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  • 8/14/2019 Ergo July 9


    Thursday, July 9, 2009A BYTE OF LIFE

    FORCE INDIAS SUTILchasing the elusive

    FREE CIRCULATION Vol. 3 No. 128


    Less than a yearafter Major

    SandeepUnnikrishnan diedfighting terroristsin the 26/11Mumbai terrorattack, a group of youngsters takeforward his andmany more jawans storiesthrough an onlineplatform

    Page 03

    Two for the roadThe Mitsubishi Cedia SpoGreat Driving Challenge isfor all enthusiastic coupleto explore their favouriteroad map

    PAGE 08

    Keeping the stories alive

  • 8/14/2019 Ergo July 9


    ERGO Thursday, July 9, 2009NAMMA CHENNAI02

    The Internet Service Providers Associationof India (ISPAI) is hosting the SouthAsian Network Operators Group (SANOG)in the city from July 15 to 23. The aim ofthe nine-day event is to disseminate thelatest technological trends and to givenetworking opportunity to ISPs/NetworkOperators.Organised for the third time in the SouthAsia Region, the event promises to attractmany enthusiasts. The event will seeparticipants from across Asia, the U.S. and

    Europe. The nine-day programme willcover topics like IPv4 and IPv6 Routing,BGP Multi-homing, Peering and IXP,understanding, identifying and migratingnetwork attacks, etc.In all, SANOG promises to be thedestination for all Internet and managedservice providers, carriers, systemintegration organisations to debate, listento and interact with experts.

    Ergo Correspondent

    These pedigree dogs have beenabandoned by the people they grew up

    with. They hope to find new familiesthat will love them for life. If youd liketo adopt one of them free of cost, callJannet of Blue Cross at 9444380842

    Female Pomeranian

    A friendly Yorkshire TerrierMale Terrier

    An adult female German Shephard

    Take me homeMister Grey is a sophisticated kitty whoenjoys relaxing on the couch and sippinwarm milk from his saucer. To adopt himor his siblings, call 9884097862.

    SANOG inChennai

    What: SANOG-14When: July 15-23Where: Hotel Green ParkWho can attend: Engineers working

    in NOC, Data Centre, IT/Networkingengineers, CEOs, CTOs, etc.For details email Shankar Vridhagiriat [email protected] or call98842 66999; Puneet [email protected] / 9811304099.Website:

    What, When, Where

    Female Doberman is oneof the three Dobermans

    at the shelter

  • 8/14/2019 Ergo July 9


    Remember the fables of Birbaland Akbar, Krishnadevarayarand Tenaliraman that yourgranny used to narrate? Twen-

    ty-one-year-old Nandini Sathya-moorthy is like a granny for manychildren at various orphanages inChennai. But the stories she narratesare not about Akbar or Tenaliraman,

    but of martyrs from the IndianArmy.

    A student of physiotherapy atVels College of Physiotherapy, Nan-dini along with a group of young-sters from different cities visitorphanages and schools to narratepaeans of soldiers who died fightingfor the country. Mission Sandeep isa drive to spread peace and patriot-ism through stories of bravery andvalour. Above all, it is also a tributeto the brave, young NSG Comman-do, Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan,

    who lost his life last November inthe 26/11 Mumbai terror attack. Im-mediately after the Majors demise,eight youngsters from various partsof the city started this mission

    through a website

    Eight and GrowingZaheer Abbas, Anurag Chathurve-

    di, Ambika, Tarannum and BijuKrishnan are among those who initi-ated the idea. We recount storiesabout soldiers in a lively manner forchildren to remember, this is be-sides distributing food and clothes,says Nandini, the main coordinatorfrom Chennai.

    Today the community has 1600volunteers. The website is main-tained by moderators from differentfields including software engineers,army officers, doctors and students.The only prerequisite to join this

    group is one has to be ready to con-tribute to the mission to bring in achange, says Zaheer Abbas, one ofthe founders based in Rajasthan.

    ActivitiesOne of their recent biggest events

    was celebrating the late Majorsbirthday. We conducted competi-tions like poetry writing and postermaking at various orphanages. Thebest poster was gifted to Major San-deeps father, says Anurag Chatur-vedi, a software engineer based inBangalore.

    Chennai, Hyderabad, Nasik andPune are some of the cities wherethe mission is very active. In Chen-

    nai, the members meet on weekto discuss their monthly ageFunds are collected from membcity wise for their various expetures, which include donathrough books, cupboards, fclothes, and social visits.

    For those who cannot contritheir mite, the online presencedynamic medium. Biju Krishnamarketing executive in the U.K.,ularly keeps track of the commuas well as donates funds for theitivities. We have just begun bying up small community activSacrifices of brave soldiers shou

    be hidden behind those who simtalk about peace, he says.

    K. Unnikrishnan, father of Major, who keeps tab of the aities being done in the name oson feels that as far as it goes wgood intention, such platformsbe welcomed.

    I am happy that though my snot with me, his sacrifices andtiatives have been made him mortal thro

    www.sandeepunnikrishnan.orgThere are many soldiers who sfice their lives for the many of us know their bdeeds? The teams effort to sppeace and patriotism shows thein todays youth.

