endnote x5 manual 2011

EndNote X5 - introduction Page 1 EndNote X5 An Introduction

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EndNote X5 - introduction Page 1

EndNote X5 – An Introduction

EndNote X5 - introduction Page 2


1. Opening an EndNote library 4

2. Adding and deleting references 7

3. Searching your EndNote library 13

4. Importing references from online databases 16

5. Using Direct import from an online database 17

6. Importing text files into EndNote 24

7. Checking for duplicate references 30

8. Finding the full text for a reference 32

9. Cite While You Write (CWYW) 33

10. Output styles 41

11. Unformatting citations 49

12. The Traveling Library 51

13. Creating separate bibliographies 53

14. Removing field codes 54

15. Glossary 55

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EndNote is one of a range of software packages designed to help researchers keep track of

their bibliographic references. You can compile all your references to books, articles,

websites, etc. into a single database. Exeter also has a licence for Reference Manager,

which is a similar piece of software. There are a number of free referencing software tools

that you may prefer to use.

EndNote is designed for use with Microsoft Word, so that you can use the “Cite While You

Write” (CWYW) facility as you create a document. This can then be used to generate

citations and bibliographies in a wide range of citation styles, such as Harvard, MHRA, etc.,

as well as the preferred styles for over 4,500 academic journals. Because it is widely used,

many of the major databases to which we subscribe, including ISI Web of Science,

Business Source Complete and EBSCO, allow you to export citations directly into EndNote

in your preferred bibliographic style. A range of referencing styles are used within the

University, so please check your subject handbook for the preferred style for your


The program is constantly being upgraded. EndNote X5 can be bought for individual use

from the Software Office for £68. Log on to the IT Self Service Portal

(http://as.exeter.ac.uk/it/helpdesk/selfservice/), click on the Request IT Service link and click

Software, choose EndNote from the drop-down list, and then follow the on-screen


Help screens are available within EndNote as you use it; click on Help at the top of the

screen to search for detailed help on specific aspects of the program. The EndNote website

http://www.endnote.com/ includes excellent online tutorials and a guided tour. The

EndNote Tutorial, Guided Tour and Help are useful sources of help. They are supplied with

the software, in the electronic manual (endnote.pdf) in the EndNote folder. On cluster PCs

this can be found by going to Start > All Programs > Microsoft Office > EndNote X5 >

EndNote Manual or EndNote Help. In some clusters, Endnote is not found under Microsoft

Office, but has its own folder – you will see this when you click on All Programs.

The Library's EndNote pages give details of courses available and useful links.


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1. Opening an EndNote library

An EndNote library is a collection of references, each containing the information required to

create a bibliography.

As you start to manage your own references you are recommended to store them all in a

single library to avoid the problems of duplication or misreferencing. There is no limit to the

number of references you can create in an EndNote library, although it is recommended

that you do not exceed 100,000.

When you open EndNote, you will be asked whether you would like to create a new library,

or open an existing one. To create a new library, just give it a file name and save a copy as

an .enl file. If you are working on a University cluster, remember to save it to your University

filespace (U drive) rather than the C drive, otherwise you will lose it when you log out.

EndNote comes with a sample library, to practise on. To open it, look in the program files

for EndNote, locate the Examples folder and double click on the file named


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Open the file Sample_Library.enl. Your screen should look something like this:

As this screenshot shows, when you first open a library with EndNote, you will see a Library

window made up of three different panes: the Reference List pane, the Tab pane, and the

Groups pane.

The Reference List pane is the main list of references, which occupies the largest

area of the screen.

The Tab pane at the bottom of the screen displays a Preview tab, to view formatted

references, a Search tab to enable you to search through your references, and a

PDF & Quick Edit tab allowing you to view and annotate PDF files in your library

and edit a selected reference in your library without having to open the record. If you

want to view the References in full screen, click on Hide Tab Pane in the bottom

right of the screen; click on Show Tab Pane to open it again.

The Groups pane on the left of the screen shows subsets of your library of

references, saved for easy retrieval. It contains several types of groups: Automatic

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groups (e.g. All References and Trash); My Groups; Online Search; EndNote Web;

and Find Full Text.

Automatic groups provide information about the number of references in your

database (All References) and contents of the Trash folder, where deleted entries

are stored until you close EndNote down. You can also create Custom Groups,

depending on the categories used in your references.

This pane also allows you to connect directly to Online Searches: if you have an

Internet connection open you can link your searches directly to EndNote. For more

details of this facility you should refer to the online manual provided as part of the

EndNote package.

This tutorial only covers the desktop version of EndNote; for details of EndNote Web,

the online web version, refer to the manual.

Find Full Text allows you to search for the full text of the document you are


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2. Adding and deleting references

The EndNote library works in the same way as a library catalogue – to retrieve the

references you need you can use the standard tools, such as author/title details, journal

titles or subject keywords. When adding new references it is important to include as much

information as you have available at the time as this will save work later.

To enter a new reference, go to References > New Reference, or use Control +N, or click

the button. This opens a New Reference window; this is shown below, with the

different fields listed on the left (more fields can be found by scrolling down).

By default, a new reference appears as a Journal Article reference; this determines the

fields that are displayed. If you wish to add another type of reference, e.g. a book or

conference paper, select it from the drop-down list.

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Adding bibliographic information

You do not need to enter data into every field; however, to ensure that your bibliography

displays correctly in your work, you should make sure that key fields are completed. These

will vary depending on the type of reference, and may include:

Author, Year published, Title of article, Title of journal, Volume, Issue, Pages.

