entrance and seating

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Post on 06-Apr-2018




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  • 8/3/2019 Entrance and Seating


    Entrance and Seating:

    On Saturday the 18th

    of February my friend and I went to have late evening dinner

    at Al Falamanki Restaurant.We reached the parking lot at 1:18 AM.Immediately,

    the valet person approached my car, greeted and handed me a coupon. The valetwas not wearing a nametag,; he was medium height, white skin and black hair.As

    we reached the entrance door, no one approached us to open the door. We

    entered the restaurant and looked around for the host. We saw the host omar

    and waited for 2 min at the door for him to approach. The host was with a couple

    that arrived before us and then he moved to check the computer. When he did

    not approach we walked up to him and asked to be seated. He asked us how

    many persons and we said two. He told us that there was a waiting period of

    maximum 5 min. We said ok, it was 10:25 AM by then. He left us to greet new

    arrivals without taking our names. We then approached him again and gave him

    my name. While we were waiting I noticed that all the kitchen staff were not

    wearing any gloves except for the employee working at the oven. I also noticed

    the cleaning person emptying the water he used for cleaning in the kitchen sink.

    After 10 min, Omar approached me verified my name and told us that there was

    an empty table and lead us to it; it was 1:35 AM by then. Our table # was 15.

    At 1:37 AM our waiter Zoghbi approached us and handed us the menus opened

    at the first page. He asked us if we wanted Arguileh, we said no and he left the

    table. On the table, there was an ashtray and well stacked folded napkin holder.

    At 1:40 AM, Zoghbi approached our table asked if we were ready to order. We

    asked him for more time, he smiled and left.

    Food Order:

    At 1:47 AM, I signaled to one of the passing waiters to take my order. The

    conversation went as follows:

    Shopper: we would like to order please.

    Server: Please go ahead?

    Shopper: What is the Belghari Mtabal?

  • 8/3/2019 Entrance and Seating


    Server: it is mankousheh from the oven, Belghari cheese with onions and tomato.

    Shopper: we would like to have one.

    Server: ok. What else?

    Shopper: one labneh saj with rashit Zaatar.

    Server: with vegetables?

    Shopper: yes.

    Server: anything else?

    Shopper: Yes Homos with awarma.

    Server: ok. What else?

    Shopper: nothing.

    Server: what would you like to drink.

    Shopper: one 7up and 1 zhourat and 1 large water.

    Server: is that all?

    Shopper: yes.

    Server: ok. My name is Mohammad and I will be with you. (even though his name

    tag was zoghbi).

    He left the table taking the menus. It was 1:50 AM by then and he headed directly

    to the POS system.

    Food Service:

    At 1:52 AM, Zoghbi placed Salt and pepper shakers along with olive oil and

    bread and sugar on the table. No forks, knives were brought to the table.

    At 1:53 AM, Zoghbi served us the drinks. He served 7UP to my friend with

    plastic cup full ice and a straw. He also served me Zhourat in empty white glass

    cup, tea kettle and tea filter.

    At 1:55 AM Zoghbi got us Homos.

    At 1:56 AM our Labne on saj arrived. The veggies were placed on top of the


    Zoghbi changed our ashtray around 5-6 times.

  • 8/3/2019 Entrance and Seating


    At 2:20 AM I signaled zoghbi and told him that I have spilled oil on my shirt. He

    said that he will bring me dry clean. He directly got it and sprayed it on my shirt. I

    asked if I should wash it and he told me to wait a while first.

    At 2:35 AM Zoghbi approached us and asked if we were done and cleaned the


    At 2:46 AM we asked Zoghbi for a menu. When we brought and opened it for

    us. We asked what dessert he recommends. He listed the desserts from the menu

    and we inquired about anis cotton candy and he described it: ghazel el banet

    with 2 scoops of ashta ice cream. We asked for one. It was 2:48 AM by then. ( no

    one asked us if we wanted any dessert after we finished our meal).

    At 2:51 AM Zoghbi served us our dessert.

    Food Quality:

    The Hot and cold beverages .

    The Hommos was tasty.

    The Belghari was Delicious.

    The labneh with Zaatar was tasty but it would have been better if the vegetables

    were served on the side and not on top of the labneh.The dessert was delectable.


    At 3:08 AM we asked for the bill.

    Zoghbi got it directly after less than a minute. The check # was 440622. The bill

    total was 56,500 LL. I paid 100,000 LL.

    At 3:11 AM Zoghbi took the check after we called him to take it.

    At 3:14 AM I got the check back the exact change of 43,500 LL. I left 5500 LL as

    tips. And we left.

  • 8/3/2019 Entrance and Seating


    As we were leaving Ramadan tried to open the door for us but is was stuck.

    Both ahmad and Abbas gathered to open it. After 2 min they managed to

    squeeze it open and we left.

    The valet approached us directly and asked for our coupon. I gave it to him.

    After 4 min he arrived with our car. I tipped him 2000 LL he did not sayanything. When I sat in the car I apologized and told him that I did not

    notice and gave him additional 3000 LL.


    1. The bathrooms were clean.2. I noticed several waiters gathering around the POS and the cashier area.3.

    On our way out we noticed something weird written on the daily board.Maher el tosh jidan jidan (see pic).

    4. On our arrival and departure the place was fully occupied.5. My car odometer registered additional 5 Kilometers after I gave the car to the
