erik poll digital security radboud university, nijmegen ...biggest cyber bank robbery to date $ 951...

Cyber bank robbery Erik Poll Digital Security Radboud University, Nijmegen, the Netherlands

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Cyber bank robbery

Erik Poll

Digital Security

Radboud University, Nijmegen, the Netherlands

Banken & cyber security


Banks a long-time favourite target of criminals

Also of cyber criminals

• Some anecdotes & historical trends

• What can we learn from this?

Biggest cyber bank robbery to date

$ 951 million stolen via SWIFT global payment system

from the Bangladesh Central Bank

• Most of the money recuperated

• ‘Only’ $ 81 million really lost, via casinos on the Philippines

• Attackers installed custom malware on computers at bank & clearly

had insider knowledge

• malware removed transactions from local database & physical

print outs

These are no script kiddies, but serious organised crime







Magnetic-stripe (mag-stripe) on bank card contains digitally signed


but... this info can be copied


Do you see anything suspicious?



Camera to see

PIN being entered

Fake cover

that makes

copy of the

magnetic stripe


More skimming equipment


Fake keyboard

to intercept PIN code

Fake cover

that copies magnetic stripe

Skimming fraud in the Netherlands

Fraud under control thanks to

• better monitoring & response (incl. blocking cards)

• replacing of mag-stripe by chip in 2012

[Source: NVB & Betaalvereniging]


EMV (Europay-Mastercard-Visa)

• Standard used by all chip cards for banking

• Specs controlled by which is owned by

• Unlike magstripe, a smartcard cannot be cloned

• Payment terminal sends a different challenge c every time,

so card gives a different response each time

• Card proves it knows the secret key K without revealing it


secretkey K

challenge c

c encrypted with K

• UK introduced EMV in 2006

Skimming fraud with UK cards, in millions ₤

• Copied magstripes can still be used in countries that don’t use the chip

• Blocking cards for use outside EU (geoblocking) helps a lot!

• Skimmers have now moved to the US, and the US is now migrating to


Such water bed effects are a recurring phenomenon

2005 2006 2007 2008

domestic 79 46 31 36

2005 2006 2007 2008

domestic 79 46 31 36

foreign 18 53 113 134

Does EMV chip reduce skimming?


Recurring problem: backward compatibility

• In 2009, criminals put tampered card readers

inside Dutch bank branches to skim cards

• For backwards compatibility, the chip can

report the mag-stripe data...

• Both mag-stripe data and PIN code sent

unencrypted from card to this reader

• Criminals caught & convicted in 2011

• Cards have been improved to avoid this:

mag-stripe data should now be different from info on the chip


Shims to eavesdrop on communication


More low-tech attacks: phishing

Criminals have sent emails asking people to return their bank card & pin

code by post to the bank

Moral of the story:

• some people are really easy to fool

• attackers are very creative in coming up with new attacks



Problem: complexity

EMV is not a protocol, but a ‘protocol toolkit suite’ with lots of

configuration options

• Original EMV specs : 4 books, > 700 pages

• 3 types of cards (SDA,DDA, CDA), 5 authentication mechanism (online PIN,

online PIN, offline encrypted PIN, signature, none), 2 types of transactions

(offline, online), ....

Sample sentence

“If the card responds to GPO with SW1 SW2 = x9000 and AIP byte 2 bit 8 set to 0,

and if the reader supports qVSDC and contactless VSDC, then if the Application

Cryptogram (Tag '9F26') is present in the GPO response, then the reader shall

process the transaction as qVSDC, and if Tag '9F26' is not present, then the reader

shall process the transaction as VSDC.”


Terminal can choose to do offline PIN

• ie. terminal asks the card to check the PIN code

The response of the card is not authenticated

• ie. not cryptographically signed

so terminal can be fooled by a Man-in-the-Middle attack

The transaction data will reveal the transaction was PIN-less,

so the bank back-end will know the PIN was not entered

[Stephen Murdoch et al., Chip & PIN is broken, FC’2010]

Complexity: example protocol flaw




Our Man-in-the-Middle set-up


Criminal Man-in-the-Middle set-up

Chips from stolen cards inserted under another chip,

which faked the PIN OK response

[Houda Ferradi et al., When Organized Crime Applies Academic Results: A Forensic

Analysis of an In-Card Listening Device, Journal of Cryptographic Engineering, 2015]

xray reveals

green stolen chip under

blue microcontroller


Internet banking

Fraud with internet banking in NL

Fraud under control thanks to

• better monitoring - for suspicious transactions & money mules

• finding money mules, to extract money from the system without being

caught, is the bottleneck for attackers

• awareness compaigns

• criminal switching to ransomware as better business model?