Fill in as many fields as you can or are likely to need. Some of the most important are:

author’s name, including initials or first names

title of article, chapter, book

journal citation or publishing details, inc. ISBN or ISSN and page numbers

alternate title (e.g. standard abbreviations of journal titles, etc.)

keywords - these are particularly important in retrieving your references.

note fields can also be useful to record your comments on a source or the location if

you have found it in a particular library.

URL or website NB: in most referencing systems it is important to include the date

you looked at a website, as documents published on the internet are likely to move

or disappear without warning.

If you want to link to the full text of an article, it is often worth inserting the DOI

(digital object identifier) as this acts as a stable URL which will find the text on many

electronic journal services.

Adding the names of authors

When you are entering author details and keywords into a new reference, it is very

important to be consistent – this will make your Library easier to search as the number of

references grows!

Autocomplete allows you to be consistent in entering details in the appropriate fields for

author names, journal titles or keywords. When you enter text into one of these fields,

EndNote finds the first matching term and suggests it as the term to enter. The suggested

text appears highlighted after the cursor. Continue typing until EndNote suggests the

correct term, and then press enter to accept it.

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You can also check entries for consistency as you go by pressing the keys Control +1. Just

scroll up and down to see if an author’s name already appears in your Library. When you

enter details of a new author, their name will appear in red. When you save the reference,

the term will be added to your EndNote list and will no longer display in red.

If your article has several authors, enter each name on a separate line – just hit Return to

start a new line.

For corporate authors (organisations or official bodies) put a comma at the end of the name

so that it is treated in the same way as a surname, e.g. European Commission,

Adding your own keywords

It is a good idea to add your own keywords when you enter references. This will make your

library easier to search, particularly as it gets larger. Although citations imported from

bibliographic sources will often include subject words, they may not be the ones you would

have chosen yourself.

Keywords should be entered in the Keywords field. You can enter multiple keywords,

separated by a semi-colon (;). DO NOT use a full colon (:) as the EndNote program will

treat it as part of the word.

You can press Control +1 to select a keyword from the term list of keywords already in

your EndNote library, in order to maintain consistency.

Adding Notes

The Notes field may be used to enter your own comments about a book or article, such as

its usefulness or relevance or even the location for your own personal use (Library, your

office, your bookshelf at home, under the bed…). A separate field is available for Research

notes, if you need it.

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Adding URLs and links to documents

You can link a reference to a URL (web address) or to a document in PDF or other format.

To link to a URL, type or paste a valid URL into the URL field. The URL becomes a

hyperlink (blue and underlined). To open the link go to References > URL > Open URL to

launch a Web browser and take you to the site.

If you want to link to the full text of an article, it is worth inserting the DOI (digital object

identifier) where one is available. This is a stable URL which will find the text on many

electronic journal services.

To link to a PDF document in the File Attachments field, go to References > File

Attachments > Attach File. In the dialogue box, select a file to link to the reference.

The file dialogue includes a check box “Copy this file to the default file attachment folder

and create a relative link”. Select the check box to copy the original file and place the copy

in the DATA\PDF folder that is part of your EndNote library; this means that the file is a

portable link that moves as part of the library. Deselect the check box for EndNote to use

the complete path and filename to look in the original folder for the inserted file.

Note: With the latest version of EndNote (X5) you can view and annotate PDF files in your

library using the new PDF & Quick Edit tab. To attach a PDF file to the reference highlight

the reference and place your cursor inside the PDF & Quick Edit screen. Click the paper

clip icon, and then select Attach PDF from the menu. Select a PDF file and click Open to

insert the file into the reference. As before make sure the check box next to “Copy this file

to the default file attachment folder and create a relative link” is selected. The floating

toolbar within the PDF Viewer Pane will allow you to save and print the PDF, add a sticky

note, highlight text and search the PDF. To save the PDF file, navigate away from the

current reference by clicking on another reference in the library list.

Saving references

References can be saved simply by closing the edit screen. Do this by clicking the close

button (the lower x in the top right of the screen; make sure you don’t close the main

screen!), or selecting File > Close Reference.

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If you close EndNote while reference windows are open, the references are closed and

saved automatically.

Editing references

To edit an existing reference, open the reference and make the necessary changes. You

will be prompted to save the changes when you close the reference.

Alternatively you can use the PDF & Quick Edit Tab in the Tab Pane. Highlight the

reference in the list, choose a field then edit or add information. You will be prompted to

save the changes when you change to another reference unless you choose to dismiss this


Deleting references

Move the selected references to the Trash group, using one of the following methods:

Go to References > Move References to Trash

Drag the selected references and drop them on the Trash group.

The deleted references will be removed from your active library but can still be reinstated by

dragging them back from the Trash group. When you are certain that you want to delete the

references that you have moved to Trash, click on the Trash group in the Groups pane on

the left of the screen, then go to References > Empty Trash.

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Exercise 1: Entering a New Reference

Enter the following journal article reference, using the fields indicated:

Author - Select the following authors from the author term list:

Morehouse, S.I.

Tung, R.S.

Enter your own name as the third author, using this format:

Smith, Peter B.

Year - 1993

Title - Statistical evidence for early extinction of reptiles due to the K/T event

Journal title - Journal of Paleontology

Volume number - 17

Issue number - 2

Pages - numbers 198-209

Keywords - statistical; extinction; reptiles (separate each keyword from the next with a


Finally, look through the fields in the Journal Article reference type and see which would be

most useful to you.

Close the reference; it will automatically be saved (make sure you don’t close the main


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3. Searching your EndNote library

It is important to be able to retrieve your references for future use. The search facilities are

similar to those used in most online catalogues.

