engaging everyone in complex changeorganizationdesignforum.org/wp-content/uploads/...that guide...

LIBERATING STRUCTURES Engaging Everyone in Complex Change Lisa Kimball [email protected] ATLANTA April 24, 2012 ODF 1 Plexus InsKtute www.plexusinstitute.org

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Structure of Speed Networking

1.  Space – Open – Standing face to face

2.  Participation – Everybody at once and

at the same time + equal time for all

3.  Configurations – Pairs – Strangers preferably

4. Time allocation – 2 minutes per person – 3 rounds

5. Conceptual Framework – 1 issue question – 1 solution question

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1.  Space:physicalarrangements2.  Par<cipa<on:whoisincluded,how,

whenandhowmuch3.  Configura<ons:sizesandcomposiKon

ofgroups4.  Timealloca<on:Kmespentineach

configuraKon5.  Conceptualframework:aconcept,a


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•  SciencethataJemptsto:– UnderstandandexplainthebehavioranddynamicsofsystemscomposedofmanyinteracKngelements

– Uncovertheprinciplesandprocessesthatexplainhoworder,changeandinnovaKonemergeinthesesystems

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•  ScienKstsbelievedthefuturewasknowablegivenenoughdatapoints

•  DissecKngdiscretepartswouldrevealhoweverything‐‐thewholesystem‐‐works

•  Phenomenacanbereducedtosimplecause&effectrelaKonships

•  TheroleofscienKsts,technology,&leaderswastopredictandcontrolthefuture

•  Increasinglevelsofcontrolovernaturewouldimproveourqualityoflife

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•  Inscience– thesearchforthebasicbuildingblocks

•  Insociety– Thewholeisnomoreornolessthanthesumofparts,sofocusontheparts(e.g.funcKons,detailedplans,disciplines)

– OrganizaKons,healthsystemsandpeopleareimplicitlyviewedasmachines(ormachineparts)

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Simple Complex

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Embedded Systems

Adaptable Elements Self-Organization

& Emergence

Order & Disorder


Diversity Distributed Control

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Theappearanceofcontrolisalwaysanillusion.– GaylePergamit&ChrisPeterson

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Confusionisawordwehaveinventedforanorderthatisnotyetunderstood.– HenryMiller

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4% known to top leaders

9% known to middle managers

74% known to supervisors

100% known to the front line

Internationally acclaimed study conducted by Sidney Yoshida, initially presented at the International Quality Symposium

Action unleashed @ the front line

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•  Widensthecircleofinvolvement•  Involvesthewholesystem•  Increasescommitmentandenergy•  Connectspeopletoeachotherandtoideas•  Generatesbe_ersoluKons•  CreatescommuniKesforacKon•  TurnsmeeKngsintoworkingsessions•  SpeedsupimplementaKon

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→  Same people →  Same incentives →  Same organizational structure →  NEW CONVERSATIONS

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•  Fullyautonomous

•  Unconnected•  Unstable


•  DiverseorUniform

•  Randomgrowth

Polite Conversation

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•  Largelydependent•  Connectedbypower/


•  Fixedrela=onships•  Uniform

•  Growthfromcenterout

Facilitated, Bureaucratic Talk

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•  Largelyautonomouscontribu=ons

•  Connectedbysimplerulesthatguidelocalrela=onships

•  Diverseanduniformpar=cipa=on

•  Growthfromanypointinanydirec=on

•  Orderarisesoutoflocalinterac=on&conversa=on

Messy, Loose, Complex & Creative

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•  Whatdoyouknow/thinkabout________?

•  WhatdoYOUdoabout______________?•  WhatkeepsyoufromdoingthatalltheKme?

•  Who/Wherehaveyouseenovercomethosebarriers?

•  Whatotherideasdoyouhaveaboutremovingbarriers?(orsupporKngdesiredbehavior)

•  Whathastohappennexttomakethathappen?

•  Whowilldowhatwhennext?

