english for translation class4 module5 (20120930).ppt

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  • 8/11/2019 English for Translation Class4 Module5 (20120930).ppt


  • 8/11/2019 English for Translation Class4 Module5 (20120930).ppt


  • 8/11/2019 English for Translation Class4 Module5 (20120930).ppt



    Several things to keep in mind when translating:

    1. Meaning s are not res t r ic ted by the so urce language pat terns

    2. Meaning s hou ld be conveyed accurately wi th no

    m isinterpretat ion or m isleading langu age3. Be aware of th e not ion regis ter!

    4. Ensure to not los ing cer ta inty of m eaning in th e sou rce text

    5. No free translation 6. Do not use everyday language 7. Do no t look a t the model answer unless yo u have comple ted

    each task

    8. Consul t your d ic t ionar ies wh en you f ind problems


  • 8/11/2019 English for Translation Class4 Module5 (20120930).ppt


  • 8/11/2019 English for Translation Class4 Module5 (20120930).ppt


    Task 1Lets read together! Paragraph 1

    MEMORANDUM FOR THE ACTING UNDER SECRETARY OFDEFENSE (p 5.3)SUBJECT : Final Report Summary of the Defense ScienceBoard Task Force on Smallpox Vaccine Down Select ProcessI am pleased smallpox vaccine candidates

    Language Poin t : Pass ive formObj ect + to be/ has-hav e been + VIII

    1. H e ap o lo g ized to a po l ic eman h e is a ccused o f shoo t ing2. Th e s o c i al s e cu r i ty r e fo r m s w e r e aim e d at p r o d u c in g l e ss

    dependency and less f raud

    3. Th e g r o u p h a s b een f o r c ed t o m a k e s a vin g s i n it s l ab o r c o s t

    4 . The Kied le r r ese rvo i r is a l ready used to top up the Tyne , Wear andTees


  • 8/11/2019 English for Translation Class4 Module5 (20120930).ppt


    Task 2Lets read together! Paragraph 2

    The Task Force developed a set of.smallpox vaccinecandidates

    The result of this evaluation. DoD vaccine programs

    Lang uage Point : Ad ject ive + Inf in i t iveAd jective + to + Verb 1

    1. Im so g lad to f ind yo u2. I l o ve t o f is h o n w eek en d

    3. I l o ve f is h in g o n w eek en d

    4. Th ey f el t t ir ed t o g o a n y f u r th er


  • 8/11/2019 English for Translation Class4 Module5 (20120930).ppt


    Task 3Lets read together! Paragraph 8

    Although these innovations were milestones in the smallpoxcampaign, the program wo uld no t have succeeded without theingenuity and creativity of the field staff, which surmounted a

    host of local problems. Important innovations such as smallpoxrecognition cards, watchguards, rewards, rumor registers andcontainment books all came from fieldworkers.

    Language Poin t : Past Futu re Perfect Tens eWould + has/have + VIII

    1 . Mos t peop le wou ld have cons ide red the e th ic s o f the dec i s ion qu i teindefensib le

    2 . He wou ld have been unavai lab le in June in any case because o f theon e-day internation al tr iang ular series.


  • 8/11/2019 English for Translation Class4 Module5 (20120930).ppt


  • 8/11/2019 English for Translation Class4 Module5 (20120930).ppt


    5-minutes break

    Paragraph 3,4,5,6,7 Answer for Task1


  • 8/11/2019 English for Translation Class4 Module5 (20120930).ppt



    Translating Process Report (Part 2)


  • 8/11/2019 English for Translation Class4 Module5 (20120930).ppt



    Paragraph 1. Current US Military Smallpox VaccinationParagraph2. Current Sm allpox Vacc ine Init iatives

    Language Poin t :Past Perf ect : Had + Verb III

    1. I h ad b een t h er e l as t ti m e

    Past Perfect Con tinu ou s : Had + been + V1-ing1. Sh e h a d b een w a t ch in g TV w h e n h e c am e y es t er d ay

    2 . I had been work ing in the fac to ry befo re he f inal ly showed up la s t yea r.

    Phrasal verb to s tandStand up (berdiri) S tand do wn Step Dow n (mundur)Stand b ack (mundur) Stand fo r (untuk)

    Stand b y (bers iaga, menduku ng, menyok ong )

    Stand o ut (tampil m enonjo l , jauh leb ih ba ik)


  • 8/11/2019 English for Translation Class4 Module5 (20120930).ppt


    Task 2Lets read together! P 5.33

    The task force.. each of the candidate vaccines

    Language Po in t : L ink w ordsbut : te tapi kon teks ber lawanan atau kon tras

    never theless : namu n

    wh ereas (w hile) : sedangk an

    sin ce (becaus e of , due to ) :karena, sejak

    therefore (henc e) : oleh karena i tuaccordin gly : oleh sebab i tu


  • 8/11/2019 English for Translation Class4 Module5 (20120930).ppt


    Task 3Lets read together! Part II. RECOMMENDATION

    1 . C an d id at e o v er al l as s es s m e n t

    2. D o D v ac c in e ex p er ti se

    Language Poin t :-ing form GERUND

    Defining ph rase : arm ed serviceBurned houses

    Brok en g lasses

    Heal ing camp


  • 8/11/2019 English for Translation Class4 Module5 (20120930).ppt


    First Task (due by Sunday, Oct 5)

    Translate this letternaturally.Terjemahkan s urat ini

    Selalu in gat 8 pr ins ipsaat m enerjemahkansurat .

    There are sev eralgramm atica l m is takesin th is le t ter. Go f in d

    and f ix i tB eberapa kalim atd i tu l i s dengan s t rukturyang t idak tepat .Temuk an dan perbaiki