Quick Search

Use the Quick Search box on the main toolbar at the top of the screen to quickly search

the whole library. Just enter a word or phrase in the search box and press Enter. EndNote

will carry out a general search of all fields.

Search Tab

If you need to carry out a more specific or complicated search, click on the

Search tab in the Tab pane.

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Enter the search term(s) you want to use in the search box and specify which field to look

in. A drop-down box provides a range of options, including author, title, keywords and any

field. The default is to find entries which Contain your search terms but this can be altered

to Is or a number of other possibilities; similarly Boolean operators allow you to select:

And (to search for all selected search terms

Or (to find either of your search terms)

Not (to exclude a search term)

Click on Control +1 to browse the list of terms used in all the main fields (e.g. author,

keyword, journal title, etc.).

The search results are listed in the Reference List pane; the number of references found is

shown in the Search Results group on the left, and is also displayed in the bottom left of

the screen.

The whole library will automatically be searched unless you specify otherwise. If you don’t

want to search all the references in your library, select one of the Custom Groups from the

left hand pane.

To return to the main list click on All References in the Groups pane.

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Exercise 2: Searching an EndNote library

Click on the All References group, then click on the Search tab in the Tab pane.

1. Leaving the field as Any Field, search for the term Fossils.

How many references have you found?

2. How many references are there with Billoski as author, and with the keyword


3. How many references were published in 1999 and later? [TIP: Select Year and Is

greater than or equal to]

4. Leaving the fields as Any Field, find out how many references to dinosaur do not

mention extinction. [TIP: Use the Boolean operator Not]

5. How many references with paleontology in Any Field were published in 2004?

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4. Importing references from online databases

There are several ways to enter references into EndNote, other than by manually typing

them; this can save a great deal of time if you find a lot of useful references. If you have

completed a search using an online database such as ISI Web of Knowledge, it is often

possible to export your references directly into EndNote. This option is not available in all

databases. Some databases require text files or filters. These will be treated later on. For

an example of Direct Export from a database go to the next page.

Databases which allow direct export into EndNote include:

EEBO (Early English Books Online)

Historical Abstracts

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers

IBSS (International Bibliography of the Social Sciences)

ISI Proceedings

ISI Web of Knowledge

ISI Web of Science

LISA (Library and Information Science Abstracts)

PsycINFO (psychology and related disciplines)

and these Electronic journals services:

Annual Reviews Inc. (sciences)

Business Source Complete (business, economics, management)

Cambridge University Press

EBSCO EJS (the main link to electronic journals)


JSTOR (archive of full text journals in all disciplines)

Oxford Journals Online

Project Muse (humanities and social sciences)

PsycARTICLES (American Psychological Association journals)



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5. Using Direct Import from an online


This section describes the basic steps required to import references from the online

databases and electronic journals that support direct import into EndNote.

NOTE: these steps may differ slightly in each database; exercise 3 will allow you to practise

the method employed in ISI Web of Knowledge.

Directly importing references into EndNote

With your EndNote library open, open an Internet browser, and log on to the

Electronic Library from the Academic Services home page at:


Choose Databases or Electronic journals and scroll down to the database you

want to use.

As an example, select Business Source Complete and enter "sustainable tourism"

as your search terms.

Select a few references and click on Add to Folder underneath each entry

Click on Folder View on the right of the screen, or the Folder link at the top of the

screen, reselect the entries you want to save and click on the export icon:

Choose the option Direct Export to EndNote, ProCite, CITAVI, or Reference

Manager and click on Save.

Choose EndNote from the popup window, though if EndNote is the only reference

management software you have installed, it may skip this and automatically open


Select the EndNote library you would like the references to be added to (use

sample_library.enl unless you have already set up your own file).

Note that if you already have EndNote open, the references will be imported straight

into the library that you used last.

Initially, only your imported references will be shown in the Reference List pane.

NOTE: this procedure varies between databases.

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Adding keywords and notes to a batch of references

You may wish to take this opportunity to add keywords or notes for future reference or

searching (e.g. the date and the source where you found the references) to your imported

references, before merging them into your EndNote library. By using the Change and

Move Fields option, you can add notes as a batch, rather than individually.

Ensure that only the references you want to change are showing in the Library

window. These may be newly imported references or the results of a search that

you have carried out.

Go to Tools > Change and Move Fields.

Choose the field, e.g. keywords, that you want to modify and choose one of the

Change options. For example, Insert after field’s text will add your text to any that

is already in that field. Type the text to be added in the text box.

It may be useful to tick the Include a space before the new text box, to include a

space between the new and existing text.

TIP – use a semi-colon (;) to separate keyword entries, and start your entries with a

semi-colon too, so your first term will be separated from any others already in the


Remember that this global update operation cannot be undone in a single process,

although each reference can be changed individually. You will therefore be asked to

confirm before continuing. If you are in any doubt it may be worth making a backup version

of your Library before proceeding.

To view the whole library again, click on All References in the Groups pane.

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Exercise 3: Using Direct Import from an online database

For this example, the citation database ISI Web of Knowledge will be used.

With your EndNote library open, open an Internet browser, and log on to the

Electronic Library from the Academic Services home page at:


Choose Resource type... Databases and click on Find resources.

Select ISI Web of Knowledge from the alphabetical list of results.

N.B. At the time of writing the ISI Web of Knowledge platform does not support Internet

Explorer version 9 browsers. In order to view the results using this version of the

browser, you need to turn on the compatibility mode. To do this: click on Tools menu,

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click on Compatibility View Settings, type ‘isiknowledge.com’ in the text-box and click on


Enter your search terms and click the Search button

A list of results will be displayed

Mark the references you wish to export by ticking the boxes beside them

Click the Add to Marked List icon:

A new Marked List link will appear near the top of the screen.