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•  StoriesversusPPT•  Listening,Silence•  BigQuesKons•  Improvising•  Diversityofformats:


•  Focusonpurpose•  InviKngparKcipaKon,


•  Rapidlearning&prototypingcycles

•  Feedbackloops•  Networkweaving•  InnovaKvewaystoharvest

output•  Naturalenvironment•  Movement,Fun•  Socialelements,mixing


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Liberating Structures Some examples of an expanding, adaptable mash-up of open source methods

1.  Appreciative Interviews 2.  Agreement / Uncertainty Matrix 3.  Creative Destruction via TRIZ 4.  Wicked Questions 5.  Min Specs 6.  Chunking via Rapid Prototyping 7.  Improv 8.  15% Solutions 9.  Open Space Technology 10.  Ecocycle Sifting & Gathering 11.  Panarchy: Cross-Scale Change 12.  Conversation Café Dialogue 13.  Discovery & Action Dialogue 14.  Wise Crowds Group


15. Smart Network Mapping 16. Generative Relationships 17. Purpose-To-Practice Design 18. Scenario Planning Critical

Uncertainties 19. Impromptu Speed Networking 20. 1-2-4-Whole Group 21. Troika Consulting 22. Fishbowl Sessions – “What I

Need From You” 23. Celebrity Interview 24. 5 Whys & 10 Hows 25. Storyboarding Agendas 26. Positive Deviance


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Attributes of LS Methods What Other Methods Come To Mind?

•  Simple & fast to learn •  Requires very little

explanation or theory •  Draws out insight from

interaction •  Works with groups, units,

or the whole organization •  Focuses attention on

relationship patterns •  Minimally structured for

maximum liberation •  Generates surprises &

novelty without central control (light coordination only)

•  Invites seriously-playful participation

•  Appeals to people in diverse roles

•  Generates very short- and long-term results

•  Illuminates an edge or paradoxical territory

•  Identifies and builds on assets that exist now

•  Invites inclusion & more diverse voices

•  Works with internal and external customers

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LiberaKngStructuresWorkshop•  30+differentmethods•  SingleorganizaKon:alllayers

together,toptobo_om•  Communitywithshared

interests•  Ideal2.5days+2daysof

coachingsessions•  ExperienKal,“tryitNOW”•  Intense,RapidCycles•  Fun,Seriously!•  ComplexityTheory–li_leor

none,adjustabletointerests•  Focusonrealchallenges,


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TypicalWorkshopAgendaDAY I – 8:30am-5:00pm DAY II – 8:30am-5:00pm DAY III – 8:30am-1:30pm

Welcome and Purpose [] Impromptu Networking Quick Rounds of Conversation With “Strangers” [20] [] Introducing LS and Purpose [] Appreciative Interviews Creating Momentum by Building On and Designing With “What Works Right Now” [45] twist: flip a problem into an appreciative search for solutions [] Agreement)(Certainty Matching Matrix Matching Simple, Complicated, & Complex Approaches to Specific Challenges [30] self-reflection, then pairs, then place challenges on BIG wall chart. Group review. [] Ecocycle Planning Engaging Groups in Growing and Sifting Their Portfolio of Activities [60] What do you notice about the distribution? Any surprises in the Poverty or Rigidity Traps? [] 15% Solutions Noticing and Using the Influence, Discretion and Power Individuals Have Right Now Twist: move one challenge (from the Ecocycle) forward with a 15% Solution, then Troika consult [] Lunch [] Making Space with TRIZ Designing a Perfectly Adverse System to Make Space [45-60] Themes: important customer or patient interaction [] Flocking CAS [15] How do innovations spread? [] Work-In-Progress Group Consultation Tapping the “Wisdom of Crowds” To Solve Problems Together [60] Possibilities: a big launch, coordination across silos or boundaries, a chronic/messy problem [] Design Party Debrief Session Reflecting on Your Design-In-Progress and Making Adjustments-As-You-Go (what? so what? now what? among a small group in the front of the room… link to ladder of inference) [] Social Time and Dinner Together