    Less than a year after Major SandeepUnnikrishnan died fighting terrorists inthe 26/11 Mumbai terror attack, agroup of youngsters take forward hisand many more jawans storiesthrough an online platform

    MONISHA [email protected]

    The only

    prerequisite to join

    this group is one

    has to be ready to

    contribute to the

    mission to bring

    in a change"



    Anurag Chaturvedi (right), member of Mission Sandeep, with MajorSandeep Unnikrishnans parents.

    Thursday, July 9, 2009

    Celebratinglate MajorSandeepUnnikrishnans32nd Birthdayat anorphanage byMissionSandeepmembers

  • 8/14/2019 Ergo July 9


    Facebook said that its users

    were at times firing off 6,000comments per minute asthey watched Michael Jack-

    sons memorial online at CNNLive.

    The 6,000 is just for CNNLive, said Facebook marketingdirectory Randi Zuckerberg. It issignificantly higher than thatwhen you factor in E! Online,

    ABC, and MTV, which each havetheir own Facebook Connectimplementations.

    The same technology used tostream CNNcoverage of US Pres-ident Barack Obamas inaugura-tion - Facebook Connect -

    allowed people to watch the Jack-son memorial in CNN Live videoplayers. Facebook status updates,essentially brief posted thoughtsat given moments, related to theinauguration peaked at 8,000 perminute at the start of Obamasswearing-in ceremony.

    Zuckerberg expected the Jack-son tally to eclipse that record.

    The most interesting thing ishow many people are writing ininternationally, Zuckerberg said,referring to Facebook updatesfrom Switzerland, Israel, Britainand Barbados posted just sec-onds earlier.

    Facebook posts during the me-

    morial included a user identifiedas Elycia Cook of Japan saying Iam at work in my MJ T-shirt try-ing to get something done be-tween the tears and popping inand off of CNN.

    Another Facebook user theor-ised that in many parts of the

    world, nothing will be gettingdone right now.

    Online video news traffic in theUnited States, Europe, and otherplaces on the globe surged abovenormal during the memorial, ac-cording to Akamai Technologies,

    which specialises in deliveringdata online.


    MJ, King of Facebook

    A screen grab of the live streaming of the funeral cortegecarrying the coffin of Michael Jackson on its way to theStaples centre in Los Angeles. PHOTO: AFP/FACEBOOK/CNN

    ERGO Thursday, July 9, 2009VILLAGE04

    Hitler tree faces the axeAn oak tree planted in Nazi-occupied Poland during WorldWar II to mark Adolf Hitlers birthday may soon face the axeif the local mayor has her way.Authorities in Jaslo in rural southeastern Poland discoveredthe origins of the tree when plans were lodged to fell it tomake way for a traffic roundabout.We obtained information that this is no ordinary tree butwas put here to mark Adolf Hitlers birthday, said Jaslosmayor, Maria Kurowska. So should I try to improve ourtowns communications or should I allow a memorial to thatcriminal to remain standing? The choice is simple for me.


    Say hello to pre-cooked eggsFor those who lack the most basic culinary skills, or aresimply too lazy to boil an egg, you have your prayersanswered, for ready-to-eat free-range eggs are just aroundthe corner.The Happy Egg Company has struck deals withsupermarkets, and is offering eggs cooked to perfectionin packs of two or four.The shell is also removed for those who have troublepeeling an egg.Happy Boiled Eggs are the perfect solution for people

    who love free rangeeggs but dont havethe time or knack toprepare a boiled egg,the Telegraph quotedRob Newell, marketingchief at the firm, assaying.

    As the summermonths approach, weare confident they willbe a real hit for picnicsand offer freshinspiration to thosewanting a tasty andnutritious snack inminutes, he added.


    Youth held forthreateningSaniaA youth was arrestedfor allegedly makingthreatening calls toSania Mirza andcreating nuisance at herresidence heredemanding to cancelher engagement, policesaid.Mohammed Ashraf, (28)a civil engineering

    student, who claimed to be in love with Sania, wasallegedly sending messages and making threatening callsto Sanias mobile phone asking her to stop herengagement, Banjara Hills police said quoting a complaintlodged by Sanias father Imran Mirza.Ashraf went to Sanias house at Banjara Hills andreportedly had an argument with her father asking him tocancel Sanias engagement stating that he was in lovewith Sania, a senior police officer said.We had already put up a police picket at Sanias houseafter her fathers complaint. Ashraf was arrested after hecreated nuisance at their house, he said.


    Miniskirts biggest eyesore in S KoreanworkplaceAlmost three-quarters of South Korean male office workers feeluncomfortable when female colleagues show too much leg or cleavagein the workplace, a survey has revealed.A poll of 1,254 employees by the job portal site CareerNet found that74 percent of men felt upset with the attire of their female co-workers. Some 56 percent of them cited micro-miniskirts as their chiefcomplaint, while 51 percent objected to excessive cleavage.Women meanwhile complained mostly of stains on the shirts and tiesof their male colleagues.


    Stolen wallet from 1982 reappearsA wallet that was stolen in New York in 1982 has beenfound inside a tree, with only $20 missing - all of the lacredit cards were still in the purse.