Click this to see more options for exporting your references.

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Choose the fields you want to export by ticking the boxes in Step 1.

Click on the Save to EndNote button.

Choose EndNote from the popup box, and click on Export.

Select the destination library (Sample_Library.enl).-

Note that if EndNote is the only reference management software you have

installed, it may skip this and automatically open EndNote, importing the

references into the library that you used last.

N.B. These instructions were created using Internet Explorer. If you use Firefox, you may

be prompted to download a file instead – you will need to import that using the instructions

in section 6.

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Exercise 4: Adding notes to a batch of references

Your imported references will initially be displayed by themselves (as below).

Before you merge them into your Library, you may wish to add keywords or notes to

identify them in the future (so that you can search and retrieve them from within EndNote

easily, without having to run your Web of Knowledge search again).

Click Tools > Change and Move Fields

Select Keywords from the In drop-down list, and enter your keywords in the box.

Your keywords could be your search terms, project name, date etc.

TIP: To prevent your new keywords from linking to any existing keywords, it is a good idea

either to precede them with a semi-colon ; or forward slash / e.g. ; dinosaurs; Devon.

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If you want to record research notes, such as the databases or libraries you have used, or

locations of the material, you can use the Research Notes field, e.g. Web of Science;

Victorian project; May 06

Before EndNote attaches the keywords to your records you will be asked to confirm

To see all the references together in your EndNote library, select All References in

the Groups pane

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6. Importing text files into EndNote

Some databases do not have a Direct Export facility. In these cases you will need to save

your references as a text file in a tagged format and then import them into EndNote using

the appropriate import filter. The import filter translates the tags so the data in the text file

goes into the correct fields (author, title, date, etc.) in EndNote. Most online databases have

a “save text” file or “download” file option so that selected references can be saved into a

text file. To find out how to save the text file, look for information in the database’s help

section, e.g. search for “saving citations as a text file”.

There are two things you need to know in order to import text file:

In the database, you need to know the correct output format to use to create the text

file so the right tags are used to describe each field e.g. AU=Author, TI=Title

Before importing the file into your EndNote library, you will need to know which of

EndNote’s import filters corresponds to the output format used.

These databases available from the Electronic Library are compatible with EndNote in this


Cochrane Library (healthcare)

FIAF International Film Archive Database - Webspirs

IoP Journals (Institute of Physics)

Medline (PubMed) (medical) (US National Library of Medicine)

ZETOC (Electronic Table of Contents from the British Library)

None of the major legal databases, including LexisNexis and Westlaw, are designed to

work directly with EndNote, although it is possible that this may change. However, The

Oxford Standard for Citation Of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA) has produced a downloadable

kit for legal researchers, OSCOLA-lite for EndNote, which contains templates for formatting

citations of all kinds http://denning.law.ox.ac.uk/published/endnote.shtml

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Google Scholar Google Scholar can also be customised to work with EndNote:. You will need to configure Google Scholar to send references to EndNote. Then you will be able to send references to EndNote by clicking on the "Import into EndNote" link. Follow these steps to configure Google Scholar to send references to EndNote:

1. Go to the Google Scholar home page at http://scholar.google.com 2. Click on the "Scholar Preferences" link (click on the cog icon in the top far right of the

screen to see the link). 3. Under "Bibliography Manager" select the option "Show links to import citations into"

and choose "EndNote" in the drop down box. 4. Click on the "Save Preferences" button.

Follow these steps to import search results into EndNote:

1. After performing a search on Google Scholar click on the "Import into EndNote" link for the reference you want to import.

2. If you are presented with a window asking if you want to "Open" or "Save" the file, choose to open the file.

3. A "Select a Reference Library" window will appear, use this window to select the EndNote library you want the reference imported into.

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Exercise 5: Creating a text file and importing it into a library

With your EndNote library open, open an Internet browser, and log on to the

Electronic Library from the Academic Services home page at:


Choose subject area Medicine and Resource type Databases, then click on

Find resources.

Select Medline (PubMed) from the alphabetical list.

Enter asthma and childhood as your search terms (or choose your own).

Select a few references and tick in the box to the left of the entry.

Click on Send to. Under Choose Destination select File.

A new part of the drop-down window then appears; under Format choose MEDLINE from the drop-down list

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Click on the Create File button (some browsers may initially block the file and

ask for you to confirm that you wish to receive it – check the line at the top of the

browser window)

Click on Save – this will save the file as pubmed_result.txt

Save the file in My Documents

Return to EndNote and select the library you would like the references to be

added to (use Sample_Library.enl unless you have already set up your own file)

Click File...Import

Choose the file (pubmed_result.txt).

Select the appropriate import filter from the Import Option drop-down list. This

will tell EndNote how to translate the tags, so the filter you choose should match

the source of your data file. To find the right filter, you need to know the supplier

of the data (Information Provider) as well as the name of the database. In this

case you will need PubMed (NLM). If you cannot see the appropriate filter in the

Import Option list, select Other Filters...from the Import Options menu and look

through the list that appears to try to find the correct one.

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Note: EndNote’s import filters are frequently updated and new ones added. A full list of

import filters is available from http://www.endnote.com/support/enfilters.asp

As with the direct download, initially, only your imported references will be shown.

You may wish to take this opportunity to add keywords or research notes before

merging them into your EndNote library (e.g. the date and the source in which you found

the references). Instructions on how to do this are available in Section 5.

