engineering notebook 2014-2015

FTC Team: #7750 Mechanical Maniacs’ 0 Mechanical Maniacs FTC #7750

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engineering notebook for FTC team Mechanical Maniacs #7750


FTC Team: #7750Mechanical Maniacs

Engineering notebook:

Table of ContentsSummaryTeam.... Team Biographies.RobotBill of Materials.. Design.. Outreach. Team events...Kick-off.Benson bot... ______ Tournament..Outreach at the Elementary school....Fundraiser..Journal of Meetings..1st Meeting 2nd Meeting3rd Meeting4th Meeting5th Meeting6th Meeting7th Meeting8th Meeting9th Meeting10th Meeting11th Meeting12th Meeting13th Meeting14th Meeting15th Meeting16th Meeting17th Meeting18th Meeting19th MeetingBonus meetings 1st bonus meeting 2nd bonus meeting 3rd bonus meeting . 4th bonus meeting 5th bonus meeting.. 6th bonus meeting.. 7th bonus meeting.. 8th bonus meeting.. 9th bonus meeting.. 10th bonus meeting.. 11th bonus meeting.. 12th bonus meeting.. 13th bonus meeting.. 14th bonus meeting..Business...Acknowledgments Team Number 7750

Summary:Intro:Hello! We are Mechanical Maniacs or M&Ms for short. This is our rookie year in FTC, but we have done two years of FLL as a team, not to mention the years of experience that some members had before joining. Our team consists of eight members: Gracie, Aidan, Grant, and Isaac, Josiah, Warren, Randy and Phinehas. We have our own Facebook page ( and website ( There you can see our history and find out more about us! We are aspiring towards being the top alliance captain and getting the Inspire Award! GO TEAM GO!Planning: Before the season started we had plans for what the robot should look like and how it should work. We noticed that an arm seemed very useful and that not many teams use an arm, thus we built a robot with an arm that could be modified for virtually any mission! At the kickoff we learned the challenge and decided to go with the scoop design for our arm.A new member!

Team:Lead Notebook Designer and Social Media producer: RandySecondary notebook designers: Gracie, Aidan, Grant, Josiah, Warren, and Isaac.Team organizer and Social out reach Producer: GracieMain robot designer: JosiahRobot engineers: Grant, Randy, Warren, and Aidan, Gracie, Josiah, Phinehas, and Isaac.Main programmers: Isaac, Aiden, Grant, and Josiah.Tools manager: Warren!Rules Meister: Isaac!

Team Biographies:

6 Mechanical Maniacs FTC#7750 My name is Colette Van Hattem & I am the coach for Mechanical Maniacs. But I have a confession to make I am NOT a technical minded person AT ALL. I have homeschooled my 5 children & have lead Dog 4H (well actually my daughter did, but I am not big on details) & Robotics 4H (Actually I get A LOT of help from my very good friend Linda Koontz & my son is a Jr. leader that actually can help the other kids with their questions). The bulk of what I do is direct/remind the kids what they need to do & what the parameters are. As well as give a place to make it happen. That is why I am thankful for FIRST & ORTOP, which encourages parents & adults to be involved even if they do not know anything about technology. If I had to be a technical person I would miss out on seeing the kids learning & having fun with hands on Science. Robotics has stretched me in ways I would never have known for which I am thankful. Left to my own I would rather be quilting, scrapbooking, reading, or taking pictures.7Every solution has a problem.The FTC coachs manual Colette

GrantThe Road goes ever on and on Down from the door where it began. Know far ahead it as gone, And I must follow if I can, pursuing it with eager feet, Until it joins some larger way Where many paths and errands meet. And whither then? I cannot say. ~Bilbo Baggins J.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring.

7Age 15 Hobbies: Robotics, Airsoft, Guitar, Photography, LacrosseFavorite food: Pizza, Burgers, BBQ, Apple pie, CoffeeI joined Robotics because I was interested in furthering my knowledge of building and programming robots. I was given an NXT kit as a gift and was interested in building and programming with it, but I did not have enough knowledge to do much, other than what LEGO gives instructions for. Thanks to FIRST I have learned how to program with Robot-C and I now know how to build better robots both with LEGO and Tetrix. I have really enjoyed getting to know my teammates and Working with them. 8

