. This will consist of an approximately 45 km offshore section of pipeline, a landfall, a Block Valve Station, an 8.2 km onshore section of pipeline and a Pipeline Receiving Terminal.

Upstream (of prevailing current)

Moving or situated in the opposite direction from that in which a current flows.

Working Strip:

The working strip is the corridor used for pipeline construction activities. The width of the regular construction working strip for the TAP Project in Italy is 26 m (11 m wide on one side for the stockpiling of trench excavated material and 15 m on the other to allow pipeline assembly and for transit of vehicles/machinery). A ‘reduced’ working strip, 22 m wide, will be applied when required due to technical reasons (i.e. connection to access roads).

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5 REFERENCES ESIA Italy Introduction 5.1

• European Dialogue, 2011

• Legislative Decree 152/06, as modified by Legislative Decree 4/08 and Legislative Decree


ESIA Italy Project Justification 5.2

• European Dialogue, 2011

ESIA Italy Legal Framework 5.3

• EBRD Performance Requirements, 10th June 2010, from

• IPPC Directive 96/61/EC;

• Legislative Decree 152 of 3rd April 2006 "Norme in materia ambientale"(“Environmental


• Legislative Decree 155 of 13th August 2010 “Qualità dell'aria ambiente - Attuazione

direttiva 2008/50/EC” (“Ambient air quality standards – Directive 2008/50/EC”);

• Law n. 447 of 26th October 1995 “Legge quadro sull'inquinamento acustico” (“Law on

acoustic pollution”);

• Legislative Decree 42 of 22nd January 2004 “Codice dei beni culturali e del paesaggio”

(“Law on Cultural Heritage and Landscape”);

• Law n. 357 of 8th September 1997, modified by several Laws in particular Law n. 120 of 12th

March 2003;

• Regional Law n. 14/2007 on “Apulia landscape and monumental olive trees safeguard”;

• Regional Coastal Plan, adopted through Deliberation of the Regional Council n. 1392 of

28th July 2009;

• Coastal Guidelines, approved through the Regional Decision n. 410 of 10th March 2011;

• Water Protection Plan, approved through Deliberation of the Regional Council n. 677 of 20th

October 2009;

• The Hydrogeologic Planning, approved through Deliberation of the Institutional Committee

on 30th November 2005;

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• Region Thematic Territorial Urban Planning “Landscape”, 2000;

• Regional Law n. 3310 dated 23/07/1996 on protected areas;

• Ministerial Decree n. 157 dated 21/07/2005 on protected areas;

• Regional Council resolution n. 2668 of 28th December 2009 on Waste Management Plan;

• Provincial Coordination Territorial Planning of Lecce approved through Deliberation n. 75 of

the Provincial Council of 24th October 2008;

• Melendugno PRG , approved by Regional Deliberations n.1691 dated 28 November 2001;

• Vernole Urban Planning (Programma di Fabbricazione – PdF) approved by Regional

Deliberation n. 5484 dated 24 September 1975(for the PRT);

• Regional Law n. 20 of 27th July 2001 on land use planning and development;

• Regional Transport Plan prepared by the Region Councillorship for Mobility;

• Directive (85/337/EEC) on Environmental Impact Assessment;

• Espoo Convention was ratified by Italy on 19th January 1995;

• National Energy Plan (PEN), approved by the Council of Ministries on 10 August 1988

• National Energy Strategy (SEN) defined by Ministry’s Decree 8th March 2013;

• Law n. 10/1991 “Implementation of the National Energy Plan on energy rational use,

energy saving and renewable energy sources”;

• Law n. 448 of 23rd December 1998 "Public finance measures for stabilization and

development ";

• Legislative Decree 164 dated 23rd May 2000, - “Implementation of Directive 98/30/CE

setting common rules on the internal gas market, in accordance with Art. 41 of Law n. 144

of 17 May 1999;

• Law 443/01 of 21st December 2001 – “Delegation to the Government to provide rules for

the realization of infrastructure and strategic production installations, and other

interventions for revitalising production activities”;

• Law n. 273 of 12th December 2002, “Measures to promote private initiative and competition

development” also provided provisions on the matter of energy policy and particularly on

the “strengthening of international natural gas supply infrastructures”;

