english language for teachers course description 2020-2021

English Language for Teachers Course Description 2021-2022 EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION DEGREE Titulación adscrita a

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English Language for Teachers

Course Description 2021-2022


Titulación adscrita a

Page 2: English Language for Teachers Course Description 2020-2021

English Language for Teachers: Course Description 2021-2022

FLORIDA UNIVERSITÀRIA – Degree in Early Childhood Education



1.- Identification .................................................................................................................... 2

2.- Description and General Objectives ................................................................................ 2

3.- Previous Requirements ................................................................................................... 3

4.- Competences .................................................................................................................. 4

5.- Learning Outcomes ......................................................................................................... 5

6.- Training Activities and Methodology ................................................................................ 5

7.- Contents .......................................................................................................................... 7

8.- Learning Assessment ...................................................................................................... 8

9.- Specific Situations Proposal .......................................................................................... 10

10. Annotated Bibliography and References ...................................................................... 11

11. Specific Regulations ..................................................................................................... 13

12. Office Hours for Students ............................................................................................. 13

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English Language for Teachers: Course Description 2021-2022

FLORIDA UNIVERSITÀRIA – Degree in Early Childhood Education


1.- Identification

Subject English Language for Teachers

Subject/Module Communication

Module Type Core Subject (Compulsory)


Degree Early Childhood Education Degree

Level/Term Level 1 / 1st & 2nd Term

Department English Language Teaching Unit / Education


Name: Pilar Alberola Mail: [email protected] Office: D.2.5 / TEAMS Name: Jordi Tordera Mail: [email protected] Office: D.2.1 / TEAMS Office Hours: Check Florida Oberta

Language English

2.- Description and General Objectives


It is an instrumental subject which provides students with the opportunity of improving

their English language command and brings them closer to the B1 level. The subject

combines linguistic aspects (grammar, vocabulary, and communication skills: speaking,

writing, listening, reading) with the international, professional, academic and cultural

environment. However, the improvement of students’ communication skills will be

focused specifically on English language teaching.

Emphasis will be placed on the collaborative work in contextualized projects involving

oral and written communication, as well as using IT.

This subject is taught in the first year of the Early Childhood/ Primary Education Degree.

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English Language for Teachers: Course Description 2021-2022

FLORIDA UNIVERSITÀRIA – Degree in Early Childhood Education


It provides support for doing research in English and facilitates interaction with other

academic classes. The mastery of foreign languages will help students, by increasing

their employability and their subsequent professional development.

It is a fundamental subject for both, accessing a job in Spain and performing a

professional activity within a multicultural context.

Students will be able to complete their learning individually in the Self-study Language

Centre (CAI).

In addition, an individualized diagnosis and monitoring process of the students’ language

level will take place to identify their language training needs.

The general objectives of the subject are:

Consolidating and expanding students’ communication skills.

Developing skills and techniques needed for the comprehension and production of

written texts.

Developing oral communication skills in everyday and professional situations.

Getting the students to integrate, as an important part of their training, elements of

the formal register in English communication.

3.- Previous Requirements

General English level A2, in grammar, written / oral comprehension, and written / oral


No other specific skills are needed.

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English Language for Teachers: Course Description 2021-2022

FLORIDA UNIVERSITÀRIA – Degree in Early Childhood Education


4.- Competences


G1. ICT. Digital Competence

G2. Oral Communication

G3. Written Communication

G4. Foreign Language Fluency

G5. Team-work

G6. Conflict Solving

G7. Life-long Learning

G8. Commitment and Ethics

G9. Innovation and Creativity

G10. Leadership

G11. Self-regulation and Responsibility in Learning



BG1. Ability to use ICT tools properly as a usual tool.

BG2. Ability to analyse critically and bring to the lectures the most relevant issues to today's society that promote ties between families and schools: social and educational impact of audio-visual tools; changes in gender, multicultural, intercultural and intergenerational relationships; to avoid discrimination and promote social inclusion and sustainable development; and also to promote educational actions to prepare students for an active and democratic citizenship as well as to be committed to equality, especially among both men and women.