Hi! my name is Gracie and I am a sophomore at Elkton High School. I am 15 and I enjoy softball, music, math, and engineering. I am an independent research student in our science department. Im advanced in computer technology and programming, and I love learning everything about music. Ive been in robotics since I was 10 and enjoyed making robots and learning how to build radios with my grandfather. I watched NASA half of my life and enjoyed going to space camp and being head commander of both missions we were trained on in Alabama. I love public speaking and business work including talking to business managers and being President of the Elkton Future Business Leaders of America. I also enjoy art including painting, sketching, and sculpting. And that is all about me! Gracie

Lack of courage to live and to cope with difficulties does not change the outcome of the journey or the reward at the end. ~Thich Quang Duc89

AidanThere is no great genius without a mixture of madness. ~Aristotle

9Hi I am 12 and I love robots and have always been interested in computers. I like video games and I think it would be fun to make one (Im still learning how!) and then publish it. I like sports such as basketball, baseball, ice hockey, and bowling. I joined robotics because I think they [robots] are very cool and can do an unlimited amount of things if I use my imagination! 10

IsaacMy name is Isaac and I am 13. I am homeschooled and in eighth grade. I like robotics because my father is an engineer and I like playing with robots. I also like playing sports and building stuff. My favorite hobbies are fishing and hiking.

10It is the working man who is the happy man. It is the idle man who is the miserable man. ~ Benjamin Franklin11


To tell you about how I learned and started FTC or robotics I have to go back to when I was young, around 6 or 8. Ever since I can remember I built and played with Legos. I learned how to make parts move and constructed many things. I also liked making things able to move like they should, instead of looking right all the time. One day I was at fair and I saw a robotics team with RCX kits letting people build with them, trying to get people excited about robotics. We stopped by and I looked and handled the parts. I imagined what I could build with gears, motors and the parts that were there. That year I joined the team, but it was too late for me to do FLL that season, however, I did build a robot that I called The singing, dancing, robot. That year I saved up for an NXT of my own and the year after I joined FLL. Next year I built a Singing, dancing, waving robot, for fair, that knew three dances and would do them for certain colors. I worked on it for 2 years and this year I had a 4wheel drive, independent suspension, 4wheel steering, realistic monster truck which I called IRMT that I entered into fair. I did FLL for 3 years and now I am doing FTC. I joined Robotics because I always loved building and programming robots. I will never stop building robots of some sort. I plan on doing full time car mechanics when I grow up for a while. Then I will become an inventor

11Impossible means no one ever put enough effort to make it possible. ~Unknown 12

12I am 16 years old. I have done FLL for 6 years. This year the team is moving into FTC for me, because I am too old for FLL. I love the challenge FIRST provides! I am doing FTC as part of my dream to pursue technology in creative new ways. I have been homeschooled my entire life, and currently I am training to fix computers. Someday I want to work for NASA, or a private space company like Space X! A true sign of intelligence is not Knowledge, but imagination.~Albert Einstein13Randy


13Dont judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant. ~Robert Louis Stevenson Hello my name is Warren. I am 14 and I love working with animals. I have two dogs and lots of goats and sheep. I like robotics because it is giving me a basic understanding of engineering. I like being in a team and working towards a goal with friends. 14



FTC robot Bill of Materials: FTC Robot Bill of Material

Team Number: 7750

Part DescriptionGame Rule / Forum Reference

QTY 1 Plywood Game Manual Pt 1:

QTY _ Bolts, nutsGame Manual Pt 1:

QTY 5/16-18 x 1in hex bolts & nutsGame Manual Pt 1:

QTY _ 1/15 in Insulated copper wireGame Manual Pt 1:

QTY _ #8 x 1/2 lath screwsGame Manual Pt 1:

QTY 1 1in x 1/16in x 36in angle aluminumGame Manual Pt 1:

QTY 1 sheet PlexiglasGame Manual Pt 1:

QTY 1 3/4in x 1/16in x 36in angle aluminumGame Manual Pt 1:

QTY thread lockGame Manual Pt 1:

QTY1 silicone caulk Game Manual Pt 1:

QTY Electrical Tape Game Manual Pt 1:

QTY 11 Pop Rivets Game Manual Pt 1: QTY 1 Rubber Band Game Manual Pt 1:

QTY VelcroGame Manual Pt 1: QTY 2 rolls Red and Black Duct Tape Game Manual Pt 1: QTY 1 roll Scotch tape Game Manual Pt 1:

Robot design and build:The chassis:As Main designer, Randy asked me to tell the life story of our robot. When we had just started meeting, before the FTC year began, I had a plan on how the robot would work and how it would look. I didnt sketch it out until we started meeting and talking about it. Before the build year began we already had a plan for our robot! It was going to have a chassis in the center of the robot that would have the powered drive wheels. The robot body would be supported by four floating Omni-wheels. The chassis in the middle would be able to turn separate from the robot allowing it to move in any direction. Here is a drawing by me and one by Randy.These move the robot forward.

