ensemble 10/10 - 2010-2011

Creative Campus, Liverpool Hope University Box Office 0151 709 3789 www.liverpoolphil.com New Music from the Phil 2010/ 2011 Ensemble 10/10

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The Royal Liverpool Philharmonic’s award winning Ensemble 10/10 presents another season packed with variety and excitement, with music from some of the best composers around today.


Creative Campus, Liverpool Hope UniversityBox Office 0151 709 3789www.liverpoolphil.com

New Music from the Phil2010/ 2011


The Ensemble10/10 was founded by two RLPOmembers, clarinettist Nicholas Coxand cellist Hilary Browning. Since itsfirst concert on 22 November 1997 at10.10pm, it has become established asa regular feature of Liverpool concertlife. Clark Rundell was appointedDirector of 10/10 in 2005.

The Royal Liverpool Philharmonic’saward winning Ensemble 10/10presents another season packedwith variety and excitement, withmusic from some of the bestcomposers around today. We’llcelebrate a whole range ofcommissions and premieres, andthe start of our partnership with theHuddersfield Contemporary MusicFestival. As usual each concertfeatures at least one piece from acomposer associated with theNorthwest and we are happy onceagain to find some amazing newtalent.

Clark Rundell leads the ensemblethroughout the season in thedynamic spaces of either theCapstone or Cornerstone onLiverpool Hope University’s CreativeCampus. The season will be anothermilestone in the ensemble’s history

and will confirm it as anindispensable part of Liverpool’smusic scene, and one of the mostimportant groups of its kind in thecountry. We look forward to seeingyou at these very special concerts.

Andrew CornallExecutive Director(Artistic Policy - Orchestra and Ensembles)

Ensemble 10/10

Cover: 10/10 in rehearsalMark McNulty photographer

Clark Rundell director

New Music from the Phil 2010/ 2011

Ensemble 10/102

Royal Liverpool PhilharmonicOrchestra, the Ensemble category.

‘Ensemble 10/10’s 2008 programmeshowed remarkable integrity andimagination and a pleasing element ofsurprise. The jury was impressed bythe Ensemble’s clear sense of artisticambition, allied to the quality of theconnection with its audiences.Ensemble 10/10 has become anintegral part of the RLPO’s activity andthe jury hopes it will go on to become alasting part of the Liverpool scene.’

On the Road10/10 made its debut outsideLiverpool at the 2000 HuddersfieldContemporary Music Festival and willbe returning there in November 2010.It has performed in York and at theGlastonbury Festival and performsregularly at the Royal NorthernCollege of Music in Manchester.10/10 made its Wigmore Hall debut incollaboration with the Al Farabiconcerto series in March 2010.

The Music10/10’s concerts are an eclecticmixture of new commissions, worldpremieres and contemporary classicsgiven in an informal atmosphere. TheRoyal Liverpool Philharmonic hascommissioned a huge range of UKcomposers for the Ensemble, as wellas many from abroad. 10/10 exploresthe best new music from around theworld, but equally it actively supportslocal composers – concerts alwaysinclude music from the Northwest.

VenuesThis season all events will be based atLiverpool Hope University’s CreativeCampus, either in the excellentacoustic of the Great Hall of TheCornerstone, or at the new purposebuilt Hope Theatre in The Capstone.

AwardsEnsemble 10/10 is the winner of twoawards at the 2009 RPS MusicAwards, the Concert Series andFestivals category and, along with the

performance by RLPO PrincipalClarinet, Nicholas Cox, with Ensemble10/10.

RecordingsThe Ensemble is featured on fourCDs; ‘When Worlds Collide’, themusic of Frank Zappa in acollaboration with The Muffin Men,2003; the music of John Casken(Metier Records, 2005); GaryCarpenter (NMC, 2007) and StephenPratt (RLPO Live, 2007). To buy theCarpenter and Pratt CDs, or to listento sound clips from them, seewww.liverpoolphil.com/shop. A CDfeaturing Michael Torke’s Tahiti andTropical is due for release in the nearfuture. Ensemble 10/10 enjoys anongoing relationship with BBC Radio3, who have broadcast severalconcerts.

