english summer break holiday homework class- 10th · class- 10th theme: creativity is intelligence...

1 ENGLISH SUMMER BREAK HOLIDAY HOMEWORK CLASS- 10TH THEME: Creativity is intelligence having fun. We want you to enjoy your vacation and come back rejuvenated and refreshed. We want you to remain in touch with your studies and to facilitate that the given holiday homework is designed for you in an interesting manner. 1. Read the newspaper everyday. Write three news headlines and news in your own words daily. 2. Write an article in about 150-200 words on the given topics: x Evils of gender discrimination(Roll no. 1-10) x Examination paves way for success (Roll no. 10-20) x Excessive use of internet(roll no. 20-36) 3. Make an attractive book jacket depicting the profile of your favorite novelist. 4. Revise the syllabus for periodical 1 5. Solve Grammar section of last year question paper – any five. 6. Make an attractive poster on Anti- Corruption along with meaningful slogan. 7. The given assignment sheets should be duly completed and submitted on 1 st july ASSIGNMENT 1 CLASS –X SUBJECT- ENGLISH TOPIC- COMPREHENSION Name:_______ Class& Sec:____________ Roll No.___ Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: 1. Have you ever failed at something so miserably that the thought of attempting to do it again was the last thing you wanted to do? 2. If your answer is yes, then you are ‘’ not a robot”. Unlike robots, we human beings have feelings, emotions and dreams. We are all meant to grow and stretch despite our circumstances and our limitations. Flourishing and trying to make our dreams come true is great when life is going our way. But what happens when its’s not? What happens when you fail despite all of your hard work? Do you stay down and accept the defeat or do you get up again again until you are

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    CLASS- 10TH

    THEME: Creativity is intelligence having fun.

    We want you to enjoy your vacation and come back rejuvenated and refreshed. We want you to remain in touch with your studies and to facilitate that the given holiday homework is designed for you in an interesting manner.

    1. Read the newspaper everyday. Write three news headlines and news in yourown words daily.

    2. Write an article in about 150-200 words on the given topics:Evils of gender discrimination(Roll no. 1-10)Examination paves way for success (Roll no. 10-20)Excessive use of internet(roll no. 20-36)

    3. Make an attractive book jacket depicting the profile of your favoritenovelist.

    4. Revise the syllabus for periodical 15. Solve Grammar section of last year question paper – any five.6. Make an attractive poster on Anti- Corruption along with meaningful slogan.

    7. The given assignment sheets should be duly completed and submitted on 1st




    Name:_______ Class& Sec:____________ Roll No.___

    Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:

    1. Have you ever failed at something so miserably that the thought of attempting to do it againwas the last thing you wanted to do?

    2. If your answer is yes, then you are ‘’ not a robot”. Unlike robots, we human beings have feelings,emotions and dreams. We are all meant to grow and stretch despite our circumstances and ourlimitations. Flourishing and trying to make our dreams come true is great when life is going ourway. But what happens when its’s not? What happens when you fail despite all of your hardwork? Do you stay down and accept the defeat or do you get up again again until you are

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    satisfied? If you have a tendency to preserve and keep going then you have what experts call, grit.

    3. Falling down or failing is one of the most agonizing, embarrassing and scariest human experiences. But it is also one of the most educational, empowering and essential parts of living a successful and fulfilling life. Did you know that perseverance (grit) is one of the seven qualities that have been described as the keys to personal success and betterment in society? The other six are: curiosity, gratitude, optimism, self-control, social intelligence and zest. Thomas Edison is a model for grit for trying 1,000 plus times to invent the light bulb. If you are reading this with the lights on in your room, you know well how he succeeded. When asked why he kept going despite his hundreds of failure, he merely stated that what he had been not failures. They were hundreds of ways not to create a light bulb. This statement not only revealed his grit but also his optimism for looking at the bright side.

    4. Grit can be learned to help you become more successful. One of the techniques that helps is mindfulness. Mindfulness is a practice that helps the individual stay in the moment by bringing awareness of his or her experience without judgement. This practice has been used to quiet the noise of their fears and doubts. Through this simple practice of mindfulness, individuals have the ability to stop the self- sabotaging downward spiral of hopelessness, despair and frustration.

    5. What did you do to overcome the negative and self- sabotaging feelings of failure? Reflect on what you did and try to use those same powerful resources to help you today.

    Q1. On the basis of your reading of the passage answer the following questions.

    (i) According to the passage, what are the attributes of a human?





    (ii) What is perceived as grit?





    (iii) How is ‘failing’ an educational and empowering part of human life?


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    (iv) In what ways can grit be developed?





    (v) How does mindfulness help?





    Q2. On the basis of your reading the passage, answer the following.

    i. While inventing the light bulb, Thomas Edison had failed_______

    a. 1000 times b. 10000times c. 1000 plus times d. 10000 plus times

    ii. Failure is a part of______ life.

    a. Normal b. common c. human d. ordinary

    iii. In paragraph 2,________ means continue.

    a. Robots b. satisfied c. preserve d. flourishing

    iv. In paragraph 3, the synonym of distressing is ______

    a. Embarrassing b. scariest c. agonizing d. failing

    v. _________helps in preventing individuals from going down the lines of despair.

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    a. success b. fear c. doubt d. mindfulness



    Name:_______ Class & Sec:____________ Roll No.___

    Read the following passage carefully.

    1. Snow- clad mountains, opal- blue lakes and shimmering peaks, all these make the Himalayas look like the most romantic place on earth. The death of Lance Naik Hanumanthappa has, however, brought into sharp focus the difficult conditions under which our soldiers function to protect our borders.

    2. The life of soldiers stationed at Siachen is extremely tough. For drinking water, they have to break ice from the glacier; boil it and drink it. There is one person assigned to keep the water warm at every moment of the day. The main task of the infantry stationed in the Siachen area is to hold the ground and man the post. To show their physical presence is important to keep the enemy at bay.

    3. In the icy mountains it is constant battle with the climate. Keeping themselves healthy is another important aspect of their daily living. Picking up supplies that are air dropped to them and shoveling ice off their tents is a crucial part of their survival routine.

    4. That is perhaps why Rashtriya Military School the nurturing grounds of future soldiers, send students on an expedition to the Siachen Glacier every academic year. These young cadets get to make the long arduous task up the snow- clad battle ground under the guidance of experienced army personnel, to truly understand what it means to be on the icy borders between India and Pakistan.

