energy spectra in quantum fluid turbulenceyoshida.kyo.fu/paper/ya-jltp2006.pdfenergy spectra in...

Energy Spectra in Quantum Fluid Turbulence Kyo Yoshida and Toshihico Arimitsu Department of Physics, Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba, 1-1-1 Tennoudai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8571, Japan Reprint of J. Low Temp. Phys. 145, 219—230 (2006). The original publication is availiable at The Gross-Pitaevskii equation describes the dynamics of quantum fluids such as superfluids and Bose-Einstein condensates. Numerical simulations of turbulence obeying the Gross-Pitaevskii equation with forcing and dissipa- tion are performed. The interaction energy spectrum obeys the scaling law E int (k) k -3/2 , which is consistent with the weak turbulence analysis. How- ever, in contradiction to the assumptions in the weak turbulence analysis, it is found that the density fluctuation is not small and that the frequency spec- trum does not have narrow peaks. Another possibility to explain the scaling law is discussed. PACS numbers: 47.27.Gs, 47.37.+q, 67.40.Vs 1. INTRODUCTION Dynamics of low-temperature superfluids and Bose-Einstein conden- sates are described by the Gross-Pitaevskii (GP) equation 1,2 (also called the nonlinear Schr¨ odinger equation), i¯ h ∂t ψ = - ˆ ¯ h 2 2m 2 + μ ! ψ + g|ψ| 2 ψ, (1) under a certain approximation. Here, ψ := h ˆ ψi is the order parameter, the average of a boson field ˆ ψ, m is the mass of the boson, μ is the chemical potential, and g is the coupling constant. The chemical potential μ may be related to n := |ψ| 2 by μ = g n where the bar ¯ denotes the spatial average. Equation (1) may be interpreted as the equations of motion for fluid with density ρ and velocity v by the use of Madelung’s transformation ψ = p ρ/m e with v := (¯ h/m)ϕ. Here, we call the fluid quantum fluid.

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Page 1: Energy Spectra in Quantum Fluid Turbulenceyoshida.kyo.fu/paper/YA-JLTP2006.pdfEnergy Spectra in Quantum Fluid Turbulence KyoYoshidaandToshihicoArimitsu Department of Physics, Graduate

Energy Spectra in Quantum Fluid Turbulence

Kyo Yoshida and Toshihico Arimitsu

Department of Physics, Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences,

University of Tsukuba, 1-1-1 Tennoudai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8571, Japan

Reprint of J. Low Temp. Phys. 145, 219—230 (2006).

The original publication is availiable at

The Gross-Pitaevskii equation describes the dynamics of quantum fluids such

as superfluids and Bose-Einstein condensates. Numerical simulations of

turbulence obeying the Gross-Pitaevskii equation with forcing and dissipa-

tion are performed. The interaction energy spectrum obeys the scaling law

Eint(k) ∝ k−3/2, which is consistent with the weak turbulence analysis. How-ever, in contradiction to the assumptions in the weak turbulence analysis, it

is found that the density fluctuation is not small and that the frequency spec-

trum does not have narrow peaks. Another possibility to explain the scaling

law is discussed.

PACS numbers: 47.27.Gs, 47.37.+q, 67.40.Vs


Dynamics of low-temperature superfluids and Bose-Einstein conden-sates are described by the Gross-Pitaevskii (GP) equation1,2 (also calledthe nonlinear Schrodinger equation),


∂tψ = −



2m∇2 + µ


ψ + g|ψ|2ψ, (1)

under a certain approximation. Here, ψ := 〈ψ〉 is the order parameter, theaverage of a boson field ψ, m is the mass of the boson, µ is the chemicalpotential, and g is the coupling constant. The chemical potential µ maybe related to n := |ψ|2 by µ = gn where the bar ¯ denotes the spatialaverage. Equation (1) may be interpreted as the equations of motion forfluid with density ρ and velocity v by the use of Madelung’s transformationψ =

ρ/m eiϕ with v := (h/m)∇ϕ. Here, we call the fluid quantum fluid.

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K. Yoshida and T. Arimitsu

The quantum fluid is in some aspects different from the conventionalclassical fluid which obeys the Navier-Stokes equations. For example, thequantum fluid has no vorticity ω := ∇×v wherever v is defined, i.e. ρ 6= 0,and the vorticity must be concentrated in lines where ρ = 0. The circulationsaround such lines are quantized due to the uniqueness of the phase ϕ up tomodulus of 2π. On the other hand, circulation can take an arbitrary valuein classical fluid.

