enterprise ecommerce consulting – sample contract · brown paper ecommerce consulting services...

Enterprise eCommerce Consulting – Sample Contract

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Enterprise eCommerce Consulting –Sample Contract

Page 2: Enterprise eCommerce Consulting – Sample Contract · Brown Paper eCommerce Consulting Services Overview! 3! Brown Paper eCommerce Commercial in Confidence 2013 Prepared by Ben Hoban

Brown Paper eCommerce Consulting Services Overview  



Brown Paper eCommerce Commercial in Confidence 2013 Prepared by Ben Hoban  

Brown Paper eCommerce offers professional consulting services around the marketing and management of high volume eCommerce websites. We focus on developing and implementing in-house and outsourced processes to improve and streamline marketing, customer support, fulfilment and website management. Brown Paper will be dedicated to developing the IP of Client and training staff to manage the processes that are established. Services and deliverables for improving and developing eCommerce processes include:

Marketing – SEO – analysis of current organic rankings for branded and non-branded keywords across all sites. Using Google Analytics with programs such as Long Tail Pro and Serplytics Brown Paper will assess the search words and phases that are attracting traffic and converting visitors to sales. The most promising search terms to achieve a first page result on Google for will be compiled and regularly updated. The analysis will take into consideration the competition for these phrases from other websites. This list will be used to guide content in blogs, eDMs and social media to rank eCommerce websites in Google for terms that have proven to convert to traffic and sales. These terms will also be used to update the metadata on the website and image filenames to maximise “onsite” SEO. Deliverables:

• List of SEO keywords and phrases for each website • Process guide for researching keywords • Recommendations for updating onsite SEO based on keyword

research • Rules for writing and structuring content to maximise Google results • Setup of Google Webmaster tools for SEO tracking

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Brown Paper eCommerce Consulting Services Overview  



Brown Paper eCommerce Commercial in Confidence 2013 Prepared by Ben Hoban  

Online/Offline marketing integration - processes for better alignment of on and offline sales will be developed based on industry learnings. A step by step procedure will be researched and presented, detailing the most efficient reaction to an in-store sale and what responses are required to bring in line the email, sms, website, blog, social and online advertising to support the campaign. Deliverables:

• Step by step process for planning and aligning campaigns across all channels

• Report format to calculate the full cost, sales traffic and revenue generated by a campaign

• Guidelines for creative media in all the formats required Sales processes – A range of different online sales formats such as discounting, two-for-one, coupons, exclusivity/scarcity and free shipping will be assessed for the effectiveness on sales revenue versus the reduction on profit. Deliverables:

• Reports and measurements set up in Google Analytics • Schedule for isolated testing of sales processes • Analysis of historical Magento data to generate a baseline for testing • Report and recommendation based on analysis

Adwords – an initial budget will be required to create a range of Google Ads to appear on search terms identified in the SEO portion of the project. The process of working out the lifetime value of a customer, attracting a new customer and converting a click to a sale using Google Adwords will be presented. Test campaigns will be run based on the processes and the return on investment presented, it is suggested that initially Google Adwords are used to increase full price sales. Deliverables:

• Full campaign plan based on a recommended budget • Google Analytics and Adwords setup to share data • 20 – 50 Google ads and Product Listing Ads written • Remarketing code for abandoned carts implemented • Remarketing tracking and plan established • Lifetime value of a customer report • Cost to acquire a customer report • Campaign ROI report

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Brown Paper eCommerce Consulting Services Overview  



Brown Paper eCommerce Commercial in Confidence 2013 Prepared by Ben Hoban  

Content Marketing – A schedule for PR, social and blog content will be established and overseen by Brown Paper and undertaken by the clients marketing teams. The schedule will look at generating and distributing content based on the SEO research across adwords, email marketing, blogs, online PR channels, editorials social platforms, video networks and newsletters. Broadcast management platforms such are hubspot and hootsuite are recommended to control the content generation and monitor its penetration but the process can be managed using formats as straightforward as spreadsheets if necessary. Deliverables:

• Process map for content creation based on SEO research • Templates and examples for each format for each platform • One to one training of marketing team members • Copywriting proofing and approval process • Schedule of non sales based content • Schedule of sales based content

Conversion Optimisation – Google analytics and heat mapping programs will be used to track the way your customers use the websites. By integrating an A/B testing module on the websites we can discern user interface, user experience, content and design elements that are leading to improved conversion. An implementation plan based on industry learning’s will be developed and then followed step by step with the results tracked to see which changes are leading to the best results. Deliverables:

• Set up of Heat mapping software on the websites • Set up of A/B testing modules on the websites • Briefs for core updates of the UI and UX elements of the websites • Tracking of A/B user data in Google Analytics • Reports and recommendations on A/B testing results

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Brown Paper eCommerce Consulting Services Overview  



Brown Paper eCommerce Commercial in Confidence 2013 Prepared by Ben Hoban  

Comparison Shopping – Platforms such as Google Shopping, Shopping.com.au, GetPrice, Choice and ShopBot can be used like Google Adwords to accelerate traffic and create reports that allow us to easily work out if they are providing an acceptable return on investment. These platforms are reliant on the website sending configured product information to a Google Merchant account. This must be set up first but will deliver a wide range of marketing benefits to the sites including extended Product Listing Ads in Google Adwords. Deliverables:

• Set up of product feeds in Google Merchant accounts • Report on best products for listing in the comparison shopping

channels based on competition • Cost report for comparison-shopping channels across the range of

products • Recommendation and post analysis for comparison shopping budget

Email Marketing – As well as notifying users about sales, email marketing can be employed to spread a brand message and engage the consumer with an ongoing narrative. Email newsletters should include Google Analytics tracking so we can analyse the most popular and effective content that is leading to traffic and sales. Brown Paper will engage in A/B split testing of email subject lines and content to work out the best format for copy and content. Deliverables:

• Rules for adding Google Analytics code to email newsletter templates • Report setup in Google Analytics for tracking conversion based on the

email content • A/B testing of subject lines and report with recommendations for

structuring based on results Blogger outreach – a budget can be established to supply influential bloggers with product or discounts to review products. This can be managed via established blogger networks and value reviewed in Google Analytics. Deliverables:

• Report on effect to date of blogger reviews and mentions • List of appropriate blogs to consider for sponsored promotion • Industry reports and testimonials from blogger outreach • Recommended schedule and budget for program

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Brown Paper eCommerce Consulting Services Overview  



Brown Paper eCommerce Commercial in Confidence 2013 Prepared by Ben Hoban  

Video marketing – Video is one of the biggest growth areas for content marketing and it is advisable that video creation and broadcast be considered as part of the greater Content Marketing Plan. Creating videos doesn’t need to be expensive and time consuming, iPhone footage of designer interviews, time lapse of product photography sessions and consumer or blogger generated videos are all great ways to take advantage of the massive amount of traffic YouTube can generate. Deliverables:

• 3 videos examples of different formats and how they can ben integrated into different content marketing campaigns

• Internal training on basic video production software for online distribution

• A range of content ideas for future video content • A post campaign analysis of the impact vs effort of using online video

Online Competitions – Are a great source for User Generated Content, Client will be able to generate content from their customers and use it in their marketing channels. It is hard to quantify the exact value of user generated content and the brand awareness value that is associated with running a competition but there is great opportunity to generate designs for clothing and t-shirt graphics while simultaneously creating a buzz via online competitions. A brief and scope for a variety of standard formats and supporting online interfaces will be outlined for development as part of the marketing services. Deliverables:

• Scope for online competition engine architecture • Google Analytics set up for tracking competition traffic • Design of competition format and marketing content • Documentation and training for Client staff to use the competition

process • A recommended schedule and concepts for ongoing competitions • Post competition analysis report

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Brown Paper eCommerce Consulting Services Overview  