Phil ChannelLog on to wwwwww..lliivveerrppoooollpphhiill..ccoomm andcheck out our PPhhiill CChhaannnneell,, where youcan enjoy videos of some of thehighlights from the RLPO, Ensemble10/10 and more from your own home.Currently, you can watch Ensemble10/10’s world premiere of GaryCarpenter’s One Million Tiny Operasabout Britain from the 2009/2010season featuring the soloists LoréLixenberg and Jennifer John, as well asa spotlight on the life and work ofMieczysław Weinberg, composer of lastseason’s premiere Lady Magnesia.

In May 2010 Ensemble 10/10performed the world premiere of thenew Clarinet concerto, Dove of Peace:Homage to Picasso by the acclaimedSpanish composer Benet Casablancas.The Phil Channel now includes ashort documentary about the work’srelevance and background, includinginterviews with the keyrepresentatives involved with thecommission, and a film of the entire

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Ensemble 10/104

Dutch TreatWednesday 17 November 2010 7.30pm The Capstone

Padding’s work absorbs popularculture, jazz, and historical referencesas well as theatrical elements.Violinist Heleen Hulst, who hasperformed a number of his works,takes the virtuosic lead role in thisperformance of White Eagle.

Graham Fitkin is no stranger toLiverpool as former Composer inAssociation at the Phil. His is music ofstrong rhythmical shapes, driving riffsand poignant melody set in contrastingimaginative sound tapestries. These arequalities which have secured him aninternational reputation.

Gary Carpenter lived in Hollandwriting for the Netherlands DanceTheatre and his wide-rangingcompositional career has also seenmany successful pieces composed forhis ‘home’ group, Ensemble 10/10.Closing Time was a 2008 LiverpoolEuropean Capital of Culturecommission. The six songs are written

Graham Fitkinnew pieceWorld Premiere jointly commissioned by RoyalLiverpool Philharmonic and HuddersfieldContemporary Music Festival

Martijn PaddingWhite Eagle UK Premiere

Gary CarpenterClosing Time

Jennifer WatsonReflectionsWorld Premiere in new version for ensemble

Martijn PaddingThree Summer Pieces UK Premiere

Clark Rundell conductorHeleen Hulst violinTom Raskin tenorRob Buckland saxophone

A concert with a strong Dutchinfluence. Martijn Padding currentlyresides in Amsterdam while GrahamFitkin studied with the iconic Dutchcomposer Louis Andriessen.

to poems of Eva Salzman that aremarked by a directness of expression,a subtlety of feeling and a pervasivesensuality, aptly matched byCarpenter’s score. Ensemble 10/10welcomes back Tom Raskin, who firstperformed with us last season in theworld premiere of Weinberg’s one-actopera, Lady Magnesia, to sing the solopart.

Jennifer Watson, one of the recentshooting stars to come out of the RoyalNorthern College of Music, is asaccomplished a saxophone player asshe is gifted as a composer.Technically assured and a personalsynthesis of a wide range ofinspirations, her piece is ‘an honestand emotional response to myinfluences to date.’ Rob Buckland, oneof Jenni’s teachers takes the solo rolein tonight’s performance.

Tickets £9

Graham Fitkin

You’re invited to a question and answer session following the concert.Clark Rundell and special guests will discuss the compositional process and theirmusical influences. Complimentary light refreshments will be available.

5Ensemble 10/10

L to R: Jonathan Hering, 10/10 Music DirectorClark Rundell, Benet Casablancas and thePhil’s Principal Clarinet, Nicholas Cox

The Royal LiverpoolPhilharmonic Society ispart of New Music Plus…developed by the PRS forMusic Foundation inassociation with the hub,supported by PaulHamlyn Foundation, ArtsCouncil England andSound and Music.

Long Night of the Biennial: Sound RelayThursday 18 November 2010 7pm – 10pmPhilharmonic Hall, Tate Liverpool and various locations across Liverpool City Centre(Ensemble 10/10’s performance at Tate Liverpool is due to commence at 8.30pm)

Magdalena Abakanowicz’s Embryology(1978-1980). A complete performanceof Jennifer Watson’s piece will begiven in the Wolfson Room at TateLiverpool as the climax of the relay.

This is an un-ticketed, free event

Supported by PRS for Music Foundation’s NewMusic Plus… an initiative developed in associationwith the hub, with funding from by Paul HamlynFoundation, Arts Council England and Sound andMusic.