  • 8/14/2019 Ergo July 9


    Thursday, July 9, 2009

    Duckworth-Lewissaimtoo reignalbumm chartsDDuucckkwwoorrtthh--LLeewwiissaaiimmttoo rreeiiggnnaallbbuumm cchhaarrttss

    players Michael Atherton andleading cricket commentatorChristopher Martin-Jenkins.

    They (Frank Duckworth andTony Lewis) sent us a lovely mailsaying: Were very honoured youtook the name, we think the al-bums great and wish you everysuccess, Walsh said.

    One player yet to respond is for-mer England captain Mike Gat-ting, who is the subject of the track

    Jiggery Pokery, which deals withthe batsmans ignominious dis-missal by then unknown leg-spin-ner Shane Warne.

    The ball of the century, deli-vered during the first Test of the1993 Ashes series in Manchester,

    signalled the arrival of the greatestleg-spinner of all time and helpedto cement 16 years of Australian

    Ashes dominance. AFP

    World Cup) on St Patricks Daywas incredible.

    Were not making any politicalstatement, its just good thatcountries took the game from Bri-tain and said: We can play it this

    way. Thats what makes the gamebrilliant.

    There is concern among fansthat the razzmatazz and instantexcitement of Twenty20 cricket,

    which rewards risk-taking andpower-hitting, could dilute the ap-peal of the more studious five-dayTest match version.

    Its a worry but I think theres alarge enough number of real fans

    who know that Test cricket is theabsolute pinnacle of sport, Han-

    non claimed. The duo, who pickedtheir name as it sounded like apsychedelic band name of thehighest order, have receivedglowing endorsements from ex-

    do battle over five Tests, potential-ly 150 hours of fierce competition,to claim the coveted urn, which iscurrently held by Australia.

    I think England ought to winbut I wouldnt like to venture byhow much, Hannon said.

    Half the reason we made thisalbum about cricket is that it rep-resents something that goesagainst the incredible pace ofmodern existence, he added.

    You can just sit and exist, itslike meditation.

    Were living in a Twittery world where everything is ridiculouslyinstant and pared down to theminutest degree, bandmate

    Walsh added. Cricket is the com-

    plete opposite of that.The surge in popularity of crick-

    et in Ireland, where it was long de-rided as a symbol of Britishcolonialism, has been due to im-pressive performances by the na-tional team and the popularity ofTwenty20, the shortest form of thegame.

    Maybe people will stop think-ing of cricket as just an Englishthing because its not. If that wasthe case why do so many ex-em-pire countries play it and beat En-gland regularly.

    People are coming to us andsaying Ive always loved the game,Ive just been afraid to say it,

    Walsh added. Ireland beating Pa-

    kistan (during the 2007 One Day

    To an outsider, the complicat-ed world of cricket can seemmundane and impenetrableand the last thing that a rock

    musician would write an albumabout.

    But this has not deterred Irishmusical all-rounders Neil Han-non, best known for his work withThe Divine Comedy, and Thomas

    Walsh, member of the band Pug- wash, from taking up the chal-lenge.

    Performing under the nameDuckworth Lewis Method, afterthe complex mathematical tech-nique used to set a target for rain-interrupted matches, the pair havepenned a tribute to the ancient

    game, just in time for the Ashes.Theres a complete absence of

    cricket songs, Hannon said.Because of its long and varied

    history it lends itself to good writ-ing. Theres so many subtleties toit.

    They are bidding to join a limit-ed group of cricket-themed songs,including 10CCs hit DreadlockHoliday featuring the line I dontlike cricket, I love it, and Lord Be-ginners 1950 calypso hit VictoryTest Match, written after the WestIndies first Test win on Englishsoil. The albums release this weekcoincides with the start of the ol-dest and most bitterly foughtsporting competition in world

    sport. England and Australia will

    Websites of the dayCheck out the stunning diverse regions Thailand has to offer: are an endangered species. Find out what you can do tohelp:

    Viagra-laced coffee seizedOver 900 boxes of a coffee laced with viagra have been seized in Malaysi- the product was advertised as an energy booster.

    FrankDuckworth(L) and TonyLewis theinventors oftheDuckworth-Lewismethod.PHOTO: GETTY


  • 8/14/2019 Ergo July 9


    ERGO Thursday, July 9, 2009SPORT06

    The next Grand Prix takesplace on your home soilin Germany. What doesit mean to race in front

    of your home crowd?

    The German Grand Prix is al-ways a special event for me andto race at the Nurburgring has agreat feeling. The atmosphere isreally special there its perhapsone of the most famous circuitsin the world.

    How do you rate the circuit?I like it a lot. Its a good circuit

    that can be quite tricky to getright. Theres a lot of bankingand the corners make it difficultto find a good set up as the carbehaves differently in differentcorners, it surprises you.

    Have you raced there manytimes in your career?

    I have a lot of memories fromthe track. Its where I did my rac-ing licence, and one of the firstcircuits I drove on with a racingcar. Ive raced there in nearly allthe categories Ive done in my ca-reer, so Formula BMW, F3 andnow F1 of course, so nearly everystep up the ladder has been atthe Nurburgring.

    Did Michael Schumacherinfluence you as a youngrookie?