[Source: NVB & Betaalvereniging]


Strong authentication for online banking

• For authentication, most Dutch banks use stronger mechanisms than

just username & password

• TAN codes: one time passwords on a printed list

• m-TAN: one time password received by SMS

• hand-held reader that generates one-time code

using bank card

aka two-factor authentication

• Still, these mechanisms are not fool-proof…

• eg. criminals have resorted to phoning people, pretending to be

from the bank, to obtain these one-time codes


Example attack on internet banking (1)

• Your online bank statement shows you received 3000 euro from some

company you never heard of

• You get a phone call from the bank, saying that this is a mistake and

asking you to transfer the money back

• You never received 3000 euro, but malware in your browser inserts the

fake transaction

• this is a so-called Man-in-the-Browser attack

• When you transfer the money back, that is not a fake transaction…


Example attack on internet banking (2)

• Problem: messages to user not very informative, so user does not

spot the attack

• Solution: better monitoring, and banks impose extra rules on

bitcoin shops & online casinos for allowing internet payments

victim criminal

web shopbitcoin

web shop



how much for

an iPhone ?

200 €

cool, I want one

redirect to bank

200 € worth of

bitcoin, please

redirect to bank



Example attack on internet banking (3)

• For banks that use m-TANs, ie. one time passwords sent by SMS,

criminals can try to obtain a second SIM card for your phone number

• How?

• bribe someone at the Vodacom shop!

• Countermeasure?

• bank can make deal with telco to be told about re-issued SIMs

• Alternatively, phone can nowadays be hacked to steal one-time codes.

This means the days of the m-TAN as a second factor are now



banking apps vs web browsers

• Dutch banks see fewer problems with banking apps than with online

banking in web browser.

• Possible explanations:

• Easier for criminal to lure victims to a malicious web site than get

them to install a malicious app

• Apps are updated frequently, and unique to every bank, so looking

for flaws in these apps is less rewarding


Contactless payments


Contactless payments

Contactless version of EMV with bank card or NFC smartphone

In Netherlands, for a maximum of 25 euro per individual transaction

and a cumulative total of 50 euro until you use your PIN again.


Contactless payments

• Who uses a metal container to shield their contactless bank card?

• Who has asked their bank to disable contactless payments for their card?

• Who thinks that contactless payments without PIN is less secure than contact payment with PIN?


• It is not possible to clone a contactless card

• It is possible to do a relay attack

• But is there a good criminal business model? Probably not…

• Max. distance to activate card ≈ 40 cm

Security of contactless payments

[René Habraken et al., An RFID Skimming Gate

Using Higher Harmonics, RFIDSec 2015]


Risks of contactless payments

1. Risks of contactless payment without PIN

a) You loose max. € 50 if your card is stolen

b) You loose max. € 25 euro if you fall victim to a relay attack

Dutch banks typically cover these losses.

2. Risks of contact payment with PIN

a) You don’t loose any money if your card is stolen

b) You can loose €1000 or more if your card is stolen after attacker snooped

your PIN code

Banks will typically not cover these losses…

So the ‘extra security’ of the PIN probably increases risk for customers.

Note: technical weakness in the security ≠ risk

where risk = likelihood x impact


Configuration flaws

Mistake on the first generation contactless

cards issued in the Netherlands:

• functionality to check the PIN code,

which should only be accessible via the contact interface

was also accessible via the contactless interface

Possible risk for DoS attacks, rather than financial fraud?

Flaw discovered by Radboud students Anton Jongsma, Robert Kleinpenning, and Peter



•A Security Evaluation and Proof-of-Concept Relay Attack on Dutch EMV Contactless Transactions

Software bugs

Contactless payment terminals of one manufacturer

could be crashed with a legal – but unusual – input

• Probably due to a buffer overflow

• Bug might be used for more interesting attacks than just Denial-of-Service,

eg. to get malware on the terminal

[Jordi van den Breekel, A security evaluation and proof-of-concept

relay attack on Dutch EMV contactless transactions, MSc thesis, 2014]

• The input format of smartcard terminals is very simple:

• how can you implement this wrong?

• if you do, how do you miss it in testing?

• Apparently, certification schemes for terminals such as

are not testing for such basic flaws…

•A Security Evaluation and Proof-of-Concept Relay Attack on Dutch EMV Contactless Transactions




• General trend: from prevention to better detection & response

• Technical security flaw not always a serious security risk.

The real issue: can attackers find a good business model?

• The bad news here: ransomware is a great business model for

almost any security weakness

• Some silly security flaws by reputable companies & vendors

• Who is really taking responsibility for the security ?

• Individual banks? Their suppliers? 3rd parties doing certification?

MasterCard & Visa, who also approve vendors & certifiers?

• How much security is just Cover-Your-Ass security?


Why banking security is easy!

• Banks can measure attacks & quantify their costs euros, so

• Trend in attacks can be monitored

• Success of defensive measures can be measured

• This provides a rational basis for security decisions

• In other industries this is MUCH harder

• Eg for critical infrastructures or hospitals:

• How much can cyber protection of the electricity grid cost?

• How much can patient privacy cost?

• Ransomware may play a ‘useful’ role here…