Join the magnetic relay of sound asmusicians including Ensemble 10/10and the a.P.A.t.T. Orchestra take youon a cumulative journey of musicalhappenings from Hope Street to theAlbert Dock.

Inspired by the Tate LiverpoolTouched exhibition as part of theLiverpool Biennial, and takingcomposer Jennifer Watson’sReflections as its focus, musicianstest the limits of their own practiceto create a series of surprising,experimental and reflexivehappenings. Follow the Long Nighttrail as the procession gathers pace,picking up new musical materialalong the way.

Starting at the Royal LiverpoolPhilharmonic foyer at 7pm, the relaygathers momentum withperformances at Rapid, FACT andthe Bluecoat before making its finaljourney to Tate Liverpool with musicin the galleries, including in andaround the stunning installation of

New Music Plus Scheme

The scheme partners music producerswith ensembles around the Northwestto cultivate innovative approaches toprogramming new music. Ensemble10/10 is working with producerJonathan Hering throughout 2010.

Hering has been an impetus for thea.P.A.t.T. orchestra’s concert series,constructing performances of modernmusic that consider the uniquearchitectural space of each venue. His30 person orchestra of players fromacross the Liverpool music scene gave acelebrated performance of Terry Riley’sIn C at the Bluecoat in December 2009,as well as a performance of John Cage’sVariations I at the Walker Art Galleryshortly thereafter. Hering is also acomposer, and his works have beenperformed by members of the RoyalLiverpool Philharmonic Orchestra.

Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival SSuunnddaayy 2211 NNoovveemmbbeerr 22001100 55..0000ppmm((PPrree--ccoonncceerrtt ttaallkk 44ppmm,, CCAAMM GG//0011))SStt PPaauull’’ss HHaallll,, TThhee UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff HHuuddddeerrssffiieelldd

UK’s most prestigious award for liveclassical music, hcmf// was recognizedby the Royal Philharmonic SocietyAwards judges as ‘a shining exampleof global ambition’.

The programme includes concerts,installations, multi-mediapresentations, exhibitions, workshops,talks and films. This year the Festivalwelcomes Rebecca Saunders asComposer in Residence.

In 2010 the Festival runs from 19 – 28November. Highlight events are nowon sale – for full details please visitwww.hcmf.co.uk.

Produced by hhccmmff//// supported by BritishCouncil; also supported by Music Centerthe Netherlands and NFPK+.

TTiicckkeettss £15 (£13 concession; £10 online)

Contact details:BBooxx ooffffiiccee 01484 430 528FFeessttiivvaall OOffffiiccee 01484 472 900E-mail [email protected]

Graham Fitkinnew pieceJointly commissioned by Royal LiverpoolPhilharmonic and Huddersfield ContemporaryMusic Festival

Martijn PaddingWhite Eagle

Gary CarpenterClosing Time

Martijn PaddingThree Summer Pieces

Clark Rundell conductorHeleen Hulst violinTom Raskin tenor

Ensemble 10/10 has been invited toreturn to the Huddersfield Festival inNovember 2010, where they made theirdebut outside Liverpool ten years ago.

The UK’s largest festival of new andexperimental music brings aninternational mix of composers,performers and partners toHuddersfield. Recent winner of the

Ensemble 10/106

Top: Martijn Padding Gerrit Schreurs photographer / Anna Meredith www.annameredith.com Bottom: Mark Simpson Sussie Ahlberg photographer / Jennifer Watson

7Ensemble 10/10

Electro-Acoustic NightWednesday 9 February 2011 7.30pm The Cornerstone

which come between the fourmonumental sounding instrumentalepisodes. The work became a classicand consolidated his reputation as apioneer of electronic music.

Larry Goves is at the end of a year-longcollaboration with Warp Recordscomposer/vocalist/DJ Mira Calix.Sharing working methodologies andaesthetic ideas, they combine theirwildly different approaches toinstrumental composition and liveelectronic performance. Tonight hearsnew arrangements of their excitingwork and new music especially writtenfor the occasion which they’ll performalongside the musicians of 10/10.

