english debate competition

ENGLISH DEBATE COMPETITION Technical Meeting - May 16 th , 2011 Harmony of Indonesian Food Heritage

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Technical Meeting - May 16th, 2011

Harmony of Indonesian Food Heritage

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There are 40 minutes for every round that consists of :•Rules & Roles (read only at Preliminary Round I)•Introduction = ± 5 minutes•Debate = ± 25 minutes•Verbal Adjudication = + 10 minutes

•16 participants from 9 high schools•Preliminary Round IA/ IB preliminary round II Semifinal Final•Competition use KNOCKOUT system•Full English


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Themes (1)• Preliminary Round 1A :

– Utilization of artificial sweetener in traditional foods is not recommended

• Preliminary Round 1B:– The use of banana leaf sa packaging for traditional foods

cannot be substituted by plastic • Preliminary Round II :

– The industrialization of traditional foods should be encouraged

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Themes (2)• Semifinal :

– The habit of consuming junk food can threaten the existence of traditional foods

• Final (motion preferences) :

– Fresh traditional beverages are better than instant traditional beverages

– GMP (Good Manufacturing Process) should be applied in traditional food manufacture

– Food diversification can reduce rice consumption effectively

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RUNDOWN• 07.30-08.30 = Registration• 08.30-09.00 = Opening Ceremony• 09.00-09.40 = Preliminary round IA• 09.50-10.30 = Preliminary round 1B• 10.50-11.30 = Preliminary round II• 12.00-12.40 = Semifinal• 12.40-13.30 = Lunch Time• 13.30-14.00 = Motion Preference +

Case Building • 14.00-14.50 = Final

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RULES & ROLES• No statement about SARA, abuse, dan pornograph

during debate• Debate held in full english• Affirmative : supoorting themes, negative : rejected

themes• Good behave during debate• No interruption while another team say their arguments• Standing when share the statement• No interaction between participant and audience during

debate• Audience may not disturb debate competition

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• Applause only given when debate ends• Konfirmasi hanya akan diakomodasi setelah hasil

lomba keluar• No cellular phone during debate• Participants must come 5 minutes before debate start• Peserta diharap menunggu di gedung Thomas

Aquinas dan harus hadir 5 menit sebelum lomba berlangsung

• Bagi peserta yang belum bertanding, harus menunggu di ruang isolasi.

• The final decision from jury can’t be refused

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Matter (jumlah 20 point)• Matter meliputi argument yang disajikan peserta debat. Materi yang baik meliputi

argument yang logis dan difukung contoh yang relevan.

Manner (jumlah 20 point)• Manner meliputi cara peserta menyampaikan argumennya. Manner yang baik

harus dapat menarik bagi pendengar, sehingga dapat membuat argumennya lebih meyakinkan. Peserta harus memiliki eye contact dengan pendengar, berbicara dengan jelas.

Method (jumlah 10 point)• Method meliputi struktur penyampaian argument dari speaker. Struktur yang baik

harus mengidentifikasi key issues, menghubungkannya, penyampaian yang konsisten dan koheren, dan peserta harus dapat mengalokasikan waktu dengan baik.

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SPEAKERS ROLE1st affirmative speaker• Define the topic: explain the issue of the debate

briefly describing the argument that each side must present

• Present the pro statements. Summarize the main argument of the team briefly

1st negative speaker• Clarify the issue established by the pro definition• Present a rebuttal (response that the debater makes

to the arguments of the opposing team).• Summaries the arguments reised in her/his speech


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2nd affirmative speaker• Present a rebuttal: the speaker rebuts the main points raised

by the first negative speaker and support the arguments made by the first affirmative speaker

• Present argument• Summarized not only the points made in their own speech,

but also the main points raised by their team as a whole

2nd negative speaker• Present a rebuttal: the speaker rebuts the main points raised

by the first affirmative speaker and support the arguments made by the first negative speaker

• Present argument• Summarized not only the points made in their own speech,

but also the main points raised by their team as a whole

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3rd affirmative speaker• Present a rebuttal: thematic rebuttal should address the key

issues of the debate, relating arguments and counter arguments of the pro and contra

• Summarize: the third speaker should allow time for a careful and convincing summary their team’s main arguments and significant issues in the debate

• Note: the third speaker are not allowed to introduce any new matter into the debate

3rd negative speaker• Present a rebuttal: thematic rebuttal should address the key

issues of the debate, relating arguments and counter arguments of the pro and contra

• Summarize: the third speaker should allow time for a careful and convincing summary their team’s main arguments and significant issues in the debate

• Note: the third speaker are not allowed to introduce any new matter into the debate

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• Jumlah: 12 juri • Penyisihan I, II, dan semifinal dihadiri oleh 3

juri @ ruangan• Final dihadiri oleh 7 juri • Juri merupakan dosen dari Fakultas Sastra

Inggris, Fakultas Hukum, Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian, dan Fakultas Psikologi

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Rp 1.000.000 + gold medal + certificate• Runner-up :

Rp 750.000 + silver medal + certificate• 2nd runner-up :

Rp 500.000 + bronze medal + certificate• Great debater :

Rp 200.000 + “great debater” medal + certificate

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PARTICIPANTS• Tritunggal : 4 team• Kebon Dalem : 2 team• Regina Pacis : 2 team• SMA Terang Bangsa : 2 team ?• SMK Terang Bangsa : 2 team ?• De Britto : 2 team• Sedes : 1 team• Nusa Putera : 1 team• Theresiana 01 : 2 team ??

• TOTAL : 16 team

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22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 1010 1111 1212 1313 1414 1515 16161

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• 1 :• 2 :• 3 :• 4 :• 5 :• 6 :• 7 :• 8 :

• 9 :• 10 :• 11 :• 12 :• 13 :• 14 :• 15 :• 16 :

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