In spite of such differences between quantum and classical fluids, ithas been known from recent studies that there are some similarities betweenquantum and classical fluid turbulence. It is well accepted from experiments3

and direct numerical simulations4 that the energy spectrum E(k) in the ho-mogeneous and isotropic classical fluid turbulence at high Reynolds numberobeys Kolmogorov’s k−5/3 law within some accuracy. Recent experimentsof turbulence in superfluid phase of liquid 4He are showing some evidencethat the energy spectrum obeys the same Kolmogorov’s k−5/3 law5,6. TheKolmogorov energy spectrum is also observed in numerical simulations ofthe GP equation7–9. These experimental and numerical results suggest thatthere is an energy cascade process not only in classical fluid turbulence butalso in quantum fluid turbulence.

Details of the cascade process and the turbulence statistics should de-pend on the governing equation, especially on the form of its nonlinear terms.In order to investigate the cascade process and the statistics in quantumfluid turbulence in detail, we performed numerical simulations of homoge-neous and quasi-isotropic turbulence obeying the GP equation with forcingand dissipation. In this paper, we will report some results obtained from thesimulations.


For the sake of convenience in the numerical simulation, we introducea normalization, x := x/`, t := (gn/h)t, ψ := (1/

√n)ψ, which yields a nor-

malized GP equation,


∂t= −ξ2∇2ψ − ψ + |ψ|2ψ, (2)

with ξ := ξ/` where ξ := h/√2mgn is the healing length, and ` is an

arbitrary unit length scale. In the following of this paper, we will deal withthe normalized variables and the normalized equation (2), and the tilde ˜will be omitted.

The density field and the velocity field of the quantum fluid are given byρ := |ψ|2 and v := 2ξ2∇ϕ, respectively, in the present normalization. The

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Energy Spectra in Quantum Fluid Turbulence

density fluctuation is given by δρ := ρ− ρ, where ρ = 1. Note that when ψis almost uniform and its relative fluctuation from the mean is small, i.e.,

ψ = ψ0 + δψ, |δψ| ¿ |ψ0| = 1, (3)

Eq. (2) admits the wave solution δψ ∝ ei(k·x+Ωkt) with the dispersion rela-tion,

Ωk = ±ξk√

2 + ξ2k2, (4)

where k := |k|.In the numerical simulation, we apply periodic boundary conditions

with periods 2π in each of three directions in the Cartesian coordinates forsimplicity. Under these boundary conditions, it is convenient to introducethe Fourier space representation of (2),

∂tψk = −iξ2k2ψk + iψk − i




+Dk + Fk, (5)

where the Fourier transform of an arbitrary function f(x) and its inverse aregiven by

fk :=1


dxf(x)e−ik·x, f(x) =∑



with k = (k1, k2, k3), k1, k2, k3 = 0,±1,±2, · · ·. In (5), a dissipation term Dkand a forcing term Fk are added to the original equation (2).

The dissipation term Dk should originate in the interaction between ψand the fluctuation, δψ := ψ − ψ, which is neglected in (2). We may expectthat the dissipation term mainly acts in a high wavenumber range and thatsome statistics of ψ in the inertial subrange are insensitive to the detailsof the dissipation mechanism. In the present study, we will not discuss thedissipation mechanism further and use a Laplacian type model,

Dk = −νk2ψk, (6)

for simplicity. In the present study, we will focus our interest on the wavenum-bers smaller than ξ−1. Note that the typical time scale of the dissipation isgiven by τd(k) = ν−1k−2 and that the waves with wavenumber k may be ef-ficiently dissipated when τd(k) < Ω−1

k . Hence, ν ∼ ξ2 implies that the modeswith k > ξ−1 are efficiently dissipated and that the modes with k < ξ−1 areless influenced by the artificial dissipation. We put ν = ξ2 in the presentsimulations.

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K. Yoshida and T. Arimitsu

Due to the dissipation term Dk, the mean density ρ is not conservedany more and decays with time. In order to achieve a statistically quasi-stationary state, it is necessary to pump the density. The pumping is intro-duced by amplifying low wavenumber modes, i.e., Fk is given by

Fk =

αψk (k < kf )0 (k ≥ kf )

, (7)

where α is determined at every time step so as to keep ρ almost unity.It may be worthwhile to mention here that Kobayashi and Tsubota8

(hearafter KT) introduced a different type of dissipation and forcing in theirnumerical simulation of GP turbulence. The equation in their simulation isgiven by

h(i− γ∗) ∂∂tψ = −



2m∇2 + µ(t)


ψ + g|ψ|2ψ

+W (x, t)ψ, (8)

where γ is a function whose Fourier transform γk is given by γk = γ0(k >2π/ξ), γk = 0(k ≤ 2π/ξ), and ∗ denotes convolution, The time-dependentchemical potential µ(t) is introduced to conserve ρ. The system is forcedby the random potential W (x, t) with a large correlation length L0 À ξ.The term with γ induces a corresponding dissipation term Dk which is nota linear function of ψk but a nonlinear function of ψk′ where k

′ may be anarbitrary wavevector.