BG3. Ability to promote cooperative learning activities as well as individual effort.

BG4. Ability to understand and apply basic educational research methods and to be able to design innovative educational projects, and set assessment criteria.


S1. Ability to understand oral and written messages in the foreign language in everyday situations.

S2. Ability to recognize and value the correct and appropriate use of language.

S3. Ability to develop an open-minded attitude and respect for foreign cultures and languages.

S4. Ability to design activities and select materials for teaching and learning a foreign language.

S5. Ability to promote a first approach to foreign language teaching in a children classroom.

S6. Ability to design and implement CLIL projects in a foreign language learning.

S7. Ability to create a safe environment in the classroom that enables the learning and participation of the students.

S8. Ability to learn strategies and techniques to evaluate and understand assessment as an instrument of regulation and stimulus to strive for learning.

S9. Ability to self-regulate the own learning process, developing the right strategies inside and outside of the classroom.

S10. Ability to develop an autonomous learning, integrating the use of ICT in the teaching-learning process.

S11. Ability to assess the importance of learning a foreign language as a factor of social and intellectual development.

S12. Ability to deal with situations of language learning in multilingual and multicultural contexts effectively.

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English Language for Teachers: Course Description 2021-2022

FLORIDA UNIVERSITÀRIA – Degree in Early Childhood Education


5.- Learning Outcomes


R1. Students know and use the specialized lexicon.

E2 E9, E7, E10, E12

R2. Students communicate correctly orally (level B1) in sociocultural and professional contexts related to the field of teaching.

E1, E2, E3, E7, E9, E10, E12

R3. Students communicate correctly in writing (level B1) in sociocultural and professional contexts related to the field of teaching.

E1, E2, E3, E7, E9, E10, E12

R4. Students interpret professional information contained in oral and written messages (level B1).

E1, E2, E3, E7, E9, E10, E12, E10

R5. Students recognize the linguistic peculiarities of the register used in the field of teaching.

E1, E2

R6. Students adopt an attitude of respect for diversity (cultural, social, ethnic and gender) and recognize cultural differences.

E3, E 11, E12

R7. Students can create a didactic unit for teaching English in Early Childhood Education

E4, E5, E7, E8, E9, E10, E12

R8. Students perform in the English class the scheduled activities for the interdisciplinary project

E1, E2, E4, E5, E6, E7, E8, E9, E10, E11, E12

6.- Training Activities and Methodology

Students’ workload in this subject is equivalent to 25 hours per credit. According to this

amount, the workload is 150 hours in total; distributed as follows:

In-class training activities (theory and practice classes, seminars, tutoring...). 60


Self-study activities (study and class preparation, exercises, readings, test

preparation ...). 90 hours.

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English Language for Teachers: Course Description 2021-2022

FLORIDA UNIVERSITÀRIA – Degree in Early Childhood Education


As stated above, the workload is distributed into the following activities and these are the approximate percentages for each type:



Modality Methodology Percentage


Teacher’s contents input. 15%

PRACTICAL CLASSES Group work sessions supervised by the teachers. (Meaningful construction of knowledge through interaction and student activity)


LABORATORY Activities carried out in spaces with specialized equipment. Research sessions on classroom teaching.

(within the percentage of the interdisciplinary project)


Carrying out a project to solve a problem or tackle a task by planning, designing, and carrying out a series of activities.



Personalized and small group work. Instruction conducted to review, redirect classroom materials, learning and writing papers, etc. - Specific questions from students. - Programmed tutoring.


TOTAL (40% of the total) 100%


Teaching Model Methodology Percentage

GROUP WORK Individual and group essay preparation, problem solving, etc. to deliver and present tasks carried out in practical classes.



Student´s study


TOTAL (60% of the total) 100%

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English Language for Teachers: Course Description 2021-2022

FLORIDA UNIVERSITÀRIA – Degree in Early Childhood Education


7.- Contents


Development of oral and written comprehension and expression skills.