• Law n. 239/04 of 23rd August 2004, “Reorganization of the energy sector, as well as

delegates to the Government for the reorganization of the existing provisions on energy”;

• Law 62/2005 of 18th April 2005, “Provisions for the fulfilment of obligations deriving from

Italy's membership of the European Communities. European Directive 2004”;

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• Law n. 125 of 3rd August 2007, “Conversion into law, with amendments, of Decree-Law of

18 June 2007, n. 73, on urgent measures for the implementation of Community provisions

on the liberalization of energy markets”;

• Strategic National Plan 2007-2013

• Economic and Financial Planning Document (DPEF) 2008-2011

• Apulia Region Energy Environmental Plan, adopted through Resolution by Regional

Council n. 827 of 8th June, 2007

• “Intervention Plan for the Promotion of Renewable Sources and Energy Saving and for the

Installation and Operation of Energy Production Plants”, approved by Resolution n. 36 of

the Regional Council of 23rd April 2004

• Eurogas (March 2011), “Natural Gas Consumption in EU27 in 2010”, Bruxel

• Eurogas, (April 2010) “Natural gas demand and supply - Long Term Outlook to 2030”

ESIA Italy Project Description 5.4

• Project Basic Design report (Progetto Definitivo), Saipem s.r.l ref. IAL00-SPF-000-A-TRE-


ESIA Italy ESIA Approach and Methodology 5.5

• TAP AG Policy Document on ESIA:


• TAP AG Stakeholder Strategy.


• EU Guidance on Scoping.


• European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)’s Environmental and Social

Policy (2008).

• TAP ESIA Study Programme. admin/TAP-FEED-

AL-EIA-REP-7028 ESIA Scoping Rep Albania.pdf

• US EPA Consideration on Cumulative Impacts, 1999.

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ESIA Italy Environmental, Social and Cultural Baseline 5.6

• Clive George, 1999. Testing For Sustainable Development through Environmental Assessment EIA Centre, University of Manchester. Informazioni riportate il 27 settembre 2011 da:

• Carruthers, T.J.B., Short, F.T., Waycott, M., Kendrick, G.A., Fourqurean, J.W., Callabine,

A., Kenworthy, W.J. & Dennison, W.C. (2010). Cymodocea nodosa. In: IUCN 2011. IUCN

Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2011.2. <>. Scaricato il 15

novembre 2011.

• Duarte C.M. (1991). Seagrass depth limits. Aquat. Bot. 40: 363–377.

• Gacia, E. and Duarte, C.M. (2001). Sediment Retention by a Mediterranean Posidonia

• oceanica Meadow: The Balance between Deposition and Resuspension. Estuarine,

Coastal and Shelf Science (2001) 52, 505–514.

• Guidetti, p. (2000). Differences Among Fish Assemblages Associated with Nearshore

Posidonia oceanica Seagrass Beds, Rocky–algal Reefs and Unvegetated Sand Habitats in

the Adriatic Sea. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science (2000) 50, 515–529.

• Pergent, G., Semroud, R., Djellouli, A., Langar, H. & Duarte, C. (2010). Posidonia

oceanica. In: IUCN 2011. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2011.2.

<>. Downloaded on November, 15th 2011.

5.6.1 Climate and ambient air quality

• Air Force Meteorological Service (2009). Italian Air Force Climate Atlas 1971-2000.

• ARPA Puglia, (2007). Air Quality Regional Plan.

• ARPA Puglia, (2009). The regional state of the environment report.

• ARPA Puglia, (2010). Air quality monitoring monthly reports.

• ISAC-CNR & Provincia di Lecce (2007). Studio di qualità dell’aria nella provincia di Lecce.

• Padua Centre for Environmental Research-Maugeri Foundation, (2003). Radiello ®


5.6.2 Acoustic Environment

• International Finance Corporation (IFC, 2007).

• California Department of Transportation. Technical noise supplement (1998/a).

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5.6.3 Surface water and Groundwater

• Regione Puglia. Piano di Tutela delle Acque (2009-2010).