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Finding Reference Updates to retrieve additional online data

EndNote can search online for updated record information. Highlight a record and select the

References > Find Reference Updates command. EndNote will search online for updated

data for that record and display it. You then have the option of manually copying and

pasting data between the records, having EndNote over-write your original data with data

from the new record, or having EndNote add new data only to the empty fields in your

original record.

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7. Checking for duplicate references

When downloading references from databases you will often find the same references. As

EndNote makes it easy to check for duplicates, it is always a good idea to check regularly,

especially after downloading a number of new references.

To show how this works, repeat the download procedure from your last search on the

previous screen, then:

Click on All References in the Groups pane (or click on Control +M).

Now choose References > Find Duplicates.

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The Find Duplicates box opens displaying the duplicate items side by side, inviting

you to select which one to keep. At the bottom of the box it tells you when each

reference was added to the library and when it was last updated. The Find

Duplicates feature in EndNote X5 has been enhanced to highlight fields where the

data is different in otherwise duplicate references. This makes it easier to merge

your data into a single EndNote record and then save only that record. For the item

you want to keep, click on Keep this Record.

N.B. Remember not to remove any references that you have already linked to Word


If you want to delete all duplicates at once rather than individually, close the Find

Duplicates box and any duplicates found will be highlighted in the Reference List


Highlight the references shown to confirm that you want to delete them.

To delete duplicates go to References > Move References to Trash.

To see how duplicates are detected use Edit > Preferences … > Duplicates. This

also allows you to change the settings, if necessary.

Entries are not finally deleted until the end of your session: they can still be retrieved

from the Trash folder at the top of the Groups pane.

When you log out you will be asked to confirm that you want to empty this folder.

Editing References while Checking Duplicates

When you have selected the References > Find Duplicates command, and you are

viewing duplicate references side by side, you can now use standard editing


For example, you can copy text from the reference that you do not want to keep, and

paste it into the reference that you plan to retain. Similarly, you can correct errors in

the reference that you plan to retain.

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8. Finding the full text for a reference

Many online databases now supply not only bibliographic information, but the full text of

the document you are referencing. To find the full text for a reference: Highlight a reference (e.g. Chiu) Select References > Find Full Text > Find Full Text You will need to log in with your University of Exeter username and password.

EndNote displays a copyright notice advising you to adhere to downloading and

usage guidelines as required by your information provider

Click OK to begin the Find Full Text search In the left-hand column, under the Find Full Text group set heading, you will see a

Searching group indicating that a search is in progress. This search can work in the

background, so if you had many references selected, you could continue working in

your library When the Find Full Text search is completed, the Searching group is removed.

Depending on the results, you may see a combination of three different groups under

the Find Full Text heading: Found PDF Found URL Not found If a PDF is found a paper clip icon will be added to the reference indicating an

attached file. You can click the PDF & Quick Edit tab to open the PDF in the PDF

Viewer pane If a URL is found the URL will be added to the URL field. The URL will take you to

the provider’s web site where either the full text article is available or you will find

information about how to obtain the full text article.

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9. Cite While You Write (CWYW)

EndNote works with Microsoft Word to help you cite references easily and quickly as you

write, and to produce a paper with properly formatted citations, a bibliography, figures, and

tables. This useful feature is referred to as “Cite While You Write” (CWYW). This guide is

based on EndNote version X5 and Word 2010.

The Cite While You Write function gives you access to EndNote references and formatting

commands via the EndNote tab in Word 2010:

When you choose an option from the EndNote tab, the EndNote program starts (if not

already running) and a Cite While You Write submenu becomes active on the Tools menu

in EndNote, displaying some of the same EndNote commands available in Word:

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In addition, the Insert Citation, Format Bibliography and Return to Word Processor

buttons are always available on the EndNote toolbar:

Inserting citations

A citation is the brief bibliographic information (typically displayed in brackets) in the body of

a paper that refers the reader to a complete reference in the bibliography.

There are two methods to insert citations:

Method 1: Using Find Citation in Microsoft Word

Open the EndNote library that contains the references you wish to cite.

Start Microsoft Word and open the paper you are writing.

Position the cursor in the text where you wish to place the citation.

On the EndNote tab, in the Citations group, click Insert Citation > Find Citation…

The EndNote Find & Insert My References dialogue box appears:

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Type enough search terms in the Find box to enable EndNote to retrieve the

appropriate reference (this could be an author’s last name, a year, a keyword, or any

other combination of terms found in the reference), and click on Find.

From the resulting list of matching references, identify and highlight the reference(s)

you require, and click Insert.

The reference(s) will be inserted in the text of your Word document, and your

bibliography will automatically be generated at the end of your document. The

citations and bibliography will be formatted using the current output style. This

happens because by default Instant Formatting is enabled the first time you use the

EndNote tab. NOTE: Output styles and formatting are covered in a later section.

If you want the author’s name for a citation to appear outside of the parentheses

instead of inside the parentheses for an author-date citation select Insert & Display

as: Author (Year).

If you want a reference source to appear in your bibliography without showing in the

text of the document when using an author-date citation select Insert in

Bibliography Only.

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There is also an option to insert the reference and exclude the author or year from

the reference.

Method 2: Using Insert selected Citation(s) in Microsoft Word

Open the EndNote library that contains the references you wish to cite, and highlight

the reference(s) you want to insert in your text.

Start Microsoft Word and open the paper you are writing.

Position the cursor in the text where you wish to place the citation.

On the EndNote tab, in the Citations group, click Insert Citation > Insert Selected


The reference(s) will be inserted in the text of your Word document, and your

bibliography will automatically be generated at the end of your document.

Inserting citations in footnotes

You can cite references in footnotes just as you cite them in the body of the document.