    5. This gives a rare opportunity to students because the Siachen remains out of bounds for most armed personnel. It takes a lot of courage to face the situation there. Oxygen levels are low, there are steep ice walls to climb in sub- zero conditions and the high wind make it nearly impossible to walk. O ne has to be mentally strong to cope up with these extreme and hostile conditions.

    6. There are many factors in the selection of candidates: physical endurance and leadership skills. Also, he must have a cheerful disposition as team work is important. They must also be able to speak with clarity.

    7. This experience is an on- job training ground for students as they get an insight into the situation there. First hand experience of life in Siachen and survival skills in tough conditions prepare them for their future roles. They interact with officers and get a feel of life in the armed forces. Patriotic fervor, service to the nation- these attributes become part of their mindset. When they come back from the trek, a marked difference in their personalities can be seen. It is a great learning experience in many ways. It motivates future leaders to join the Army.

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    Q1. On the basis of your reading of the passage answer the following questions.

    (a) What is the main task of the soldiers stationed in the Siachen area?





    (b) On what basis the selection of the candidates is done?





    (c) In what way this expedition helps the cadets?





    (d) Why is it a constant battle with the climate for the infantry stationed in the Siachen area?





    Q2. Find the word from the passage that is closest in meaning to each of the following.

    (a) difficult and tiring (para4)

    (b) passionate feeling (para7)

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    Q3. Answer the following questions.

    (a) What makes the Himalayas the most romantic place?





    (b) Why do Rashtriya Military School send its students on expedition to the Siachen Glacier?







    Name:_______ Class & Sec:____________ Roll No.___ Read the passage carefully.

    1. All of us do some kind of work toward off starvation or to gain sufficient material wealth with a view to maintain the standard of living which our physical and intellectual power have helped us to reach. But there is another kind of work which is completely divorced from the burdensome process of our livelihood and which is undertaken for the sake of amusement or interest or the direction of our surplus stores of energy in some new and useful channels of refined tastes. This delightful occupation combining work with pleasure or hobby, as it is properly termed, calls for the application of our highest faculties and gives proper form to our healthy instincts, purposeful habits and disciplined behavior. In our carefree and vacant hours, it allows these faculties to perform their natural functions and to display their instinctive greatness. We devote

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    our leisure to the pursuit of this pleasant task and derive advantages which compares favourably with those we obtain from the bread- earning routine of our daily life. Hobbies widen the sphere of our cultural activities, give refinement to our tastes and show us the path that leads to our systematic mental and moral development. Our tendencies and inclinations also find in them an outlet for a healthy and progressive expression.

    2. A hobby is a favourite subject or occupation that is not one’s main business. In this age of machinery which has taken upon itself most of the laborious duties of physical exertion formally performed by man, than creating for him pleasant intervals of rest and leisure, it should not be difficult for him to devote some time to the pursuit of a new interest that can add some charm, colour or zest to his life. The spare time must not be fritted away in idleness or spent on such work as overtaxes one’s mind and body after one has performed one’s normal functions for the day. The occupation, banishes the drabness of routine work and produces a feeling that life is both charming and meaningful.

    3. The choice of hobbies, like the choice of books, purposes of reading, is not an easy task. Some hobbies demand a little guidance from experienced persons. Our sudden attachment to them without the backing of this preliminary knowledge may result in wasting of our resources of time and money, and in the end compel us to abandon them. Some hobbies are rather expensive, and therefore beyond the means of ordinary people who can ill- afford to spend large sum of money on them. Also a few are incompatible with our temperament and taste. We must not, therefore, allow the glamour of certain hobbies to binds to their reality, however tempting they may appear to us, nor should we begin to cherish them thoughtlessly because we find other people so devotedly attached to them. In the first flush of enthusiasm many have rushed into unsuitable hobbies only to find themselves turning away from them in a state of great disillusionment. In a few rare and exceptional cases a sudden instinctive choice of some hobbies sometimes prove to be the right one. We must not, however, forget that tinkering with a hobby is a joyless and wasteful process, unattended by any appreciable gains. Scattered interest in half a dozen or more odd hobbies is also not a desirable end.

    Answer the following questions briefly:

    (i) What is a hobby? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________

    (ii) What are the advantages of hobbies? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________

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    (iii) Why does one have to be very careful in selecting a hobby?





    (iv) Why do certain hobbies require a little guidance from experienced persons?





    (v) In what way does a hobby refine our taste?





    (vi) How can we utilize our spare time?





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    (vii) When does a situation of great disillusionment arise?

    ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________



    Name:_______ Class & Sec:____________ Roll No.___

    Read the following passage carefully.

    1. Do you remember the last time you laughed out loud? For most of us laughing out loud is an uphill task. More often than not people think that they have no time to laugh. There are more important things to do. But if you ask Jean Legget, the Canadian founder of Bootcamp she’ll say you do not have anything more important to do than just laugh. Says Sudha Chandra, who attended a Bootcamp: ‘My life was joyless. Hiring a laughter coach changed my perspective towards life. I learnt to record my emotions and ensured that the four elements of joy- dancing, laughing, singing and playing – helped to build an emotional reserve.’

    2. The cynic in us may still think it is an exaggeration, but the fact is that we can be taught to laugh more. Neuroscientist Jodi Deluca says it doesn’t matter why you laugh. Even in small doses, laughter improves the quality of life. You can condition people to feel more positive as laughter opens up the mind and frees the creative juices. It makes us more receptive to new ideas. The New York- based laughter coach Beth Bongar says that since our everyday lives are full of stresses, in her classes on laughter she uses the ‘gibberish’ technique where everyone laughs by using gibberish sounds. Such playful exercises help to reduce inhibitions and shyness and convert simulated laughter into unconditional laughter.

    3. According to the greatest laughter therapists laughter is a cathartic process which helps rebalance the chemistry of emotions which can be a keynote for healing. Several researchers on the benefits of laughter in Japan have shown that laughter therapy is an efficient, low- cost, medical treatment that cuts health costs. According to their findings laughter is a stimulant that triggers energy inside a person’s DNA, potentially helping to cure disease. When we are laughing with other people, we share a sense of connectedness which in turn reduces loneliness. Says comedian Vir Das: ‘When 3000 people laugh at me during my performance, even if I’ve had a bad day, I feel joyful. Not everyone can be a comedian, but we can all learn to be more joyful.’

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    Q1. On the basis of your reading of the passage answer the following questions.

    (a) Why do people hesitate to laugh out loud?





    (b) How did Sudha Chandra benefit from her stay at the laughter bootcamp?





    (c) How does gibberish help people according to Beth Bongar?