• G.Bruno, C.Cherubini, L.Dima, W.D’Atulia, C.Giasi, F.Musci (2008). Application of a

geolithologic model for the management of groundwater quality in the coastal area of

Salento (Italy). Bari: Technical University of Bari.

• S.Margiotta, S.Negri (2005). Geophysical and stratigraphical research into deep

groundwater and intruding seawater in the Mediterranean area (the Salento Peninsula,

Italy). Lecce: Dipartimento di Scienze dei Materiali, Osservatorio di Chimica, Fisica e

Geologia Ambientali, Università degli Studi di Lecce.

• APAT, (2006) Manuale per le indagini ambientali nei siti contaminati (Manuals for

environmental surveys in contaminated sites).

• Dutch Standards, (2009), Soil Remediation Circular.

5.6.4 Geology and Geomorphology

• C. Cherubini, N. Pastore (2011) Critical stress scenarios for a coastal aquifer in

southeastern Italy. Bari: Sezione di Ingegneria Geotecnica e Geoambientale – DIAC,

Politecnico di Bari.

• M. Delle Rose, A. Federico, M. Parise (2004). Sinkhole genesis and evolution in Apulia,

and their interrelations with the anthropogenic environment. Bari: National Research

Council, IRPI.

• A. Bossio, L. Foresi, S. Margiotta, R. Mazzei, G. Salvatorini, F. Donia (2006) Stratigrafia

Neogenico-Quaternaria del settore Nord-Orientale della Provincia di Lecce. Siena-Lecce:

Dipartimento di Scienze dei Materiali, Università degli Studi di Lecce; Dipartimento di

Scienze della Terra, Università degli Studi di Siena; Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra,

Università degli Studi di Pisa.

• Sheet 214 “Gallipoli”, Geological Map of Italy (1:100.000)

• CPTI04 Parametric Catalogue of Italian Earthquake (2004)

5.6.5 Soil Quality

• Edoardo A. C. Costantini, Ferdinando Urbano, Giovanni L’Abate (1999).The data base of

the soil regions of Italy. Firenze: Istituto Sperimentale per lo Studio e la Difesa del Suolo

• SIT Regione Puglia. Soils Map of the Apulia Region at the scale 1:50,000

• APAT, (2006), Manuale per le indagini ambientali nei siti contaminati

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• Dutch Standards, (2009) Soil Remediation Circular

• Guidelines for Soil Quality Assessment in Conservation Planning (United States

Department of Agriculture,Natural 2001)

5.6.6 Landscape

• Marchetti, R. (2008). Applied Ecology.

• State Forest Rangers, Regional Command for Apulia (2011). Census of Monumental Olive


5.6.7 Flora, Fauna & Ecosystem

• Beccarisi L., Chiriacò L., Marchiori S., Medagli P., 2001. Felci (Filicopsida) spontanee del

Salento (Puglia, Italia). Inform. Bot. Ital., 33 (2): 341-349.

• Blasi C. (Ed), 2010. La vegetazione d’Italia, Carta delle Serie di Vegetazione, scala

1:500.000. Palombini & Partner S.r.l. Roma.

• Blasi C., Boitani L., La Posta S., Manes F., Marchetti M. (Eds), 2005. Stato della

biodiversità in Italia - Contributo alla strategia nazionale per la biodiversità. Ministero

dell'Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio.

• Blasi C., Marignani M., Copiz R., Fipaldini M., 2009. Contributo tematico alla Strategia

Nazionale per la Biodiversità. Cartografia delle Aree Importanti per le Piante in Italia.

Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare, Società Botanica Italiana.

• Boitani L., Corsi F., Falcucci A., Maiorano L., Marzetti I., Masi M., Montemaggiori A.,

Ottaviani D., Reggiani G., Rondinini C. 2002. Rete Ecologica Nazionale. Un approccio alla

conservazione dei vertebrati italiani. Università di Roma "La Sapienza", Dipartimento di

Biologia Animale e dell’Uomo; Ministero dell’Ambiente, Direzione per la Conservazione

della Natura; Istituto di Ecologia Applicata.

• Bulgarini F., Calvario E., Fraticelli F., Petretti F., Sarrocco S. (Eds), 1998. Libro Rosso degli

Animali d’Italia - Vertebrati. WWF Italia, Roma.