And there is a motor on top that rotates this.

Forward: Spinning:We discarded this idea because if the need arose we would not be able to turn the body of the robot, and there were some other design flaws, for example, this design would have been difficult to build. We thought we would have had to have a lot of 3D printed parts so that the shoulder of our arm could stand the stress of pulling up. This is because the shoulder was the only thing holding the arm to the frame. It would have been difficult to use, we thought. We tried a design I came up with when Randy wanted a unique chassis that would give an edge on the competition.

We thought that wood would be easier to use then the aluminum parts, but we found out that it was heavier. I put holes in the wood to make it lighter, I asked my dad and put them in places that would not weaken the strength in the places that we needed it. When Grant and I started to build the frame of the chassis we found that it cracked when we screwed into it. To say the least we decided to use aluminum for the frame and put wood on the top because we needed a thin, long, wide sheet for it. We later found out that it would not go up the ramp. So we chucked that one and Grant said Why dont we go with my simple design? And I said, What design? He said, The one on PTC Creo. I said, I never got my PTC Creo up to see it, (it was on Facebook.) He said, Well, it is a simple 6 wheel drive chassis with a chain. I thought about it and liked it, but then I saw a problem. If we drove to the middle of the ramp it would tip back and forward because of the wheels in the middle. So I said, That is a good idea but there is one problem, and I say that a lot, because it is easier to see a problem with some one elses idea. We found out that it was a great idea if we just made it 4 wheel drive. So that was our chassis design, simple but effective. That was our chassis for our First Tournament (for the most part). When we got there we found out that they sprayed anti static spray on everything which also increases traction. Our robot could not turn because of that!!! Thus we changed our chassis design right there and then. We took it apart and put motors on all wheels and reprogrammed it. The more power caused it to slip more but it wasnt turning very well. At our first match we programmed it different, then we wired it (we were still wiring when we got to the On deck table). We began to tear up the mat and we put down the controls and did nothing. This was because our motors were fighting each other. Thus after reprogramming, we changed from 18th to 10th place in 2 matches. Then, after the tournament, Isaac and Warren took it apart because we wanted to be ready if they spray on that stuff for this Tournament. We had two different ideas, one I came up and one Grant came up with. Grants: Josiahs:

Forward: Side to side: Spinning:Grant and I built our ideas and then the other team members got to see them move. After that they judged them and decided. They voted on mine because they liked the idea of being able to go side to side. But Grants was a good idea too. This is how mine works.

The scoop: We built this scoop after the Kick-off using sheet metal.This we attached to our arm. Later we found out that It could pick up blocks, but it threw them out whenwe raised the elbow. Thus we built one with a top. After our First Tournament we found that it wouldbe better to have a clear scoop, allowing us to see theblocks. We came up with a mechanism that helpsus pick up blocks faster. You might ask why does itlook like swiss cheese? We needed to lighten thebucket so the Servos would not have to work so hard, thus we drilled holes in the scoop.

The Skeleton of the arm:Designing the Skeleton of the arm was simple. Wrong! I thought it was going to be simple. At the very beginning we built the Skeleton for the arm. The skeleton was not the kind I have seen in most FTC robots. It was much longer, wider, thicker and more complex then most. It has a shoulder, elbow, and wrist. It weighed around 7 pounds. If our arm gets hit with another arm ours is not going to break. There is a problem with our skeleton part of the arm; it is huge. That is what we had at our First Tournament. After the Tournament we changed the Skeleton completely. We took it apart and made a smaller and lighter Skeleton. It weighs around 6 pounds now, and does not flex as much in the bicep or shoulder mount area. But it still has three pivot points.

The wrist;

It also has two hooks right near it to hold on to the pull up bar. The wrist is actually really simple. It has two servos connecting to the bucket like this.

The elbow;We put the motor on the elbow and geared it 120 to 16 but then changed it so it would not stick out so far without gearing it any different, by putting two size 82 teeth together like this which Isaac and Adian did. It is a standard pivot where one gear moves the other gear which is attached to the moving part (which in this joint is theforearm).The shoulder;The shoulder was vary hard to build as stable as we needed it. We geared it the same ratio as the elbow and surprisingly it lifted up but it also would grind some of the teeth on the Gears. I designed the shoulder joint in a way that was different to most joints. The gear at the pivot point was not connected to the bicep, it was connected to the shoulder mount like this. When the motor tries to turn the gear, it lifts the arm instead.

