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ENGLISH TEACHING Vol. I, Issue 1 (2013), PP 12-22 http://jurnal.pasca.uns.ac.id THE IMPLEMENTATION OF MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES ON THE PROCESS OF TEACHING AND LEARNING ENGLISH (A Case Study on Fourth Grade Students of SD Kristen 3 Klaten in the Academic Year of 2012/2013) 1 Fibriani Endah Widyasari, 2Dewi Rochsantiningsih, 3Sujoko 1 (Student of Magister Program of English Education of Pascasarjana UNS) Email: [email protected] 2 3 (Magister of English Education Program of PASCASARJANA UNS) (Magister of English Education Program of PASCASARJANA UNS) ABSTRACT– This research aims at (1) describing the implementation of Multiple Intelligences on the process of teaching and learning English on fourth grade students of SD Kristen 3 Klaten in the academic year of 2012/2013 (2) identifying the difficulties on implementing Multiple Intelligences and (3) finding out the solutions can be offered by teacher to overcome the difficulties. SD Kristen 3 Klaten is one of the Elementary Schools in Klaten which applies the Multiple Intelligences. The research was conducted at SD Kristen 3 Klaten. The subject of the research was the students the fourth grade students. The method of this research was Case Study Research. In collecting the data, the writer used interview, classroom observation and document. Having collected the data, the researcher analyzed the data in qualitative research. The research revealed three major findings which consist of 1) the description of implementation Multiple Intelligences which consist of (1) the document used on implementing Multiple Intelligences, (2) English teaching and learning activity by implementing Multiple Intelligences, (3) the other components supporting the implementation of Multiple and; 2) the difficulties found out on implementing Multiple Intelligences; 3) solutions offered by teacher to overcome the difficulties. The teacher had knowledge about multiple intelligences. Specifically, she knew the main characteristic, theories and the activities that could be implemented in multiple intelligences. Hopefully the description of the implementation Multiple Intelligences at this school can be used for English teaching development in other schools. Keywords: Implementation, Multiple Intelligences, English teaching and learning. INTRODUCTION Children as young learners are in the era of need for variation of methods in learning. In other hands, young learners are the most crucial moment in learning development stages. All things that have been learned in this stage will be a basis for their devel opmen t in the next stage . Piage t (1963 : 34) states that young learner’s foundation of thinking, language, vision, attitudes, and other characteristics develop through the

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ENGLISH TEACHINGVol. I, Issue 1 (2013), PP 12-22http://jurnal.pasca.uns.ac.id


(A Case Study on Fourth Grade Students of SD Kristen 3 Klatenin the Academic Year of 2012/2013)

1Fibriani Endah Widyasari, 2Dewi Rochsantiningsih, 3Sujoko

1(Student of Magister Program of English Education of Pascasarjana UNS)Email: [email protected]


3(Magister of English Education Program of PASCASARJANA UNS)(Magister of English Education Program of PASCASARJANA UNS)

ABSTRACT– This research aims at (1) describing the implementation of MultipleIntelligences on the process of teaching and learning English on fourth grade students of SDKristen 3 Klaten in the academic year of 2012/2013 (2) identifying the difficulties onimplementing Multiple Intelligences and (3) finding out the solutions can be offered byteacher to overcome the difficulties. SD Kristen 3 Klaten is one of the Elementary Schools inKlaten which applies the Multiple Intelligences.The research was conducted at SD Kristen 3 Klaten. The subject of the research was thestudents the fourth grade students. The method of this research was Case Study Research. Incollecting the data, the writer used interview, classroom observation and document. Havingcollected the data, the researcher analyzed the data in qualitative research.The research revealed three major findings which consist of 1) the description ofimplementation Multiple Intelligences which consist of (1) the document used onimplementing Multiple Intelligences, (2) English teaching and learning activity byimplementing Multiple Intelligences, (3) the other components supporting theimplementation of Multiple and; 2) the difficulties found out on implementing MultipleIntelligences; 3) solutions offered by teacher to overcome the difficulties.The teacher had knowledge about multiple intelligences. Specifically, she knew the maincharacteristic, theories and the activities that could be implemented in multiple intelligences.Hopefully the description of the implementation Multiple Intelligences at this school can beused for English teaching development in other schools.

Keywords: Implementation, Multiple Intelligences, English teaching and learning.