    Yes for sure. When I startedracing he was at the highpoint ofhis career so I always saw himwinning. He was a really impres-sive driver, a complete package,and is still a hero for a lot of driv-ers in Germany. He was reallypushing the sport up there. Ivebeen lucky enough to meet hima few times now but its always aspecial thing to meet him.

    How do you see your season

    has gone so far?I think its been a good season

    so far. We have been able to fin-ish a lot of races and in the lasttwo or three events it was pos-sible to go into Q2, which was abig success for us. For sure thelast race in Silverstone was a bitdisappointing as it was an impor-tant race with our new updatesand we had an incident in qual-ifying. Without this I think wecould have been really close tothe points, or even in the points.But overall we are making pro-gress and thats the most impor-


    What can we expect from youin Germany?

    Q2 would be very nice andhopefully it would be enoughfor some points. Its definitelytime to get a few. Lets see whatthe other teams have update-wise as I expect maybe one ortwo to move a bit to the frontand we dont have a major up-date this time round. But wewere pretty strong in Silverstoneand I expect to be similar in Ger-many.

    A couple of close finishes and afew untimely crashes havemade sure that Force Indias

    Adrian Sutil is yet to score hisfirst championship points in theF1 circuit. But the German is

    still clinging on to hope andremains confident, AyonSengupta finds out

    Lightning BoltJamaican athletics phenomenon Usain Bolt recorded the fourth fastest time in history in the 20metres of 19.59 seconds in Lausanne at the Grand Prix meeting despite it pouring with rain. Th22-year-old triple Olympic champion world record holder both at 100m and 200m eased hom82hundreths of a second ahead of the United States 400m Olympic champion Lashawn Merritt



  • 8/14/2019 Ergo July 9


    Thursday, July 9, 2009

    Mohammed Yousuf scoring a ton in his comeback Test is a way of telling theselectors that how great a player he is. A player like Yousuf cannot be kept out

    of the team. Yousuf is a kind of player who can fit into any side of the world. I think,he is a long-race horse.

    Wasim Akram

    Giving a rest to speculation, Vid-eocon Industries Ltd. on

    Wednesday confirmed theirrole as the promoters of the

    World Series of Boxings Indian fran-chise. The Indian multinational cametop in the bidding process, where the

    minimum value for the franchise wasset at $10 million. It is believed VijayMallyas Kingfisher group as well asnational cricket and hockey teamsponsor Sahara were interested to

    join the bandwagon.We are excited and enthusiastic

    about our association with WSB.Through this partnership we would

    want the Indian audience and boxersto experience a sea change by takingIndian boxing to the next level, Pra-deep Dhoot, President, Videocon In-dustries Ltd., said. Our commitmentto boxing is long-term and we will in-vest in promoting the sport by devel-oping boxing rings and gyms acrossthe country. We also intend to pro-

    mote the game at grass-root levelthrough schools and colleges.

    Set on the lines of the very success-ful IPL franchise model, the event isexpected to be a global hit, bridgingthe gap between professional andamateur boxing. Citing Indias grow-ing importance in the world boxingmap, Dr. Ching-Kuo Wu, AIBA Presi-

    dent and WSB Chairman, said: Indiahas tremendous potential and theconfirmation of a franchise-holderfrom there illustrates that fact. With ahuge support base and a growing tal-ent list India can usher in a new era inboxing.

    According to initial reports, Delhiwill host the team, which will have aminimum of 10 boxers. Modelled af-ter professional boxing, the pugilists

    will fight in five rounds of three min-utes each without vests and head-gears. Giving us a preview of theadrenaline rush, boxer Akhil Kumarsaid: Amateurs like us will need a lotof heart to fight in WSB. Fighting

    without headgear can be a scary

    proposition but boxing is not for thefainthearted. Wherever you are, be itan amateur ring or professional ring,there is going to be pain and we haveto take a conscious decision.

    The move, though scary for long-time amateur boxers, is all set to bringin a financial windfall. Each boxer

    will be selected after the world cham-

    pionship and stands to gain someth-ing between Rs. 15 lakh and Rs. 1.5crore. Such high income on a regularbasis was unthinkable for boxers inthe country even yesterday, Akhilsaid. And because of the franchisesystem there will be a greater demandfor a reserve pool and more and moreindividuals will find a way to sustainthemselves by boxing. There wouldbe more to look forward to than a go-vernment job.

    Akhil, along with Beijing bronzemedallist Vijender Kumar, is expectedto be part of the initial list of 100 box-ers to be put up for auction at the endof the World Championships in Milanthis September.

    The electronics giant wins bid for Indian franchise of World Series of Boxing

    AYON [email protected]

    Olympian Akhil Kumar flanked by Asian Boxing Championship silver medallist Thokchom Nanao Singh (left) and bronze

    medallist Jitender Kumar (right) celebrate another medal haul by Indian pugilists. PHOTO: PTI

    Videocon comes callingThe Format

    Team CompetitionTeams in each region willcompete against each otherduring the regular season.Each team will play itsregional rivals four times twice at home and twiceaway resulting in a totalof 12 matches per team.Each match will consist offive individual bouts,including one in eachweight class.The top team from each ofthe three regions, plus afourth (2nd best finisher)team, will face each other ina playoff format todetermine the WorldChampionship team.