Anna Meredith is presently the PRS/RPSComposer in the Housewith SinfoniaViVA. With a string of importantcommissions under her belt for the BBCProms, Ensemble Modern, SmithQuartet and the London Sinfonietta, sheis one of the fastest rising youngcomposers on the scene today. Flakwasdescribed as ‘a rich, deeply funky piece’,

Larry Goves / Mira Calixnew workWorld Premiere commissioned by the RoyalLiverpool Philharmonic

Anna MeredithFlak

Matthew Faircloughnew work World Premiere

Manuella BlackburnCajón!

Edgard VarèseDeserts

Clark Rundell conductorLarry Goves, Mira Calix electronics

Up to the minute cutting-edge electro-acoustic compositions sit beside thework that many consider to be thefounding of the genre. Edgard Varèsecompleted his Deserts in Paris in theearly 1950’s. Written for 20-mostlywind-instrumentalists and tape, thereare three hard-edged tapeinterpolations (created from factorysounds and percussion instruments)

‘the disco from hell’ and it draws on herlove of dance music and electronica,where the electronics turn theinstrumentalists ‘into raucous, supercharged versions of themselves’.

Manuella Blackburn is an electro-acoustic composer and lecturer atLiverpool Hope University. She isparticularly interested in thejuxtaposition of language and shapeswith the creation of her electronicworks. Cajón!makes use of soundrecordings of the percussion instrumentof the same title. Due to the top edges ofthe front panel being unfixed this box-like percussion instrument produces arich variety of sounds.

Liverpool University based MatthewFairclough is a composer and sounddesigner specialising in live electronicsand multimedia performances. Hisacoustic piece for 10/10 last season waswell received, but in this new piece hereturns to his electro-acoustic roots.

Tickets £9Mira Calix

You’re invited to a question and answer session following the concert.Complimentary light refreshments will be available.

Continental DriftWednesday 16 March 2011 7.30pm The Cornerstone

Detlev Glanert studied with Henzeand shows a similar fascination forlyricism and romanticism but filteredthrough a modern perspective. HisMahler/Skizze is a short admiration ofthat composer.

Anthony Gilbert’s song-cycle is set tothe Spanish symbolist love poetry ofMagdalena Mismareza and otheranonymous texts. Gilbert’s long anddistinguished career has taken him onseveral distinct musical journeys whilstalways maintaining a highly individualand expressive voice. The cycle waswritten for soloist Marie Vassiliouwhogives its world premiere tonight.

Head of Composition at the RoyalNorthern College of Music, Adam Gorboften draws on his Jewish heritage formusical inspiration, though always increative and subtle ways. Gorb is nostranger to Ensemble 10/10 withworks regularly performed, his mostrecent being Wedding Breakfast in the2009/2010 season.

Detlev GlanertMahler/Skizze

Daniel Kidane3 Stück

Anthony GilbertEncantos World Premiere

Adam GorbDancing in the Ghetto

Robin HartwellThe Dancers World Premiere

Hans Werner HenzeDance and Salon Music

Clark Rundell conductorMarie Vassiliou soprano

Doyen of European composers, HansWerner Henze extracted some of themost evocative music from his 1952ballet pantomime The Idiot, to createhis Dance and Salon Music. Typical ofhis early ‘exploratory phase’, thelanguage is reminiscent of neo-classical Stravinsky.

Robin Hartwell, lecturer in music atLiverpool’s Hope University, hasreworked a striking early piece forensemble so that we can celebrate his60th birthday year. The Dancers isfinely crafted and stylishly scored andreflects the composer's compositionaland research interests in Europeanmodernism.

Residing in the Northwest andmentored by composer GaryCarpenter, Daniel Kidane was selectedfor a prestigious young composer’sproject at the National Gallery in 2009.His three miniatures show energy andelegance in abundance.

Tickets £9

Daniel Kidane

Ensemble 10/108

9Ensemble 10/10

American DreamWednesday 6 April 2011 7.30pm The Capstone

movement ‘one of those Adamsbucking-bronco blastoffs’.

Michael Daugherty is also one oftoday’s most played andcommissioned American composers.His eclectic, ironic and witty music hasfound a ready international audience.Snap! was the piece that defined hisstyle in the late 1980’s. It is a jazztribute to the golden age of Hollywoodand the panache of James Cagney'stap dancing performances!