INTRODUCTION Children as young learners are in the eraof need for variation of methods inlearning. In other hands, young learnersare the most crucial moment in learningdevelopment stages. All things that havebeen learned in this stage will be a basisfor their development in the next stage.Piaget (1963: 34) states that younglearner’s foundation of thinking,language, vision, attitudes, and othercharacteristics develop through the


direct interaction with things andenvironment around them. In this case,foreign language learning must considerthe needs and characteristics of younglearners in order to be successful inlearning. Bruner (2001) also suggestsintroducing children to a range ofstrategies are enabling for learners tochoose as suits their individual learningstyles.

Various learning theories have beenadapted in teaching second or foreign

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ENGLISH TEACHINGVol. I, Issue 1 (2013), PP 12-22http://jurnal.pasca.uns.ac.id

language especially English. One of them teaching innovation is proposed. One ofis by implementing multiple the intelligences is linguisticintelligences. Recently, multiple intelligence. Linguistic intelligence is theintelligences have been placed morethan just a theory but they have beendeveloped into a teaching and learningmodel. By using multiple intelligences,students could learn in many ways.

capacity to use words effectively bothorally and in writing. It comprises thesensitivity to the sounds, meanings andfunctions of language.

Language learning would seem to beCampbell (1986: 7) describes that the essentially a linguistic process, butstrategy based on multiple intelligences someone with a highly developedapproach could increase multimodal linguistic intelligence, as measured byskills; improve attitudes and behaviors,and other benefits and students enjoythe learning process. Campbell (1986:

conventional IQ tests, is not necessarilya successful second language learner.Gardner’s (1983: 87) theory of Multiple

167) who implemented multiple Intelligences, with its broad, culturallyintelligences in teaching English as a based view of what constitutessecond language found that multipleintelligences learning model had allowed

intelligence, indicates that, as with allhuman activities, language learning is a

each student to draw from his or her complex interaction of numberown strengths to approach learning. intelligences. This model offers aWhile Yusuf and Paridawati (2007) cognitive explanation for the differencesfound that the implementation of in children second languagemultiple intelligences in learning Englishcould enrich and enhance students’vocabulary mastery and accommodate

communicative competence, which thetraditional views of intelligence do not.

Language is a social interchange,their different learning styles. and interpersonal and intrapersonal

Multiple intelligences theory teaches intelligences interact in complex andus that all the students have subtle ways during the communicationcompetency. All the students are smartin different ways (Hoerr, 2007: 1). One

process. Interpersonal intelligence canbe seen to play a key role in second

of the statements revealed by the language learning. Empathy is an aspectexperts that all the people are born asthe genius persons because all of themhave intelligences. Schools need someways of teaching innovation. Enter themultiple intelligences model a way of


of interpersonal intelligence involvingthe ability to understand people andrespond to them appropriately, andthose with a high degree of empathyseem likely to more successful second

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ENGLISH TEACHINGVol. I, Issue 1 (2013), PP 12-22http://jurnal.pasca.uns.ac.id

language learners. Language is one ofthe ways in which people respond to

framework which assists in explainingindividual variations in children second

each other. Effective communication language learning proficiency.calls for empathy, which allows an on Interpersonal and intrapersonalgoing assessment and modification of intelligence provide a cognitivewhat is being said, how it is being saidand the body language that accompaniesit. Horwitz (1995: 576) considers that

explanation for the affective factors thatimpact on children language learningsuccess. Musical, spatial and bodily

successful second language learning kinesthetic intelligences are alsodepends on the emotional responses of important influences in the languagethe learner. learning process. Based on above

Linguistic intelligence plays a part in explanation it is clearly seen thatthe complex process of communication, multiple intelligences is verybut interpersonal, intrapersonal, appropriate for children on learning andmusical, bodily-kinesthetic and spatialintelligence are also highly involved in

developing English.One of the Elementary Schools in

the process of learning a second Klaten which applies the Multiplelanguage. There may be aspects of Intelligences is SD Kristen 3 Klaten.logical mathematical intelligence From the pre observation had beeninvolved in second language learning,but these are less apparent than theother intelligences. The single constructview of intelligence has not provided anexplanation for the differing levels ofmastery that children achieve whenlearning a second language. Gardner’s

conducted by the researcher, it is knownthat SD Kristen 3 Klaten has beendelivering English subject using MultipleIntelligences for five years. On applyingthe Multiple Intelligences every studenthas an opportunity to specialize andexcel in at least one area. Usually,


theorywith its

of Multipleunder-lying

however, it is three or four. Each studentlearns the subject matter in a variety of

recognition of diversity in human skills different ways, thereby multiplyingand abilities, which combine to producea unique intellectual profile, provides amore satisfying explanation for these

chances of successfully understandingand retaining that information. Manystudent needs are met through this


in communicative method. Their intellectual needs are metby constantly being challenged and