    (d) How does laughter help healing?





    Q.2 Find a word from the passage that is closest in meaning to each of the following.

    (a) a person who raises doubts about something (para2)

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    (b) release of pent-up emotions (para3)

    Q.3 Answer the following questions.

    (a) What are the four elements of joy, according to the passage?





    (b) How does laughing with other people help us?







    Name:_______ Class & Sec:____________ Roll No.___

    Read the following passage carefully

    Everybody wants to succeed in life. For some success means achieving whatever they desire or dream. For many it is the name, fame and social position. Whatever be the meaning of success, it is success which makes a man popular.

    All great men have been successful. They are remembered for their great achievements. But it is certain that success comes to those who are sincere.

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    Success has been man’s greatest motivation. It is very important for all. Success has a great effect on life. It brings pleasure and pride. It gives a sense of fulfillment. It means all round development. Everybody hopes to be successful in life. But success smiles on those who have a proper approach, planning, vision and stamina. A proper and timely application of these things is bound to bear fruit. One cannot be successful without cultivating these certain basic things in life. It is very difficult to set out on a journey without knowing one’s goals and purposes. Clarity of the objective is a must to succeed in life. A focused approach with proper planning is certain to bring success. Indecision and insincerity are big obstacles on the path of success.

    One should have the capability, capacity and resources to turn one’s dreams into reality. Mere desire cannot bring you success. The desire should be weighed against factors like capability and resources. This is the basic requirement of success. The next important thing is the eagerness, seriousness and the urge to be successful. It is the driving force which decides the success. It is the first step on the ladder of success.

    One needs to pursue one’s goals with all one’s sincerity and passion. One should always be in high spirit. Lack of such spirit leads to an inferiority complex which is a big obstruction on the path to success. Time is also a deciding factor. Only the punctual and committed have succeeded in life. Lives of great men are examples of this. They had all these qualities in plenty which helped them rise to the peak of success.

    Hard labour is one of the basic requirements of success. There is no substitute for hard labour. It alone can take one to the peak of success. Every success has a ratio of five percent inspiration and ninety- five percent perspiration. It is the patience, persistence and perseverance which play a decisive role in achieving success. Failures are the pillars of success as they are our stepping- stones and we must get up and start again and be motivated.

    2.1. On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer any four of the following questions in 30-40 words : (a) To whom does success come certainly? _____________________________________________________________________________________



    _____________________________________________________________________________________ (b) What are the basic things in life we need to achieve success ? _____________________________________________________________________________________



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    _____________________________________________________________________________________ (c) What did great men have in plenty to rise to the peak of success ? Give any two examples. _____________________________________________________________________________________



    _____________________________________________________________________________________ (d) What is the one basic requirement of success ? _____________________________________________________________________________________



    _____________________________________________________________________________________ (e) Explain: "Failures are pillars of success." _____________________________________________________________________________________



    _____________________________________________________________________________________ 2.2 On the basis of your reading of the passage, fill in any two of the following blanks with appropriatewords/phrase: (a) __________ plays a decisive role in achieving success. (b) Goals have to be pursued with __________ and __________. (c) Ratio of success is __________ inspiration. 2.3 Find out the words from the passage that mean the same as the following : (any two) (a)endurance(para2) (b)obstruction(para4) (c) motivation (para 5)

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    Name:_______ Class & Sec:____________ Roll No.___

    Q1. In the following passage one word has been omitted from each line. Write the omitted word and the word that comes before and the one that comes after it against the correct blank number.

    Before Word After

    The popular musical rhythm known forro originated a)_____ _____ _____ in the north-east Brazil and is now popular b) _____ _____ _____ all over country. Besides music the country is c) _____ _____ _____ famous its beaches or you can walk down d) _____ _____ _____ narrow streets and take the markets and fairs e) _____ _____ _____ and see people beautiful handicrafts. Visitors can f) _____ _____ _____ also take buggy rides other beaches or g) _____ _____ _____ watch dolphins offshore its other beaches. h) _____ _____ _____

    Q2. The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line against which a numeral is given. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the space provided. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied

    Incorrect Correct

    Amongst young peoples, motorcyclists and Eg. peoples people scooterists are the great cause of danger. (a) _________ _________ They often try to show of by driving (b) _________ _________ at break-neck speed; they risk there own (c) _________ _________ life as well as that of other. (d) _________ _________ Rash driving is one of the greatest cause (e) _________ _________ of road accidents. Bicyclists are also involving in (f) _________ _________ a lot of accidents. While driving along with the (g) _________ _________

    road or at the cross roads, they should (h) _________ _________ so careful.

    Q3.Fill in the blanks using the best options given in the brackets.

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    About half of India’s children aged (a) __________ 6 and 14 do not go to school. About 5.5 crore

    children (b) __________ in factories, cottage industries (c) __________ in the agricultural sector. One of

    the most important (d) __________ for our nation’s (e) __________ is illiteracy.

    a.(i) among (ii) between (iii) with (iv) about

    b.(i)worked (ii) working (iii) has been working (iv) work

    c .(i) and (ii) around (iii) about (iv) some

    d.(i) reason (ii) reasons (iii) reason’s (iv) reasons

    e.(i) backwardness (ii) backwardsness (iii) backness (iv) backward



    Name:_______ Class & Sec:____________ Roll No.___

    Q1. The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line against which a numeral is given. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the space provided. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied

    Incorrect Correct

    Flamingoes flock in Kachchh every year. e.g. in to It come there for various parts of the (a) ________ ________ world a year to breed. Flamingo city (b) ________ ________ is a island situated in the middle of the (c) ________ ________ Rann of Kachchh, known to the biggest (d) ________ ________ breeding ground for flamingoes, and today (e) ________ ________ it is strewn in bodies of hundreds of chicks. (f) ________ ________ The parents has fled the island due to lack (g) ________ ________ of food, plankton, algae and small fish what (h) ________ ________ are food for the flamingoes.

    Q2. In the following passage one word has been omitted from each line. Write the omitted word and the word that comes before and the one that comes after it against the correct blank number.

    Before Word After It is made two Sanskrit words ________ ________ ________ which means that I bow you. ________ ________ ________ The palms joined and the ________ ________ ________

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    head slightly bowed. ________ ________ ________ This is not just polite greeting ________ ________ ________ people believe it be a way ________ ________ ________ of happy and prosperous. ________ ________ ________ Great respect shown when ________ ________ ________ we use word ‘Namaste’. ________ ________ ________ Q3. Complete the passage given below choosing the correct alternatives.