    Individual ChampionshipsThe individualchampionships for eachweight class will take placeafter the conclusion of theplayoff series.The top two boxers in theregular season will competefor the individual title ofworld champion. The Five Weight


    BantamLightMiddleLight HeavyHeavy Schedule

    Sep-Dec 2010 RegularSeason

    Jan 2011 Play-off SeriesFeb-Mar 2011 ExhibitionMatchesApr 2011 IndividualChampionship Bouts Rules & Scoring

    The bout will be of fiverounds, which would bethree minutes each. Thescores will be awarded bythree judges on a 10-pointsystem to be announced atthe end of each bout. Theboxers will not wear anyheadgear or vests.

  • 8/14/2019 Ergo July 9


    ERGO Thursday, July 9, 2009ROADSTER08

    The road not taken... Sounds cli-chd? Well, the much-loved poemof Robert Frost sums up our life

    story in more ways that one. Ourwork, passion and interest havetaken us to places far and wide. Beit rugged NCC camps or a sophis-ticated business trip, our travelshave given us rare and interestinginsights into myriad forms of cul-ture.

    Our travel plan: We are work-ing on a concept of a Freedom

    Trail covering five states and oneUT, starting from Mumbai. Thelast leg of the trip will follow the

    famous Dandi March route fromSabarmati in Gujarat to Dandi in

    Maharashtra. During the courseof the trip, we aim to celebrate our

    freedom movement and pay trib-utes to the scores of inspirationalindividuals who led from the

    front. Sowmya and Guru

    Apassion for the roads, curi-

    osity to explore inaccessi-ble places and an undyingspirit to travel, to name a

    few, have brought thousands ofcouples like Sowmya and Guru tothe Mitsubishi Cedia Sports Great

    Driving Challenge, organised by

    Hindustan Motors Limited.If we believe what the organis-

    ers have to say, the challenge hasso far attracted around 10,000

    registrations from across In with Bangalore, MumbaiDelhi topping the participalist.

    Vroom...The Great Driving Challe

    (TGDC) is a Web-centric cpaign for couples. The challis to drive 3,000 km in 10 daystell the world about your travthe most interesting waytweeting and blogging abouBut, for that challenge you nto cross various hurdles (stages).

    Starting from completingregistration form answequestions in the most creafashion to gathering the mmum votes and writing the profile of the couple, its a process before three winnersshort-listed to vroom on sports car. So, essentially passion for driving comes l

    before which you need to impthe jury with the best credenand testimonials.

    You need to be a travel automobile enthusiast, plus ness the power of technolog

    win the challenge, says RChokhani of Experience Cmerce, the campaign desigThis is more a Web-based reshow conducted for the time.

    Write your way You have to read to be

    some of the applications. Lik65-year-old Captain describe30 years of experience drivin42 countries treading thousankilometres. Another talks abgoing on a Biriyani Trail and

    Is it Leh, theHimalayas,North Eastor Ooty that

    you wantedto exploreon road?TheMitsubishi

    Cedia SportsGreat Driving Challengeinvites allenthusiasticcouples todecide theroute

    CRs cars for salePortuguese winger Cristiano Ronaldo is putting three of his luxury cars up for sale for 195,000 pounds. According toThe Sun, his close friends also believe that he plans to sell his four million pound mansion in Cheshire. First up forgrabs are his Bentley Continental GT Speed (114,950 pounds), Porsche 911 Carrera 2 Tiptronic S (69,995 pounds) andMercedes C220CDI (10,795 pounds).

    You need to be a travel andautomobile enthusiast, plusharness the power of technologyto win the challenge

    Two for theROAD

  • 8/14/2019 Ergo July 9


    ouple plan to captureors of Bandipur TigerMudumalai NationalPeriyar National Parkto the world how small

    mankind can save theauna.

    -based couple HarshaPrabha are busy mobi-es by emailing andriends and relatives.e two have taken partdrives, including Theimalaya and Airtel Onellenge, they probablyt time are participating

    other couples.urney: Prabha and I

    en so many times as) and navigator (Prab-

    e almost know what theis going to say or do.navigator. I cant read

    the time I just followirections blindly. If we

    ed the roles, we mightnd for someone whomuch by car, let me tellet. If Im not driving I

    ck. Its almost like... Io drive.


    is chal-at unlike

    rallies,route is

    he orga-ere thets get toe routee would


    Royal entryPrince William left onlookers grasping for breath recently as he made aroyal entry for a charity event on his black Ducati 1198s motorcycle. The27-year-old British Royal caused a stir as he arrived at Coworth Parkclub in Ascot, Berkshire, for a charity polo match, wearing red andblack leathers and a crash helmet with a blacked-out visor.

    Thursday, July 9, 2009

    Japanese two-wheeler maker

    Yamaha on Monday launchedits new bike Fazer 153cc at aprice of Rs 72,000 (ex-show-room, Delhi).

    The company also inaugurat-ed its new facility at Surajpur(Uttar Pradesh) which will alsobe used to make Frazer and oth-er models, India Yamaha Motorsaid in a statement.