At the cognitive level Multiple frequently exercising their creativity. AtIntelligences theory develops a the same time, their emotional needs are


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ENGLISH TEACHINGVol. I, Issue 1 (2013), PP 12-22http://jurnal.pasca.uns.ac.id

met by working closely with others. learning English on fourth gradeThey develop diverse strengths, and students of SD Kristen 3 Klaten inthey understand themselves better asindividuals.

Based on explanation above, thewriter is interested in conducting aresearch focused on Teaching English inSD Kristen 3 Klaten. Therefore, the

the academic year of 2012/2013?What solutions can be offered by

teacher to overcome the difficulties onimplementing Multiple Intelligences onthe process of teaching and learningEnglish on fourth grade students of SD

research is entitled “The Kristen 3 Klaten in the academic year ofImplementation of Multiple Intelligenceson the Process of Teaching and LearningEnglish (A Case Study on Fourth GradeStudents of SD Kristen 3 Klaten in the

2012/2013?.Based on the formulation of the

problem above, the objectives of theresearch are:

Academic Year of 2012/2013”). 1. Describing the implementation ofFrom the description of the multiple intelligences on the process

background above, the problems of teaching and learning English onformulated in this research are: fourth grade students of SD Kristen 31. How is the implementation of Klaten in the academic year of

Multiple Intelligences on the processof teaching and learning English on

2012/2013.a. To find out the document used in

fourth grade students of SD Kristen 3 implementing MultipleKlaten in the academic year of Intelligences.2012/2013? b. To describe how Multiplea.How is the document used in Intelligen-ces is implemented on

implementing Multiple English teaching and learningIntelligences? activity.

b.How is English teaching and c. To discover the other componentslearning activity by implementingMultiple Intelligences?

c.What are the other components

supporting the implementation ofMultiple Intelligences on Englishteaching and learning process.

supporting the implementation of 2. Identifying the difficulties onMultiple Intelligences on English implementing multiple intelligencesteaching and learning process? on the process of teaching and

2. What are the difficulties found on learning English on fourth gradeimplementing Multiple Intelligences students of SD Kristen 3 Klaten in theon the process of teaching and academic year of 2012/2013.


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ENGLISH TEACHINGVol. I, Issue 1 (2013), PP 12-22http://jurnal.pasca.uns.ac.id

3. Finding out the solutions can beoffered by teacher to overcome thedifficulties on implementing multiple

heard; they can plan activities; they canargue for something and tell you whythey think what they think; they can use

intelligences on the process of logical reasoning; they can use theirteaching and learning English onfourth grade students of SD Kristen 3

vivid imaginations; they can use a widerange of information patterns in their

Klaten in the academic year of mother tongue; they can understand2012/2013. direct human interaction;

Furthermore, Scott and YtrebergLITERATURE REVIEWRecently, teaching English to young

(1990: 1-3) stated that as the younglanguage learners, their characteristics

learners is popular. Many English are that they know that the world iscourses for children are established. governed by rules; they understandThis proves one thing that children situations more quickly than theyinterest to English is increasing. understand the language used; they useHowever, teaching English to children isnot an easy job. The teacher shouldknow the characteristics of children; theteacher should know who their studentsare. The teacher should also know that

language skills long before they areaware of them; their own understandingcomes through physical world, such astouching, smelling; they are very logical– what you say first happens first; they

teaching children is different from have a very short attention andteaching adults. Pinter (2006: 5) concentration span; young childrenexplained that children actively buildtheir knowledge by making sense oftheir environment. For instance, a childwho knows that egg and turtle comesfrom an egg will consider that cat also

sometimes have difficulty in knowingwhat is fact and what is fiction; youngchildren are often happy playing andworking alone but in the company ofothers; the adult world and the child’s

comes from an egg. This child is world are not the same since children dointerpreting the world based on hisprior knowledge.

not always understand what adults aretalking about and vice versa; they will

Related to children, Scott and seldom admit that they don’t knowYtreberg (1990: 1-3) propose the something either; young children cannotcharacteristics of them. The decide for themselves what to learn;characteristics are that they can talkabout what they are doing; they can tellyou about what they have done or


young children love to play and learnbest when they are enjoying themselves;

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ENGLISH TEACHINGVol. I, Issue 1 (2013), PP 12-22http://jurnal.pasca.uns.ac.id

young children are enthusiastic andpositive about learning.