• Bux M., A. Marsico, Danilo Russo, Giovanni Scillitani, 2003. La Chirotterofauna della

Puglia. Hystrix Vol 14.

• Bux M., Sorino R., Scillitani G., Scalera Liaci L., 2001. I Mammiferi terrestri della Puglia:

status e conservazione, VI Convegno Nazionale sulla Biodiversità - “Opportunità di

Sviluppo Sostenibile”, Libro dei Riassunti - Settore Bioindicatori ed Ambiente, p. 5.

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• Celesti-Grapow L., Pretto F., Carli E., Blasi C. (Eds), 2009. Le invasioni di specie vegetali

in Italia. Contributo Tematico alla Strategia Nazionale sulla Biodiversità. Ministero

dell'Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare, Direzione per la Protezione della

Natura; Società Botanica Italiana; Centro di Ricerca Interuniversitario ‘Biodiversità,

Fitosociologia ed Ecologia del Paesaggio’.

• Costantini E.A.C., Urbano F., Bonati G., Nino P., Fais A. (Eds), 2007. Atlante nazionale

delle aree a rischio di desertificazione. INEA.

• Ernandes P., Beccarisi L., Zuccarello V., 2010. A new species of Isoëëtes (Isoëëtaceae,

Pteridophyta) for the Mediterranean. Plant Biosystems, 144: 805-813.

• Fattizzo T., 2004. Distribuzione di Emys orbicularis (Linnaeus, 1758) nel Salento. Thalassia

Salentina Vol. 27.

• Fattizzo T., Marzano G., 2002. Dati distributivi sull'erpetofauna del Salento. Thalassia

Salentina Vol. 26.

• Flore G., Fattizzo T., Friz P., Ciola G., 2008. Sostegno alla biodiversità faunistica: Pro

EMYS litorale di Ostuni a valere sulla misura 1.4.2 - Tutela e qualificazione delle risorse

naturali del Piano di Sviluppo Locale G.A.L. “Alto Salento”, Progettipercomunicare.

• La Gioia G. (Ed), 2009. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in provincia di Lecce (2000-2007).

Edizioni del Grifo, Lecce: 1-176.

• La Gioia G., Liuzzi C., Albanese G., Nuovo G., 2010. Check-list degli Uccelli della Puglia,

aggiornata al 2009. Riv. Ital. Orn., Milano, 79 (2),p. 107-126.

• Macchia F., 1984. Il fitoclima del Salento. Not.Fitosoc.,19(2): 29-60.

• Medagli P., Albano A., Mele C., Marchiori S., 2007. Gli endemismi esclusivi della flora

salentina. L’Idomeneo, 9: 63-72.

• Nitti, N., 2012. Rettili e Anfibi di Puglia. Grafiche Vito Radio Editore.

• Rondinini, C., Battistoni, A., Peronace, V., Teofili, C. eds., 2013. Lista Rossa IUCN dei

Vertebrati Italiani. Comitato Italiano IUCN e Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del

Territorio e del Mare., Roma.

• Rossi G., Montagnani C., Gargano D., Peruzzi L., Abeli T., Ravera S., Cogoni A., Fenu G.,

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F.M., Orsenigo S. (Eds.), 2013. Lista Rossa della Flora Italiana. 1. Policy Species e altre

specie minacciate. Comitato Italiano IUCN e Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del

Territorio e del Mare.

• Ruggiero L., Bianco P., Medagli P., D'Emerico S., 1988. Le orchidee spontanee e gli

ambienti naturali nella "Terra d'Otranto" (Puglia Centro-Meridionale). Thalassia Salentina,

18: 63-69.

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• Scillitani G., Ventrella P., Massari A., 2001. La diversità erpetologica in Puglia e i problemi

del suo mantenimento. VI Convegno Nazionale sulla Biodiversità - “Opportunità di Sviluppo

Sostenibile”, Libro dei Riassunti - Settore Bioindicatori ed Ambiente, p. 14.

• Scoppola A., Spampinato G., 2005. Stato delle conoscenze sulla flora vascolare d’Italia -

Atlante delle specie a rischio di estinzione. Società Botanica Italiana, Ministero

dell'Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio, Università degli studi della Tuscia, Università

degli Studi di Roma 'La Sapienza'.