Brown Paper eCommerce Commercial in Confidence 2013 Prepared by Ben Hoban  

Social Media Marketing – Managing the broadcast and conversation requirements of social network platforms is an essential part of online marketing for ECommerce. Brown Paper will ensure the correct analytics tracking is in place to deliver a comprehensive report on the contribution of the current social marketing practices to sales. A key part of moving forward with a social media strategy is to integrate the various platforms into the recommended content marketing plan. Brown Paper will set up all the social accounts for each brand on a broadcast management platform such as hootsuite or hubspot to ensure that the social posts that go out are unified with a campaign or part of a planned narrative. A review of past social activity will let us know the detail required in developing a social media policy and guidelines to govern the engagement of the customers by the Client marketing team. As social strategy will be mostly integrated into the content marketing plan the services mentioned under that heading will apply. Advertising on Facebook will be considered in adwords procedures to line up with content marketing and sales schedules. Deliverables:

• Review of current social media activity and impact on revenue • Social media guidelines training and documentation • Review and set up of social media tracking in Google analytics • Training and documentation to manage the social posting schedules • Installation of broadcast management software in line with the overall

content marketing services • Recommendation and reporting of social media advertising

Mobile - Brown Paper will review the current traffic, conversion and user experience for mobile based customers of the Client websites to assess the need for updates to the websites templates. A range of mobile specific updates will be identified and recommended for the sites from the latest industry advances. We will develop any briefing and scoping documents for design updates or technical work outside of Client’s capabilities. A report as to the ROI of the updates will be produced based on increased mobile conversion rate and time on page as well as reduced bounce rate.

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• Report on current mobile usability for all websites • Recommended updates for all websites • Scope, schedule and costs for all recommended updates • Report on effectiveness of mobile optimisation

Project Management – Website feature, module planning and integration - Brown Paper will review modules and functionality being used on industry leading websites and generate a briefing document for the updates. These updates will be assessed for deployment based on the internal programming schedule as well as costed for outsourcing. A road map for website update requirements, target dates and costs for external programming including project management will be presented by Brown Paper to Client. Deliverables:

• Recommendations for website upgrades • Briefs and quotes to implement website updates • Internal programming road map based on current workload

Operations Management – Staff roles and responsibilities review - Brown Paper will interview current staff members and produce an organisational chart for the current technical, fulfilment, support and marketing teams listing any roles and responsibilities that apply to the ECommerce part of the business. A revue of workloads, wages and skills will factor into a recommendation for any changes in the current employee landscape along with a plan for engaging new staff if necessary as the scale of the business increases. However the focus initially on getting greater efficiencies from the current staff via improved processes, training and communication. As it is advised that a full time Online Operations Manager be put in place Brown Paper will be pivotal in detailing the requirements of this position and training them in the established processes.

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Deliverables: • Org chart of current online teams • Documentation recommending standardised roles and responsibilities • Training where required in new or expanded roles • Report on staffing budget as a portion of online revenue and shipping

volume and recommendations for key hiring points in different roles Business Intelligence Reporting - Weekly reports of based on overall traffic and conversion will be produced from Google Analytics as standard, but specific reports will focus around campaign effectiveness across all the content and paid marketing platforms. Brown Paper has supplied an example of the level of analytics possible to produce an accurate review of ROI and some ideas for effective marketing spend moving forward. Deliverables:

• Google Analytics reporting setup • Template for campaign based reporting • Training on 3rd party analytics software if required

Logistics and Support Review - A review of the current pick, pack and delivery process will be undertaken by Brown Paper as part of the contract. A plan for streamlining the processes will be developed based on current industry practices of other in-house and 3PL logistics systems. Brown Paper will purchase and return products and engage the support team in pre and post purchase requests to gauge their processes and make recommendations for improvements from the point of view of a customer. Staff knowledge of the current strengths and weaknesses of the fulfilment system will form the basis of any recommended changes to current practice. A report on the way Client is managing their current pick and pack will include any custom or off-the-shelf software packages that could help to build a more efficient and effective in-house team. Brown Paper will review the current shipping contractor and do any industry research required to find a better alternative for price and reliability based on current and future volume.