Children differ from one another intheir ability to understand complex

human intelligences was followed by theemerging of the naturalist intelligenceas the eight intelligence of human(Gardner, 1983: 88).

ideas, to adapt effectively to the A brief description of Gardnerenvironment, to learn from experience,to engage in various forms of reasoning,

intelligences are as follows:Linguistic intelligence consists of

to overcome obstacles by taking the ability to think in words and to usethought. According to Ward (2008) every language to express and appreciatestudent is smart according to the kinds complex meaning. Authors, poets,of intelligence own by the students start journalist, speakers, and news castersfrom when he/she was born, or as the exhibit high degree of linguisticresult of learning the culture. This intelligence.theory is important to be applied in Logical-mathematical Intelligenceeducation. There is no stupid child, northe difficult subject-study, it is caused

makes it possible to calculate, quantify,consider propositions and hypotheses,

by the highest intelligence of that and carry out mathematical operations.person has been known. Scientist, mathematicians, accountants,

Dickinson (1996: xvi), tells that engineer, computer programmers allthe intelligences are the language that demonstrate strong logical-all people speak and are influenced, in mathematical intelligences.part by the culture into which one is Spatial intelligence insists theborn. They are tool for learning, capacity to think in the threeproblem solving, and creating that all dimensional ways as do sailors, pilots,human being can use. The Multiple sculptors, painters and architects. ItIntelligences theory was firstly launched enables one to perceive external andby Howard Gardner of Harvard internal imagery, to recreate, transform,University in his book, Frames of Mind: or modify images, to navigate one selfThe Theory of Multiple Intelligences. He and object through space, and tosuggests that there are at least seven produce or decode graphic information.human intelligences, two of which, Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence en-verbal/ linguistic intelligence and logical/ ables one to manipulate object and fine-mathematical intelligence, have tune physical skill are not as highlydominated the traditional pedagogy of valued as cognitive ones and yetwestern societies (Campbell, 2004: 123).In addition to the theory of seven


elsewhere the ability to use one’s bodyis a necessity for survival as well as an

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ENGLISH TEACHINGVol. I, Issue 1 (2013), PP 12-22http://jurnal.pasca.uns.ac.id

important feature of many prestigious is an ability to acknowledge, differ,roles. express, and categorize something

Musical intelligence evident in found in the nature. As the core, naturalindividuals who possess a sensitivity topitch, melody, rhythm, and tone. Thosedemonstrating this intelligence include

intelligence is ability to acknowledgeplants, animals, and other parts of themature (Ward, 2008).

composer, conductors, musicians,critics, instrument makers, as well assensitive listeners. In addition, Gardner(1983: 90) states they will often use

METHODOLOGY OF THE RESEARCHThe research was conducted at SDKristen 3 Klaten which is located in Jl.

songs or rhythms to learn and Seruni No. 8 Klaten Tengah, Klaten. Thememorize information, and may work subject of the research was the studentsbest with music playing in the the fourth grade students of SD Kristenbackground. 3 Klaten in 2012 which consist of two

Interpersonal intelligence is the classes, class A consisting 30 studentscapacity to understand and interact with and class B consisting 32 students. Theothers effectively. It is evident in method of this research was Case Studysuccessful teacher, social workers, Research. It applied to described theactors and politicians. Just as Westernculture has recently begun to recognizethe connection between mind and body,

phenomena happened by studying indepth a single case of the process onimplementing multiple intelligences on

so too has it to come to value the teaching and learning English. Inimportance of proficiency interpersonalbehavior.

collecting the data, the writer usedinterview, classroom observation and

This area has to do with document. Having collected the data, theintrospective and self-reflective researcher analyzed the data incapacities. Those who are strongest in qualitative research involved threethis intelligence are typically introvertsand prefer to work alone. They areusually highly self-aware and capable of

steps namely:Data reduction, it included the

process of taking and selecting theunderstanding their own emotions, right data based on needed criteria. Ingoals and motivations. this phase, the researcher did the

This type of intelligence was not process of selecting, focusing,part of Gardner's original theory ofMultiple Intelligences, but was added tothe theory in 1997. Natural intelligence


simplifying and abstracting. In short,the data reduction was part of dataanalyses, which emphasizes, made the