Study and practice of the most frequent speech acts in everyday communication.

Study and practice of the formal aspects of a foreign language necessary for effective


Study and analysis of the socio-cultural aspects of a foreign language.

Basic concepts of the foreign languages teaching-learning process.

Activity design for integrated learning of contents related to a foreign language.

These contents are contextualized through the following topics:

1. Holidays

2. Getting an Education

3. In the classroom

4. Environment

5. Cultural Awareness

Project: Pedagogical Proposal to teach English: Summer School






Oral Activity: conversation with assigned roles on topics related to complaints.


Oral Activity: meeting with assigned roles as teachers of a school for the implementation of the most suitable learning/teaching methodologies


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English Language for Teachers: Course Description 2021-2022

FLORIDA UNIVERSITÀRIA – Degree in Early Childhood Education


Written Activity: vocabulary review of the concepts related to the topics covered in class.


1h + 1h

Project: design of a pedagogical proposal for a two-week English course in early childhood /primary education as part of a summer school.


15 h

Oral Activity: oral presentation in groups based on the proposal created in the interdisciplinary project.


8.- Learning Assessment



Assessment Tools Percentage

Written Tests (multiple choice tests, essay questions, short answers, etc.)


Simulated Tasks Performance tests (oral) 15%

Interdisciplinary Project 25%

Assessment Criteria

A. The learning assessment of the subject will be as follows:

1. 25%: Interdisciplinary Project.

2. 30%: Content Review Tests

3. 30%: Communication Skills Tests (B1)

4. 15%: Activities based on oral communicative skills (B1)

Please note:

- A PASS is needed in sections 2, 3 and 4 to have the grade obtained in the Interdisciplinary Project (section 1) added.

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English Language for Teachers: Course Description 2021-2022

FLORIDA UNIVERSITÀRIA – Degree in Early Childhood Education


- For those students who do not participate in the Interdisciplinary Project because of circumstances accepted by the lecturers, its 25% will be distributed among the percentages of the other assessment tools.

It is very important for the student who, with regularity, cannot attend classes or

perform the activities assessed, to contact the teacher AT THE BEGINNING OF THE

ACADEMIC YEAR to justify his or her absences.

B. RESIT EXAMS, students can choose between:


The student decides NOT to keep the interdisciplinary project grade. In this case, he

or she will take a global test (B1) that will stand for 100% of the overall score and will

consist of the following parts:

- Written expression

- Oral expression

- Reading Comprehension

- Listening Comprehension

- Grammar + Vocabulary


The student decides to keep the interdisciplinary project grade. In this case, the

global test (B1) will account for 75% of the final grade (it will consist of the parts

detailed in option 1) and the project for 25%.

In any case, it is necessary to pass the global exam described in the previous

section (option one) so that the project grade can be added.

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English Language for Teachers: Course Description 2021-2022

FLORIDA UNIVERSITÀRIA – Degree in Early Childhood Education


9.- Specific Situations Proposal

Are considered special situations those cases in which students’ academic performance are

affected by work circumstances, academic irregularities, health or other specific personal

situations. All these situations must be duly justified by students.

In such specific cases the following steps will be taken:

1. Students must report their specific situation to the teacher within the first 15 days

of the semester or throughout the 15 days after the moment when the irregularity

occurs. A document that confirms the situation has to be provided by the student.

2. Depending on the specific case of each student, a work plan, a personalized

follow-up method and the subject assessment tools will be established and detailed

in a written document.

Course materials.

Course materials will be available on Florida Oberta and/or Teams or any other Office 365 tools.

Follow-up and communication

Students must hand in activities and materials requested by the teacher by the deadline


Questions related to the subject will be dealt with face to face or online:

during office hours,

by appointment, if the student cannot attend meetings with the teacher during the

office hours.