    Mark Twain was the pen name of Samuel Langhorne Clemens (a)_________ was one of (b)_______ greatest fiction writers of America. He grew up in a small town (c) _________ the bank of the Mississippi River.(d) _________ a small boy he moved to Hannibal on the banks of the river (e) _________ he experienced (f) _________excitement of river travel.

    (a) i) which ii) who iii) that iv) he (b) i) an ii) a iii) the iv) his (c) i) on ii) in iii) at iv) upon (d) i) since ii) from iii) to



    Name:_______ Class & Sec:____________ Roll No.___

    Q1. Read the given line and complete the story in 150-200 words. Give a suitable title to your story. Last Sunday, I was watching TV. Suddenly I heard people shouting outside………….




    _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________



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    _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________




    Q2. Look at the cluster of word/ phrases given below. Rearrange them to form meaningful sentences.

    (a) elements / change / creativity / of / has / and / surprise

    (b) ability / is / unusual / conceive / or / original / the / to / something / creativity

    (c) both / ideas / novel / creative / are / and / valuable

    (d) strong / to be / withstand / they / criticism / have / to / enough

    (e) ideas / to / take / root / new / time

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    Name:_______ Class & Sec:____________ Roll No.___

    Q1. Though there is a movement like ‘Sarvashiksha Abhiyan’ and enrolling of underprivileged children in schools, there are still many children, like the one in the picture, who do not go to school, rather have never seen a school. It is indeed disturbing. You decide to write a letter to the editor of a newspaper expressing your views and the steps to be taken. Take ideas from the MCB unit ‘Education’. Write the letter in about 120 words.




    _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________



    _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________






    Q2. Rearrange the words/phrases given below to form meaningful sentences:

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    (a) Popular / an / choreographer / Shiamak / innovative / dance / is / and(b) More / an expertise / of / has / twenty five years / he / than(c) Indianised / to suit / has / dance / contemporary / all / tastes / he(d) Has / he / contemporary / helped / to popularize / dance(e) Throughout / year / locations / classes / he / the / multiple / runs / at / dance



    Name:_______ Class & Sec:____________ Roll No.___

    Q1. Complete the following story in 150-200 words in any suitable way making it interesting. Also give it a suitable and meaningful title.

    It was raining heavily, the street lights had gone off and I was returning ………













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    _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________




    Name:_______ Class & Sec:____________ Roll No.___

    Q1. You recently visited an important historical monument. You were shocked to find it in a state of utter neglect. Write a letter to the editor of a leading newspaper highlighting the poor condition of important archaeological and heritage ‘ sites. Point out the lack of essential services, the poor state of maintenance and its misuse by people. Give suggestions for improving the situation. ________________________________________________________________________









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    Name:_______ Class & Sec:____________ Roll No.___

    Q1. Write a letter to the editor of a national daily, expressing your opinion and views on the increased human dependence on technology. Right from a small child to an adult, or even an old man, everyone wants gadgets only-cell phone, I-pod, laptop, etc. This also has a negative effect on social relationships. Write the letter in 100-120 words. ________________________________________________________________________








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    Name:_______ Class & Sec:____________ Roll No.___

    Q1. Complete the following story in 150-200 words in any suitable way making it interesting. Also give it a suitable and meaningful title. The stadium looked festive - match going on – all excited – suddenly ….. ________________________________________________________________________







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    ी ावकाश काय 2019-2020 क ा – दसवी ंिवषय – िह ी

    (1) वाचन कौशल – िन िल खत िवषयो ंम से िकसी एक पर लगभग तीन िमनट का भाषण तैयार कर –

    (क) योग और हमारा ा(ख) भारत और आतंकवाद(ग) युवा पीढ़ी की चुनौितयाँ

    (2) वण कौशल – टेलीिवजन अथवा इंटरनेट पर कोई भी िश ा द लघु िफ दे खए और इसकेआधार पर िन िल खत ो ंके उ र िल खए –

    (क) देखी गई िफ का कौन सा पा आपको सबसे अ ा लगा और ो ं?(ख) इस िफ की कहानी से आपको ा संदेश िमला ?

    (3) रचना क लेखन – िन िल खत िवषयो ंपर लगभग सौ श ो ंम अनु े द िल खए –

    (क) उभरती इमारत , घटती भावनाएँ(ख) बढ़ते वृ ा म(ग) जंक फूड का जाल

    प लेखन -

    (घ) अिनयिमत डाक िवतरण के संबंध म अपने े के पो मा र को प िल खए | (ड) सड़को ंके िकनारे अित मण कर समान बेचने वालो ंसे होने वाली असुिवधा का उ ेख करते ए

    ‘नवभारत टाइ ’ के संपादक को प िल खए |

    (4) प रयोजना काय –

    ‘लोक सभा चुनाव 2019’

    इस िवषय पर िच ो ं, सूचनाओ ं, समाचारो ंऔर तािलकाओ ंकी सहायता से प रयोजना बनाइए

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    Balvantray Mehta Vidya Bhawan ASMA

    Masjid Moth G.K-2

    Summer Vacations Holidays Homework 2019

    Name : Class-X Roll No. :

    1. The graph of x = p(y) is given below, for some polynomial p(y). Find the number of zeroes of 1 p(y).

    2. If one zero of the polynomial x2 – 4x + 1 is 2 + , write the other zero. 1

    3. Is x = – 3 zero of the polynomial p(x) = 2x2 + 5x + 3? 1

    4. The larger of two supplementary angles exceeds the smaller by 20 degrees. Find the angles. 1

    5. Find whether the lines representing the following pair of linear equations intersect at a point, are 1 parallel or coincident: 2x – 3y + 6 = 0; 4x – 5y + 2 = 0

    6. For what value of k, the system of equations kx – 3y + 6 = 0, 4x – 6y + 15 = 0 represents parallel 1 lines?

    7. If sin (A – B) = , cos (A + B) = , find A and B. 1

    8. Express cot 85° + cos 75° in terms of trigonometric ratios of angles between 0° and 45°. 1

    9. If sec A = and A + B = 90°, find the value of cosec B. 1

    10. If 3x = cosec θ and = cot θ, find the value of 1

    11. If sin θ = x and sec θ = y, then find the value of cot θ. 1

    12. Find the value of x. 1

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    13. 1 If 6x = sec θ and = tan θ, find the value of

    14. Find the class marks of classes 10 – 25 and 35 – 55. 1

    15. If mean of 1, 2, 3, ... n is , then find the value of n. 1

    16. Two coins are tossed simultaneously. Find the probability of getting exactly one head. 1

    17. The probability that it will rain tomorrow is 0.85. What is the probability that it will not rain 1 tomorrow?

    18. A letter of English alphabet is chosen at random. Determine the probability that the chosen letter 1 is a consonant.

    19. Find the zeroes of x2 + 10x + 7 . 2

    20. Find the zeroes of the quadratic polynomial 9t2 – 6t + 1 and verify the relationship between the 2

    zeroes and the coefficients.