Grant said that it was not geared, because it did not turn the gear it rotated around the gear. Thus when we put sprockets instead of the gears we just used 16 to 16 size sprockets. Then, I thought about it and asked my dad about it, and he said any time you gear, it does not matter what kind of joint it is it still gears it. We only had size 16 sprockets so; when we tried to raise our arm it could not do it. We thought we could not raise the flag or pull up, but then Mrs. Koonzes team, the Absent Minded Geniuses, gave us 2 size 24 sprockets. I geared it and tried again and burned out the shoulder and elbow motors because they did not have enough power. I thought we were doomed, but my dad looked it over and asked, Whats wrong? I said, I just burned out 2 motors. He said, What! How could you do that? I said, What do you mean? It is not that hard to burn out motors. He said, You mean to tell me they dont have fuses on the motors? I said, What? Do you mean you can have fuses in there to protect the motors? And so, I learned about fuses. We ordered fuse protected motor wires, and some 32 teeth sprockets to gear the shoulder more so it could lift the arm easier, and also 2 motors (which again was not strong enough). That was our First Tournament. Later Isaac and Warren took the arm apart. Then we changed the way we mounted it so it was more stable. And we also changed the gearing to 240 to 16 which made the motor 15 times as strong as it normally would be. See below for pictures.


Main Mount:

Main Mount: Side mounts:

Outreach:Social Media:We have multiple social media outreaches. We have two Facebook pages, one for our friends and family and one for other teams. We also have a website and a Pinterest board. is about us as a team and is designed to help friends, family, and/or fans to keep up with us. We also have, which is a Facebook page with the hope of helping other teams. The idea is that it is of FTC teams, for FTC teams and done by FTC teams. Several other teams have come along side us to help us in this endeavor! Our teams page, was started by me, Randy. I started it in July of 2012. It soon became the biggest page that I had been a part of. In 2013 Gracie and I entered it as a media project into the Douglas County Fair. We currently have 143 Likes which is the number of followers we have. Though we only have 143 people who have Liked us, I estimate that more then a thousand people have seen at least one post by us! Many of our posts have reached upwards of 200 people who have seen it!Our website was started by Gracie, but we were unable to publish it. I did not know what was going on with it, so I took over. I made a new website with the same platform ( I made it the exact same, word for word. Then I published it earlier this year. They dont tell us exactly how many people have visited our page total, but on one day we had 80 people visit! Currently one can view our website at We hope to buy our own domain name someday, but for now we use After our first tournament we had an idea. We built another Facebook page! This one is for other FTC teams. It is This page we invited other teams to be administrators for. Right now team Duct Tape from Florida, greased lightning team 3888, Alpha Gear and FTC team 2844. This page has 200 Likes It is only a couple months old! We would like to invite any other team to help out with it! We also have a Youtube channel, but its not much to talk about: At the moment we also have a Pinterest board which can be viewed at In the future, we hope to join other media channels, possibly: twitter, pinterest, and/or flicker.Team events:Field trip 3/19/14:Randy: We went on an amazing field trip on Wednesday! We got to tour Roseburg Forrest Products! Based in Dillard, they are a large forrest products company. While we were there we got to talk to a team of engineers about what they do. They gave a presentation to start. Each engineer talked a little bit about when they were younger, and how when they were kids like us they enjoyed taking things apart to find out how they work. It was awesome how much alike this team of engineers was to us! They explained how the machines that we were going to see worked, they talked about different motors, and sensors. We learned about different kinds of projects and an upgrade that they are going to put in soon. We learned about how they are automating more and more of the system. We learned about some very applicable physics that we can use in calculations for our robot! About friction and gravity, fuses and electrical fail safes. Thank you Roseburg Forrest Products!!!!!!!!!!! Warren: Josiah:Phinehas:Grant: Isaac:FTC Kickoff _____

We learned what this years Challenge would be and we talked to a bunch of teams about FTC and got fired up for this year!~Randy

Benson Bot Fest 10-12-13 Saturday 9-12

Team reflections:Randy:Josiah:

1-25-14 Tournament: Team reflections:Randy: Warren: Isaac:Grant: Josiah

School outreach:

