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  • 8/9/2019 EPID PERIOD.ppt




  • 8/9/2019 EPID PERIOD.ppt


    DENTAL EPIDEMIOLOGI :Adalah studi tentang distribusi & dinamika

    penyakit gigi pada populasi dalam masyarakat

    ental epidemiologi dipengaruhi oleh

    Usia - kelamin

    Ras/ kelompok - tempat tinggal

    pekerjaan - karakter sosial

    kerentanan - pemaparan thd agent spesifik

    Tujuan :

    > Meningkatkan pengertian ttg proses penyakituntuk mencegah dan mengontrol penyakit


    > unt mengembangkan cara pengontrolan &

    perkembangan penyakit

  • 8/9/2019 EPID PERIOD.ppt



    Penilaian unt mengkwantisasikan kondisi klinik pada

    skala ukuran shg memudahkan dlm memandingkanantara populasi yg diperiksa dg kriteria ! metode yg


    Kriteria Indeks:

    mudah digunakandpt digunakan pada populasi dlm waktu singkatdpt menetapkan kondisi klinik seoyek mungkin

    dpt digunakan unt menilai keadaan klinik unt satu atau

    leih pemeriksamudah dianalisa secara statistikerhu erat secara numerik thd tingkatan keadaan

    klinik dr penyakit yg spesifik

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  • 8/9/2019 EPID PERIOD.ppt


    Indeks Periodontal menilai:

    ". #erajat peradangan gingi$a

    %. #erajat kerusakan gingi$a

    &. 'anyaknya akumulasi plak

    (. 'anyaknya kalkulus

    Papillary Marginal ) Attachment *nde+ ,PMA-

    *nde+ Periodontal *nde+ ,P* Russel

    Periodontal #isease *nde+ ,P#* Ramfjord ingi$al *nde+ ,* oe ! 0illness 1ommunity Periodontal *nde+ of 2reatment 3eeds

    ,1P*23 dls

  • 8/9/2019 EPID PERIOD.ppt



    Bleeding Inflammation Points

    normal no bleeding none 0

    slight change in color

    and mild edema withslight change in texture

    no bleeding mild 1

    redness, hypertrophy,

    edema and glazing

    bleeding on



    mar!ed redness,hypertrophy, edema,



    se"ere #

    2he ingi$al *nde+ ,* was de$eloped y oe and 0ilness to

    descrie the clinical se$erity of gingi$al inflammation as well

    as its location.

  • 8/9/2019 EPID PERIOD.ppt


    ingi$al *nde+ ,* oe ! 0illnessmenilai keparahan gingivitis

    Papilla ,distofacial

    Marginal ,facial

    Papilla ,mesiofacial

    Marginal ,lingual

    ( 045R*3 U3*2

    ,( P6RMU4AA3

  • 8/9/2019 EPID PERIOD.ppt


    ingi$al *ndeks 7 8 skor tiap gigi


    Arti hasil skor9

    0kor : 9 normal

    0kor % 9 peradangan ringan 7 sedikit peruahan warna; tdk

    ada perdarahan saat palpasi

    0kor & 9 peradangan sedang 7 kemerahan; uedem; erkilat;perdarahan pd palpasi

    0kor ( 9 peradangan erat 7 kemerahan nyata; odem;

    ulcerasi; cenderung

    perdarahan spontan

  • 8/9/2019 EPID PERIOD.ppt



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    Perhitungan skor

  • 8/9/2019 EPID PERIOD.ppt


    =g digunakan di klinik period.9

    Papilla Bleeding Index (PBI)

    *ndikator yang sensitif pd peradangan gingi$aUntuk menilai keerhasilan pengukuran/ kegagalan alat

    dilangsungkan perawatan periodontalMencatat intensitas peradangan daerah papillaryMemoti$asi pasien ke arah keersihan mulut yg aikProe yg digunakan proe B

  • 8/9/2019 EPID PERIOD.ppt


    Prosedur klinis P'*

    dgn tekanan jari yg ringan dg proe period. tumpul dimasukkan dlm


    Proe ditegakkan dari dasar papil sampai ke ujungnya sepanjang aspek

    mesial ! distal dr gigi

    Menimulkan perdarahan

    0eluruh kuadran diperiksa %: ) &: dtk

    P'* 7 Dumlah 0kor perdarahan papil gingi$a

    Dumlah 2otal papil yang diperiksa

  • 8/9/2019 EPID PERIOD.ppt


    P6R*5#532A *3#6 ,P*

    Russell de$eloped an inde+ for measuring periodontal

    disease that could e used in population sur$eys. *t

    can e ased solely upon the clinical e+amination; or

    it can make use of dental -rays if they are a$ailale.

    *t places greater emphasis on ad$anced disease.


    ," 6ach tooth is scored separately according to the

    following criteria.

    ,% Rule9 Bhen in dout; assign the lower score.