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Brown Paper eCommerce Consulting Services Overview  



Brown Paper eCommerce Commercial in Confidence 2013 Prepared by Ben Hoban  

Deliverables: • Report on purchase, return and support experience from shopping the

sites • Research and recommendations on shipping contractors • Workflow map of current procedures • Workflow map and systems detail for any suggested improvements • Brief and Scope for recommended software systems to improve

fulfilment • Training and documentation of any improvements that are approved

for implementation

Scope of the Contract Based on your documented requirements Brown paper will estimate a time line for engagement and deliver a quote based on the daily rate of the two junior contractors Sam and Ellie, ($500/day each) and myself as the senior consultant ($800/day). If you are interested in engaging Brown Paper over an extended period a detailed agreement will be drafted including exit clauses, revenue targets and KPIs. Any one or more of the services detailed can be costed and engaged individually and will be quoted and presented as required. As part of the contract the services outlined in this document will be prioritised, and a schedule for achieving each deliverable presented, based on the relevance of each service to Client. Thankyou for considering Brown Paper for this opportunity, and we look forward to your response. About us Brown paper offers end-to-end services for setting up and running all aspects of the eCommerce channel. We identify our consulting and management services around the 6 main eCommerce business systems: Website - The core of our services we know websites be it design, programming, upgrades, platform migration or management. Brown Paper specialises in Magento based solutions but has experience across all the major platforms. Marketing - From Logo Design to Google adwords we have equal parts hand-on and strategic skills in getting traffic to your site and converting it to sales.

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Brown Paper eCommerce Consulting Services Overview  



Brown Paper eCommerce Commercial in Confidence 2013 Prepared by Ben Hoban  

Fulfillment - We will streamline and optimise your distribution with systems that talk to each other across Inventory, WMS, Shipping, and your Website. Business Intelligence - We will dissect the reports and analytics to ensure you are getting the most traction from your SEO, Conversion Optimisation, Campaigns and Advertising. Support - Brown paper will set up efficient systems to support your customers, deal with returns and refunds and add that human touch. Financial Systems - Synching your website sales data with account systems and payment gateways is critical for managing forecasting and growth in your business. We have also designed and implemented a number of associated on and offline business systems including: Email & SMS Marketing Shipping and Tracking Warehouse Inventory Management Pick and Pack procedure Coupon Management Promotion Design Customer Support Returns and Exchanges Design Management

Online Offline marketing Google Analytics Bridging software Accounting Systems Integration ERP integration Product Photography and editing Marketplace Integration Payment Gateways PCI Standards

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Brown Paper eCommerce Consulting Services Overview  



Brown Paper eCommerce Commercial in Confidence 2013 Prepared by Ben Hoban  

The Brown Paper Team Ben Hoban. Area of Expertise: Project Management and Marketing Strategy Ben brings a wealth of relevant experience to Client ECommerce. including:

• Management and delivery over 200 web-based projects in his 10 years in the industry.

• Understanding of the Client environment from previous employment. • Experience in working with external design and development agencies

to execute digital projects.

Ben brings a unique industry perspective having managed his own web design and development studio, worked as the digital lead in an advertising agency, built a number of eCommerce business in the fashion apparel market and worked client side as a digital project manager for Nestlé for the past 24 months. Ben will deliver: Project scoping Marketing strategy Customer Support systems Magneto training Standardisation and documentation Agency liaison

Brand Manager liaison SEO integration Conversion strategy Business Intelligence Interactive Wireframes

Ellie Mac. Ellie is an aspiring fashion designer and master of content and social marketing for Brown Paper. She will take the role of developing and scheduling the content marketing campaigns for the project while training the Client marketing team to continue to deliver aligned campaigns. Sam Speller. Master of analytics and SEO, Sam has learnt the techniques of Google data analysis from the launch of his successful online Tea label. He will spearhead the SEO research that underpins the greater marketing effort and deliver the reports for post campaign analysis.

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Attached for reference a sample business systems plan Ben Hoban developed for a major online fashion retailer who is extended this blueprint to 5 websites generating a combined $1m+ monthly revenue.