    21. Using division algorithm, find the quotient and remainder on dividing f(x) and g(x) where, f(x) = 2

    6x3 + 13x2 + x – 2 and g(x) = 2x + 1.

    22. Form a quadratic polynomial, one of whose zero is and the product of the zeroes is –2 . 2

    23. Solve the following pair of linear equations by substitution method y – 5 = 0; 3x + 4y – 20 = 0 2

    24. Solve the following pair of linear equations by substitution method: 2x + 3y = 8; 4x + 6y = 12 2

    25. Solve the following pair of linear equations by substitution method: x + y = 8; x – y = 4 2

    26. Solve for x and y by the method of elimination: 2x – 3y = 7; 5x + 2y = 10 2

    27. Find the values of a and b for which the following system of linear equations has infinite number 2 of solutions: 2x – 3y = 7, (a + b) x – (a + b – 3) y = 4a + b

    28. For what value of k will the equations x + 2y + 7 = 0, 2x + ky + 14 = 0 represent coincident lines? 2

    29. For what value of k, the following system of equations 2x + ky = 1, 3x – 5y = 7 has 2 (i) a unique solution (ii) no solution

    30. Solve for x and y using substitution method: 7x + 2y + 5 = 0, 2y + 3 = 0 2

    31. Solve for x and y using elimination method: 2x – 3y = 10; 4x – 6y = 20 2

    32. Find the values of a and b for which the following pair of linear equations has infinitely many 2 solutions: 2x + 3y = 7; (a + b)x + (2a – b)y = 21

    33. Solve for x and y : + 4y = 7, – + 7y = 5, x ≠ 0 2

    34. If 3 tan θ = 4, find the value of . 2

    35. Find the value of tan 60° geometrically. 2

    36. A rhombus of side 20 cm has two angles of 60° each. Find the length of the diagonals. 2

  • 27

    37. Prove without using trigonometric tables: = 1 2

    38. Evaluate : 2

    39. Without using trigonometric tables, find the value of the given expression: 2

    40. 2 Show that : =

    41. Prove the following identity : tan2 θ – sin2 θ = tan2 θ . sin2 θ 2

    42. Prove the following identity : If cos θ – sin θ = 1, show that cos θ + sin θ = 1 or – 1. 2

    43. In a right triangle ABC, right angled at B, the ratio of AB to AC is 1 : Find the value of 2

    44. ABC is a triangle right angled at C and AC = BC, prove that ABC = 60°. 2

    45. Prove without using trigonometric tables: cos 1° . cos 2° . cos 3° ...... cos 180° = 0 2

    46. If A and B are angles of a right angled triangle ABC, right angled at C, prove that sin2 A + sin2 B 2

    = 1.

    47. Prove without using trigonometric tables: – 2 cos 70° . cosec 20° = 0 2

    48. If the ratio of sine of an angle to its cosine is 3 : 4, then find their actual values. 2

    49. 2

    50. Show that: cosec2 θ – tan2(90° – θ°) = sin2 θ + sin2(90° – θ). 2

    51. If the mean of the following distribution is 6, find the value of p: 2

    52. (i) Find the value of x, if the mode of the following data is 25: 2

    15, 20, 25, 18, 14, 15, 25, 15 18, 16, 20, 25, 20, x, 18 (ii) If both 20 and 18 are changed to 15 in the above data, find the new mode.

    53. Find the probability that a leap year should have exactly 52 tuesday. 2

    54. Cards bearing numbers 1, 3, 5, ..........., 35 are kept in a bag. A card is drawn at random from the 2 bag. Find the probability of getting a card bearing (a) a prime number less than 15. (b) a number divisible by 3 and 5.

    55. If , are zeroes of quadratic polynomial 2x2 + 5x + k, find the value of k such that ( + )2 – = 3


  • 28

    56. If the polynomial 6x4 + 8x3 – 5x2 + ax + b is exactly divisible by the polynomial 2x2 – 5, then find 3 the values of a and b.

    57. If 2 and 3 are zeroes of polynomial 3x2 – 2kx + 2m, find the values of k and m. 3

    58. α , β , γ are zeroes of cubic polynomial kx3 – 5x + 9. If α3 + β3 + γ3 = 27, find the value of k. 3

    59. Divide 3x4 – 10x3 + 5x2 + 11x – 12 by 3x2 – 10x + 8 and verify the division algorithm. 3

    60. Two numbers are in the ratio 4:5. If 30 is subtracted from each numbers, the ratio becomes 1:2. 3 Form the pair of linear equations for the above situation and represent them graphically.

    61. The perimeter of a rectangle is 52 cm, where length is 6 cm more than the width of the rectangle. 3 Form the pair of linear equations for the above situation and find the dimensions of the rectangle graphically.

    62. Solve for x and y using substitution method. 3

    = 0; = 0

    63. Solve the following pair of linear equations for x and y : 3 2(ax – by) + (a + 4b) = 0; 2(bx + ay) + (b – 4a) = 0

    64. A number consists of two digits. Where the number is divided by the sum of its digits, the 3 quotient is 7. If 27 is subtracted from the number, the digits interchange their places, find the number.

    65. 2 tables and 3 chairs together cost 2000 whereas 3 tables and 2 chairs together cost 2500. 3 Find the total cost of 1 table and 5 chairs.

    66. Solve for x and y : , , x + y ≠ 0 and x ≠ y. 3

    67. Solve for u and v : 2 (3u – v) = 5uv; 2 (u + 3v) = 5uv 3

    68. Given a linear equation 3x – 5y = 1 form another linear equation in these variables such that the 3 geometric representation of pair so formed is: (i) intersecting lines (ii) coincident lines (iii) parallel lines

    69. Solve graphically: 2x – 3y = 6, x – 6 = 0 3

    70. The sum of the digits of a two-digit number is 12. The number obtained by interchanging the two 3 digits exceeds the given number by 18. Find the number. (Graphically)

    71. The sum of numerator and denominator of a fraction is 3 less than twice the denominator. If each 3

    of the numerator and denominator is decreased by 1, the fraction becomes . Find the fraction.