Let us introduce the statistical quantities which will be investigated inthe present study. The kinetic and interaction energy density per unit mass,Ekin and Eint, respectively, are given by

Ekin :=1


dxξ2|∇ψ|2 =∑


ξ2k2ψ2k, (9)

Eint :=1


dx(δρ)2 =∑


|(δρ)k|2, (10)

where V is the volume of the domain. The kinetic energy Ekin can be dividedinto three parts,

Ekin = Ewi + Ewc + Eq, (11)

Ewi :=1


dx|wi|2, Ewc := 1


dx|wc|2, Eq := 1




w :=1√2ξ

√ρv, (13)

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Energy Spectra in Quantum Fluid Turbulence

Table 1. Parameters in the numerical simulations.

N kmax ξ ν(×10−3) kf ∆t ρ

RUN128 128 60 0.05 2.5 2.5 0.01 0.998RUN256 256 120 0.025 0.625 2.5 0.01 0.999RUN512 512 241 0.0125 0.15625 2.5 0.01 0.998

and wi and wc are, respectively, incompressible and compressible parts ofw, i.e., w = wi +wc,∇ ·wi = 0, and ∇×wc = 0. In contrast to the moreconventional decomposition

√ρv =


√ρvc, the present decomposition

w = wi + wc, which was introduced in Ref. 10, has the advantage of notinvolving a mixed compressible-incompressible energy.

Energy spectra associated with the energies Ekin, Eint, Ewi, Ewc, andEq are defined by

Ekin(k) :=∑


ξ2k′2|ψk′ |2, Eint(k) :=∑


|(δρ)k′ |2, (14)

Ewi(k) :=1



|wik′ |2, Ewc(k) :=1



|wck′ |2, (15)

Eq(k) :=∑


ξ2k′2|(√ρ)k′ |2, (16)


k′=k denotes the summation with respect to k′ over the shell k −1/2 < |k′| ≤ k + 1/2.


3.1. Set up

We performed the numerical simulations of (5) by using an alias-freespectral method. A 4th-order Runge-Kutta method is used for the timemarching. We performed three simulations which will be denoted by RUN128,RUN256, and RUN512. Parameters in the numerical simulations are listedin Table 1, where N is the number of grid points along each of the Carte-sian coordinates in real space, kmax is the maximum wavenumber, and ∆t isthe time step. The healing length ξ is the smallest length scale of interestin the present study. We employed a criterion kmaxξ ∼ 3 in order that thelength scale ξ is resolved in the simulations. The initial fields of RUN128 andRUN256 were given by |ψk| = Ck2 exp(k2/k2p) with random phases, wherekp = 2 and C is determined from the constraint ρ = 1. The initial field of

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K. Yoshida and T. Arimitsu








0 5 10 15 20 25t






Fig. 1. The time evolution of the energies E, E int, Ekin, Ewi, Ewc, and Eq

in RUN512.

RUN512 is a statistically quasi-stationary state of RUN256 (t=20). Most ofthe results presented in this paper are those from RUN512.

3.2. Energies and Energy Spectra

The time evolution of the energies E := E int + Ekin, Eint, Ekin, Ewi,Ewc, and Eq in RUN512 are given in Fig. 1. Each energy is nearly constantin time after an initial transient period. One can see from the figure thatEint occupies 85% of the total energy E. The remaining 15% is Ekin whichconsists of Ewi, Ewc, and Eq. The energy Ewi is about 40 times smallerthan Ewc. Energy spectra Ekin(k), Eint(k), Ewi(k), Ewc(k), and Eq(k) inRUN512 at t = 24 are shown in Fig. 2. The scaling of Ewi(k) is not clearlyobserved. These results are in strong contrast to those of the numericalsimulation in KT, in which Ewi is about 4 times larger than Ewc and theKolmogorov spectrum Ewi(k) ∝ k−5/3 is observed.