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  • 8/9/2019 EPID PERIOD.ppt


    $riteria for %ield &tudiesAdditional '()ay $riteria &core

    negati"e *neither o"ert inflammation in the

    in"esting tissues, nor loss of function due to

    destruction of supporting tissues+

    radiographic appearance normal 0

    mild gingi"itis *o"ert area of inflammation in

    the free gingi"ae, but this area does notcircumscribe the tooth+


    gingi"itis *inflammation completelycircumscribes the tooth, but there is no

    apparent brea! in the epithelial attachment+

    *not used in field study+ early, notchli!e resorption of the al"eolarcrest

    gingi"itis with poc!et formation *the epithelialattachment is bro!en, and there is a poc!et-

    .here is no interference with normal

    masticatory function, the tooth is firm in its

    soc!et, and has not drifted-

    horizontal bone loss in"ol"ing the entireal"eolar crest, up to half of the length of

    the tooth root *distance from apex to

    cemento(enamel unction+

    ad"anced destruction with loss of masticatoryfunction *tooth may be loose tooth may ha"e

    drifted tooth may sound dull on percussion

    with a metallic instrument the tooth may bedepressible in its soc!et+

    ad"anced bone loss, in"ol"ing more thanhalf of the length of the tooth root, or a

    definite intrabony poc!et with definite

    widening of the periodontal membranes-.here may be root resorption, or

    rarefaction at the apex


  • 8/9/2019 EPID PERIOD.ppt


    indi$idual score 7

    7 AE6RA6 ,scores for all of the teeth in the mouth

    population score 7

    7 AE6RA6,indi$idual scores in population



    F minimum score9 :

    F ma+imum score9 G

    F 2he higher the score; the more marked the

    periodontal disease.

  • 8/9/2019 EPID PERIOD.ppt


    The Community Periodontal Index

    of Treatment Needs (CPITN)

    CPITN is an epidemiologic tool developed

    by the World ealth !rgani"ation (W!)

    for the evaluation of periodontal disease in

    population surveys# It can be used to

    recommend the $ind of treatment needed

    to prevent periodontal disease#

  • 8/9/2019 EPID PERIOD.ppt


    2eeth e+amined9 % methods of selection

    ,"se+tants% &' teeth on the maxilla and &' teeth on the

    mandible divided into segments on each

    *+I notation maxilla% ,"&, &- &. &'/ ,%& &0 && 0&00 0/ ,&0' 0. 0- 0,

    *+I notation mandible% ,(', '- '. ''/ ,H' '0 '&& 0 / ,I' . - ,

    third molars are not used unless they function in place ofthe second molars

    (0) use of inde+ teeth% . teeth on the maxilla and . teeth on

    the mandible

    *+I notation maxilla% (&) &, &-/ (0) &&/ () 0- 0, *+I notation mandible% (') ', '-/ (.) &/ (-) - ,

  • 8/9/2019 EPID PERIOD.ppt


    #ental e$aluation

    ,"A special proe is used to to e$aluate the depth ofthe dental sulcus.

    ,% 2he teeth are e+amined for supragingi$al or

    sugingi$al calculus.

    ,& Any leeding after gentle proing is noted.

  • 8/9/2019 EPID PERIOD.ppt


    Jinding 15#6

    pathologic pockets >7 I mm deep :

    pathologic pockets (-H mm deep "

    supragingi$al or sugingi$alcalculus


    gingi$al leeding after gentleproing


    no signs of periodontal disease (


    2he worst finding in each se+tant is coded according to

    the tale elow.. 2he ma+imum code for the entire mouth is used for the

    treatment recommendation.

  • 8/9/2019 EPID PERIOD.ppt


    Treatment recommendation

    ma+imum score :9 no need for additional treatment ma+imum score "9 need to impro$e personal oral


    ma+imum score %9 need for professional cleaning of

    teeth; plus impro$ement in personal oral hygiene ma+imum score &9 need for professional cleaning ofteeth; plus impro$ement in personal oral hygiene

    ma+imum score (9 need for more comple+ treatmentto remo$e infected tissue

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  • 8/9/2019 EPID PERIOD.ppt


    E!aluatin" teet#

    5nly fully erupted ,occlusal and incisal surface has

    reached the occlusal plane permanent teeth are scored.

    2hird molars and incompletely erupted teeth are notscored ecause of the wide $ariations in heights of clinical


    2he uccal and lingual deris scores are oth taken onthe tooth in a segment ha$ing the greatest surface area

    co$ered y deris.

    2he uccal and lingual calculus scores are oth taken on

    the tooth in a segment ha$ing the greatest surface areaco$ered y supragingi$al and sugingi$al calculus.