• Sindaco, R., Doria, G., Razzetti, E., Bernini, F. eds., 2006. Atlante degli Anfibi e Rettili

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• Stoch F., 2003. Check List delle specie della fauna italiana,

• Troia A., Raimondo F.M., 2009. Isoëtes todaroana (Isoëtaceae, Lycopodiophyta), a New

Species from Sicily (Italy). American Fern Journal, 99(4):238-243.

• Turco A., Medagli P., 2009. Serapias x Marchiorii Turco & Medagli (Serapias bergonii E. G.

Camus X Serapias politisi Renz) ibrido naturale nuovo del Salento. Thalassia Salentina, 32:


• Turco A., D’emerico S., Lozito L., Medagli P., 2012. Ophrys peucietiae e Ophrys

pseudomelena, due nuovi taxa per la Puglia. GIROS notizie, 50: 4-11.

• Turco A., Medagli P., Marchiori S., 2011. Emergenze orchidologiche nell’area “Palude di

Cassano” (Melendugno, Lecce). Informatore Botanico Italiano, 43 Suppl. 1: 39-40.

• Turco A., Medagli P., Albano A., D’Emerico S., 2012. Aspetti microevolutivi nel genere

Ophrys. Informatore Botanico Italiano, 44 Suppl. 2: 30-33.

5.6.8 Cultural Heritage

• Auriemma, R. (2004) Salentum a Salo. Porti, approdi, merci e scambi lungo la costa

adriatica del Salento. Vol I, pp. 177-183

• Bernardini, M. (1942) Scavi in Vanze e Acquarica

• Bernardini, M. (1955) Panorama archeologico dell’estremo Salento, Trani, pp. 23-24, fig. 7

• Cambi, F. Terrenato N.(1994) Introduzione all’Archeologia dei Paesaggi, Roma, 121 ss

• Campeol, G. Pizzinato, C (2007). Metodologia per la valutazione dell'impatto archeologico,

in Archeologia e Calcolatori 18, 273-292.

• Cipolloni Sampò, M. (1987) Manifestazioni funerarie e struttura sociale, in Scienze

dell'Antichità, 1, p. 78

• Costantini, A. (1998) Le costruzioni in pietra a secco nel Salento leccese

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• Costantini, A (1999). Guida alle masserie del Salento p. 90

• Cremonesi, G. (1972) San Foca (prov. Lecce), “RivScPreist” 27, 2, 1972, p. 442

• D’Andria, F. (1980) San Foca (Lecce). Scavo di un impianto costiero di età romano-

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• D’Andria, F. (1999) Ricerche recenti sugli insediamenti indigeni di Puglia e Basilicata, in La

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novembre 1998, Napoli, pp. 110-112

• Drago, C. (1954-55) Specchie di Puglia, in Bullettino di Paletnologia Italiana, 64, pp.192-


• Gorgoglione, M.A. (1995) Tumuli di Vanze, in Taras XV, 2, p.523

• Grasso, G. (2000) Architetture in pietra a secco nel Salento, Edizioni del Grifo 2000

• Guaitoli, M. (1990) Nota sulla Metodologia della Raccolta, della Elaborazione e della

Presentazione dei Dati, in P. Tartara, Torrinpietra, Forma Italiae 39, Firenze, 1, 361-362

• Guaitoli, M (1997) Attività dell’Unità Operativa di topografia antica, in BACT 1.2,

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• Guidi, A. (1994). I Metodi della ricerca archeologica, Roma, 16-41

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• Lo Porto, F.G. (2001) Tombe a grotticella e a camera dolmenica del Salento in Studi di

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• Melissano, V. (1999) Vernole (Lecce), Acquarica di Lecce, Pozzo Seccato, in Taras, XIX, 1,

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• Notario, C. Traverso, L. (1996) Un insediamento dell'età del bronzo ad Acquarica di Lecce

(Comune di Vernole), in StAnt 9, p. 296

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• Orlando, A. (1995) Presenze necropoliche e strutture funerarie nel Salento dal XVI al X

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• Peroni, R. (1996) Introduzione alla protostoria italiana, p. 82

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• Ricci, A. (1985) Ricognizione di superficie e scavo:dalle schede cartacee ad un sistema

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• Van Leusen, P.M. (2002) Pattern to process: methodological investigations into the

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5.6.9 Social

• AISCAT (2009). AISCAT bulletin 3-4/2009.