In Word, place the cursor at the place in the text where you wish to refer to a


In the References tab, click on Insert Footnote.

Position the cursor in the footnote or where you would like the citation(s) to appear.

Insert the citation using either of the methods described above.

Editing and deleting citations Once you have inserted a citation you should not edit or delete it manually, as this will affect

the formatting of the document. EndNote uses a lot of hidden code to make the connections

between itself and Word – click on ALT + F9 in Word to see the code. Click the same keys

again to hide the code once more.

Click on the citation you wish to change.

On the EndNote tab, in the Citations group, click Edit & Manage Citation(s).

This dialogue box appears:

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All of the cited references in the document are listed at the top of the dialogue box.

You can see how often a reference has been cited in the document and you can see

which library it came from.

The drop down menu from the Edit Reference button gives you the following


o Edit Library Reference: this allows you to edit the corresponding reference

in your EndNote library.

o Find Reference Updates: this allows you to find updates for your reference

o Remove Citation: to remove a citation completely click Remove and then OK

o Insert Citation: this allows you to quickly insert a new citation.

o Update from My Library: this enables you to replace the citation in your

document with a different reference from your EndNote library.

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In the lower pane of the Edit & Manage Citations window, there is an Edit Citation

and a Reference tab.

Highlight the citation you wish to edit.

You can make the following changes to the highlighted citation using the Edit

Citation tab

o Formatting: the Default citation can be changed to display as Author (Year).

Exclude Author will omit the author name from the citation and Exclude Year

will omit the year from the citation. Show Only in Bibliography will insert the

reference in your bibliography without a citation appearing in the text of your


o Prefix: Enter any text you want to precede the citation.

o Suffix: Enter any text you want to follow the citation. If you want page

numbers displayed after the citation, no matter which referencing style you

are using, enter them here.

o Pages: Enter page numbers here if you want them to be included in

accordance with the reference style that you are using: i.e. if your reference

style doesn’t use ‘cited pages’ in the citation template, then the page numbers

will not appear. Note that the pp. will be included automatically if you use the

pages field.

o for more information on citation templates (including editing), see the EndNote


Click OK to implement the change(s) to the citation.

NOTE: as this process edits the in-text citation of a reference, rather than the content

of the reference as it appears in the EndNote library, each cited occurrence of a

reference must be edited individually as required.

The Reference tab allows you to view full details of a reference you have highlighted

in the upper pane.

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Exercise 6: Cite while you write (CWYW)

In this exercise, you will create the following text with in-text citations and a bibliography:

Start Microsoft Word and type in the following text:

So the debate on dinosaur extinction has continued, and duck-billed dinosaurs

have proved particularly helpful.

Position the cursor in the text after the word continued.

On the EndNote tab, in the Citations group, click Insert Citation > Find Citation…

The EndNote Find & Insert My References dialogue box appears. In the Find box,

enter the word dinosaur, and click on Search.

From the resulting list of matching references, identify and highlight the reference

whose author is Moorhouse, and click Insert.

Go to the EndNote library and select the reference with the author Billoski (1993)

and the reference with the author Whiting. TIP: to select both references, highlight

the first reference, scroll to the second, hold down the Control key and highlight the

second reference.

So the debate on dinosaur extinction has continued (Moorhouse 1993) and duck-billed

dinosaurs have proved particularly helpful (Billoski 1993; Whiting 1987).

Billoski, T. V. (1993). "Debate II." Science 77: 5-6.

Morehouse, S. I. and R. S. Tung (1993). "Statistical evidence for early extinction of

reptiles due to the K/T event." Journal of Paleontology 17(2): 198-209.

Whiting, J. R., T. V. Billoski, et al. (1987). "Herding instincts of cretaceous duck-billed

dinosaurs." Journal of Paleontology 75: 112-132.

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Return to your Word document, and position the cursor in the text after the word


On the EndNote tab, in the Citations group, click Insert Citation > Insert Selected

Citation(s). This will insert the Billoski and Whiting citations.

Delete the Moorhouse citation

o Click on it

o Go to Edit & Manage Citation(s)

o Click on arrow next to Edit Reference

o Click on Remove Citation

o Click OK.

Click on the Whiting citation, and add page numbers:

o Go to Edit & Manage Citation(s)

o Add page numbers 120-122 in the Suffix box.

o Click on OK.

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10. Output styles

Output (or referencing or bibliographic) styles control the appearance of your in-text

citations and bibliographies. They contain instructions that tell EndNote how to arrange the

information in your references to create citations and bibliographies in the appropriate

layout (i.e. which fields to include, in what order, and what punctuation to use).

You can change output styles to suit any of the major referencing systems (Harvard, MLA,

MHRA, etc.) and over 4,500 house styles for academic journals. These are stored as

individual files under Styles in your EndNote folder. The name of the style refers to the

journal or organization which defined the bibliographic format.

Previewing output styles

You can preview different output styles in EndNote:

Highlight any reference showing in the library window.

Go to Edit > Output Styles.

Three standard bibliographic styles appear by default in the menu:

Annotated generates an Author-Date style bibliography with abstracts.

Author-Date generates a bibliography with authors in alphabetical order and

in-text citations with Author and Year.

Numbered generates a numbered bibliography with corresponding numbered

in-text citations.

To see the full list of available styles, click on Open Style Manager. Any styles you

select from here will automatically be added to your list of output styles in the Edit >

Output Styles list.

Click on any style to see a preview of your highlighted reference in the tab pane at

the bottom of the library window:

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For another way to preview output styles, choose Select Another Style… from the

drop-down output style list on the left of the toolbar.

The Choose A Style dialogue box appears.