  • 8/9/2019 EPID PERIOD.ppt


    3rading 4ebrisPoints

    no debris or stain present 0

    soft debris co"ering not more than one third of thetooth surface, A54/6) the presence of extrinsicstain without other debris regardless of surface areaco"ered


    soft debris co"ering more than one third, but notmore than two thirds, of the exposed tooth surface

    soft debris co"ering more than two thirds of theexposed tooth surface


    de$ris index %

    7 ,0UM,points along uccal surface for all segments present

    0UM,points along lingual surface of all segments present / ,numer of

    segments present

  • 8/9/2019 EPID PERIOD.ppt


    3rading $alculusPoints

    no calculus present 0

    supragingi"al calculus co"ering not more than one third of the

    exposed tooth surface


    supragingi"al calculus co"ering more than one third but notmore than two thirds of the exposed tooth surface, A54/6)the presence of indi"idual flec!s of subgingi"al calculus aroundthe cer"ical portion of the tooth

    supragingi"al calculus co"ering more than two thirds of theexposed tooth surface A54/6) a continuous hea"y band ofsubgingi"al calculus around the cer"ical portion of the tooth


    calculus index =

    1 (234(points along buccal surface for all segments present) 5234(points along lingual surface of all segments present)) 6 (number

    of segments present)

    oral hygiene index =1 (debris index) 5 (calculus index)

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  • 8/9/2019 EPID PERIOD.ppt


    Parameter(indin" S)ore

    gingival score

    negati"e 0

    mild gingi"itis in"ol"ing the free gingi"a *margin,

    papilla, or both+


    moderate gingi"itis in"ol"ing both free and attachedgingi"a

    se"ere gngi"itis with hypertrophy and easy hemorrhage #

    bone score

    no bone loss 0

    incipient bone loss or notching of al"eolar crest 1bone loss about one fourth of root length, or poc!etformation one side not o"er one half of root length

    bone loss about one half of root length, or poc!etformation one side not o"er three fourth root lengthmobility slight


    bone loss about three 7uarters of root length, or poc!etformation one side to apex mobility moderate

    bone loss complete mobility mar!ed 8


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    gingial !one score1

    7 0UM,,gingi$al score ,one score / ,numer of teeth e+amined

    7 ,mean gingi$al score ,mean one score


    minimum score9 : ma+imum score9 G 2he higher the score; the more serious the

    periodontal disease.

  • 8/9/2019 EPID PERIOD.ppt


    The Sulcus Bleeding Index (SBI)

    can e used to assess a patient for gingi$itis; which can e important in the

    pre$ention of periodontal disease. 2his was initially called the LPM *nde+L;

    ut the name was changed to pre$ent confusion with the LPMA *nde+L.

    3umer of teeth e+amined9 "I ,the anterior ( in each ?uadrant; % on ma+illa

    and % on mandile

    2eeth in each ?uadrant

    ," medial incisor

    ,% lateral incisor,& cuspid

    ,( first premolar

    0urfaces on each tooth proed9 (

    ," M laial

    ,% M lingual

    ,& P mesial

    ,( P distal

    2otal numer of readings9 I(

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  • 8/9/2019 EPID PERIOD.ppt


    Periodontal Index of Russell

    Russell de$eloped an inde+ for measuring periodontaldisease that could e used in population sur$eys. *t can

    e ased solely upon the clinical e+amination; or it can

    make use of dental -rays if they are a$ailale. *t places

    greater emphasis on ad$anced disease.


    ," 6ach tooth is scored separately according to the

    following criteria.

    ,% Rule9 Bhen in dout; assign the lower score.

  • 8/9/2019 EPID PERIOD.ppt


    $riteria for %ield &tudiesAdditional '()ay $riteria &core

    negati"e *neither o"ert inflammation in the

    in"esting tissues, nor loss of function due to

    destruction of supporting tissues+

    radiographic appearance normal 0

    mild gingi"itis *o"ert area of inflammation in the

    free gingi"ae, but this area does not circumscribethe tooth+


    gingi"itis *inflammation completely circumscribesthe tooth, but there is no apparent brea! in the

    epithelial attachment+

    *not used in field study+ early, notchli!e resorption of the al"eolar crest

    gingi"itis with poc!et formation *the epithelial

    attachment is bro!en, and there is a poc!et- .hereis no interference with normal masticatory

    function, the tooth is firm in its soc!et, and has not


    horizontal bone loss in"ol"ing the entire al"eolar

    crest, up to half of the length of the tooth root*distance from apex to cemento(enamel


    ad"anced destruction with loss of masticatory

    function *tooth may be loose tooth may ha"edrifted tooth may sound dull on percussion with a

    metallic instrument the tooth may be depressible

    in its soc!et+

    ad"anced bone loss, in"ol"ing more than half of

    the length of the tooth root, or a definiteintrabony poc!et with definite widening of the

    periodontal membranes- .here may be root

    resoprtion, or rarefaction at the apex


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    individual score7

    7 RA2A% ,scores for all of the teeth in the mouth

    population score =

    7 RA2A% ,indi$idual scores in population e+amined


    minimum score9 : ma+imum score9 G 2he higher the score; the more marked the periodontal disease