• Apulia Region, Local Authority of Budget and Planning (2006) Documento Strategico

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• Blasi, M. F. Carere, M. Pompa, M.G. Rizzuto, E. Funari, E. (2008) “Water-related diseases

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5.6.11 Marine Offshore Baseline

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ESIA Italy Stakeholder Engagement and Project Response 5.7

• EBRD (2010) PR 10: Information and Disclosure and Stakeholder Engagement.

Environmental and Social Policy.

ESIA Italy Assessment of Impacts and Mitigation Measures 5.8

• UK Transport Research Laboratory, (1999) “Methodology for calculating transport

emissions and energy consumption.”

• Scire, Strimaitis, Yamartino (2000) User’s Guide for the CALPUFF Dispersion Model

(Version 5),


• US-EPA. AP-42 Fifth Edition, Volume I, Chapter 13

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• EEA (2000). “COPERT III Computer programme to calculate emissions from road transport

- User manual.”

• Dana L. Coe et al., (1998). “User’s guide for CL4: a user friendly interface for the CALINE 4

model for Transportation project impact assessment”

• ISO 9613-2:1996 Acoustics "Attenuation of sound during propagation outdoors - Part 2:

General method of calculation"

• The Institution of Lighting Engineers (2005). Guidance Notes for the Reduction of Obtrusive


• Auriemma, R. (2004) Salentum a Salo. Porti, approdi, merci e scambi lungo la costa

adriatica del Salento. Vol I, pp. 177-183

• Campeol, G. Pizzinato, C (2007). Metodologia per la valutazione dell'impatto archeologico,

in Archeologia e Calcolatori 18, 273-292.

• Van Leusen, P.M. (2002) Pattern to process: methodological investigations into the

formation and interpretation of spatial patterns in archaeological landscapes, Groningen.

• ALGERI, S., BRUNELLO, N., CATTO, E., MENNINI, T. & PONZIO, F. (1978). Biochemical

effect of some new proposed antidepressant drugs on the monaminergic systems in the rat

brain. In Depressive Disorders. ed. Garattini, S. pp. 155-168 Stuttgart: Schattauer Verlag.

• Andrén H., 1994. Effect of habitat fragmentation on birds and mammals in landscapes with

different proportions of suitable habitat: a review. Oikos 71:355-366.

• BOMFORD M. & O’BRIEN P.H., 1990 – Sonic deterrents in animal damage control: a

review of device tests and effectiveness. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 18:411-422.

• Battisti C., 2004. Frammentazione ambientale, connettivita’, reti ecologiche. Un contributo

teorico e metodologico con particolare riferimento alla fauna selvatica. Provincia di Roma,

Assessorato alle politiche ambientali, Agricoltura e Protezione civile.

• Canters, K., Piepers, A. and Hendriks-Heersma, A. (1997) Habitat fragmentation,

infrastructure and the role of ecological engineering. - Proceedings of the international

conference on Habitat fragmentation and infrastructure in Maastricht & DenHague 1995.

Delft, The Netherlands: Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management, Road

and Hydraulic Engineering division.

• Kempenaers B., et al, 2010, Artificial Night Lighting Affects. Dawn Song, Extra-Pair Siring

Success, and Lay Date in Songbirds. Current Biology 20, 1735–1739, October 12, 2010.

• Hausmann A., 1992, Untersuchungen zum Massensterben von Nachtfaltern an

Industriebeleuchtungen (Lepidoptera, Macroheterocera), Atalanta, 23 (3/4): 411-416.

• Hill, D. (1992) The impact of noise and artificial light on waterfowl behaviour: a review and

synthesis of available literature. Tring, UK: British Trust for Ornithology.

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• Lines, J.A., Lee, S.R. and Stiles, M.A. (1994) Noise in the countryside. Journal Of

Agricultural Engineering Research 57, 251-261.