Infused with a different sort of danceflavour, A Conga Line in Hell comesout of a dream of ‘an endless line ofdead people dancing through the fireof hell’. Miguel del Águila’smusic iscoloured by Latin American and worldmusic idioms which enhance a highlydramatic musical style, and as thispiece takes on its wildly differingemotional twists, the conga rhythmbecomes terrifyingly unrelenting.

John AdamsSon of Chamber Symphony

Mark Simpsonnew workWorld Premiere commissioned by Royal LiverpoolPhilharmonic

Michael DaughertySnap!

Miguel del ÁguilaA Conga Line in Hell

Nico MuhlyBy All Means

Clark Rundell conductor

John Adams, perhaps the mostfrequently performed living Americancomposer, harnesses the rhythmicenergy of Minimalism to theharmonies and orchestral colours oflate-Romanticism. The success of hisbarnstorming Chamber Symphony hasdelivered another virtuosic vehicle,naturally called ‘Son of...’. The LosAngeles Times called the last

Based in New York, Nico Muhlystudied extensively with Philip Glassand has become a highly regarded filmcomposer. His work By All Means ispartially inspired by Webern’sConcerto for Nine Instruments Op.24,and combines the pungent chromaticvariation of Webern with lush post-Wagnerian harmonies.

Liverpool born Mark Simpson is oneof 10/10’s ‘own’ composers. TheEnsemble has championed andcommissioned his music from histeenage years and now the world haswoken up to his talent. His 2008Capital of Culture commission NurMusik was widely admired by criticsand this will be another remarkablepart of a continuing journey.

Tickets £9

Michael DaughertyGrant Leighton photographer

Ensemble 10/1010

European Composers’ ProfessionalDevelopment Programme

The European Composers'Professional DevelopmentProgramme has been built byrepresentatives from keycontemporary music organisations,including; hcmf//, Nieuw Ensemblefrom The Netherlands, IcarusEnsemble from Italy and Ensemble10/10 from the UK. It will presentnew opportunities for emergingcomposers to work alongside leadingnew music practitioners, promotethemselves internationally andexperience music in other countries.

The original project, launched in2008, saw hcmf// and the NieuwEnsemble offer four composersstudying at Yorkshire universities thechance to work with the NieuwEnsemble on four compositions to bepremiered during hcmf//.

Success from the original programmehas led to funding from the EuropeanUnion Culture Programme. With thisand new links with Ensemble 10/10

Ensemble 10/10 inconjunction withHuddersfieldContemporary MusicFestival (hcmf//) takespart in a professionaldevelopment programmeaiming to supply talentedcomposers from the UK,Italy and the Netherlandswith training anddevelopmentopportunities to becomesuccessful musicians.

The programme will run again in2012 on the same basis but withtwelve new composers.

and Icarus Ensemble the programmehas been extended to composers fromItaly and The Netherlands allowing atotal of 12 composers to take part peryear.

As part of the programme composerswill spend two weekends with theirrespective ensembles developingideas and pieces for premiere athcmf//. They will also take part inbusiness development seminars,receiving advice on marketing andpromotion, publishing, networkingand legal matters. Participants willtake advantage of continued supportthroughout the year from mentorsand be brought together throughhcmf// on an online forum. Mentorson the 2011 programme include GaryCarpenter, David Horne, EmilyHoward and Stephen Pratt.Completed pieces will be performedfor the first time at the followingyear’s hcmf// as well as receiving aguaranteed second performance.

A century in music at the Royal Liverpool PhilharmonicIt’s not just Ensemble 10/10 that performs new music and great classics of the 20th and 21st centuries. Here’s a selection of works, composed mainly since 1940,which are being performed by the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra and by visiting recitalists and chamber ensembles over the 2010/11 season.Pick up a brochure for full details of all events.