[] Conversation Café Dialogue Making Sense of and Forming Consensual Hunches about Big Challenges [60] Themes: using LS in your work… [] Graphic StoryBoarding Illustrating a Design Process for Key Meetings [10] [] Wicked Questions Framing a Paradoxical Challenge That Engages Everyone’s Imagination [30] Link to Café: how can we confidently use Liberating Structures without knowing what will unfold? [] Positive Deviance: Discovery & Action Dialogue Self-Discovering Solutions To Big Challenges Hidden Right Before Your Eyes [60-90] Theme: effective meetings or… [] Min Specs/Simple Rules Unleashing Innovation & Action by Specifying only “Must-do’s” & “Must-not-do’s” [30] Start with why, why, why… to clarify purpose, then sift activities. Theme to be selected… [] Smart Networks Weaving Social Connections and Informal Networks To Develop & Advance Practice [20] draw personal maps by hand, review SmartMaps, then Webbing: who do you go to for expertise… inspiration… permission?... [] Lunch [] Work-In-Progress Group Consultation Tapping the “Wisdom of Crowds” To Solve Problems Together [60] recruit 2nd storyteller, focus on consulting skills [] Chunking, User Research, Prototyping Tapping Tacit and Latent Knowledge in Seriously-Playful Rapid Cycles [80] Improv theme: difficult conversation with key client or peer [] Design Party Debrief Sessions Reflecting on Your Design-In-Progress and Making Adjustments-As-You-Go [20] [] Social Time and Dinner Together

[] Open Space Technology Liberating Inherent Creativity and Leadership In Large Groups with an Action-Orientation [120] Application of Liberating Structures to an important challenges for ABC organization [] Generative Relationships Understanding Patterns in Relationships that Create Surprising, New Sources of Value Pick a key group you are in right now and apply the STAR self-assessment… then action steps. [] Mad Tea Party Paired Self-Reflection in Fast Cycles [20] in Spanish, English, Swedish, and Portuguese. Use when energy gets low. [] Lunch Together and Closing

Optional “improv” activities & simulations: • Flocking CAS • Webbing or CoPs • Leader/Follower F L O W • Blocking/Accepting Offers ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Day IV and V • One-to-One Coaching Sessions as requested • Post Workshop design debrief

Workshop Objectives ~ Experience how Liberating Structures transform interactions with your peers, students, patients ~ Begin preparing next steps for ongoing use in everyday practice with customers, peers, and suppliers ~ Discover how Liberating Structures are congruent with the emerging sciences of complex and/or biological systems

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•  ExperienKallearningwithaminimalamountof“telling”andamaximumofself‐discovery

•  MethodsareintroducedandwovenintointeracKonsaroundkeychallengesselectedbyparKcipants

•  Wedrawoutandbuildonthedirectexperienceofeveryoneintheroom

•  Goal:Everyonewalksoutthinking,“Icandothismyself!”

•  WesearchfortheminimumstructuretoliberatethemaximuminnovaKon

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Power in Combining Elements!

Immersion in a large # of simple self-organizing methods

A mix of top, middle & front line participants (+ customers) Invitation to try many

simple methods to your challenges immediately

Focus on complex challenges that require diverse participation to make progress

Rapid cycles jointly shaping solutions & insights in-the-moment

One on one coaching to launch immediate use in local context

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Why So Many, So Fast?

• Every person is likely to find two or three LS they like and want to start using. (A few people will find many)

• LS are modular. They can be mashed-up and spur new inventions very quickly.

• Participants see patterns across the LS and gain confidence with experience.

• Quickly using them demonstrates LS are forgiving. You can get great results without tight fidelity.

• Rapid cycles show that ideas/answers come from many sources and levels, not all from the top.