• Witherington E. B.,1992, Behavioral responses of nesting sea turtles to artificial lighting,

Herpetologica, 48(1): 31-39

• Prillevitz,F.C. 1997. Fragmentation, not forever. In: Canters,K., Piepers,A. and Hendriks-

Heersma,A., (Eds.) Proceedings of the international conference on Habitat fragmentation

and infrastructure in Maastricht & DenHague 1995, Delft, The Netherlands: Ministry of

Transport, Public Works and Water Management, Road and Hydraulic Engineering


• Santolini R., 1996. Frammentazione degli habitat, comunità ornitiche e indirizzi di

conservazione. In: Ingegnoli e Pignatti (red.), L'ecologia del paesaggio in Italia, pp. 153-

166, Città studi Edizione, Utet, Torino.

• Santolini R., Sauli G., Malcevschi S. e Perco F. 1997. The relationship between

infrastructure and wildlife: problems, possible project solutions and finished works in Italy.

• Santolini R, De Carli E., Nuvoli L., Pasini G. e Fornasari L. 2003. Effetti delle colture agrarie

sulla distribuzione di alcune specie di Passeriformi in base ai dati MITO 2000. Avocetta,


• Vangent, H.A. and Rietveld, P. (1993) Road transport and the environment in Europe.

Science of the Total Environment 129, 205-218.

ESIA Italy Annex 7 Baseline Data and Maps 5.9

• UK Transport Research Laboratory, (1999) “Methodology for calculating transport

emissions and energy consumption.”

• Scire, Strimaitis, Yamartino (2000) User’s Guide for the CALPUFF Dispersion Model

(Version 5),


• US-EPA. AP-42 Fifth Edition, Volume I, Chapter 13

• EEA (2000). “COPERT III Computer programme to calculate emissions from road transport

- User manual.”

• Dana L. Coe et al., (1998). “User’s guide for CL4: a user friendly interface for the CALINE 4

model for Transportation project impact assessment”

• ISO 9613-2:1996 Acoustics "Attenuation of sound during propagation outdoors - Part 2:

General method of calculation"

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Project Title: Trans Adriatic Pipeline – TAP IAL00-ERM-643-Y-TAE-1000 Rev.: 02 Document Title: ESIA Italy – Section 0 Document Guide

• The Institution of Lighting Engineers (2005). Guidance Notes for the Reduction of Obtrusive


• Auriemma, R. (2004) Salentum a Salo. Porti, approdi, merci e scambi lungo la costa

adriatica del Salento. Vol I, pp. 177-183

• Campeol, G. Pizzinato, C (2007). Metodologia per la valutazione dell'impatto archeologico,

in Archeologia e Calcolatori 18, 273-292.

• Van Leusen, P.M. (2002) Pattern to process: methodological investigations into the

formation and interpretation of spatial patterns in archaeological landscapes, Groningen.

• ALGERI, S., BRUNELLO, N., CATTO, E., MENNINI, T. & PONZIO, F. (1978). Biochemical

effect of some new proposed antidepressant drugs on the monaminergic systems in the rat

brain. In Depressive Disorders. ed. Garattini, S. pp. 155-168 Stuttgart: Schattauer Verlag.

• Andrén H., 1994. Effect of habitat fragmentation on birds and mammals in landscapes with

different proportions of suitable habitat: a review. Oikos 71:355-366.

• BOMFORD M. & O’BRIEN P.H., 1990 – Sonic deterrents in animal damage control: a

review of device tests and effectiveness. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 18:411-422.

• Battisti C., 2004. Frammentazione ambientale, connettivita’, reti ecologiche. Un contributo

teorico e metodologico con particolare riferimento alla fauna selvatica. Provincia di Roma,

Assessorato alle politiche ambientali, Agricoltura e Protezione civile.

• Canters, K., Piepers, A. and Hendriks-Heersma, A. (1997) Habitat fragmentation,

infrastructure and the role of ecological engineering. - Proceedings of the international

conference on Habitat fragmentation and infrastructure in Maastricht & DenHague 1995.

Delft, The Netherlands: Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management, Road

and Hydraulic Engineering division.