    It gives us great pride to say

    that we have reached yet anoth-er milestone in the history of In-dia Yamaha Motor as weinaugurate the new plant andlaunch Fazer, India YamahaMotor Chief Executive Officerand MD Yukimine Tsuji said.

    The Fazer has been posi-tioned along with the compa-nys existing FZ portfolio bikes FZ16 and FZ-S.

    The new Fazer is the latest addition in ourportfolio of technologically superior bikes in-cluding YZF-R15, FZ16 and FZ-S which exhibit

    Yamahas global ingredients performance, in-novation and design and are the best prod-

    ucts currently in the market, Tsuji said.The new Surajpur plant will have the ca-

    pacity to produce six lakh motorcycles an-nually including Fazer and other models.


    The 153 cc vehicle is priced Rs 72,000

    Yamaha launches Fazer

    The new Rolls-Royce Ghost has not even madeits official debut, but potential buyers can

    already configure a personal version of the ba-by Roller online.

    The companys website visualiser gives adetailed preview of the exquisite automobile

    which has been seen at car salons in Genevaand Shanghai this year but not in the show-

    rooms.It will probably be launched at this autumnsFrankfurt Motor Show.

    The feature allows users toclick on an image of the stylishlimousine and choose from a va-riety of colours and sumptuoustrim options, including bolddeep purple and metallic turqu-oise paintwork. Customers cancombine these shades with abonnet sprayed in contrastingsatin silver. These new hues hintat a different clientele for theMercedes S-class-sized limou-sine which is the first entry-levelmodel from Rolls-Royce.

    Company CEO Tom Purvessaid the new car will be as re-

    fined and as cosseting as anything that thismarque has ever produced with impeccablepoise. The Ghost, with its distinctive rear-opening coach doors, will be built in Good-

    wood in Britain on a dedicated production linebut shares paint, wood and leather workshops

    with the Phantom range of cars.To view the internet preview logon to http:// DPA

    The companys website gives a detailed preview of the vehicle

    Website lets you configure babyRolls-Royce before it debuts

    ZOOM ONWho can participate: Couples above20 years of ageEntry: Is free of costLast date to submit entries: July 17Winners announcement: August

  • 8/14/2019 Ergo July 9


    ERGO Thursday, July 9, 2009FLICK10

    Jolie enrols daughters

    in dance classes

    Angelina Jolie hasreportedly enrolledher eldest two daughters

    in dance classes in LosAngeles.The actress was

    photographed with hergirls Zahara (4) andShiloh (3) as theystepped in the CreativeStation in Studio City.

    A news story publishedin OK! magazine saysthat the young ladies willbe spending the comingfew weeks picking updancing pointers, reportsContactmusic.

    They have allegedlybeen signed up for 10 ofthe Princess Series Ballet/Tap classes.


    Will Smiths daughter set tomake TV debut

    Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smiths daughter,Willow, is all set to make her debut on thesmall screen by appearing in a show on

    Nickelodeon later this month.Willow (8) has already appeared in her fathers2007 action film I Am Legend, and voiced acharacter alongside her mother in hit animatedfilm, Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa.

    And now she will be doing a guest-appearancein a one-hour episode of Nickelodeons TrueJackson, VP.

    The child star will play a younger version ofactress KeKe Palmers title character True Jackson,an executive of a popular fashion house.

    Her star father has claimed that the role wasperfect for his little girl.

    I get my style ideas from True Jackson, VP. If Ihad my own fashion company, I would call itWillows Reign, Contactmusic quoted him assaying.

    The episode featuring Willow will air on July25.


    Actress Brooke Shield, who described her relationshipwith Michael Jackson as the most natural and easiestof friendships, has revealed that the pop star wantedto marry her but she turned it down.

    The actress, who fought back tears as she remembered herlong-term friendship with Jackson in a memorial service onTuesday, said that Jackson proposed to her because he wasafraid of losing her.

    There were times when he would ask me to marry him,and I would say, You have me for the rest of your life, youdont need to marry me, Im going to go on and do my ownlife and have my own marriage and my own kids, and youll

    always have me, Shields said in an interview to RollingStone magazine.

    I think it made him relax. He didnt want to lose thingsthat meant something to him, she added.

    The Blue Lagoon actress married television writer ChrisHenchy in 2001 after her divorce to Tennis player AndreAgassi.

    Shields, now 44, first met Jackson when she was 13 yearold and she has always maintained that they shared aunique bond of friendship.

    Both of us needed to be adults very early but when wewere together, we were two little kids having fun, she hadsaid recalling their early fame.

    Michael always knew he could count on me to supporthim or be his date... We had a bond and maybe it wasbecause we both understood what it was like to be in thespotlight from a very, very young age, Shields said at thememorial.


    Jackson wanted to marry me

    Micheal Jackson (R) and actress Brooke Shields arrive at the shrine Auditorium in LosAngeles where Jackson ran away with a major part of the Grammy awards on February28, 1984. FILE PHOTO: AFP

    We had a bond and maybe it wasbecause we both understood what itwas like to be in the spotlight froma very, very young age

    Penelope Cruz doesnt believe in marriageHollywood actress Penelope Cruz will never marry her boyfriend, Spanishactor Javier Bardem, because she doesnt believe in the concept ofmatrimony. The Oscar winner does plan to start a family one day but is nosure about marriage, reported

    Will Smithwith wifeJadaPinkettSmith

  • 8/14/2019 Ergo July 9


    Chef Keanu!Actor Keanu Reeves has been honing his skills in the kitchen and is consideringtaking a break from his movie career to focus on cooking.

