english test, 4º eso

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  • 8/9/2019 English Test, 4º Eso



    A) Write the verbs in brackets in present simple  or present continuous .

    1. On Saturdays Susan _____________ (help) in her parents' shop. 

    2. It's eleven o'clock. Terry _____________ (get) up.3. _____________ (o!!y" play) #or $iverpool% & o" he ___________ (play) #or

    anchester nited.

    *. rs. oore _____________ (travel) to $ondon every day !ut today she

     _____________ (travel) to righton.

    +. ,ileen ____________ (do) her ho-eork in her roo-. She alays _________

    (do) it a#ter dinner.

    B) Write the verbs in brackets in past simple  or past continuous .

    1. /hat _____________ (you" !uy) hen you _____________ (go) shopping%

    2. _____________ (you" !e) at Sally's party last Saturday% & o" I

     _____________ (stay) at ho-e !ecause I _____________ (!e) ill.

    3. /hen I _____________ (go) to school" I _____________ (-eet) an old

    #riend" hen I _____________ (see) hi-" I _____________ (say) 'hello'.

    *. /hile I _____________ (#ly) to Spain" I _____________ (talk) to the pilot.

    +. /hat _____________ (you" do) yesterday at 0.% & I _____________ (dry)

    -y hair.

    C) Write the verbs in brackets in present perfect or past simple.

    1. e _____________ (rite) a letter to the local nespaper" !ut he

     __________ (not post) it yet.

    2. _____________ (you" do) the aths ho-eork% & es" I _____________ (do)it last night.

    3. o long _____________ (she" live) here% & She _____________ (co-e) to

    -onths ago.

    *. _____________ (you" !e) to 4ustralia% & es" I _____________ (!e) there

    last Septe-!er.

    +. /hat ti-e _____________ (she" #inish) the pro5ect%

    D) Write the verbs in brackets in future with will  or with be going to .

    1. a6 is planning so-ething very e6citing. e _____________ (sail) round the

    orld.2. I think e _____________ (get) there on ti-e.

    3. /e are playing very ell. /e _____________ (in) the -atch.

    *. o old are you" 7ackie% & I _____________ (!e) eighteen ne6t 8riday. & Oh"

    really% _____________ (you" have) a party% & I _____________ (have) a -eal

    in a restaurant ith a #e #riends. & That _____________ (!e) nice.

  • 8/9/2019 English Test, 4º Eso


    Conditionals . Write the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

    1. She 99999999(call) i# she 99999999 (have) ti-e.

    2. I# it costs too -uch" I 999999999. (!uy) a s-aller one.

    3. I# the doctor can't see -e" I 999999999. (go) so-ehere else.

    *. I# 999999999 (!e) you" I 99999999.. (!eco-e) an actress.

    +. /ould you phone -e i# you 99999999. (have) pro!le-s%

    :. I# e 999999999.(have) -ore ti-e" I could tell you -ore a!out it.

    ;. /ho ould you like to !e i# you 99999999.(not !e) yoursel#%