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•  SciencethataJemptsto:– UnderstandandexplainthebehavioranddynamicsofsystemscomposedofmanyinteracKngelements

– Uncovertheprinciplesandprocessesthatexplainhoworder,changeandinnovaKonemergeinthesesystems

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Complex Adaptive Systems

((( Murray Gell-Mann ))) The Quark & the Jaguar

((( Stuart Kaufmann ))) At Home in the Universe

((( John Holland ))) Emergence

((( Brian Arthur ))) Increasing Returns

Chemistry Ilya Prigogine, Order Out of Chaos

Sociology Robert Alexrod, Complexity of Cooperation

Meteorology Edward Lorenz, The Butterfly Effect

Physiology Ary Goldberger, Cardiac Research

Physics David Bohm, Wholeness & the Implicate Order

Computer Science Christopher Langton

Mathematics Mandlebrot, Fractals

Socio-Biology E.O. Wilson Consilience

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•  ScienKstsbelievedthefuturewasknowablegivenenoughdatapoints

•  DissecKngdiscretepartswouldrevealhoweverything‐‐thewholesystem‐‐works

•  Phenomenacanbereducedtosimplecause&effectrelaKonships

•  TheroleofscienKsts,technology,&leaderswastopredictandcontrolthefuture

•  Increasinglevelsofcontrolovernaturewouldimproveourqualityoflife

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•  Inscience– thesearchforthebasicbuildingblocks

•  Inmanagement– Thewholeisnomoreornolessthanthesumofparts,sofocusontheparts(e.g.funcKons,disciplines)

– OrganizaKonsandpeopleareimplicitlyviewedasmachines(ormachineparts)

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• StudyofComplexAdap<veSystems(CAS)– Pa_ernsofinteracKonswithinthem

– Outcomesthatemergefromthem

– Howsystemsactuallybehave,nothowwethinkorexpectthemtobehave

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•  Systemimplies:

– MulKpleAgents– AgentsareInterdependentandConnected

•  Compleximplies:

– Diversity– ManyElements– LargeNumberofConnecKons

•  Adap<veimplies:– CapacitytoAlterorChange

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•  Embeddedness:EachCASmadeupofotherCASandispartof(embeddedin)alargerCAS

•  Diversity:ACAShasmanydifferentelements.ThisenablesaCAStochange





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•  DistributedControl:InaCAScontrolissharedbymanyelements,ratherthancentralizedinasinglecommandcenter

•  CoexistenceofOrderandDisorder:InahealthyadapKvesystem,orderanddisordercoexist

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•  BecauseCASareNonlinear,asmallchangemayproducealargeeffect,oralargechangemayproduceasmallornoeffect

•  InabilitytoPredict:Outcomesareunpredictable

The Butterfly Effect

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•  Emergence:InaCASoutcomesemergethroughaprocessofSelf‐Organiza<onratherthanthroughcentrallyplannedordirectedprocesses

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‐  DivisionChief,USArmyCadetCommand


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“I didn’t think we were going to be able to pull together so many different departments that had not been at the same meeting before without spending hours making presentations to explain what we were all doing. I was amazed that we just got right to work! By the end of the day we were on the same page and had a way forward on things it would have taken us weeks of meetings to accomplish.”

- Program Manager, DC Office of the State Superintendant of


The process designs come from theories and principles about self-organization, diffusion of innovation, and change.

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NO•  Bestprac<cesimported

•  Top‐down,outside‐in

•  Deficitbased“What’swronghere?”

•  Technical,analy<c“expert”training

•  “Mountain‐top”personaldevelopment

•  Buy‐inandalignmentstrategiestoovercomeresistanceinsub‐groups

YES•  Self‐discoveryingroups

•  Down‐up,inside‐out

•  Assetbased“What’srighthere?”

•  Simplemethodsformundane&sublimechallenges

•  Personaldevelopmentwithinacomplexsocialmilieu

•  AJrac<ngandinvi<ngownership+unleashingthewisdomofdiversecrowds