Randy: Today we went to the Sutherlin elementary school and showed a class of first graders a few robots. We also asked the principle about doing a Jr. FLL team at the school next year! I am exited!Grant: It was really fun being able to do the outreach today. We got to talk to the class about Jr. FLL and robotics. They seemed really excited and I hope thy will be able to start building their own robots.Josiah: We talked to some first graders to get them exited about Jr.FLL.And some of the team might be coaching them next year not for sure yet but we are hoping!!Isaac: I enjoyed showing the kids our robots. It was great to see that they were as excited as I was about robots. I built that alligator up in the picture, and the kids truly enjoyed all the features and aspects.Fundraiser/outreach:Josiah: Randy:

Journal of meetings:M&Ms; 1st meeting date: ______Friday 1:00-3:30Tasks:Reflections:

Team reflections: Randy: Initials: __R.D._ Date: _12-20-13_12-21-13___

M&Ms; 2nd meeting date: ______ Friday 1:00-3:30Tasks:Reflections:

Team reflections: Randy:

Initials: _R.D._ Date: _12-20-13__12-21-13_

M&Ms; 3rd meeting date: 9-27-13 Friday 1-3:30TasksReflections

Edited 9-27-13 RLD 11-1-13 RLD

M&Ms; 4thmeeting _____ Friday 1:00-3:30 PMTasks:Reflections:

Edited 11-1-13 RLD

M&Ms; 5th meeting 10-11-13 Friday 1:00-3:30 PMTasks:Reflections:

Team reflections:Josiah:Randy:Warren:Aidan:G.B.

Edited by RDEdited: Date:__

M&Ms; 6th meeting 10-18-13 Friday 1-30 PMTasks:Reflections:

Team reflections: Warren: this Josiah:

Initialed: ____R.D.__ Date: ____10-25-13Edited: by J.V.H Date: __1-19-14

M&Ms; our 7th meeting; 10-25-13 Friday 1-3:30Tasks:Reflections:

Team Reflections:Aidan: Grant:!

Edited: by J.V.H Date: __Initialed: _RLD_ Date: Edited: RLD

M&Ms; our 8th meeting; _____Friday 1-3:30Tasks:Reflections:

Team reflections:Aidan: Today Grant: Hello Warren: There Josiah: Edited by RLD on 11-1-13Edited: by J.V.H Date:__1-19-14_

Picture added 11-18-13 by R.D

M&Ms; 9th meeting 11-8-13 Friday 1:00-3:30 PMTasks:Reflections:

Team reflections:Aidan:Josiah:Warren:Grant5Initials: RD Dates: 11-8-13 and 11-16-13M&Ms; 10th meeting 11-15-13 Friday 1:00-3:30Tasks:Reflections:

Team reflections: RandyJosiah: Initials: _RD_ Date: _11-15-13___ Edited: by J.V.H Date:__1-19-14

M&Ms; 11th meeting date 11-22-13 Friday 1:00-3:30 or 2:30-4:30 for members in MT!Tasks:Reflections:

Team reflections:Randy:Josiah:Initials: _R.D.__ Date: _11-22-13 __

M&Ms; 12th meeting date 12-13-12* Friday 1:00-3:30Tasks:Reflections:

Team reflections: Randy:GrantEveryone IsaacWe painted Aidan WarrenJosiah:

Initials: _R.D.___ Date: _12-13-12____

M&Ms; 13thmeeting date:12-20-13Friday 1:00-3:30Tasks:Reflections:

Team reflections: Josiah:

Initials: _R.D.__ Date: _12-20-13___

M&Ms; 14th meeting date 1-3-14 Friday 1:00-3:30Tasks:Reflections:

Josiah: It

Initials: __R.D_ Date: _1-3-14 _Edited: by J.V.H Date: __1-19-14

M&Ms; 15th meeting date 1-10-14 Friday 1:00-3:30Tasks:Reflections:

Team reflections: Grant5~ ~JosiahGoals for next meeting: ~JosiahInitials: _R.D.__ Date: __1-10-14 __

1st Bonus meeting! Date: 1-16-14 Thursday 1:00-3:30Tasks:Reflections:

Team reflections: G.B.Randy:WarrenJosiah: Initials: _R.D_ Date:1-16-14 Edited by J.V.H Date:1-19-14

M&Ms; 16th meeting date1-17-14 Friday 1:00-3:30Tasks:Reflections:

Team reflections: Aidan IsaacWarrenG.B.Josiah: Goals for next meeting: Initials: _R.D__ Date: _1-17-14___

2nd Bonus meeting date 1-18-14 Saturday 1:00-3:30Tasks:Reflections:

Team reflections:Randy warrenIsaac: Josiah:

Initials: _R.D__ Date: __1-18-14 __

3rd Bonus meeting date 1-18-14 Saturday 1:00-3:30Tasks:Reflections:

Team reflections:Randy: This Warren: Isaac: Josiah: Grant: Initials: _R.D.__ Date: _1-18-14 __

4th Bonus meeting date 1-22-14 Wednesday 1:00-3:30Tasks:Reflections:

Team reflections:Randy: Isaac: Josiah: Grant: Initials: _R.D.__ Date: _1-18-14 __

5th Bonus meeting date 1-23-14 Thursday 1:00-3:30Tasks:Reflections:

Team reflections: Josiah: Isaac: GrantRandy:

6th Bonus meeting date 1-29-14 Wednesday 1:00-5:30Tasks:Reflections:

Team reflections: Isaac: Warren: Rand:

R.D _1-29-14 _

17th meeting date 1-31-14 Friday 1:00-3:30Tasks:Reflections:

Team reflections: Warren: Isaac: Gracie: Grant: Josiah: R.D _1-29-14 _

7th Bonus meeting date 2-2-14 Wednesday 1:00-3:30Tasks:Reflections:


Randy: .


R.D _2-2-14 _

8th Bonus meeting date 2-5-14 Wednesday 1:00-3:30Tasks:Reflections:

Team reflections: Isaac: Randy: Warren: Josiah

R.D _2-5-14_

18th meeting date 2-7-14 Friday 1:00-3:30Tasks:Reflections:

Team reflections: Isaac: Grant: Warren: Gracie: Randy: Josiah: R.D _2-7-14 _

9thbonus meeting date 2-8-14 Wednesday 1:00-4:00Tasks:Reflections:

Team reflections: Isaac: Randy: Josiah:

Goals for next meeting: R.D _2-8-14 _

10th bonus meeting date 2-10-14 Monday 1:00-4:30Tasks:Reflections:

Team reflections:JosiahIsaac: Randy:

R.D _2-2-14 _

11th Bonus meeting date 2-5-14 Wednesday 12:45-5:00Tasks:Reflections:

Team reflections: Isaac Randy: Grant:

R.D _2-2-14 _

12th bonus meeting date 2-12-14 Wednesday 1:00-3:30Tasks:Reflections:

Team reflections:Randy: JosiahR.D _2-2-14 _

13th bonus meeting date 2-19-14 Wednesday 1:00-3:30Tasks:Reflections:

Team reflections: Isaac: Grant:Josiah:

J.VH. _2-19-14 _

14th bonus meeting date 2-20-14 Thursday 1:00-3:30Tasks:Reflections:

Team reflections: Randy: Isaac: Grant: WarrenJosiah: R.D. _2-20-14 _

19th meeting date 2-21-14 Friday 1:00-3:30Tasks:Reflections:

Team reflections: Isaac: Randy: Warren: Grant: JosiahR.D. _2-20-14 _

Business Plan:This year we want to raise all of the money that we will need before the FTC season Begins. I say Begins because we will be preparing for it all year! We will be doing many fundraisers and ask many businesses in order to achieve this. We hope to apply for a couple grants as well. Our fundraisers will likely include a car wash, hauling plants and cleaning up after a lamb show. ~Randy 3-21-14

Club Expenses: Date Cost Expenses Total Expense: Club Income:Date amount IncomeTotal income: $2,295

Grand Total: Fundraising goal: $2,000Currently: $Edited: --------------------------------------------3-21-14 R.D.Last edited: --------------------------------------3-21-14R.DAcknowledgments:We definitely need to thank our helpful coach, Mrs. Van Hattem, who encourages us in every way! Josiahs father Mr. Van Hattem who helped us build the field. Randys Grandfather, John Sisson, who is a Small Business Developer. He helped me when I was floundering wondering what do I put in here for a Business plan? We most cant forget The Absent Minded Geniuses! They have helped us figure out programming issues, they gave us tips on our Engineering notebook, they helped us trouble shoot our robot, and encouraged us in our move from FLL to FTC! Anytime we have an issue its always Call Mrs. Koonze! Also Team Duct Tape really encouraged us with our website and Facebook! Montieth donated $50! The Sutherlin Dominoes donated pizza cards from which we have raised over $100!!! We cant forget to thank FIRST for their generous Rookie Grant And most generous Murdock grant. Ben Serafin Fund Grant Sylvia Killeby generously Donated $50 us and Read our blog or check out our website!Anonymous donated $500!!! 58 Mechanical Maniacs FTC #7750