Type the name of the style you want in the Quick Search box and press Enter.

If you click on the column headings you can sort the styles by Name (e.g. Harvard)

or Category (e.g. religion).

Click on the Find By... button to find styles by Category.

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When a style is highlighted, click on the Style Info/Preview button for comments

about the style or to preview its appearance, at the bottom of the dialogue box.

When you find the style you want, click Choose to see a preview of your highlighted

reference in that style in the tab pane at the bottom of the library window. By clicking

on Choose you will also add the chosen style to the drop-down output style list.

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Changing output styles

You can change the output style of any in-text citations and bibliography you have included

in your Word document.

In the EndNote tab of your Word document, click the bottom corner arrow of the

Bibliography group:

The Format Bibliography dialogue box appears:

On the Format Bibliography tab, select the output style you require from the drop-

down With output style list.

If the style you want does not appear in the list, click the Browse… button to select

from the full list of output styles.

With your chosen style in the With output style box, click OK.

Your citations and bibliography will be re-formatted to your chosen style.

If you wish to add a title at the top of your bibliography, or to alter the font and size of the

text, use the Layout tab and change the settings to meet your personal preferences.

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The Style Manager

The Style Manager lists all the styles available in EndNote, and allows you to edit them, or

select them as “favourites” for quick access from the drop-down output style list on the

EndNote toolbar. To open the Style Manager, go to Edit > Output Styles > Open Style


Editing styles

Although EndNote supplies over 4,500 styles, more are constantly being added. If you can’t

find the style for a particular journal check the homepage and see if it can be downloaded

from the EndNote website at: http://www.endnote.com/. You may also find that the

preferred house style for your College/School is not the current version (e.g Harvard) so

you may wish to customise the version available on EndNote. It is always better to use one

of the styles in the program or to customise from the one closest to your needs:

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In the Style Manager, click the Style Info/Preview button until you can see an

example of a reference at the bottom of the screen. Scroll through the list of

available styles to see if you can find one that is similar to what you need.

Having found a similar style, select it and click the Edit button. The Style window


Go to File > Save As, give this copy of the style a new name (e.g. one that

corresponds to the same of the journal you want to use it for), and click Save. This

will leave the original style unchanged, in the event that you need to use it later.

The new Style window remains open for you to edit it as you need.

All the options for editing a style are listed on the left side of the Style window. The

first five options (About This Style, Anonymous Works, Page Numbers, Journal

Names and Sections) apply to citations, bibliographies, and citations in footnotes.

The other options are grouped under four headings:

o Citations: items listed here apply only to citations in the body of the text.

o Bibliographies: items listed here apply to the bibliography that EndNote

creates when you format a paper.

o Footnotes: items listed here apply to citations that have been inserted into

footnotes or endnotes.

o Figures and Tables: items listed here apply to EndNote figures and tables

that that have been inserted into a Word document.

Click on an item under the headings to view the associated panel. You may switch

between panels as needed while editing the file. No changes are saved in any of the

panels, however, until you choose Save or Save As from the File menu.

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Templates are the major component of styles. They include the field names and

punctuation organised in the way that EndNote will use to format the references for

that particular style.

There are many options for modifying an output style. For example, you can change

the way your bibliography is sorted, as shown here:

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Exercise 7: changing the output style

In this exercise, you can experiment with different output styles.

In the EndNote tab of your Word document, click the bottom corner arrow of the

Bibliography group:

The Format Bibliography dialogue box appears:

On the Format Bibliography tab, click the Browse… button to select a style from

the full list of output styles.

With your chosen style in the With output style box, click OK.

Your citations and bibliography will be re-formatted to your chosen style.

Try this with a number of different styles to see how the format of your citations and

bibliography changes.

On the Layout tab, add a title to your bibliography, and alter its text font and size.

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11. Unformatting citations

Instant Formatting is automatically turned on when you first use the EndNote tab in Word.

This allows formatting to be done as you insert citations in your document.

However, it is possible to unformat your citations. Unformatting your citations removes the

link to the EndNote library, which is useful if you are working on a computer which doesn’t

have EndNote installed. It removes the bibliography, and leaves the unformatted citations in

place (typically Author’s surname, year and EndNote record number), allowing you to see

what citations you have used, for example: {Alvarez, 1994 #8}

When you have access to EndNote again you can reconnect to the library. Other reasons

that you may need to use this include:

If you’ve made changes to references in EndNote, these will not be carried across to

documents where you have already inserted the citations. To update, you need to

unformat, then reformat the citations.

If you need to combine several documents together that have separate EndNote

bibliographies, you can do this by unformatting, cutting and pasting together, then


If you are having technical issues with the way your citations look, you can try this as

a way of resetting the connection.

It can make the text easier to read when citations are unformatted.

User forums suggest it can help when switching between PCs and Macs.

Unformatting citations

Select the citations you want to unformat:

o To unformat a particular citation, highlight only that citation.

o If it is part of a multiple citation, highlight the multiple citation. All citations in

the multiple citation will be unformatted.

o To unformat a section of the document, highlight that section.

o To unformat the entire document, either select nothing or highlight the entire


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On the EndNote tab, click Convert Citations and Bibliography > Convert to

Unformatted Citations:

If you are unformatting the entire document, this unformats all of the in-text citations and

removes the bibliography.

The unformatted citations appear in the temporary citation format, e.g. {Smith, 1999


When you unformat citations, Instant Formatting is disabled. To format your document

again, on the EndNote tab click the corner arrow of the Bibliography group. In the

Format Bibliography dialogue box, click the Instant Formatting tab, and click the

Turn On button.

