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  • 8/8/2019 Entry Into Market



    Entry into Market

    Amay Kothari

    Growth Strategies

    There are a number of strategies forgrow e.

    Intensive growth strategy

    Integrative growth strategy

    Diversification growth strategy

  • 8/8/2019 Entry Into Market



    Intensive growth strategy

    Intensive growth strategies aim at


    There are three important intensivegrowth strategies.

    Market Penetration StrateMarket Development Strategy

    Product Development Strategy

    Market Penetration Strategy

    It strives to increase the sale of the


    There are the following three majorstrategies to achieve this.Increase sales to the current customers.

    u customers rom t e compet torsproduct.

    Convert non users into users

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    Intensive growth strategy

    Intensive growth strategies aim at achieving.

    There are three important intensive growthstrategies.

    Market Penetration Strategy

    Market Develo ment StrateProduct Development Strategy

    Intensive growth strategy

    It involves expansion the market for apro uc .

    By adding new market segments

    By entering new market segments

    By entering new geographical markets.

  • 8/8/2019 Entry Into Market



    Intensive growth strategy

    Intensive growth strategies aim atac ev ng ur er grow or ex s ngproducts.

    There are three important intensivegrowth strategies.

    Market Development Strategy

    Product Development Strategy

    Product Development Strategies

    A company may be able to increases curren us ness y pro uc

    improvement or introducing products

    with new features.E.g. Nokia, Vaio, Colgate, Lux, Pepsi

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    Growth Strategies

    There are a number of strategies forgrow e.

    Intensive growth strategy

    Integrative growth strategyDiversification growth strategy

    Integrative growth Strategies

    Horizontal Integration

    business in the same industry.

    Vertical Integration

    Integration of different levels/ stages ofbusiness in the same industry

    Forward Integration


    Backward IntegrationBackward integration involves starting the precedingstage of the current business.

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    Growth Strategies

    There are a number of strategies forgrow e.

    Intensive growth strategy

    Integrative growth strategy

    Diversification growth strategy


    It means adding new lines of business.

    Reasons for DiversificationSaturation or decline of the current business

    Additional opportunities

    Better opportunitiesRisk minimisation

    Better utilisation of resources and strength

    Competitive strategy

    Need related diversification



  • 8/8/2019 Entry Into Market



    Methods for Entry in Marketing

    Different Modes of entry in internationalBusiness.

    ExportsInternational licensingFranchisingContract manufacturing

    Contract marketingManagement contracts.

    Joint ventureForeign direct investmentMergers and acquisitionsTake overTurnkey projects

    Methods for Entry in Marketing

    ExportsIt means physical movements of goods and service from

    port by following the rules of both the country of originand the country of destination.

    Depending upon the involvement of exporter , it could be

    classified as a direct exportand indirect export.In Direct exports goods and services is in their ownname. All proceeds are directly remitted from the buyer tosuch exporters.

    Indirect exporter supplies to direct exporter wherein theindirect exporter has to depend on direct exporter orders.

    Lack of expertise, lack of international contracts and lackof manpower make them to depend upon directexporters.

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    Methods for Entry in Marketing

    Exports contd.De endin u on the size of the business,exporters are classified into

    Small exporters,Export housesTrading housesStar trading houses andSuper star trading House.

    Exim policy of India provides incentives and

    ac es o e ca egory o expor ouse anabove.Depending upon the products, the exporterscould be classified as

    Single product exporterMulti product exporter

    Methods for Entry in Marketing

    International licensing.

    It is an agreement between the licensorand licensee for over a period of time for

    the use of brand name, marketing knowhow, copyright, work methods, and

    trademark by passing license fee.

    e censor s av ng m n muminvolvement in day to day functions.

    The return is also comparatively low.

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    Methods for Entry in Marketing


    franchiser exercises more control over the


    They also supply a main part of the product like

    Trade marks

    Operating system

    Product brand reputations.Advertising

    Training of the employees

    Quality assurance

    Methods for Entry in Marketing

    Contact Manufacturing.

    Many of the companies outsource theirproducts and concentrate mainly on

    marketing operations.Contact manufacturing is a strategy ofidentifying a manufacturing unit to

    pro uce ems a a compe ve pro ucein any part of the world.

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    Methods for Entry in Marketing

    Contact marketingcompan es, w c ave s reng o

    production, need not have equalmarketing strength but they arecomfortable to deal with marketingoutlets around the world.

    Such manufacturing unit, entering in

    marketing agreement do concentratemore on backward part of the coremarketing systems, production at a lowcost.

    Methods for Entry in Marketing

    Management Contracts.ompan es w ow eve ec no ogy

    and managerial expertise may seek theassistance of foreign companies.

    A management contract is an agreementbetween two companies whereby onecompany provides managerial andtechnical assistance in which a propermonetary compensation is given, eitheras a flat lump sum fee or percentageover sales or share in the profit.

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    Methods for Entry in MarketingJoint Venture.

    It is like a marriage blinding between two venture partners toset up a project either in the home country or host country or

    r coun ry w a comm men o o n r s a ng an o nprofit sharing.

    Many joint ventures has miserable failures in the past.

    In the initial stages every venture promise excellentopportunities to both the venture partners.

    When operation starts, certain functional level grievancesand issues become inevitable.


    the aspects of management, investment and regulations ofthe countries where they operate.

    The business unit should have a crystal clear guidelines andoperation manuals wherein the role of every one should bewell defined.

    Methods for Entry in Marketing

    Foreign direct InvestmentFlow of fund from one destination to anotherdestination is called investment.

    Companies, which are constantly involved ininternational business, invest their money specially in

    manufacturing and marketing bases throughownership and control.

    The most attractive part of operation is directinvestment, which contributes to optimisation ofresources n e os coun ry, genera ng emp oymenopportunities and enhancing their standard of living.

    Contribution through investment in the capital starvingeconomies and exposing the host countries toadvance technology and quality products.

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    Methods for Entry in Marketing

    Foreign direct Investment Contd.

    e mos sa van age are ac oclarity of repatriation of profit,imposition of restrictions by hostcountries and elimination of small andmedium industries through financialmuscle by the investor.

    Generally, the foreign investment istaking place in all the developedcountries only in the green fields.

    It take place in specific sector.

    Methods for Entry in Marketing

    Merger and Acquisitions

    company rom ome coun ry se ec s

    foreign company and merges itself with a

    foreign company and acquires its control of


    This mode of entering gives an outstandingcompetitive edge over others.

    Such companies are comfortable to

    strengthen their international manufacturingfacilities and marketing network.

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    Methods for Entry in Marketing

    Take Over

    a e over s a s ra egy o a company o

    identify a healthy unit and bring under the

    management of another healthy unit in orderto reach the leadership and guaranteed


    Since many contestants focus on well

    known company for take over, thecompetition becomes inevitable.

    Out of those contestants only one will win and

    the winner has to withstand hostiles.

    Methods for Entry in Marketing

    Take Over Contd.

    take - over and the winner is called take over tycoon.

    The take over is also in different levels likeCompany take over

    Business take over

    Product take over

    Brand take over

    Eg. Uniliver take over of Brook Bond andLipton enhanced its position as the leader intea industry in India.

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    Methods for Entry in Marketing

    Turnkey projects

    urn ey pro ec s a con rac un er w c a

    company would be fully involved from the

    concept to completion.

    Generally, supply of manpower, capital,

    erection, installation, commissioning and trailoperation if a project would be the total deal.

    For this, either the turnkey project contractorsget fixed price or cost plus profit are collected

    over a long period of time.