    The Private Lives of Pippa Leeactor has also been inspired by the bookMolecularGastronomy: Exploring the Science of Flavor by French TV chef and chemist HerveThis, reported

    I am dabbling in cooking and looking at becoming a chef. Herve is fantastic. I didntreally cook before but this book may be changing my life, said the actor.


    Asins no to PETARecently actor Asin was invited by the People forEthical Treatment of Animals (PETA) to promotevegetarianism. But the actor declined theinvitation saying she is a strict non-vegetarian.The Ghajinigirl who loves to eat fish and chickensaid that she cant remain without eating meatfor a single day. Madhavan, Aishwarya RaiBachchan and Manisha Koirala are some of thestars who have promoted vegetarianism in thepast.


    to turnproducerActor Vikram is all setto produce a movie ofhis own. And Internetgrapevine says thatthe Kanthasamy starhas picked none otherthan Sasi Kumar ofSubramaniapuramfame to direct hisproduction venture.Sasi Kumars stint asthe lead star in therecently releasedNadodigalhas alsoreceived rave reviews.It is reported that ifeverything goes wellthe movie will hit thefloors after Vikramcompletes Raavan.

    Mohanlal to join Territorial Army todayActor Mohanlal will be commissioned into the Territorial Army on Thursday by Army Chief Gen. Deepak Kapooin the rank of Lt. Colonel. The 49-year-old actor had in October said he was interested in joining the TerritoriaArmy. Rules had to be amended to accommodate the National Award-winning actor as men above the age ofare not eligible to join the volunteer force.

    Cine City

    Thursday, July 9, 2009

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    ERGO Thursday, July 9, 200912

    Roshind Raghavan from Sutherland Global Services has nominatedhis friends as Partners in Crime. This pic was clicked in their office.

    Fingilton from Cognizant Technology Solutions has nominated his Astrazeneca hr.1 team as Partners in Crime. This photo was takenduring their visit to Kodai.

    Hemalathafrom Ramco Systems has nominated her friends asPartners in Crime. This pic was clicked at Ooty.

    AdityafromWipro has nominated his friends as Partners in Crime. Thispic was clicked at Blue Lagoon Resort during their team outing.

    Palanivel from HCL Technologies has nominated his friends as Partnersin Crime. This photo was taken during their trip to Ooty.

    Kotteeswaran M. from eNoah i solutions Pvt Ltd has nominated hiscolleagues as Partners in Crime. This picture was clicked inside theiroffice during an occasion known as Decorative December.

  • 8/14/2019 Ergo July 9


    Thursday, July 9, 2009

    1. Man-1: What do you think about Doora Doora azhagiya doora song?Man-2: I think this is related to a carpenter song...2. Paarthiban: Cheque-i vachu criket vilayaadalaama?

    Vadivel : no, Ball-i vachuthaan vilayaada mudiyumPaarthiban: yeppadi?vadivel : Ball bounce aagumaePaarthiban: Appa, Cheque bounce aagaadhaa?

    Mohamed Yusufdeen J,


    Dear AnnCongrats for completing TWO years..

    FromMadurai Mohana, Kovai Meena

    Trichy Jayalakshmi, Kovai Ashok

    Kodambakkam Vino, Hexaware

    Dear Balu,Wish U Many More Happy Returns ofthe Day.We wish U have a great andsuccessfull year ahead both in ur

    work side as well as ur family side.We all are expecting you to achievegreat height sooner in the field of urliking (BOXING).May God bless you and all yourdreams come true this wonderfulyear ahead.Its your Day, enjoy and have a blast.Stay Happy.

    Best Wishes from

    FSS Card Ops Team.

    Dear Teja (Our Beloved President)How do you expect me to rememberyour birthday, when you never lookany older? happy birthday! ManyMore Happy Returns Of The Day...

    Wishes From

    Team HP OTP, Chennai.

    Hi Balasubramanyam G.,Wish you a very Happy Birthday.May all your wishes come true...

    By, Golden Girls

    (Jayasree, Lakshmi, Isabella, Sasirekaha,

    Harini, Kavitha, Fatima)Bejaru Boys

    (Vignesh, Rajesh,Gokul,Boopathi)

    of Hurix Guys.

    To my Gopinath Sweetheart!Enough of all the pain you toleratedall these daysEven in all hard times you neverfailed to express your love to meI really wonder if a person could everbe like the way you are to meThough the scar still remains in ourheart its time for us to celebrateyour successYour new journey will bring shine toour life You deserve the best asalways my dear..All the best to you !!

    With loads of love,

    Yours Pradheepa


    Dear AVR,Wish you a very happy birthday. Letthis year give u more reasons tosmile, by filling you with Joy &Success!!! Let God shower his bestblessings on you forever.