    72. Solve for x and y using substitution method: 0.4x + 3y = 1.2, 7x – 2y = 3

    73. Solve for x and y using substitution method: 4x – y = 10; 2x – – 5 = 0 3

    74. The sum of the digits of a two digit number is 9. The number obtained by reversing the order of 3 digits of the given number exceeds the given number by 27. Find the given number.

    75. Solve for x and y by cross multiplcation method: 7x – 2y = 3; 11x – = 8 3

    76. Solve for x and y by cross multiplcation method: 3

  • 29

    77. 3 Solve for x and y by cross multiplcation method: ax + by = 1; bx + ay =

    78. Solve for x and y:

    = 9, x + y ≠ 0, x – y ≠ 0.


    79. Solve for x and y:


    80. 3 Prove that:

    81. 3 Evaluate without using trigonometric tables:

    82. Prove that : sec2 θ – = 1


    83. 3 Prove the following identities:


    Prove the following identities:


    85. Prove that: = 2 cosec A.


    86. The median of the distribution given below is 14.4. Find the values of x and y, if the sum of 3 frequency is 20.


    Find the value of p from the following data, if its mode is 48. 3


    The median of the following data is 52.5. Find the values of x and y, if the total frequency is 100. 3

  • 30

    89. A bag contains 5 red balls, 8 white balls, 4 green balls and 7 black balls. If one ball is drawn at 3 random, find the probability that it is (i) black (ii) red (iii) not green.

    90. A bag contains 12 balls out of which x are white. 3 (i) If one ball is drawn at random, what is the probability that it will be a white ball? (ii) If 6 more white balls are put in the bag, the probability of drawing a white ball will be double than that in (i). Find x.

    91. If product of the zeroes of the polynomial kx2 + 41x + 42 is 7 then find the zeroes of the 4

    polynomial (k – 4)x2 + (k + 1)x + 5.

    92. If x + a is a factor of the polynomial x2 + px + q and x2 + mx + n prove that a = .


    93. If , are zeroes of polynomial p(x) = 5x2 + 5x + 1 then find the value of 4

    (i) 2 + 2 (ii) –1 and 1

    94. Given that the zeroes of the cubic polynomial x3 – 6x2 + 3x + 10 are of the form a, a + b, a + 2b 4

    for some real numbers a and b, find the values of a and b as well as the zeroes of the given polynomial.

    95. Find k so that x2 + 2x + k is a factor of 2x4 + x3 – 14x2 + 5x + 6. Also find all the zeroes of the 4

    two polynomials.

    96. Obtain all other zeroes of the polynomial x4 – 3 x3 + 3x2 +3 x – 4, if two of its zeroes are 4

    and 2 .

    97. Draw the graphs of the following equations: 4 x + y = 5, x – y = 5 (i) Find the solution of the equations from the graph. (ii) Shade the triangular region formed by the lines and the y-axis.

    98. A takes 3 hours more than B to walk 30 km. But if A doubles his pace, he is ahead of B by 3/2 4 hours. Find their speed of walking.

    99. Draw the graphs of the equations x = 3, x = 5 and 2x – y – 4 = 0. Also find the area of the 4 quadrilateral formed by the lines and the x-axis.

    100. Solve the following system of linear equations graphically: 3x + y – 12 = 0; x – 3y + 6 = 0 4

    Shade the region bounded by the lines and x-axis. Also, find the area of shaded region.

    101.8 men and 12 boys can finish a piece of work in 10 days while 6 men and 8 boys can finish it in 4 14 days. Find the time taken by one man alone and that by one boy alone to finish the work.




    (x + 2y ≠ 0; x – 2y ≠ 0) 4


    104. 4 Prove that = 2sec θ

  • 31

    105. If a cos θ – b sin θ = c, prove that a sin θ + b cos θ = ± .


    106. Given that cos (A – B) = cos A. cos B + sin A.sin B, find the value of cos 15° in two ways. 4

    (i) Taking A = 60°, B = 45° and (ii) taking A = 45° and B = 30°

    107. 4

    Prove the following identity:

    108. If the mean of the following data is 20.6, find the missing frequency (x). 4

    109. Draw ‘less than ogive’ and ‘more than ogive’ for the following distribution and hence find its 4


    110. In a single throw of two dice, find the probability of: 4

    (i) getting a total of 10 (ii) getting a total of 9 or 11 (iii) getting a sum greater than 9 (iv) getting a doublet of even numbers (v) not getting the same number on the two dice.

    111.A bag contains 24 balls out of which x are white. If one ball is drawn at random the probability of 4 drawing a white ball is y. 12 more white balls are added to the bag. Now if a ball is drawn from the

    bag, the probability of drawing the white ball is . Find the value of x.

    112.A card is drawn at random from a well-shuffled deck of playing cards. Find the probability that 4 the card drawn is (i) a card of spade or an ace. (ii) a black king. (iii) neither a jack nor a king (iv) either a king or a queen

    113.A box contains cards bearing numbers from 6 to 70. If one card is drawn at random from the 4 box, find the probability that it bears (i) a one digit number. (ii) a number divisible by 5. (iii) an odd number less than 30. (iv) a composite number between 50 and 70.

    114.A group consists of 12 honest people and 8 dishonest people. Write a quadratic polynomial 4 whose roots are equal to number of honest people and number of dishonest people. Which value do you prefer?

    115.Manish engages a labour to get some repair work. Charges to be paid for this work are zeroes 4

    of the polynomial x2 – 300x + 22500.

    (a) Find zeroes of this polynomial. (b) Labour claims 125 for the whole work. Manish paid the actual amount. What value is depicted by Manish?

  • 32

    116. 5 books and 7 pens together cost 285. Also, 4 books and 4 pens together cost 220. Monu 4 purchased 3 books and 5 pens and calculated total cost to be 195. He paid 195 to the shopkeeper. Shopkeeper rechecked and returned some money to Monu. (a) How much money did shopkeeper returned to Monu? (b) What value is depicted by the shopkeeper?

    117.A man wished to donate some money to a group of poor people. He decided to give 120 to 4 each person and found that he fell short of 60, when he wanted to give to all the people present. He, therefore, distributed 90 to each person and found that 90 were left over. How much money did he have and how many people were there? What value is depicted by the man?

    118. To highlight child labour problem, some students organised a javelin throw competition. 50 4 students participated in this competition. The distance (in metres) thrown are recorded below:

    (a) Construct a cumulative frequency table. (b) Draw cumulative frequency curve (less than type) and calculate the median distance thrown. (c) Calculate the median distance by using the formula for median. (d) Are the median distance calculated in (a) and (b) same? (e) Which value is depicted by students?