• Kempenaers B., et al, 2010, Artificial Night Lighting Affects. Dawn Song, Extra-Pair Siring

Success, and Lay Date in Songbirds. Current Biology 20, 1735–1739, October 12, 2010.

• Hausmann A., 1992, Untersuchungen zum Massensterben von Nachtfaltern an

Industriebeleuchtungen (Lepidoptera, Macroheterocera), Atalanta, 23 (3/4): 411-416.

• Hill, D. (1992) The impact of noise and artificial light on waterfowl behaviour: a review and

synthesis of available literature. Tring, UK: British Trust for Ornithology.

• Lines, J.A., Lee, S.R. and Stiles, M.A. (1994) Noise in the countryside. Journal Of

Agricultural Engineering Research 57, 251-261.

• Witherington E. B.,1992, Bheavioral responses of nesting sea turtles to artificial lighting,

Herpetologica, 48(1): 31-39

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• Prillevitz,F.C. 1997. Fragmentation, not forever. In: Canters,K., Piepers,A. and Hendriks-

Heersma,A., (Eds.) Proceedings of the international conference on Habitat fragmentation

and infrastructure in Maastricht & DenHague 1995, Delft, The Netherlands: Ministry of

Transport, Public Works and Water Management, Road and Hydraulic Engineering


• Santolini R., 1996. Frammentazione degli habitat, comunità ornitiche e indirizzi di

conservazione. In: Ingegnoli e Pignatti (red.), L'ecologia del paesaggio in Italia, pp. 153-

166, Città studi Edizione, Utet, Torino.

• Santolini R., Sauli G., Malcevschi S. e Perco F. 1997. The relationship between

infrastructure and wildlife: problems, possible project solutions and finished works in Italy.

• Santolini R, De Carli E., Nuvoli L., Pasini G. e Fornasari L. 2003. Effetti delle colture agrarie

sulla distribuzione di alcune specie di Passeriformi in base ai dati MITO 2000. Avocetta,


• Vangent, H.A. and Rietveld, P. (1993) Road transport and the environment in Europe.

Science of the Total Environment 129, 205-218.

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6 ESIA PROJECT TEAM The development of this ESIA was led by ERM, on behalf and in close coordination with TAP AG, and supported by local subcontractors.

ERM’s team was led by Ian Loveday (Project Partner) and Lorenzo Danzi (Project Manager), Stefania Mazzoli (Team Coordinator), with the technical supervision of Lorenzo Bertolè (Technical Director).

ERM technical leads contributing to the ESIA included:

• Social analysis and impact assessment lead by Alberto Sambartolomè and Andrea Amici, supported by Deborah Modena, Flavia Brusati, and Valentina Iadarola;

• Air quality analysis and impact assessment led by Jacopo Signorini and supported by Monica Agostinone and Marilena De Stefano;

• Landscape visual assessment developed by Domenico Pascuzzi;

• Water and Soil analysis led by Marco Ruffoni supported by Paolo Renoldi;

• Offshore assessment by Francesca Del Rosso and Javier Odriozola;

• Cultural Heritage analysis and impact assessment led by Emlen Myers and Simone Poli; and

• GIS and mapping by Marco Rusmini and Marco Ruffoni.

The noise baseline and impact assessment have been based on surveys and modelling performed by Genest.

The landscape impact assessment was based on the “Mitigation Measures on Landscape” report prepared by Architect Fragasso.

Project safety measures have been prepared based on instructions from Saipem S.p.A..

With respect to environmental, socioeconomic and cultural heritage baseline data collection and impact assessment write-up, ERM was assisted by:

• Filippo Bernini (Flora, Fauna and Ecosystems);

• Guido Brusa (Flora, Fauna and Ecosystems);

• Domenico Pascuzzi (Landscape);

• CAST Arte Archeologia Storia del Territorio (Cultural Heritage Onshore);

• DHI – Danish Hydraulic Institute (Sediment Dispersion Modelling); and

• TESI Archeologia (Cultural Heritage Offshore).

Trans Adriatic Pipeline AG Italia, Branch Via IV Novembre, 149, 00187 Rome, Italy

Tel.: +39 06 45 46 941 Fax: +39 06 45 46 94 444

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