    Hearty wishes from,Rocky, HCL

    Leema David from InfosysTechnologies Limited hasbeen nominated as Office

    Angel by her friend Ariff.Leema is very caring, cool

    and calm friend to be with.She is a great singer and got

    an amazing voice. Music is

    her passion. She is a coolthinker and her smartness in

    work is really adorable. I feel

    lucky to be one of her goodfriend.

    LathaViswanathanof CognizantTechnologySolutions

    doodled this.

  • 8/14/2019 Ergo July 9


    ERGO Thursday, July 9, 2009TRAFFIC JAM14

    Printed and Published by S. Karthik on behalf ofKASTURI & SONS LTD., at Plot B-6 & B-7,CMDA Industrial Complex, Maraimalai Nagar,Chengleput Taluk, Kancheepuram Dist., Pin:603209 & at Kasturi Buildings, 859 & 860,Anna Salai, Chennai-600002. Editor: S. Karthik(Editor responsible for selection of news underthe PRB Act). RNI No. TNENG/2007/24553

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    Healer sets fire to patientA spiritual healer set fire to his patientwhile she was bathing in a bath of alcoholby accidentally dropping a candle onto her.

    Thiyagarajanfrom ISGN shotthis picture atthe Atlanta Zoousing Sony

    W100 cameraHobbies:Driving

    So you think you would make a terrific photographer but never really had theplatform? Mail us your best work and well publish it in this space, with credit.E-mail: [email protected]

  • 8/14/2019 Ergo July 9


    Thursday, July 9, 2009








    TAURUS APRIL 21 - MAY 20

    GEMINI MAY 21 - JUNE 20

    CANCER JUNE 21 - JULY 20

    LEO JULY 21 - AUG 20

    VIRGO AUG 21 - SEPT 20

    LIBRA SEPT 21 - OCT 20

    SCORPIO OCT 21 - NOV 20



    AQUARIUS JAN 21 - FEB 20

    PISCES FEB 21 - MARCH 20

    Predictions by Bhavesh N. Pa

    At the beginning of the day you may need to bemore attentive in routine activities. As the dayprogresses, you may be able to regain focus. Yomay be looking very presentable today. Your lifepartner or beloved one may shower love on you

    Today, you may need to be careful of scatteredthinking. If you try to handle many things at onyou may end up nowhere, hence you should hanyour work stage by stage. You can be over-expressive while communicating with your partne

    You should avoid heavy thinking and too much

    mental exercises. If you just go with the flow,everything will be fine but dont push yourself tofinish something which is practically not possiblepersonal life, everything seems to go smooth.

    Luck factor is supporting you in the second half the day but at the beginning of the day you maremain impractical which may hamper your careeprogress. On the personal front, you are advised take good care of your partners emotions.

    The day may start with a dull mood but as the progresses, you may find everything in top gear.You will remain busier in second part of the dayYou will express your love dramatically. In brief, is good in the second half.

    Ganesha finds you busy with various activities infirst half of the day. You may need to remain

    careful while communicating with superiors as yomay be little direct in your conversations. On thewhole, it is an average day for you, says Ganesh

    Ganesha finds you getting busy with importantactivities the moment you enter office. As the daprogresses, you may find the stress level and fatincreasing Sweet conversations with sweetheart reduce your stress, says Ganesha.

    You could be interested in developing a skill no might have mastered before. However, you may be able to spare much time from busy officeschedule at least till afternoon. In the second hayou have some scope to begin with a new subje

    You may be at peace today hence you will be ato handle office work in due course of time withrequire precision. Your creative projects may reac

    closer to culmination point. You would be able tspare time for family and dear ones.

    You may be ready to take risks today so you witake up challenging or difficult tasks and handlethem successfully. Your plus points will be countand superiors will appreciate you. You may shardelightful moments with the partner.

    It is a progressive day for you, says Ganesha. At beginning of the day, you may have some imporcommunication regarding work with someone. Ymay have good dinner time with your beloved olife partner. Its a delightful day ahead.

    If you were confused about something related towork, today you may attain more clarity on thesubject. Your decisions may be firm and positivewhich will help you handle work efficiently. Youmay share very nice time with your beloved.

    Words worthUpaithric (uh-pay-thrik) an adjective meaning havingno roof (usually intentionally, so as to see the stars). Asynonym is hypaethral, and both words come from aGreek word meaning under the sky.

    Jumbos prove it againThree people challenged three circuselephants to a hot dog eating conteston New Yorks Coney Island - only tounsurprisingly lose.

  • 8/14/2019 Ergo July 9


    ERGO Thursday, July 9, 2009!16

    Actress Emma Watson arrives at the world premiereof Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince inLeicester Square in central London. PHOTO: AFP

    Chinese passengers pose with Japans tourismambassador Hello Kitty in a photo session upontheir arrival at Narita International Airport, ChibaPrefecture. PHOTO: AFP

    Children play in a giant lake of mud at the annualMud Day event in Westland, Michigan. The mudhole is made with approximately 200 tons of topsoiland 20,000 gallons of water. PHOTO: GETTY IMAGES/AFP

    Actress Aishwarya Raismiles at the launch ofBeautiful Beginnings - freetraining in beauty servicesfor underprivileged girls inMumbai. PHOTO: AFP