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ENGLISH TEACHINGVol. I, Issue 1 (2013), PP 12-22http://jurnal.pasca.uns.ac.id

data shorter, made the theme focused, English which involves theand arranged the data in appropriateorder.

documentation on teaching and learningprocess, the implementation of MI and

Data Representation, this second the supporting components onstep of data analysis was the data implementation of MI; (2) Therepresentation. In this step, the writertried to arrange a relevant data in orderto get information to make conclusion.In qualitative research, the data was

description of the difficulties found bythe English teacher on implementing theMI on the process of teaching andlearning; and (3) The description of

taken are in the form of words. The proposed solution by teacher todata was presented in the narration overcome the problem. Each of theform of word. finding is described in more detail in the

Drawing conclusion and following. Table 4.1 summarizes issuesverification, after describing and arising from research questions asinterpreting the data, the data wasdrawn continuously and throughout in

mentioned in the problem statement inthe chapter 1 of this study.

the study as the result of Table 4.1 Issues Arising from theinterpretation. The researcher took Research Questionsconclusion after interpreting the datataken. The result of the researchbecame the description of multipleintelligences implemented in teachingEnglish at the fourth grade of SDKristen 3 Klaten.

FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONThis chapter discusses the finding of thestudy and the discussion which dealswith the implementation of MultipleIntelligences (MI) on the Process ofTeaching and Learning English of theFourth Grade Students of SD Kristen 3

Research Question1. How is the

implementation ofMultipleIntelligences on theprocess of teachingand learning Englishon fourth gradestudents of SDKristen 3 Klaten inthe academic year of2012/2013?

Issues Arisinga. Document Used inImplementing MultipleIntelligences

1) Syllabus Components of

syllabus Basic competence of

English learning Multiple Intelligences

in the syllabus2) Lesson plans

Components of lessonplan

3) Evaluation Spec. test/Blueprint Instrument Scoring rubric Students’ worksheet

4) Teaching material Teaching material on

implementing MultipleIntelligences

b. English teaching and Learningactivity by ImplementingMultiple Intelligences.

1) Stages of teaching andlearning

2) Accommodations of eightintelligences

Klaten. This finding is divided into fourmain parts. It includes: (1) thedescription of the implementation of MIon the Process of Teaching and Learning




Procedure ofImplementing eightintelligencesClassroom ManagementStudents and teacherinteractionTeacher’s roleStudents’ roleTeaching media

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ENGLISH TEACHINGVol. I, Issue 1 (2013), PP 12-22http://jurnal.pasca.uns.ac.id

c. Other components supportingthe implementation ofMultiple Intelligences onEnglish teaching andlearning process.

1) Parents

follows:Teaching and learning document

used on implementing MI includes: (1)2. What are the

difficulties foundon implementingMultiple

2) School Committeea. Students’ difficultiesb. Teacher’s difficulties

syllabus, (2) lesson plans, (3) teachingevaluation and (4) English materials.

Intelligences onthe process of The components involved in


teaching andlearning Englishon fourth gradestudents of SDKristen 3 Klatenin the academicyear of2012/2013?What solutionscan be offered byteacher toovercome thedifficulties onimplementingMultipleIntelligences onthe process ofteaching andlearning Englishon fourth gradestudents of SDKristen 3 Klatenin the academicyear of2012/2013?

The teacher’s effort onfinding solutions when shefinds the problems on theteaching and learningprocess

implementing MI includes (a) stages ofteaching and learning, the stages of theteaching and learning English conductedto the fourth grade students of SDKristen 3 Klaten were designed by theTeacher into the lesson path. The lessonpath was divided into three main steps.The first step wasapperception/opening, the second wasmain activity, and the third step wasclosing. (b) accommodation of eightintelligences, (c) the procedure of

The finding of this part is gathered implementing MI, (d) classroomfrom the observation, interview and management, (e) students and Teacheravailable document. The process of interaction, (f) teacher’s role, (g)teaching and learning English by students’ role, and (h) teaching mediaimplementing MI of the fourth grade The others factors supporting thestudents involved some components success of the implementation of MI onwhich consist of documents, teaching teaching and learning process areand learning activity, parent’s role, parents and school committee as theschool committee’s role which supporting components.supporting each other. Parents support all of the teaching

Those components are more detail and learning process especially ondescribed into three parts: (1) the implementing MI. There are manydocument used in implementing MI, (2)English teaching and learning activity by

things, such as their involvement infund raising to provide appropriate

implementing MI, and (3) Other teaching media, they spend their timescomponents supporting the lot to be in their child side during theimplementation of MI on English outing class, their understanding for theteaching and learning process as teaching method implemented because


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ENGLISH TEACHINGVol. I, Issue 1 (2013), PP 12-22http://jurnal.pasca.uns.ac.id

some parents think that MI is less onstudying but more in playing.

