english 306a; harris everything has meaning. everything

English 306A; Harris Everything has meaning. Everything.

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Post on 18-Dec-2015




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English 306A; Harris

Everything has meaning.Everything.

English 306A; Harris

All meaning involves bothinformation and emotion

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• Humans are built to accommodate language• Language has some special properties that

shape us as humans

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We’re mammals

Distinctive traits include• Lactation• Mammalian “isolation cry”• Neoteny• Middle ear• Larynx

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We have special larynxes

Functions• Controls airflow

• Phonates

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We have special larynxes

Functions• Controls airflow • Phonates


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Glottis• Air flow• Phonation (voicing)

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Glottis• Air flow• Phonation (voicing)

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Larynx, tongue, Heimlich

Apes, australopithecus, babies• Tongue rooted in mouth• Larynx behind mouth• Can breathe and swallow at

the same time

Adult homo erecti +• Tongue rooted in throat• Larynx in throat• Cannot breathe and

swallow at the same time

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Lower tongue root + larynx =

• Consonants and vowels(big flappy lips help too)

• Syllables• Patterns of rhythm and


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Lower tongue root + larynx =


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Oh, and one more thing

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Oh, and one more thing

A brain

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Oh, and one more thing

Auditory cortex

Broca’s area

Wernicke’s area

Motor cortex

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Motor cortex

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Auditory cortex

Tuned to language• Highly sensitive in the 5,000 -

20,000 Hz range• Discriminates phoneme


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Language areas

Broca’s area

Wernicke’s area



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Language properties

ParityUniversalityMutabilityTacitnessDisplacementDualityProductivity (creativity)

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All languages are equal.

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All grammars share some basic properties.

•Words• Nouns• Verbs

•Sentences • Assertions• Questions

•Semantic roles• Agents• Patients• Locations

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Languages change.

cool neat groovy far-out radical cool

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A great deal of grammatical knowledge is tacit knowledge.

[p] vs [ph] vs [p¬]

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Charles Hockett’s ‘Design Features’

ParityUniversalityMutabilityTacitnessDisplacementDualityProductivity (creativity)

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Charles Hockett’s ‘Design Features’

There is...a sense in which [productivity], displacement, and duality...can be regarded as the crucial, or nuclear, or central properties of human language.

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Charles Hockett’s ‘Design Features’

There is...a sense in which [productivity], displacement, and duality...can be regarded as the crucial, or nuclear, or central properties of human language.

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Messages can refer to things remote in time and space, or both, from the site of the communication.

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Duality of patterning

At every level: elements and combinatorics

• Sounds combine into syllables and morphemes

• Morphemes combine into words• Words combine into phrases and sentences• Sentences combine into

turns or paragraphs• Turns combine into

conversations• Paragraphs combine into


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Elements + combinatorics =

Productivity (creativity)• New vocables• New words• New sentences• New meanings

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Elements + combinatorics =


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Language has special properties

General• Parity• Mutability• Universality• Tacitness

Conceptual• Displacement• Duality of patterning

• Elements and combinatorics

• Productivity

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Humans have special properties

Humans are wired for language• Hardwired (anatomical)

• Throat, mouth, lips• Ear• Motor, auditory cortex• Language areas

• Softwired (conceptual)• Displacement• Duality of patterning• Productivity

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Any questions?

• Humans are built to accommodate language• Language has some special properties that

shape us as humans