Assessment criteria

Assessment criteria and method will be the same as for the rest of students, however

date and tools will be adapted, and more flexible depending on the student’s specific


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English Language for Teachers: Course Description 2021-2022

FLORIDA UNIVERSITÀRIA – Degree in Early Childhood Education


10. Bibliography

In addition to all the services available at the CRAI-Library, students affiliated to the University of

Valencia will have access to the databases of the library of the University of Valencia. In order to

access these databases, students will be provided with the corresponding passwords at the time of

registering at Florida. The CRAI-Library, through the training workshops on information sources, will

explain how to use the abovementioned databases, how to connect to them remotely, as well as

tips and tricks. In any case, any doubts can also be resolved individually when trying to use them,

by coming to the library or by contacting us by e-mail at [email protected].

Basic Bibliography:

English Language for Teachers (Dossier 2021-2022)

Further Reading:

Useful handbooks for understanding and developing English language

learning strategies for young learners.

- Cameron, L. (2005). Teaching Languages to Young Learners. Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press.

- Pérez Esteve, P. y V. Roig Estruch (2004). Enseñar y aprender inglés en

educación infantil y primaria. Barcelona: ICE- Horsori. (Tiene dos volúmenes, el

primero es más teórico y el segundo más práctico).

Available at Biblioteca Florida Universitaria: Vol I. https://biblioteca.florida.es/sophia/index.asp?codigo_sophia=25609

Vol. II https://biblioteca.florida.es/sophia/index.asp?codigo_sophia=13921

- Reyes Torres, E. (2005). Inglés para niños de 3 a 6 años. Ediciones San Pio X.

Textbooks to help in the learning of English grammar.

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English Language for Teachers: Course Description 2021-2022

FLORIDA UNIVERSITÀRIA – Degree in Early Childhood Education


- Foley, M. and D. Hall (2012). MyGrammarLab Intermediate. Harlow: Pearson


- Murphy, R. (2006). English Grammar in Use (Third Edition). Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press.

Available at Biblioteca Florida Universitaria: https://biblioteca.florida.es/sophia/index.asp?codigo_sophia=11484

Level B1 Workbooks

- Harrison, L. (2010). Lifestyle (intermediate). Harlow: Pearson Longman.

- Redston, C. Warwick, L. Young, and A. Clementson, T (2006). Face2face.

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Available at Biblioteca Florida Universitaria: Intermediate https://biblioteca.florida.es/sophia/index.asp?codigo_sophia=272729

- Wilson, JJ y Clare, A. (2006). Total English. Madrid: Pearson Longman.

Textbooks for the development of professional competences

- Hancock, M. (2007). English Pronunciation in Use Intermediate. Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press.

- Morley, J., P. Doyle and I. People (2007). University Writing Course. Newbury:

Express Publishing.

- Thompson, K (2007). English for Meetings. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

- Williams, E.J. (2008). Presentations in English. Oxford: Macmillan English.


Online Resources










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FLORIDA UNIVERSITÀRIA – Degree in Early Childhood Education







Online Dictionaries







11. Specific Regulations

Students MUST bring to class all the necessary resources and unit materials.

In case of not being able to attend an assessed activity, the student must notify it in

advance or, at the latest, the day of the activity. It will be necessary to provide a

doctor’s note or other official certificate that justifies his/her absence. Only in these

cases, the teacher will consider the possibility of carrying out the activity at another


12. Office Hours

Due to the variety of scenarios we may have to face throughout this academic year, there

will be different communication channels (corporate tools) available:

- Email: it is the best way to get in touch with lecturers. In this way an appointment

can be set (face to face or online).

- Florida Oberta: it is where materials will be uploaded: tasks to be handed in,

exams, questionnaires, etc.

- Microsoft Teams: it will allow us to communicate online (class groups, individual

meetings) synchronously or asynchronously. A chat in Teams is not an

acceptable way to communicate with lecturers.

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English Language for Teachers: Course Description 2021-2022

FLORIDA UNIVERSITÀRIA – Degree in Early Childhood Education


Students will only be able to use the above-mentioned corporate tools with their

Florida Universitaria email address. Furthermore, this will be the email address to

be used for communication with lecturers and staff in any other university