    119. Students of a locality decided to create an awareness about ‘Save Electricity Campaign’. They 4 recorded the monthly consumption of electricity of 68 consumers of that locality. The following frequency distribution gives the monthly consumption of electricity of these consumers of that locality.

    (a) Find the median, mean and mode of the data. (b) Which value is depicted by students?

    120. A group consists of 12 persons, of which 3 are extremely patient, other 6 are extremely honest 4 and rest are extremely kind. A person from the group is selected at random. Assuming that each person is equally likely to be selected, find the probability of selecting a person who is (i) extremely patient (ii) extremely kind or honest. Which of the above values you prefer more.

  • 33




    1. What is the role of following in digestion? a)Trypsin b) HCL c) Bile d) Intestinal Juice 2 Name the type of respiration in which the end products are a) Ethyl Alcohol b) CO2 and Water c) Lactic Acid Give one example of each case where such respiration can occur. 3. Name the substances present in gastric juice. Explain their function. 4. Why does raw bread taste sweet after chewing in the mouth? 5. Where is bile secreted from? What is its function? 6. Give one word for a) getting rid of undigested waste from body b) movement of food molecules into blood 7. Where do you find stomata and lenticels? 8. How does water rise in tall trees? 9. Food moves down the gut by peristaltic movement. Which part of the brain controls this movement? 10. Which of the four chambers in the human heart have thickest muscular walls? 11 Why it is not advisable to give excess water to water plants? 12. Which organs performs the following functions in humans? a) Absorption of food b) Absorption of water 13. Write one feature which is common to each of the following: a) Glycogen and Starch b) Chlorophyll and hemoglobin 14. Why do the lungs not collapse after forceful expiration? 15. A particular tissue blocked and the leaves start to wilt. Identify the tissue that got blocked. 16. How would the digestion of proteins and carbohydrates be effected if there was a blockade in the bile duct?

  • 34

    17. Which fluid in the human body wets the internal organs? 18. In which direction does the lymph travel? 19. How does a plant cope up with lack of water in desert conditions? 20. What do you understand by pulse? 21. Is the food vacuole in Amoeba a temporary structure or permanent structure? 22. Why is carbon dioxide carried in dissolved form in the blood than oxygen? 23. Differentiate between Diastole and Systole. 24. How does water enter into root cells from the soil? 25. Name the various ways of excretion by plants? 26. Name the respiratory pigment of blood. In which component is it present? 27. Name the substances which are re absorbed from the urine before passing into urinary bladder. 28. What are the characteristics of respiratory surface? 29. What is dialysis? 30. What is Bowman's capsule?

    ASSIGNMENT ON ELECTRICITY Q1. Define: (a) Electric current (b) Potential difference (c) Resistivity (d) Resistance (e) Electric power (f) Electrical energy consumed (g) 1 Volt (h) 1 Ampere (i) 1 Watt Q2. What is meant by electrical resistivity of a material? Derive its S.I. unit.

    Q3. Name the devices used for measuring the current and voltage.

    Q4. Write two points of difference between electric energy and electric power. Out of 60 W and 40 W lamps, which one has higher electrical resistance when in use. Q5. How does fuse wire protect electrical appliances?

    Q6. On what factors does resistance of a conductor depend? Describe an experiment to study the factor on which the resistance of a conducting wire depends.

  • 35

    Q7. Find the effective resistance between A and B.

    Q8. Nichrome wire of length l and radius ‘r’ has resistance of 10Ω. How would the resistance of the wire change when (i) only the diameter is doubled? (ii) only length of the wire is doubled? Q9. A steady current of 1 ampere flows through a conductor. Calculate the number of electrons that flows through any section of the conductor in 1 second. Q10. In the circuit given below, calculate: (a) Total effective resistance. (b) Potential difference across 4Ω, 2Ω.

    Q11. Explain the following: (i) Copper and Aluminium wires are employed for electricity transmission. (ii) Heating devices are made of an alloy rather than a pure metal. Q12. Two metallic wires of the same material are connected in parallel. Wire A has length “l” and radius r, wire B has a length 2l and radius 2r. Calculate the ratio of their equivalent resistance in parallel combination and the resistance of wire A. Q13. A battery of 12V is connected to a series combination of resistors 3Ω, 4Ω, 5Ω and 12Ω. How much current would flow through the 12Ω resistor? Q14. State Ohm’s law. Derive relation between me, V and R. Draw the graph between V and I.

    Q15. V-I graph for two wires A and B are shown in the figure. If both wires are of same length and same thickness, which of the two is made of a material of high resistivity? Give justification for your answer.

  • 36

    Q16. Three resistances of 2Ω, 3Ω and 5Ω are connected in electric circuit. Find: (a) maximum effective resistance. (b) minimum effective resistance. Q17. Give two examples for applications of heating effect of electric current.

    Q18. 100J of work is done in transferring 20C of charge between two points in a conductor. Find the resistance offered by the conductor, if a current of 2A flows through it. Q19. In the following circuit calculate the total current (IT) and the total resistance taken from the 12v supply.

    Q20. Calculate the resistance of a metal wire of length 2m and area of cross section 1.55 x 10-6 m2, if the resistivity of the metal be 2.8x10-8 Ω-m?

    Q21. Two devices of rating 44W, 220V and 11W.220V are connected in series. The combination is connected across a 440V main. The fuse of which of the two devices is likely to burn when the switch is ON? Justify your answer. Q22. An electric heater rated 880W operates 6h/day. Find the cost of energy to operate it for 30 days at Rs 3.00 per unit. Q23. The values of current (I) flowing through a given resistor of resistance (R), for the corresponding values of potential difference (V) across the resistor are as given below:

  • 37

    Q24. Calculate current and total resistance of the circuit,

    Q25. a) Two students perform experiments on two given resistors 𝑹𝟏 and 𝑹𝟐 and note the Following V- I graphs. If 𝑹𝟏>𝑹𝟐, which of the two diagrams correctly represent the situation on the plotted curves? Justify your answer

    b) An electric lamp of 24 Ω and a conductor of 6 Ω are connected in parallel to a 12 V battery. Calculate the total resistance.


    1. Burn copper turnings in oxygen for few minutes and observe.

    1. Why does the surface of copper turnings become black on heating? 2. Name the product formed. 3. What will happen if hydrogen gas is allowed to pass over it? 4. Write both the chemical equations. 5. Name the substance oxidised and reduced during the process. 6. Give one name to the whole process.