Sunday 21 November 2010 2.30pmStravinsky 8 Instrumental Miniatures

Thursday 2 December 2010 7.30pmGlanert Drei Gesänge ohne Worte

Tuesday 14 December 2010 7.30pmSt. George’s Hall Concert RoomPiazzolla Otono Porteno

Wednesday 2 & Thursday 3 February2011 7.30pmStravinsky Circus PolkaFinzi Eclogue for piano and stringsDelius On Hearing the First Cuckoo inSpringStravinsky Firebird Suite (1945)

Thursday 17 February 2011 7.30pmWalton Scapino: A Comedy OvertureJohn Ireland Piano ConcertoHolst The Planets

Sunday 20 February 2011 2.30pmWalton Scapino: A Comedy OvertureVaughan Williams The Lark Ascending IrelandMai Dun - SymphonicRhapsody for OrchestraHolst The Planets

Friday 17 September 2010 1.05pmGordon Jacob SonatinaMichael Head 3 Pieces for Oboe andPianoEdmund Rubbra Oboe Sonata in C

Saturday 25 September 2010 7.30pmShchedrin Oboe Concerto UK Premiere, jointly commissioned by the RoyalLiverpool Philharmonic

Shostakovich Symphony No.15

Saturday 2 October 2010 7.30pmIan Stephens Oxbow for Daiubu andOrchestra

Thursday 21 October 2010 7.30pmOrff Carmina Burana

Wednesday 10 November 2010 7.30pmSt. George’s Hall Concert RoomBartók Romanian Folk Dances

Thursday 11 November 2010 1.05pmMessiaen Quartet for the End of Time

Thursday 18 November 2010 7.30pmWigglesworth A First Book ofInventionsWorld Premiere

Sunday 15 May 2011 2.30pmPiazzolla Bandoneón Concerto‘Aconcagua’Milhaud Le Boeuf sur le ToitPiazzolla TangosGinastera Suite from Estancia

Tuesday 14 June 2011 7.30pmSt. George’s Hall Concert RoomDutilleux Ainsi la Nuit

All events take place in LiverpoolPhilharmonic Hall unless otherwisespecified.

Saturday 19 March 2011 7.30pmSt. George’s Hall Concert RoomGlass String Quartet No. 2 ‘Company’

Sunday 3 April 2011 2.30pmVaughan Williams Wasps Overture

Thursday 14 April 2011 1.05pmArnold Three Shanties

Wednesday 20 April 2011 7.30pmJames MacMillan St. John Passion

Saturday 30 April 2011 7.30pmCarl Davis Ballade for Cello andOrchestraWorld Premiere, commissioned by the RoyalLiverpool Philharmonic

Chaplin The Pilgrim

Thursday 12 May 2011 7:30pmVilla Lobos Bachianas Brasileiras No. 9 Piazzolla Bandoneón Concerto‘Aconcagua’Villa Lobos Bachianas Brasileiras No.8Ginastera Suite from Estancia

11Ensemble 10/10

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When to book

BByy ppoosstt oorr iinn ppeerrssoonn iinn aaddvvaannccee..Box Office, Philharmonic Hall, HopeStreet, Liverpool, L1 9BP.BByy TTeelleepphhoonnee 0151 709 3789OOnnlliinnee www.liverpoolphil.comPlease note that booking fees may apply

Group Discounts

If you would like to bring a group to anEnsemble 10/10 concert please callDawn Williams, Group SalesCoordinator, on 0151 210 2918 [email protected] note that booking fees may apply.

How to find LiverpoolHope’s Creative Campus

The entrance to Liverpool HopeUniversity's Creative Campus, whichcomprises the Capstone Building andthe Cornerstone Building, is fromShaw Street opposite the Collegiate.

Public Transport

Bus numbers 14, 17 and 19 fromQueens Square Bus Station, in centralLiverpool, stop at Brunswick Road(close to the campus) regularly.

Directions from the M62

Continue along the motorway until itsend; keep going along Edge Lanetowards the city centre. Turn right onto Hall Lane. Go straight over thecrossroads. Follow the road round tothe left onto Erskine Street, and thenturn right at the lights into ShawStreet.

Where to park your car

There is limited parking available onthe campus from 45 minutes prior toevening performances. Car parkspaces are available on a first comefirst served basis and a small fee willbe charged.

Alternatively you may wish to park atthe 24-hour Q-Park on EpworthStreet, off Erskine Street. Pick up avoucher at the campus for adiscounted rate of £1.90 for up to 5hours.

Car park times/prices were correct at the time ofgoing to print. Please check opening and closingtimes and prices of these car parks before parking.


Principal Funders

Principal Partner

Higher Education Partner

Media Partner Family Partner

Thanks to the Cityof Liverpool for itsfinancial support