Possible origins of the discrepancy between the results in the presentstudy and in KT are the difference in the forcing and the dissipation appliedto each simulation. We may suppose that the forcing is more responsible forthe difference in the energy ratio Ewi/Ewc, since the forcing mainly acts inthe low wavenumber range, i.e., the energy containing range, whereas thedissipation mainly acts in the high wavenumber range. The present resultEwi ¿ Ewc, Eint suggests that the forcing Fk of the form (7) scarcely injectsenergy into Ewi. Note that Ewi(k) is smaller than Ewc(k) not only in the

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Energy Spectra in Quantum Fluid Turbulence









1 10 100k




Ekin(k) Eint(k)

Eint(k) (RUN256)









1 10 100k



Fig. 2. Energy Spectra in RUN512 at t = 24. Ekin(k) and Eint(k) in thetop figure, and Ewi(k), Ewc(k), and Eq(k) in the bottom figure. E int(k) inRUN256 at t = 20 is also given in the top figure.

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1 10 100k

slope k-1/6k3/2 Eint(k)

Fig. 3. Compensated Energy Spectrum k3/2Eint(k) in RUN512 at t = 24.An arbitrary constant line and the slope k−1/6 are given for reference.

low wavenumbers range but also in the high wavenumbers where the forcingis not directly applied. This suggests that the coupling between wi andwc is weak and that the energy is not efficiently transfered from Ewc toEwi. Hence, we may conclude that the scaling of Ewi(k) is not observed inthe present simulation because the turbulence is moderately developed withrespect to wi due to the scarce injection and transfer of energy to wi.

Comparison between KT and the present study suggests that energyspectra in the inertial subrange are not universal, i.e., they depend on theforcing applied outside the inertial subrange. If this is the case, it is ofinterest to investigate how the inertial subrange statistics is affected by theforcing.

Let us analyze the turbulence statistics for the present case further. Asshown in Fig. 2, it is found that E int(k) ∝ k−3/2 and Ekin(k) ∝ k4/3 in awavenumber range kf ∼< k ∼< ξ−1 of RUN512. For a closer inspectionof the scaling exponent of E int(k), the compensated spectrum k3/2Eint(k) isplotted in Fig. 3. The slope k−1/6 which corresponds to E int(k) ∝ k−5/3 isgiven for reference in the figure. The figure shows that the slope of E int(k)is closer to k−3/2 rather than k−5/3.

The scaling Eint(k) ∝ k−3/2 is consistent with the weak turbulence anal-ysis by Dyachenko et al.11. The basic assumptions in the weak turbulenceanalysis are that the fluctuation of ψ from its mean is small, i.e. Eq. (3),

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0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9








0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3




Fig. 4. Probability density function of ρ = (left) and ρ1/2 = |ψ| (right) inRUN512 at t = 24.

and that ψ is approximated by an linear combination of waves with thedispersion relation (4).

3.3. Density field

The assumption of the weak turbulence analysis |δψ| ¿ |ψ0| implies|δρ| ¿ ρ. Let us examine the density field ρ in order to check whether theassumption is valid.

Probability density functions of ρ and√ρ = |ψ| are given in Fig. 4

where the samples are taken over grid points in the real space. The figureshows that ρ (= 1) and δρ are typically of the same order of magnitude. In


(δρ)2 = 1.05. The fluctuation δρ seems to be not small enough forthe weak turbulence analysis to be justified.

Figure 5 shows the low density region ρ < 0.0025 in the real spaceof RUN512 at t = 24. Note that |δρ| ¿ ρ is violated in the low densityregion. Some parts of the low density region have filament-like structure.It is expected that there are quantized vortex lines inside the structure.The filament-like structure resembles the structure of intense vorticity regionobserved in direct numerical simulations of classical fluid turbulence. (See,for example, Ref. 12.)

3.4. Frequency Spectrum

The validity of the weak turbulence assumption may be tested moredirectly, in comparison to the density field analysis, by examining the fre-

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Fig. 5. Low density region ρ < 0.0025 in RUN512 at t = 24. The whole(2π)3-domain is displayed.