    2. Write three equation showing redox reaction, also mention the substance oxidised and reduced during the process.

    V (volts) 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 4.0 5.0

    I (amperes) 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.8 1.0

  • 38

    3. Give 5 examples each of physical and chemical changes that take place around us in our day to day life. 4. When a magnesium ribbon is burnt in air what are the two observations that you make.

    5. Write a balanced chemical equation to represent thermal decomposition of Lead Nitrate heating. What are brown fumes due to? 6. Make a list of at least 10 cations and 10 anions.

    7. Write the chemical formula of the following

    (a) Barium Chloride

    (b) Sodium Sulphate

    (c) Ammonium Phosphate

    (d) Calcium Hydroxide

    (e) Aluminium Carbonate

    (f) Magnesium Hydrogen Carbonate

    (g) Zinc Sulphide

    (h) Copper I Chloride

    (i) Potassium Bromide

    (j) Lead Nitrate

    (k) Iron III oxide

    (l) Sodium Oxide

    (m) Silver Bromide

    (n) Calcium Chloride

    8. Write the following in the form of balanced chemical equations

    a) Calcium carbonate decomposes on heating to form calcium oxide and carbon dioxide.

    b) When Ammonium Hydroxide is added to a solvent of Iron Sulphate, a green precipitate of Iron Hydroxide and Ammonium Sulphate are formed. c) When a nail of iron is added to a solution of Copper Sulphate, Iron Sulphate and Copper metal are formed. d) Zinc reacts with dilute Hydrochloric acid to form Zinc Chloride and hydrogen gas is liberated.

    9. What is a decomposition reaction, give two examples.

    10. How is displacement reaction different from double displacement reaction? Give examples.

    11. How does a displacement reaction differ from a double displacement reaction give examples.

  • 39

    12. A water insoluble salt substance X on reacting with dil H2SO4 released a colourless and odourless gas along with brisk effervescence. When the gas was passed through water, the solution obtained turned blue litmus red. On passing the gas through lime water, it initially became milky and the colour disappears when the gas was passed in excess. Identify the substance “X” and write the chemical equation.

    13. What happens when Silver, Copper and Gold coin are kept in Silver Nitrate solution?

    14. Can we store Copper Sulphate in Iron can? Why / why not?


    NOTE: work will be done in class register only.

    1. Write and learn first twenty elements with their symbols and atomic number.

    2. Write a brief account on any element, like its properties and uses. And learn it

    3. Make a working model on any topic of science (physics, chemistry or biology).

    4. Make a science toy using waste material.

    5. Write ten Balanced Equations from the chapter Chemical Reactions and Equations and learn them.

    6. Complete and learn the notes for the chapters given to you: Chemical Reactions and Equations and

    Acid Bases and Salts.

    7. Complete the exercises for the above mentioned chapters.

    8. Observe at least five samples of sauces and squashes and find the acid present in them.


    1. Make any one Poster on the following topics:-

    a) Electricity, Electrical Circuits and Circuit Symbols b) Energy Transfer and Efficiency c) Magnetic Effects and its Field d) Types of Mirrors and lenses and their uses in day to day life. e) Alternative Renewable Energy

    2. Prepare for Science PT-1 Syllabus of Physics PT-1 Chapter-12. Electricity. 3. Do the assignment in Physics Register.

    Note:- Make Poster on A3 sheet.


    1. The students will write practicals of first term and second term in practical notebook with diagrams.

  • 40

    2. Prepare for Science PT-1 Syllabus of Biology PT-1 Chapter-6. Life Processes: Nutrition and Respiration. 3. Complete the assignment in assignment copy.

  • 41





    1. Every student has to compulsorily undertake any one project on the following topics:

    Consumer Awareness


    Social Issues

    2. Objective: The overall objective of the project work is to help students gain an insight and

    pragmatic understanding of the theme and see all the Social Science disciplines from

    interdisciplinary perspective. It should also help in enhancing the Life Skills of the students.

    Students are expected to apply the Social Science concepts that they have learnt over the years

    in order to prepare the project report. If required, students may go out for collecting data and

    use different primary and secondary resources to prepare the project. If possible,various forms

    of art may be integrated in the project work.

    3. The distribution of marks over different aspects relating to Project Work is as follows:

    S.No. Aspects Marks

    1. Content, Accuracy, Originality and Analysis 2

    2. Presentation and Creativity 2

    3. Viva Voce 1

    4. The projects carried out by the students in different topics should subsequently be shared

    among themselves through interactive sessions.

    5. The projects and models prepared should be made from eco-friendly products without incurring

    too much expenditure.

    6. The Project Report should be handwritten by the students themselves and not more that 15-20

    full scape sheets.

  • 42

    II. Practice all the map work done in geography so far.

    III. Learn and revise all the chapters covered in SST before the vacations. The first periodic test is on

    8.7.19 i.e. just after the vacations.

    Syllabus for the First Periodic Test:

    1. Print Culture and the Modern World 2. Power Sharing 3. Development 4. Resources and Development and the Map work

  • 43


    Class X

    Learn and complete all questions of the following units:

    Unit 2: Web Application

    Unit 3: Word processing (Advanced)

    Make a collage or poster on topic Internet of Things.

    Do the following Revision questions from unit 2 and unit3 as discussed with students.

    Q1.What is tab stop? List the various types of tab stops alignment in Ms Word.

    Q2.List any five items that can be added to header area.

    Q3.Define header and footer.

    Q4.Write the step to enter the date & time in the header section.

    Q5.List different styles present in style set.

    Q6.Write the steps to set the style set as distinctive?

    Q7.List some of the websites that offer free templates.

    Q8.Define templates?

    Q9.What is the difference between a page break and a section break in Ms word?

    Q10.What is the importance of page break & section break?

    Q11.List out the various options available in Ms Word to makes changes to a character or word.

    Q13.What is an object in word processing software?

    Q14.Difference between inserting picture & clip arts in MS Word?

    Q15.Define Text wrapping. Explain its type.

    Q16.Write down the steps to insert an object in the text.

    Q17.What are the points that you should remember while embedding an object in a document?

    Q18.List out the free Symbols in the Symbol group.

    Q19. What is the difference between linking an object and embedding an object in a document?

  • 44

    Q20.What is Watermark in Ms Word?

    Q21. What are the different Font cases we can apply on Text?

    Final Holidayhomework1-2425-3233