The school committee is a group of

To cope with this problem, theTeacher D reported read many sourcesand attended seminars about MI or

parents and Teacher coming together to about teaching English to youngactively foster a spirit of cooperationand a sense of support, pride andenthusiasm, in order to nurture a senseof community within the school. The

learners. So, they would find creativeidea or suggestions in creating theappropriate activities. Teacher D alsoprovided some solutions to overcome

school committee focuses on the difficulties in implementing the MIfundraising, parent participation and by learning the students’ psychologicalcommunity building. The school background to give the propercommittee of SD Kristen 3 Klaten treatment.established to take part on schoolsystem and policy.

The difficulties found out by theCONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION

In this chapter discusses conclusionTeacher D in carrying out the teaching and suggestions deals with theand learning English of the fourth gradestudents are as follows:

implementation of Multiple Intelligenceson the Process of Teaching and Learning

The problems faced by both English of the Fourth Grade Students ofstudents and Teacher D were indicated SD Kristen 3 Klaten.dealing with students’ psychological The implementation of multiplecondition which effect their behavior.On implementing MI, students attendedto move more than on they were taughtin classical method and the limitedhuman resources/teachers available inschool to handle the big number of

intelligences could be done if there areset of documentation (syllabus, lessonplan, teaching material, and evaluation)provided and teacher desires to learnthe multiple intelligences theory andthen implemented it on delivering the

students influence teacher’s attention in material, teacher has to cope thecontrolling teaching activity. problems arising as well as possible,Considering that SD Kristen 3 Klaten hastwo big class members, it should be atleast two teachers handling each class

teacher has to be able to manage theclassroom contextually based on thesituation facing of, teacher has to be

especially on implementing MI. When able to make and maintain goodteacher losing attention to control interaction, communication andstudents, they attend to play more thanstudy.


relationship with students . The last butnot least is the role of parents and

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ENGLISH TEACHINGVol. I, Issue 1 (2013), PP 12-22http://jurnal.pasca.uns.ac.id

school committee as the external to their intelligence, it will becomponents of teaching and learningare needed to support psychological,

better if the teacher maximize her/his own intelligence to teach.

financial, and systematical on theprocess of implementing multipleintelligences on teaching and learningprocess.

Based on the finding of the research,the writer would like to give thesuggestion for the students, Englishteacher and for the reader.

1. For the studentsa. Everyone is smart in different way

to learn, students need to be moreactive in trying more ways inlearning English.

b. Students need to practice Englishat school and home becauseEnglish is a useful subject for yourfuture.

c. English is very interesting to learnand easy to find, students need todiscover new English vocabulariesfrom book or everywhere.

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Campbell, Bruce. 1986. MultiplyingIntelligence in the Classroom. NewHorizons for Learning's On the BeamNew York: Cambridge UniversityPress.

Campbell, Bruce. 2004. MultipleIntelligences in the Classroom: of theseven different ways we learn,schools focus on only two. Add theother five, and you increase thechances of success. New York:Cambridge University press.

Dickinson, Dee. 1996. Teaching &Learning Throuhg MultipleIntelligences. New York: isbn.

Gardner, H. 1993. Multiple Intelligences:The theory in practice. New York:Basic Books.

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Horwitz, Allan V. 1995. Mental HealthSystems In Encyclopedia of Bioethics.New York: MacMillan.

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Pinter, Annamaria. 2006. Teachingdiscovering more strategiescreate an interesting lesson.

to Young Language Learners. Oxford:Oxford University Press.

Scott, Wendy A., and Ytreberg, Lisbeth

b. Teacher needs to give more chanceto the students to use their specialstrength to learn because all ofthem are smart in their own way.

c. Teacher should be aware that allthe students are smart according


H. 1990. Teaching English toChildren. London: Longman.

Ward, William A. 2008. Unlock MultipleIntellegence Power in Class Room.(http://mipower.blogspot.com/2008/08/unlock-multiple-intellegencepower-in.html/). Accessed inMonday, March 15th 2012 at 7.46.PM.