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12. The Traveling Library

Each formatted citation in your Word document is saved with field codes that embed data

in the document about the corresponding EndNote reference. These codes allow EndNote

to format, unformat, and reformat citations within Word. The reference data saved with each

citation includes all fields except Notes, Abstract, and Figure. This facility is known as the

“Traveling Library”, because it enables data from the EndNote library to travel within the


If you have your EndNote library open when you are working on your Word document,

EndNote looks in this library to find the corresponding references when you format and

reformat citations. However, if the library is not available on the computer on which you are

working, or is not open, EndNote uses the Traveling Library for reference information.

This enables you to use your document on computers on which EndNote is not available,

and to share your document and its associated citations with colleagues without each

author having the same EndNote library.

Exporting the Traveling Library to an EndNote library

There may be occasions when you want to copy all the references used in a Word

document to an EndNote library, e.g. when you receive a formatted Word document from a

colleague who has inserted citations from their own EndNote library, and you wish to export

their references (their Traveling Library) to your EndNote library.

Open the document in Word.

On the EndNote tab, in the Tools group, click Export to EndNote > Export

Traveling Library:

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The Export Traveling Library dialogue box appears.

Select the library that you want to import to, either:

o An existing EndNote library: select a library from the drop-down list of

available libraries, or click Browse to locate a library.

o A new EndNote library: you will be prompted to name and Save the new


An alternative way to export a Traveling library to an EndNote library is as follows:

Open both the Word document that contains the Traveling Library, and the

EndNote library.

In EndNote, go to Tools > Cite While You Write [CWYW] > Import Traveling


The Import Traveling Library dialogue box appears.

Select the library that you want to import to, either:

o An existing EndNote library: select a library from the drop-down list of

available libraries, or click Browse to locate a library.

o A new EndNote library: you will be prompted to name and Save the new


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13. Creating Separate Bibliographies

You may need to create a separate bibliography, i.e. not linked to a Word document.

In EndNote, use CTRL + A to select all your references, or alternatively, hold down

CTRL and click on the references you require.

Right mouse click and select Copy Formatted from the menu options that appear

In Word, put your cursor where you need the bibliography, then Paste.

Note that the references appear in the style that was selected in EndNote. The bibliography

you have just created does not have any dynamic links with EndNote, so you cannot

change the style in the usual way. To ensure the bibliography appears as you require,

make sure the correct referencing style is selected in EndNote before you carry out the

steps above.

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14. Removing field codes

Many publishers require you to submit an electronic copy of your paper. Because the

field codes in your document may be incompatible with the publishing software, you

may be asked to submit a copy of your paper without field codes. You should also

remove the field codes if you want to open your paper in different versions of Word.

Open your formatted Word document.

On the EndNote tab, in the Bibliography group, click Convert Citations and

Bibliography > Convert to Plain Text:

This dialogue box appears:

Because EndNote cannot unformat or reformat your paper once field codes are

removed, the Convert to Plain Text command makes a copy of your document

without codes. The original formatted document containing field codes is retained, so

that you can later insert or delete citations if you wish (e.g. if the publisher requires


A copy of the document, without field codes, appears in a new document window,

Click File and then Save (with a different name from the original document).

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15. Glossary

Cite While You Write


This feature integrates EndNote commands into Word

for quick and easy insertion and formatting of citations,

bibliographies, figures, and tables.

EndNote library The EndNote library is the term for your EndNote

database of references of reference material. The

references are displayed in the Library window. To open

a library, go to File > Open in EndNote.

Figure You can embed graphics and files in an EndNote library

and link them to a paper. You can insert a single graphic

or file into the Figure field of any EndNote reference.

Figures include charts, tables, pictures, and equations

Import filter An import filter contains information about how to import

a text file into an EndNote library from an online

bibliographic database, by mapping the information in

each file to the corresponding fields in EndNote. Each

filter is designed to work with a particular database.

Field A field is a section of an EndNote reference, such as

Author, Year, or Title.

Field Codes Cite While You Write inserts hidden field codes around

and inside your formatted citations in Word. These

codes allow EndNote to format, unformat, and reformat

citations within Word.

Manuscript templates Manuscript templates are used to create Word

documents that conform to publishers’ requirements.

You can select a predefined template from either

EndNote or Word, triggering a manuscript template


Record number EndNote automatically assigns a unique record number

to each reference as you add it to your library.

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Reference type An EndNote library can store references from a variety

of different sources, such as books, journals, and

manuscripts. These sources are called reference types.

Each contains specific fields.

Output style An output style is a file that controls the format of in-text

citations, bibliographies, figures, and tables, by

instructing EndNote which fields to print, in what order,

and with what punctuation.

Examples of output styles include Harvard and MLA.

Term Lists Each EndNote library contains term lists for Authors,

Journals, and Keywords. The term lists maintain a list of

the terms entered into the corresponding fields. They

are used to help with consistency of data entry by

suggesting terms as you type.

Text file This is a file generated by a search in an online

bibliographic database, comprising a list of references.

Traveling library When you use Cite While You Write commands (e.g.

inserting citations) in Word, each formatted citation in

your document is saved with field codes that embed

reference data in the document. This is known as a

“traveling library” of cited EndNote references. This

enables you to use your document on other computers

on which EndNote is not available, and to share your

document and its associated citations with colleagues.

URL A URL specifies the location of any resource available

on the Internet (particularly Web pages or FTP sites),

e.g. http://www.endnote.com. You can link a reference

to a URL.

Z39.50 Z39.50 is a protocol for searching and retrieving data

from bibliographic databases. Such databases must be

Z39.50-compliant in order for EndNote to connect

directly to them, and to be searchable by EndNote.