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0 5 10 15 20



ω / Ωk



Fig. 6. Averaged frequency spectrum Ψk(ω) in RUN256.

quency spectrum Ψk(ω) introduced by

Ψk(ω) :=

|ψk,ω|2 + |ψk,−ω|2 (ω 6= 0)|ψk,ω|2 (ω = 0)

, (17)

where ω = 0,∆ω, 2∆ω, · · · , (M/2)∆ω, ∆ω := 2π/T , T is a time interval,∆T is a time increment of the time sequence data, M := T/∆T , and ψk,ω

is the Fourier transform of ψk(t) with respect to t, i.e.,

ψk,ω :=1

∫ t0+T

t0dt ψk(t)e

−iω(t−t0). (18)

In the weak turbulence analysis, ψk is approximated by a wave, i.e.,ψk ∼ ei(k·x+Ωkt) with (4). Such an approximation may be appropriate when|ωk − Ωk| ¿ |Ωk| and ∆ωk ¿ |Ωk|, where

ωk := C−1k


∆ω ωΨk(ω), (19)

∆ωk :=



∆ω (ω − ωk)2Ψk(ω), (20)

Ck :=∑


∆ω Ψk(ω). (21)

Figure 6 shows averaged frequency spectra Ψk(ω) for some wavenumbersk in the scaling range E int(k) ∝ k−3/2 of RUN256 (See Fig. 2). We used data

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from a lower resolution simulation, RUN256, since a long time period dataof RUN512 was not available. We put T = 102.4, ∆T = 0.1, t0 = 20 and theaverage is taken over 4 wavevectors, (0, k, 0), (0,−k, 0), (0, 0, k), (0, 0,−k). Itis found that the spectrum Ψk(ω) is not localized around |Ωk|. Typically,ωk ∼ ∆ωk ∼ 4Ωk. We may conclude that the present case is outside thescope of the weak turbulence analysis.


Although the scaling E int(k) ∝ k−3/2 which is consistent with the weakturbulence analysis is observed in the present numerical simulation of GPequation, it turned out from the analysis of the density field and the fre-quency spectrum that the basic assumptions of the weak turbulence analysisis not satisfied. Therefore, it is difficult to justify the application of the weakturbulence analysis to the present case.

Then, a question arises how the scaling E int(k) ∝ k−3/2 can be ex-plained. Note that the introduction of a wavenumber-dependent time scaleτ(k) = Ω−1

k ∼ (ξk)−1 is crucial to the derivation of E int(k) ∝ k−3/2 in theweak turbulence analysis. An alternate possible scenario is that the nonlin-ear effect is not so small as assumed in the weak turbulence analysis andthat the wavenumber-dependent time scale τ(k) ∼ (ξk)−1 is introduced asthe correlation time scale, i.e., the time scale of decorrelation due to thenonlinear effect, not as the time scale of the oscillation of the waves.

For classical fluid turbulence, the correlation time scale may be in-troduced by closure approximations such as the direct interaction approx-imation (DIA)13, the abridged Lagrangian history direct interaction ap-proximation (ALHDIA)14, or the Lagrangian renormalized approximation(LRA)15,16. DIA deals with the Eulerian correlation time scale, while AL-HDIA and LRA deal with the Lagrangian correlation time scale. ALHDIAand LRA derive the Kolmogorov spectrum E(k) = CKε

2/3k−5/3 up to theKolmogorov constant CK with ε being the energy dissipation rate, while DIAfails to do so. This implies that one has to choose an appropriate time scalein order to derive the correct energy spectrum. It would be interesting toapply methods similar to DIA, ALHDIA, or LRA to the GP equation andto examine the scalings of the correlation time scale and the energy spectra.This is left for future study.

It is difficult to compare the results of the present GP turbulence simu-lation directly with those of the experiments of superfluid turbulence (e.g.,Refs. 5,6), since (i) the scaling of Ewi(k) is not observed in the present sim-ulation, and (ii) to our knowledge, E int(k) or related quantities are not mea-

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sured experimentally in superfluid turbulence. The reason for (i) is probablythat the forcing in the present simulation injects little to Ewi of the system,as was discussed in Sec. 3.2.. With regards to Ewi, the forcing used in thesimulation in KT, yielding the Kolmogorov spectrum for Ewi(k), might bemore relevant to the experiments than the present simulation. As for E int,we cannot conclude how much the present simulation is relevant to the exper-iments at present. It would be interesting to measure E int(k) experimentallyin superfluid turbulence and to compare it with the present result.


K.Y. is grateful to S. Nazarenko, M. Kobayashi, and M. Tsubota forstimulating discussion during the workshop on ‘Universal features in turbu-lence: from quantum to cosmological scales’ in Warwick Turbulence Sym-posium. The DNSs were performed on a Fujitsu HPC2500 system at theInformation Technology Center, Nagoya University. This research is par-tially supported by Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B) 17740246 fromMinistry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology of Japan,and by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) 17340117 from the JapanSociety for the Promotion of Science.


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